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Last post 21 years ago by Todog. 59 replies replies.
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#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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everyone here knows i tend to be a liberal (to put it mildly) everyone here with the possible exception of the new kids on the block, know i firmly believe the elections was rigged and bush was appointed by the single most outrageous and illegal decision by the court of conservatives appointed from the extreme right for maybe this sole purpose. i have seen film clips of this spoiled adolescent tossing down drinks during the campaign. sort of like the pretzel fall. i believe he is a low life, awol, drug brained, idiot, who has been pampered and protected all his life. look at the lovely family he has with two daughters drunk enough to have the police called. how would you like to know your underage daughters are out getting loaded. i know he has no sense of anyone but himself and could not have given one iota of concern about the people that he murdered at about one a week or so. BUT I CAN'T BELIEVE HE KNEW ABOUT THE TRAGEDY COMING AND LOOKED THE OTHER WAY. NO ONE COULD POSSIBLY THAT EVIL.
calavera Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2002
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At least you got the last two sentences right.
JonR Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
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Presidents are like a box of chocolates you never know what your going to get. LOL JonR Gump
Charlie Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Rick, I agree you did get the last two sentences correct! Now tell us how you really feel! Charlie
jjohnson28 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
Oh Man!Why do we even bother to open these things. Once again the babbling troll speaks.Old news TROLLAMAVEN. BTW still waiting for a response on the foresight / hindsight thread. Have a nice day...LOL
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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jjohnson28-----"Have a nice day"--- now that is sarchasm at it's least subtle.---- i did respond starting with an apology and than an explaination i kind of like the "babbling troll."
#7 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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youall or is that y'all. where did we go wrong. bush's dtrs are the knid of dtrs you guys raised or would like to?
gdurfor Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2001
Posts: 288
Rick Rick Rick calm down. W's a normal guy unlike the elitist the left prefer. I see your still upset that the U.S. surpreme court did not allow the Democratic florida court
to recount and recount until it got the result it wanted. Also unlike the previous pres. he changed his ways before becoming president and he's has a normal family that has teenager problems. I know
Billy boy with his stepford daughter never did anything anyone would find repugnate. Get over it
W won (thank God) and the country's in better hands for it.
#9 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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gdurfor------my blood pressure stays at 110-115/70-85.-------when i read the posts or write them, my bp goes down.------- and in the case of bush at least g-d as we write in jewish, we do not the write the name, of course you may without any jew taking offense.--------it is the special relation we have not to speak the name. so i am now the babbling jewish troll, liberal left wing, whining, ranting (there is a song that sounds like that) do gooder, and i can't remember the rest of the names. please feel free to fill in. i may have to change my name to incorporate all of them so people will know me by my stage name, life is of course a stage, and we are players. did i get the part of the villan?
Todog Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
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No Rick! You're the village idiot, of course, from one of Hillary's villages!
tailgater Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Ricks right. Bush's daughters got drunk. And they're underage. The horror. We must impeach.
#12 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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Todog----Hillary's villages"------what or where does she have her villages?----i, being the village idiot, do not understand the referance.
Charlie Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Rick, don't pull a Forrest Gump and act too damn stupid, because it doesn't fit you, you just like to pick on the Bush girls and declare how horrible they are because they are certainly normal girls! Get off of them and quit hammering at our great President, and just think how bad it could be with your man Gore! Charlie
tailgater Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Rick, the "village" reference is per the big Hill's "it takes a village" blather. Apparently, parents no longer need to be responsible for their children. Even when they're home all day collecting welfare.
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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char5353: what do you mean act stupid i may have been called the village idiot, but stupid, i don't think so. i don't recall mentioning the litle drunks before, but it was not to pick on them, but the enviornment in which they were "raised." i do not consider children getting vomit drunk normal behavior. i don't like to be around any one drunk. a little high from whatever, but drunk, no. get off gore, i voted for nadar remember. your president remains a dimwit and all of the things i said before. great? surely you jest and after he is gone by impeachment or stays by suspending the constitution and the right to vote, he will continue to be a moron. i am not going to change your mind nor you mine, but stop the references to gore and clinton, they are not in the picture. next you will tell me quale had an iq above his hat size.
#16 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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tailgater-----sorry, i did not understand the reference. and if she said the parents are not responsible for their kids, she is full of sh**. see previous 3 or 4 posts re the bushettes.
Charlie Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Rick, you are a bitter individual! Simply stated and maybe you can understand that reference, ok be to high or stoned and then referencing to vomit drunk. Both are wrong! You seemed to love Clinton and Gore, no I will not get off of it, so you tossed your vote in the gutter with Nader, who cares! Go feed your hummingbirds and enjoy them! Charlie
#18 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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C: i have added two blue jays to my backyard jungelette. i make believe i don't see them on the rumpus room roof so they land on the metal gutter to attract my attention. 1 dozen peanuts (unsalted and in the shell), placed on the patio table next to me and they are amused for about 15 minutes. they pick up the peanuts and shake them. they select the one they wan't and fly away with it. but they bury them for later in the same dirt i have in trays set out in the yard for my dog to bury his bones.------(rick's html)-----bitter? i am the most layed back and
unbitterest person you will ever come in contact with, short of some one comatose. one need not be bitter to recognize "he is a low life, awol, drug brained, idiot, who has been pampered and protected all his life." i can recognize he standing on one foot with one eye closed and the other eye squinting. methinks you protest my posts too much. "am i getting close to the bone?" he wonders, knowing c to be a pretty regular kind of guy, but having a short fuse vis-a-vis
clinton gore and bush, something he, c, never shows about anything else, so perhaps, there is some secret hidden in the the recesses of c's soul, that he may not be aware of, but causes an inappropriate, over the top, knee jerk reaction to the mere mention, or even the first letter of the name.---------------------------- meanwhile, back at the ranch, the lone ranger, not knowing that tonto has disguised himself as a walnut tree, is busy shooting off his nuts.
Charlie Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Rick, enough politics, your Jays are more than likely Stellar's Jays and love peanuts and fruit! They are a neat bird 12 to 14 inches from tip of tail to beak. I wish we had some here at my backyard. Do have some doves and northern Orioles (another neat bird). Planted some trumpet vines in hopes of attracting more hummingbirds. Charlie
#20 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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C: i saw a tree a few days ago about 6 foot tall with long hanging flowers that smelled like lilacs do back east. the owner of the tree called it a trumpet tree. 7 to 8 inch flowers hung down and in the middle of the flower it looked like tissue paper. sort of like putting a present in a small bag and topping it with tissue paper. is this the same? r
tailgater Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Bitter isn't the most insightful description of Ricks foolish diatribe. "Unoriginal" is perhaps more precise when discussing the perceived wit (or lack thereof) of our President. "Sophomoric" would best suit the cry of past indescretions such as alcohol and other drugs. And lastly, "Paranoid" is the acurate term when someone bemoans the conspiracy by the Feds to indoctrinate the current Commander in Chief. When you compare yourself to dead people in the future, please realize that you may be comparing political common sense rather than demeanor.
#22 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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tailgater----when you "compare yourself to dead people in the future" i loved that show. i don't mean back to the future, i mean quantum leap. i have a copy of "the journey home."---you know, the one where he goes back to win the high school basketball game and tries to save his brother from going to vietnam. when he sings imagine to his sister and she realizes the song won't be written for years, and she realizes he is from the future, when she cries, i cry also.
jjohnson28 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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Charlie Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Rick, not the same the Trumpet vine is a vine that climbs walls, trellis, etc....much like a mandevilla and has beautiful purple/blue flowers on it shaped like a trumpet! Charlie
#25 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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char5353:----if one of my hybrid passionflower cuttings takes off, i'll get it to you
tailgater Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Quantum Leap. Scott Bakulas best role(s) ever.
#27 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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tailgator: we agree on something? what is this world coming to? do you want a copy of that show, email me you address and i will send you a dup. ---------- [email protected]
JonR Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
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RICKAMAVEN and tailgator in agreement? What's next Pakistan and India in agreement, JonR smoking lone wolfs, sooombooody slapp me!
Charlie Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Tailgater bidding on Tamborils will be next! God help us! All this peace and tranquillity (spelled wrong)! It is getting downright wonderful. Let's all sing "Kumbaya My Lord" and pass around a "j"! Charlie
daveyg2 Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
Posts: 288
I dont think that he straight up knew and did nothing about it. They obviously thought it was a false alarm like the 9000 other false alarms and inaccurate info they hear every single day. This time it was true. It slipped through. Do you really think the guy would just let that happen if he thought it was a viable threat?? C'mon.

The agencies that get the info probably couldnt get it all together to report on it fast enough anyway. Honestly, if you think that the president has any real say in this kind of intelligence, you must be a very naive person. If you think that one man has the power to pull every string in this country, you must be very naive. If you think that a president makes any of his decisions without being told what to do first, you must be very naive. If you think that a president could have prevented any of this terrorist action from happening, you must be very naive. By now you should realize that we are at war every single day and have been for the past 40 years. There are mind blowing things going on every day even in peace time that keep this country safe.

After all that time, you honestly want to hang the people that have kept you free and safe for all that time because they slipped up once?

Your a*s has been safe for everyday before 9/11 and after it because of them. why dont you get educated and maybe have some respect for the people that give their lives eveyday so you can sit home, eat cheeseburgers, blow out the candles on your wifes birthday cake and smoke cigars. Seriously, why dont you find solutions to the problem instead of complaining about it.
daveyg2 Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
Posts: 288
That was for all the people that have been complaining about how our agencies here have been doing a crappy job. If they did a crappy job, this country would have been speaking other languages years ago.
Charlie Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Now we have Al "He's a Loser" Gore having the nerve to even begin and question George W Bush on anything, let alone how we are handling the "War"! He and that little elf are starting to act like they are going to run again..........good! We will beat them again! Charlie
sammydaddy Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 10-29-2001
Posts: 201
My tendency is to let people have their point of view even when it is not the same as mine, except when i perceive that my point of view will not be treated as valid. Rick, it must be nice to know that you have not ever made a mistake in your life and gotten caught (like getting drunk or taking cookies from your mom's cookie jar). This does not make a bad person, just points to the human qualities we all pocess. I don't see how any of that relates to what our elected president has done both before 9/11 or more importantly, after. Now that we know a little about your medical history, blood pressure and all, why don't you share some of your psych history, what meds are you're on, and why you stopped taking them.
Charlie Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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That is what we call "old school" or even better, a shot! What medications and why---beautiful!!!! Charlie
smokintone Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 05-24-2002
Posts: 3
Hey guys... I'm new here and I'm probably gonna be shot for posting my first in a political arena but.... I agree with Rick. I'm way off left, out there by the bayou where Rick sits. I think Bush won only because of a Supreme Court too old, too lazy and too tired to sit and argue this one. Plus the money the Bush's throw around made sure of it never going anywhere.

The Bushettes are just two stupid kids that learned what to do from Daddy's little drunken tirades. The pressures on. So what should we do tonight? I know, let's get hammered! just like dear old dad.

I think Bush does deserve a little credit for managing to pull together a colilition in 26 days for 9/11, but other than that, the man has done nothing to better the country. His entire career is going to ride on getting Saddam, Bin Laden and the US will go to sh#$ because he has to live up to daddy's will.

So um, other than that. Hi, I'm Smokin'Tone, and I'll be the new guy in the back smoking the BTL's.
SteveS Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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Smokin', it was bad enough having to listen to one guy talking about the election being rigged and Bush being "given" something by the courts, but TWO is TOO many ... I'm no geezer, despite having been called one in this forum, and I damn sure remember quite clearly both HOW the Electoral College works and WHY it was established ... Bush's ELECTION to the presidency was not the first where a candidate won the most electoral votes, in spite of receiving a lesser number of votes from the general population ... the court decision applied to recounting in Florida and the cut off of recounting in Florida did NOT alter the outcome of ANY recount ... it had been recounted numerous times with the results of the election held in limbo for far past the point that any reasonable person could've asked, with ONLY the very UNreasonable Dems who just couldn't accept Bush clamoring for more and more recounts ... and you guys seem to ignore the fact that EVERY recount that was done, even a year after the inauguration STILL did not show clueless Al to have 'won' in Florida ... exactly what the hell it will take to make that understood by one and all is beyond my comprehension ...

more importantly and more directly to the point, however, is the fact that Bush has handled the post-9/11 situation FAR better than any among us could have hoped possible from a president of EITHER party, based on the history that has transpired during the lifetimes of any among us in this forum ...

I am SO completely and utterly sick and tired of the whining of the goofy liberals in this country who talk and act as if the US were wrong to be taking action against the terrorists ... I live near SF and am sickened on not only a daily, but hourly basis by idiotic clamoring for "Peace Now" and "Stop the War" ... just what the f**k do they expect? They and any and all others of this mentality do not deserve what this country affords them ... it makes me absolutely SICK to realize that my son whose term of service in the Navy Special Services recently ended, was putting his life on the line for idiots of that stripe as well as for sane people ... and if you see "they" as including you, my apologies for a 'welcome' of this sort, but then it is more heartfelt in me than anything else in the world ...
sammydaddy Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 10-29-2001
Posts: 201
Once again, well said Steve. I too am soooooo sick of left wing pandering about waging war and all that goes with it. People, WE WERE ATTACKED, what the hell are we supposed to do. Our country has done too much to insure the wonderful way of life we enjoy, we have fought too many battles and lost too many of our fathers and brothers to sit back and let this happen. Wether or not you like George W he is our president and is moving forward in a way he feels is best for the whole country, not just to please a group of sniveling, whining fools who want to know "why this" or "why that". We are at war, PC be damned. Don't tell me we can't treat Taliban prisoners as criminals (we interned thousands of Japanese during WWII, no outcry there). Don't tell me we can't attack Saddam, if he is part of the problem he needs to go and don't tell me or my children that we cannot say that our country is under God...because it is.
God Bless America
smokintone Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 05-24-2002
Posts: 3
Well, I may be liberal, but I'm far from an idiot, or stupid as you put it. I lost 15, count them. 15 people in the towers that day (4 cousins and 11 friends and almost my girlfriend). I worked 8 blocks from there and heard the planes hit. I lost my job because of the terrorist acts.
I am in no way, shape or form one of the ones out there against this 'war' (which in case anyone noticed was never passed by Congress, which by Federal law must be done. But that's something else that people seem to forget). I have 2 members of family over there bombing the **** out of Bin Laden.
So before you think I'm 'another one of THEM', I'm not. I disagree with Bush, I always get into arguments about the electoral college (why bother holding 'democratic elections, when it all comes down to who owns what state for the points?), but I'm always up for some decent conversation, not personal attacks. Politics is a pretty hot topic, but shouldn't ever go into a personal attack.
Thanks for welcoming me, but don't just attack a guy because he says what he thinks. If you want to know the truth of the whole thing, I like to hear what other people have to say and what they think. That's what the country was created with, intellegence, not ignorance.
E-Chick Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
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In response to the original post/thread by Rick..."i believe he is a low life, awol, drug brained, idiot, who has been pampered and protected all his life."

Yeah, but he's MY low life, awol, drug brained, idiot, who has been pampered and protected all his life! I absolutely cast my vote for him...and will again if given the chance!

MY alternative was several other low life, awol, drug brained, idiots, who have been pampered and protected all their lives and whom have total disregard for my views.

At least the people who voted Bush in Florida knew which hole to punch....hmmmm....

Is it me, or is Flori-duh just a total AARP Hell....I dunno, maybe you can blame it on the Alzheimer's that is prevelent there. That many retarded people couldn't possibly have congregated in one state!

As for the comment "BUT I CAN'T BELIEVE HE KNEW ABOUT THE TRAGEDY COMING AND LOOKED THE OTHER WAY. NO ONE COULD POSSIBLY THAT EVIL."...He did NOT look the other way. The people/entities that DID look the other way were: back in '95 - Slick Willy, and leading up to 9/11: the CIA, the FBI, the FAA, Immigration, and numerous others along the way...Bush found out too little too late. In fact, a person that I have little regard for was one of the biggest trumpet sounders...Barbara Boxer. So you see, HE was not that was in the hands of hundreds before him that kept it away from him until too're only as good as the information you have at hand...God bless the victims and their families, they need our support, not our hindsight...
tailgater Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Smokey, if intelligence is in your bag of tricks, why can't you understand that Bush won the election? Just because you wanted somebody else to win doesn't mean that the election was fixed by the courts. As mentioned, ALL recounts show Bush to beat Gore in FLA. Let me say that again for those who can't grasp that. ALL RECOUNTS show Bush as the victor.
carmine7075 Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 10-17-2001
Posts: 40
I, for one, am thankful that we have a strong leader in these difficult time. I had my doubts during the election, but they were quickly laid to rest. I couldn't imagine having Gore in the Oval office right debating on whether or not soldiers should fire their M-16s because of the environmental damage and adverse health effects the bullets might have on the enemy. lol
Charlie Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Well let's see the last declaration of War was World War II, so I think that is a silly point to bring up., over and over and over, like so many of you Anti Bush types keep harping on! If people are too stupid to understand that we are at War then I feel sorry for them and need only remind them of 3,000 innocent lives lost by Arab mad men on September 11. Sad as it may seem but 14 out of 19 of those idiots were Saudi's....Hmmmm let's rethink the relationship with Saudi Arabia! You liberals can thank your lucky stars we have GWB and not Gore, who would be running polls on what to do and redesigning himself each and every day! Charlie
daveyg2 Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
Posts: 288
Im curious to know, how everyone here knows what Gore would have done in this time. You guys must have powers that 99.99999999999% of the population doesnt have. Thats true skill and you should get money for it.
Charlie Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Davey, if you want to send me money let me know and I will send you an address.......Gore doesn't go the bathroom without an opinion poll and I certainly hope the Democrats are able to get him selected to be the nominee again! That will be a lot of fun watching him run more time and lose one more time! Charlie
daveyg2 Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
Posts: 288
i would love to get your address and send some cash if you can tell me what this week's lotto numbers are. he said that he would never run again. maybe he runs polls because he cares what the people of this country think. im playing devil's advocate here, but it could be a good reason. hey, hes not a bad guy at all. hes definitely stiff, but not a bad guy. i wouldnt mindif he would have won at all.

remember, the president has about a 5% factor in actually what happens with defense. ANY president would be stupid not to go with what his staff tells him. I havent seen too many ex military generals in the white house lately. i think that Gore would have done just fine as well. he was in good hands just as Bush is in good hands. Do you think that Bush actually made any of his own decisions about what to do as far as war and strategy? what does he know about war? he was never in the Forces. see where im going with this?
carmine7075 Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 10-17-2001
Posts: 40
The president makes the final call on military action. It makes no difference if he served or not. Sure he has many advisors and generals that present various options. However, it is the President that decides the course of action.
SteveS Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
To say that the president is a minimal factor in the decision making process is either and indication of being naive in the extreme or, perhaps, unwilling to give credit where it is due ... the libs will be all too quick to cast BLAME on GWB if things go badly, but as seen in Davy's post above, when CREDIT is to be given, will only grudgingly say that the president is but a small factor ...

Davy, you might have read in school or seen in a couple of movies depicting the process, how JFK ignored a lot of the advise he received from the military and made his own decision after getting their input and that of all the rest of his advisors ...

I submit to you that GWB is no different ... he clearly has the strongest cabinet since JFK, yet you and others who laud JFK for having made strong choices, accuse GWB of being a puppet of HIS choices ...

Having been an adult observer of all the administrations since Eisenhower's, I will tell you flat out, that we are truly fortunate to have the right man in the right place right now, just as I feel we did during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis ... I am extremely confident that history will validate that viewpoint and that one day, you will come to recognize the far-above-presidential-average qualities GWB brings to the office today, just as I slowly, but ultimately, came to recognize that regarding JFK ...
#48 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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carmine7075 ---bush is not allowed to decide anything even if the thought ever crossed his little insignificant mind. if you could see him from the side, you would see someone's arm up his rear making his mouth move.
#49 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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SteveS ---"the far-above-presidential-average qualities GWB brings to the office today" you just made me laugh so hard my coffee came out my nose. thanks, i needed that.
SteveS Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
Rick, I hope that you and I live long enough to sit together one day enjoying a cigar and holding this discussion WITH the benefit of hindsight and the perspective of history ... I suggest we put our present comments in one of those time capsules, then break them out as we enjoy a cigar together and see what historical perspective does to make one of us or the other rethink his point of view ...
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