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Last post 18 months ago by frankj1. 81 replies replies.
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When do you have too many cigars?
zody Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
I'm at the point of getting creative with storage, so when does everyone say " no more "? At least not in quantities until you can dent your supply.
sd72 Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 03-09-2011
Posts: 9,600
Go buy a cooler. Bam. Problem solved.
youngra Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2011
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sd72 wrote:
Go buy a cooler. Bam. Problem solved.

Or another cooler as the case (or cooler) may be....... just sayin.........

zody Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
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Not looking to expand, I'm at the point of capacity that its going to be a while before I can manage occasional 5ers. Just a general question for folks to weigh in on.
Palama Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 02-05-2013
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I've been saying "No more" for about a year now...but *always* find ways to augment my storage capabilities. A cooler here, a cooler there...although I'm probably at my max right now. I smoke about 25 cigars a month so try to move and consolidate every so often.

Good luck with "No mas."
KingoftheCove Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-08-2011
Posts: 7,683
One can never have "too many" good cigars...........
But, sometimes n00bs get all excited and crazy......and buy lots of, shall we say, "less expensive" cigars, cause they can't believe how cheap they are......................and stuff.
Then a year or two into the hobby, they discover what they like, learn a bit, and they suddenly find themselves with 200+ cigars they know they will never they have "too many" cigars.

And, those cigars need to be sent to da Troops!
sd72 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 03-09-2011
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Put it this way. I haven't bought much in the last year, and still have enough to go another year or so. Kind of a freedom to try and buy only what you like. That's enough.
KingoftheCove Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-08-2011
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But another answer (for noods) is my simple formula:
Figure out about how many cigars you smoke per month.
Buy twice that number, per month, for two years.
After that, simply buy the amount you smoke per month.
You now have well aged stock, and extras for your mooching friends and family.
tonygraz Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
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It's hard to ever say enough. I have enough cigars for 2 or 3 years and I can't seem to put a dent in my supply despite smoking 2-5 cigars a day. When I stop buying, new blends come out and it's hard not to buy them to try.
Puffnstuff79 Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2014
Posts: 4,752
Box passes, nfl action, troops, help out the down and out, run a raffle for a cause, sell some excess larger seegars to resupply with pcs. Just some ideas. Or, go with the obvious and buy another cooler.

Oh, and bomb Mikey and Jespear
bs_kwaj Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 02-13-2006
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zody wrote:
When do you have too many cigars?


I don't understand the question.

Bur Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2012
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Puffnstuff79 wrote:

Oh, and bomb Mikey and Jespear

Or Busa, Da General (for OpFTH) and FGM
cacman Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 07-03-2010
Posts: 12,216
zody wrote:
When do you have too many cigars?

When I can't smoke any more, or take them with me.
zody Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
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cacman wrote:
When I can't smoke any more, or take them with me.

And THAT is a beautiful answer.
zody Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
KingoftheCove wrote:
One can never have "too many" good cigars...........
But, sometimes n00bs get all excited and crazy......and buy lots of, shall we say, "less expensive" cigars, cause they can't believe how cheap they are......................and stuff.
Then a year or two into the hobby, they discover what they like, learn a bit, and they suddenly find themselves with 200+ cigars they know they will never they have "too many" cigars.

And, those cigars need to be sent to da Troops!

I have been getting a care package ready to donate to our fine well deserving troops abroad, coming from a military family can't think of a better group to send good cigars to that aren't in my wheel house anymore. Good cigars, but they're just taking up space since I'll never smoke them, and I don't have enough current mooching friends to relieve me of them.
Know of any groups? I had looked at cigars For Warriors.
And a cooler wooooouuuulllddd take the burden off of my humidors, at least to keep them in good condition while I do a good clean out, and see what goodies are hiding under the ones I cull.
zody Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
Ok. Who the hale am I kidding. I'm a couple of decades past the get me 'cause they're cheap stage. A cooler would be a good staging area for donations and.....more capacity. Frak!!

Even though I have cigars that fell out of my taste range a long while back I could never even contemplate the heresy of disposal. There are some dog rockets hiding in there too I'm sure - that would be a good mooch cache for anyone that's in the mooch category, the once in a blue moon cigar smokers that will take a dog rocket and love it.

Looking for bombing threads sounds good too. Thank you brothers for helping to weaken my No Mas resolve Herfing
cacman Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 07-03-2010
Posts: 12,216
zody wrote:
I have been getting a care package ready to donate to our fine well deserving troops abroad, coming from a military family can't think of a better group to send good cigars to that aren't in my wheel house anymore. Good cigars, but they're just taking up space since I'll never smoke them, and I don't have enough current mooching friends to relieve me of them.
Know of any groups? I had looked at cigars For Warriors.
And a cooler wooooouuuulllddd take the burden off of my humidors, at least to keep them in good condition while I do a good clean out, and see what goodies are hiding under the ones I cull.

Cigars for Warriors is a great group - started/run by vets - and one of the starting officers runs the CATS FB group. They helped us a lot with our 1st Vail Valley Cigars & Brews Event. The OpFTH is also a great group run by vets and popular here on Cbid. The OpFTH also runs some awesome fundraiser here.

Currently running a box-pass offering a donation to the OpFTH:

Both are great organizations. In the end they both support our troops!
stogiemonger Offline
#18 Posted:
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stogiemonger Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 06-25-2009
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If you have overflow, send to OpFTH
dharbolt Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 08-03-2013
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zody wrote:
I have been getting a care package ready to donate to our fine well deserving troops abroad, coming from a military family can't think of a better group to send good cigars to that aren't in my wheel house anymore. Good cigars, but they're just taking up space since I'll never smoke them, and I don't have enough current mooching friends to relieve me of them.
Know of any groups? I had looked at cigars For Warriors.
And a cooler wooooouuuulllddd take the burden off of my humidors, at least to keep them in good condition while I do a good clean out, and see what goodies are hiding under the ones I cull.

midmofan Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 04-25-2014
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"When do you have too many cigars?"

I'm guessing sometime this afternoon....
DCLover Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 09-26-2008
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When you're dead.
TMCTLT Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
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DCLover wrote:
When you're dead.

Applause ....Beer
delta1 Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
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#22 ^ DCLover nailed it!
ronco Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 03-02-2013
Posts: 43
you have enough when Altedas and General Cigar are contacting you regarding distribution jester
cacman Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 07-03-2010
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ronco wrote:
you have enough when Altedas and General Cigar are contacting you regarding distribution jester

So you're a Leccia fan?
Buckwheat Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
Posts: 12,251
About 5,000 or so is about the max without it becoming a royal pain in the ass. It is easier if you keep them in their boxes. Post-it-notes are your friend. When you get a box "label" it with where you bought it, the price, etc... Then log all of that information into a spreadsheet before it goes into a humidor. Singles are a pain no mater how you cut it. Best of luck anyway you go.
Propadope61 Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2008
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I laugh at the question.
triodes Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2013
Posts: 565
Buckwheat wrote:
About 5,000 or so is about the max without it becoming a royal pain in the ass. It is easier if you keep them in their boxes. Post-it-notes are your friend. When you get a box "label" it with where you bought it, the price, etc... Then log all of that information into a spreadsheet before it goes into a humidor. Singles are a pain no mater how you cut it. Best of luck anyway you go.

Spoken like a young man who is able to keep up with that many.

If you're getting older, and can't remember **** - 1,000 to 1500 is more than you want to try to keep up with.

I will say that Buckwheat is probably correct in that being about the max practical amount, and that to a large extent it depends on where you live and the ambient temp.

I live in SC and it gets so hot and humid here most summers (been mostly milder this year) and my wife and I are most comfortable in the summertime with the inside temp around 76 degrees. With that setting it's not so brutal going in and out of the AC and seems more comfortable.

That means wineadors for storage.

That means more expense and space.

I like keeping mine around 67/67 or 68/68.

Coolers are fine in winter, here. A problem for summer, at least in my house.
Buckwheat Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
Posts: 12,251
triodes wrote:
Spoken like a young man who is able to keep up with that many.

If you're getting older, and can't remember **** - 1,000 to 1500 is more than you want to try to keep up with.

I will say that Buckwheat is probably correct in that being about the max practical amount, and that to a large extent it depends on where you live and the ambient temp.

I live in SC and it gets so hot and humid here most summers (been mostly milder this year) and my wife and I are most comfortable in the summertime with the inside temp around 76 degrees. With that setting it's not so brutal going in and out of the AC and seems more comfortable.

That means wineadors for storage.

That means more expense and space.

I like keeping mine around 67/67 or 68/68.

Coolers are fine in winter, here. A problem for summer, at least in my house.

I live in Louisville, KY which is heat & humidity central during the summer. We normally have a month of +90 F temps with 80 to 90% humidity. I keep all of cigars in the basement which stays cooler than the rest of the house. I can keep a 60 to 70% RH at around 65 to 70F. I'm also going to be 59 at the end of this year and I'm a tard so my memory is crap. Beer
Mandoman Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 12-27-2005
Posts: 4,761
If I die and have any cigars left, I have too many.


Actually, you have too many if you need to ask the question.
edin508 Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2012
Posts: 4,647
Too many? I don't get it?
zody Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
Buckwheat wrote:
About 5,000 or so is about the max without it becoming a royal pain in the ass. It is easier if you keep them in their boxes. Post-it-notes are your friend. When you get a box "label" it with where you bought it, the price, etc... Then log all of that information into a spreadsheet before it goes into a humidor. Singles are a pain no mater how you cut it. Best of luck anyway you go.

With respect to about 95% of my collection I have always stored them in their boxes. More room but offers that little extra protection against RH flux I like.
Some kind of hang tag by shelf maybe, I do so much spread sheet work at work I can't take anymore Excel. Post its will work nicely.
And troop donations.
And a bombing.Herfing
I think I just need to smoke more, going into my tower is going humi diving anymore, I also need to get to working on coming up with a smoke venting system and closed off man cave area. Winter is coming and the nights are getting brisk!
#34 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2015
Posts: 2,275
I didn't think Id get this far but I need a 2nd cooler.
bgz Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
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lol, happens fast.

I'm on a hiatus from buying right now... well, mostly, unless I see a good deal... hmmm speaking of which, I haven't checked this months specials yet...
#36 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2015
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Real fast like 8months fast!
stinger88 Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 05-29-2012
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If I start getting toward capacity, it is a time to bomb my noobs, pickup people in PIBs, and then gift turns.

Unfortunately it only lasts for a short time and then someone smacks you around and then the vicious circle continues.

Oh, and I smoke them.
Burner02 Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 12-21-2010
Posts: 12,923
Buckwheat wrote:
I'm a tard so my memory is crap. Beer

Only going to get worse.

Mr. Jones Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 19,536
Four 48qt rubermaid cooledors....
Three humidors and four herfadors ....
frankj1 Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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the thickest double zip freezer bags and 65% bovedas, toss into an empty dresser or chest of drawers. Sleep easy.
#41 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2015
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120qt, 48qt as well, 150 count humidor, large ammoador, and 2 small humidors.
namadio Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 11-24-2014
Posts: 1,621
zody wrote:
I'm at the point of getting creative with storage, so when does everyone say " no more "? At least not in quantities until you can dent your supply.

My 150 qt cooler is packed to the brim. Ive probably already got more cigars than I'll smoke in a lifetime. I think as I make space, I'll fill it back up. Or every game of cigar box tetris I win (ie space created) I can fill it!
Whistlebritches Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 04-23-2006
Posts: 22,149
When we remodeled our home I sealed a closet,lined it with Spanish cedar,placed 1x12 cedar shelves from top to bottom,put in an outside door(mostly glass) and unloaded 4 or 5 coolers into it with room to spare.Problem solved

Oh the answer to the OP...............NEVER
gae9jang2j Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 12-13-2012
Posts: 5,612
Whistlebritches wrote:
When we remodeled our home I sealed a closet,lined it with Spanish cedar,placed 1x12 cedar shelves from top to bottom,put in an outside door(mostly glass) and unloaded 4 or 5 coolers into it with room to spare.Problem solved

Oh the answer to the OP...............NEVER

nice. and I bet that's just your ceegars. what about your baccy?
zody Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2005
Posts: 1,149
Right now I'm at two table display top display towers for singles, 170 qt cooler, 48 qt cooler, two indulgence table humidors, and a tower that's crammed to the gills. And I'm now building up a stock of baccy and pipes.
I've got to get a better get more because obviously this chit isn't going to stop. Oh wait, the FDA is going to frakk stuff up real good so maybe this isn't a bad thing.Gonz
bgz Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
stinger88 wrote:
If I start getting toward capacity, it is a time to bomb my noobs, pickup people in PIBs, and then gift turns.

Unfortunately it only lasts for a short time and then someone smacks you around and then the vicious circle continues.

Oh, and I smoke them.

Hey now, no need to get feisty. I've been quiet, bomb that rrumba guy, he's the one that starts all the chit.
crgcpro Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 04-27-2012
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I figure I'll only ever have too many the day that I die.
#48 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2015
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Id like to upgrade to a tower but after I fill the tower I'll just end up filling the coolers and the humidors, again. Then I will have too many!
firemanmike109 Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 05-28-2016
Posts: 251
When you start to use coins you have saved up to pay bills, so you can use the money in your bank account for new cigars.
Hmm I wonder if I can turn my "shoe rack" in my closet into a humidor?
shaun341 Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 08-02-2012
Posts: 8,826
I have a 28 bottle wineador, an 18 bottle wineador and been using my bro in laws foot locker for overflow since he hasn't been and almost have that filled. I am trying not to buy another humi but it may end up happening anyway.
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