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TMCTLT Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
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Not sure what to think about it, but it's interesting that they're pulling this in Kookifornia where most are NOT armed or are Not Allowed to be so all they can do is call the police and hope like hell they can catch them. These people who are Too bad someone didn't fill that craft with holes and sink it, if these clowns can get here this way...who else is trying??
victor809 Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
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The lesson here is that there is no use spending money on a wall between the US and Mexico.
dstieger Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-22-2007
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It's getting so as we can't go out and run into one of you without the other.....
victor809 Offline
#4 Posted:
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dstieger wrote:
It's getting so as we can't go out and run into one of you without the other.....

Hey, he's been the first one to post something new to this forum the past couple days. What do you expect?
DrafterX Offline
#5 Posted:
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I've been on that beach... you could prolly swim around the fence... Mellow
TMCTLT Offline
#6 Posted:
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victor809 wrote:
The lesson here is that there is no use spending money on a wall between the US and Mexico.

For someone who Thinks they're smarter than most.....this statement proves Not So Much!! To compare them coming in a boat 20 at a time to millions who simply walk across our porous border is just idiotic and YOU know it. The bigger point is if these dumb asses can pull this off.....who else is or might be??
TMCTLT Offline
#7 Posted:
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victor809 wrote:
Hey, he's been the first one to post something new to this forum the past couple days. What do you expect?

tailgater Offline
#8 Posted:
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TMCTLT wrote:
The bigger point is if these dumb asses can pull this off.....who else is or might be??

Is this a veiled attempt to organize a CBid regatta?

DrafterX Offline
#9 Posted:
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I think we're on the wrong side of da fence.... Mellow
gryphonms Offline
#10 Posted:
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Only 90 miles each way.
victor809 Offline
#11 Posted:
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TMCTLT wrote:
For someone who Thinks they're smarter than most.....this statement proves Not So Much!! To compare them coming in a boat 20 at a time to millions who simply walk across our porous border is just idiotic and YOU know it. The bigger point is if these dumb asses can pull this off.....who else is or might be??

It depends on what you're trying to achieve. If you think that a wall on the southern border will stop determined groups of people, this proves it wrong. It proves that a border just gives a false sense of security and determined people will tunnel under the wall, or simply sail around.

If your fear is some flood of central and south americans coming across and taking jobs, then a wall may help a little. But in the end a wall is mostly a false sense of security... because a wall still needs a lot of the same man-power to monitor to ensure no one is travelling over, or tunneling under, or put a hole in it. In the end, you still have to man the wall.
victor809 Offline
#12 Posted:
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TMCTLT wrote:

It was a simple meaning. I was bored, you were the only one who posted a new thread in this forum to discuss. I was telling dsteiger he was reading too much into things... now don't go reading too much into my post about him reading too much.
jetblasted Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 08-30-2004
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victor809 wrote:
The lesson here is that there is no use spending money on a wall between the US and Mexico.

Top the wall with laser guided gatling guns . . .

teedubbya Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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And the oceans with robotic sharks with laser eyes
victor809 Offline
#15 Posted:
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And the skies with laser drones....

Oh. .I guess we already do that.
victor809 Offline
#16 Posted:
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All it'll take is one laser Gatling to take out someone's cousin and the US govt will have a lawsuit on their hands.
Gene363 Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
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In WWII some Germans did that on the East coast, we tried and hung them.
victor809 Offline
#18 Posted:
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Gene363 wrote:

In WWII some Germans did that on the East coast, we tried and hung them.

As long as there's a trial, I'm not too concerned with whether people are killed or not.
TMCTLT Offline
#19 Posted:
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victor809 wrote:
It depends on what you're trying to achieve. If you think that a wall on the southern border will stop determined groups of people, this proves it wrong. It proves that a border just gives a false sense of security and determined people will tunnel under the wall, or simply sail around.

If your fear is some flood of central and south americans coming across and taking jobs, then a wall may help a little. But in the end a wall is mostly a false sense of security... because a wall still needs a lot of the same man-power to monitor to ensure no one is travelling over, or tunneling under, or put a hole in it. In the end, you still have to man the wall.

I'd be More than happy to take a stint down there as long as I wasn't just suppose to stand there and watch it take place which seems to be what O Bummer has our border patrol doing. Our Government is simply NOT interested in stemming the tide and seem more than willing to leave U.S. Citizens open to all the diseases etc. they are bringing with them. It's absolutely disgusting and in my not so humble opinion treasonous!!!
dlandri21 Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2010
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They should probably do something about this. Apparently they're putting all these kids in schools and all of the sudden there's been an outbreak of enterovirus among American kids. We just had our first confirmed case in New Jersey. New York has had a lot more. Hope it's just a coincidence.
jetblasted Offline
#21 Posted:
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Laser Guided Gatling Guns . . .
teedubbya Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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Some folks need a group of people to blame. Personally I am sure it is all the illegal immigrants to blame for most illnesses beit bodily or economically.
DrafterX Offline
#23 Posted:
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I blame the Russians... Mellow
victor809 Offline
#24 Posted:
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I'm kinda curious what would happen when the first armed private citizen shoots a boat of divers coming in from a night or early morning dive.

Giving private citizens guns and the idea they have any responsibility whatsoever to guard anything other than their own personal land and health is a bad idea.
teedubbya Offline
#25 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
I blame the Russians... Mellow

Yea if they slowed down instead of russian around they would make less mistakes and cause less rework.
DrafterX Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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true.. true....

They should own all the Ukraine by now.... Mellow
BuckyB93 Offline
#27 Posted:
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MACS Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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I notice teedub and victor like to make light of our illegal immigration problem.

Here's some honest questions:

1. Do you agree we have a problem?

2. If you do agree, how would you tackle that issue if a wall is not the answer?

Landmines has been played out... you're going to have to come up with a lucid, intelligent response, or forever STFU on the issue. This is not a small problem. It is a ginormous problem and it seems to be getting worse every day.

Making fun of TML(whatever) aside, this has to be one of the top issues our country faces right now.
DrafterX Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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we need to build a wall around Tony Stewart too... Mellow
MACS Offline
#30 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
we need to build a wall around Tony Stewart too... Mellow

Nah. Just let him drive that dirt track car around the border area... Mellow
gryphonms Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 04-14-2013
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MACS, I think the problem needs to be addressed from multiple directions. Take away employment opportunities by making the penalty so large for an employer that they would never hire an illegal immigrant. Take away benefit opportunities through the federal government. No healthcare, welfare, education and so on. Create a penalty for those caught that is significant enough to make them not want to try to be here, such as never being able to become a citizen.

Also let the border patrol do their job, give them enough funding, and the appropriate weapons. Just my 2 cents.
victor809 Offline
#32 Posted:
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I see this as a two part answer.

1 - Are we sure it is "one of the top issues our country faces right now"? I'm by no means an expert, but let's do some numbers. DHS says we have about 11.5MM illegal immigrants in the US. That's what... 3.5% of the US? Hell... our population on welfare is 109MM... that seems like a bigger problem. The complaints I always hear revolve around these illegal immigrants stealing any number of the following things: Jobs, Public Services, Emergency services. About the only one of those things which I see as a particular problem are Emergency Services, and that comes down to very localized problems (ie, areas with high illegal populations and low emergency resources) not really a "national" problem. As for public services? Most local public services are paid out of local taxes... illegal immigrants have to pay a lot of local taxes... sales taxes, property taxes (even if they're renting, they are contributing to the property tax of the owner). Hell, if these illegal immigrants steal a SSN, then they'll be paying state and federal taxes as well. As for jobs... well,our local workers are demanding 15$/hr for the most menial tasks... I say ship them out and import more illegals if that's the case.

2 - Even accepting that it's really a BIG BAD PROBLEM... there's nothing at the border you can do. I look at this as an issue of osmosis. You have a high concentration side and a low concentration side with a semi-permeable membrane in between. As long as there is a difference in molecular concentration, you'll get molecules crossing the membrane to try to equalize. You can make the membrane less permeable... but that just slows the inevitable. As long as there are jobs here and not there, people will try to cross. Put up a wall, they'll go under or around... you won't know because you'll be so focused on your big neat wall (the wall is itself a distraction and would likely cause as much harm through a false sense of security)... add seismic sensors and they'll go over, or they'll just get better at forging documents and go across on the road. Search every truck and you slow shipping and commerce to a grind. And they can still just go to canada and walk across.

My point is, these silly little endeavors at the southern border aren't really going to do much. And even reducing the flow by 50% likely won't impact our nation's economy in any appreciable manner. These projects ("build a wall!!!" "citizens militia!!!") are really nothing more than posturing to make our citizens think they have a solution to fix a problem that probably isn't that bad, but can easily be used to deflect from problems that may actually be bad, and may actually be the fault of non-brown skinned citizens of the US (i'm talking about politicians).

But... if you insist on doing something about illegal immigration, then gryph is closest to the mark. You stop the employers from giving them jobs, and you suddenly have reduced a lot of the pressure across the membrane. That will do more, and require less investment than anything you can do AT the border. But you're gonna have to teach americans to work or something...
teedubbya Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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MACS it's not something I could put into a short blurb in here. It is an issue and a big one.

I make fun of the knee jerk reactions which I beleive a "fence" to be. I also make fun of problem creep like the illegals are destrying our health system, our economy, our educaton system, spreading ebola, taking all of our jobs, jacking up the crime rates, threatening our national security (cue patriotic music and anothr patriot act), etc. There is a problem and it needs to be addressed. But the hysterics are hysterical and illegals are often are used as a scape goat. There is never any proof and anything suggesting otherwise is fatally flawed. On the health care issue alone I know enough to call BS. All the illegals get free health care and education didn't you know that?

It is a complicated issue and I don't pretend to have the ultimate soluiton. No one does. Not knowing how to fix something doesn't mean you can't identify things that are absurd.

Here are my general thoughts.

1. Protect the borders better. Not a wall (that won't work) and nothing is 100% fool proof but we do need to beef things up. I think it should be human and technology driven.
2. When an illegal is caught, send them home. However I am not for requesting ids randomly from all brown people just because as a white person (ie someone whom would not in reality be imnpacted by that) I have no issue with that. It will cause more harm than good. We may need to live with some amongst us for awhile. Same as the 10 guilty go free to prevent 1 innocent from jail concept.
3. Relax immigration laws. Not amnesty. If you broke or are breaking the law you go home and start from scratch if you want to come back. But the truth is our limits on immigration encourage illegals. Relax the cap numbers dramatically and make the legal path doable. That is the rub for me. We carp around about not being against mexicans, just law breakers. That is convienient. In reality there is virtually no legal path for them to come in here and we just don't want mexicans illegal or otherwise.

that doesn't do it justice I could go on much more. Until you do #3 they are illegal and need to go and be prevented from comming. But we do need to do #3 as well. And I do beleive some of the ranting is not based on fact and does border on bigoted. It is just protected by a cloak of convienience. Saying that will get me rideculed by folks in here but it is true and I am not talking about eveyone being a bigot. To claim that in either direction is a reason not to have to put real thought in to anything. tony Stewart is a racist.

I also think the problem is wayyy over stated. Yes it is a problem, yes it needs to be addressed but common' man everything is relative. I think ISIS is another over stated problem but that is another issue that I think george Will summed up pretty well.

Meh... typing quickly off the top of my head typos and all. I'd love to smoke one with you and really discuss it. It just can't be done well in here.

I will say this..... and this comes from all my years of contract negotiaitons and conflict resolution.... if both sides stay dug in it is next to possible to actually resolve anything. Sometimes the fence post is a badge of honor. If you can get folks to move off their mark a bit things can actually get resolved or at least get better. This is often lost in here.
MACS Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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It IS a problem. I'm not saying it's causing us to go broke, but they are a drain on an already drained system.

I, too, agree with Gryphon. It has to be approached from more angles than just putting up a wall. But to stick your head in the sand and say it's a non-issue is just plain retarded. All due respect to retards.
teedubbya Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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I work with folks that will spend $1000 dollars to save or recoup $500. Sometimes it's ok to do that out of pricipal thinking it very well may save millions if it is known certain things will not be tolerated. Sometimes it is just a waste of $1000 (or $500 however you look at it).

I have yet to see a good analysis of actual costs on the economy. i have seen a lot of garbage thrown out there by both sides. I get it it's hard to get at so it is fertile ground for the cooks and the junk economists. It's global warming ish. in some regards.

I generally can take one quick look and roll my eyes based on my expertise alone. Now I expect some expert analysis to be posted here by the experst LOL.
MACS Offline
#36 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:
... In reality there is virtually no legal path for them to come in here and we just don't want mexicans illegal or otherwise...

Sorry, but that's complete bullshizzle. My wife immigrated here, legally, from an Island nation halfway around the world. How is it more difficult for a Mexican to do it?

Pardon me while I blow the bullsh!t horn... (*sound of a ship's whistle blowing buuuuuuuullll shiiiiiiiiiiiiit*)
MACS Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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For your reading enjoyment... whitey is already the minority in CA.
teedubbya Offline
#38 Posted:
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MACS wrote:
Sorry, but that's complete bullshizzle. My wife immigrated here, legally, from an Island nation halfway around the world. How is it more difficult for a Mexican to do it?

Pardon me while I blow the bullsh!t horn... (*sound of a ship's whistle blowing buuuuuuuullll shiiiiiiiiiiiiit*)

Have you looked at the quota numbers per country? Maybe you should unblow the horn.

Compare the number of slots verses the number of people that would love to fill those slots. Proximity alone drives some of that.
teedubbya Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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MACS wrote:

For your reading enjoyment... whitey is already the minority in CA.

It's a given and the other states are on their way too. I'll read it later but I doubt it has any real dollar amounts tied to the illegal problem.

And the brown movement scares the **** out of whitey. We are lucky. We married in (I realize your wife isn't hispanic but the minority thing will still help you stay out of the worst camps).
victor809 Offline
#40 Posted:
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MACS wrote:

For your reading enjoyment... whitey is already the minority in CA.

I'm always curious about this.

Why is being a minority a problem?

I ask this seriously... because no one seems to think minorities have any problems in society when whites aren't the minority... so if whites become the minority, that won't be a problem either, right?
victor809 Offline
#41 Posted:
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MACS wrote:
It IS a problem. I'm not saying it's causing us to go broke, but they are a drain on an already drained system.

I, too, agree with Gryphon. It has to be approached from more angles than just putting up a wall. But to stick your head in the sand and say it's a non-issue is just plain retarded. All due respect to retards.

It's a drain on the system. But how much?

Until you can say how much it's draining the system, you can't really say it is an issue. I mean... if the drain on our already drained system comes out to $20/year.... you going to say it's an issue? :)

Illegal Immigration gets way more attention than it deserves.... and I think TW is right in his assessment that part of the added attention it gets is because it's a PC outlet for subtle (or not-so-subtly) racism.
DrafterX Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
I think the part of the illegal immigration thing you are missing is the 'illegal' part... Mellow

or should we just start calling it something else to be politically correct and stuff... Think
DrafterX Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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I mean hell... a kid walks into a store and steals a handful of cigars.. in the grand scheme of things he didn't really hurt anything did he..?? let's just not shoot him next time then... Not talking Not talking
MACS Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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victor809 wrote:
It's a drain on the system. But how much?

Until you can say how much it's draining the system, you can't really say it is an issue. I mean... if the drain on our already drained system comes out to $20/year.... you going to say it's an issue? :)

Illegal Immigration gets way more attention than it deserves.... and I think TW is right in his assessment that part of the added attention it gets is because it's a PC outlet for subtle (or not-so-subtly) racism.

Once again, bullsh!t. Racism? Because I want to keep illegal immigrants out of my country? Have you seen Mexico's immigration laws?

And "racism" gets thrown around like it's cool. I do not believe any one race is superior to another. Many people say racist when what they mean is prejudiced.

And as far as being a minority... I lived in the Philippines for 3+ years. Didn't bother me at all. Lived in Greece for a year. Didn't bother me there, either (Yes, I understand Greeks are 'white' but I was a foreigner). But in THIS country, where many minorities decry their treatment by 'the establishment' (some of it well deserved, though before our time) it would be a source of concern.
MACS Offline
#45 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:
Have you looked at the quota numbers per country? Maybe you should unblow the horn.

Compare the number of slots verses the number of people that would love to fill those slots. Proximity alone drives some of that.

Hmmmmm... wonder why the quota is small? Maybe to offset illegal immigration? Either way, we as a country have a right to decide who comes and goes. Period.
teedubbya Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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MACS wrote:
Hmmmmm... wonder why the quota is small? Maybe to offset illegal immigration? Either way, we as a country have a right to decide who comes and goes. Period.

We do and I think we should loosen that number. It has consequences. But that is besides the point. See my points 1 and 2.

The number is small because we don't want a bunch of mexicans.... or the number is small in proportion because so many mexicans want to be americans for a whole lot of very good reasons.

victor809 Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
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MACS wrote:
Once again, bullsh!t. Racism? Because I want to keep illegal immigrants out of my country? Have you seen Mexico's immigration laws?

And "racism" gets thrown around like it's cool. I do not believe any one race is superior to another. Many people say racist when what they mean is prejudiced.

And as far as being a minority... I lived in the Philippines for 3+ years. Didn't bother me at all. Lived in Greece for a year. Didn't bother me there, either (Yes, I understand Greeks are 'white' but I was a foreigner). But in THIS country, where many minorities decry their treatment by 'the establishment' (some of it well deserved, though before our time) it would be a source of concern.

MACS, I'm not looking at your personal motivations, but your head is just as far in the sand as you accuse others to be if you think racism isn't a part of the illegal immigration outcries. Everyone's motivation is different, some probably are just really really really upset that someone is breaking the law. Others are really really really upset that it's brown people breaking the law.

Regarding the minority thing... great. Sounds like we should encourage becoming a minority so we can have a great time decrying our treatment by "the establishment". You missed my point entirely (and perhaps because it didn't apply directly to you)... In the current state of the USA, as it exists right now, being a minority SHOULD NOT in any way shape or form have a negative impact on your life or change your interactions with the other human beings in any way. This is what the US strives for. This is what all the conservatives claim we have achieved (you've heard the, "we have a black president, now we can get rid of all affirmative action" argument, I'm sure). IF we have achieved this, then whites becoming the minority shouldn't impact us at all. We shouldn't care... because it doesn't matter.

The point I was trying to make (and yes, I'm long winded and boring)... is that there are people trying to have their cake and eat it too... they're arguing that there's no disadvantage to being a minority at all... but then using the idea of "whites becoming the minority" as a source of fear.
victor809 Offline
#48 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
I think the part of the illegal immigration thing you are missing is the 'illegal' part... Mellow

There are a lot of illegal things you and I do... for some reason private citizens don't seem to want to shoot us for doing them.
MACS Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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I'm not discounting that some people (a small minority, IMO) may have prejudicial motivations in not wanting immigrants from Mexico... but who the eff, in their right mind, would want people coming here illegally?

I don't want any people coming here illegally.
victor809 Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
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MACS wrote:
I'm not discounting that some people (a small minority, IMO) may have prejudicial motivations in not wanting immigrants from Mexico... but who the eff, in their right mind, would want people coming here illegally?

I don't want any people coming here illegally.

There are a lot of illegal things people don't want.

People don't want to be mugged. Is it worth stationing a police officer at every single corner 24hrs a day to make sure it never happens?

My point isn't its illegality, or that there is some negative consequence. It's that people seem to get really really really upset about something which is likely not as big a problem as they think.
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