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Last post 11 years ago by Brewha. 294 replies replies.
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Wasn't Even A Couple Hours After the Sandy Hook Shooting...
rfenst Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
DadZilla3 wrote:
Good to see you take the issue so seriously.

Trying to blame slaughter on the medical prescription of psychotropic drugs is totally ludicrous without any evidence (other than rank subjective speculation).

DrafterX Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
Obama was just telling the crowd what they wanted to hear.... taking away guns isn't going to happen... they may try to do a 2am vote to reenact the Brady Bill or somethin tho.... Mellow
DrMaddVibe Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Papachristou Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 10-20-2010
Posts: 845
i wonder why we arent examining our values, morals and family structure in the wake of this tragedy?
DrafterX Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
are you gonna judge your neighbors..?? how will they take that..?? Huh
dpnewell Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
CelticBomber wrote:
BTW DP Both sides started with the rhetoric immediately. Fox, MSNBC, CNN all of them. Liberal and Conservative news outlets are no different from each other. But, your comment that the President eluded to gun control during his condolences speech smells a bit like the exact thing you say you're angry about, a conservative guy who doesn't like our democratic President, accusing him of politicking during a time when we should all be mourning.

No laws are going to stop these monsters once they make up their minds. You can read news from around the world of people doing horrible things with guns, knives, acid, explosives, sticks with nails in them and just plain old brute physical force. The only way to make any real change is through education, and getting people with mental health issue's the help they need. If my tax dollars are spent helping someone with mental health issue's I'm okay with that, regardless if they have insurance or not. Fighting about if it's legal to own a 30 round clip is a waste of time. Taking guns away from responsible legal owners is also a waste of time. They aren't the one's usually committing these crimes. Most legislation restricting gun ownership just makes the gun runners richer. I hate when something horrible like this happens and for weeks both sides do nothing but argue about guns etc when what they should all really be arguing about in my opinion is how we perceive and treat people with mental health issue's. How we ignore the problem and hope it will somehow go away. We let crazy people decide whether or not they will take their medications! That's insane! We're never going to be able to stop all the horrible things in the world that happen every day but Holy Christ lets at least start arguing about the right things instead of just spinning our wheels.

Stop playing niave. You and the rest of the nation knew exactly what the President meant. But, I actually agree with your 2nd paragraph (just like I agreed with Victor's post). Sheesh, I just agreed with two liberals in the same thread. Looks like I need to go smoke an MB3 or something else with a ton of nicotine.
dpnewell Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
Papachristou wrote:
i wonder why we arent examining our values, morals and family structure in the wake of this tragedy?

Because we now live in an enlightened liberal society. Values are old fashioned, morals are subjective and the definition of family structure is, well, whatever you personally wish it to be. It's so much easier to blame inanimate objects then to dare question the possible culpability of our "anything goes/no one is responsible for their actions" society.
jpotts Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
victor809 wrote:
While I think the original post is whiny and a bit of an exaggeration of reality, Brew, you're just as guilty of that.

Everyone gets to say "IF ONLY!" here....

Anti gun people are screaming "if only guns were outlawed, the criminal would only have stabbed one child!!!" (not sure how the anti-gun movement can call that a moral victory, sacrificing one child so 20 are saved? Only a victory if you're going be sheer body counts).
Gun people are screaming "If only every principal were armed!!! So many fewer would have been killed!!!" (again, not sure how that's really a victory, but even then, you have to add to that total any additional gun accidents that may happen at schools)...

The reality is that either fake situation is an unknown and BOTH sides are simply making **** up to suit their own purposes. The REALITY is that if you make it difficult to kill people (either by restricting access to guns, or by making sure armed principles are everywhere) then those interested in killing people will adapt. No guns? Hell, block all the windows and doors and torch the building killing 100 kids. All the principles are armed? Hell, block all the windows and doors and gas the entire school, killing 300 kids and 20 admins. Schools too tough to get to because all the principles are armed? Put some spike strips in front of a bus and board it after it runs off the road, kill all the kids one by one as you go down the aisle.

So before any of you pro-gun or anti-gun idiots decide to make up some retarded situation where your specific cause saves the day, realize that this PARTICULAR situation may not occur in your fantasy land, but millions of other situations, some better, some much much worse, will occur. You simply don't know if making it too difficult to go on a shooting rampage won't simply inspire a potential mass-murderer to get more creative and much more deadly.

For once, victor gets it right.


Plus, I think the worst tragedy when it comes to schools and dead kids was some 95 kids who died in a fire set by an arsonist back in the 1950s.

I equate people who think that by eliminating guns that this will stop this kind of insanity to those people who refuse to discipline their kids because they are "afraid" to inhibit their self expression, damage their "self-esteem", or other such claptrap. The reality is that they either can't be bothered to take time to deal with their children, or lack the courage to do so. So they let their kids run around like a bunch of wild animals, and hope that somehow they don't kill themselves or someone else in the process.

And if they catch Junior trying to stick a fork in the wall socket, they'll either lock the cabinet doors, plug the wall sockets, or disconnect the eletrical mains from the house because Junior just won't "listen." The reality is that Junior won't listen because he's been conditioned to ignore his parents, and frankly doesn't give a crap about what they say. Or maybe, just maybe, Junior is insistant because he realizes that his parents are a bunch of limp-wristed twits who care less about him than themselves, and he starts doing all of this nasty stuff just to spite them.

And when Junior gets to be 21? By this time his personality is set. Sometimes Junior learns from his actions, and becomes a human being. Other times, Junior just remains an animal.

Parents have kids, then get divorced when marriage becomes "too rough," and expect their kids to "understand" the situation. A lot of parents these days either don't provide some sort of moral guidance, or don't have a real working moral compass themselves, and thus the kids get no boundries to their behavior. You can't yell at your kid, or will be thrown into jail if you dare spank them (heaven forbid!). Any definitions about decency and behavior are relative, because the world will come crashing down if someone is not 100% perfect in any way, and then dares to condemn what would have been inconceivable behavior 50 years ago. We have a culture where video games show realistic beheadings, where "music" glorifies thug life, and people push killing your unborn children as being good for the "family" or "society." Likewise, if life beciomes too rough when you're ill, we offer ways to help "ease" your passing. I won't even get into how some scholors these days question whether children are even human because they are not fully developed.

The reality is that when a kid reaches adulthood these days, they're taught that the certanties of the past, and the honorable nature of great men are a lie, that there is no real definition of right and wrong, and that there is really no sanctity of human life. Because, in the end, what they've been taught is that - in one form or the other - the world revolves around them. Either because they've never been told that the world doesn't revolve around them, or they learned from countless years of neglect, isolation, and apathy that they are the only constant in the Universe. So when their fragile egos are handed a "grevious" wound by people, or life in general, there is nothing there to restrain the unhinged, untempered desire for redress.

And then people get all in a froth when this kind of stuff happens.

Yeah, just blame guns. Its easier than having to tackle the real problem.
rfenst Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
dpnewell wrote:
Because we now live in an enlightened liberal society. Values are old fashioned, morals are subjective and the definition of family structure is, well, whatever you personally wish it to be. It's so much easier to blame inanimate objects then to dare question the possible culpability of our "anything goes/no one is responsible for their actions" society.

I don't think there has been any change in the morals of the U.S. regarding slaughter of the innocent.
jpotts Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
rfenst wrote:
I don't think there has been any change in the morals of the U.S. regarding slaughter of the innocent.

I think its called Roe v Wade...
victor809 Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
dpnewell wrote:
Stop playing niave. You and the rest of the nation knew exactly what the President meant. But, I actually agree with your 2nd paragraph (just like I agreed with Victor's post). Sheesh, I just agreed with two liberals in the same thread. Looks like I need to go smoke an MB3 or something else with a ton of nicotine.

What makes you think I don't smoke cigars Master Blends too?
You're just gonna have to keep scrubbing, there's no way you'll feel clean.

Anyway, regardless, I've stated before I'm likely much more conservative than most of the posters here. I just don't buy into the republican party line of crap that is dragged out every election year....
DadZilla3 Offline
#62 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
Posts: 4,633
rfenst wrote:
Trying to blame slaughter on the medical prescription of psychotropic drugs is totally ludicrous without any evidence (other than rank subjective speculation).

Yup, no statistics just lotsa rank subjective speculation out there...
bloody spaniard Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^Don't waste your breath.
Neurological damage is becoming commonplace these days and it's not just caused by psychotropic drugs...
rfenst Offline
#64 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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jpotts wrote:
I think its called Roe v Wade...

Good point!
rfenst Offline
#65 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
DadZilla3 wrote:
[size=-1]Yup, no statistics just lotsa rank subjective speculation out there...[/size]

Nice list of anecdotal stories, thoughts and blogs intertwined with prescription drug and media conspiracy sites! Could anti-depressants and other drugs cause negative side effects that could include violence and mass killings? Yes. Were many or all of the mass killers previously on anti-depressant and other drugs before or at the time of their crimes? Yes. Does that mean the drugs conclusively CAUSED or were a CAUSE of the mass killings. No. Commonality does not necessarily prove causation. Here, it seems that many of the shooters were on drugs because of pre-existing mental illness. Perhaps it was simply those problems that caused the killings. Or, perhaps they weren't medicated properly or enough.
DrafterX Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
I knew aguy in Maryland that wasn't all there... we called him 'quart low'.... not sure what his background was but he was on meds and it was very apparent when he wasn't.... he was a nice guy but I saw him get mad a couple times... I don't think he would have gone completly nuts without the meds but there's no guarantee somone will take them if prescribed.... Mellow
ZRX1200 Offline
#67 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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nicholasjames Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 10-15-2012
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an armed guard at every school. the crazies will think twice.
dstankus Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 04-04-2012
Posts: 1
Due to these events, another elementry school attack went largely un-reported in the US because it happend in China the same day. A crazy guy went into a school and severely wounded 20+ children with a knife.

Granted those kids didn't die, but they will all be just as emotional scarred as the Connecticut kids. It's not the weapon that needs to be held accountable.

I will agree that it is much easier to stop a person with a knife, but so long as human beings are human beings, violence will forever be a part of life. If government controls weapons for defense of the nation, inevitably these weapons can be used against its people (e.g. Syria). Taking arms from one person leaves them suseptible to others who will stop at nothing to achieve their twisted goals.

It is a sad day that any innocent life is taken, but disarming the innocent only enables those that will do harm to them.
CelticBomber Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2012
Posts: 6,786
dpnewell wrote:
Because we now live in an enlightened liberal society. Values are old fashioned, morals are subjective and the definition of family structure is, well, whatever you personally wish it to be. It's so much easier to blame inanimate objects then to dare question the possible culpability of our "anything goes/no one is responsible for their actions" society.

Every time I hear this I wanna laugh and cry at the same time. Value's are old fashioned... who's value's? Morals are subjective... who's morals? The definition of family structure is well whatever you personally wish it to be..... I think if you take a look at the people committing these high profile horror's and look at their family's you're generally gonna find a normal 1 mom 1 dad and a couple of kids family who identify as Christians.

Those old fashioned values you talk about. Are those the morals and values of the people 100 or 50 years ago in this country who treated Black people like animals, who treated homosexuals like animals, who treated women like second class citizens, who would allow things like molestation and spousal abuse to go unpunished and be intentionally silent because of the stigma attached to those horrible things, people would rather act like it wasn't happening or none of their business. I would argue that the moral compass and the values of today's society are in general way better than they were 50 years ago or 100 years ago. It has nothing to do with religion or political affiliation. It's because of education and brave people finally coming forward and talking about the things people wouldn't dare talk about just 50 years ago. Removing the stigma of being a victim of molestation or violence in the home.

I think one of the things that makes our country great is our willingness to shine a light on the worst of what we are and be willing to talk about it openly, in front of the whole world, so we can start to change the way these things are dealt with and perceived. Are things perfect? Far from it, we have a long long way to go. But I know I'd rather be raising my family in today's society rather than the society we had in the 50's. That whole Liberal/Conservative thing you have going on in your head is exactly what we need to stop. The people in control, the people with all the money, the people at the top, don't give two craps if you argue for the conservative side or the liberal side. They just want you to keep arguing so that we as a society don't stop and take a look around and see what's really going on and what really needs to change. Once we stop treating people as things and start seeing them as just people that's when we make progress and move forward.

I read something once that really changed how I saw the world. All the horrible things in this world we do to each other, all the evil and brutality. All the so called victimless crimes where no one is physically hurt. All of it starts when we start to treat people like things instead of people. When we group people up and slap a label on them, like Liberal or Conservative,
it makes it easier for us to treat them badly, makes it easier for us to allow the status quo to continue, especially if we identify with whom ever is on top or in control. From the most horrible crimes down to the smallest least harmful things we do to each other all starts at the same place. When we treat people as things and not people.
DadZilla3 Offline
#71 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
Posts: 4,633
rfenst wrote:
...Does that mean the drugs conclusively CAUSED or were a CAUSE of the mass killings. No. Commonality does not necessarily prove causation. Here, it seems that many of the shooters were on drugs because of pre-existing mental illness. Perhaps it was simply those problems that caused the killings. Or, perhaps they weren't medicated properly or enough.

Excellent points. But the takeaway is that all drugs, especially psychotropic drugs, have side effects. Contraindications. Paradoxical effects. Bidirectional effects. Just because we give a person those kinds of drugs doesn't mean they're all better now. They may in fact get worse.

Regarding the gun control controversy, I don't know if the weapon was secured in a gun safe or locked room yet but right now my take on the root cause of this horrible tragedy: a kid who had known psychological issues was able to get relatively unrestricted access to a legally purchased AR-15 type semiautomatic rifle, a high capacity magazine, and ammunition.

I realize that hindsight is 20/20 but some common sense and a gun safe would more than likely have prevented this entire horrific episode.
rfenst Offline
#72 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
CelticBomber wrote:
Every time I hear this I wanna laugh and cry at the same time. Value's are old fashioned... who's value's? Morals are subjective... who's morals? The definition of family structure is well whatever you personally wish it to be..... I think if you take a look at the people committing these high profile horror's and look at their family's you're generally gonna find a normal 1 mom 1 dad and a couple of kids family who identify as Christians.

Those old fashioned values you talk about. Are those the morals and values of the people 100 or 50 years ago in this country who treated Black people like animals, who treated homosexuals like animals, who treated women like second class citizens, who would allow things like molestation and spousal abuse to go unpunished and be intentionally silent because of the stigma attached to those horrible things, people would rather act like it wasn't happening or none of their business. I would argue that the moral compass and the values of today's society are in general way better than they were 50 years ago or 100 years ago. It has nothing to do with religion or political affiliation. It's because of education and brave people finally coming forward and talking about the things people wouldn't dare talk about just 50 years ago. Removing the stigma of being a victim of molestation or violence in the home.

I think one of the things that makes our country great is our willingness to shine a light on the worst of what we are and be willing to talk about it openly, in front of the whole world, so we can start to change the way these things are dealt with and perceived. Are things perfect? Far from it, we have a long long way to go. But I know I'd rather be raising my family in today's society rather than the society we had in the 50's. That whole Liberal/Conservative thing you have going on in your head is exactly what we need to stop. The people in control, the people with all the money, the people at the top, don't give two craps if you argue for the conservative side or the liberal side. They just want you to keep arguing so that we as a society don't stop and take a look around and see what's really going on and what really needs to change. Once we stop treating people as things and start seeing them as just people that's when we make progress and move forward.

I read something once that really changed how I saw the world. All the horrible things in this world we do to each other, all the evil and brutality. All the so called victimless crimes where no one is physically hurt. All of it starts when we start to treat people like things instead of people. When we group people up and slap a label on them, like Liberal or Conservative,
it makes it easier for us to treat them badly, makes it easier for us to allow the status quo to continue, especially if we identify with whom ever is on top or in control. From the most horrible crimes down to the smallest least harmful things we do to each other all starts at the same place. When we treat people as things and not people.

"Spoken" like an ignorant, true-blue leftist liberal. You people have totally ruined our culture past the point of no return. Labeling everything as "liberal"= bad is common sense- and the only possible explanation for any view you hold which I disagree with. Liberals have no collective common sense and should be ashamed of yourselves for running this country in to the ground and ruining it for everyone else and to come. On the other hand, if you just start seeing things the way I do, which is the only right way, things will be fine.
rfenst Offline
#73 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
DadZilla3 wrote:
Excellent points. But the takeaway is that all drugs, especially psychotropic drugs, have side effects. Contraindications. Paradoxical effects. Bidirectional effects. Of course. Just because we give a person those kinds of drugs doesn't mean they're all better now. They may in fact get worse. Of course.

Regarding the gun control controversy, I don't know if the weapon was secured in a gun safe or locked room yet but right now my take on the root cause of this horrible tragedy: a kid who had known psychological issues was able to get relatively unrestricted access to a legally purchased AR-15 type semiautomatic rifle, a high capacity magazine, and ammunition. I agree. Too bad mom didn't live unscathed to bear some of the emotional burden of her terrible choices.

I realize that hindsight is 20/20 but some common sense and a gun safe would more than likely have prevented this entire horrific episode. Yes it would have, but the past cannot be changed; only the future can. here in Florida, if a minor gets a hold of your gun and does something wrong with it, you are charged with a crime for not securing it. We are required to have safety locks on our guns when not in use. I believe that we may even have to store ammo separately. At the very least, that is the place to start whether or not minors are involved.

I just don't believe any suggestion that psychiatric medications are the across-the-board root of the problem. And, if they are, that we should automatically get rid of them.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#74 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
rfenst wrote:
I just don't believe any suggestion that psychiatric medications are the across-the-board root of the problem. And, if they are, that we should automatically get rid of them.

Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan

Two words...


There's more money to be made in the condition than finding a cure. They want the world to take a pill to sleep, take on to stay awake, take one to eat, take one not to eat, take one to crap and take one to not crap. They want everyone taking pills.

Step away from the falsehood of their fantasy. They're pushing crap that we don't know genetically what it does (or perhaps they DO!) nor do most even care. "Just gimme a 'script Doc". Two minute fix instead of taking personal responsibility for dietary, sleeping and crapping. The money they make of off their poison is all you need to know about how much they care.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#75 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
jpotts wrote:
I think its called Roe v Wade...

add school prayer too.
rfenst Offline
#76 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan

Two words...


There's more money to be made in the condition than finding a cure. They want the world to take a pill to sleep, take on to stay awake, take one to eat, take one not to eat, take one to crap and take one to not crap. They want everyone taking pills.

Step away from the falsehood of their fantasy. They're pushing crap that we don't know genetically what it does (or perhaps they DO!) nor do most even care. "Just gimme a 'script Doc". Two minute fix instead of taking personal responsibility for dietary, sleeping and crapping. The money they make of off their poison is all you need to know about how much they care.

I don't care if they care. I only care about what my doctor tells me to do or take; whether it is "safe"; and whether it should work. Next time I am in pain, have a sinus infection or the like or need an anti-depressant or something psychotropic, I guess I'll just take a dose of your "personal responsibility"!
rfenst Offline
#77 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
DrMaddVibe wrote:
add school prayer too.

is that your organized prayer or my organized prayer you think we should allow in school?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#78 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
rfenst wrote:
is that your organized prayer or my organized prayer you think we should allow in school?

That kinda crap is why society is in the ****.

Splitting hairs.

Step away from the "game" and see the damage. It's all around.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#79 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
rfenst wrote:

I don't care if they care. I only care about what my doctor tells me to do or take; whether it is "safe"; and whether it should work. Next time I am in pain, have a sinus infection or the like or need an anti-depressant or something psychotropic, I guess I'll just take a dose of your "personal responsibility"! about taking something out of proportion. Just like a certain someone else I know.

Did I say a thing about pain? NO, I didn't.

Stop being a freaking teenage drama queen.

There's Prozac in certain cities water supplies and you're screaming for your pills.

Don't forget to get your flu shots...get more than one...just in case you got a bad batch!
rfenst Offline
#80 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
DrMaddVibe wrote: about taking something out of proportion. Just like a certain someone else I know.

Did I say a thing about pain? NO, I didn't.

Stop being a freaking teenage drama queen.

There's Prozac in certain cities water supplies and you're screaming for your pills.

Don't forget to get your flu shots...get more than one...just in case you got a bad batch!

Glad to know pain pills are OK. I was afraid I'd have to take on even more personal responsibility...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#81 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
rfenst wrote:
Glad to know pain pills are OK. I was afraid I'd have to take on even more personal responsibility...

Here's some "out of the box" kinda revoloutionary thinking....maybe...just maybe if that POS mother with crappy parental skills would've kept her guns(one of which was illegally modified to full automatic!!!) under lock and key AND she might just might've used better discretion when choosing to allow a total psycho to even HOLD a gun under her supervision...perhaps...just perhaps a kindergarden class in Connecticut would be having a Christmas, oops...don't want to offend you of all people....sorry, a "Holiday" pageant.

Welcome to the "utopia" of being politically correct!
dpnewell Offline
#82 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
rfenst wrote:
"Spoken" like an ignorant, true-blue leftist liberal. You people have totally ruined our culture past the point of no return. Labeling everything as "liberal"= bad is common sense- and the only possible explanation for any view you hold which I disagree with. Liberals have no collective common sense and should be ashamed of yourselves for running this country in to the ground and ruining it for everyone else and to come. On the other hand, if you just start seeing things the way I do, which is the only right way, things will be fine.

Isn’t this tongue in cheek retort of yours just a little bit hypocritical, Robert? I haven’t found a liberal yet who would even consider a conservative’s viewpoint, or did not feel that everyone should think the same as he. At least we conservatives know our world view is the correct one, and all liberals are wrong. We admit this freely, and have no qualms about it. Liberals on the other hand have to play their little “we’re tolerant and accepting” game. In reality they are just as biased and bigoted as conservatives, but blindly convince themselves that they are tolerant in order to boast their egos and feel superior. Sad.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#83 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
dpnewell wrote:
Liberals on the other hand have to play their little “we’re tolerant and accepting” game. In reality they are just as biased and bigoted as conservatives, but blindly convince themselves that they are tolerant in order to boast their egos and feel superior. Sad.

Actually they're worse.

Just look at the stellar reporting they did ON Friday.

Taking guns away...banning guns altogether...bad mouthing the 2nd Amendment while hiding behind the 1st!
rfenst Offline
#84 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Here's some "out of the box" kinda revoloutionary thinking....maybe...just maybe if that POS mother with crappy parental skills would've kept her guns(one of which was illegally modified to full automatic!!!) under lock and key AND she might just might've used better discretion when choosing to allow a total psycho to even HOLD a gun under her supervision...perhaps...just perhaps a kindergarden class in Connecticut would be having a Christmas, oops...don't want to offend you of all people....sorry, a "Holiday" pageant.

Welcome to the "utopia" of being politically correct!

I pretty much already expressed that sentiment in #73above:

"Regarding the gun control controversy, I don't know if the weapon was secured in a gun safe or locked room yet but right now my take on the root cause of this horrible tragedy: a kid who had known psychological issues was able to get relatively unrestricted access to a legally purchased AR-15 type semiautomatic rifle, a high capacity magazine, and ammunition. I agree. Too bad mom didn't live unscathed to bear some of the emotional burden of her terrible choices."

Low blow on the religion comment, loser.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#85 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
rfenst wrote:
Low blow on the religion comment, loser.

YOU brought THAT to the party.

rfenst wrote:
is that your organized prayer or my organized prayer you think we should allow in school?

Stew in your own juices.
Gene363 Offline
#86 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
Posts: 30,937
Time for a yoga break. Breathe in... Breathe out...

Now, step away from the keyboard.
rfenst Offline
#87 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
dpnewell wrote:
Isn’t this tongue in cheek retort of yours just a little bit hypocritical, Robert? I haven’t found a liberal yet who would even consider a conservative’s viewpoint, or did not feel that everyone should think the same as he. Liberals on the other hand have to play their little “we’re tolerant and accepting” game. In reality they are just as biased and bigoted as conservatives, but blindly convince themselves that they are tolerant in order to boast their egos and feel superior. Sad.

Um, wow. Thanks for that pop psycho-social analysis. What size Cracker Jack box did it come in?

Perhaps, you were merely projecting on to others what you think of yourself when you wrote: "At least we conservatives know our world view is the correct one, and all liberals are wrong. We admit this freely, and have no qualms about it." Sorry, but I just can't believe that all liberals or all conservatives are wrong.

And, it doesn't seem like there could ever be any benefit in discussing socio-political issues with you because you know you are right. Seems rather close-minded to me, which brings up an old saying:

"The problem with closed-minded people is that they usually have their mouths open!"
tailgater Offline
#88 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
"The problem with closed-minded people is that they usually have their mouths open!"

And to think I used to search for open minded chicks back in college.
rfenst Offline
#89 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
DrMaddVibe wrote:
YOU brought THAT to the party.

The same God I think we both believe in has taught me to have zero tolerance for comments and ideas about other people like yours. At least you have come out from behind the curtain. Thanks for letting people know what type of person you really are v. claim to be.

rfenst Offline
#90 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
tailgater wrote:
"The problem with closed-minded people is that they usually have their mouths open!"

And to think I used to search for open minded chicks back in college.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#91 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
rfenst wrote:
The same God I think we both believe in has taught me to have zero tolerance for comments and ideas about other people like yours. At least you have come out from behind the curtain. Thanks for letting people know what type of person you really are v. claim to be.

WTF is this supposed to even mean?
dpnewell Offline
#92 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
rfenst wrote:
Um, wow. Thanks for that pop psycho-social analysis. What size Cracker Jack box did it come in?

Perhaps, you were merely projecting on to others what you think of yourself when you wrote: "At least we conservatives know our world view is the correct one, and all liberals are wrong. We admit this freely, and have no qualms about it." Sorry, but I just can't believe that all liberals or all conservatives are wrong.

And, it doesn't seem like there could ever be any benefit in discussing socio-political issues with you because you know you are right. Seems rather close-minded to me, which brings up an old saying:

"The problem with closed-minded people is that they usually have their mouths open!"

I was just dancing to your lead, Robert. I see you still don't get my brand of sarcasm. Sorry about that.
dpnewell Offline
#93 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
Dang, here I am playing with you folks, and I missed being first bidder on my 12 noon lots.
rfenst Offline
#94 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
dpnewell wrote:
I was just dancing to your lead, Robert. I see you still don't get my brand of sarcasm. Sorry about that.

LOL. I am just doing the same!
Papachristou Offline
#95 Posted:
Joined: 10-20-2010
Posts: 845
did anyone else see the article they just released? She was getting almost $300,000 per year in alimony!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#96 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Papachristou wrote:
did anyone else see the article they just released? She was getting almost $300,000 per year in alimony!

So...when do we get to hear from "Dad" on this?
rfenst Offline
#97 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
Papachristou wrote:
did anyone else see the article they just released? She was getting almost $300,000 per year in alimony!

That is a lot of money for 99% of us, but so what? Maybe she got "screwed" in the divorce and should be getting 3x that much...
Kawak Offline
#98 Posted:
Joined: 11-26-2007
Posts: 4,025
Most killers leave video's after they kill. Like this guy did so we'd know why and the fact it's not about guns.
snowwolf777 Offline
#99 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
rfenst wrote:
I just don't believe any suggestion that psychiatric medications are the across-the-board root of the problem. And, if they are, that we should automatically get rid of them.

Has anyone consulted John Edwards on this? If enough class action money was involved, I am sure he could find the "science" to prove the point.
Frying pan
snowwolf777 Offline
#100 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
dpnewell wrote:
Dang, here I am playing with you folks, and I missed being first bidder on my 12 noon lots.

That's OK dpnewell. I'm sure someone else can quick jump on and bid $1 on those Opus X and Padron 64s.

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