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Last post 13 years ago by jackconrad. 282 replies replies.
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jjohnson28 Offline
#201 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
Damn! You be some long winded sum bitches.

#202 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248


re one of your posts about how information is received by someone, where the information comes from, and why the source of the information ultimately influences the information.
#203 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

oops. you are suggesting i go to a county fair and buy a cow who these kids have raised and named harry, or becky, and have a slaughter house kill becky and cut her up into little pieces for me to freeze and eat.

i'm not a hunter and i am a city boy raised on the streets of new york.

no wonder people are vegetarians.
#204 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

She's single now you know....hummmmmm.

every so often something breaks me up. that did.
tailgater Offline
#205 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
I laughed at that one as well.
Sonny_LSU Offline
#206 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
lol at jj

adroomi, TEAR IT UP, CAT!

Live the life and die one day knowing it was a good time! Screw the rest of the haters here.....

BTW, did I mention Bush is an idiot?
adroomi Offline
#207 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
You might have, but I never get tired of hearing should say it again to be sure.
MACS Offline
#208 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,104
I arrived too late to join the fray. But then again, had I arrived earlier, I probably would have just clicked 'back' and went to another thread.

Like this...
Charlie Offline
#209 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
"The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.......

Threadjack again, on top of all the other threadjacks might as well change course in this stage as well.
The Dodgers will suck this year, and the Red Sox and Yankees will battle it out once more. Watch the White Sox (gad, yes the White Sox) come up with a good team for a change.

Qmechanic, you are a welcome site to the board, but your posts are longer than Rick's cut and pastes of, Liberalbarftimes.corg, and other leftist organizations!

This may top the Pop Quiz for number of postings!

EI Offline
#210 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
I had pork chops last night
#211 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

how many times do i have to remind you brooklyn played their last game at ebbets field sep 24, 1957 beating pittsurgh 2 to 0.

the los angeles team other then the angels stole the trademark of a real team. this group is a sham, although i did watch sandy koufax pitch a no hitter walking only one man in the top of the ninth.
Charlie Offline
#212 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

The storied rivalries of Brooklyn Dodgers, New York Giants and the New York Yankees was a great era of baseball! Love to read about the old Dodgers! Yes, baseball died a little when the Dodgers left Brooklyn!

Charlie Offline
#213 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

Did GWB cause the Dodgers aka Bums to leave Brooklyn?

Just a little prod! LOL

#214 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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no the mayor of los angeles at the time, who can re
#215 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
no, the mayor of los angeles with the help of the city counsul at the time, stole chevas ravine from the people of los angeles and gave it to walter o'mally.
rayder1 Offline
#216 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
Rick....actually the kids are not attached to their steers as you might think. Yeah they do name them sometimes....but many come from cattle raising families. Our latest steer was "Augie"...and he was very tasty. The puropse of 4H and FFA is to get these kids ahead of the game if they choose a career in ranching of farming. They raise them for the money we pay at auction so they can buy another one. Not a big deal and you get a way better quality.

Adroomi: amen...I was just talking about impressions people get. Sorry you were used like a piece of meat...I feel for you...really...I do.
My wife and I will make it down-under after I retire in 11 years. No time or maoney for that now.

Hell...what was this thread about anyway?
CWFoster Offline
#217 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
jekyl9, you said "you're right the 911 report doesn't mention the Iraqi invasion but it does state that there is no proof that Iraq had anything to do with the attack so again genius......WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING OVER THERE????"

two points
1) right, and the Warren Commission Report says Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, why do so many people feel that was a big cover-up, and the 9/11 Commission is the sermon on the mount?
2)How about because Saddam Hussein NEVER lived up to the terms of the 1991 cease-fire, oh yeah, he'd of come around if we just gave him oh say ANOTHER TWELVE YEARS!
usahog Offline
#218 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
2)How about because Saddam Hussein NEVER lived up to the terms of the 1991 cease-fire, oh yeah, he'd of come around if we just gave him oh say ANOTHER TWELVE YEARS!

NOPE... but there would be say maybe another 300 mass graves somewhere in Iraq with as much as a 100,000 or so corpses in them... but thats ok CW it's not on jekyl9's front lawn and he really don't give a **** about the human attrosities Saddam and his boys created...

hell another 12 yrs of saddam and we would be looking at Nuclier Weapons but that wouldn't be a threat either according to jekyl9 as long as Saddam couldn't hit the US with them!!!!

Wake the "F" Up and smell the coffee...

CWFoster Offline
#219 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
Reposted here on Adroomis suggestion...

This post was inspired by the exchange on RICKAMAVENS "Serial Killers" thread. It goes way beyond a threadjack, so I started this one. Adroomi made some very good points, and I thought about several of them, from different angles, and thought they deserved some thoughtful commentary, rather than simply being ignored out of laziness (After reading this whole post, you'll understand). I don't know where to start, but the situation over the tsunami victims seems like a good spot.

I for one stand guilty of the slow uptake on the overall severeity of the situation. Liz said something to me when the death toll started to reach 100K about how she could hardly comprehend that kind of loss of life. I quoted Stalin, " kill a hundred, and it's a tradgedy, kill a million, and it's a statistic". Truly, it really hit home today, when I got to doing the math and realized that when it's all over with, the total casualties will be 100 TIMES the WTC attacks! I know that we as Americans DO get preoccupied with our day to day lives as mundane as they might be. We often have our heads in the sand so far that it takes awhile to realize the scope of something that didn't happen in our own backyard. I am not USUALLY guilty of this, and try toi stay current on the world situation, but imending parenthood and an even more impending deployment have occupied my attention. mea culpa. After we get hit with the proverbial brick, we are among the most generous nations on Earth. Maybe not the most in this case, Somebody pointed out that we sent more aid to Florida than we initially promised to the victims of this disaster, but who ELSE sent relief to Florida? We also led the way in rebuilding Europe after WWII, Japan, South Korea. We sent aid to Bangladesh after the big cyclone devastated that country in the 70's. Yes, there ARE several countries who have surpassed our efforts this time. Good for them! Please don't think that we are crap because we aren't at the top of the list THIS TIME. Yes, Bush stepped on his/our peepee with the initial offer of aid. If that's the worst mistake any POTUS ever made, or will ever make, we probably wouldn't even be discussing this. All the pledges of aid aside, it will be interesting in a year to see who actually delivered what. Read the reports on Bam Iran and the results of the millions of dollars of aid pledged worldwide in the emotional aftermath of the earthquake there a year ago. they received a pitiful fraction of what was pledged. Time will tell who is truly the generous people, I HOPE we make that cut!

As to the overall rudeness of Americans, that is not even arguable. Sometimes I see how some of my shipmates act in foreign ports, and I think the National Anthem should be changed from "The Star Spabgled Banner" to Dennis Leary singing "I'm an ****". This is where there starts to be enough blame to go around, and what turns any serious discussion of what can be done into a collossal intellectual masterbation session.I don't know if the problems are solvable, and if we here on the cbid forum could figure it out, who would listen? That being said, here goes...
The problems with military members acting like a bunch of juvinile deliquents in a foreign port, is because they are culled from the society that acts the same way they do for the most part. Many of these youngsters arec fed up on stories that exaggerate some aspects of the nightlife found in distant lands (this one kinda fits you Adroomi, many on here had a certain picture of what your lifestyle is like over there, and although you vehemently corrected them after they commented on the original thread, you never made to correct their misconceptions prior to that. I can only assume that there is an attraction to the notoriety of having the rep of hanging out in the "fleshpots of the world" that keeps us from setting the record absolutly straight. Yes, I tell sea stories too!) Nevertheless, this alone dosen't excuse some of the behavior I've seen and heard about. Perhaps it's because our youth have no moral compass. That would seem to explain it for the most part. The military pushes their "core values" Honor, Courage, and Commitment, but when you get an eighteen year old who has never seen anyone live these values in front of him before, and who only knows what feels good, and what is fun, and it only hurts if you get caught, then you are beyond naive if you think that they are all going to turn into eagle scouts after a Recruit Company Commander, or Drill Instructor, or whatever the Army and Air Force call theirs tells them this is how you should live from now on. They are ALREADY the product of their upbringing. Respect is the biggest part of it I think. When I was growing up, my Dad would've had a FIT if I tried calling his friends and business associates by their first names. How many of your Frinds kids call you Mr. adroomi? (or whater your surname is) When was the last time you saw a six year old address his parents peers as Mr. or Mrs. Smith, Jones or whatever? When growing up, I understood that you didn't assume familiarity with your elders because they WERE your elders, no other thought needed to be applied. You didn't take something that didn't belong to you, because it belonged to someone else. It was WRONG to act or think otherwise. Nowadays, we aren't allowed to spank children, or if we do, we risk having someone report us for abuse. The educational system teaches moral relativism, and any attempt made to tell the kids that there may be "someone up there watching, and keeping score" is imediately shot down by the ACLU. Whether it's Christian or not, we NEED a moral compass reestablished in this country, and to start bringing our kids up to respect each other, and that it's not good to trust strangers, but most of the strangers are allright! Personally, I favor a Christian moral compass over the one offered by the fundamentalist Moslems, at least we allow our women to show their faces and enjoy sex! The BIGGEST problem with the whole thing, is as soon as someone tries to fix it, they get jumped for trying to force their views down everyone elses throats. This IS often the case, but we can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. EITHER extreme is detrimental, both to our society, and how we are viewed abroad. My own fear is that it may be too late, they young adults now having kids and raising them, have never SEEN what you and I accepted as the normal way of conducting yourself as a child, so how can they teach it?

We are being ridiculed in some parts of the world, because companies that build plants here, have to require a college education to get the skills that a high school graduate has in Japan or Germany. Many seem to think that we need to drastically increase spending on education. I've read reports that we already spend more on each student than the aforementioned countries, but we are not seeing the results. It's been my observation over the past forty some-odd years that no problem ever gets solved by simply throwing money at it. We ARE throwing money at it! But when anyone thries to hold educators accountable, they fall back on one or both of two defences. A)The kids are unruly, and they aren't paid/trained to RAISE kids, just teach them (see above paragraph); B)Who is the government to try to tell trained professional educators how to do their jobs? Well, there is some validity to the first argument. All I can say, is get the ACLU out of the schools, and if litle Billy's parents can't teach him to shut upomin class so Jane, ******, and Peter can learn to read. Tell them to come pick up their brat, and not bring him back until he's properly trained and carry on with the daily lesson plan. If mom can't keep her career because Billy acts up, she will probably NOT teach Billy to behave, that would take WAY too much time! Instead call the local press and pith a fit because your child is being deprive of a free public education, and call the ACLU. That's why EVRY child is an "outstanding citizen" at Umpty-Squat Elementary! Many colleges (and some high schools) got away from ranking students so as not to make the underachievers feel inadequate. This got some students upset, as it made it impossible for them to get into schools/graduate rograms that required being ranked in the top X%! The end result is "dumbing down" the curriculum to make sure everybody passes. But it makes up look pretty stupid as a country! During Desert Storm, I remember a news story where they went to college campuses and asked students to point out Kuwait on a map, and most didn't even know where to look! That was college students fourteen years ago!

I could go on and on, and may post more later, but this is enough to start with. Please notice that the incidents and figures cited sometimes go back WAY before the Bush administration, and many of the roadblocks to my proposed solutions are traditionally LIBERAL sacred cows. So lets not sink into simple Bush bashing, or Neo-conservative name calling. Adroomi asked for a well thought out response, and I gave it, now I'm asking for a well thought out dialogue. Check back later! Enjoy a good cigar while mulling this one over!
hup4 Offline
#220 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2002
Posts: 223
I apologize for calling you ignorant, maybe naive is a better word. I just find it amazing that someone who would create this thread could be so sensitive about how their viewed!

I really hate bringing this back to the top of the list again, but as they say on the started it!

I think your opinion of guantanamo is remarkable, and how you can compare it to the internment of American citizens is beyond almost sounds ignorant, maybe just naive. Yeah I guess naive. Because this country did learn, since none of the prisioners there are U.S. citizens.

As far as Truman goes, I have investigated a little further. The anticipated loss of Japanese and American lives is the historic explanation for why we decided to bomb Japan! The truth is, Japan was already beat, and an invasion would have been no problem. We needed to show our new toy to the rest of the world. To say the atomic bomb was a better choice is a bit...naive.

I have often been told to watch out for people who instead of answering your question...they change the subject.

My original question to you Rick, is where are the other pictures of the Democratic Presidents who should be shown on your serial killers listing.

I hope I was polite enough for you this time! I certainly wouldn't want to hurt your feelings, or insult you in any way!
I'll leave that up to someone else.
jekyl9 Offline
#221 Posted:
Joined: 03-28-2004
Posts: 200
oh i'm sorry.....did i miss the proof we found of nuclear and chemical weapons that were found......

oh yes we did find a chemical suit somewhere....yep thats proof enough......lets nuke the bastards now.....oh hold many chemical suits can be found at any military base in the USA....hell i guess we have chemical weapons too.

i'm sorry i must be stupid or you are paranoid to think some third world country with limited resouces can launch that type of attack without the weapons.

also the party in power when the 9/11 commission was formed was which one again????????? even if you want to believe it was bi-partisan then why has nobody produced proof that Iraq had anything to do with the 9/11 attack or any chemical or nuclear weapons? according the the WORLD ACCORDING TO BUSH thats why we invaded a sovereign nation and killed a load of people.

let me answer that for you junior...BECAUSE GEORGI PORGI CAN'T ADMIT HE WAS WRONG!!!!! he should be on his knees apologizing for sending our people over there to get killed for nothing. he should apologize to the Iraqi who are just there trying to grind out a living for killing their families. i'll let him off the hook for the national debt.

but no... Georgi stands up and says yeah i know there were no chemical weapons over there so i will just change the reason we are there now. must be nice to be able to make it up as you go but hey thats what daddy's money will buy you.
qmechanics Offline
#222 Posted:
Joined: 09-06-2002
Posts: 1,269
Response: A picture I believe you posted was one of the american soldiers killed in Iraq making a portrait of Busch. It was displayed proudly at Moore's web sight.

Thom Offline
#223 Posted:
Joined: 12-08-2003
Posts: 6,117
So, many posts, so little tolerance.
qmechanics Offline
#224 Posted:
Joined: 09-06-2002
Posts: 1,269
I do not believe you understood me Rick. I was not justifying the Japanese internment but quite the opposite. I was clarifying a part of the history providing a quote and a link for those interested(Your arguement is with these historians not me and does not disagree with your account persay). Read the post carefully and you will see this. I found such treatment to be dispicable and know of a Japanese couple who were involved in that situation as well. Any understatement was meant for the effect to drive home a point that you so graciously fell into that the camps in WW 2 were far worse than the current situation in Cuba (read on). In essence I did a Rick on you watching you explode for my own purposes perhaps even entertainment.

usahog Offline
#225 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691

not once have you answered any of my direct questions... you continuiously babel on and on about George Bush this or that... and toss your drivel out for all to see what an A$$ you are...

"i'm sorry i must be stupid or you are paranoid to think some third world country with limited resouces can launch that type of attack without the weapons."

Cocain and many other drugs make it into the United States every day and in large quantities... what makes you the expert on your above Statement about someone being paranoid or in other words you are Stupid? I'll go with the later on that one... it would not be hard for anyone to bring in biological or chemical weapons in enough quantity to wreek havok on the United States and the Stock Market... this has been tried done and failed... all because one President of the United States didn't have the cherry's to stand up and do something about it.... (your Beloved Willy J. Clinton) the one you boasted about on another thread... 1993 first world trade center bombing... the terrorist also had a mass quantity of Sarin Gas they used along with the explosion they thought would drop the WTC building one into another and then this Gas would spread out and kill many others... you call it paranoia.. I call it Facts and just showed you some... all I've seen come out of your Yapper is ignorance....

go watch the fictitious "Smallpox" movie that has been running on FX channel.. I posted a thread on this awhile back.. and then lets talk about something like this not happening from a third world country...

you do not debate on a relitive level as anyone else instead you would rather jump around from post to post spilling your blanter here and there... you got a problem with regular debate on issue's? or are you really just an A$$Hole who likes to keep things stired up??

Charlie Offline
#226 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

Jekyl9 is one of the crap stirrers that uses GWB as his fall guy for all of his bitching and mewling!

qmechanics Offline
#227 Posted:
Joined: 09-06-2002
Posts: 1,269

let's see "NON-American terrorist combatants" i think that is a rumsfield phrase, and you parrot it. do you even know what it means.

Answer: Actually I do but you forgot the magic word: Mostly meaning not all.

"To imply that the current situation at Guantanamo is worse than the Japanese internment is beyond belief."

i guess that we the game wardens at manzanar forgot to torture the japanese prisoners to find out what hirohito's next moves were.

Answer: You missed the point here. First you accuse me of misguided history about the Japanese internment(I read the quote again and I do believe you have a case against the interpretation of suspcicious Japanese. I should have edited the direct quote a bit to illustrate my interpretation of those words, which by the way are not far from your own)and then you fail to realize that the situations are very different. In fact I am not sure that you see how your comments cheapen what happened to the Japenese in the camps.

"Who are these Guantanamo prisoners? They are mostly non American combatants (Only a few of the prisoners from Afghanistan or Iraq were Americans. Most of them could be labeled traitors ,in the traditional sense of the word, for picking up arms against America)"

where did you get the most crap. i think there was one dumb young kid who got trapped in the teachings of the taliban.

Answer: "Mostly" Rick the key word in the phrase is "Mostly".Why do you refuse to understand that word? I know all about the young Kid.His name is John Walker Lindh for your information.

"who do not even have the decency to wear uniforms or display their intentions (A broken Geneva convention rule which is legal grounds to forfit their rights set by the convention and perhaps lead them to excution,read below)"

if you are caught as a spy, not in the uniform of the country you are spying for, you are subject to be hanged. of course if you were an american spy during the second world war and wore the uniform of an american soldier, you might not be able to spy on and get any good secrets to send back in your secret radio in the attic of the house in which you were renting a room. these people were not even spies. they were enemy soldiers who couldn't afford uniforms and if they were non-combatants, why were they subject to arrest. i don't believe the police can arrest anyone for suspicion without due cause, unless you are a minority driving a fancy car and then you can be arrested for DWB or DWM.

Answer:Now it is you who are making little sense. The Geneva convention goes beyond your common definition of noninform combatents.Your logic appears to be the following "these people were not even spies".
1. I believe there are some in detention who could be classified as spies but surely not all.Anyway Rick goes on to say
"they were enemy soldiers who couldn't afford uniforms and if they were non-combatants, why were they subject to arrest"
2. So if they could not be spies and could not afford uniforms (Highly Dubious) then they are non combatents? Did you read the Geneva convention? It covers this issue. The ability to afford or not afford a uniform is not the question. The issue is one of displaying your intent for comabat in lines with the Convention.

Besides Rick I am not saying that all prisoners are equally guilty nor am I saying that there are not a few innocent people in the prison (In fact there have been releases of a few detainees due to lack of evidence. Of course I do believe this should be continually looked into). As to nonuniform combatents look at the post with the Geneva convention it is clear. The combatents should make their intentions known in the fashion that the article expresses if not then they are not subject to the benefits of protection the Convention allows(This is about more than just spies Rick). I gave you a hard post,a direct quote from the convention on this issue.There is a link that follows if you would like top read it.

"who kidnap innocent civilians (some of who were simply there to aid the Iraqi people) torture and behead them, who wish the death of America, who hide behind children that strap bombs to their bodies to kill more children( A largely Palestinian atrocity but it is happening in Iraq etc...... is disgraceful to Muslim,Christian,Jew, Hindu ,Athiest alike."

i agree and i'm not even one of the group you mentioned. the people at guantanamo are not the people you are refering to. and they have been there so long, that even if they knew anything it wouldn't matter anymore. it would be old news.

Answer: Some in Cuba are responsible for said acts (I will admit I did a bit of research and cannot confirm that a plotter of strap on bombing is there though the source I gathered this information from is thought to be reliable). Rick just look at the crimes in Afghanistan, the Taliban besides harboring El-Qaeda and being complicit in their crimes were directly guilty of terrorism; the terror inflicted on their own people by draconian laws and harsh punishment(Please do some reading on the horrors of the Taliban.There are plenty of sources outside the United States and Rumsfeld). It is horrible but I suppose the Afghan people do not deserve to be protected like those in the United States(Come on Rick I know you want to bite on this one ;-) ).Speaking of the United States many who are in Cuba are no friend to the U.S. .In fact meny in are a part of El-Qaeda as you and everyone else here knows well.
qmechanics Offline
#228 Posted:
Joined: 09-06-2002
Posts: 1,269
I hope you caught the pun Busch instead of Bush ;-). I wish that you would lighten up and realise that your own provocative pics produce provocative answers. For instance, my first post was meant to get you going(It worked magnificently). As to the opinion you hold about my ignorance,understanding the truth is simply a matter of reading and asking for clarification when topics are unclear or heated. It appears that you play the game differently when the tables are turned acting with indignation. But that is ok because I think it is fun. Besides name calling in a serious debate is the last resort for _______ , do you not agree?

PS I would appreciate kindness towards my typing errors.
usahog Offline
#229 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691

I did not get all the way through your post topic, so if I stepped over you with pointing out also as I had on another thread dating back to 1993 when this piss and moaning was going on for the poor b@stards at Gitmo...

John Walker Lindh, he gave up his citizenship when he drew up arms against the United States... it is section 3 of the United States code for being or becoming a citezen of these United States and keeping citezenship.. he was not even entitled to be tried in this country because of section 3 violations... and above all not one of these Prisoners at Gitmo or elsewhere Afghanistan are to be considered covered under the Genivia Convention or called Soldiers or hold that title.. they are Combatents without a government or Country they were/are fighting for... all different rules apply and killing them outright should be the number one issue rather then the backwards ways and BS it has come to nowadays... these poor b@stards would cut Rick and or Jekyl9's throat in a heartbeat and not blink an eye to do so.. so these bleeding heart SOB who feel sorry for the treatment of these POS's should be the one's caring for them on a daily basis... then they can see what their crying over...

to even think there is a difference/comparison between a pair of women's panty's on someone's head compared to a persons Head literally resting on their sternum after being fully removed is beyond and doubt that person who shows pitty needs to see a shrink...

I say release them all.. give each one a surfboard, a compass, a canteen full of pigs blood, bottle of water, chum (used for fishing in the ocean) and send them on their way from cuba back to Afghanistan or homeland of their choice... but even this is too good of Justice!!!

again sorry if I stepped over any of your post.. I'll now go back to reading this thread...

usahog Offline
#230 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
qmechanics Offline
#231 Posted:
Joined: 09-06-2002
Posts: 1,269
Hi Hog
No problem Hog, I did not want to get bogged down about the status of John and his American citizenship. I simply wanted to move on to the larger point of the Geneva convention, the type and status of the prisoners etc.... . There have been a few misunderstandings in the posts where clarification has been in order (I admit I like to tweak Rick once in a while but clarification is needed when a misunderstood statement from my posts is characterised as being bigoted etc.... . I dislike it when when people resort to that level of name calling but what do you do?I typically have little time for such accusations but felt that a quickly typed response had been in order. In any case the bigger issue is the fact that the detainees are there for a reason and for the most part are not covered under the Geneva convention etc. . Besides it is kind of fun turning the tables on Rick....
Charlie Offline
#232 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

10-4 on your freedom for the criminals in Gitmo!

usahog Offline
#233 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
"I dislike it when when people resort to that level of name calling but what do you do?"

qmechanics, do as I do.. I LMAO at these fools who cannot reply or respond back with anything but backlash name calling or even something so feable as show me the facts.. because no matter how much you show them the facts.. they're dead set in their way of thinking and you couldn't change their minds with a hollow point 44 Mag... they will also just run from any decent discourse when they see they have no debate information to back up their theories or drivel for that matter...

I do enjoy discussion with Adroomi... he is very knowledgble on the ways of life in some of these "**** hole" country's around the world with hands on experiences that cannot be taken out of a text book or lectured in a class room... it is something that has to be experienced hands on... and it is up to the individual to want to make the effort to understand the strugles...

I used the term "**** hole" in front of country's above for the simple fact that many of us Americans view them as **** hole based on the living we have here in the USA... but the culture of people from these country's would simply amaze many here on CBid forums... I enjoyed each and every place I had the chance to visit and made it a point to get out and try and communicate with the Natives of all these places... I recommend it to everyone... walk a mile in their shoes...


qmechanics Offline
#234 Posted:
Joined: 09-06-2002
Posts: 1,269
Hi Rick
I would love to share a smoke with you some time. I hope my antagonism and a few ideas said in fun are not to offensive. I believe a much better conversation would result between you and I over a good smoke (Being a Student my supply is not always up to the task but I get by ;By the way what cigars do you normally smoke? I enjoy a good La Gloria Series R 6 or 7, CAO extremes brazilias etc.., Serie 55 etc.... well any way you get the idea.). We probably would not agree on some issues but at least we would be understood. Of course outside of the occasional lets "tweak each other a ittle bit more" type of antics; I do trust that you are well. Also please note that I believe that most Buddhists Agnostics spiritualists animalists, wickans,Taoist, S.O.B.'s etc... also would agree that terror sponsored beheadings, bombings etc... are not a good thing. I put in the S.O.B. and the etc.. ;-) just in case you were not covered by any of the previous groups.
jekyl9 Offline
#235 Posted:
Joined: 03-28-2004
Posts: 200
geez hog you sound a little upset that someone disagrees with you and the other sheep out there.....

you compare drugs to chemical weapons?????

let see now drug dealers are not psychotic religios zealots. they are businessmen. i acutally support the legalization of everything.

also if you read the 9/11 report it was a failure on both the Slick Willie and Georgi regimes...this all happened over time. it took almost 30 years to downgrade NORAD to the point where it was useless on 9/11.......the attack on 9/11 was inevitable. why are we so outraged and shocked that now we have to contend with what other countries in this world contend with on a daily basis.

i don't blame GW for 9/11.....i blame him for his stupid reaction to it. if you think we are safer today because of the Office of Homeland Security its time you woke up. quiz time genius; what do the color codes mean? don't worry. nobody else does either.

all i'm saying is that GW and co. should pull all the troops out of Iraq as there is nothing left to do but leave. we knocked a 3rd world country back into the stone age. do you really think that we are going to "americanize" a country of Muslims? you can't be that stupid, can you?

its time you and the rest of the flock woke up and realized Georgi Porgi is an idiot who happened to get lucky and get elected because we had limited choices of who to elect. i mean how much worse could Kerry be? i guess we will never know.

now proceed to call me a communist and other names as that appears to be your response to anyone who has a differnt opinion. try not to be so sensitive and learn to laugh at GW like the rest of us do.
qmechanics Offline
#236 Posted:
Joined: 09-06-2002
Posts: 1,269
Hi Hog
I do appreciate the post and your comments. Actually I am not really offended by Rick's response in fact I expected something accusational. However when so confronted I will clarify my position as necessary. A problem I have is that I simply do not have the time to post all that I would like. I am a grad student and at best my posts are written on the fly and sent without correction. I would not mind sitting down with Rick or yourself to talk . I am sure the conversation would be lively and inviting. In fact if you are ever in Gainesville or Daytona send me an email ([email protected]) and I will see if we can enjoy a smoke and conversation. I believe with a good cigar in hand most sne people can speak about these issues without the same antagonism or intensity ,perhaps even listen and learn. That was one of the most attractive thing about cigars when I first started. The great conversations I would have sitting back with a good smoke.
qmechanics Offline
#237 Posted:
Joined: 09-06-2002
Posts: 1,269
"Sane people" I guess the question is who is sane?
#238 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
hi Q

i think mostly i smoke bohemians, but i like some of the sherpas i have been buying at auction. it is strange to call it winning, it just means you bid more then someone else.

i went through my "acid cigars" phase, and there is acooler chest with about 100 sitting on my front lawn waiting for someone to take it. probably the fact that it is now full of water is preventing it's theft.

i know you guys that are used to snow and storms and real weather, but here in ca we don't get weather.

the last two weeks or so we have gotten 20" of rain, more then a regular season of rain, jan to jun, average 14". a hill collapsed from the rain and 5 or more house disappeared. so calif is not ready for any kind of weather except 10% possibility of rain and cloudy.

tweaking is part of the game. some of my "foes" take themselves too seriously.

as far as sob's or etc's, i don't know what you could define me as. i don't do pray, i don't do thank you god, i don't pay any attention to religious convictions except when i debate and i try my best not to insult some idiot's idea that there is god, that there is a life after death, that there is a heaven and hell, that we all "sin", whatever that is,
and like the movies of our ancestors the neanderthal ape people, that we should sit in a cave,frightened of the rain pouring down and fearing the unknown rain god and the god of darkness and the rock god, etc.

the entire idea of a god, singluar or many, is so primitive, i would think by now people would matured enough to understand that to live in peace with others simply means live in peace and you don't need a reward after you die.

now that i completed another days life like the last two, i will watch terminal. we watched bourne supremacy and troy, the terminal should be more peaceful.

we did watch "TAKE DOWN" the story of kevin mitnick and it had more suspense then i have seen in a non-violent movie in a long time. i give it 5 stars.

have a cigar.

usahog Offline
#239 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
geez hog you sound a little upset that someone disagrees with you and the other sheep out there.....

A: Nope not upset at all…It takes allot to get me upset, and discussion on this forum is the furthest thing to doing that then anything…disagreements are good for the soul… but there also has to be a good reasoning behind the disagreements??

you compare drugs to chemical weapons?????

A: yes I do in the sense that they can both be easily brought into the United States in massive amounts, enough that does destruction in the form they were created for.. I was using the easy way for years the drug smugglers have managed to get this through and on into this Country. Not the comparison of Drugs to Chemical Weapons,

let see now drug dealers are not psychotic religios zealots. they are businessmen. i acutally support the legalization of everything.

A: Do you know many of these (drug dealers) personally? Their business is not behind a desk at Citicorp passing out Visa credit cards and their interests are not all the same ;0)… there are actually drug smugglers who have been cought dealing with Terrorists…

also if you read the 9/11 report it was a failure on both the Slick Willie and Georgi regimes...this all happened over time. it took almost 30 years to downgrade NORAD to the point where it was useless on 9/11.......the attack on 9/11 was inevitable. why are we so outraged and shocked that now we have to contend with what other countries in this world contend with on a daily basis.

A: Complacency, not in any one person but in everyone as a whole… I am also to blame for this the same as yourself… vigilance and giving a **** can and will make a difference.. and Has to some extent… damn shame it had to hit us point blank in the face to wake us ALL Up!!!!

i don't blame GW for 9/11.....i blame him for his stupid reaction to it. if you think we are safer today because of the Office of Homeland Security its time you woke up. quiz time genius; what do the color codes mean? don't worry. nobody else does either.

A: don’t try and play on my Emotions with this one… we are safer with the way Government has changed many of its way of doing IE: CIA keeping information from FBI and vise versa…
Yes I understand the Terrorist threat level and the color codes… sorry to hear you do not and feel others around you do not either.. I sense paranoia in your paragraph above.. don’t worry someone close to you working or funning will bail you’re a$$ out if need be. There are those out there who do give a **** about the issue. Genius? not by far, I’m just another common man who resides in these United States and gives a **** enough about his Country and other common folks to keep my vigilance upheld…

all i'm saying is that GW and co. should pull all the troops out of Iraq as there is nothing left to do but leave. we knocked a 3rd world country back into the stone age. do you really think that we are going to "americanize" a country of Muslims? you can't be that stupid, can you?

A: the word you are looking for is Westernize not Americanize, and Yes to some extent this has already happened. To be a full extent, No Way.. and this is not what this Administration nor the Allies to this cause are trying to accomplish. We are over there trying to help a Country that was run and ruined by a dictatorship that did not help nor care for it’s own people for decades... we are helping this new Country get back on it’s feet and establish a self ruling government.. when this is accomplished just as it was in Germany after WWII… we will only be showing a presence in the area of concern and no more… pulling the Soldiers out and allowing Iraq and it’s people fall flat on their a$$ now would only cause 100% more casualties later and not just American Lives… you as I have stated before have no care or concern accept for yourself with a thought like your above paragraph..

its time you and the rest of the flock woke up and realized Georgi Porgi is an idiot who happened to get lucky and get elected because we had limited choices of who to elect. i mean how much worse could Kerry be? i guess we will never know.

A: Thank God we will never know, (with Kerry) and until you knock that chip off your shoulder you’ll never see a difference and no one would have a chance at enlightening you to the difference… GWB has shown in his last 4 yrs in office a hell of allot more care for his position then his predecessor, and has done more on protecting the interests of these United States then I have Seen, Read, or Heard of from ANY of the Democratic Party we’ve HAD or have holding office Today…

now proceed to call me a communist and other names as that appears to be your response to anyone who has a differnt opinion. try not to be so sensitive and learn to laugh at GW like the rest of us do.

A: Never once did I call you a commi… that word left my vocabulary when the wall came down…now I have called you an A$$hole and some other choice words because of your post and run and never coming back with a decent debate of an issue always spewing your Anti this or that drivel and not responding to any questions asked from you… for now I will hold my tongue and see what other debate materials you can produce because all the above has been covered to some extent don’t you think?

hup4 Offline
#240 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2002
Posts: 223
Well done Hog!

I heard an analogy the other day of another reason we are in Iraq besides getting Saddam out of power...and of course the one about Georgi Porgi wanting oil(LOL).

The powers that be, decided that since all the terrorists are in the Middle East, that would be the best place to keep them.
Instead of us fighting them on the streets of N.Y. and Chicago, it would be best for our Military to fight them over there. That's what our Military does best!! It seems to be working that least for now, and it sounds like a more realistic plan than I've heard anywhere else.
I hate to see anyone get hurt or killed but those people in the Middle East have been fighting wars since the begining of time.

I wonder what everyone elses' thoughts are on that analogy?
#241 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i don't know what you mean by "It seems to be working."
hup4 Offline
#242 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2002
Posts: 223
Since I haven't heard of any car bombings or terrorist activity in the U.S. lately, it would appear that they are staying on their own turf. It seems they are content for now just fighting the U.S. military.
tallcool1 Offline
#243 Posted:
Joined: 10-27-2002
Posts: 71
Where is Saddams picture you dumb ass?Bush stopped the murder of Iraqs and future Americans via a hand off of a Nuke too Al-Qieda,wake up dude!!!!
qmechanics Offline
#244 Posted:
Joined: 09-06-2002
Posts: 1,269
Hi Rick
I to enjoy the Bohemians. I was not a big fan of Victor Sinclair until these smokes came out (Bohemian,Serie 55, Bohemian Revolution etc). As to the SOB etc comment well that was meant tongue and cheek. The content of your metaphysical position(or lack there of) appears to have an athiestic bend (Perhaps an agnostic if you do acknowledge the possibility of a God). I respect all opinions on said matters. I have read a few titles on the subject from authors like Anthony Flew to Aquinas. I believe that each sides convictions have reasonable foundations. It appears to me that at some point the decision as to what one believes lies in some combination of reason (which arguemnet do you find more complete/probable) faith (One cannot be 100% sure can one?),personality, and experience. Well any way I am sorry to hear about your current weather conditions. I am from Florida so rain is common here. We do have to watch out for hurricanes however.
By the way I have a few friends in California. If I am ever out that way I will drop you an email.

qmechanics Offline
#245 Posted:
Joined: 09-06-2002
Posts: 1,269
Hi Rick
A movie buff? I have been enjoying mostly foriegn films as of late like 400 Blows, Nastalghia, Cuckoo etc.. I have also been really interested in American Cinema from the late 1940's to 1960's. I just picked up A Street Car Named Desire, The Hustler,The Long Hot Summer, etc.. . Why doesn't Hollywood come up with plots like these anymore (Rhetorical; What sells sells)?So Rick sit down and enjoy a smoke. Do not forget to put the prisoner in cell number three and give him a drink............. . You have my gratitude. ;-).
Q signing off til we clash again.
PS It is you who has been out bidding me on Bohemian bids?
qmechanics Offline
#246 Posted:
Joined: 09-06-2002
Posts: 1,269
Hi : Thom
I do not have to respect anothers opinion to be tolerant nor do I have to agree with said opinion. But I do respect anothers right to write,speak etc.
A society is as sure to die from a lack of debate as it is from the forceful installment of only one opinion. I believe many in the Tolerant school of thought today would prefer no debate but simply a life of nonchallenged bliss. No strong opinions or debate = no hate crimes, togetherness, love etc..???? This is not tolerance but ignorance which is bliss. It doesn't account for much when predicate upon a false assumption. What a wonderfull world Hmmmmmmmmmm.
Robusto Churchill Offline
#247 Posted:
Joined: 09-27-2004
Posts: 43
Real funny Rick.
You suck.
#248 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i see this post breaks your cherry. welcome aboard the boards.

double dumb ass, i only had room for 4.

and as for nukes, double dumb ass, what do you know that no one else in the world does.

what does "via a hand off of a" mean double dumb ass

wake up double dude
halfoak Offline
#249 Posted:
Joined: 01-29-2003
Posts: 3
thank god it GW and not you
#250 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

drop in any time.

as far as bohemians, i even like "la bohéme"

as far as the god thing, it's like the bush thing. neither subject is only good for a debate or discussion. i'm too old and out of the loop to give a damn what bush does to the country.

what he does will be at the pleasure of the guys on these boards who voted for him and gave him permission to do. i'm just sorry that the "great experiment" will soon be ending because of a little shrub.

as far as the god thing, an intelligent force guiding the destiny of all if us, excuse me except the christians who know everything, excuse me except the muslims who know everything, excuse me except for the ------ (fill in the blanks), the idea is childish.

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