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Last post 12 years ago by DrMaddVibe. 147 replies replies.
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Tea Party vs. Occupiers
DrMaddVibe Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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OCTOBER 4, 2011 12:00 A.M.
The Left’s Pathetic Tea Party
The Occupy Wall Street movement is a juvenile rabble.

In the Occupy Wall Street movement, the Left thinks it might have found its own tea party. and some unions have embraced the protesters. The left-wing Campaign for America’s Future is featuring them at its conference devoted to reinvigorating progressivism. Liberal opinion-makers have celebrated them — Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne welcomes their spirit, and New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof compares them, astonishingly enough, to the demonstrators at Egypt’s Tahrir Square.

This is a sign either of desperation to find anyone on the left still energized after three years of Hope and Change, or of a lack of standards, or both. The Left’s tea party is a juvenile rabble, a woolly-headed horde that has been laboring to come up with one concrete demand on the basis of its — in the words of one sympathetic writer — “horizontal, autonomous, leaderless, modified-consensus-based system with roots in anarchist thought.”

The Right’s tea party had its signature event at a rally at the Lincoln Memorial where everyone listened politely to patriotic exhortations and picked up their trash and went home. The Left’s tea party closed down a major thoroughfare in New York City — the Brooklyn Bridge — and saw its members arrested in the hundreds.
On the cusp of the confrontation, the protesters chanted “This is what democracy looks like,” betraying an elemental confusion between lawbreaking for the hell of it and free discussion. They flatter themselves that, in contrast to the wealthiest 1 percent, they represent “the 99 percent.” It might be true if the entire country consisted of stereotypically aging hippies and young kids who could have just left a Phish concert.

What was remarkable about the Right’s tea party is that it depended on solid burghers who typically don’t have the time or inclination to protest anything. Occupy Wall Street is a project of people who do little besides protest. It’s all down to a standard operating procedure: the guitars, the drums, the street theater, the age-old chants. If the perpetual rallying cry of demonstrators is to be believed, “the whole world” does little else than “watch” activists stage protests.

The New York Times quoted one Occupy Wall Street veteran telling a newcomer: “It doesn’t matter what you’re protesting. Just protest.” That captures the coherence of the exercise, which is a giant, ideologically charged, post-adolescent sleepover complete with face paint and pizza deliveries.

“The Declaration of the Occupation of New York City,” the first official release of Occupy Wall Street, is Marxism for people whose familiarity with Marx probably begins and ends with seeing his bearded visage on some T-shirt. It thunders that “corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth.”

The myriad charges against corporate America include poisoning the food supply, torturing animals, and using the military to suppress freedom of the press. Of course, corporations stand accused — in a hardy perennial — of perpetuating colonialism. The long list of complaints is thoughtfully affixed with an asterisk and an accompanying note, “These grievances are not all-inclusive.”

The Tea Party had such an impact because it had a better claim on the middle of America than its adversaries. It wrapped itself in our history and patriotic trappings. It plugged in to the political system and changed the course of the country in the 2010 elections. The Left went from denying it, to ridiculing it, to envying it.

Occupy Wall Street is not a real answer. It is both more self-involved and more ambitious than the Tea Party. It represents an ill-defined, free-floating radicalism. Its fuzzy endpoint is a “revolution” no one can precisely describe, but the thrust of which is overturning our system of capitalism as we know it. If elected Democrats dare associate their sagging party with this project, they need immediately to consult their nearest psychiatrist and political consultant, in that order.

Occupy Wall Street is toxic and pathetic, the perfect distillation of an American Left in extremis.

— Rich Lowry is the editor of National Review. He can be reached via e-mail: [email protected]. © 2011 by King Features Syndicate
Stinkdyr Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2009
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no teabagging on da bridge yo !!

DrMaddVibe Offline
#53 Posted:
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How many Tea Party protestors have been arrested at any of the events they've held nationwide?whip
dubleuhb Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 03-20-2011
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May I suggest these hoodlums type up a resume, put on a suit get a haircut and then go look for a job. The more I read about this the more idiotic it appears. Get a job hippie !
DrafterX Offline
#55 Posted:
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DrMaddVibe wrote:

The New York Times quoted one Occupy Wall Street veteran telling a newcomer: “It doesn’t matter what you’re protesting. Just protest.”

ahh yes... just like the Bush era.... noone really knew why they didn't like him... but they were cool... Mellow
DrMaddVibe Offline
#56 Posted:
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dubleuhb wrote:
May I suggest these hoodlums type up a resume, put on a suit get a haircut and then go look for a job. The more I read about this the more idiotic it appears. Get a job hippie !

You don't have any idea what's going on there unless you're walking past the park every day. So said the resident bailout recipient.

I'd die laughing if CBC would tell them who he works for. They'd skin him alive.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#57 Posted:
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Big Soros Money Linked to “Occupy Wall Street” | Print |
WEDNESDAY, 05 OCTOBER 2011 15:59
Labor unions, communists, “community organizers,” socialists, and anti-capitalist agitators have all joined together to “Occupy Wall Street” and protest against “greed,” corporations, and bankers. But despite efforts to portray the movement as “leaderless” or “grassroots,” it is becoming obvious that there is much more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye.

Billionaire financier George Soros’ fingerprints, for example, have been all over the anti-Wall Street campaign from the very beginning. And this week, the infamous hedge-fund boss publicly announced his sympathy for the protesters and their complaints about bailouts — despite the fact that he lobbied for even greater unconstitutional handouts to bankers in 2009.

“Actually I can understand their sentiment, frankly,” he told reporters while announcing a large donation to the United Nations. “I can sympathize with their grievances.”

But Soros’ support for the protesters goes far beyond his tepid public statements. In fact, the original call to “Occupy Wall Street” came from the magazine AdBusters, an “anti-consumerist” publication financed by, among other sources, the Soros-funded Tides Foundation.

Other Soros-backed outfits promoting big government — some with myriad ties to the Obama administration — are also publicly driving the occupation campaign., for instance, has received millions of dollars from the billionaire banker. And now, the group is urging its supporters to join the Occupy Wall Street movement as well.

“Over the last two weeks, an amazing wave of protest against Wall Street and the big banks has erupted across the country,” MoveOn said in a recent e-mail to supporters, praising the “brave” demonstrators. “On Wednesday, MoveOn members will join labor and community groups in New York City for a huge march down to the protest site — the biggest yet.”

On top of supplying activists to join the demonstrations, MoveOn is also staging what it calls a “massive ‘Virtual March on Wall Street’ online.” The Internet-based demonstrations are a collaborative effort with another radical and well-connected outfit tied to Soros called Rebuild the Dream.

Led by self-described communist and former Obama administration czar Van Jones, the “Dream” movement is a partnership between a host of Soros-financed “progressive” groups. Big Labor and even Planned Parenthood — the largest abortion provider in America, which receives hundreds of millions of tax dollars each year — are partners, too.

“Together, we'll add hundreds of thousands of voices of solidarity from the American Dream Movement for the protests across the country and show just how widespread outrage at the Wall Street banks really is,” MoveOn boasted in its e-mail.

Other groups working with Rebuild the Dream are also publicly hyping the demonstrations. And more than a few of them are on the Soros payroll as well. Some examples include People For The American Way, Planned Parenthood, Campaign For America's Future, Democracy For America, Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights, Common Cause, Public Campaign, and many more.

Soros, of course, has a long history of financing organizations targeting the American system of government. He has also served on the board of the immensely influential global-governance-promoting Council on Foreign Relations.

Just last year, Soros claimed that the brutal communist dictatorship ruling mainland China should lead what he calls the “New World Order.” The Chinese tyrants, meanwhile, have also been touting Occupy Wall Street through the regime’s propaganda organs.

But Soros does not love the despots in Beijing for their commitment to “equality” or “democracy.” As The New American reported, behind Soros and his tens of billions lies even more wealth and power: the unimaginably vast Rothschild banking empire.

One of the richest men in the world today, Soros has been in legal trouble for corruption before — in France, for instance, he was fined more than $2 million for his illegal scheming. So, critics noted, it might seem ironic that the textbook example of a “corrupt financier” would finance a protest supposedly aimed at corrupt financiers. But the irony hardly ends there.

Union bosses and others intimately linked to President Obama — whose top campaign contributors included Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and other big banks — are also playing a key role in the Wall Street protests. The protesters are even recycling administration talking points such as the old “the rich should be forced to pay their 'fair share'" — despite the fact that the “Buffett rule” tax proposal being advanced would almost exclusively soak what remains of the middle class.

But that might be the point. According to reports and analysts, the whole anti-Wall Street movement has been carefully orchestrated by the Obama-linked anti-capitalist union titans and tax-funded “community organizers.” A troubling plot to essentially finish off capitalism was exposed earlier this year, and at the time it was blasted as “economic terrorism.” Even more disturbing: It was uncannily similar to the growing Wall Street demonstrations.

Community organizer Stephen Lerner of the SEIU, a regular White House guest, was caught on video in March discussing the scheme to “bring down the stock market” and "destabilize" the nation — all with the stated goal of "redistributing wealth." And while the whole conspiracy was not revealed because Lerner suspected police were present, the strategies he mentioned included civil disobedience and mass anti-banker protests.

Another conspirator said to be pulling the strings, disgraced ACORN founder and union boss Wade Rathke, was advocating massive “Day of Rage” protests targeting bankers earlier this year. And he is also closely tied to Obama, who actually used to work for Rathke’s “community organizing” outfit.

ACORN, of course, was recently exposed engaging in widespread criminal activity while receiving millions of federal tax dollars. But after the organization filed for bankruptcy, its tentacles are taking over under new names — and still receiving government handouts.

Rathke is also a founding board member of the Soros-funded Tides Foundation, a key source of money for AdBusters magazine (which first called for the Wall Street occupation) and countless other anti-business groups. And he is directly tied to more than a few unions including the SEIU.

Beyond Big Labor and Soros “front groups,” as critics call them, is also a vast collection of socialist and Marxist organizations supporting the demonstrations. The Socialist Party USA, the Marxist-oriented Workers World Party, the International Committee of the Fourth International, and the Communist Party USA-affiliated People’s World are all publicly and openly backing the movement.

While the occupation movement purports to be “leaderless,” in reality, critics say its leaders and financiers are barely concealed. According to analysts, the protests — which are quickly spreading to cities across the United States, Canada, and Europe — actually represent a well-orchestrated operation being used by the very same elite “one percent” supposedly being protested against.

The “official” goals remain murky so far, almost certainly not by chance. But it is becoming increasingly apparent that liberty and honest money are not among the demands. Rather, bigger government, higher taxes, and an end to what remains of the free market system seem to be at the top of the list.

So...still anyone thinking that they're like the Tea Party now?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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The more you look...the more you find.


Take a bath you filthy animals!!
pgje51 Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2006
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Several arrests earlier this morning of occupiers who decided to ignore the 'no overnight camping law in the park near the capitol in Sacramento CA. On the news last night, they asked the local organizer "What is your purpose?, Why are You Doing this?. What is your mission? The buffoon responded that they had a team working on exactly determining that and he would let them know later.

Gave me flashbacks of 'seizing' the Administration Building on campus in 1971. THe Rhode Island state police were not amused.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#60 Posted:
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After you read the article and watch the video clip...don't forget to read the comments.

Damn there's some good ones in there!whip
ZRX1200 Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Definitely been co-opted now no doubt. Soros money, D's trying to leach camera time.......

Too bad as many there are protesting the fed and the banking system.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#62 Posted:
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ZRX1200 wrote:
Definitely been co-opted now no doubt. Soros money, D's trying to leach camera time.......

Too bad as many there are protesting the fed and the banking system.

They don't have a single cause...this is just Obama's reelection campaign.

Hope and Change puked them out.

They were lied to.

They were bamboozled!whip
apachelm Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2008
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Not sure who coined it but you gotta love the occupiers being called "The TEAT Party"
Brewha Offline
#64 Posted:
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apachelm wrote:
. . . . called "The TEAT Party"

Sounds like a Wheel thing . . . .
FuzzNJ Offline
#65 Posted:
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The United States government has allowed corporations, whether its oil companies, banks, pharmaceuticals, or whatever, to have the power in the nation under the lie that their rising profits are the key to economic salvation. Now, after decades of corporate-friendly policies, mostly to the detriment of the individual worker, the lie has been made plain. If the Tea Party had not been racist and gun-toting and stupid and easily manipulated from the start, it would have had the same message.

It's a call to abide by the notion that we are a group of united states, not a bunch of demographics awaiting exploitation.

Our division is what they demand so that we don't actually think about and discuss what's wrong and how it can be solved. They need our division. Our unity is a threat.

In the simplest Marxist terms, capital must be taught a lesson that labor is its superior in the power structure. You want a real revolution, with unemployed, hungry masses demanding your heads? Then ignore this anger.
HockeyDad Offline
#66 Posted:
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Thanks to food stamps there are no hungry masses. That is a lesson learned long ago and not an accident.

....and you are just a bunch of demographics awaiting exploitation.
HockeyDad Offline
#67 Posted:
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FuzzNJ wrote:

In the simplest Marxist terms,

Have you joined the protests yet?
Brewha Offline
#68 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
Have you joined the protests yet?

Do they have cookies?
ZRX1200 Offline
#69 Posted:
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And........fuzzy is back and as commie as ever.
HockeyDad Offline
#70 Posted:
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Brewha wrote:
Do they have cookies?

Only one way to find out....
DrMaddVibe Offline
#71 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
Have you joined the protests yet?

I thought he was their leader!

HockeyDad Offline
#72 Posted:
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Leading from the couch....maybe.
Brewha Offline
#73 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
Leading from the couch....maybe.

Following your example . . . . .
HockeyDad Offline
#74 Posted:
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Brewha wrote:
Following your example . . . . .

Oh really? I would round up all those "Occupiers" and put them in the camps. I'm just waiting for Obama to give the order. So you would follow that example? Get off your couch and join the protests.
Bluedevil Offline
#75 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2006
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Its the Tea Party or the Pee Party!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#76 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
Oh really? I would round up all those "Occupiers" and put them in the camps. I'm just waiting for Obama to give the order. So you would follow that example? Get off your couch and join the protests.

Jeez...Owedumba is looking for his new campaign manager out of that bunch. He's not putting them in camps.

I'd lower periscope if'n I was a globalist...he's gonna turn on everyone to topple the "apple cart" on his way back to the White House. It's scorched earth policy for the incompetents!
DadZilla3 Offline
#77 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
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FuzzNJ wrote:
If the Tea Party had not been racist and gun-toting and stupid and easily manipulated from the start, it would have had the same message.

Damn. There you had a perfect opportunity to trot out the Great One's 'clinging to their guns and religion' quote...and you blew it with a rather weak and tangential paraphrase.
Brewha Offline
#78 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
Oh really? I would round up all those "Occupiers" and put them in the camps.

That is if you could get off the couch . . . . .
HockeyDad Offline
#79 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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You join the protest yet?

Lazy 99%er.
Brewha Offline
#80 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
You join the protest yet?

Lazy 99%er.

You could drive me there. If I could smoke in your Datsun . . . .
HockeyDad Offline
#81 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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You don't have a car. Even our poor have cars. Sounds like another excuse.
Brewha Offline
#82 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
You don't have a car. Even our poor have cars. Sounds like another excuse.

You don’t wanna drive me? Not even fo de cause? ‘come on – I’ll buy us some Ripple, pork rinds, a pint o’ rye and we be flyin’. Goooood times!
HockeyDad Offline
#83 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Why would I drive you? How can I have my foot on the accelerator and simultaneously keep the boot of "The Man" on your throat?
wheelrite Offline
#84 Posted:
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Brewha wrote:
You don’t wanna drive me? Not even fo de cause? ‘come on – I’ll buy us some Ripple, pork rinds, a pint o’ rye and we be flyin’. Goooood times!

da bros drink Hennessy Cognac now..
Brewha Offline
#85 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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HockeyDad wrote:
Why would I drive you? How can I have my foot on the accelerator and simultaneously keep the boot of "The Man" on your throat?

Yo Datsun Broke again, aint it?
HockeyDad Offline
#86 Posted:
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Brewha wrote:
Yo Datsun Broke again, aint it?

So you really want to believe that or are you just making excuses for your inaction?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#87 Posted:
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Shocker. Obama’s Top Political Advisor Directly Linked to Occupy Wall Street Protests
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 10, 2011, 11:45 AM

Obama’s ACORN operative in the White House Patrick Gaspard, a former Working Families Party associate, is helping shape domestic policy–

Obama political advisor Patrick Gaspard holds the same White House position his Bush-era predecessor, Karl Rove, did. But before he was the White House political czar he worked in several far left organizations as activist and agitator. reported:

One of the more disturbing aspects of the Obama-ACORN connection is that the White House political affairs director is one Patrick Gaspard.

Gaspard doesn’t register on the media radar screen in the way that his immediate Bush-era predecessor, Karl Rove, did. But as the New Orleans-based ACORN has been implicated in a host of illegal schemes ranging from voter registration fraud to embezzlement to tax evasion, he may get there. That’s because prior to assuming his current job, Gaspard, at least according to ACORN founder Wade Rathke, had been political director for the New York City chapter of ACORN under Bertha Lewis, who last year replaced Rathke as the group’s chief organizer and CEO. What’s more, he’s worked closely with the ACORN-controlled Working Families Party and the largest local within the Service Employees International Union.

This weekend the Working Families Party of New York, Gaspard’s organization, placed an ad on Craig’s list for paid activists to fight Wall Street.

Here’s their ad:

The Working Families Party (WFP) ( is New York’s most energetic, independent and progressive political party. Formed in 1998 by a grassroots coalition of community organizations, neighborhood activists, and labor unions, we came together to build a society that works for all of us, not just Wall Street CEOs and the well-connected. WFP is independent from corporate and government funding and in-addition we are community based; community funded and equally uninfluenced by both major parties. Our agenda focuses on economic and social justice, corporate accountability, job creation, environmental protection, and investment in education and healthcare.

For the past twelve years the WFP has been at the fore front of progressive politics,

Leading the fight and helping to frame the debate. The WFP has a proud record of fighting for issues that matter and has been instrumental in implementing key pieces of legislation such as Raising New York’s Minimum Wage, Enacting Living Wage Laws, Creating Thousands of Jobs In the Green Economy, Passing Healthcare Reforms on the Local Level, Fighting for Affordable Housing, Keeping Tuition Costs Low, A Progressive Tax Code, Reliable/Cost Effective Public Transit System, Public Financing Of Elections and Corporate Accountability . In addition, we have an unapologetic stance on supporting and pushing good candidates to enact progressive legislation

The WFP is seeking immediate hires.

You must be an energetic communicator, with a passion for social and economic justice.

Only outgoing, articulate dedicated, determined candidates will be considered for the positions.

For those candidates that qualify WFP offers substantial paid-training provided by senior leadership, on varied issues such as: advocacy, public speaking, mobilizing, fundraising, networking and organizing. We invest in passionate people with excellent communication skills and a full benefits package is offered to those candidates that qualify. In addition, there is opportunity for advancement and travel to our satellite chapters and out of state affiliates.

This is not a policy job! Through direct action you will be shaping NY state politics for the next 20 years.

If you care about New York and want to help educate and mobilize around legislative campaigns-then we look forward to hearing from you!
Apply at

What a coincidence!
The organization run by current White House political director Patrick Gaspard is paying far left activists to continue the protests against Wall Street. No wonder Barack Obama supports the far left protest movement!

Told ya this is Owedumba's campaign rally!
Brewha Offline
#88 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
So you really want to believe that or are you just making excuses for your inaction?

I don’t have to believe – because I am not asking to be excused.

You’re too dry HD. The image of the two of us herfing down the freeway, the windows of your aging 510 wide open as the miles go by. How can you pass that by?

Instead you stoically demand that your questions be satisfied and that I give a proper accounting to you. What a bunch of bull hockey – dad.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#89 Posted:
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Brewha wrote:
I don’t have to believe – because I am not asking to be excused.

You’re too dry HD. The image of the two of us herfing down the freeway, the windows of your aging 510 wide open as the miles go by. How can you pass that by?

Instead you stoically demand that your questions be satisfied and that I give a proper accounting to you. What a bunch of bull hockey – dad.

Driving with him? You? Naw. Unless he had the James Bond ejection seat and was driving right next to the Grand Canyon with you.

I could see him running you over...backing up to run over you again and then brake torquing on your worthless ass. Just to hear the lamentation.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#90 Posted:
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SEIU leader telling you how it's going...start showing up at the Banker's homes. Yeah, the Tea Party rallies did that right? No?

One was clearly defined by Americans for America.

The protesters are Owebama's thugs doing his campaigning and trying to destroy Capitalism through redistribution.

Plain and simple. Top on down.

Tigers don't change their stripes.
Brewha Offline
#91 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
Driving with him? You? Naw. Unless he had the James Bond ejection seat and was driving right next to the Grand Canyon with you.

I could see him running you over...backing up to run over you again and then brake torquing on your worthless ass. Just to hear the lamentation.

Too much coffee DMV?

You know, I’m starting to think you don’t like me. And after all the entertainment I have afforded you . . . .
DrafterX Offline
#92 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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Brewha wrote:
Too much coffee DMV?

You know, I’m starting to think you don’t like me. And after all the entertainment I have afforded you . . . .

I think he means it more like an Itchy & Scratchy episode.... no real harm intended... Mellow
Brewha Offline
#93 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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DrafterX wrote:
I think he means it more like an Itchy & Scratchy episode.... no real harm intended... Mellow

Guess I’ll start on my lamentation . . . . .

DrMaddVibe Offline
#94 Posted:
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Brewha wrote:
Guess I’ll start on my lamentation . . . . .


Change your pad too.
HockeyDad Offline
#95 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,305
Don't worry Brewha, I don't expect you to answer my questions. You've already proven that you cannot defend or explain the positions that you've been told you should have. You also will complain but won't get off the couch and protest.

...Then you wonder why Obama tells you one thing and does something completely different. It is because he can and you won't do anything about it.
borndead1 Offline
#96 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2006
Posts: 5,216
DrMaddVibe wrote:

The protesters are Owebama's thugs doing his campaigning and trying to destroy Capitalism through redistribution.

Those idiots don't even know what Capitalism is. The bailouts were pure Socialism.
Brewha Offline
#97 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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HockeyDad wrote:
Don't worry Brewha, I don't expect you to answer my questions. You've already proven that you cannot defend or explain the positions that you've been told you should have. You also will complain but won't get off the couch and protest.

...Then you wonder why Obama tells you one thing and does something completely different. It is because he can and you won't do anything about it.

Why is it that your opinions always come down to someone else being wrong and not having the immeasurable clarity of thought that you do? Even though you haven’t even the slightest shred of evidence to share – and are often afraid to venture an opinion of you own.

Here I extend my hand in BOTL amity, even offering to buy the drinks on our trip. I even had some Black & Milds to share! Yet you only want the hollow validation of insisting another is wrong. Well I tried – Lord knows I tried.

And I’m SORRY about your DATSUN!
Brewha Offline
#98 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,258
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Change your pad too.

Cool your jets DMV.

There, now tell me; are you really a doctor? I mean, I get the mad-vibe part.
dpnewell Offline
#99 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
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Local news was at "Occupy Philadelphia" this morning. Interviewing some hippy leftover who was demanding that minimum wage should be $20 an hour. Do these folks have even half a brain?

Oh, and of course there was trash thrown everywhere. Commenting on the trash, another interviewee stated that all the trash thrown around should be expected as "Democracy is messy". Let me rephrase my question. Do these folks have even a quarter of a brain?

Suppose to get 2 to 3 inches of rain tomorrow. Wonder how many stick it out?
Brewha Offline
#100 Posted:
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