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Last post 13 years ago by jackconrad. 282 replies replies.
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Goody Offline
#101 Posted:
Joined: 01-09-2004
Posts: 1,951

That is so true about the kids today! No motivation, direction, respect for elders, etc.... IMHO it's the fault of today's parents, wanting Jr to have everything they didn't so they both work too much and spend little time with the kids. Kids are raised by the television and other kids and pretty soon they grow up, get a job at Home Depot, you ask them where the cordless drills are, they look at you like youre stupid then send you to the wrong aisle (not on purpose either) and then want a raise. Geez...time for a cigar!

Wagner Offline
#102 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2004
Posts: 788

I am glad to see that CBid did not chose to accede to the wishes of the whiners and crybabies (the psydo patriots) and pull this post. Again freedom of speech, whether you agree or not, is what makes this country great.

I may now come back to ordering from CBid although I don't know if I will return to forum postings--no sign yet of intelligent life existing here!

Take care,
jekyl9 Offline
#103 Posted:
Joined: 03-28-2004
Posts: 200
OK so let me understand..........if i think the USA attacking Iraq is screwed up (just like the 911 commission thinks) i'm un-american and "not supporting the troops". well i guess freedom of speech be damned but now no freedom to think either.

i do support the troops. i support getting them out of there alive. we cannot win a guerilla war against religious zealots. once again someone tell me why are we there shooting people? we knocked them back into the stone age already. explain to me why a 57 year old customer of mine is over there.

Georgi Porgi comes up with a new reason to be there when the 9/11 commission report comes out. guess if one answer don't work just make up another.

yes we may be the biggest baddest country in the world but why does that give us the right to attack a sovereign nation with no proof of any wrong doing except that they disagree with us and their dictator is a ******. if being a ****** were a crime Bush wins the contest. the world hates us because WE ACT LIKE BULLIES. we like shooting and testing new weapons on brown people. hell Israel causes more problems than anyone else over there. lets nuke them too.

nuff said
Charlie Offline
#104 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

You truly are an ignorant person! Keep thinking the USA are a bunch of Mass Murderers and then look at our troops/Navy etc helping the Tsanumi victims......but you only see the dark side (typical liberal crap)!

#105 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

it has been said that dr mengle was very good to his pet dog.
428cj Offline
#106 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
This thread was much more entertaining seeing rick yet again blame President Bush for everything wrong under the sun (what a refreshing new topic rick, congrats on the effort there!). I always enjoy these, especially when he attacks all those who disagree with his 'wisdom' on each matter.

Can't we get back to what's funny here?!

(please note rick that I didn't bother commenting on your pathetic picture here (since I normally ignore your posts), as I already know from many previous times that if I said anything contrary to your opinion I'd simply be 'wrong', at least in your happy/angry little world - love how that always seems to work for you, you say/post something as your opinion, someone disagrees, with their own opinion, and is immediately wrong, wow, thoroughly impressive!)
428cj Offline
#107 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
rick wrote: "it has been said that dr mengle was very good to his pet dog"

You're responding to Charlie's post regarding our troops currently assisting the disaster victims? If so WTF exactly are you saying about our troops now???? Please explain. Really.
adroomi Offline
#108 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Please don't do what CNN, Fox, and our fearless leader want you to, and over-glorify the US and our troops for the "great effort" they are doing in helping "us" Tsunami victims!

Don't get me wrong, without the massive airlift and the helicopters we would be in worse shape than we are. I used to be one of those crazy young special opns guys myself in a big black bird, and I did my fair share of humanitarian service (got the ribbons too, don't you know!), so I do thank the troops. I thank them individually every time one of them crosses my path, or flys overhead. I spent a lot of time (well over the half-way point to retirement) as a soldier, and regardless that I've given up my uniform a few years back, I still feel the brotherhood with anyone in uniform. To all of you here that either served, are serving, or for that matter didn't serve because you chose not to....thanks.

It's unfortunate that the mistakes that our (the US's) administration made during the first couple days of this thing are being corrected by a major public relations campaign to make us look good in front of the world. Actually, our hearts are in it now as a population, but only because it's the en-vogue thing to do....sort of a jumping on the bandwagon thing. Sort of like the sell-outs and massive flows to Wal-Mart to buy American flags or "I support the cops!" bumper stickers in late September '01. Where are all those flags now? Are they still being displayed every morning? How many still "support the cops."

After 150,000 plus folks had died (with a projected final count at around 300,000). Wait, let me say that again, and please let it sink in......300,000 sure seemed like an awful long time before someone could finally convince our Govt (I'm trying not to say our President, since I don't only blame him, he's just a man trying to do his job) to make a statement and offer help. Why, because this thing happened on the other side of the world and us folks over here don't seem to exist to most people that are busy eating an egg-mcmuffin. Well you know what? We have egg mcmuffins here too!

Anyway, we finally offered help, and what did we offer? A couple of dollars here or there (to be exact, $15 Million, which is less than we spend in "ONE MINUTE," every minute in Iraq). Now, once the world laughed in our face and Jackie Chan offered more than our President, we try to fix our flub up by making sure that everyone in the world "sees" what a great job we are doing, and how "wonderful we are." $15 million from the USA, and over $840 Million from Australia......could we step on our proverbial pee pee's a little bit more you wonder?

Every headline says "America helps" or "look at us, we are helping the most, why? because we are number one, and everyone else sucks! (so love us, and then after you love us, please support our dirty little war against aggression in Iraq)." It took 3 days for the US to even "respond" to what was happening (in a press statement) regardless that within 7 hours of this event happening, Japan, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Russia and China all had medical and emergency teams in the air, and on the way here. Seven hours response time folks....think about that.

So, now we have egg-mcmuffin on our face and we embarrassed ourselves by having more coverage of the Scott Peterson trial on our news than 300,000 dead world citizens, so what do we do.......? We do what we always do, we send two guys in suits to Bangkok to "SAVE THE WORLD!" And who do we send? Why our presidents very own brother! Why? Because he knows all about disaster because of what happened (and this was a tragedy too, so don't think I'm downplaying it) in Florida. But wait.....did we really send him due to his extensive knowledge in damage assessment, or perhaps did we send him because....HE'S THE PRESIDENTS BROTHER, AND WE NEED THE NAME "BUSH" TO BE CLEARED AGAIN?" Not only does our president care deeply for the Southeast Asians, but "his entire family does too." Why? because "America is a country full of family-value having, caring individuals. Not the rude, self-centered, heartless, uncaring, (unless it's another American that is suffering) folks that we looked like three days after the tragedy!

I'm sorry, but it was funny seeing Jeb Bush walking around surveying the damage in a black wool tailored suit that probably cost more than most folks here make in a year. This while the folks from Australia showed up in khaki's and t-shirts along with their own hard-hats in case they needed to "help" instead of just "look good."

I'll get off my horse now.....I am not criticising America, as some of you seem to think. I'm criticising the fact that the entire world is globalizing, and opening it's doors, and slowly but surely I see the US closing its. I fear that in another 50 or 100 years from now, America will have turned itself into something other than the number one country in the world. Don't think it can't happen....look at Siem Riep (some of you may know what that means), then look at Rome, and so on and so forth. Every Kingdom falls when it forgets to think outside it's gates once in awhile.

The world is moving on, and the USA seems to be moving away from the rest of the world. I see a downfall ahead and it worries me.......that's why I criticise so deeply.

I've never forgetten where I came from, and never will, but as an outsider looking in, I don't like what I see. Think hard on that folks.....
Cigarick Offline
#109 Posted:
Joined: 07-28-2002
Posts: 3,078
Any truth to the rumor that you're just depressed because "The Lost Generation" means that five years from now you'll be missing out on what would have been a whole new crop of 15 year old bar girls?
bloody spaniard Offline
#110 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Cigarick(sp?), you are harsh! LOL!
Wagner Offline
#111 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2004
Posts: 788

Very well said! Unfortunately there are many people here than can't think for themselves. They merely regurgitate what someone else told them. I have given up trying to reason with them--it can't be done. Maybe the only way to reach them is to ask questions that just might spark a flame of curiousity or interest. I don't know, many here are full of hate and fear. I believe that's the only explanation for their closed-minded approach to the world around them.

Best Regards,
bloody spaniard Offline
#112 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Wagner, you sound like a drama queen taking the final curtain. Don't you think that you are being a bit too melodramatic & silly?

There ARE some stupid people here who constantly repeat rote answers but by & by there's also quite a few independent thinkers as well.

No need to depart just because there's a difference of opinion.
adroomi Offline
#113 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Not sure if I'm following you here....

By "Lost Generation," are you referring to the term coined by Gertrude Stein to Hemingway when she spoke of the young intellectuals, poets, artists, and writers shortly after WWI that became tired of American materialism and fled to Paris for a Bohemian lifestyle. Folks that created some of the finest American literature to date? Our first Hippies so to speak....keeping on the traditions of the early settlers (unsettlers?) when they fled Europe?


Are you referring to the "Lost Generation" of children around the age of 10 that just passed on in a worldwide tragedy? Children totalling a number of about 75,000 that in 5 years you assume would have become prostitutes since they don't live in America and are brown and poor? Children that somebody loved. Children that could have become doctors, or writers, or political activists....or even some other childs mother and father?

I pray that you are well-read and/or educated enough to have meant the first meaning.....for if you meant anything close to the second one (which I think you did), then I suggest that you please pray to whatever God you believe in because that is a sickening thought to even think about for me.

Please tell me you didn't mean what I thought you meant. I see nothing funny about kids dying.

mydsooner Offline
#114 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-2003
Posts: 3,245
Adroomi Quote.......Anyway, we finally offered help, and what did we offer? A couple of dollars here or there (to be exact, $15 Million, which is less than we spend in "ONE MINUTE," every minute in Iraq). Now, once the world laughed in our face and Jackie Chan offered more than our President, we try to fix our flub up by making sure that everyone in the world "sees" what a great job we are doing, and how "wonderful we are." $15 million from the USA, and over $840 Million from Australia......could we step on our proverbial pee pee's a little bit more you wonder?

Now why did you have to go and say something like that? Now i have to agree with you. You just messed up our little thing we had.

Can someone tell me where all of the terrorist money that has been seized in bank accounts over these last few years is? Cant we use that to help out the relief efforts? Just wondering where the money is right now.

jeezy peezy!

RussellKaufmann Offline
#115 Posted:
Joined: 09-13-2000
Posts: 732

With great power comes great responsibility. It really is that simple.
RussellKaufmann Offline
#116 Posted:
Joined: 09-13-2000
Posts: 732

9/11 was a starting point. So what if there was a plan before the invasion. Don't you understand what plans are for? Jeez, you really are ignorant. I bet there are plans to invade Iran, I bet there are plans to invade N Korea, I bet there are plans to invade lots of countries because a good administation plans for the foreseen and even the unforeseen because it is the responsible thing to do.

It amazes me that you think something is wrong with that.
RussellKaufmann Offline
#117 Posted:
Joined: 09-13-2000
Posts: 732

Perhaps you need to read the 911 commission report. It says nothing about attacking Iraq being screwed up.

Freedom of speech is nice, but I have noticed that the ignorant speak way too much. Research, think, and then research some more.
adroomi Offline
#118 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
"Freedom of speech is nice, but I have noticed that the ignorant speak way too much. Research, think, and then research some more."'s the homework assignment for everybody who called Rick a bad name or told him to move to a foreign country...are you ready?

1. Take a single thing he wrote concerning the accusations he has made against the President in this thread and prove it speculations, give us a proper location where you retrieved the data (ie journal reference, etc).


2. Disregard step one and write a one-line derogatory statement against him (or me for that matter), and show your lack of research capabilities, therefore effectively proving to me that all of your wisdom comes not from valid sources, but rather what you see on TV (even MTV).

I don't agree with Ricks brashness, but then again, I had sex with two woman last night (one, a Director for a major advertising agency based in London, and the other a singer with a top 20 song in Tokyo...both at once by the way, and neither a prostitute, in fact either could pay my rent for a year in what they earn in a week) and I'm not afraid to say it, so I guess I'm pretty brash too. I figured I'd throw that in since I'm a little proud of myself for that one....go ahead flame me! (and then make sure and post some pictures of models you steal off the net and wish you could live the fantasy life you j*rk off to while the Mrs is in the shower and you are surfing the net....the life I at times have the luxury by virtue of lack of fear of living.

That sex part wasn't necessary, but I'm Adroomi, so you know how it goes......

Back to the assignment now,
However little I agree with his photo he posted, every accusation against him as well as personal attack, he one by one followed up on and answered appropriately. I see he has left no person on this board unnattended to that asked him a question. He's still here, and the multitudes that criticised him have quit this thread.....I guess it's a matter of only the strong survive.

Give me a bottle of good wine and a San Cristobal El Morre and I'll sit at the table with Rick and a few choice others and discuss "life" and "living" any day of the week. Thought-provoking posts....that's what Rickamaven gives us....not necessarily nice, but thought provoking. It's unfortunate that some can't kindle up a thought, only a flame. Now I'll stop before someone accuses me of sounding like a drama queen or a "****" as I see references in the earlier stages of this thread to other folks that say these things. Shamefull it is.

Don't forget the homework assignment for all of you that are up to the challenge.

I leave you with a quote....."Question Everything!"


#119 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

charlie said "Keep thinking the USA are a bunch of Mass Murderers and then look at our troops/Navy etc helping the Tsanumi victims......but you only see the dark side (typical liberal crap)!"

jekyl9 never said "the usa are a bunch of mass murders," so charlie put those words in jekyl9's mouth and then charlie tried to compare the statment that he made up for jekyl9 with the idea that we are helping victims, which we are.

one has nothing to do with the other. and the phrase should have been the us is, but that's a different matter.

asfar as people being wrong if they disagree with me, dapperdan keeps telling me i am going to hell because i don't agree with his religious conviction. don't we all think someone's point of view is wrong if he or she doesn't agree with "our" point of view.

do you agree with that?

adroomi Offline
#120 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
...From '73 (can anyone name it?)

Jesus was a Capricorn
He ate organic food
He believed in love and peace
And never wore no shoes

Long hair, beard and sandles
And a funky bunch of friends
Reckon we'd just nail him up
If he came down again

'Cause everybody's gotta have somebody to look down on
Prove they can be better than at any time they choose
Someone doin' somethin' dirty decent folks can frown on
If you can't find nobody else, then help yourself to me

Eggheads fussin' rednecks cussin'
Hippies for their hair
Others laugh at straights who laugh at
Freaks who laugh at squares

Some folks hate the Whites
Who hate the Blacks who hate the Klan
Most of us hate anything that
We don't understand
#121 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

my address is 8141 so milliken ave, whittier. the door is always open and the humidors are always full.

knock when you are in the neighborhood.
jackconrad Offline
#122 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
Posts: 67,461
Next up ,Ron jeremy and Jenna Jameson discuss Ricks pick to constanly beat on in the years 2008-2012.
adroomi Offline
#123 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Are we to assume that you have chosen option number two for the homework assignment?

Next time I'm back home, I'll look you up in advance should I be coming your way. When in the States on holiday, I can usually be found wandering through Ed Abbey's Canyon Country. There's a certain lake that is drying up at the crest of the Glen Canyon Dam, that I intend to hike through this spring. Are you close?
jackconrad Offline
#124 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
Posts: 67,461
extremley sensitive for such insensitive people.
lsfire Offline
#125 Posted:
Joined: 10-25-2004
Posts: 591
I wasn't going to respond any further on this post, but I am disturbed by the responses of droomi. Not that I disagree, I find them condensending and offensive. I too have traveled through Europe, Mexico, Caribbean and Canada. I too have served in the military. I have seen and experienced the attitudes towards America. I have a college education.(all though my spelling may say otherwise)

I don't accept your "home work assignment". I don't need your education. As much as I agree with much of what you have had to say I am completely offended by your arrogance and find your attitude somewhat belittling.

Yes many of the posts here have been the one line flame. This does not mean they are uneducated. It could be possible that it is their way of showing as much disrespect for Rick as it may be percieved that he has shown America or the President. Americans are no more wrong to claim America as number one as a Cowboys fan is for proclaiming his/her team to be number one and if other countries don't like it tough.

Question for you.

Could it be possible that the other countries see the negative in the U.S. because they chose to, or because that is what makes their news networks, or that it is En Vogue to hate America? Do all the facts make it to press in other countries with objectivity and truth or is incomplete and inaccurate reporting only an American thing?

I do find it shamful how the latest world crisis was handled, but we're there now. Of course much of our response is PR to compensate and say look at us we're not that bad. What do you want, the president to go on T.V. and say I'm a **** for how I handle things?

It seems that from your postings you have biten hard on the negative stream of news from those that want to hate America. It reminds me of the calls I run in the lower economic areas of Las Vegas. No matter how much is done for them, no matter how much help they get they still hate those that provide the help.

If I have taken these posts wrong then I apologize, if not go f&*k yourself.

adroomi Offline
#126 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
....sure didn't mean to offend you, but I think you are reading my messages wrong. I'll explain:

In terms of being condescending, they aren't meant to be...I made several references to "humbling" myself, and "listening" to others. That is not arrogance. Yes, I am somewhat arrogant, I agree, but I did not intend to be arrogant to anyone in particular, just those that give the one line comments about how Rick should move to Canada or Mexico, or that former porn stars should discuss his next posts, instead of offering sound, quality discussion and opinion (much as your well-written, although angry post does).

I find it funny that as soon as I chastise folks for learning all they learn on TV, and not having the mental ability to have a decent conversation, I get a response that discusses Ron Jeremy discussing Rick on TV.......that pretty much closed my case and arguement don't you think?

Your response was good. You agreed with what you felt I said was right, and you disagreed with what you felt was wrong, and most importantly you offered justification to back it up. I like that. It's communication. With communication comes understanding and with understanding comes peace........Maybe John Lennon (that fool) was on to something.

You made several comments about "education" alluding to me pointing a finger and calling others "uneducated." No, I never did that...I said that others here may only have the wisdom they have from what they see on TV, and the views they have from what others tell them. Wisdom and education do not go hand in hand, they are two seperate mindsets. Education is something you get from someone telling you a "fact." Wisdom is something you get from opening your mind and seeing the "facts" for yourself.

A Cowboys fan cheering that his team is number one, and an American throwing it in the face of every country on the globe are in no way equal. One is love of a team.....the other is ethnocentricity.

The countries I speak of do not "hate" Americans as you misread.....they pity us, and can't understand our stupidity and yes...arrogance. Oh sure, a few radicals hate us, but perhaps they have every reason to (at least in their "unwise" mindset). Those radicals that hate us are no different from the few radicals on this board that hate them. For every radical out there that wants to kill an American, there are 3 Americans that are proud to make jokes about how they would love to kill the said radical. Only difference between the two is that right or wrong, at least those radicals have the gumption to follow through! A shame yes, but if you're going to walk the walk, then at least talk the talk...(this is not directed at you). I have more respect for a man who makes the statement that he intends to kill another, and then does it, then I do for a man who makes the statement and then laughs it off.

There is less hate for Americans as you think there is out there. As I said, there is more pity than anything.

I do love America, and I put my backside on the line for a living to protect it. I also love it enough to realize that we are really starting to p*ss a lot of folks off, and slowly that anger is turning to pity, while we sit by and don't realize it. The kingdom is's time to build it again.

I hope this makes things a bit clearer.

tailgater Offline
#127 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
I honestly feel sorry for you.
I know you don't want my sympathy. But you've got it.

I think it's great that you found true, deep love with two women at once. It's every mans dream.
But to boast about it to a public forum is disturbing. Not because it's sexual, but because it reeks of self doubt. You need to prove yourself to me WHY?

And then you continue your anti-American rant. Yes, it IS anti-American.
It's OK to call a spade a spade. If America was slow to respond, feel free to expose it.
If we offered too little, too late, tell the world.
But to criticize the final efforts is ridiculous.
You're heart is NOT in the right place.
Although Australia has indeed pledged $810MM, they did so only recently.
Why didn't you point that out?
You have selective "facts", and your posts do nothing to educate us.

Except that now we know you'll likely die of aids.

Perhaps now you could join the honest folks over there and get involved with the baby stealing for profit scam.
The kids have no identifiable parents now, so it'll be easy to kidnap them and sell them to the highest bidder. Who knows, perhaps one day you could own your own harem.
Then you could brag to total strangers about it.
I'm sure they'll give you that boost of confidence to your fragile ego.

To paraphrase another song, this one by the late great Warren Zevon:
Poor, poor pitiful you....

lsfire Offline
#128 Posted:
Joined: 10-25-2004
Posts: 591
I find it difficult to draw that clear of a distinction between the pride in our country and the pride we feel for a team or any other thing. The first being called ethnocentricity simiply because it involves a people? That would imply that America in general believes that America is more deserving and that we are the master race, simply not true. When I was in any other country in Europe, Americans were looked down upon for being uncultured, and without class, a lower sub culture like rodents. Many of my friends from overseas have the same attitude. My belief is that this war has done alot to worsen an attitude that already exsisted from their snobishness. That the worlds attitude is worse simply from that and that an attitude of dislike for Americans has been around in different degrees for quite awhile.

I do feel that some Americans are rude. Having such a comfort driven society as ours, much is expected to be the same in other countries when it simply is not. Whether it is a cultural difference or an economic difference many Americans don't understand the need to adjust while a visitor in a foriegn land.

What I would like to say is, that I work in a town that has visitors from around the world. The inability to adjust is just not ours. Rudeness can very often be defined as going against a cultural norm. To label Americans as being the only culture that does so is simply incorrect. Just about every nationality that visits Vegas is guilty of this. That is why many of the residents wish the tourists would go home(not realizing what drives the economy here).

This is not to say the America may be going down the wrong path. Long term I think it is difficult to tell. During the Carter Administration America was disliked, not respected, and held with distain. Reagan changed much of that. Who's not to say that when we elect ourselves a new president in four years, that he/she won't be more able to smooth things over by being more in tune with the world society. I myself would rather believe that. Each nation is like having siblings. Siblings can go through growing pains which may alienate themselves from the family at large. As they grow, evolve and mature they may come back to the fold. The world, at least to me, seems to do just that. It grows, changes, matures, and adapts to the new generations and their views. The future is uncertain, I find that exciting.

Will the Attitude abroad toward America disappear? Of course not, never. Will it soften? I believe so. Is the attitude simply because we are bullies? Not in my experience. Is the prevailing world attitude toward America the popular attitude? I think so. Is America judged more harshly due to the banner of freedom, justice, and the American way. Yes, and we should be. Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk. That is America. That is the America of the past, and that will hopefully be the America of the future. Some time in the future some event will transpire that will cause the world to call upon America for help. Will we respond? Most certainly. Will we do it in a manner that suits America as well as the world? I hope so. Will that draw critism? You bet. America stands for alot in this world. We are and should be judged by that standard. But.....

I don't think that sending our troops to Iraq was wrong. Under false pretense? Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen. Attack another sovriegn country thats done nothing to us? Germany in World War II did nothing to us. Our allies yes, us no. Economic reasons? Wars have been fought through out history over economics. It would have been smarter for America to make public the terrible things occuring there and let world opinion decide on their own that something most be done, which would have happened eventually. But after 911 the American society demanded that something be done. The rest of the world was not going to lift a finger, after all many stated that it has been happening on their soil for quite some time what's the big deal. Many stated that gee now that it happend to you, you cry foul but when it happened to us you cared less. All of which may be true. I wish that Our president would have been smarter about the whole ordeal. I wish he would handle the ongoing war better. I'm glad we did it. I'm glad to see terrorism in the world decline. I think we should have become more involved years ago. America is not perfect, but we are a good people, a good nation, and a good culture. Our diversity is our culture. We have melded together many different cultures, which is more than I can say for many of the other countries that look down upon us, or pity us.

I am American, not perfect. I am damn proud to be American. I do not and will not apologize for it.

jackconrad Offline
#129 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
Posts: 67,461
Adroomi my response was just humor and not a respons to you. I just clowm around wiyh Rick a lot but defend his right to speak his mind. athat said is it ok to Claaify george bush as a mass murderer in the sense of the others pictured but not ok to pick on Rick. If you all brag about your escapades :which is ok by me: do you not expect that people will occasionally have fun with it. you are being over sensitive about yourselves and not sensitive enough about those you victimize. Trying to preach to or bully others is not going to help your cause. You mentioned your tryst with these women not me. In my opinion it strongly devalued your attempt to make your point. Sorry if you were offended.
jackconrad Offline
#130 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
Posts: 67,461
Ps: obviously i am no typist.
jekyl9 Offline
#131 Posted:
Joined: 03-28-2004
Posts: 200
you're right the 911 report doesn't mention the Iraqi invasion but it does state that there is no proof that Iraq had anything to do with the attack so again genius......WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING OVER THERE????

we are so worried about money. well lets leave and stop wasting money helping people that don't want to be helped. hey we screwed up so lets just leave and call it even. all we do by keeping troops over there is inflame an already hot situation. we kill and have our people killed for ????????????????oh you haven't told me yet.

as for our response to the tsunami victims....we might just have to say hey we can't afford it. we have to rebuild Florida after 4 hurricanes, replenish our funds for a badly managed mistake in Iraq and i'm sorry we can't help but our leader is the biggest butt head to ever get elected president and we americans will be paying for that for a long time.

BTW did anyone read today's "UNBIASED" news. there is a report i guess that was supposed to be confidential where another high ranking officer questions the deployment of so many reserve and national guard units to Iraq. he says our forces are too fragmented and mentions that the bad planning and lack of notice to reservist is effecting moral and also hints that we cannot win and basicly should get the hell out of there. guess his career as a yes man is over.
adroomi Offline
#132 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
lsfire, that's the stuff I'm talkin' 'bout! Good piece of work! Save that in a box somewhere. Thought provoking, well-put, and articulate. Something that is a pleasure to read! You actually got my gears a turning, and made me re-think my stance on the entire issue! I sincerely thank you for the education!

The two girls thing was thrown in to lighten the mood, read the statement again. You actually had me re-thinking my motives and methods also......well, all until you made the statement that implied that everyone knows that those who have sex with women will die of aids, and that obviously since I do have sex with women, I am therefore also a child molester. Kinda blew it at the end there my friend, but for a while you had me at least.......maybe you should email the admin and let them know that I should be banned for my child trafficking convictions along with Rick for his membership in the communist party.

Again, thanks lsfire for the good post.

another hundred posts on this thread and you've got "me, what else" topped.

Cheers all,
Sonny_LSU Offline
#133 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
You libs need go find a brain!

Didn't you know we are winning big time in Iraq and they actually love the US of A for our help and understanding of their faiths? We are going to be finished over ther in the next year or so and Iraq will come to be the example of what good 'ol fashion USA-lead democracy can do for the Middle-East!

Why can't you all get it through your thick heads that the world adores us?!?!?!, it can't be the way we've conducted ourselves on the international stage can it?

We are largely hated for a reason......hated by people who have not a damn thing to do with terrorism.

Rebutle: Sonny if you don't like our country, leave! I'm so sick and tired of reading your idiotic dribble about the greatest leader our country has ever had. Also, I am now personally wanna take it outside, you @ss! We are fighting the war in their back yards instead of our own you fool.......

......ok, now, let 'ol Sonny have it, CLONES!
adroomi Offline
#134 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Way to speak your mind....your sincerity is appreciated.

Now I get it, my the way, your typing is slightly better than my penmanship, so don't feel too bad brother.

Did I mention to you that it's not nice to wh*ack off to pictures of women that caribbean soul posts and then go to church and pray that 'droomi catches a venerial disease for living out your fantasies?
adroomi Offline
#135 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Sonny is cool.......have a shot of Cuervo on me, that was good!
Sonny_LSU Offline
#136 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
BTW, newbs who really don't know much about him, adroomi is probably the most insightful poster here. He shoots straight with a wicked tongue at times, but the truth hurts.....don't it? There have been times I thing he's an @ss, but he has actually made me think at times. So, read carefully and you may learn something......

In addition, I don't hate good 'ol GW like Rick, rather I just think he is a careless, narcissistic, fool who benefitted from being in the right gene 4 years he'll be gone....that much I do know and it makes me smile.

Also, know this, because I think Bush sux, doesn't mean I hate my country or its armed forces.......try and remember what our country was founded on and by whom. Freedom of speech, etc.

Charlie Offline
#137 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

The song you quoted from 73 was Jesus Was a Capricorn by Kris Kristopherson......singer, writer, poet, songwriter and actor! Ex Helicopter pilot!

Charlie Offline
#138 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

The song you quoted from 73 was Jesus Was a Capricorn by Kris Kristopherson......singer, writer, poet, songwriter and actor! Ex Helicopter pilot!

adroomi Offline
#139 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
....ah yes, an "owed" to John Prine it was.....
Charlie Offline
#140 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
You mean stolen from John Prine!?!?

adroomi Offline
#141 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
The original title of the song on the album of the same name was "Jesus Was A Capricorn (Owed To John Prine)....that's kind of a play on words, with "owed" meaning both "owed" and "ode."

If you listen to the song, and you are familiar with John Prine, you'll realize that the melody to the song is borrowed from Prine's "Grandpa Was A Carpenter."

Two wonderful songwriters and storytellers. Kris Kristofferson went on to help Prine make it by announcing to his fans that "Prine is 22 years old, but writes like he's 220."

jekyl9 Offline
#142 Posted:
Joined: 03-28-2004
Posts: 200
anybody read today's news about a memo suggesting Bush cut social security benefits??????????????

didn't he promise not to do that???

oh yeah, the Bush family motto: READ MY LIPS!!!!! hey georgi porgi how about you either start telling the truth or at least do the hand to the ear thing like Reagan used to do. i know that requires hand eye coordination but if you were to pull your thumb out of your butt i think you could pull it off.
Charlie Offline
#143 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

Forgot about the full title of the albumn! Miss that kind of music when I hear the crap rap and r & b stuff of today!

jekyl9 Offline
#144 Posted:
Joined: 03-28-2004
Posts: 200
more fun lets review the Georgi Porgi resume

1. violates international law
2. has selective memory
3. makes up the reason as he goes along
4. kills tens of thousands of people
5. supports prisoner abuse
6. gets caught abusing prisoners and soldiers take the fall
7. tries to get an American spy killed by releasing name (conspiracy to commit murder)
8. supports and encourages legislation to hamper freedom of speech
9. supports staff in stealing of government contracts
10. VIOLATE THE LAWS OF NATURE... but we don't enforce those.
Charlie Offline
#145 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
jekyl or whatever,

You are going to get as worked up as Rickamaven....take a valium!

You interrupted my exchange with adroomi on great songwriters....very rude!

usahog Offline
#146 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
this thread is nothing but one major Threadjack LMAO....

Charlie, drop me an email....

EI Offline
#147 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
I like my steak medium rare (more on rare side than medium) with just some salt and pepper no steak sauce needed. How bout the rest of you?
Sonny_LSU Offline
#148 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
EI, me too.
SteveS Offline
#149 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
EI ... that works well for me ...
blackfoot11 Offline
#150 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2004
Posts: 9,593
i'm with ya ei. excellent steak review!

just add sauted mushrooms & onions.
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