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Last post 11 years ago by ZRX1200. 100 replies replies.
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Humastronaut Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 07-26-2011
Posts: 231
Wow, looks like a lot more big government to me! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
frankj1 Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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Humastronaut wrote:
Wow, looks like a lot more big government to me! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

are you better off than you were 4 years ago?
DadZilla3 Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
Posts: 4,633
Kawak wrote:
Did someone ask for the FACTS about obama?? Here's 41
1 - Fast and Furious - Operation Gun Runner, sent over 2000 weapons to mexico, and resulted in the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry on December 14, 2010
2 - Stonewalled the investigation on Fast and Furious, ignored 22 subpeonas requesting documents for the congressional investigation.
3 - G.E sending 36000 Jobs Overseas, paid NO taxes in 2010, received $3.2 billion tax credit (Obama handpicked G.E. CEO to head his Jobs Committee)
4 - Approved $535 million Solyndra loan, a company who went bankrupt after 1 year.
5 - Lightsquared, the attempt to endanger the Air Traffic Control system for the benefit of his political contributors.
6 - Increased our deficit over 40% in 2/12 years
7 - The harassment of Gibson Guitars, sending the DOJ to confiscate their working inventory because the CEO was a Republican supporter and moved production to a non union environment.
8 - Oil Drilling Moratoriums, preventing oil drilling in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and Gulf of Mexico at least until 2017.
9 - Soaring FOOD and Gas Prices
10 - The Downgrade of America's credit rating ( 1st time in American history)
11 - 1st time in American history over 42 MILLION Americans are living in poverty
12 - Never passed a BUDGET ( First time in 34 YEARS)
13 - America drops to 5th place in GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS
14 - Over 400,000 small businesses closing every year under Obama
15 - Our Debt has increased $4,247,000,000,000 in just 945 days! . (That's the fastest increase under any president ever!)
16 - Fed Suing States and States suing Feds
17 - Pressured Retired General Shelton to ALTER his testimony in the Lightsquared investigation (see #4)
18 - Enabled the LARGEST number of HOME FORECLOSURES
19 - Turned America into the LARGEST FOOD STAMP NATION, 1 in 7 Americans now on food stamps.
21 - Force a Trillion dollar disaster down our throats called Obamacare.
22 - Create OVER 25 million UNEMPLOYED
23 - Appoint a TAX CHEAT for Sec. of the TREASURY!
24 - Appoint over 34 UN-ELECTED CZARS, bypassing congressional approval process.
25 - Eric Holder turns a blind eye to voter intimidation by the Black Panthers then justifies with racial comments
26 - Eric Holder pardons Mark Rich! (indicted on charges of tax evasion and illegal trading with Iran.)
27 - 1st President to File Lawsuits Against the States He Swore an Oath to Protect
28 - 1st President to Terminate America's Ability to Put a Man into Space
29 - 1st President to Tell a Major Manufacturing Company In Which State They Are Allowed to Locate a Factory
30 - 1st President to Propose an Executive Order Demanding Companies Disclose Their Political Contributions to Bid on Government Contracts
31 - 1st President to Withdraw an Existing Coal Permit That Had Been Properly Issued Years Ago
32 - 1st President in American history with a Socialist radical anti American past to get elected with the help of ACORN and the Black Panthers.
33 - 1st President in American History to deface the american flag by placing his own picture on it, Google "obama-american-flag-veterans/2012/03/14/id/432541"
34 - Blocks congressional investigation of solyndra $$$ scandal.
35 - 1st President to publicly bow to Americas enemies while refusing to salute the U.S. Flag.
36 - 1st President to Encourage Racial Discrimination and Intimidation at Polling Places
37 - signed NDAA,and trashed the bill of rights.
38 - TSA harrassment of the flying public including harrassment of John Tyner and strip searches of elderly women.
39 - Continuing censorship, cyberattacks and obstruction of wikileaks
40 - Allows Black Panthers to place a $10K bounty on a US citizen without any proof of guilt, and supports the supposed victim's family based on race only.
41 - Bypassed congressional approval to donate $1.5 BILLION TAX DOLLARS to the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD in Egypt to promote Sharia Law there.

Yeah, but remember it's all Bush's fault..
ZRX1200 Offline
#54 Posted:
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matchew Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 04-10-2012
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frankj1 wrote:
are you better off than you were 4 years ago?

F%^K NO!

Obama has, however, proven he can divide races and classes in this country. He has proven he can spend more
money than ANY pres in history.

i think he has kept one promise though........higher energy prices.

Lets vote him in for another four years.....Sarcasm
ZRX1200 Offline
#56 Posted:
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bloody spaniard Offline
#57 Posted:
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I don't give a damn if the Kenyan fool sticks a finger up his ass & dances an Irish jig as he recites the Koran backwards.
He hasn't done a damn thing to get the economy rolling in a positive direction & unemployment is rampant. Just look around you.
Don't go by the hype that you READ or judge everything by how it affects a few small industry niches.

Like I said before, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but he has proven to be a abject failure at everything except photo ops. He is oblivious to (or ignoring) practical methods that have been proven to work by other administrations- Slick's & the Gipper's come to mind...
ZRX1200 Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Abject failure ? I think he's proving to be quite adept at Circumventing civil liberties And ignoring the constitution.

Much better than w!
teedubbya Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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ZRX1200 wrote:
Abject failure ? I think he's proving to be quite adept at Circumventing civil liberties And ignoring the constitution.

Much better than w!

lets not go quite that far maccaca
bloody spaniard Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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ZRX1200 wrote:
Abject failure ? I think he's proving to be quite adept at Circumventing civil liberties And ignoring the constitution.

Much better than w!

Dubya was a joke as well, I agree, (best friend to banks, monopolies, Patriot Act, nation-builder contractors, Javitz-Wagner-Oday Act, etc.) BUT I blame the legislators more than I blame the doofuses in the oval office. They (POTUS) are supposed to provide the leadership & noogies as needed to convince recalcitrant, self-serving bureaucrats (redundant- I know) to free up the red tape & allow business to prosper but they haven't been. THEN, the orange Boners and wop Pelosis are supposed to pick up the slack. Lately, it's been the other way around.
bloody spaniard Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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I'm afraid that if the American people re-elect Obama, future presidential candidates will follow a Monty Hall/Gus Hall template.Brick wall
ZRX1200 Offline
#62 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Teedubbya I now mock you poo poo face.

bloody spaniard Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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You can't offend TW.
Macaca, poo, chocolate, it's all the same all good.Mellow
teedubbya Offline
#64 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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although I am scoffing at him
ZRX1200 Offline
#65 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Je vous suis moqueurs en français !
teedubbya Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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hasta laroastbeefa to you too
ZRX1200 Offline
#67 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: Obama has signed 923 Executive Orders in 40 months!

What did Congress do in those 40 months?

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates theof all persons. Postmaster General to operate a national registration

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.

Feel free to verify the "executive orders" at will... and these are just the major ones...

I'm sure you've all heard the tale of the "Frog in the Pot"... you all comfortable???

Watch Obama's actions, not his words! By his actions he will show you where America is headed.

When it comes to Barack Obama, one of the most important things to understand is that he is a committed globalist. He firmly believes that more "global governance" (the elite don't like to use the term "global government") will make the world a much better place. Throughout his time in the White House, Obama has consistently sought to strengthen international institutions such as the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. At every turn, Obama has endeavored to more fully integrate America into the "global community". Since he was elected, Obama has signed a whole host of new international economic agreements. He regularly speaks of the need for "cooperation" among global religions and he has hosted a wide variety of different religious celebrations at the White House. Obama once stated that "all nations must come together to build a stronger global regime". If you do not want to live in a "global regime" that is just too bad. To globalists such as Obama, it is inevitable that the United States of America will be merged into the emerging global system. Just this week, Obama has issued a new executive order that seeks to "harmonize" U.S. economic regulations with the rest of the world. This new executive order is yet another incremental step that is pushing us closer to a North American Union and a one world economic system. Unfortunately, most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening.

The American people need to understand that Barack Obama is constantly looking for ways to integrate the United States more deeply with the rest of the world. The globalization of the world economy has accelerated under Obama, and this latest executive order represents a fundamental change in U.S. economic policy. Now federal regulators will be required to "harmonize" their work with the international community. The following is how this new executive order was assessed in a recent Businessweek article....

Obama’s order provides a framework to organize scattered efforts to promote international regulatory cooperation, the chamber’s top global regulatory official said today.

“Today’s executive order marks a paradigm shift for U.S. regulators by directing them to take the international implications of their work into account in a consistent and comprehensive way,” Sean Heather, vice president of the chamber’s Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation, said in an e-mailed statement.

Members of the Obama administration are touting this as a way to "reduce regulation", but the truth is that this is much more about aligning ourselves with the rest of the world than anything else.

Obama's "Information Czar", Cass Sunstein, authored a piece in the Wall Street Journal on Monday in which he stressed the need to eliminate "unnecessary regulatory differences across nations" so that the United States can compete more effectively in our "interdependent global economy". The end result of this process will be that we will now do things much more like how the rest of the world does things....

In an interdependent global economy, diverse regulations can cause trouble for companies doing business across national boundaries. Unnecessary differences in countries' regulatory requirements can cost money, compromising economic growth and job creation. Think of divergent requirements for car headlights, or the labeling of food, or standards for container sizes.

Recognizing this, President Obama's Jobs Council has called for U.S. agencies to better align U.S. regulations with those of our major trading partners. And today the president is issuing an executive order, "Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation," with a simple goal: to promote exports, growth, and job creation by eliminating unnecessary regulatory differences across nations.

But a one world economic system is not going to arrive overnight. Initially, it is much more likely that there will be a very strong push toward North American integration first. The goal will be to shape North America into an integrated regional economic unit similar to the EU. Cass Sunstein discussed how this new executive order will affect North American integration on the White House website on Tuesday....

The new Executive Order will build on work that is already underway. We have started close to home, with President Obama launching Regulatory Cooperation Councils with Prime Minister Harper of Canada and President Calderon of Mexico. The Councils are implementing work plans to eliminate or prevent the creation of unnecessary regulatory differences that adversely affect cross-border trade; to streamline regulatory requirements; and to promote greater certainty for the general public and businesses, particularly small- and medium-sized enterprises, in the regulation of food, pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology, and other areas. The United States and Canada released the United States-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC) Joint Action Plan last December. In February, we announced the United States-Mexico High-Level Regulatory Cooperation Council (HLRCC) Work Plan.

Most Americans have absolutely no idea how far plans to integrate the United States, Canada and Mexico have advanced.

Last year, Barack Obama signed an agreement to create a "North American security perimeter" and most Americans never even heard about it because the mainstream news networks almost entirely ignored it.

But this is exactly what the globalists want. They don't want people to become alarmed by these moves toward North American integration. In fact, a document uncovered by Wikileaks shows that those involved in the effort to integrate North America believe that an "incremental" approach is best. Apparently they believe that small moves toward integration are less likely to alarm the general population. The following is from an article that appeared in The National Post last year....

The integration of North America’s economies would best be achieved through an “incremental” approach, according to a leaked U.S. diplomatic cable.

The cable, released through the WikiLeaks website and apparently written Jan. 28, 2005, discusses some of the obstacles surrounding the merger of the economies of Canada, the United States and Mexico in a fashion similar to the European Union.

“An incremental and pragmatic package of tasks for a new North American Initiative (NAI) will likely gain the most support among Canadian policymakers,” the document said. “The economic payoff of the prospective North American initiative … is available, but its size and timing are unpredictable, so it should not be oversold.”

If the people of Canada, the United States and Mexico were told that there was a plan to merge all three economies, there might be massive protests to stop it, and the globalists do not want that.

A few years ago, the "Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America" (SPP) that was being promoted by President George W. Bush started to generate quite a bit of negative publicity. That caused those seeking to integrate the economies of North America to back off for a little while.

But as an article by Jerome Corsi last year detailed, the eventual goal is to turn North America into another version of the eurozone. That includes a common currency for North America called the "amero"....

The SPP in the administration of President George W. Bush appeared designed to replicate the steps taken in Europe over a 50-year period following the end of World War II to transform an economic agreement under the European Common Market into a full-fledged regional government, operating as the European Union, with its own currency, the euro, functioning as the sole legitimate currency in what has become known as “the eurozone.”

The concern under the SPP has been that the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, could be evolved into a regional government, the North American Union, with a regional currency, the amero, designed to replace the U.S. dollar, the Mexican peso and the Canadian dollar.

So will we ever see the "amero" replace the U.S. dollar?

Hopefully not.

If the globalists try to introduce the "amero", it would probably be after a horrible financial crisis in which the U.S. dollar falls apart. The "amero" would be heralded as the "solution" to the problems that were plaguing the dollar.

If there ever is a move to get rid of the U.S. dollar for an international currency of some kind, the American people will need to resist it with all of their might.

The more integrated the world becomes, the more likely it becomes that we will see nightmarish global tyranny someday. It is very frightening to think of what someone very evil might do if they had the chance to run the entire planet.

Once our national sovereignty is gone, it will be incredibly difficult to get back. If the American people don't take a stand while they still can, their children may wake up someday as citizens of a very oppressive "global regime".
DrafterX Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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ZRX1200 wrote:

The more integrated the world becomes, the more likely it becomes that we will see nightmarish global tyranny someday. It is very frightening to think of what someone very evil might do if they had the chance to run the entire planet.

Think Think Think Think
DrMaddVibe Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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DrafterX wrote:
Think Think Think Think

Could it be...SATAN???

That's why watching the entire EU collapse amazes me. Thought they were taking steps for this kinda stuff to NOT happen! Now, it seems it was all one big Ponzi scheme. When the plates can't keep spinning it comes crashing down. Just like Russia...just like Argentina...just like Brazil...SAME AS IT EVER WAS.
ZRX1200 Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Drafter I don't buy into all commentary in an article like this it was the content of his executive orders and their massive numbers that got my attention.
DrafterX Offline
#71 Posted:
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ZRX1200 wrote:
Drafter I don't buy into all commentary in an article like this it was the content of his executive orders and their massive numbers that got my attention.

I was just thinking about ruling the world and stuff.... Mellow
ZRX1200 Offline
#72 Posted:
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FuzzNJ Offline
#73 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
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Z, the list is BS. Check your source. Obama has signed @130 or so executive orders.

On your list, for example is order 10997. That was signed in 1962.

So much garbage data in, no wonder there's so many garbage positions are coming out.
ZRX1200 Offline
#74 Posted:
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FuzzNJ Offline
#75 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
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Z. Any comment on your executive order post?
ZRX1200 Offline
#76 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Yes. Hes off the porch and needs to behave.
Numismaniac Offline
#77 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2012
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Learn to be self -sufficient, meanwhile, I need my dayum SSD, hehe
ZRX1200 Offline
#78 Posted:
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APBTMarcel Offline
#79 Posted:
Joined: 02-22-2007
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He has done nothing, he is absolute garbage.
ZRX1200 Offline
#80 Posted:
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OBAMA'S SPENDING GROWS 'EXPONENTIALLY' – IN KENYA! USAID to hire more contractors to support existing operations Published: 17 hours ago

By Steve Peacock

Barack Obama administration spending and projects in Kenya have become so voluminous that the U.S. Agency for International Development must hire more contractors to oversee endeavors other providers already carry out across the African nation.

USAID in its own words admits that the “overall USAID/Kenya program has increased rapidly and exponentially, outstripping workforce resources available to effectively perform assessments and rigorous analyses … track results … manage

recordkeeping,and other project development and program office functions.”

According to a Statement of Work for the USAID/Kenya program-support initiative –which WND located through routine database research –the agency acknowledges the level of U.S.-financed Kenyan operations has outpaced Washington’s ability to adequately manage it.

“All levels of personnel ceilings are constrained by a limited U.S. government footprint in Kenya,” the SOW says. “In order to address these constraints,certain project development and program office functions … have been identified for delivery through external contracting.

“This group of functions will be contracted as one support activity to reduce the burden on mission staff,” the SOW continued.

USAID views with urgency its selection of a contractor,describing the procurement as a “high-priority requirement with high visibility” at the U.S. Mission.

The $480 million program at USAID/Kenya encompasses numerous assistance projects in general areas such as health,population and HIV/AIDS;basic education;youth; governing justly and democratically; and economic growth,environment and natural resources management.

The $480 million is specific to U.S. Department of State and USAID initiatives only. The amount comprises over half the U.S. government’s annual foreign-assistance budget for Kenya, the largest recipient of such aid in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Budgeted separately are Kenyan programs administered by the Department of Agriculture, Department of the Treasury,Export-Impact Bank,Overseas Private Investment Corporation,Peace Corps and Department of Defense.

The new USAID/Kenya program-support initiative will cost upwards of $23 million,which the agency will pay based on “task orders” individually awarded to the selected contractor.

The contractor furthermore must launch an “Information Dissemination and Public Education services” component to the project,deploying a “full time Communications Advisor” to the Kenyan capital of Nairobi for the duration of the contract.

Responsibilities for that position include press release- and speech-writing,developing and distributing newsletters and reports,and producing USAID/Kenya videos for distribution via YouTube and other digital and traditional outlets.

In addition to providing management support functions,the contractor also will conduct mid-term and final evaluations of 18 specific projects that USAID identified in the SOW. The initiatives include the “Kenya Dryland Livestock Development Program” and “Kenya Elections and Political Processes Strengthening 2012 Program.”

The targeted program list does not include recently launched endeavors. As WND reported in April,a spike in Kenyan projects was under way at the Obama administration,which at the time of the report had not yet disclosed the estimated cost of those endeavors.

The Kenya Agricultural Value Chain Enterprises,or KAVES,program,for instance,will cost U.S. taxpayers an additional $40 million over five years, WND has learned. Separately,USAID devoted $22 million toward the Resilience and Economic Growth in the Arid Lands-Accelerated Growth,or REGAL-AG,program,documents reveal.

Additionally,the U.S. Department of Defense awarded a no-bid contract extension to PAE Government Services Inc. to continue working on Camp Simba in Kenya and Camp Lemonnier in neighboring Djibouti,U.S. Trade and Aid Monitor recently documented.

That $75 million base-support initiative will cost an additional $65 million for a nine-month extension.

USAID in its new program-support plan reiterated its strategy for Kenya, which aims to “foster a healthier, better-educated,and more productive population” as well as “increase the effectiveness of Kenyan institutions in promoting a vibrant private sector and democratic governance.”
DrafterX Offline
#81 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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He wants it nice for when he takes over..... Mellow
teedubbya Offline
#82 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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FuzzNJ wrote:
Z. Any comment on your executive order post?

Alright, gal! Turn down your fandango."
ZRX1200 Offline
#83 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Yeah you can tell him the house is on fire and he wants to sit on the couch complaining about wallpaper.
bloody spaniard Offline
#84 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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What a sad, angry, miserable way to live.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#85 Posted:
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bloody spaniard wrote:
What a sad, angry, miserable way to live.

True, but I bet Cindy Brady has a clean coffee pot!whip
calavera Offline
#86 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2002
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He has managed to suck and blow at the same time, a rather impressive feat!

teedubbya Offline
#87 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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Two half nuthins is a WHOLE nuthin!!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#88 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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teedubbya wrote:
Two half nuthins is a WHOLE nuthin!!

I say, now lookie here son...did you go an' take off yer socks to figgur dat one out?
ZRX1200 Offline
#89 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Damn Neo-cons........didn't the Bush haters have problems with this?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#90 Posted:
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Spreading EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE worldwide!!!!!
ZRX1200 Offline
#91 Posted:
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New York Times openly admits mainstream media stories are scripted by the White House Friday, July, 27, 2012 by J. D. Heyes

463 Tweet 62 1 (NaturalNews) Millions of Americans have long suspected that the so-called "mainstream media" is big-time controlled, whether selectively or institutionally. A recent New York Times story not only substantiates that belief, it proves just how controlled the messages are that are coming from those who mean to rule over us. What's more, the story demonstrates that most major media sources are complicit in the packaging of information the public is "allowed" to hear.

The revelations may not necessarily be groundbreaking news to many Americans who already suspected they weren't getting unfiltered and unbiased reporting, though the extent of control over the information reaching the public from the major campaigns may surprise many.

But the revelations should certainly be disturbing to voters who are trying to make choices based on altered or incomplete information.

Of course, that's the point. Full disclosure would mean giving a rival something to campaign for (or against), so it's understandable for a candidate to want to carefully control his or her message.

Where it becomes shameful is when the media willingly goes along.

Sorry - You can't print that

Consider the re-election campaign of President Obama. According to the Times, quotes from the candidates often come back to them from the campaign headquarters in Chicago "redacted, stripped of colorful metaphors, colloquial language and anything even mildly provocative." They are emailed to reporters who have been allowed, essentially, to interview campaign officials, but only under the caveat that "the press office has veto power over what statements can be quoted and attributed by name."

In a different age, perhaps, such a restrictive requirement might have drawn the ire of a respectable journalist. But no more; today, most "grudgingly" agree to such preconditions. Those who do not agree, it appears, are not given the opportunity to interview.

Once the interview is complete, the scrubbing process begins. The reporters check their interview notes and review tape recorders for the juiciest of sound bites. At that point, the quotes they select are submitted to the campaign for approval.

"The verdict from the campaign - an operation that prides itself on staying consistently on script - is often no, Barack Obama does not approve this message," said the paper, whose own reporters, presumably, must subject themselves to the same treatment.

So much for the Old Gray Lady's long-time mantra: All the news that's fit to print.

Control from both sides of the aisle

Then again, maybe the phenomenon of pre-packaged quotes and releases is at least partially our fault. Americans, after all, seem to be obsessed with the "Gotcha!" mentality of sound-bite reporting.

But then again, did the mainstream media hook us? After all, they are the ones who have accustomed us to this kind of sensationalism - aren't they?

"The push and pull over what is on the record is one of journalism's perennial battles," the Times said. "But those negotiations typically took place case by case, free from the red pens of press minders. Now, with a millisecond Twitter news cycle and an unforgiving, gaffe-obsessed media culture, politicians and their advisers are routinely demanding that reporters allow them final editing power over any published quotations."

Yes, the "media culture" is "gaffe-obsessed," but only because we're still reading.

While this kind of quote pre-approval process is standard operating procedure for the Obama campaign, the campaign of Republican Mitt Romney has a quote quality control apparatus in place as well.

The paper said the Romney machine also likes to air-brush quotes, especially when it comes to interviewing his five sons. "Romney advisers almost always require that reporters ask them for the green light on anything from a conversation that they would like to include in an article," said the Times.

In a classic understatement, the Times calls this unacceptable practice a "double-edged sword," because reporters "are getting the on-the-record quotes they have long asked for, but losing much of the spontaneity and authenticity in their interviews."

And the American people are losing too. If quotes are sanitized, what other information is being cherry-picked, or worse, being left out completely by a mainstream media that is supposed to be the protector of liberties and freedom, not a facilitator for the powers that be?

We may never know what we never know. And that's the real danger.

Blanket anonymity at 'new levels'

"It's not something I'm particularly proud of because there's a part of me that says, 'Don't do it, don't agree to their terms,'" Major Garrett, a correspondent for the Washington, D.C.-based National Journal, one of the few journalists who spoke on the record about the contextual quote editing, told the Times. "There are times when this feels like I'm dealing with some of my editors. It's like, 'You just changed this because you could!'"

"We don't like the practice," Times news editor Dean Baquet said. "We encourage our reporters to push back. Unfortunately this practice is becoming increasingly common, and maybe we have to push back harder."

Needless to say, the Obama campaign refused to allow anyone to go on record for the Times story. The report didn't say whether the Romney campaign was asked to go on record for it.

But the paper did single out the current administration.

"Under President Obama, the insistence on blanket anonymity has grown to new levels," the Times reported.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#92 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Hey...New York didn't make that news. You had help!
teedubbya Offline
#93 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
NYT outrage
ZRX1200 Offline
#94 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,737

by MIKE FLYNN 2 Aug 2012, 11:48 AM

President Barack Obama, along with many Democrats, likes to say that, while they may disagree with the GOP on many issues related to national security, they absolutely share their admiration and dedication to members of our armed forces. Obama, in particular, enjoys being seen visiting troops and having photos taken with members of our military. So, why is his campaign and the Democrat party suing to restrict their ability to vote in the upcoming election?

On July 17th,the Obama for America Campaign,the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party filed suit in OH to strike down part of that state's law governing voting by members of the military. Their suit said that part of the law is "arbitrary" with "no discernible rational basis."

Currently,Ohio allows the public to vote early in-person up until the Friday before the election. Members of the military are given three extra days to do so. While the Democrats may see this as "arbitrary" and having "no discernible rational basis," I think it is entirely reasonable given the demands on servicemen and women's time and their obligations to their sworn duty.

The National Defense Committee reports:

[f]or each of the last three years,the Department of Defense’s Federal Voting Assistance Program has reported to the President and the Congress that the number one reason for military voter disenfranchisement is inadequate time to successfully vote.

I think its unconscionable that we as a nation wouldn't make it as easy as possible for members of the military to vote. They arguably have more right to vote than the rest of us,since it is their service and sacrifice that ensures we have the right to vote in the first place.

If anyone proposes legislation to combat voter fraud,Democrats will loudly scream that the proposal could "disenfranchise" some voter,somewhere. We must ensure,they argue,that voting is easy and accessible to every single voter. Every voter,that is,except the men and women of our military.

Make no mistake,the Democrat lawsuit is intended to disenfranchise some unknown number of military voters. The judge should reject it with prejudice.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#95 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
He's bringin 'Prompter back!!!
Them other networks don't know how to act
I think it's special what's behind your back
So turn around and I'll pick up the slack
(Take ‘em to the bridge!)

Dirty babe
You see these shackles? Baby, I'm your slave
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave
It's just that no one makes me feel this way
(Take ‘em to the chorus!)

Mitch65 Offline
#96 Posted:
Joined: 05-25-2012
Posts: 416
NOBAMA 2012!!!!!!
ZRX1200 Offline
#97 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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bobsnook Offline
#98 Posted:
Joined: 10-02-2006
Posts: 279
bring back dan dan quayle. dan dan he's our man if he can't do it no one can. every time you see barry or mittence do or say something ask yourself what would dan dan do? i think we all know the answer in our hearts. dan dan in 2012 for president and vice president. dan dan don't need no stinkin vp. he is two mints in one. history will then be divided into pre dan dan and post dan dan. then we all could see how badly he is missed , how badly he was is needed . was your life better pre dan dan or better post dan dan. i think we all know what the answer to that one would be. don't throw your vote away write in dan dan and pull the lever. vote for dan dan
CWFoster Offline
#99 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414

• Ordered the White House and all federal agencies to respect
the Freedom of Information Act and overturned Bush-era limits
on accessibility of federal documents (2009)
-Claimed Executive Privilege to thwart a congressional investigation of Fast and Furious; accepted an award for openness in total secrecy, I could add enough here to shut down C-bids servers!

• Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and
transparency as much as possible (2009)
-Claimed Executive Privilege to thwart a congressional investigation of Fast and Furious; has YET to release his own college transcripts, delayed 2 years before producing his own (likely forged) birth certificate.

• Placed limits on lobbyists’ access to the White House (2009)
-placed many lobbyists on his own staff

• Placed limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after
their tenure in the administration (2009)
-but if they were lobbyists BEFORE working at the White House, ok!

• Signed a measure strengthening registration and reporting
requirements for lobbyists (2009)
-White House Staff are required to clock in???

• Ordered that lobbyists must be removed from and are no
longer permitted to serve on federal and White House advisory
panels and boards (2009) * Note: After saying he would not hire
lobbyists, a few have been hired in the Administration

• Companies and individuals who are delinquent on their taxes
or owe back taxes are no longer allowed to bid for federal
contracts (2009)
-But they ARE allowed to serve in the cabinet, and run for reelection in the DNC.

• Initiated the “e-Rulemaking Initiative” (in cooperation with
Cornell University) to allow for online public “notice and
comment” of federal laws and initiatives (2010)
-and broke his promise not to sign any law that hadn't been on line for public review for at least five days.

• Issued the “Open Gov Directive” ordering all Cabinet
departments to promote transparency and citizen participation
in their policies (2010)
-except when he claims Executive Privilege (which is supposed to attach ONLY when documents/testimony pertain DIRECTLY to the office of the President, I guess we know who was behind Fast and Furious now, don't we)

• Signed extensions on banning lobbyists from serving on
agency boards (2010)

• Developed the “Don Not Pay List” with data on contractors and
recipients of federal funds who are deemed to be ineligible
because of fraud and abuse (2010)
-But Obama bundlers and major donors are placed at the top of preferences lists!

Do I REALLY need to go on Rick? This guy is more like the Bush you knew and hated than Bush was!

ZRX1200 Offline
#100 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,737
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