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Last post 13 years ago by jackconrad. 282 replies replies.
6 Pages<123456>
adroomi Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
....neither was Vietnam. In ten more years Iraq will be a peaceful nation that nobody in America remembers or even visits. Well, except me. I'll post some really cool photos from the bars.
#52 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
read it or ignore it. this writer said what i said, but so much more eloquently.
Intel Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 06-24-2002
Posts: 546
Hi, I am Rick. My wife must not give me much attention at home so I must look for attention other places. Negative attention is better than no attention at all. LOOK AT ME MY NAME IS RICK I DEMAND YOU LOOK AT ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rick you are a sad little man.
Slimboli Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 07-09-2000
Posts: 16,139
You people that react to this stuff are even worse than Rick for posting it ...

... can't you all see that by comming back at him with your sometimes childish comments, you are putting yourselves down, and showing YOUR true colors?

If you people would just wise up, and stop commenting on his threads and posts ... I'm sure it would lose whatever appeal it has for him ... and he will get bored with it.
#55 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

perhaps you should take slimboli's good advice, but noooo, you had to peek.

what did you expect to see, janet's nipple.
jjohnson28 Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
"If you people would just wise up, and stop commenting on his threads and posts ... I'm sure it would lose whatever appeal it has for him ... and he will get bored with it."

Yeah right and pigs don't like playing sh*t either. LOL
hat Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 03-22-2004
Posts: 782
Hey Rick,
Here's a few you forgot......

George Washington
Andrew Jackson
Abraham Lincoln
U.S. Grant
Teddy Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt (We're gettin' into the libs!)
Harry S. Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy
Richard M. Nixon
Ronald Reagan
Bill Clinton (Oops! Bombed an aspirin factory!)

Just to name a few. Maybe we ought to include all the vets on here while we are at it.
CWFoster Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
Rick, you really do like to stir up the pot! LOL tasteless, but that's the whole point, isn't it.

Jekyl9, get a f***ing CLUE!

Everybody else, what Slimboli said!
dapperdan Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 08-18-2004
Posts: 2,847
karla tucker , pick ax murderer. Yes Rick I followed the case. Yes I believe she was saved by the confession of sin and the acceptance of Jesus as her Savior, same as Bundy. But there are consequences to ones sin. Bush did not put her on trial nor did he find her guilty, he upheld the laws of the land as he should.Forgiven by Christ, HE alone can forgive. Remember that is why the Pharisees wanted to stone Him ,only God can forgive! Both will stand before Him and give a account, same as me and you.

Rick, And don't compare the death penalty to abortion as I know that's the first thing liberals will say. A innocent life as compared to a guilty one? War, the children killed in Iraq, that's the consequences of a fallen world.The President has the obligation to protect this country,Saddamed was the evil man.He is the murder.He brought war on his own people and if he accepts Jesus as his Savior he will live in heaven for eternity.Yes Rick that's why we all need a Savior, we have all fallen short, we have all sinned, some greater than others. Jesus, God in human form came and paid the price so that who so ever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.Believe it or not.
Charlie Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

Why do you always incite folks with your stupid and childish postings of this kind? Makes me wonder what kind of a person you really and truly are? Seems like your vile hatred of Bush is something that might cause you sleepless nites trying to come up with more of this kind of crap to post!

You say "busy answering your hate mail....."! I happen to enjoy it when you post about movies, music, etc, but your political stances are not only ill advised, they are meant to stir up hatred! You truly are sick and in need of mental help!

tailgater Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Rick states that GWB doesn't "get off" on the death toll, but rather he is indifferent towards it.

I say Rick "gets off" on anything that potentially makes Bush look bad. In other words, Rick gets off on the death toll.

No? Too harsh?
Look at most of his posts.

As for Jekyl: huh?
Where was Osama's warning to the US? Did he give us 10 years to adhere to UN recognized sanctions before they killed thousands of innocents?
Were the deaths in NYC the result of "collateral damage"? If so, what was their strategic military target?

head, ass, brain. You're simply an idiot.
I honestly hope, with such a brainless response as yours, that you're only about 12 years old and simply posted to feel like a big boy.
Now go to your room without any dessert!

Charlie Offline
#62 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
jeckl9 or whatever you go by....

You are as full crap as Rick happens to be!

You do not call it murder, when innocent civilians are killed by madmen flying commercial airliners into their work place? Please.....go away!

eleltea Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
Posts: 4,562
I murdered a bowl of oatmeal this morning. I like the steel-cut kind a lot more than the rolled.
#64 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

if you say death penalty, i don't respond with abortion. they are two different issues.

my objection with bush was his mocking her pleading.
that is a good sign that all the neurons in the brain are not connecting very well. allowing the execution was one thing, but to make fun of her. how do you justify that.

since i don't sin, i don't need "saving."

#65 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
to all

i was under the impression that my picture had been pulled and i started to write a finishing touch to my handiwork. now i see they haven't, but i liked what i said so much i will pretend the picture was pulled and post my musings as follows:

cbid in their infinite wisdom has chosen to remove, what some have refered to as a slightly
provocative montage. in their kindnes they chose to leave the responses which were much more important.

over the last week or so, i have posted some mildly interesting pictures that would offend no one, and they did receive some interesting responses. i had hoped with my escher posts to interest some people with something they might never had seen. i hope it interested some people into researching escher to see if they found him of interest.

the picture of toby struck home to many people because we all like to see someone smile and show an inner glee.

this particular post has over 50 responses, so you all did show interest, some of you were even negative about my montage. i don't know why. literary license, in this case with photos, allow me the right to make my point by bending the truth, or inflating it. whether or not someone responds to the picture and sees my point, is irrelevant, i post, you do with it as you will. perhaps someone in the dark recess of his mind begins to suspect that something is wrong with bush, well then, the game is afoot,

to those of you amateur psychologist that have decided i am in desperate need of attention, may i point out, that toby and i have been married some 40 odd years, she will agree with my use of the word odd, and it is my wish for you and your wife that when you are together more then half you life, you are still able to take a four or five hour drive together and never turn on the radio or listen to a cd because you have not run out of things to say to one another. toby and i still attend to each other, i don't need the kindness of strangers for attention.

i have been sparse with my bush bashing lately, but every so often, to the moon, alice.
vasmooth Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 11-17-2004
Posts: 222
still care
The Worst President in History?

Liberals claim President Bush shouldn't have started this war. They complain about his prosecution of it. One liberal recently claimed Bush was the worst president in U.S. history. Let's clear up one point:

We didn't start the war on terror. Try to remember, it was started by terrorists BEFORE 9/11.
Let's look at the "worst" president and mismanagement claims. FDR led us into World War II. Germany never attacked us: Japan did.
From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost, an average of 112,500 per year.

Truman finished that war and started one in Korea, North Korea never attacked us. From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost, an average of 18,333 per year.

John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict in 1962. Vietnam never attacked us. Johnson turned Vietnam into a quagmire. From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost an average of 5,800 per year.

Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent, Bosnia never attacked us.
He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter three times by Sudan and did nothing.

Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions. In the two years since terrorists attacked us, President Bush has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled al-Qaida, put nuclear inspectors in Lybia, Iran and North Korea without firing a shot, and captured a terrorist who slaughtered 300,000 of his own people. We lost 600 soldiers, an average of 30 a year. Bush did all this abroad while not allowing another terrorist attack at home. Worst president in history? Come on!

The Democrats are complaining about how long the war is taking, but...It took less time to take Iraq than it took Janet Reno to take the Branch Davidian compound. That was a 51 day operation. And almost all in the compound were killed and they were Americans.
We've been looking for evidence of chemical weapons in Iraq for less time than it took Hillary Clinton to find the Rose Law Firm billing records.

It took less time for the 3rd Infantry Division and the Marines to destroy the Medina Republican Guard than it took Teddy Kennedy to call the police after his Oldsmobile sank at Chappaquiddick.

It took less time to take Iraq than it took to count the votes in Florida
tailgater Offline
#67 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
But it did take longer than it took Bill Clinton to defrock Monica....

mydsooner Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-2003
Posts: 3,245
You people can rant all you want about how your right and Rick is wrong.

If you need to put Rick in his place,why not ask him why he is still in this country filled with such horrible leadership? Surely a guy like this with such strong views..or hatred for the people running it would be packing his bags right now and would be on the next flight out.

And yet he's still here after 4 years of complaints and another 4 coming. You see he knows who butters his bread. He knows who provides him the comforts he's come to enjoy. He is going nowhere but he doesnt have to like it. And that's what he likes about it!!

Godbless America....and the men who run it!
#69 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

silly and childish response.

god bless tiny tim.
#70 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

are you copying that from the star report?
ajeroth Offline
#71 Posted:
Joined: 07-17-2003
Posts: 1,000

I liked the post and agree with the numbers... But I think the train of Logic derailed. When did Iraq attack us? Saddam played games for years because Clinton let him. And,Yes I had Scuds shot at me during Iraqi Freedom... but those were in response to our invasion. I though it was pretty simple, He lost, we we're better. But Osama Attacked us and that was the " War on Terror". Iraq just had it coming WMD or not. I was tired of spending months of my life over there watching Saddam.

Once again I'm not attacking you or anything... I just have a problem with the Logic.

justforfun Offline
#72 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 797

Canada is just too darned cold, has socialized medicine, and the Mounties (always get their man and don't seem readily prone to bribery). So, I figured Mexico was a better choice for the bones.

Mexico is sunny; warm; the cost of living is much less (tequilla is cheaper than water and oh, the benefits); the people are extremely friendly; government or quasi government workers are apparently more prone towards bribes (so they'll agree with you for fewer pesos) and the health quality is improving all the time (no cleanliness and sanitation issues come to mind), and you'll likely be a minority (for all kinds of reasons you never even though of, meaning you should be able to qualify for some of their available minority programs/benefits -- huh?) and, of course, you'll have loads of time to siesta, ergo, conjuring up more wild and incredulous and flammable postings while playing on your computer, sipping margueritas, smoking your frogs, with your toes dancing in the sand.

Better choice, don't you think???
justforfun Offline
#73 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 797
While opinions should readily be exchanged, and censorship kept within reasonable parameters and restrictions, I am amazed that this post made it to the forum. Not so much for its content but for the extreme poor 'taste' it exudes.

Although, yelling 'fire' in a crowded room does keep coming to mind or is it the boy who cried wolf ???

Bla, bla, bla, bla --- yaddi, yaddi, yadda
adroomi Offline
#74 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
"God Bless America!" "We're Number One!" If that's so, then who is number two?

Q: What's the difference between a glass of milk and your average American?

A: After 200 years, at least the milk will have grown a culture.

Rick, you're great! I don't agree with your political views, but I'll die defending your right to express them.....who said that anyway?

For those of you that can pull your heads out of the number one country in the world for a moment (who says so?), I'd like to express my thanks for those that have come over here to help in the disaster that we are currently experiencing. I've met some good folks with nothing but the desire to help in their hearts.....and believe it or not, some of them were even American. Thanks to all.......
hippy Offline
#75 Posted:
Joined: 11-29-2004
Posts: 25
Well Rick

I will hug my elephant for the next 4 years, you can kiss your ass.

I like alot of other people saw the shallow bullSH!T that flowed from Kerry's mouth everytime he opened it.
Example He was a supposed friend of "sportman and gun owners" yet in his 20 years in the Senate he hardly found a gun control bill that he did not like 52 votes for gun control (4 non binding resolutions that he voted against.)

Kerry said I SERVED IN VIETNAM/ Glad he did. (for his 4 month tour) I had a brother that did 2 full tours in alot more **** than kerry . point being alot of guys served. and they are not BRAGGING and alot of them never came back alive.. yet Kerry is the one with the three bandaid purple hearts
As far as Iraq goes. Somebody was going to have to deal with that little prick Saddam either now or later. I have no problem dealing with him now and kick the basta!d when he's down. instead of waiting until he has something more lethal.

lsfire Offline
#76 Posted:
Joined: 10-25-2004
Posts: 591
Oh my goodness,

I have been reading with much interest, not so much in rick's post but with interest in varied responses. Some have even responded with their view point supported with facts, even though some may dispute them.

I think that what interests me the must is that many keep stating that rick should move if he is unhappy here in America. I agree with the earlier post that I would die to defend rick's right to express his views. That is what makes America such a wonderful country.

Whether people realise it or not he has been successful. He has caused many to reflect on an issue he feels important enough for reflection. He questions our government, which is our duty. How else do we keep government in check? How else was this country born. I don't agree with the picture, but I say bravo Rick.

Keep it coming. Keep challenging. Keep us thinking.
mydsooner Offline
#77 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-2003
Posts: 3,245
Hey Adroomi,
Who says America is #1?
I say so! And the hundreds of thousands of people trying to get into America every year say so. So take that for what it's worth in the hell hole YOUR in right now. I know your proud to be an American because you stay in coutries where people look up to Americans and count on us to save there *ss time and time again.

You are actually one of the worst kind of American. Im sure you make it a point to let all of those prostitutes know that you are an American. By doing that you take advantage of being an American.

And i see i made my point to Rick because all he could do is call me childish. You see how the TRUTH HURTS???
RussellKaufmann Offline
#78 Posted:
Joined: 09-13-2000
Posts: 732

The life of a newgroup troll is a hard one. You have to make outrageous and completely out of line statements to rile people up. You probably giggle as you watch the number of hits rise.

Better? Better educated, more rationale, deeper thinkers, more able to accept reality, etc...

W is Man of the Year because he is a great leader. Rather than find something worthwhile to talk about, you throw out outrageous statements.

Show me a whiner/sore loser, and I will show you a jerk.

I know good people that agree with you. They don't make stupid statements like calling the president a mass murderer. They don't whine and cry. Thus, they are better people. You might know some that do whine and cry like you. They are jerks.

So Bush has lower ratings than he used to. Do you somehow actually believe that if Kerry were elected that he would have higher approval ratings? Wow, math and statistics were obviously not your thing in school.

Yep there are many rational people that believe the war was wrong, but they (like Kerry) supported it at the time. You can't live your life looking back and saying that somebody was wrong like a Monday morning quarterback and expect people to accept you as rational.

Let's look at some fact, that you have never disputed:
- Saddam was an evil person that committed horrible crimes against humanity.
- Saddam was an evil leader that was responsible for terrible environmental acts like igniting oil wells in Kuwait out of spite.
- Saddam has a well documented history of using WMDs against other countries as well as against minorities in his country.
- Saddam refused to submit to the treaties he signed by interferring with inspectors.

There are many more. So how was it wrong to get rid of him?

A final issue for this time, Saddam's government reported that he had X number of WMDs after the first war. Saddam's government reported the destruction (under UN supervision by the way) of Y number of WMDs. X-Y (you can look up the numbers yourself) was a pretty freaking large number. So what happened to those weapons? Are they in Syria? Are they off in the hands of terrorist groups? Are they still there someplace and just haven't been found yet?

You can make up all the ill-informed reasons you want to not like Bush, but a rational person can look at the facts and come to a conclusion that does not require trolling newsgroups to try and make him sound important.
RussellKaufmann Offline
#79 Posted:
Joined: 09-13-2000
Posts: 732

What an ignorant statement. It is clear that you do not understand the difference between combatants and non-combatants. You obviously don't understand the difference between warfare and genocide, either.

#80 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i couldn't find the jerky 19 you refered to.

back to sadam. no one disputes that he was bad. their are bad guys all over the world. it is not our job to get rid of the world's bad guys unless we are threatened. sadam never was a threat in spite of all the rantings by the administration. a plan to attack him had already been worked on before 9/11. it was in the mix. it only needed a reason.

the reason, saudi's hit the WTC at the behest of osama because sadam thought it was a good idea. if you accept that, what's to talk about?
#81 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

trolling newsgroups is like reading books. it is done to learn.

where does a rational person like you get his facts so that he can arrive at reasonable conclusions?
jjohnson28 Offline
#82 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
Rick wrote:

"sadam never was a threat in spite of all the rantings by the administration. a plan to attack him had already been worked on before 9/11."

So Rick,who would you consider "the administration" that considered Saddam a threat?

The UN,Bill Clintons,GW's Daddy,France,Germany,the Kuwaiti Government,most if not all of the civilized world?

Careful not to leave anybody out now,because it stretches a lot farther back than the past 5 years.

Rick,I'll start another thread for you pertaining to the Bush's daughter who died and the fact that they,her parents supposedly went to play golf on the day of her funeral,or are you saying GW went to play golf on the day of his sisters funeral.

BTW,I have a sinking/sickening feeling awaiting your response.

Later, JJ

adroomi Offline
#83 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
I rest my just proved my point. The Hell hole I'm in right now just suffered 150,000 dead, and guess what, I don't think they were all prostitutes you stupid f*ck! 2000 die in a bombing in the USA and you want the world to cry for you, but what about the thousands that have died over here due to terrorists? I suppose you switched off of CNN to watch the football game the day that the Aussies were bombed in Bali, right?

Countries where people look up to Americans you say? Is that why I am constantly looking over my shoulder. In case you don't realize it (I'm sure you don't), Americans are not the most loved folks in the fact we are pretty much hated everywhere we go. Every wonder why?

How many Thai's, Malay's, or Indonesians do you personally know that want to come to America? I can think of none and I live here...why would they leave the paradise they are in to go to a culture where they are hated because they are not white, middleclass, sh*theads (I bet that describes you to a "t.") In fact, why don't you just change your nick to in Bunker.

Oh sure, there are hundreds of thousands of folks in the world that want to come, but did it ever occur to you that the numbers are falling? In case you've got your head in the sand, there is a worldwide change of heart about how most feel in regards to Americans....we are no longer the most loved, most respected as we once were. We are beginning to be known as a country of egotistical, hate-filled, bigoted fools. You just proved it with your statement. But that's difficult for you to see in your sheltered prison that you've built for yourself. When was the last time you ever even attempted to learn a culture different than the one that MTV taught to you.....this is more out there, just travel my friend.

By the way, the last time I slept with a prostitute I was 19.....she was white and her name was Sandy. She was in Cinncinati, and an American.
jjohnson28 Offline
#84 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
Wow! adroomi is blowing his stack but I can't find a single reference from mydsooner that supports this/his Flame anywhere.

adroomi face it, you are the ultimate ugly american of wich you/we speak.

Dude I used to laugh at your posts but seriously I'd rather laugh at RICKAMAVEN's senility then your sorry ass supposed Patriotism.

God Bless the USA and good riddance to it's trash.

Adroomi,you can K*ss My Farking American Ass!

#85 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i didn't say he was not considered a threat. i said there was a plan in place by the bush admin to start the war before 9/11. the bush admin was itching to go to war, they just needed any excuse and so they lied about sadam's involvement perhaps. they lie so much about everything, if truth emerged, no one would recognize it.

i did not say anything about bush going or not going to his sisters funeral. i implied his parents played golf on that day. a great lesson for their troubled enough child.

i hope this does not make you sick.
jjohnson28 Offline
#86 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
"Rick wrote:

"sadam never was a threat in spite of all the rantings by the administration. a plan to attack him had already been worked on before 9/11."

So Rick,who would you consider "the administration" that considered Saddam a threat?

The UN,Bill Clintons,GW's Daddy,France,Germany,the Kuwaiti Government,most if not all of the civilized world?

Careful not to leave anybody out now,because it stretches a lot farther back than the past 5 years.

Rick,I'll start another thread for you pertaining to the Bush's daughter who died and the fact that they,her parents supposedly went to play golf on the day of her funeral,or are you saying GW went to play golf on the day of his sisters funeral."

Give it a rest Richard.Re-read my post.Your last post explains nor confirms anything.Please bring me facts.

mydsooner Offline
#87 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-2003
Posts: 3,245
Very nice Adroomi...way to argue your point. It always helps to strengthen how you feel by tossing in a few name callings. Are you calling me a racist?LOL

What does me loveing my country have to do with racism?

rac·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rszm)
The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

I guess i am a racist. Because i feel that the USA is superior to others. Once again i stand by the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of people trying to become AMERICAN citizens every year. I dont have a problem with that. Just dont bring your problems and wars to my country.

big·ot ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

Let's see here....

My group= The United States of America
My religion= Agnostic
My race= caucasian
My politics= independent

That says bigot all over it....right?

If we dont fight the wars we do then people would think they could just come in and walk all over us. That's why less and less people are coming to America. Because they know they can stay where they are and still be safe. And still recieve aid from AMERICA if they ask for it.
Your quote......

"How many Thai's, Malay's, or Indonesians do you personally know that want to come to America? I can think of none and I live here...why would they leave the paradise they are in to go to a culture where they are hated because they are not white, middleclass, sh*theads (I bet that describes you to a "t.") In fact, why don't you just change your nick to in Bunker."
It seems to me by this statement that you are by definition the bigot here.

One last thing Adroomi...if you say that you have to watch your back now as an American....why do wear the clothes you do? Why do you feel the need to stand out,instead of blending in?
mydsooner Offline
#88 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-2003
Posts: 3,245
Sorry for thread jacking Rick.
tailgater Offline
#89 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
There is an old tale involving a wise old man on a mountain.
One fellow was passing over the mountain and met the old man to ask: "How are the people in the town over the hill?". To which the old man replied "How were the people from the town you left?"
"They were terrible. Rude and selfish"
"That is how they are in this new town" replied the old man, and so the man continued on, uneasy about his new journey.

The next day another man crossed the path, and asked the same question:
"How are the people in the next town?"
"How were they in the town you left?"
"They were wonderful. Happy and giving"
"That is how they are in the next town" Replied the old man.

Perhaps, Adroomi, the hatred you feel from the folks you meet is not so much the fault of this Beautiful Country, but more so from your own behaviours and attitudes.

tailgater Offline
#90 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
lsfire stated:
"Whether people realise it or not he has been successful. He has caused many to reflect on an issue he feels important enough for reflection."

So you feel that comparing our President to mass murderers merits reflection?

Rick likes to stir the pot.
Don't hate him for it, but don't suggest that he's somehow enlightened either.
Goody Offline
#91 Posted:
Joined: 01-09-2004
Posts: 1,951
Dear CBID admin,

Please oh please oh please hurry up and give Rick his own forumn for pic posting. Thanks!

#92 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

one should always be free to jack whenever the mood strikes. it's yours, so jack away.
#93 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

when you go to the store there are many kinds of soup. you should just pick the one you want. someone else might like a different one.
Goody Offline
#94 Posted:
Joined: 01-09-2004
Posts: 1,951

I totally agree, but I hope the grocer has the good sense to group like items together and not put the soup with the toilet paper. That way when I'm looking for soup I find soup and when I'm looking for toilet paper (which is of much greater interest to me) I find toilet paper and not soup!

Happy New Year!!

osage Offline
#95 Posted:
Joined: 02-18-2001
Posts: 492
HaHa! Goody 1 Rick 0

By the way Goody was your Tulsa herf in Tulsa or Owasso?
adroomi Offline
#96 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
...I do owe you an apology mydsooner. I was a bit upset and started typing without thinking it out first. I didn't mean to flame you so rudely. However, in the words of my younger brother...."you started it!"

Your comments about the Hell Hole I am in were unfair, unthoughtful, and downright sickening. The stench from the rotting corpses only slightly overdoes your comments. By the way, many of these folks happen to be friends of mine. Friends that you refer to as "prostititutes." We lost an entire group of divers from Sweden that day. We, as in me and a shop that I am part owner in. I was at one of those divers' son's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd birthday parties a few years back. I guess it's okay though, because the entire family of 5 is dead, and they were Swedes anyway (not American), so they don't count, right? Your comments were very rude my friend.

Someone mentioned "ugly American?" I'm sorry, but the general populations that I am surrounded by daily are intrigued by Americans, but can't figure out why Americans are always so rude. Not so much as the English are, but rude anyway. As the only American around (I work alone, no office, I'm remote), I am the butt of countless jokes by every nationality from Aussie onward. Oh yes, many hours listening to other nationalities (don't think they're all Asian either, remember, 1/4 of the folks where I call home are Caucasian) slam me and my country. Eventually, I learned to shut up, quit bragging about how GREAT I was since I was from the GREATEST country in the world, and LISTEN to what they were saying. I was quite surprised to find that most of it was true. We are a rude nation. We do brag way too much. We do claim to be the bedrock of the entire world. We do NOT spend enough (if any) time learning about other cultures and societies. We do expect better treatment than others due to our God-given luck to be born in the USA. Etc, etc, etc. The joke amongst most folks other than Americans goes....."how do you tell if the guy in front of you in line is American?" "He's the one screaming "I'm an American" at the clerk, and demanding to be served 1st." I spend about 70% of my days travelling (comes with the job), so one day I learned to sit back and listen......the joke is true. It's obvious.....and by the way mdsooner, I'm here by choice. I do this job, and choose to live in these "Hell Holes." because I care enough about my country (the USA) to run around these places in order to protect those that are still there. No, I'm not military.

I was at O'Hare 3 weeks ago. I had just gotten off of a wonderful flight on a "foreign" plane. A carrier with the best customer service you could imagine. Anyone reading this that has ever travelled on Singapore airlines, or Cathay, or Malaysian, or one of the other top ten (none of which are US carriers by the way) will understand. I was in the Business class check in (economy ticket, lot's of miles though, so don't try to flame my travel methods!), and the woman checking the guy in who was just in front of me was downright raising her voice and being very very rude to him. I mean she was your typical overweight, paid well, but hates her job and the fact that she is forced to do it and/or serve a customer, worker we all know and love (notice I said "worker", and not "American" like I wanted to). When it was all over, the guy in front of me who was Indian turned to me, and in his wonderfully funny accent (sorry, but the accents are funny!) said, "It's easy to tell when I'm back in America....everybody is an ****!" I laughed partly because he was right, and partly because his accent...sorry. Anyway, she was rude to me too. When I checked in, the lady had the nerve to tell me how she despised at how those foreigners "come into America" to raise trouble and live off welfare. For all she knew, I could've been a foreigner too. I mean, just because I'm white does not make me American. I am though, and glad. On the plane to LA, I had a drink with the guy. He was from India, and was on his way to LA to do neurosurgery on a 14 year old boy. He was doing the operation for free, and doing it while on a "tourist" visa (no intent to immigrate). It's too bad he was treated so rudely by the staff of United Airlines...Of course though, so was I.

That's how we are perceived in other parts of the world folks....rude, violent, angry, uncultured, egotistical, etc. As one of you, I have made efforts to change my attitudes, it's difficult. It was quite humbling once I realized that although I am an American, unfortunately I had no idea whatsoever of what was going on anywhere else in the world except America.

Somebody mentioned something about my clothes in an earlier post being flashy.......I've said it before, I'll say it again.....When I'm in the Southeast, I can usually be found in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. However when in Tokyo, Singapore, Milan, Paris, or somewhere else, I will dress appropriately. Jeans and a t-shirt with a baseball hat do not go over very well in Ginza. Maybe one or two of you will even know where Ginza is, but for those of you (most of you) that don't, just imagine Beverly Hills times 400. Please don't knock a guy for his clothes. Just because a fellow or gal doesn't wear levis and a football jersey doesn't mean he's odd....It just means he's probably not in the USA at the moment (yes, feel free to read into that).

So for those of you that I offended....get over it. I apologize. For those of you that I didn't.....I bet you've travelled somewhere once or twice in your life, that's why you "get it."
rayder1 Offline
#97 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
Adroomi...(to continue the threadjack)...where are you right now?

My heart breaks for the hundreds of thousands effected by the disaster. I too have been to many "third world" countries (not Asia though) and have strived to not stand out as the "ugly American".

I hate the way Americans behave when out of the country. The world is truly not our oyster.

PS: can add my name to the large list of those who don't like your post. This comment was rather insulting:

"some of you don't like my posts. well i don't like the lack of intelligent responses like move, it's too much, i'm getting dotty."

Only those who disagree with you lack intelligence in your mind. I have never seen you agree with anyone else's valid point, nor have you backed down when you jump way over the line.

mydsooner Offline
#98 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-2003
Posts: 3,245

I respect you and im sorry for any losses that you are trying to overcome. Please dont confuse me as being heartless. The "hellhole" comment wasnt directed towards where you are and what is going on at this time. Sorry if that's how it came across. I understand that you are well cultured. And well traveled also. But just dont forget where you are from.

Goodluck to you and yours in these sad times.
adroomi Offline
#99 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143 lighten things up....

("Jacky" is a rude racial term in Aussie for "aboriginal male." "mary" means "woman". "Slab of piss" is what Aussie's call a case of beer).

Q: "Jacky Jacky, why are you walking down the road with a piece of corregated tin under one arm, and a slab of piss under the other?"

A: "Me and Mary got a divorce....she got the kids, and I got the house and everything in it."

See, even I can have a sense of humor once in a while.......take care all.

#100 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i've traveled in japan a little in the mid 50's. i fell in love with japan because of it's people. they were nice to each other and also nice to me and not because i was one of the "conquering" army. i spent time in ginza when it was no more then a swap meet. if i had a few dollars and bought a small shop, oh well, today i could probably have over $100.00 net worth.

the rudeness is everyware in the us, but it is giving way to passive disinterest. boy the kids today.

the young people working aren't interested in anything except getting through the day. if i go to a department store and ask where something is, anyone under 25 will point and anyone with gray hair will walk you to the item.

this is not always the case. some stores screen their help because they know the help is the store. there is a small japanese teriyaki take out store that always has high school juniors or seniors that stand out. when i talked to one of the clerks, he told me to get the job he was required to memorize the menu and he had to know how to make change, not look at the old fashioned cash regester for help. no pictures of food on the keys.

people will usually rise to your expectations if you give them a chance, but i know you are correct that americans abroad tend to demand, rather then ask.

there is a fascinating program on tv called airplane. they video tape the contacts between a customer who has something go wrong and the person behind the desk trying to help. of course they only show the extreme nastiness of the customers who can't get their way.

dr charles drew, the inventor of blood plasma died outside a hospital in the south because he was refused a blood transfusion. ain't that a strange thing.

i was on a plane sitting on the runway because there was a mechanical problem and some passangers were yelling, let's go already. that's rudeness pushed to stupidity.

this notion that all the girls whose pictures you post with you at a bar seem to be hookers by most of the posters, is something you need to get over. i assumed they were myself because of the setting, the make up and the clothes, so you shouldn't get angry with people that assume the same thing.
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