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Presidentin' Be Hard
DrMaddVibe Offline
#201 Posted:
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Michelle Obama: "Fantasy" Is To Walk Out WH "And Just Keep Walking"

"It is hard to sneak around and do what you want," Michelle Obama said today. "I have done it a couple of times. But you know one fantasy I have, and the Secret Service they keep looking at me because they think I might actually do it, is to walk right out the front door and just keep walking."

Let's hope America sends you walking this November...until then Stay classy!
DrafterX Offline
#202 Posted:
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they must have run out of hot wings.... Mellow
ZRX1200 Offline
#203 Posted:
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OBAMA GIVING OIL-RICH ALASKA ISLANDS TO RUSSIA Agreement negotiated in total secrecy without state's participation, public comment Published: 04/14/2012 at 9:01 PM

(WorldNewsTribune) Obama’s State Department is giving away seven strategic,resource-laden Alaskan islands to the Russians. Yes,to the Putin regime in the Kremlin. … The seven endangered islands in the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea include one the size of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. The Russians are also to get the tens of thousands of square miles of oil-rich seabeds surrounding the islands. The Department of Interior estimates billions of barrels of oil are at stake.

The State Department has undertaken the giveaway in the guise of a maritime boundary agreement between Alaska and Siberia. Astoundingly,our federal government itself drew the line to put these seven Alaskan islands on the Russian side. But as an executive agreement,it could be reversed with the stroke of a pen by President Obama or Secretary Clinton.
DrafterX Offline
#204 Posted:
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Why didn't they tell Sarah first..?? Huh
ZRX1200 Offline
#205 Posted:
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Monsanto’s Food and Drug Administration can’t close down small dairies and private food clubs fast enough, bursting on the scene with guns drawn as if the criminalized right to contract for natural foods we’ve consumed for millennia deserves SWAT attention.

Now, Obama has the Dept. of Justice going after small farmers under the post-911 “Bank Secrecy Act” which makes it a crime to deposit less than $10,000 when you earned more than that.

“The level we deposited was what it was and it was about the same every week,” Randy Sowers told Frederick News. The Sowers own and run South Mountain Creamery in Middletown, Maryland.

Admittedly, when the Sowers earned over $10,000 in February, and learned they’d have to fill out paperwork at the bank for such large deposits, they simply rolled the deposits over to keep them below the none-of-your-****-business amount, rather than waste time on bureaucratic red tape aimed at flagging terrorism or other illegal activities.

“Structuring,” explains, “is the federal criminal offense of splitting up bank deposits so as to keep them under a threshold such as $10,000 above which banks have to report transactions to the government.”

While being questioned, the Sowers were finally presented with a seizure order and advised that the feds had already emptied their bank account of $70,000. The Dept. of Justice has since sued to keep $63,000 of the Sowers’ money, though they committed no crime other than maintaining their privacy.

Without funds, they will be unable to make purchases for the spring planting.

When a similar action was taken against Taylor’s Produce Stand last year, the feds seized $90,000, dropped the charges, and kept $45,000 of Taylor’s money.

Knowing that most farms operate on a very thin margin, such abuse of power wipes out a family’s income, and for a bonus, the feds enhance the monopoly power of Monsanto, Big Dairy and their supply chain.

You can just smell attorney Michael Taylor behind all this, Obama’s dairy dog. Who you’ll find, instead, is US district attorney Stefan Cassella. He’s the first to head the DOJ’s Asset Forfeiture & Money Laundering Section, created in 2009, having wrote the books on it. He cut his teeth on seizing $1.2 billion from real money launderer, BCCI. Guess his focus has changed since then.

The Maryland Dept. of Agriculture had no trouble hitting up the Sowers for a recipe in its Buy-Local cookbook; but Cassella must’ve missed that public service, or it’s what drew his attention – “Ah! A small dairy! Let’s rob them of their cash, those evil Big Dairy competitors. They probably sell raw milk under the table. Even if we find no evidence of wrongdoing, we’ll keep their money anyway.” (Cue Curly’s, “yuh, yuh, yuh.”)

City Paper reports that in 2011, “Maryland brought 14 of the nation’s 99 structuring cases, making it the top state for such prosecutions. Nationally, the numbers have been rising; the 2011 figures are up 8.8 percent from the year before and up 57.1 percent from five years ago.”

Funny, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and other criminal banksters are still in operation, despite committing millions of acts of fraud during mortgage reassignations. But the DOJ prioritizes squashing family farmers since it’s easier to pick the low-hanging fruit than do battle with well-financed criminals who’ve illegally seized the homes of millions of US citizens.

Former Maryland assistant U.S. attorney Steven Levin told the paper, “The emphasis is on basically seizing money, whether it is legally or illegally earned. It can lead to financial ruin for business owners, and there’s a potential for abuse here by the government.”

Ya think?

The Bank Secrecy Act was modified* after 9/11, another in a long line of Constitutionally-abhorrent laws enacted by officials who cannot prove they were elected to office (given those elections were held on electronic voting systems that can be hacked without leaving evidence of the crime).

With the current Administration’s Agenda 21 focus on destroying the natural food and herb industry, is it not unsurprising to see unconstitutional terrorist legislation used on innocent, law abiding citizens?
ZRX1200 Offline
#206 Posted:
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Landmark Lawsuit by US Home Owners

5th May 2012

By Madison Ruppert

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

A new lawsuit, which is bordering on the unbelievable, implicates the Obama administration and some of the world’s largest banks in the largest international money laundering case in history.

This global money laundering network was allegedly formed during the Obama administration and helped banks rob U.S. home owners through offshore affiliates in infamous tax havens and money laundering hubs like the Cayman Island, Isle of Man, Luxembourg and Malaysia.

A press release published by Marketwatch (a website owned by the Wall Street Journal) via Marketwire on April 23, 2012, by America’s Spire Law Group, revealed that a mass tort action on behalf of home owners across the United States has been filed in the Supreme Court of New York, County of Kings.

The release states that the suit implicates every major bank servicer and their subsidiaries, as well as the Obama administration which allegedly was privately ratifying the formation of shell corporations in violation of not only the USA PATRIOT Act, but also State and Federal law as well.

This is all while the administration was very publicly encouraging home owners to modify their loans.

The suit, which has been assigned Index No. 500827 and was filed by the Spire Law Group and their affiliates and partners throughout the United States, also alleges that Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, Wells Fargo Bank, Citibank, Citigroup, One West Bank, among other federally chartered banks stole hundreds of millions of dollars from U.S. home owners through little-known offshore companies.

The money was then laundered through offshore corporations, and surprisingly the suit is quite explicit in identifying specific companies as well as the countries they are located in which were used to help defraud huge sums of money from Americans.

These activities are violations of the guidelines of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), New York state law, not to mention other states as well as federal law.

Columbus, Ohio-based trial lawyer and author Eric J. Wittenberg made some quite heated statements on behalf of the plaintiffs in the case.

“The laundering of trillions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money —and the wrongful taking of the homes of those taxpayers — was known by the Administration and expressly supported by it. Evidence uncovered by the plaintiffs revealed that the Administration ignored its own agencies’ reports — and reports from the Department of Homeland Security —about this situation, dating as far back as 2010,” Wittenberg said.

“Worse, the Administration purported to endorse a ‘national bank settlement’ without disclosing or having any public discourse whatsoever about the thousands of foreign tax havens now wholly owned by our nation’s banks. Fortunately, no home owner is bound to enter into this fraudulent bank settlement,” he added.

The many home owners involved in the case are suing these major financial institutions and their foreign allies not only for fraud and larceny but also for conversion and violations of provisions of New York state law and other laws.

If this lawsuit is what they are making it out to be, there could be a great deal of incredibly important information brought to light.

The press release states, “

This lawsuit explains why loans were, in general, rarely modified after 2009. It explains why the entire bank crisis worsened, crippling the economy of the United States and stripping countless home owners of their piece of the American dream. It is indeed a fact that the Administration has spent far more money stopping bank investigations, than they have investigating them. When the Administration’s agencies (like the FDIC) blew the whistle, their reports were ignored.”

“As if it is not bad enough that banks collect money and do not credit it to homeowners’ accounts, and as if it is not bad enough that those banks then foreclose when they know they do not have a legally enforceable interest in the realty, we now learn that they have been operating under unbridled free reign given by the Administration and some states’ Attorneys General in formulating this international money laundering network,” Wittenberg said.

“Now that the light of day has been shined on it, I believe we can all rest assured that the beginning of the end of the bank crisis has arrived,” he added.

All I can say is I hope he is right. This is truly one of the most astounding cases which has come to light in recent history, to say the least.

If this case is successful it could very well mean a major blow to the entire corrupt global financial system.

About the Author

Madison Ruppert is the Editor and Owner-Operator of the alternative news and analysis database End The Lie and has no affiliation with any NGO, political party, economic school, or other organization/cause. He is available for podcast and radio interviews. If you have questions, comments, or corrections feel free to contact him at [email protected]

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DrMaddVibe Offline
#207 Posted:
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DrMaddVibe Offline
#208 Posted:
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Judicial Watch Obtains Documents Detailing the Cost to Taxpayers for Michelle Obama’s Family Trip to Africa

Charges for the Aircraft and Crew Alone Amount to $424,142

Judicial Watch, the organization that investigates and fights government corruption, announced today that it has obtained mission expense records and passenger manifests from the United States Air Force related to the June 21-27, 2011, trip taken by First Lady Michelle Obama, her family and her staff to South Africa and Botswana. Judicial Watch obtained the documents pursuant to an August 19, 2011, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Air Force (No. 11-1496)). Judicial Watch is investigating the purpose and itinerary of the trip as well as a breakdown of the costs to taxpayers.

On June 28, 2011, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request seeking the mission taskings, transportation records, and passenger manifests for Michelle Obama’s Africa trip. Documents were only provided after Judicial Watch filed suit:

•According to U.S. Department of Defense’s published hourly rates for the C-32A aircraft used for the trip, Judicial Watch calculated the total cost to American taxpayers was $424,142 for use of the aircraft (34.8 flight hours x $12,188 per hour). (The C-32 is a specially configured military version of the Boeing 757.) Other expenses – meals (off the plane), transportation, security, various services, etc. – have yet to be disclosed.
•The passenger manifests confirm the presence of Obama’s daughter’s, Malia and Sasha on the trip. The two girls are listed as “Senior Staff.” The manifests also list Mrs. Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, and niece and nephew, Leslie and Avery Robinson, as well Mrs. Obama’s makeup and hairstylist (Carl Ray and Johnny Wright).
•The expense records also show $928.44 was spent for “bulk food” purchases on flight. Overall, during the trip, 192 meals were served for the 21 passengers on board.
The professed purpose of Michelle Obama’s trip to South Africa and Botswana was to encourage young people living in the two growing democracies to become involved in national affairs; and during her scheduled stops in Pretoria and Cape Town, South Africa and in Gaborone, the capital of Botswana, the First Lady used the opportunity to speak on education, health and wellness issues.The trip also included such tourist events as visits to historical landmarks and museums, plus a nonworking chance to send time with Nelson Mandela, a meeting that Mrs. Obama described as “surreal.” The trip ended with a private family safari at a South African game reserve before the group returned to Washington on June 27.“This trip was as much an opportunity for the Obama family to go on a safari as it was a trip to conduct government business,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This junket wasted tax dollars and the resources of our overextended military. No wonder we had to sue to pry loose this information.”

Why they need to git re-elected so they can see all the other continents! ON YOUR DIME!
ZRX1200 Offline
#209 Posted:
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Make it rain!
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#210 Posted:
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Obama attacks banks while raking in Wall Street dough

Published: 12:39 AM 10/10/2011

Despite his rhetorical attacks on Wall Street, a study by the Sunlight Foundation’s Influence Project shows that President Barack Obama has received more money from Wall Street than any other politician over the past 20 years, including former President George W. Bush.

In 2008, Wall Street’s largesse accounted for 20 percent of Obama’s total take, according to Reuters.

When asked by The Daily Caller to comment about President Obama’s credibility when it comes to criticizing Wall Street, the White House declined to reply.

Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer says the distance between the president’s rhetoric and actions makes him look hypocritical.

“It’s almost as if President Obama won’t cross across a Wall Street picket line except to get inside with [his] hand out, so he can raise money,” Fleischer told TheDC, referring to the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators who the president has been encouraging over the past week. “That sort of support causes him to look hypocritical.”

Fleischer continued by saying that President Obama and Democrats, such as New York Sen. Charles Schumer, who has received approximately $8.7 million from Wall Street since 1989, should stop taking campaign donations from Wall Street banks if they are so offended by their actions.

“They can’t say we hate Wall Street, but we love their money,” Fleischer said. (RELATED: White House: Millionaire tax isn’t enough)

Being Wall Street’s campaign cash king is hardly the image President Obama has been trying to project in public, where he has been setting himself up as the champion of the progressive Occupy Wall Street movement and as the avenger of jilted Bank of America customers.

“Banks can make money,” Obama said last week, responding to questions during an interview with ABC News about Bank of America’s decision to levy a $5 monthly fee on debit card users. “They can succeed, the old-fashioned way, by earning it.”

In fact, the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan watchdog group that tracks lobbyist spending and influence in both parties, found that President Obama has received more money from Bank of America than any other candidate dating back to 1991.

An examination of the numbers shows that Obama took in $421,242 in campaign contributions in 2008 from Bank of America’s executives, PACs and employees, which exceeded its prior record contribution of $329,761 to President George W. Bush in 2004.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Wall Street firms also contributed more to Obama’s 2008 campaign than they gave to Republican nominee John McCain.

“The securities and investment industry is Obama’s second largest source of bundlers, after lawyers, at least 56 individuals have raised at least $8.9 million for his campaign,” Massie Ritsch wrote in a Sept. 18, 2008 entry on the Center for Responsive Politics’s OpenSecrets blog.

By the end of Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign, executives and others connected with Wall Street firms, such as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citigroup, UBS AG, JPMorgan Chase, and Morgan Stanley, poured nearly $15.8 million into his coffers.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#211 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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There's a whole lot o' Quid Pro Quo'in goin' on over thar!

PS: Owedumba couldn't even fill up the Bank of America arena!Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan
ZRX1200 Offline
#212 Posted:
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#213 Posted:
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President Obama Parties With Jay-Z and Beyonce

Hip hop’s biggest power couple, Jay-Z and Beyonce, held a fundraiser for President Barack Obama tonight at Jay-Z’s 40/40 Club in Manhattan. In his speech at the event, Mr. Obama discussed his daughters’ love for the musicians and what he and Jay-Z have in common.

“Let me just begin by saying to Jay and Bey, thank you so much for your friendship. We are so grateful. Michelle and Malia and Sasha are mad at me because they are not here,” Mr. Obama said. “That doesn’t usually happen. Usually they’re like, we’re glad you’re going–we don’t need to go. But every time they get a chance to see these two they are thrilled, partly because they are just both so generous, particularly to my kids. And Malia and Sasha just love both of them.”

Mr. Obama went on to explain that Beyonce “couldn’t be a better role model for our daughters because she carries herself with such class and poise.” He then discussed the similarities between himself and Jay-Z.

“Jay-Z now knows what my life is like. We both have daughters, and our wives are more popular than we are. So we’ve got a little bond there. It’s hard, but it’s okay,” said the President.

Following those opening remarks referencing his famous hosts, Mr. Obama launched into what was basically his standard stump speech contrasting his vision for the country with that of his rival in the presidential race, Mitt Romney. However, at one other point in his remarks, Mr. Obama noted that, like him, Beyonce and Jay-Z came from humble beginnings.

“And the good thing about so many of us here–and I know, I speak for Jay and Bey–is we remember what it’s like not having anything, and we know people who were just as talented as us that didn’t get the same break, the same chance. We remember some of our parents or grandparents who came here as immigrants and got a little bit of help along the way to go to that school or be able to start that first business,” said Mr. Obama.

According to the press pool report filed by McClatchy’s Anita Kumar, Beyonce and Jay-Z “both said very little,” but Beyonce introduced the President prior to his speech saying she and her husband “believe in his vision.”

In addition to his event at the 40/40 Club tonight, Mr. Obama also appeared at a fundraiser at the Waldorf Astoria hotel and on The Late Show With Dave Letterman during his visit to New York City. The Republican National Committee responded by distributing a list to reporters of the “Top 10 Things Obama Should Be Doing Instead of Hobnobbing With Jay-Z, Beyonce and Letterman,” which included, “Get An Intelligence Briefing,” “Tell Americans How He’s Going To Get Nearly 47 Million Americans Off Food Stamps” and “Meet With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

It's rumored that Nero played a fiddle while he watched the flames consume Rome...a fire he had commissioned so he could "TRANSFORM" Rome in his image!
ZRX1200 Offline
#214 Posted:
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US Prepares for Riots, Buys 1.2 Billion Bullets, Yesterday, 4:21 PM

U.S. Homeland Security is preparing for an all-out “American Spring” rebellion and has bought 1.2 billion bullets for trained snipers.

U.S. Homeland Security is preparing for an all-out "American Spring" rebellion and has bought 1.2 billion bullets for counterterrorist snipers. An additional 200 million bullets are to be purchased, according to writer and author Paul Joseph Watson. The new purchase is for .223 rifle ammunition, plus another 176,000 rounds of .308 caliber 168 grain hollow point boat tail (HPBT) rounds in addition to 25,000 rounds of blank .308 caliber bullets. "It is the type of ammunition and not necessarily the quantity that is troubling," James Smith Prepper Podcast was quoted as saying. "All of the sniper grade ammunition is being used by trained, or in-the-process-of-being-trained snipers," wrote Smith. Adding up the number of lethal bullets tallies a potential 135,384 kills for the snipers, based on U.S. Army and Marine figures from the Vietnam War, when soldiers used 1.3 rounds of ammunition for each verified kill. Homeland Security"s purchases of the huge arsenal "is both worrying and ironic given that Americans are being harassed and treated with suspicion for buying a couple of boxes of ammo at their local gun store," Watson wrote. Government officials have refused to comment. Nearly half a billion rounds of ammunition purchased last March expand on entry into a body to cause maximum wounds. The large number of bullets raises questions if such large quantities are needed only for training. In addition, 750 million bullets can penetrate walls. The Homeland Security purchases are in addition to a controversial 174,000 bullets purchased by the Social Security Administration and reported by mainstream media, which has largely overlooked Homeland Security"s huge arsenal or has considered it a result of paranoia. However, the U.S. Army has been preparing for rebellion in the streets, and a Military Police training manual, entitled "Civil Disturbance Operations" describes how to suppress riots and kill civilians when confronting "dissidents." The manual states, "Warning shot will not be fired," Watson reported.
DrafterX Offline
#215 Posted:
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I better go see if Walmart has any 223s left.... Mellow
ZRX1200 Offline
#216 Posted:
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#217 Posted:
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#218 Posted:
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U.S. President Barack Obama issued a new executive order last week to fight human trafficking, touting his administration's handling of the issue.

"When a little boy is kidnapped, turned into a child soldier, forced to kill or be killed -- that's slavery," Obama said in a speech at the Clinton Global Initiative. "It is barbaric, and it is evil, and it has no place in a civilized world. Now, as a nation, we've long rejected such cruelty."

But for the third year in a row, Obama has waived almost all U.S. sanctions that would punish certain countries that use child soldiers, upsetting many in the human rights community.

Late Friday afternoon, Obama issued a presidential memorandum waiving penalties under the Child Soldiers Protection Act of 2008 for Libya, South Sudan, and Yemen, penalties that Congress put in place to prevent U.S. arms sales to countries determined by the State Department to be the worst abusers of child soldiers in their militaries. The president also partially waived sanctions against the Democratic Republic of the Congo to allow some military training and arms sales to that country.

Human rights advocates saw the waivers as harmful to the goal of using U.S. influence to urge countries that receive military assistance to move away from using child soldiers and contradictory to the rhetoric Obama used in his speech.

"After such a strong statement against the exploitation of children, it seems bizarre that Obama would give a pass to countries using children in their armed forces and using U.S. tax money to do that," said Jesse Eaves, the senior policy advisor for child protection at World Vision.

The Obama administration doesn't want to upset its relationships with countries that it needs for security cooperation, but the blanket use of waivers is allowing the administration to avoid the law's intent, which was to use force the U.S. government to put a greater priority on human rights and child protection when doling out military aid, he said.

"The intent in this law was to use this waiver authority only in extreme circumstances, yet this has become an annual thing and this has become the default of this administration," Eaves said.

The Romney campaign has made Obama's record on human rights a feature of its foreign-policy critique, with top advisors accusing the president of deprioritizing the issue, often in sweeping terms.

"Barack Obama has broken with a tradition that goes back to Woodrow Wilson about human rights and values animating our foreign policy. This administration has not been an effective voice for human rights," said Romney campaign senior advisor for foreign policy Rich Williamson, who also served as George W. Bush's special envoy to Sudan, told The Cable in July.

Bush signed the child-soldiers law in 2008. It prohibits U.S. military education and training, foreign military financing, and other defense-related assistance to countries that actively recruit troops under the age of 18. Countries are designated as violators if the State Department's annual Trafficking in Persons report identifies them as recruiting child soldiers. The original bill was sponsored by Sen. ****** Durbin (D-IL).

Obama first waived the sanctions in 2010, the first year they were to go into effect. At that time, the White House failed to inform Congress or the NGO community of its decision in advance, setting off a fierce backlash. A justification memo obtained by The Cable at the time made several security-related arguments for the waivers. Sudan was going through a fragile transition, for example. Yemen was crucial to counterterrorism cooperation, the administration argued.

But NSC Senior Director for Multilateral Affairs Samantha Power told NGO leaders at the time that the waivers would not become a recurring event.

"Our judgment was: Brand them, name them, shame them, and then try to leverage assistance in a fashion to make this work," Power said, saying the administration wanted to give the violator countries one more year to show progress. "Our judgment is we'll work from inside the tent."

But the next year, in 2011, Obama waived almost all the sanctions once again, using largely the same justifications, except that the administration argued that the law didn't apply to South Sudan because it wasn't a country until July 2011. Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) tried to pass new legislation to force Obama to notify Congress before issuing the waivers.

Fortenberry called the decision an "assault on human dignity," and said, "Good citizens of this country who do not want to be complicit in this grave human rights abuse must challenge this administration."

This year, the State Department held a briefing for NGO leaders and human rights activists to answer questions about the waivers and try to ally their concerns.

"They are addressing the concerns of the legislation in a more pragmatic and useful way than in the past, but they still have a ways to go and this was a clear missed opportunity," Rachel Stohl, a senior associate at the Stimson Center who attended the briefing, told The Cable. "You want the waivers to be used very sparingly but some of these countries get the waiver every year."

Stohl rejects the administration's argument that countries like Libya and South Sudan are so fragile that they can't be leaned on to do better on human rights.

"I would argue that this is exactly the right time to make clear to Libya what the parameters are," she said.

Jo Becker, advocacy director for the children's rights division at Human Rights Watch, told The Cable that where the United States has used some pressure, such as in the DRC, where there was a partial cutoff of military aid last year, there was a positive effect.

"After years of foot-dragging, Congo is close to signing a U.N. action plan to end its use of child soldiers," she said. "But in other countries with child soldiers, including South Sudan, Libya, and Yemen, the U.S. continues to squander its leverage by giving military aid with no conditions."

HockeyDad Offline
#219 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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So now people complain because Obama is putting children to work......job creation, bitches.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#220 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
So now people complain because Obama is putting children to work......job creation, bitches.

BACK TO WORK!!!horse
bloody spaniard Offline
#221 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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Hi! This is my first visit here.Blushing

Sorry but wordy, C&P, linky threads are to me what books are to most black folk.Blink
DrMaddVibe Offline
#222 Posted:
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bloody spaniard wrote:
Hi! This is my first visit here.Blushing

Sorry but wordy, C&P, linky threads are to me what books are to most black folk.Blink

Hooked on Phonics!
ZRX1200 Offline
#223 Posted:
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Dad I post some interesting developments here for posterity sake for reference for our resident defenders of Barry.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#224 Posted:
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ZRX1200 wrote:
Dad I post some interesting developments here for posterity sake for reference for our resident defenders of Barry.

Looks like they're playing with one less man now!whip
bloody spaniard Offline
#225 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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Jamie, I've always said you had a good brain, son... but for Pete's sake, don't wear it out! I say, I say, this is cbid, boy!!Brick wall d'oh!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#226 Posted:
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bloody spaniard wrote:
Jamie, I've always said you had a good brain, son... but for Pete's sake, don't wear it out! I say, I say, this is cbid, boy!!Brick wall d'oh! so wordy.

Keep yer powder dry.

bloody spaniard Offline
#227 Posted:
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DrMaddVibe wrote: so wordy.
Keep yer powder dry.

Now THAT I can understand & appreciate- linear thinking!Applause
ZRX1200 Offline
#228 Posted:
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I get tired of "talking point" arguments and "did you snopes that?" BS.

So I leave reading materials for R&D parrots.

Think of it as my "crackers for crackers" program.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#229 Posted:
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ZRX1200 wrote:
I get tired of "talking point" arguments and "did you snopes that?" BS.

So I leave reading materials for R&D parrots.

Think of it as my "crackers for crackers" program.



That just sounds racist!
ZRX1200 Offline
#230 Posted:
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Well I'm open for naming rights.....
bloody spaniard Offline
#231 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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HAHAHA! See? Even an inocuous statement like that can be turned around.
People with agendas are always going to question your sources' motives anyway, Jaime, and claim that they are logically unsound- regardless of whether it passes the Snopes test or not. My dilemma is that I can't goof on PDX 's cut 'n pastes anymore because everyone else is dong it. I know, boo hoo for me.

The debating "trick" that always gets to me is when someone with a fallacious argument's been cornered like a rat & "can't comment" because they "didn't see, hear, or read the original in it's entirety"...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#232 Posted:
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Campaign travel offers Obama view of tough economy

Sometimes all President Barack Obama has to do is look out the window to get a firsthand look at the country's economic woes.

This week in this town, the presidential motorcade speeds past opulent homes lining manmade Lake Las Vegas as he heads to the sprawling luxury development where he's preparing for the upcoming debates with Mitt Romney. But many houses here are empty, victims of Nevada's foreclosure crisis, and others are worth far less than their purchase price.

Farther down the road, a golf course is abandoned — one of two shuttered in the neighborhood. A sparkling shopping center off the main drag has no shops to fill its storefronts.

And if Obama didn't get the message of pocketbook pain, the marquee at one business — one that is open if perhaps not thriving — spells it out: "President Obama, we need lower taxes."

Views like these from the window of his fortified Chevy Suburban or armored limousine give Obama an unvarnished look both at the country he runs and the challenges he faces in winning a second term amid a struggling economic recovery.

The president, often cloistered in the White House, says seeing the facts on the ground — in the battleground states that will decide the election — is an opportunity he relishes.

"It's good to get out of Washington," Obama frequently tells crowds on the campaign trail, whether he's in an economically-booming community or a struggling one in a nation where the unemployment rate hasn't dropped below 8 percent since January 2009 — the first month of his presidency.

Of course, the president sees much more than economic realities from the black limos and SUVs that ferry him to and from events several times a week in contested states from Colorado to New Hampshire to Florida. Clusters of protesters carrying signs castigating him and fans countering with expressions of thanks are staples along most motorcade routes.

Aides say the president takes notice of the world outside his motorcade as it speeds through the streets of big cities, small towns and leafy suburbs. He's particularly struck, they say, by the people who line the streets to watch his caravan pass. He insists on waving to the crowds through the tinted windows, even while he's on the phone or being briefed by advisers — and even if onlookers can't see him clearly.

During bus tours, Obama often points to aides when there are large pockets of supporters standing along the road. The driver slows down and Obama moves to the front so he can get a better look, and so the crowd can get a better look at him as well.

On Monday, crowds lined Lake Mead Parkway in Henderson as the president passed by on his way to a campaign rally in nearby Las Vegas. Many snapped photos or took videos on their cellphones. One young girl waved a small American flag, while an elderly couple waved enthusiastically to the presidential procession.

Small children peered over concrete walls separating their homes from the street and families gathered on their front lawns to watch as the motorcade zipped through the largely Hispanic, working-class neighborhood where Obama was heading to speak.

His mere presence makes waves, part of the reason why Obama chose to hold his intensive debate preparations in Nevada. It's one of a few states that will determine the outcome of the White House race, and aides are mindful that something as simple as seeing the president's motorcade can build voter enthusiasm and drive local media coverage ahead of the election.

Here, like elsewhere, Obama is getting plenty of reminders about the looming election.

An electronic billboard flashes information about voting, urging residents to register by the state's Oct. 6 deadline. Signs for local and state candidates dot the desert landscape.

At times, Obama also comes face to face with Romney backers.

Earlier this summer, some residents in Hunts Point, Wash., held Romney signs as Obama traveled to a fundraiser in the neighborhood. At another point, during a fundraiser in a largely Republican neighborhood in Tampa, Fla., several neighbors planted Romney signs in their front yard. Others made their own signs with messages for the president.

"Free markets, not free loaders," read one sign at the home across the street from Obama's event. "The bro has got to go," said another.

Indeed, there are often protests, from Republicans, Occupy Wall Street activists, even medical marijuana advocates.

But sometimes the White House tries to make sure those gatherings aren't in Obama's line of sight.

For example, hundreds of medical marijuana supporters flocked to a theater in Oakland, Calif., where Obama was headlining a July fundraiser. With law enforcement keeping the protesters confined to the front of the theater, Obama's motorcade simply dropped him off on the side of the building, ensuring he never caught a glimpse of the crowd.

"Look, uh, sometimes things look good on paper, but lose their luster when you see how it affects real folks. I guess a healthy bottom line doesn't mean much, if to get it you have to hurt the ones you depend on. It's people that make the difference, little people like you."

Sucks when the moron can't run on his own record! He's a FAILURE!
DrafterX Offline
#233 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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Is he going to visit Fuzz while he's there..?? Huh
DrMaddVibe Offline
#234 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
Is he going to visit Fuzz while he's there..?? Huh

Read the last paragraph...besides...he's not going to people's couches!!!!Frying pan horse Gonz d'oh!
Brewha Offline
#235 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,258
Wait – Fuzz owns peoples couches?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#236 Posted:
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Brewha wrote:
Wait – Fuzz owns peoples couches?

He owns NOTHING! His wife owns the couch he sits on watching Dora the Explorer folding laundry. He dreamed of leading 99% rally but snickerdoodles were almost burned.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#237 Posted:
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Residents Alerted to Obamas' Hawaiian Holiday Plans

Residents living near the beachfront homes where President Barack Obama and First Family vacation with their friends every year since 2008 were alerted on Monday to some specifics of the Obamas' holiday vacation plans.
The report delivered to residents living along the ocean and canal that surrounds the multi-million dollar homes at Kailuana Place where the President stays, informed them of restrictions that will be implemented for 20 days beginning December 17 and running through January 6.

In a matter of weeks, Kailua residents will see the familiar street barricades fronted by U.S. Secret Service agents and Navy Seals and the U.S. Coast Guard stationed in canal and ocean waters.

The President, who spent some of his childhood years in Hawaii, brings his wife, two daughters, Sasha and Malia, with dog Bo in tow, each holiday season. They settle into the small town community known for its spectacular sparkling beaches, warm turquoise ocean, rolling surf, country shops and restaurants and friendly people.
The homes where they stay are just a two-minute drive from Kaneohe Bay and the Marine Corps Base Hawaii, where the Obamas and friends can access private white sand beaches and military workout facilities.

Kailua Beach

While many residents welcome the First Family, others are disheartened by the restrictions put on air, water and road travel while the President and family are in town, especially because it is the holiday season and many families on vacation want to use their boats or surf and paddle in the welcoming ocean waves fronting the Kailua homes. In addition, the President's caravan of at least 22 vehicles including an ambulance can easily overwhelm the community that typically has single lane streets.

Adding to the controversy surrounding the President's visit is the cost of the trip.

With the staff, special forces, local police presence and equipment, the President's visit adds up annually to at least a $4 million vacation courtesy of the Hawaii and federal taxpayers.

While the President and his friends pay for their own rental homes, taxpayers pick up the cost of security and waterfront housing for the Secret Service, Navy Seals and Coast Guard as well as staff accommodations at a plush beachfront Waikiki hotel.

TRAVEL: $3,629,622

The biggest expense is President Barack Obama’s round trip flight to Hawaii via Air Force One.

A Congressional Research Service report released in May 2012 said the plane typically used by the President, a Boeing 747, costs $179,750 per hour to operate. The U.S. Air Force has listed the cost of travel as high as $181,757 per flight hour.

Travel time for Air Force One direct from Washington D.C. to Hawaii is about 9 hours or as high as $1,635,813 each way for a total of $3,271,622 for the round trip to Hawaii and back.

The cost for USAF C-17 cargo aircraft that transports the Presidential limos, helicopters and other support equipment to Hawaii has never been disclosed in the years the President has traveled to Hawaii. However, the flight time between Andrews Air Force Base and Hawaii is at about 21.5 hours roundtrip, with estimated operating cost of $12,000 per hour. (Source: GAO report, updated by C-17 crew member). The United States Marine Corps provides a presidential helicopter, along with pilots and support crews for the test flights, which travel on another C-17 flight. That is $258,000, not including costs for the 4 to 6 member crew's per diem and hotel.

Moana Surfrider Resort

The rentals are fronted by the ocean and backed by a canal. So, the taxpayers must cover the costs for housing U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Coast Guard and Navy Seals in beach front and canal front homes around where the President stays.

Last year, that added up to about $200 per bedroom per day, or $21,600 per average home for a nearly three week period, with special forces renting at least 7 homes. Security arrives ahead of the President costing taxpayers about $176,400 for the length of the visit.

The President’s staff and White House Press Corps typically stay at one of Hawaii’s oldest and most elegant hotels, the Moana Surfrider. Besides its stunningly beautiful view of Waikiki, and its traditional Hawaiian architecture and decor, it is one of the most pricey hotels in the state and government rates are not available during the holiday season. Rooms start at around $270 but can cost as much as $370 a night for an ocean view before Christmas, and climb much higher around the new year.

A conservative estimate with rooms at $270 (excluding a 9.25 percent Transient Accommodation Tax and a 4.712 percent General Excise Tax on each bill, meals, internet charges and other charges) means the taxpayers are covering more than $129,600 in hotel bills for some two dozen staff.


Local police are paid over time for the President’s visit, which has historically cost Oahu taxpayers $250,000.
The city ambulance the accompanies the President 24 hours a day through his entire visit is about $10,000 to city taxpayers.


There are several costs the White House annually refuses to release, citing security.

For example, the President’s security usually rents an entire floor of an office building in Kailua on the canal during the president’s stay.

There are security upgrades and additional phone lines to several private homes where Obama and friends are staying. That includes bullet proof glass installed, home security systems disabled, new security measures put into place and additional phone lines added.

There is the cost for car rentals and fuel for White House staff staying at a Waikiki Hotel.

And there are additional travel costs Secret Service and White House staff traveling ahead of the President.
The total cost (based on what is known) for a 20-day round trip vacation to Hawaii for the President and his family and staff and security is more than $4 million.

Hawaii Reporter annually has requested details on the cost of the President’s trip, but the White House will not release any figures, citing security concerns. A spokesperson has maintained the costs are "in line" with other presidential vacations.

Hawaii Reporter has sought to determine the cost of vacations for the current president and last two presidents but the Government Accountability Office referred Hawaii Reporter back to the White House spokesperson.

**** your fiscal cliff. SCOREBOARD BITCHES!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#238 Posted:
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President finally shows his face after $1m golfing weekend with Tiger Woods that White House didn't want world to seeObama played at exclusive Florida course on Sunday with Tiger Woods
President refused to say if he had been beaten by the champion golfer

Cost of Air Force One trips to and from Florida, along with hotel rooms, greens fees and exclusive golf lessons comes to $989,207

Tried to mend fraught relationship with traveling press corps by 'hanging out' with them for 10 minutes on the flight back

The President was on the course on Monday for the third and final day of a Florida vacation with departing US Trade Representative Ron Kirk, the president's Chicago pal Eric Whitaker and White House aide Marvin Nicholson.
The President had enjoyed a round of golf with Tiger Woods on Sunday - a fact that only emerged by chance after media were banned from attending the event. The traveling pool of journalists who follow the President's every move were reportedly furious after being shut out of his round of golf and not being allowed on to the club grounds.

It has long been a White House tradition that pool reporters cover the President's rounds of golf and even have the opportunity for a few questions on the course.

The President waved as he jogged up the steps of Air Force One at Palm Beach International Airport on Monday evening while a White House aide heaved golf clubs and large bags on board.

When he landed back in Washington and walked across the White House lawn, several frustrated reporters collectively shouted to the President to ask if he had beaten Tiger Woods.

Despite appearing to have heard the question, the Daily Caller reported, Obama did not answer and just smiled.

The President was relaxing on a trip to the Floridian, an exclusive club along Florida's Treasure Coast. Obama arrived in Florida late on Friday and returned to Washington on Monday night

The club's owner is Jim Crane, a Houston businessman who also owns baseball's Houston Astros. Crane also has given money to Obama's political campaigns.

The White House had barred media coverage of the president's golf holiday but released the names of his partners.

The Huffington Post reports that the President tried to make amends with the traveling press by spending a quick 10 to 15 minutes with them in the back of Air Force One as they headed back to D.C.

Proving that he was not dropping the secrecy act anytime soon, all of the reporters involved had to agree that the conversation was off the record, meaning that they could not officially report anything that he said and had to keep their reflections of the conversation in extremely vague terms.

'He didn't come back because he had to tell us something. He came back to hang out,' reporter Scott Wilson from The Washington Post, who was serving as the pool reporter on Monday.

The weekend is the latest in a string of incidents that have prompted press backlash against the self-titled 'transparent' President, with Politico reporting today that withholding access is just one of the ways in which his administration works to avoid the tough questions and promote their brand.

The outrage over the lack of transparency comes as much of the bill for the pricey trip will be paid for by tax payers, yet President Obama did not feel it appropriate to even release one photo of his time out on the course.

The President played with the notorious philanderer on Sunday after getting a private lesson from Woods' former coach the day before.

The trip was far from a little getaway, as he made his way to the golf course by way of Chicago on Friday and that is when the costs started piling up.

ABC News reported that in 2012, it cost $179,750 per flight hour to run Air Force One.

Going off that rate- even though it is likely higher now since gas prices have risen- the cost of the flights to Florida and back to Washington on Monday totaled $943,687.50.

Luxurious: Obama's entourage rented out all three of the four-bedroom cottages on the grounds of the club
$943,687.50: estimated cost of a trip for Air Force One from Chicago to West Palm Beach and then back to Washington, D.C.

$13,500: Cost to rent out three four-bedroom guest cottages at The Floridian for three nights
$24,000: Cost of an eight-hour private golf lesson with famed instructor Butch Harmon
$1,800: Greens fees for three guests for two rounds of golf
$1,600: Cost of four caddies for two rounds of golf
$4,620: Cost of 20 rooms at the Port St. Lucie Holiday Inn for traveling press and security detail based on the government per-diem rate
TOTAL: $989,207

.He rented out all three of the four-bedroom guest cottages on the grounds of The Floridian for the whole of the long weekend, as well about 20 hotel rooms from the nearby Holiday Inn- which is about 20 minutes drive from the course- for his traveling entourage of press and security.

Expectantly, their price differentials are significant, as one night in a guest cottage costs $1,500 while the Holiday Inn told MailOnline that they charged the government per-diem rate of $77 per room.

On top of the logistical expenses, the whole point of the trip was to relax on the golf course, which involves a whole host of expenses in itself.

Guest greens fees at The Floridian are $300 per person, and each player hires a caddy who costs $200 per round.

For three guests to play two rounds of golf over the weekend, greens fees come to $1,800 and the caddies fees for the foursome total $1,600.

Relaxation: The President's press team said that they did not need to allow journalists on to the grounds because it was a personal vacation and that Mr Obama was not conducting any formal political events during the trip

Options: Since he did not leave the grounds, Mr Obama undoubtedly ate in the course's gourmet dining room

Expensive: All told, the trip is thought to have cost close to $1million
The Floridian also features a gourmet dining room, full service spa and a marina with 68 boat slips so members can arrange to go on fishing outings during their stay. Because the press were banned from getting past the maintenance shed outside of the gates of the club, it is not known whether the President indulged in any of those amenities.

The golf club's rules stipulate that all expenses incurred by guests are paid for by their member counter part. In this case, that means that the club's owner Jim Crane- who is also a Democratic donor- likely paid for all of the charges and is being reimbursed either in full or part.

Another personal expense that Mr Obama racked up came from the eight hour one-on-one lesson with golf pro Mr Harmon. Since those lessons typically cost $3,000, that means that Mr Obama's bill came to a tidy $24,000 after his intensive session on Saturday.

During his stay, the President never left the grounds of the golf club, meaning that his transportation and security costs were kept to a minimum. A spokesman for the nearby police department said that they had not been asked by the Secret Service to provide any additional security.

Keeping score: Tiger Woods is rumored to be doing well during the early bouts of the round
While both the President and Woods remained mum about their round of golf, former coach Mark Harmon wasn't shy when it came to talking about their conversations.
'Just to see the interaction between the two on the range was pretty neat. The President said to Tiger, "The last tournament you played was fun to watch. It's good to see you play well again." You could tell he meant it. It just wasn't a throw it out compliment,' he told Golf Digest.

Familiar face: The President played golf with his friend Eric Whitaker on Saturday, and he was seen playing with him back in 2009 during a trip to Martha's Vineyard (pictured) as well
Prior to Mr Obama's round with Tiger- where he was accompanied by his friend from Chicago Eric Whitaker, two Democratic donors, a U.S. trade representative and the club's owner Jim Crane- the President spent eight hours with Mr Harmon fine-tuning his game.
He reportedly played 27 holes with Mr Harmon and had an instruction session in his golf studio.
'I like the fact he loves golf,' Mr Harmon said.
'Obviously he doesn't get to play very much. He said it was a real treat for him to come here with his best friends and have a chance to play.
'But he counts every shot. He doesn't like gimmes. He putts everything out. He counts all his penalty shots. He thinks about all his shots before he hits them.
'Some people might say to the President of the United States, "Oh, just move it." But that's not him. He loves the game and loves the game the way it's supposed to be played.'
Golf Digest reporter Tim Rosaforte reported that the Commander-in-Chief reported to the club's driving range at around 11am as he warmed up for the 'historic' round with Woods and Crane.

The President was supposed to play with Woods at Medalist Golf Club in Hobe Sound which is about a half hour away from The Floridian, but Mr Obama and his entourage opted to stay on the grounds of the golf club in Palm City.

Since reporters were barred from accessing the golf crew, gossip was flying at the country club as members tried their best to get an insight into how the round was going.

Tranquil: The round is taking place at The Floridian Yacht and Golf Club owned by Jim Crane

Butch Harmon, pictured with Tiger Woods in 1999, will be working with the president this weekend on his golf swing
'Not going to turn this into Tiger Tracker, but from pro shop at Floridian we received word TW holed out greenside bunker No. 1 for birdie,' Rosaforte tweeted.

While this is the first time that the President has played golf with Woods- who has won the most titles in the storied sport- it is not the first time that they have met.

Upper echelon: Jim Crane, who owns the golf club and the Houston Astros, is a Democratic donor and has played golf with the President twice this weekend
The disgraced golfer did a reading at one of President Obama's inaugural festivities in 2009 and followed that up with a visit to the White House.
That visit took place five months before his long list of affairs was exposed so it is unclear whether or not Woods and Mr Obama have spoken since. Their four hours on the course will leave them with plenty of time to talk, however.

During his round on Saturday, the President played with Crane as well as U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk. He also played at least one round with his close friend Eric Whitaker who he has known since he lived in Chicago.

Both Carroll and Crane have donated to Democratic campaigns, and Chase hosted an Obama fundraiser during the presidential campaign last year.

The Florida club is used to having some high-profile guests, as conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh talked about his times playing there during his show on Saturday.

'I was a proud and honored member of the Floridian,' he said.

'The president’s got himself a good, old-fashioned guys golf weekend.'
The weekend wasn't all smooth sailing for the President's team, however, as three planes breached the no-fly zone that was imposed during Mr Obama's visit.

The Federal Aviation Administration is now investigating the incidents which obviously caused concern about what may have happened if the security restrictions were broken on purpose.
President Obama is enjoying a break from his family this weekend after flying to Florida for a golf getaway, while the First Lady and daughters Sasha and Malia will be skiing in Aspen, Colorado, the White House confirmed on Friday.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#239 Posted:
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Reporter Asks Carney: Will Obama Cut Back on Lavish Vacations, Golf Trips?

Carney punts.

A reporter from Colorado asked White House spokesman Jay Carney how President Obama justifies "lavish vacations" and golf trips, and whether he plans to cut back:

Bringing up high unemployment in minority communities and government furloughs, the reporter started, as well as "millions of Americans unemployed, and family budgets that have been cut. How does the president justify lavish vacations and a golf trip to Florida at taxpayer expense? And does he plan to cut back on his travels?"

Carney responded, "I can tell you that this president is focused every day on policies that create economic growth and help advance job creation."

Q All right. I wanted to follow up on this young woman’s question about the high unemployment out in places like Colorado, all around the country, especially in the minority communities -- exceptionally high unemployment. And when there is government workers who may be furloughed, millions of Americans unemployed, and family budgets that have been cut, how does the President justify lavish vacations and a golf trip to Florida at taxpayer expense? And does he plan to cut back on his travel?

MR. CARNEY: I can tell you that this President is focused every day on policies that create economic growth and help advance job creation. We have presided over the past three years over an economy that’s produced over 6.3 million private sector jobs, and we have more work to do. And this President’s number-one priority is growth and job creation. When you come to --

Q But it’s not working in the minority communities.

MR. CARNEY: Well, the fact is unemployment has come down. It has not come down nearly enough. And what we need to do is embrace policies that advance job creation, make secure the middle class, and create ladders of opportunity for those who aspire to the middle class. We certainly do not need to embrace economic policies that shift the entire burden of deficit reduction onto senior citizens, middle-class families, Medicaid recipients. The proposal coming out of the House would slash Medicaid by a third.

Q But it doesn’t affect inner-city jobs.

MR. CARNEY: It doesn’t? You don’t think it does?

Q No.

MR. CARNEY: People who depend on Medicaid to help take care of their kids who are disabled. People who depend on Medicaid to take care of their parents who are in nursing homes. People who are not in the middle class but aspire to it, who depend directly on Medicaid. I think you need to examine what the Medicaid program actually does.

We're going to Martha's Vineyard again biznitches!!!
HockeyDad Offline
#240 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,307
Martha's Vineyard doesn't need no stinking inner city jobs!
dubleuhb Offline
#241 Posted:
Joined: 03-20-2011
Posts: 11,350
Will they all fly on the same plane this time ?
ZRX1200 Offline
#242 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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olitics Obama creates panel to recommend state election law changes

6:45 PM 03/28/2013

The White House announced Thursday the formation of a nine-seat Presidential Commission on Election Administration tasked with recommending changes to states’ election laws by the end of September.

“The Commission shall identify best practices and otherwise make recommendations to promote the efficient administration of elections in order to ensure that all eligible voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots without undue delay, and to improve the experience of voters facing other obstacles,” said Obama’s executive order, issued March 28.

State elections are conducted by states, usually under state laws. However, the federal Congress has the constitutional authority to “any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”

Obama’s panel does not have the legal ability to rewrite state election laws, but its recommendations could help Obama’s appointees at the Department of Justice ask friendly judges to impose changes on states.

Democratic activists have repeatedly called for changes to increase voter registration, to extend voting periods, to curb voter-identification rules and to help apparently non-political groups boost turnout by voters.

The executive order said the panel should consider changes to almost all portions of the state’s voting system.

The changes could include “the number, location, management, operation, and design of polling places … the training, recruitment, and number of poll workers … the efficient management of voter rolls and poll books … voting machine capacity and technology … voter education … processing provisional ballots in the polling place on Election Day … the administration of absentee ballot programs … [and] other issues related to the efficient administration of elections that the Co-Chairs agree are necessary and appropriate to the Commission’s work.”
ZRX1200 Offline
#243 Posted:
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A bipartisan abdication

By George F. Will, Published: MARCH 27, 7:06 PM ET

“President Obama has arguably established the authority of the president to intervene militarily virtually anywhere without the consent or the approval of Congress,at his own discretion and for as long as he wishes.”

—Jim Webb

As America tiptoes toward a fourth intervention in an opaque and uncontrollable conflict —now Syria, after Iraq,Afghanistan and Libya —Webb’s words require two minor modifications: Obama has demonstrated a power,not an authority;only the Constitution authorizes. And,as Webb understands,Obama has been able to do so only because Congress,over many years,has become too supine to wield its constitutional powers.

GALLERY Tom Toles draws Congress:A collection of cartoons about Capitol Hill.

Webb,a Virginia Democrat who declined to seek a second Senate term,vents his dismay in the essay “Congressional Abdication” (in the current issue of the magazine the National Interest),a trenchant indictment of the irrelevance of an institution to which the Constitution gives “certain powers over the structure and use of the military.” The president,Webb says,is commander in chief but only in “executing policies shepherded within the boundaries of legislative powers.” Those powers have, however,atrophied from a disuse amounting to institutional malfeasance as Congress has forfeited its role in national-security policymaking.

Webb,who was a Marine infantry officer in Vietnam and Navy secretary for Ronald Reagan, remembers when Congress was “fiercely protective of its powers.” Webb vigorously opposed the invasion of Iraq before he entered the Senate,which he departed disgusted by Congress’s self-made irrelevance.

In December 2008,in its final hours, George W. Bush’s administration signed with Iraq a Strategic Framework Agreement that was, Webb says,“not quite a treaty,” which would require two-thirds approval by the Senate,but neither was it merely implementing current policy and law. It outlined the U.S. role in defending Iraq from internal and external threats,in promoting reconciliation and combating terrorist groups.

For more than a year the agreement was negotiated and finalized,but there was no meaningful consultation with Congress,no congressional debate on its merits and none sought by congressional leaders. In contrast to Congress’s passivity regarding policy toward what Webb calls “an unstable regime in an unstable region,” Iraq’s parliament voted on the agreement —twice.

Last May,Obama visited Afghanistan to sign what the White House called “a legally binding executive agreement” concerning the structure of future U.S.-Afghan relations,U.S. commitments to Afghan security and an anticipated U.S. presence beyond 2014. The agreement calls Afghanistan a “Major Non-NATO Ally.” Congress was not formally consulted about this,but Afghanistan’s parliament voted on it.

Noting that,in foreign as well as domestic policy,Obama is “acutely fond of executive orders designed to circumvent the legislative process,” Webb recalls that in 2009 the administration said it would return from the United Nations’s Copenhagen conference on climate change with a “binding” commitment for an emission-reduction program. So Webb wrote to remind the president that “only specific legislation agreed upon in the Congress,or a treaty ratified by the Senate,could actually create such a commitment.”

Webb notes that presidents now act as though they have become de facto prime ministers,unconstrained by the separation of powers. This transformation was dramatized in the Libya intervention:

“Was our country under attack,or under the threat of imminent attack? No. ... Were we invoking the inherent right of self-defense as outlined in the U.N. Charter?No. Were we called upon by treaty commitments to come to the aid of an ally?No. Were we responding in kind to an attack on our forces elsewhere,as we did in the 1986 raids in Libya after American soldiers had been killed in a Berlin disco?No. Were we rescuing Americans in distress,as we did in Grenada in 1983?No.”

Instead,“we took military action against a regime that we continued to recognize diplomatically,on behalf of disparate groups of opposing forces whose only real point of agreement was that they wished to rid Libya of [Moammar] Gaddafi. This was not even a civil war” because there was “no cohesive opposition facing a regime.” The result?“Rampant lawlessness” perhaps related to the murder of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans,and “the regionwide dispersion of thousands of weapons from Gaddafi’s armories.”

The question,Webb says,is whether in “a world filled with cruelty,” presidents should be allowed to “pick and choose when and where to use military force” by merely citing the “undefinable rubric of ‘humanitarian intervention.’”

Imperial presidents and invertebrate legislators of both parties have produced what Webb correctly calls “a breakdown of our constitutional process.” Syria may be the next such bipartisan episode.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#244 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Even if you're a heartbeat away from being the actual President...wella wella wells....lookie here....

Biden to Take Third Vacation of the Year

Vice President Biden today is enjoying his third vacation of the year, a five day sojourn on South Carolina’s luxurious Kiawah Island, where he will no doubt partake of his favorite pastime, golf.

Biden and his wife Jill arrived on the island – known as a golf mecca – Thursday night and are not scheduled to depart before Monday.

Biden’s trip is the latest episode in a bout of rampant vacationing by the First and Second Families, who have been roaring out of Washington this year on taxpayer-funded excursions even as the deficit mounts and the sequester axes jobs and critical spending on other priorities.

While both President Obama and Biden pick up some of the tab for their recreational travel, the bulk of the costs – including flights aboard Air Force One and Air Force Two and security and staff needs – are billed to taxpayers.

Biden should feel especially refreshed when he returns given that he just had a vacation last month in Snowmass, Colorado, where he spent several days over President’s Day weekend. Close by in a neighboring section of Colorado’s ski country was First Lady Michelle Obama, who was taking her second vacation of the year in Aspen.

Over the same President’s Day weekend, President Obama was roving the fairways at an exclusive golf resort in Florida where he got pointers both from Tiger Woods and Tiger’s famous former coach. He and Mrs. Obama had already spent part of late December and early January in Hawaii.

Biden’s first trip this year was a sun worshiping exercise in the U.S. Virgin Islands, where he stayed with his family from Friday, January 4 until Tuesday, January 8.

South Carolina is also a crucial presidential primary state that Biden – believed to be strongly considering a run in 2016 – no doubt has his eye on. Biden reportedly will be back in the state in May when he headlines the annual Jefferson Jackson Dinner, a Democratic fundraising event in the state’s capital, Columbia.

But while his presence in South Carolina over the next few days will generate some local publicity, Biden is sticking to rest and relaxation and has no public events scheduled.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#245 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743

A local news affiliate in Idaho reported that the First Daughters, Sasha and Malia Obama, are on a Spring Break ski trip in Sun Valley, Idaho. The story quickly spread across the Internet when picked up by the highly trafficked Drudge Report website. But hours later, the story disappeared from the KMVT website without an update or correction. Breitbart News confirmed that the White House requested that the post be removed.

In March of last year, the White House requested media outlets remove accurate reports that Malia Obama was on a trip in Mexico with over two dozen Secret Service agents.

The First Family has been criticized in recent days for taking frequent vacations. Earlier this week, Breitbart News broke the story that the Obama daughters spent part of Spring Break at the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island in the Bahamas. Michelle Obama and the First Daughters took a separate ski trip last month to Aspen, Colorado.
While each of these trips require a significant Secret Service presence, the White House canceled public tours this month citing Secret Service staffing costs.

UPDATE: The White House has confirmed the report was removed on their request. From Kristina Schake, Communications Director to the First Lady: From the beginning of the administration, the White House has asked news outlets not to report on or photograph the Obama children when they are not with their parents and there is no vital news interest. We have reminded outlets of this request in order to protect the privacy and security of these girls.

What the hell...who doesn't deserve to be on vacation? YOU! The American taxpayer. There's no vacation from the theft.
ZRX1200 Offline
#246 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,749
By John Titus,Creator of Bailout.


Article is the first of two parts.

Obama and the Criminal International Banking Cartel

In Bailout,we showed over and over how criminal frauds perpetrated by huge banks victimized Main Street on a colossal scale. One theme throughout the movie is that bailouts are,in their essence,a perversion of the Rule of Law that can only grow like a cancer.

It now appears that the bailout cancer has metastasized with the renunciation of the Rule of Law by the United States Attorney General,without objection or much of a ruckus,before the Senate Judiciary Committee:

I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that if you do prosecute,if you do bring a criminal charge,it will have a negative impact on the national economy,perhaps even the world economy. –Eric Holder,March 6,2013.

As an initial observation,is that not a strange way for any law enforcer,much less the top cop in the world's powerful nation,to speak—in the passive voice,of being “hit,” in an effort to rationalize his own failure to enforce the law? And who’s issuing “indications” that make the head of the DOJ shrink in fear of discharging his duties anyhow? We’ll answer the latter question with a list of names in Part Two.

For now,let’s be clear about what’s on the table when the U.S. Attorney General comes before Congress to testify: it includes the status of the U.S. as a sovereign nation. And that’s simply because the enforcement of criminal law falls within the exclusive province of a state’s authority.

“Sovereignty is the power of a state to govern itself,such as making, executing, and applying laws;imposing and collecting taxes;making war and peace;and forming treaties or engaging in commerce with foreign nations.”

Private citizens cannot bring criminal actions. States bring them,often even when private victims do not wish to press charges,as retribution for harms to the public. That perogative is inherent in a state's sovereign power to protect itself from criminals. In the U.S.,executing federal criminal law is the duty of the U.S. Attorney General,“the head of the Department of Justice and chief law enforcement officer of the Federal Government.” Above him in the executive branch org chart,there is but one entry: President Barack Obama.

Execution of the law was squarely in the crosshairs when Eric Holder testified before the Senate. Specifically at issue was the DOJ’s wholesale failure to prosecute any large banks or any of their executives despite seemingly endless waves of uncontested evidence of criminal behavior (not to mention the disappearance of at least $13 trillion in a financial crisis driven by fraud).

We’re not talking about a few slip-ups here and there by the DOJ, or a couple of favors done with a nudge and a wink. We’re talking about what looks very much like a green light for big banks to commit crimes with wild abandon while pretending that fines levied in lieu of prosecution (a) are something other than a small tax paid by the banks doing business as criminal enterprises, (b) cannot simply be paid for from the fruit of additional crimes in the future, and thus (c) do not guarantee more crime.

Eric Holder did not materialize before the Senate out of the blue. Rather,his testimony followed an unbroken pattern of prosecutorial inaction and deference by the DOJ towards big bailed out banks,a sample of which includes:

In April 2010,Richard Bowen,a former Citigroup risk officer,told the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission,among other things,that Citi sold MBS products despite knowing—based on information that Bowen provided to the top ranks of the company,including ex-CEO Robert Rubin—that huge swaths of mortgages owned by Citi were defective to the tune of between 60 and 80%. Citi continued its multi-billion-dollar sales of defective MBS products that it knew to be falsely rated. The DOJ filed no criminal referrals and prosecuted no one at Citigroup. In June 2010,it emerged that Wells Fargo (nee: Wachovia) “had made a habit of helping move money for Mexican drug smugglers. Wells Fargo & Co.,which bought Wachovia in 2008,has admitted in court that its unit failed to monitor and report suspected money laundering by narcotics traffickers -- including the cash used to buy four planes that shipped a total of 22 tons of cocaine.” The DOJ filed no criminal referrals and prosecuted no one at either Wells Fargo or Wachovia. In September 2012,Lanny Breuer,then the head of criminal enforcement at the DOJ,traveled from Washington,D.C. to give a speech to the New York City Bar Association. Breuer's house call to the corporate defense bar included statements that he would “not always” be convinced not to prosecute large institutions that made “compelling presentations” to Breuer,in “his conference room,” concerning the negative economic ramifications of such prosecutions. In December 2012,Lanny Breuer admitted that HSBC “permit[ted] narcotics traffickers and others to launder hundreds of millions of dollars through HSBC subsidiaries and to facilitate hundreds of millions more in transactions with sanctioned countries." What is more,“senior bank officials were complicit in the illegal activity" and indeed one HSBC executive “argued that the bank should continue working with the Saudi Al Rajhi bank,which has supported Al Qaeda." The DOJ filed no criminal referrals and prosecuted no one at HSBC—despite the fact that “most of HSBC's senior management has been replaced since the conduct at issue,which stretched from the mid-1990s to 2010.” On January 22,2013,Lanny Breuer appeared in PBS Frontline’s “The Untouchables,” which investigated fraudulent mortgages originated and sold by Bank of America (nee: Countrywide). Breuer stated that for large financial institutions,“pursuing justice… in any given case” meant that he “should speak to experts,because if I bring a case against institution A,and as a result of bringing that case,there’s some huge economic effect —if it creates a ripple effect so that suddenly,counterparties and other financial institutions or other companies that had nothing to do with this are affected badly —it’s a factor we need to know and understand.”

As a result of the latter,“[l]ess than 24 hours after 'The Untouchables' aired on PBS, its main target,Justice Department criminal-division head Lanny Breuer,abruptly resigned.”

Breuer’s disclosure—made with no hint of irony or shame,nor with any legal authority for support—that the DOJ was deferring to unnamed experts whenever large financial institutions were involved was not the only such admission by the Justice Department.

In yet another criminal case that saw no prosecutions,namely,Libor manipulation by UBS,a Swiss Bank,Eric Holder used language essentially identical to that which led to Breuer’s resignation: “We reach out to experts outside of the Justice Department to talk about what are the consequences of actions that we might take, what would be the impact of those actions if we want to make particular prosecutive decisions or determinations with regard to a particular institution.”

Finally,on January 29 of this year,Congress seemed to connect this untrammeled crime spree with the DOJ's docility when Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Charles Grassley (R-IA,the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee) fired off a letter to Eric Holder. Among other things,they demanded “the names of all outside experts consulted by the Justice Department in making prosecutorial decisions regarding financial institutions with over $1 billion in assets.” They also demanded to know how the “DOJ ensure[d] that these experts provided unconflicted and unbiased advice to DOJ.”

The importance of the latter point is impossible to overstate given the DOJ's responsibility for bringing criminal cases at the federal level. By demanding to know what measures the Justice Department was taking to insure against self-dealing by experts,the senators touch on something far deeper than a garden variety conflict of interest.

The real question they are posing is whether the DOJ’s “outside experts” are in reality the large financial institutions themselves,because if they are,their “opinion” that prosecution should be foregone—which the DOJ has followed without exception—is a bald assertion of sovereign immunity: huge banks are claiming their own exemption from criminal prosecution based on their identities as huge banks, and Eric Holder's DOJ has never disagreed.

And here we run up against that word again: sovereign.

Before considering the IMPLICATIONS should it turn out that the international cartel of bailed out banks is exempting itself from the reach of the law by "advising" the DOJ on prosecutions of its members,it is worth examining the claim,articulated by Holder,that "negative economic consequences" would attend the criminal prosecution of any cartel members.

In different contexts and guises,we have heard that claim of "systemic failure" before,and its public failure on the merits is so impressively robust that to see the DOJ so much as entertain the discredited claim at this point--much less fall for it hook,line,and sinker--is so breathtaking that it begs the question: what's really behind the DOJ's capitulation to the banks?

(1) In September 2008,Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson told Congress that the nation would descend into martial law unless TARP was passed. Paulson's urgency was driven by toxic assets on the banks' books. Unless $700 billion of these toxic assets were removed immediately through a massive Treasury purchase,Paulson said,Armageddon would quickly follow.

Immediately after Congress passed TARP,however,Paulson changed his mind without batting an eye and used the $700 billion to directly recapitalize the bailed out banking cartel,toxic assets be damned. Whether Paulson intentionally deceived the public when he made his initial claim is beside the point. What matters is that his threat--buy the toxic assets or plunge into Depression--proved toothless as a matter of fact: none of the TARP money was used to purchase toxic assets,and yet the country avoided the cliff dive Paulson had sworn would result.

Did Eric Holder simply sleep through this episode?

(2) Less than a year later,the cartel floated a miniature version of its Armageddon claim in federal district court.

In Bloomberg v. the Federal Reserve Board of Governors,the Federal Reserve argued that disclosing,in response to FOIA requests,the names of (and amounts borrowed by) bailed out banks using the Fed’s Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF) would result in “competitive harm” to the institutions involved. In support,the Fed submitted a rash of expert affidavits from bankers explaining how competitive harm would come to the banks that used the Fed's PDCF facility if the FOIA disclosures were made.

The Chief Judge of the Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York, Loretta Preska,dismissed the bankers' argument:

At best, the proffered affidavits suggest that the borrowers' competitors may use the knowledge that a borrower participated in a Federal Reserve lending program in order to determine when the borrower is “in a weakened condition" and spread that information to the borrowers' shareholders or the market in general. But the risk of looking weak to competitors and shareholders is an inherent risk of market participation; information tending to increase that risk does not make the information privileged or confidential under Exemption 4.

In other words,tough ****: bankers must cope with the real world just like the rest of us no matter how big or important they think they are. Know what happened next?The FOIA disclosures went forward without so much as a ripple in the financial markets.

More fundamentally,though,if the cartel's narrow argument that mere competitive harm would afflict a group of banks is legally flawed,then its far broader claim that Armageddon would befall the earth if a single bank (or banker,for that matter) were prosecuted is dead on arrival as a matter of law.

So why does Eric Holder accept the absurdly overbroad claim at face value as a legal proposition each and every time it is made?

(3) From 2008-11,Neil Barofsky was the Special Inspector General of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP),in charge of ensuring that TARP funds were distributed to the bailed out banks with a minimum of fraud. He wrote about his day-to-day battles with banking apologists,including Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner,in Bailout,published last year. At the end of the book,Barofsky relays a stunning admission by Geithner: the claim that an insitution is "systemic" is in all actuality a conclusory label rather than a meaningful analytical tool for assessing what might happen in the future. Says Geithner: “You won’t be able to make a judgment about what’s systemic and what’s not until you know the nature of the shock.” (See p. 222)

If Tim "Bailouter-in-Chief" Geithner,a man with no formal education in either law or economics,is able to see that claims of systemic importance are intellectually bankrupt,why can't the U.S. Attorney General?

This brings up another clue about who the anonymous DOJ experts are through the process of elimination: they aren't from the U.S. Treasury,which we know from the Senate Banking Committee hearing in February 2013. There we learned that “Treasury told the Department of Justice it was not in a position to assess whether HSBC should be prosecuted.”


If the DOJ's anonymous experts turn out to be the international cartel of bailed out banks,the implications are grave for at least three reasons.

First,the entire legal doctrine of sovereign immunity is very likely unconstitutional in the first place,premised as it is on the notion that "the King can do no wrong." Duke Law Professor Erwin Chemerinsky,the author of a leading treatise on constitutional law,makes this very point when he demonstrates,in his Stanford Law Review article “Against Sovereign Immunity,” that “sovereign immunity is inconsistent with three fundamental constitutional principles: the supremacy of the Constitution and federal laws;the accountability of government;and due process of law.” (p. 1210).

Second,the doctrine of systemic importance,even aside from being thoroughly meritless for the reasons explained above,is impossibly vague in scope. That became clear in the HSBC case. There,the bank had "already sacked all the senior staff involved in the scandal,and agreed to stringent monitoring –the first time a foreign bank has agreed to such oversight." Thus,even fully crediting the theory that prosecuting HSBC would have posed systemic risk,that same theory does not and cannot explain why prosecuting criminals outside of the bank would have posed any risk at all,much less "systemic" risk. Lanny Breuer must have been grateful for the mainstream media's failure to ask him why systemic immunity extends to ex-employees outside the system,or where such immunity ends.

It sure looks as if the international bailed out banking cartel claims immunity for individual bankers based on a calculation that extends protection to anyone in a position to name names. Whatever the case,it is the whim of a cartel,and not any Rule of Law,that determines who is prosecuted and who isn't--a system that democracies have sought to avoid since the Magna Carta was signed 800 years ago. How's that for regressive?

Third,and most seriously,criminal sovereign immunity is legally limited to the President of the United States. That should tell you something about where the international cartel of bailed out banks stands if it turns out to be the entity asserting governmental immunity from the consquences of its own crimes.

While sovereign immunity is considered a civil law doctrine,that's merely a practical reality rather than a legal limitation. Criminal cases are brought in the names of sovereign authorities themselves,either by the United States or by individual states,and sovereign immunity is a doctrine asserted as a defense. A case in which a sovereign asserted a sovereign immunity defense in response to criminal charges brought by a sovereign would be a rarity indeed.

Nevertheless,there is legal authority that directly addresses the scope of criminal sovereign immunity. The issue arose and was addressed during Watergate: “the Office of Legal Counsel ('OLC') prepared a comprehensive memorandum in the fall of 1973 that analyzed whether all federal civil officers are immune from indictment or criminal prosecution while in office,and,if not,whether the President and Vice President in particular are immune from indictment or criminal prosecution while in office.”

Criminal immunity was found to extend only to the President: “The OLC memorandum concluded that all federal civil officers except the President are subject to indictment and criminal prosecution while still in office;the President is uniquely immune from such process.”

That same year,in a different case (the grand jury investigation of Vice President Spiro Agnew),Robert Bork,then the Solicitor General of the U.S.,reached precisely the same conclusion as the OLC: “the President, unlike the Vice President, could not constitutionally be subject to such criminal process while in office."

That ought to make the dead seriousness of criminal immunity for the cartel of bailed out banks crystal clear. If these financial institutions and the anonymous experts relied on by the DOJ are one and the same,then they have arrogated to themselves sovereign legal power that's available under the law to the Chief Executive of the United States and no one else. As things stand now,people who've been fired from a bank in Hong Kong are on the same legal footing as the President of the United States.

But let's get down to brass tacks. Since there can't be two kings in a kingdom,it’s the international criminal banking cartel—not President Obama—who’s the real sovereign authority here. Obama's top law enforcer,Eric Holder,admits--fully in practice and nearly so in his own words--to being trumped. Obama's announcement that bailed out banks have not committed any crimes,in the face of overwhelming and undisputed evidence to the contrary,quite accurately summarizes the system of sovereign immunity that is in effect: the real King--banks--can do no wrong. The President is merely their messenger.

In Part Two,we’ll present compelling evidence that the anonymous “experts” are indeed the so-called systemically important financial institutions,and that the U.S. government is functioning not only as the agent of the criminal banking enterprise, but as its weapon.

If that sounds like a control fraud after a few hundred steroid-and-bromo-mescaline cocktails,you've got an inkling of what's headed our way if we don't right the ship forthwith.
ZRX1200 Offline
#247 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,749
Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens

The president's partisan lawyers purport to vest him with the most extreme power a political leader can seize

Barack Obama Photograph: Reuters

Glenn Greenwald

The most extremist power any political leader can assert is the power to target his own citizens for execution without any charges or due process, far from any battlefield. The Obama administration has not only asserted exactly that power in theory, but has exercised it in practice. In September 2011, it killed US citizen Anwar Awlaki in a drone strike in Yemen, along with US citizen Samir Khan, and then, in circumstances that are still unexplained, two weeks later killed Awlaki's 16-year-old American son Abdulrahman with a separate drone strike in Yemen.

Since then, senior Obama officials including Attorney General Eric Holder and John Brennan, Obama's top terrorism adviser and his current nominee to lead the CIA, have explicitly argued that the president is and should be vested with this power. Meanwhile, a Washington Post article from October reported that the administration is formally institutionalizing this president's power to decide who dies under the Orwellian title "disposition matrix".

When the New York Times back in April, 2010 first confirmed the existence of Obama's hit list, it made clear just what an extremist power this is, noting: "It is extremely rare, if not unprecedented, for an American to be approved for targeted killing." The NYT quoted a Bush intelligence official as saying "he did not know of any American who was approved for targeted killing under the former president". When the existence of Obama's hit list was first reported several months earlier by the Washington Post's Dana Priest, she wrote that the "list includes three Americans".

What has made these actions all the more radical is the absolute secrecy with which Obama has draped all of this. Not only is the entire process carried out solely within the Executive branch - with no checks or oversight of any kind - but there is zero transparency and zero accountability. The president's underlings compile their proposed lists of who should be executed, and the president - at a charming weekly event dubbed by White House aides as "Terror Tuesday" - then chooses from "baseball cards" and decrees in total secrecy who should die. The power of accuser, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner are all consolidated in this one man, and those powers are exercised in the dark.

In fact, The Most Transparent Administration Ever™ has been so fixated on secrecy that they have refused even to disclose the legal memoranda prepared by Obama lawyers setting forth their legal rationale for why the president has this power. During the Bush years, when Bush refused to disclose the memoranda from his Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) that legally authorized torture, rendition, warrantless eavesdropping and the like, leading Democratic lawyers such as Dawn Johnsen (Obama's first choice to lead the OLC) vehemently denounced this practice as a grave threat, warning that "the Bush Administration's excessive reliance on 'secret law' threatens the effective functioning of American democracy" and "the withholding from Congress and the public of legal interpretations by the [OLC] upsets the system of checks and balances between the executive and legislative branches of government."

But when it comes to Obama's assassination power, this is exactly what his administration has done. It has repeatedly refused to disclose the principal legal memoranda prepared by Obama OLC lawyers that justified his kill list. It is, right now, vigorously resisting lawsuits from the New York Times and the ACLU to obtain that OLC memorandum. In sum, Obama not only claims he has the power to order US citizens killed with no transparency, but that even the documents explaining the legal rationale for this power are to be concealed. He's maintaining secret law on the most extremist power he can assert.

Last night, NBC News' Michael Isikoff released a 16-page "white paper" prepared by the Obama DOJ that purports to justify Obama's power to target even Americans for assassination without due process (the memo is embedded in full below). This is not the primary OLC memo justifying Obama's kill list -that is still concealed - but it appears to track the reasoning of that memo as anonymously described to the New York Times in October 2011.

This new memo is entitled: "Lawfulness of a Lethal Operation Directed Against a US Citizen Who is a Senior Operational Leader of Al-Qa'ida or An Associated Force". It claims its conclusion is "reached with recognition of the extraordinary seriousness of a lethal operation by the United States against a US citizen". Yet it is every bit as chilling as the Bush OLC torture memos in how its clinical, legalistic tone completely sanitizes the radical and dangerous power it purports to authorize.

I've written many times at length about why the Obama assassination program is such an extreme and radical threat - see here for one of the most comprehensive discussions, with documentation of how completely all of this violates Obama and Holder's statements before obtaining power - and won't repeat those arguments here. Instead, there are numerous points that should be emphasized about the fundamentally misleading nature of this new memo:

1. Equating government accusations with guilt

The core distortion of the War on Terror under both Bush and Obama is the Orwellian practice of equating government accusations of terrorism with proof of guilt. One constantly hears US government defenders referring to "terrorists" when what they actually mean is: those accused by the government of terrorism. This entire memo is grounded in this deceit.

Time and again, it emphasizes that the authorized assassinations are carried out "against a senior operational leader of al-Qaida or its associated forces who poses an imminent threat of violent attack against the United States." Undoubtedly fearing that this document would one day be public, Obama lawyers made certain to incorporate this deceit into the title itself: "Lawfulness of a Lethal Operation Directed Against a US Citizen Who is a Senior Operational Leader of al-Qaida or An Associated Force."

This ensures that huge numbers of citizens - those who spend little time thinking about such things and/or authoritarians who assume all government claims are true - will instinctively justify what is being done here on the ground that we must kill the Terrorists or joining al-Qaida means you should be killed. That's the "reasoning" process that has driven the War on Terror since it commenced: if the US government simply asserts without evidence or trial that someone is a terrorist, then they are assumed to be, and they can then be punished as such - with indefinite imprisonment or death.

But of course, when this memo refers to "a Senior Operational Leader of al-Qaida", what it actually means is this: someone whom the President -in total secrecy and with no due process - has accused of being that. Indeed, the memo itself makes this clear, as it baldly states that presidential assassinations are justified when "an informed, high-level official of the US government has determined that the targeted individual poses an imminent threat of violent attack against the US".

This is the crucial point: the memo isn't justifying the due-process-free execution of senior al-Qaida leaders who pose an imminent threat to the US. It is justifying the due-process-free execution of people secretly accused by the president and his underlings, with no due process, of being that. The distinction between (a) government accusations and (b) proof of guilt is central to every free society, by definition, yet this memo - and those who defend Obama's assassination power - willfully ignore it.

Those who justify all of this by arguing that Obama can and should kill al-Qaida leaders who are trying to kill Americans are engaged in supreme question-begging. Without any due process, transparency or oversight, there is no way to know who is a "senior al-Qaida leader" and who is posing an "imminent threat" to Americans. All that can be known is who Obama, in total secrecy, accuses of this.

(Indeed, membership in al-Qaida is not even required to be assassinated, as one can be a member of a group deemed to be an "associated force" of al-Qaida, whatever that might mean: a formulation so broad and ill-defined that, as Law Professor Kevin Jon Heller argues, it means the memo "authorizes the use of lethal force against individuals whose targeting is, without more, prohibited by international law".)

The definition of an extreme authoritarian is one who is willing blindly to assume that government accusations are true without any evidence presented or opportunity to contest those accusations. This memo - and the entire theory justifying Obama's kill list - centrally relies on this authoritarian conflation of government accusations and valid proof of guilt.

They are not the same and never have been. Political leaders who decree guilt in secret and with no oversight inevitably succumb to error and/or abuse of power. Such unchecked accusatory decrees are inherently untrustworthy (indeed, Yemen experts have vehemently contested the claim that Awlaki himself was a senior al-Qaida leader posing an imminent threat to the US). That's why due process is guaranteed in the Constitution and why judicial review of government accusations has been a staple of western justice since the Magna Carta: because leaders can't be trusted to decree guilt and punish citizens without evidence and an adversarial process. That is the age-old basic right on which this memo, and the Obama presidency, is waging war.

2. Creating a ceiling, not a floor

The most vital fact to note about this memorandum is that it is not purporting to impose requirements on the president's power to assassinate US citizens. When it concludes that the president has the authority to assassinate "a Senior Operational Leader of al-Qaida" who "poses an imminent threat of violent attack against the US" where capture is "infeasible", it is not concluding that assassinations are permissible only in those circumstances.

To the contrary, the memo expressly makes clear that presidential assassinations may be permitted even when none of those circumstances prevail: "This paper does not attempt to determine the minimum requirements necessary to render such an operation lawful." Instead, as the last line of the memo states: "it concludes only that the stated conditions would be sufficient to make lawful a lethal operation" -not that such conditions are necessary to find these assassinations legal. The memo explicitly leaves open the possibility that presidential assassinations of US citizens may be permissible even when the target is not a senior al-Qaida leader posing an imminent threat and/or when capture is feasible.

Critically, the rationale of the memo -that the US is engaged in a global war against al-Qaida and "associated forces" - can be easily used to justify presidential assassinations of US citizens in circumstances far beyond the ones described in this memo. If you believe the president has the power to execute US citizens based on the accusation that the citizen has joined al-Qaida, what possible limiting principle can you cite as to why that shouldn't apply to a low-level al-Qaida member, including ones found in places where capture may be feasible (including US soil)? The purported limitations on this power set forth in this memo, aside from being incredibly vague, can be easily discarded once the central theory of presidential power is embraced.

3. Relies on the core Bush/Cheney theory of a global battlefield

The primary theory embraced by the Bush administration to justify its War on Terror policies was that the "battlefield" is no longer confined to identifiable geographical areas, but instead, the entire globe is now one big, unlimited "battlefield". That theory is both radical and dangerous because a president's powers are basically omnipotent on a "battlefield". There, state power is shielded from law, from courts, from constitutional guarantees, from all forms of accountability: anyone on a battlefield can be killed or imprisoned without charges. Thus, to posit the world as a battlefield is, by definition, to create an imperial, omnipotent presidency. That is the radical theory that unleashed all the rest of the controversial and lawless Bush/Cheney policies.

This "world-is-a-battlefield" theory was once highly controversial among Democrats. John Kerry famously denounced it when running for president, arguing instead that the effort against terrorism is "primarily an intelligence and law enforcement operation that requires cooperation around the world".

But this global-war theory is exactly what lies at heart of the Obama approach to Terrorism generally and this memo specifically. It is impossible to defend Obama's assassination powers without embracing it (which is why key Obama officials have consistently done so). That's because these assassinations are taking place in countries far from any war zone, such as Yemen and Somalia. You can't defend the application of "war powers" in these countries without embracing the once-very-controversial Bush/Cheney view that the whole is now a "battlefield" and the president's war powers thus exist without geographic limits.

This new memo makes clear that this Bush/Cheney worldview is at the heart of the Obama presidency. The president, it claims, "retains authority to use force against al-Qaida and associated forces outside the area of active hostilities". In other words: there are, subject to the entirely optional "feasibility of capture" element, no geographic limits to the president's authority to kill anyone he wants. This power applies not only to war zones, but everywhere in the world that he claims a member of al-Qaida is found. This memo embraces and institutionalizes the core Bush/Cheney theory that justified the entire panoply of policies Democrats back then pretended to find so objectionable.

4. Expanding the concept of "imminence" beyond recognition

The memo claims that the president's assassination power applies to a senior al-Qaida member who "poses an imminent threat of violent attack against the United States". That is designed to convince citizens to accept this power by leading them to believe it's similar to common and familiar domestic uses of lethal force on US soil: if, for instance, an armed criminal is in the process of robbing a bank or is about to shoot hostages, then the "imminence" of the threat he poses justifies the use of lethal force against him by the police.

But this rhetorical tactic is totally misleading. The memo is authorizing assassinations against citizens in circumstances far beyond this understanding of "imminence". Indeed, the memo expressly states that it is inventing "a broader concept of imminence" than is typically used in domestic law. Specifically, the president's assassination power "does not require that the US have clear evidence that a specific attack . . . will take place in the immediate future". The US routinely assassinates its targets not when they are engaged in or plotting attacks but when they are at home, with family members, riding in a car, at work, at funerals, rescuing other drone victims, etc.

Many of the early objections to this new memo have focused on this warped and incredibly broad definition of "imminence". The ACLU's Jameel Jaffer told Isikoff that the memo "redefines the word imminence in a way that deprives the word of its ordinary meaning". Law Professor Kevin Jon Heller called Jaffer's objection "an understatement", noting that the memo's understanding of "imminence" is "wildly overbroad" under international law.

Crucially, Heller points out what I noted above: once you accept the memo's reasoning - that the US is engaged in a global war, that the world is a battlefield, and the president has the power to assassinate any member of al-Qaida or associated forces - then there is no way coherent way to limit this power to places where capture is infeasible or to persons posing an "imminent" threat. The legal framework adopted by the memo means the president can kill anyone he claims is a member of al-Qaida regardless of where they are found or what they are doing.

The only reason to add these limitations of "imminence" and "feasibility of capture" is, as Heller said, purely political: to make the theories more politically palatable. But the definitions for these terms are so vague and broad that they provide no real limits on the president's assassination power. As the ACLU's Jaffer says: "This is a chilling document" because "it argues that the government has the right to carry out the extrajudicial killing of an American citizen" and the purported limits "are elastic and vaguely defined, and it's easy to see how they could be manipulated."

5. Converting Obama underlings into objective courts

This memo is not a judicial opinion. It was not written by anyone independent of the president. To the contrary, it was written by life-long partisan lackeys: lawyers whose careerist interests depend upon staying in the good graces of Obama and the Democrats, almost certainly Marty Lederman and David Barron. Treating this document as though it confers any authority on Obama is like treating the statements of one's lawyer as a judicial finding or jury verdict.

Indeed, recall the primary excuse used to shield Bush officials from prosecution for their crimes of torture and illegal eavesdropping: namely, they got Bush-appointed lawyers in the DOJ to say that their conduct was legal, and therefore, it should be treated as such. This tactic - getting partisan lawyers and underlings of the president to say that the president's conduct is legal - was appropriately treated with scorn when invoked by Bush officials to justify their radical programs. As Digby wrote about Bush officials who pointed to the OLC memos it got its lawyers to issue about torture and eavesdropping, such a practice amounts to:

"validating the idea that obscure Justice Department officials can be granted the authority to essentially immunize officials at all levels of the government, from the president down to the lowest field officer, by issuing a secret memo. This is a very important new development in western jurisprudence and one that surely requires more study and consideration. If Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan had known about this, they could have saved themselves a lot of trouble."

Life-long Democratic Party lawyers are not going to oppose the terrorism policies of the president who appointed them. A president can always find underlings and political appointees to endorse whatever he wants to do. That's all this memo is: the by-product of obsequious lawyers telling their Party's leader that he is (of course) free to do exactly that which he wants to do, in exactly the same way that Bush got John Yoo to tell him that torture was not torture, and that even it if were, it was legal.

That's why courts, not the president's partisan lawyers, should be making these determinations. But when the ACLU tried to obtain a judicial determination as to whether Obama is actually authorized to assassinate US citizens, the Obama DOJ went to extreme lengths to block the court from ruling on that question. They didn't want independent judges to determine the law. They wanted their own lawyers to do so.

That's all this memo is: Obama-loyal appointees telling their leader that he has the authority to do what he wants. But in the warped world of US politics, this - secret memos from partisan lackeys - has replaced judicial review as the means to determine the legality of the president's conduct.

6. Making a mockery of "due process"

The core freedom most under attack by the War on Terror is the Fifth Amendment's guarantee of due process. It provides that "no person shall be . . . deprived of life . . . without due process of law". Like putting people in cages for life on island prisons with no trial, claiming that the president has the right to assassinate US citizens far from any battlefield without any charges or trial is the supreme evisceration of this right.

The memo pays lip service to the right it is destroying: "Under the traditional due process balancing analysis . . . . we recognize that there is no private interest more weighty than a person's interest in his life." But it nonetheless argues that a "balancing test" is necessary to determine the extent of the process that is due before the president can deprive someone of their life, and further argues that, as the New York Times put it when this theory was first unveiled: "while the Fifth Amendment's guarantee of due process applied, it could be satisfied by internal deliberations in the executive branch."

Stephen Colbert perfectly mocked this theory when Eric Holder first unveiled it to defend the president's assassination program. At the time, Holder actually said: "due process and judicial process are not one and the same." Colbert interpreted that claim as follows:

"Trial by jury, trial by fire, rock, paper scissors, who cares? Due process just means that there is a process that you do. The current process is apparently, first the president meets with his advisers and decides who he can kill. Then he kills them."

It is fitting indeed that the memo expressly embraces two core Bush/Cheney theories to justify this view of what "due process" requires. First, it cites the Bush DOJ's core view, as enunciated by John Yoo, that courts have no role to play in what the president does in the War on Terror because judicial review constitutes "judicial encroachment" on the "judgments by the President and his national security advisers as to when and how to use force". And then it cites the Bush DOJ's mostly successful arguments in the 2004 Hamdi case that the president has the authority even to imprison US citizens without trial provided that he accuses them of being a terrorist.

The reason this is so fitting is because, as I've detailed many times, it was these same early Bush/Cheney theories that made me want to begin writing about politics, all driven by my perception that the US government was becoming extremist and dangerous. During the early Bush years, the very idea that the US government asserted the power to imprison US citizens without charges and due process (or to eavesdrop on them) was so radical that, at the time, I could hardly believe they were being asserted out in the open.

Yet here we are almost a full decade later. And we have the current president asserting the power not merely to imprison or eavesdrop on US citizens without charges or trial, but to order them executed - and to do so in total secrecy, with no checks or oversight. If you believe the president has the power to order US citizens executed far from any battlefield with no charges or trial, then it's truly hard to conceive of any asserted power you would find objectionable.

DOJ white paper
DrMaddVibe Offline
#248 Posted:
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Obama's $2.5M Hotel and 'Vehicle Rental' Tab on Last Mexico Trip

As the White House first announced in March, Barack Obama is scheduled to visit Mexico and Costa Rica later this week. The trip is billed as "an important opportunity to reinforce the deep cultural, familial, and economic ties that so many Americans share with Mexico and Central America." And at yesterday’s White House press conference, the president stated that he is "very much looking forward to taking the trip down to Mexico" this week.

But the trip won’t exactly be cheap for taxpayers, assuming the costs mirror those incurred by the American taxpayers for President Obama's last trip to Mexico, for the G-20 summit in June 2012. According to recently discovered documents relating to the costs of that trip, taxpayers paid nearly $2.5 million for hotel and “vehicle rental.”

The first government document is a contract with a travel agent for the hotels required for the president's delegation and entourage for the conference:

The accompanying Justification and Approval (J&A) document estimates the total cost at $1,889,388.60, with a maximum payout of $2,078,327.46. The document does not give details concerning the number of rooms or other special requirements. It notes the usual security concerns and time constraints that apply to such VIP trips, but also lists this additional restriction imposed by the Mexican government:

The second document relates to transportation needs for the presidential delegation for the G-20 visit. The J&A accompanying this contract estimates the cost of transportation-vehicle rental at $630,760.00 with a maximum of $693,836.00, and also notes that the same company, Operadora Transtur, which had been contracted for an earlier visit to Los Cabos by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and was the best value:

Both contracts were approved in late May 2012, a few weeks before the trip, but were not posted on the website until more recently. Although members of the president's travel party arrived in advance of the president and departed later, President Obama himself stayed in Mexico two nights.

Regarding the president's upcoming trip, the Washington Examiner reported that there has been some speculation that the true motives for the trip may revolve more around the president's push for immigration reform. And at a White House meeting on Monday with Latino leaders, President Obama discussed his upcoming trip to Mexico and Costa Rica. The readout of the meeting provided by the White House concluded with, "At the meeting, the President made clear that immigration reform continues to be a top legislative priority this year."
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#249 Posted:
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ZRX1200 Offline
#250 Posted:
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Obama Serves 14-State Governors With Warnings of Arrest: And why is this not front page news?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013 11:57

(Before It's News)

by Ken Larive Defense

Barack Hussein Obama had served 14-State Governors in the United States, National Security Letters (NSLs) warning that the Governor’s actions in attempting to form “State Defense Forces” needs to be halted “immediately” or they will face arrest for the crime of treason. The employment of NSLs was authorized by the Patriot Act introduced by George W. Bush. Contained within the section related to these letters, it is forbidden for anyone receiving a NSL warning to even acknowledge the existence of said communication.

Obama is angered by the several State Governors who have reestablished “State Defense Forces.” These forces are described as: “State Defense Forces (also known as State Guards, State Military Reserves, State Militias) in the United States are military units that operate under the sole authority of a state government; they are not regulated by the National Guard Bureau nor are they part of the Army National Guard of the United States. State Defense Forces are authorized by state and federal law and are under the command of the governor of each state. State Defense Forces are distinct from their state’s National Guard in that they cannot become federal entities.”

Mr. Obama is fearful of these State Defense Forces, in that he does not have control of said forces, and with the U.S. Military stretched to near breaking from multiple deployments and theatre actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, these State military forces would be under the direct command and authority of the Governors in which states have said forces. In essence, the Governors would have “de facto control” of the United States.

The two Governors leading this move are: Tim Pawlenty, Governor of Minnesota; and Rick Perry, Governor of Texas. Both of these State Governors stated they have: “…deep fear the President is destroying their Nation.” Governor Pawlenty’s fear of Obama is that since Obama took office he has appeased America’s enemies and has shunned some of America’s strongest allies, especially Israel. Governor Perry has declared that Obama is punishing his State of Texas by dumping tens-of-thousands of illegal Mexican immigrants into the cities and small towns of Texas. Governor Perry further recently stated: “If Barack Obama’s Washington doesn’t stop being so oppressive, Texans might feel compelled to renounce their American citizenry and secede from the union.”

Obama fearing a revolution against him by the states, has moved swiftly by nationalizing nearly all National Guard Forces in multiple states; Georgia, Alabama, Kansas, Minnesota, Tennessee, Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina – to name a few. The Governors of the Great States of Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia still have under their Command-and-Control the State Defense Forces to go against U.S. Federal forces should the need arise. Also important to note: There are NO U.S. laws prohibiting National Guard troops from also joining their State’s Defense Forces. This dilemma occurred during the Civil War with many “citizen soldiers” choosing to serve their states instead of the Federal Government.

This is a fluid and still developing situation that warrants close attention.
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