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Last post 11 years ago by DrafterX. 70 replies replies.
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One of the many stinking piles of dung the Big O has left us
z6joker9 Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2011
Posts: 5,902
I spoke to some teachers and they had some interesting viewpoints-

Yes, a lot of food gets thrown away- but also from kids who brought their own lunch. Kids are generally concerned about socialization at lunchtime, and don't want to put much energy into a new food type. It's up to the parents to get their children used to fruits and vegetables with meals- it they did it at home, kids would eat it at school. Basically, no matter how the lunches are set up, people will complain about some part of it. They didn't feel like there should be any more money put into changing up school lunches, considering the other shortages school districts have in their budgets. They did note that a local school within the district got a grant to provide fresh fruit at snack time, and these were more enthusiastically received by the kids than fruit at lunch, for whatever reason.

No points here, just some feedback.
snowwolf777 Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
I recall a study somewhere that cited "fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life."

I'll try to find it and post it here.

Frying pan
Mathen Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 05-27-2011
Posts: 2,338
^52 well two out of three ain't bad. I guess I need I try a little harder to ensure I'm doing life completely wrong.
rumraider Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 08-05-2012
Posts: 727
Highlights of the above mentioned study:

Dean Wormer: Mr. Kroger: two C's, two D's and an F. That's a 1.2 grade average. Congratulations, Kroger. You're at the top of the Delta pledge class. Mr. Dorfman?
Flounder: Hello!
Dean Wormer: Zero point two... Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

Bluto: Christ. Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the fcking Peace Corps.

Bluto: My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.
Otter: Better listen to him, Flounder. He's pre-med.
TMCTLT Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
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Brewha wrote:
Hundred years? Confused

We have a growing obesity problem in our country (excuse the pun). And it starts with the habits we teach the young and the food we give them to eat.
And I wish the USA was #1 in education – we are not.
I’m saying we need to make it better for the kids, not the companies.

Maybe we could work in a Robertson’s Ham Sammie or two. Drool

Yes we do no doubt about it, AMAZINGLY noone is discussing little Bobby or Sally getting off their AZZES and getting EXCERSIZE to accompany their "healthy diet" You CANNOT control ones diet with food alone.....Brick wall Get our countries children back to being active along with a good diet....that's the ONLY real answer to this epidemic. I have to insert this, as a "caring parent" how good are the examples being set by "caring parents" who eat properly and get excercise and remain within their doctors guidelines for "body weight"
HockeyDad Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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We need to get the kids working back in the factories again. That would keep the weight off.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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HockeyDad wrote:
We need to get the kids working back in the factories again. That would keep the weight off.


Maybe for the ones that grow up to adolescence! I'm going to need those small teeny tiny fingers down in those gold, diamond and coal mines! They furrow like little Honey Badgers and because they're small...they won't eat much!

When they're like maybe 11 I could see the better ones working in a factory or something like that...then when they hit teens they can become janitors like the Newtster stated.

Frying pan
Stinkdyr Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2009
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Your kid's mind is a terrible thing to waste.

itsawaldo Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 09-10-2006
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As a kid in Middle and High school we were served a lot of Mystery Meat, hot dogs, pizza, fries and we had the donut lady that sold twinkies, suzy q's and such, i loved her, I gave her money and she provided me with comfort.
jpotts Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
teedubbya wrote:
School lunch BS caused by the wookie.

School lunches need to cut calories and provide more fruit and veggies. The school gets an extra 13-16 cents (or somethin like that) per meal to do so.

School gets slightly more money and serves less food. Student must get entire meal or pay ala carte prices. Just getting the entre costs more than getting the entre with fruit and veggies. School out of the goodness of their heart will not allow kids to get ala cart so the parents do not have to pay more (and they get the money).

Kids throw away fruit and veggies they didn't want. School reports them as servings provided on the report. Child comes home hungry.

Report shows lots more fruit and veggies served with lower calorie meals. Perfect! Score one for Chewbacca!

What an effin croc. Went to lunch with my little one. You should see all the food thrown away......

eff the nanny state. I can and will send meals with my kids so there is an option..... but its still a big steamine pile of BS.

In the words of the great poet laureate MACS

carry on

Now imagine the waste that goes on with what the Federal Government has done with health care policy.

The larger something gets, the more it consumes, and the more it wastes. Big companies can never - and I do mean NEVER - run as lean as a mom-and-pop establishment, ever. It is the nature of bureaucracy. Which is why A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G the federal government does will be loaded with waste, fraud, and abuse regardless of how many reforms are made.

Furthermore - and this is just icing on the cake - those free school lunches for "poor children?" Well, a good chunk of people exploiting that are far from "poor." Even when I was a kid, my mother was outraged when they tried to get her to sign up for free school lunches for me, simply so that the school could get the handout.

That was decades ago, with virtually no reform. My assumption, based in past history, is that this situation has only gotten worse.

Not too long ago, my youngest kid started packing on the pounds. I found out that he was getting breakfast at school, and I ended that immediately. Heck, I went in there with a full head of steam and made sure they understood that my kid was to be nowhere near that food line, or taking anything from his friends. Strangely enough, his weight gain stopped abruptly.

The stuff they serve is crap. Consequently, you pay for it. And if you dare even mention about killing that program, you will be derided as wanting to starve poor children.

Simply ignore the fact that those children "going to bed hungry," are generally 20 - 40 lbs overweight...
teedubbya Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
jpotts wrote:
Now imagine the waste that goes on with what the Federal Government has done with health care policy.

The larger something gets, the more it consumes, and the more it wastes. Big companies can never - and I do mean NEVER - run as lean as a mom-and-pop establishment, ever. It is the nature of bureaucracy. Which is why A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G the federal government does will be loaded with waste, fraud, and abuse regardless of how many reforms are made.

Furthermore - and this is just icing on the cake - those free school lunches for "poor children?" Well, a good chunk of people exploiting that are far from "poor." Even when I was a kid, my mother was outraged when they tried to get her to sign up for free school lunches for me, simply so that the school could get the handout.

That was decades ago, with virtually no reform. My assumption, based in past history, is that this situation has only gotten worse.

Not too long ago, my youngest kid started packing on the pounds. I found out that he was getting breakfast at school, and I ended that immediately. Heck, I went in there with a full head of steam and made sure they understood that my kid was to be nowhere near that food line, or taking anything from his friends. Strangely enough, his weight gain stopped abruptly.

The stuff they serve is crap. Consequently, you pay for it. And if you dare even mention about killing that program, you will be derided as wanting to starve poor children.

Simply ignore the fact that those children "going to bed hungry," are generally 20 - 40 lbs overweight...

your apology is accepted
victor809 Offline
#62 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
HockeyDad wrote:
We need to get the kids working back in the factories again. That would keep the weight off.

I've been saying this for years. We can't expect the chinese to supply 100% of the world's child labor....
jpotts Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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teedubbya wrote:
your apology is accepted

Yes, I missed that.
pdxstogieman Offline
#64 Posted:
Joined: 10-04-2007
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teedubbya wrote:
True. My daughter gets her poritons of kibbles at 11AM and nothing else till I pick her up between 5:30 and 6. It helps her learn.

Stay hungry!

You should just home school your child instead of buying into the nanny state's public education system.
teedubbya Offline
#65 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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I'm actually very comfortable with our school district for the most part. It has it's silliness on the admin side at times but acedemically it is excellent...among the best in the country. I have no issue with home schooling and agree it could be a better option in some cases..... but in this case I'd have to work pretty damn hard to equal let alone surpass the school district.

It's sort of like rotissing a chicken... I CAN (maybe) do it better (most of the time) but by the time I pay for the chicken, herbs, marinade, coal, wood etc.... not to mention all of the time and effort that could be spent on other equally important things...... it's hard to beat the excellent $4.99 rotiss chicken from the local store who realizes economies of scale and the experience (they do it every day).

Of course if I was confident I could/would do better and their education was suspect I'd devote my life to it. They are my reason to walk the planet at this point. But I am not, and they are getting a great educaiotn from folks trained to do so. And I am plugged in.......
HockeyDad Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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teedubbya wrote:
‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›

I provided an executive summary for pdx.
teedubbya Offline
#67 Posted:
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DrafterX Offline
#68 Posted:
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High school students boycott school cafeteria over new lunch restrictions
Published September 18, 2012

With new federal guidelines dictating what is served at school cafeterias during lunch time, school districts all over the country have reworked their menus to accommodate the new rules. The changes include serving more whole grains, daily doses of fruits and vegetables, less sugar and salt, and only low- or non-fat milk.

For the first time, school lunches must have age-aligned calorie maximums, capping the amount of calories high school students eat to around 850 calories. The new restrictions all come from the updated Dietary Guidelines for Americans from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and are funded by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 – legislation promoted by Michelle Obama.

While the changes may seem like a step in a healthier direction, not all students are finding them so tasty. On Monday, about 70 percent of the 830 students at Mukwonago High School in Wisconsin who typically buy their lunch boycotted the school’s cafeteria, the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel reported. The high schoolers were joined by middle schoolers in the district, reducing the number of lunches sold by half.

According to the Journal Sentinel, the Mukwonago School District is not alone, as many other schools nationwide are also reporting students frustrated with the new rules.

One such student from Mukwonago High, Nick Blohm, said the healthier food is not so much the problem as it is portion size. A 6-foot-3-inch, 210-pound linebacker, Blohm said he burns around 3,000 calories during three hours of football practice and weight training. He’s also the class president, and he’s taking various Advanced Placement classes. But the new caps, he said, are making it harder to perform both physically and academically.

"A lot of us are starting to get hungry even before the practice begins," Blohm told the Journal Sentinel. "Our metabolisms are all sped up."

Another issue for students at Mukwonago is the new pricing, the Journal Sentinel said. A 10-cent price increase was added to lunches by the USDA in order to make lunches closer to the $2.86 it typically reimburses for students who qualify for free lunches. That increased raised the new lunches from $2.40 to $2.50.

Not only are students upset with the new changes, but Mukwonago officials are on board as well. While students and staff members alike agree that childhood obesity is a major concern, many are saying the new lunch guidelines are too abrupt and don’t take students’ unique lifestyles into account.

"I could not be more passionate about this," Pam Harris, the Mukwonago district food service supervisor and a registered dietitian, told the Journal Sentinel. "I want to solve this problem. But limiting calories in school lunch is not going to help the overweight kid. What happens at home is a major piece of that puzzle."

Mukwonago had students fill out cards about what they did and didn’t like about the new lunch. According to the Journal Sentinel, Harris plans to send the cards to the USDA, along with parent letters, in hopes that representatives will allow their school district and others to integrate their new lunch plan over time

Film at 11.... Not talking Not talking
HockeyDad Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Little Fat Wisconsin Kids Filling Out Complaint Cards Outrage!
DrafterX Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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Laugh I figured they all had their pockets stuffed full of cheese & sausage when they left home in the mornings.. Mellow
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