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Presidentin' Be Hard
dubleuhb Offline
#251 Posted:
Joined: 03-20-2011
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Oh those pesky pee on governors, how dare they!!!

Is this even real ?
DadZilla3 Offline
#252 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
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ZRX1200 wrote:
Obama Serves 14-State Governors With Warnings of Arrest: And why is this not front page news?

Because when you're a liberal (read Democrat)...things are always different. Had a conservative (read Republican) president pulled this hypothetical stunt, the talking point shrieks of outrage from the main stream media would have been immediate and deafening.

This is supposedly an urban legend though...not that it doesn't fit the current administration's attitude concerning state's rights perfectly.
HockeyDad Offline
#253 Posted:
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Open up the camps! Release the hounds!
ZRX1200 Offline
#254 Posted:
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ZRX1200 Offline
#255 Posted:
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Please note "WRITTEN OFF 35 (B)"
HockeyDad Offline
#256 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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We're only going to lose 21 billion from TARP?!

That is extremely good news. Herfing
ZRX1200 Offline
#257 Posted:
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ZRX1200 Offline
#258 Posted:
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^ that too.
ZRX1200 Offline
#259 Posted:
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ZRX1200 Offline
#260 Posted:
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Fighting Terrorism by Arming Terrorists The Syrian intervention John McCain and the Clintons want would be a war for Islamism, not democracy.

By W. JAMES ANTLE III • June 17, 2013

Oleg Zabielin /

The Obama administration appears to be moving toward arming rebels in Syria, though the White House has only publicly confirmed an increase in the “scope and scale” of its military support.

By one estimate, seven of nine key rebel combatant groups are Islamist. “As the civil war has dragged on, the rebels have become more Islamist and extreme,” the Economist reports. Thus the administration’s decision to arm only the non-Islamist rebels may soon resemble O.J. Simpson’s search for the “real killers.”

Arms shipments approved by the Obama administration have already ended up in the hands of jihadists in Libya. “The weapons and money from Qatar strengthened militant groups in Libya,” reported the New York Times, “allowing them to become a destabilizing force since the fall of the Qaddafi government.”

Operation Fast and Furious meets American foreign policy.

In his apparent Syria about-face, the president has been egged on by the Clintons. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had already proposed arming the Syrian rebels, only to see cooler heads prevail. Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, has also clamored for greater U.S. involvement.

Upon reports that President Obama was reconsidering his position, Bill Clinton patted his successor on the head. “It looks to me like this thing is trending in the right direction,” he told MSNBC. He urged Obama to ignore opinion polls showing massive public opposition to any Syria intervention beyond humanitarian assistance.

“What the American people are saying when they tell you not to do these things, they’re not telling you not to do these things,” Clinton said, according to Politico. “They hire you to win … to look around the corner and see down the road.”

The Clintons’ foreign-policy views are aligned with those of Republican senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Hawks of a feather flocked together in support of the bipartisan Mendendez-Corker bill, which contains a provision for arming Syrian rebels and easily passed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The only Republican to vote against the bill rebuked his colleagues. “This is an important moment,” Rand Paul said. “You will be funding, today, the allies of al-Qaeda. It’s an irony you cannot overcome.”

Yet the Senate Foreign Relations Committee may be the only place where Paul stands alone among Republicans on this issue. “We have entire Christian villages slaughtered, women and children, by the Syrian rebels,” Laura Ingraham said on Fox News. “The idea that were going to send arms to these people who are slaughtering Christians, and have one goal, which is to establish an Islamic caliphate throughout the Middle East—and, if they get their way, throughout Africa as well—is ludicrous.”

The Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein argues, “It’s hard to believe that the same administration that brought us Benghazi would have such perfect information about which rebel groups in a bloody war-torn country are completely free of Islamist links, let alone have the logistical ability to ensure the weapons don’t end up in the hands of bad actors.”

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found that only 11 percent of Republicans favored arming Syrian rebels while just 15 percent backed U.S. military involvement. Republicans and independents were more likely than Democrats to want to take no action at all. A Gallup poll found that Democrats, Republicans, and independents were all opposed to the United States entering Syria’s civil war by majorities greater than 60 percent.

For years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, conservatives who spoke out against U.S. wars in the Middle East were smeared as apologists for Islamic terror. But the evidence is mounting that these wars and “kinetic military actions” have done much to unleash the very forces they were launched to combat, leaving militant Islamists on the march from Iraq to Mali.

Foreign aid dollars are being spent where Americans are reviled. U.S. troops are dying in countries that don’t seem to be trending toward liberal democracy.

Syria may be the clearest case yet of how an intervention against an indisputably brutal dictator could cut against American national interests. Even with promises of no boots on the ground, it may be the Clinton-McCain contingent’s toughest sell.

Perhaps they have already closed the deal with Obama. But the perpetual hawks are losing the American people, left, right, and center.

W. James Antle III is editor of the Daily Caller News Foundation and author of Devouring Freedom: Can Big Government Ever Be Stopped?
ZRX1200 Offline
#261 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Published on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 by Common Dreams Obama Cans Regulator Who Crossed Wall Street Ouster is a gain for big bankers advocating lax oversight Sarah Lazare, staff writer

The Obama Administration is quietly firing Commodity Futures Trading Commission head Gary Gensler, who ran afoul of big banks by pushing for greater government oversight.

The ouster comes in the midst of controversy over a proposed CFTF rule, strongly supported by Gensler, that would extend U.S. regulation to swaps--a kind of derivative exhange--involving firms founded or doing business in the United States. This means that foreign banks and hedge funds would face the same regulations as U.S. ones when trading in swaps with U.S. parties.

Wall Street fiercely opposes this regulation on the grounds that it discourages trade. Yet, supporters insist the regulation is necessary to give a modicum of oversight to vast swaths of the derivatives market marred by the same lack of regulation that paved the way for the 2008 economic collapse.

Gensler was set to meet with European regulators June 20, and his dismissal could seriously jeopardize this proposal, the Huffington Post reports.

This is not the first time Gensler has clashed openly with bankers. The Huffington Post describes his tenure:

A former Goldman Sachs executive who was viewed skeptically by some liberal lawmakers when he was first nominated in 2009, Gensler has become perhaps Wall Street’s leading foe as he has sought to curb risk and expand transparency and competition in the previously opaque market for a type of derivatives known as swaps.

Gensler has transformed a once-unknown agency to one at the forefront of financial regulation as CFTC rules are shaking up a marketplace unaccustomed to government supervision. His rules threaten to decrease profits at the nation’s largest banks as formerly unregulated activities are forced to comply with provisions that help buyers compare prices and compel banks to stump up more cash to back their trades.

Gensler will be replaced by former senate staffer Amanda Renteria, who worked briefly for Goldman Sachs and has little financial oversight experience.
ZRX1200 Offline
#262 Posted:
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Obama’s Police State: A List of Obama’s 55 Worst Assaults on Civil Liberties

by D MILLER on 06/24/2013

REPOST in light of the Ed Snowden revelations, this post is more topical than ever before.

“On Oct. 18, the Journal reported that Project Censored determined the expanding police state tops the list of underreported stories by the mainstream media.” (North Coast Journal, 2013)

55 examples of Obama’s war on our liberties, freedoms and American way of life. I’m sure you’ve heard of a number of these – but some of the stuff on here will surprise (and frighten) you. Everything on this list is federally related, has been verified and is cited; questionable stuff – like the police force in Hardin, Montana – has been left out.

1. Drone strikes and assassination of American citizens abroad (Salon – Why does Obama get a Pass on Civil Liberties – 2012 & Guardian – Drones are Coming – 2013)

2. The promise that we have at least 10,000 drones spying on us to look forward to (Infowars – FAA Predicts 10,000 Drones 2013 & End Times Prophecy – 30,000 Drones Over America 2013)

3. Homeland Security’s introduction and installation of street lights featuring surveillance cameras and loudspeakers (Natural News -Homeland Security streetlights include surveillance cameras 2011)

4. TSA Groping: “Big Brother not only watches us in the nude, he can routinely molest us at will” (Kuhner: Obama’s Police State 2010)

5. Turning Homeland Security into Obama’s personal SS (Conservative Action Alerts – Congress Must Defund Obama’s Growing Police State 2013)

6. TSA and DHA rolling through your neighborhood with long-distance X-ray equipped vans to inspect your car and your person (Natural News – TSA, DHS plan massive rollout of mobile surveillance vans with long-distance X-ray capability, eye movement tracking and more & DHS via – Bodyscans 2011)

7. Homeland Security sending thousands of heavily armored vehicles to cities and towns around the country (Modern Survival – Latest Homeland Security Armored Vehicle 2012)

8. Signing an Executive Order giving the Federal government the right to “commandeer” all domestic US resources, including food and water supplies, energy production and transportation, even in time of peace, with no Congressional oversight (Global Research – Police State America 2012)

9. Federal push for states to pass law allowing Federal officers to arrest local law enforcement for failing to comply with federal law (Modern Survival – Federal Framework Being Set Up To Arrest Sheriffs 2013)

10. Feds providing full urban combat gear to local police and funding the expansion of SWAT teams around the nation – “Policemen now kick in doors in the middle of the night dressed in black face masks and body armor head to toe. The uniforms are just that, uniform around the nation. The equipment and the tactics designed for an urban battlefield are being ‘uniformly’ spread to police departments and sheriff’s offices throughout the nation, and being funded with primarily federal funds. ” ( – Obama to Make America a Police State – 2013)

11. Non-responsiveness to FOIA requests and lying about their transparency statistics (The Atlantic Wire – FOIA Advocates Skeptical about Obama’s Claims 2012)

12. NSA’s creation of the “Perfect Citizen” program to install spying equipment on the computer servers of private companies. (Popsci – NSA Launching “Perfect Citizen” 2010 & WSJ – US Plans CyberShield 2010)

13. FBI Spying on Google Users (PrisonPlanet – FBI ‘secretly spying’ on Google Users 2013)

14. “Huge increase”…”exponentially increase” in the warrentless spying of Americans’ phone, email and internet communications (Reason- Warrentless spying skyrockets under Obama 2012)

15. 13,753 Gov’t Requests for Google E-Mail Data in 2012, Most Without a Warrant (CNS News 2013)

16. Spy agencies’ access to all Americans’ financial records (ActivistPost – Obama Says You Have No Right to Banking 2013 & RT – US Spy Plan 2013)

17. Increased IRS audits (Fox – Why are IRS audits on Charities Up by 79%? 2013)

18. Government cooperation with private data-mining firms (RepublicReport – CISPA NSA Lobbying 2012)

19. “Aggressive” crackdown on government whistle blowers (Atlantic Wire – Obama’s War on Whistle Blowers 2011)

20. IRS audits on Obama’s enemies (Heritage – IRS Labor Dept Audit Businessmen on Obama’s Enemies List 2012)

21. Obamacare collecting patient data ( Obama’s Gun Proposal Threatens Patient Privacy 2013)

22. Drafting secret memos hidden from the courts (Emptywheel – How Good are DOJ’s Reasons for Burying its Case? 2012)

23. Giving the military the right to arrest citizens in the United States; “Upending” the Posse Comitatus Act –“Continued indefinite detentions at Gitmo, but also brought the policy ashore by signing the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, which authorizes the military to arrest and indefinitely detain anyone suspected of assisting terrorists, even citizens” (Salon – Obama’s Dismal Civil Liberties Record 2012)

24. Law enforcement crackdown on protestors (Alternet – 5 Freedom killing tactics police will use to crack down on protests 2012)

25. NSA building the Country’s biggest telecommunication interception center (Wired – NSA datacenter 2012)

26. Ramping up the failed war on drugs & busting medical marijuana distributors despite state laws (Daily Caller –Speak No Evil 2010)

27. Forcing Americans to buy insurance or pay a fine (Kathleen Parker: Obamacare & Civil Rights – Don’t Confuse the Two 2012 )

28. Imposing books of new regulation – over 10,000 in his first three years, costing the public over $32 Billion, possibly up to $467 billion (Weekly Standard – Cost of Obama’s Regulatory Explosion 2013 & Weekly Standard –Obama’s Regulatory Rampage – 2013); Imposing an average of 63 new regulations per day (Real Clear Policy –Obama’s Regulations are Strangling America 2013)

29. Blocking free market industrial activity, such as his oil drilling moratorium and his blocking the Keystone pipeline (Weekly Standard – Obama’s Regulatory Rampage – 2013)

30. Defining the entire world as a battleground in the war on terror – effectively suspending habeus corpus (World Socialist Web Site – Obama signs police state legislation 2012)

31. Approving of intimidation of voters by the Black Panther Party …in both election cycles (Freepers – Obama’s Black Panthers 2012 & Washington Times – Team Obama turn a blind eye to voter intimidation 2010)

32. Closing the White House to the media on a civil rights award ceremony and attacking media outlets in general (Reason- Obama transparently disappointing 2012)

33. Attempting to ban Fox News from the White House press pool and attacking and censoring political dissidents (Director Blue – Obama’s Admin tries to ban Fox 2009 & – Working to Counter Online Radicalization)

34. Covering up Fast & Furious, refusing to release documents to Congress, citing executive privilege (Boston Globe – Challenge to Atty Gen Eric Holder 2012)

35. Withholding documents relating to the bailouts and the financial collapse (Reason- Obama transparently disappointing 2012)

36. Obama’s push for gun control (Fox – Obama Moves to Shame Congress into Approving Gun Control Package 2013)

37. Obama’s unprecedented push for welfare dependency (Human Events – Obama Opts for Dependency 2012 & Examiner – Obama my be intentionally destroying our economy – 2012 & Forbes – 165 M Americans are Dependents; is Tyranny Next? )

38. Homeland Security providing local police with surveillance equipment (Infowars – Homeland Security Uses Local Police to set up surveillance buffer zones 2012)

39. Homeland Security buying up (as of 3/11/13) 1.6 billion bullets – 20x more than the amount of bullets expended in the Iraq war – and refusing to answer why they are doing so (Forbes -1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It’s Time For A National Conversation 2013 ) (Modern Survival Blog – DHS Bullets 2013)

40. Signing an Executive Order giving the Federal government the right to “mobilize” domestic US labor for “national defense,” in time of peace, with no Congressional oversight (Global Research – Police State America 2012 & Executive Order- NDRP 2012)

41. [email protected] (Examiner 2009)

42. Federal targeting of “Domestic terrorists” aka local right wing dissident organizations (Modern Survival – You Might Be A Domestic Terrorist 2013)

43. Appointing czars and granting them enforcement powers with no Congressional oversight; recess appointments (Free Republic – Obama’s Czars)

44. De-facto nationalization of the health care industry, the financial sector, the insurance industry, student loans and major automakers. (Kuhner: Obama’s Police State 2010)

45. Referring to critics as “enemies” who “must be punished” (Kuhner: Obama’s Police State 2010)

46. NATO promising to fire missiles at “hackers,” even “vigilante” hackers who attack enemies of the state such as North Korea (The Verge – Killing Hackers is justified 2013)

47. Obama signing up for the UN treaty that is in clear conflict with our Bill of Rights (Washington Times- Second Amendment crumbling 2013)

48. Obama’s campaign “spying on Americans” – with 150 techies “who do nothing but “peel back the layers” of the lives of citizens.” (Examiner – New information confirms extensive Obama spying on Americans 2012)

49. Requiring spy agencies to keep information that normally would have been discarded if no terrorist links were found (Infowars – Obama Installs New Guidelines to Aid Spying on Americans 2012)

50. Obama demanding that Internet Service Providers open their records of private citizens’ connections and internet histories (Dissident Voice – Obama Demands Access to Internet Records 2010 & DSL Reports – WH Pushes for Warrentless access to ISP Records 2010)

51. Supporting and signing an expanded and extended PATRIOT Act – that was so disparaged under President Bush. (Fox News – Obama Signs Last-Minute PATRIOT Act extension 2011)

52. The Feds and your child’s lunchbox (Breitbart – Obama School Lunch Standards 2012)

53. TSA VIPR teams conducting searches wherever they want (Mother Jones – Surprise, TSA is searching your car, subway…)

54. Obama’s push for a national Internet ID card (CBS – Obama Eyeing Internet ID card for Americans 2011)

55. Power grabs by federal agencies, such as the EPA’s uncontestable “Compliance orders,” the FDA’s spy campaign against milk producers and the NLRB acting as a shill for unions (Cato – EPA Actions should be subject to judicial review 2012 & NaturalNews – FDA wages secret war on milk farmers & USNews – Obama’s Renegade NLRB 2012)
HockeyDad Offline
#263 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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The important thing is that people feel free & safe.
ZRX1200 Offline
#264 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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By Joan Swirsky Via Email - June 26, 2013 -

Any one of these ‘coincidences’ when taken singularly appear to not mean much, but when taken as a whole, a computer would blow a main circuit if you asked it to calculate the odds that they have occurred by chance alone. Sit back, get a favorite beverage, and then read and ponder the Obama-related ‘coincidences’ … then super-impose the bigger picture of most recent events i.e. Fast and furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal and the NSA revelations … then pray for our country.

Obama just happened to know 60′s far-left radical revolutionary William Ayers, whose father just happened to be Thomas Ayers, who just happened to be a close friend of Obama’s communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis, who just happened to work at the communist-sympathizing Chicago Defender with Vernon Jarrett, who just happened to later become the father-in-law of Iranian-born leftist Valerie Jarrett, who Obama just happened to choose as his closest White House advisor, and who just happened to have been CEO of Habitat Company, which just happened to manage public housing in Chicago, which just happened to get millions of dollars from the Illinois state legislature, and which just happened not to properly maintain the housing—which eventually just happened to require demolition.

Valerie Jarrett also just happened to work for the city of Chicago, and just happened to hire Michelle LaVaughan Robinson (later Mrs.Obama), who just happened to have worked at the Sidley Austin law firm, where former fugitive from the FBI Bernardine Dohrn also just happened to work, and where Barack Obama just happened to get a summer job.

Bernardine Dohrn just happened to be married to William Ayers, with whom she just happened to have hidden from the FBI at a San Francisco marina, along with Donald Warden, who just happened to change his name to Khalid al-Mansour, and Warden/al-Mansour just happened to be a mentor of Black Panther Party founders Huey Newton and Bobby Seale and a close associate of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and al-Mansour just happened to be financial adviser to a Saudi Prince, who just happened to donate cash to Harvard, for which Obama just happened to get a critical letter of recommendation from Percy Sutton, who just happened to have been the attorney for MalcolmX, who just happened to know Kenyan politician Tom Mboya, who just happened to be a close friend of Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., who just happened to meet Malcolm X when he traveled to Kenya.

Obama, Sr. just happened to have his education at the University of Hawaii paid for by the Laubach Literacy Institute, which just happened to have been supported by Elizabeth Mooney Kirk, who just happened to be a friend of Malcolm X, who just happened to have been associated with the Nation of Islam, which was later headed by Louis Farrakhan, who just happens to live very close to Obama’s Chicago mansion, which also just happens to be located very close to the residence of William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who just happen to have been occasional baby-sitters for Malia and Natasha Obama, whose parents just happened to have no concern exposing their daughters to bomb-making communists.

After attending Occidental College and Columbia University, where he just happened to have foreign Muslim roommates, Obama moved to Chicago to work for the Industrial Areas Foundation, an organization that just happened to have been founded by Marxist and radical agitator Saul “the Red” Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals, who just happened to be the topic of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s thesis at Wellesley College, and Obama’s $25,000 salary at IAF just happened to be funded by a grant from the Woods Fund, which was founded by the Woods family, whose Sahara Coal company just happened to provide coal to Commonwealth Edison, whose CEO just happened to be Thomas Ayers, whose son William Ayers just happened to serve on the board of the Woods Fund, along with Obama.

Obama also worked on voter registration drives in Chicago in the 1980s and just happened to work with leftist political groups like the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Socialist International (SI), through which Obama met Carl Davidson, who just happened to travel to Cuba during the Vietnam War to sabotage the U.S. war effort, and who just happened to be a former member of the SDS and a member of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, which just happened to sponsor a 2002 anti-war rally at which Obama spoke, and which just happened to have been organized by Marilyn Katz, a former SDS activist and later public relations consultant who just happened to be a long-time friend of Obama’s political hatchet man, David Axelrod.

Obama joined Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC), whose pastor was Reverend Jeremiah Wright, a fiery orator who just happened to preach Marxism and Black Liberation Theology and who delivered anti-white, anti-Jew, and anti-American sermons, which Obama just happened never to hear because he just happened to miss church only on the days when Wright was at his “most enthusiastic,” and Obama just happened never to notice that Oprah Winfrey left the church because it was too radical, and just happened never to notice that the church gave the vile anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan a lifetime achievement award.

Although no one had ever heard of him at the time, Obama just happened to receive an impossible-to-believe $125,000 advance to write a book about race relations, which he just happened to fail to write while using the cash to vacation in Bali with his wife Michelle, and despite his record of non-writing he just happened to receive a second advance, for $40,000, from another publisher, and he eventually completed a manuscript called Dreams From My Father, which just happened to strongly reflect the writing style of William Ayers, who just happened to trample on an American flag for the cover photograph of the popular Chicago magazine, which Obama just happened never to see even though it appeared on newsstands throughout the city.

Obama was hired by the law firm Miner, Banhill and Galland, which just happened to specialize in negotiating state government contracts to develop low-income housing, and which just happened to deal with now-imprisoned Tony Rezko and his firm Rezar, and with slumlord Valerie Jarrett, and the law firm’s Judson Miner just happened to have been a classmate of Bernardine Dohrn, wife of William Ayers. In 1994 Obama represented ACORN and another plaintiff in a lawsuit against Citibank for denying mortgages to blacks(Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank Federal Savings Bank), and the lawsuit just happened to result in banks being blackmailed into approving subprime loans for poor credit risks, a trend which just happened to spread nationwide, and which just happened to lead to the collapse of the housing bubble, which just happened to help Obama defeat John McCain in the 2008 presidential election.

In 1996 Obama ran for the Illinois State Senate and joined the “New Party,” which just happened to promote Marxism, and Obama was supported by Dr. Quentin Yong, a socialist who just happened to support a government takeover of the health care system.

In late 1999 Obama purportedly engaged in homosexual activities and cocaine-snorting in the back of a limousine with a man named Larry Sinclair, who claims he was contacted in late 2007 by Donald Young, who just happened to be the gay choir director of Obama’s Chicago church and who shared information with Sinclair about Obama, and Young just happened to be murdered on December 23, 2007, just weeks after Larry Bland, another gay member of the church, just happened to be murdered, and both murders just happened to have never been solved. In 2008 Sinclair held a press conference to discuss his claims, and just happened to be arrested immediately after the event, based on a warrant issued by Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, who just happens to be the son of Joe Biden.

In 2003 Obama and his wife attended a dinner in honor of Rashid Khalidi, who just happened to be a former PLO operative, harsh critic of Israel, and advocate of Palestinian rights, and who Obama claims he does not know, even though the Obamas just happened to have dined more than once at the home of Khalidi and his wife, Mona, and just happened to have used them as occasional baby-sitters. Obama reportedly praised Khalidi at the decidedly anti-Semitic event, which William Ayers just happened to also attend, and the event Obama pretends he never attended was sponsored by the Arab American Action Network, to which Obama just happened to have funneled cash while serving on the board of the Woods Fund with William Ayers, and one speaker at the dinner remarked that if Palestinians cannot secure a return of their land, Israel “will never see a day of peace,” and entertainment at the dinner included a Muslim children’s dance whose performances just happened to include simulated beheadings with fake swords, and stomping on American, Israeli, and British flags, and Obama allegedly told the audience that “Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine” and there has been “genocide against the Palestinian people by (the) Israelis,” and the Los Angeles Times has a videotape of the event but just happens to refuse to make it public.

In the 2004 Illinois Democrat primary race for the U.S. Senate, front-runner Blair Hull just happened to be forced out of the race after David Axelrod just happened to manage to get Hull’s sealed divorce records unsealed, which just happened to enable Obama to win the primary, so he could face popular Republican Jack Ryan, whose sealed child custody records from his divorce just happened to become unsealed, forcing Ryan to withdraw from the race, which just happened to enable the unqualified Obama to waltz into the U.S. Senate, where, after a mere 143 days of work, he just happened to decide he was qualified to run for President of the United States.
HockeyDad Offline
#265 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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He's a go-getter with upper management potential.
DrafterX Offline
#266 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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I'm outraged.... Mellow
teedubbya Offline
#267 Posted:
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DrafterX Offline
#268 Posted:
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ZRX1200 wrote:

In late 1999 Obama purportedly engaged in homosexual activities and cocaine-snorting in the back of a limousine with a man named Larry Sinclair, who claims he was contacted in late 2007 by Donald Young, who just happened to be the gay choir director of Obama’s Chicago church and who shared information with Sinclair about Obama, and Young just happened to be murdered on December 23, 2007, just weeks after Larry Bland, another gay member of the church, just happened to be murdered, and both murders just happened to have never been solved. In 2008 Sinclair held a press conference to discuss his claims, and just happened to be arrested immediately after the event, based on a warrant issued by Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, who just happens to be the son of Joe Biden.

see, I told you guys this happened.... Not talking
cacman Offline
#269 Posted:
Joined: 07-03-2010
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#264 - This was all outlined in a book I believe came out before the 1st election. No one paid attention to it then either, he's in office a 2nd time, and look where we are at…
DrMaddVibe Offline
#270 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
The Latest Obama Outrage: the Family's $100 Million Vacation

How much do you spend on your summer vacation? American households usually spend about $1,200 per person on summer vacations, according to a recent American Express survey.

Presidents spend more on their vacations than you or I. They have to. Air Force One and security does cost more than loading the Honda and heading to the beach.

Here's how much some recent presidents spent our tax dollars on vacation.

Ronald Reagan spent most of his free time at his California ranch. Taxpayers covered the cost of approximately $8 million for presidential travel during Reagan's first six years in office, according to the Los Angeles Times. That amounts to $1.3 million a year.

For George Bush the cost of flying Air Force One to his Texas ranch was approximately $56,800 per trip, for each of the 180 trips according to Media Matters. President Bush spent Christmas during his two terms at the White House so his staff and secret service could spend the holiday with their family, according to Conservative Byte.

Now Obama plans to blow away all previous presidents' leisure travel costs on our dime with a better than Disney World extravaganza trip to Africa.

However Obama had to cancel the safari because of the need to fill the surrounding jungle with snipers to guard the president from wild animals!

The trip will cost upwards of $100 million, the highest cost for any presidential vacation since Bill Clinton spent $50 million for a single vacation and it wasn't to Arkansas.

The Obama vacation will require a hospital ship stationed near their resort in case anyone needs medical attention, 14 limousines, aircraft and an additional 56 support vehicles. The cost for protecting a president is enormous.

Even so $100 million is a lot of money and I wondered just how far it would go were it spent on disadvantaged children who in their lifetimes might never have taken a single vacation. It's a wonderful thing to take a vacation. I hope the Obama's enjoy theirs.

The cost to send an impoverished child to camp for a week is around a $100.00.

My figures came from the NAACP's website. From this I calculate that for the same price spent on this one Obama vacation almost all of the children in the District Of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont and Obama's home state of Hawaii could be sent to camp for a week.

At a time when so many have had to tighten their belts to make ends meet and many have lost jobs and homes, why can't the president just enjoy Epcot Center with his family.

The sequester ended White House tours. The average American worker has faced layoffs, poor economic growth, and a sinking economy.

When combined with Obama's recent scandals, which have created a lack of trust in the IRS, NSA and the government, I wonder if this is the best time to spend so much money on a lavish vacation.

Why isn't the media outraged? Oh that's right, they get to go to Africa too.
DrafterX Offline
#271 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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That Bassard..!! Mad
teedubbya Offline
#272 Posted:
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ZRX1200 Offline
#273 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Teedubbya is jealous.
dubleuhb Offline
#274 Posted:
Joined: 03-20-2011
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How dare you question our beloved emperor !
DrafterX Offline
#275 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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dubleuhb wrote:
How dare you question our beloved emperor !

Ram..?? Huh
ZRX1200 Offline
#276 Posted:
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US President Barack Obama quietly signed his name to an Executive Order on Friday,allowing the White House to control all private communications in the country in the name of national security.

President Obama released his latest Executive Order on Friday, July 6,a 2,205-word statement offered as the “Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions.” And although the president chose not to commemorate the signing with much fanfare,the powers he provides to himself and the federal government under the latest order are among the most far-reaching yet of any of his executive decisions.

“The Federal Government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive missions,” the president begins the order. “Survivable, resilient,enduring and effective communications,both domestic and international,are essential to enable the executive branch to communicate within itself and with: the legislative and judicial branches; State,local,territorial and tribal governments; private sector entities; and the public,allies and other nations.”

President Obama adds that it is necessary for the government to be able to reach anyone in the country during situations it considers critical,writing,“Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security,effectively manage emergencies and improve national resilience.” Later the president explains that such could be done by establishing a “joint industry-Government center that is capable of assisting in the initiation, coordination,restoration and reconstitution of NS/EP [national security and emergency preparedness] communications services or facilities under all conditions of emerging threats,crisis or emergency.”

“The views of all levels of government,the private and nonprofit sectors,and the public must inform the development of NS/EP communications policies, programs and capabilities,” he adds.

On the government’s official website for the National Communications Systems,the government explains that that“infrastructure includes wireline, wireless,satellite,cable,and broadcasting,and provides the transport networks that support the Internet and other key information systems,” suggesting that the president has indeed effectively just allowed himself to control the country’s Internet access.

In order to allow the White House to reach anyone within the US,the president has put forth a plan to establish a high-level committee calling from agents with the Department of Homeland Security, Pentagon,Federal Communications Commission and other government divisions to ensure that his new executive order can be implemented.

In explaining the order,the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) writes that the president has authorized the DHS "the authority to seize private facilities when necessary,effectively shutting down or limiting civilian communications."

In Section 5 of his order,President Obama outlines the specific department and agency responsibilities that will see through his demands. In a few paragraphs,President Obama explains that Executive Committee that will oversee his order must be supplied with “the technical support necessary to develop and maintain plans adequate to provide for the security and protection of NS/EP communications,” and that that same body will be in tasked with dispatching that communiqué “to the Federal Government and State, local,territorial and trial governments,” by means of“commercial,Government and privately owned communications resources.”

Later,the president announces that the Department of Homeland Security will be tasked with drafting a plan during the next 60 days to explain how the DHS will command the government’s Emergency Telecommunications Service,as well as other telecom conduits. In order to be able to spread the White House’s message across the country,President Obama also asks for the purchasing of equipment and services that will enable such.
dpnewell Offline
#277 Posted:
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ZRX1200 Offline
#278 Posted:
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Sounds like it David.
dubleuhb Offline
#279 Posted:
Joined: 03-20-2011
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All those that bitched about Bush being too intrusive, pffft.....crickets
ZRX1200 Offline
#280 Posted:
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U.S. Federal Court Hits President Barack Hussein Obama with three charges of abuse of office

Tuesday, February 19, 2013 14:21

NOW!! Spy-Proof Communications is Here from Before It's News

(Before It's News)

ts Official: Obama Impeachment Starts Here…

U.S. Federal Court hits President Barack Hussein Obama with three charges of abuse of office. The charges present…ed are detailed and damning. The indictments assert that President Obama “acted as a dictator” to exceed his powers of office to appoint officials behind the back of Congress during a recess period.

Via: Diana Nottingham In a staggering announcement an Associated Press report declared: “President Barack Obama violated the Constitution when he bypassed the Senate last year to appoint three members of the National Labor Relations Board, a federal appeals court ruled Friday.”

Mr. Lyndon Larouche, a well-connected journalist and political activist characterized the court’s assessment as “probably the greatest indictment ever seen on a standing president throughout history.” White House press secretary Jay Carney reacted strongly against the charges declaring, “we believe that the president’s recess appointments are constitutionally sound.” However, the federal court seems to disagree having put in place ” a list of charges presented as conclusions” according to Larouche.

The court appears to take the view that no such recess was in place. As such, the president was in violation of Section 5 of Article 1 of the Constitution that stipulates that a president cannot make appointments without the consent of the Senate. The failed Obama gambit had hoped to apply the section of the Constitution that reads: “The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.”

The Washington Post reports on the seriousness of this abuse of office, “is more than an unconstitutional attempt to circumvent the Senate’s advise-and-consent role. It is a breathtaking violation of the separation of powers and the duty of comity that the executive owes to Congress.” Crucially, no other president in history has ever tried to force through such alleged “ recess appointments” while Congress is still in session.

The offenses occurred last year when President Obama opted to bypass Congress and unilaterally appoint three people to seats on the National Labor Relations Board . He also made Richard Cordray (pictured with Obama) head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (after the Senate blocked action on his nomination). Cordray’s appointment, made on the same date, has been challenged in a separate court case.

Lyndon Larouche has characterized the events as probably the worst violation by any sitting president trying to use a “procedural loophole.” Jubilant Republicans are already looking to set in motion impeachment proceedings. Larouche, who studied the court indictments, believes Obama’s offenses are “far graver” than those that led to the impeachment and removal from office of disgraced Republican president, Richard Nixon, after the Watergate scandal.
DrafterX Offline
#281 Posted:
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That Bassard..!! Mad
ZRX1200 Offline
#282 Posted:
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7 hours ago | US | Posted by Joshua Cook

Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act, has never been embraced, or even accepted, by the American people. Indeed Obama spent the majority of his first two years in office – years in which he was backed by a Democrat majority in the House and Senate –pushing the program, with the methods fueling the first scandal of Obama’s presidential career, the [email protected] scandal.

After it passed, the program grew less and less popular. Dozens of lawsuits – at least one of which will probably get to the Supreme Court –sought to modify the law on religious grounds. Multiple companies have cited its provisions as the reason for cutting jobs and hours, and the implementation of the employer mandate has even been delayed because of the strain it would place on small businesses. Insurance premiums have already risen for individuals, and studies have shown that young people would be financially better off paying the fines for having no coverage than purchasing coverage.

Even Union leaders have spoken against the law, saying it would “destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.” Meanwhile, its backers, like Harry Reid, have said that it would necessarily lead to the creation of a Canada, UK or France-style single payer system, an idea the American people opposes even more strongly.

The government’s response to this opposition and skepticism, however, has not been to reconsider, modify or eliminate the program. Instead, the writers of Obamacare included Section 4002. Section 4002, according to Kent Masterson Brown, creates a fund used for promoting Obamacare. Between 2010 and 2015, the money appropriated increases from $500 million to $2 billion per year.

The “Prevention and Public Health Fund” will “Provide for expanded and sustained national investment in prevention and public health programs to improve health and help restrain the rate of growth in private and public sector health care costs.” It almost admits in this wording that its purpose is to promote the program, though it doesn’t reveal the extent to which this is the case.

According to Brown, this funding has gone to symposiums for journalists, and it’s also gone to media companies like the Washington Post, NBC, Reuters and CBS. In addition, it’s gone to putting promotions of Obamacare on Modern Family, Grey’s Anatomy and other primetime TV shows. It’s also helped to fund non-profit organizations committed to promoting Obamacare.

More traditional uses of promotional funds have also been paid for. $8 million, for instance, has gone to a public relations contract to help increase public support of the program, or in other words, “to convince skeptical – or simply confused – Americans that the ACA is good for them and convince them to enroll in a plan.”

Using taxpayer money to convince citizens to support a partisan agenda is unconscionable and a very dangerous policy. Creating a government program with such funds built into its very structure is insane. Government is meant to represent the people, not lead them at an expense of $2 billion per year.
DrafterX Offline
#283 Posted:
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Those Bassards..!! Mad
HockeyDad Offline
#284 Posted:
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DrafterX Offline
#285 Posted:
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damn.... Sad
DrMaddVibe Offline
#286 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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I already called top bunk!Applause
DrafterX Offline
#287 Posted:
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that's cool.... I'm getting old & tired anyways.... Sad
bloody spaniard Offline
#288 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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Not sure, but has anybody mentioned Obama's very poor performance as the affirmative action president yet?Gonz
Bring on Hillary next.
Then a gay, illegal hispanic.
Finally, someone from the WWF (World Wrasslin' Federation) who'll introduce tribal barter.
snowwolf777 Offline
#289 Posted:
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bloody spaniard wrote:
Not sure, but has anybody mentioned Obama's very poor performance as the affirmative action president yet?Gonz
Bring on Hillary next.
Then a gay, illegal hispanic.
Finally, someone from the WWF (World Wrasslin' Federation) who'll introduce tribal barter.

Is there a fast forward button?
bloody spaniard Offline
#290 Posted:
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snowwolf777 wrote:
Is there a fast forward button?

LOL! Let's get this death by 1000 cuts over with quickly, eh?
snowwolf777 Offline
#291 Posted:
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bloody spaniard wrote:
LOL! Let's get this death by 1000 cuts over with quickly, eh?

Yeah. Let me take a long chug from the Jack Daniels bottle and then let's do this thing.
bloody spaniard Offline
#292 Posted:
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snowwolf777 wrote:
Yeah. Let me take a long chug from the Jack Daniels bottle and then let's do this thing.


You know, Wolf, I knew we were deteriorating as a country after Reagan but we seemed to have accelerated matters in the last decade or so.
Hand me that bottle when you're done.Beer
bloody spaniard Offline
#293 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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Funny to see the talking heads and politicos gleefully debate and playfully banter about Benghazi, Syria, global warming, guns, Treyvon, etc. ad naseum but NOBODY addresses nor DOES SOMETHING ABOUT nurturing small business which is what keeps the machinery moving or the growing Government and drop in personal responsibility which has given us HUGE numbers of bas tards with nowhere to go...

Like you said. Let's get 'er done.Boo hoo!
ZRX1200 Offline
#294 Posted:
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Obama signed a new executive order on Friday that gives him and the federal government unlimited power over all fossil fuels, land, water, air space.

Through the guise of dealing with global warming, the new order can be used to justify any action against you, from preventing you to make changes to your property to any activity that could possibly increase greenhouse gasses.

Executive orders are unconstitutional in the first place by creating laws outside the legislative process.

This is ‘in your face’ totalitarianism!

Through the stroke of the pen, President Obama on Friday used his executive powers to elevate and take control of climate change policies in an attempt to streamline sustainability initiatives – and potentially skirt legislative oversight and push a federal agenda on states.

The executive order establishes a task force of state and local officials to advise the administration on how to respond to severe storms, wildfires, droughts and other potential impacts of climate change. The task force includes governors of seven states — all Democrats — and the Republican governor of Guam, a U.S. territory. Fourteen mayors and two other local leaders also will serve on the task force.

All but three of those appointed are Democrats. The task force will look at federal money spent on roads, bridges, flood control and other projects. It ultimately will recommend how structures can be made more resilient to the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and warming temperatures.

“We’re going to need to get prepared. And that’s why this plan will also protect critical sectors of our economy and prepare the United States for the impacts of climate change that we cannot avoid,” President Obama said back in June, when he first launched a Climate Action Plan. “States and cities across the country are already taking it upon themselves to get ready…

And we’ll partner with communities seeking help to prepare for droughts and floods, reduce the risk of wildfires, protect the dunes and wetlands that pull double duty as green space and as natural storm barriers.”

The White House added in Friday’s statement that even as the United States acts to curb carbon pollution, officials also need to improve how states and communities respond to extreme weather events like last year’s Superstorm Sandy. Building codes must be updated to address climate impacts and infrastructure needs to be made more resilient.

Critics of the order charge, among other things, that it groups together everything from forest fires to heavy rains as evidence of climate change –despite scientific testimony from both sides of the debate. source – Truth & Action
DrafterX Offline
#295 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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That Bassard..!! Mad
bloody spaniard Offline
#296 Posted:
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Anybody ever worry that they're being tracked for comments against the state?
DrafterX Offline
#297 Posted:
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nobody uses their real name in their profile do they..?? Mellow
HockeyDad Offline
#298 Posted:
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I've already reported most of you.
ZRX1200 Offline
#299 Posted:
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My internet is routed through teedubbya's pc.
DrafterX Offline
#300 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
I've already reported most of you.

is there a reward for doing that..?? Huh
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