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Last post 9 years ago by frankj1. 179 replies replies.
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MACS Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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victor809 wrote:
There are a lot of illegal things people don't want.

People don't want to be mugged. Is it worth stationing a police officer at every single corner 24hrs a day to make sure it never happens?

My point isn't its illegality, or that there is some negative consequence. It's that people seem to get really really really upset about something which is likely not as big a problem as they think.

If you don't think 11.5 MILLION illegal immigrants (number from your own post, reported by DHS, so likely higher) is a problem, then I don't know where to begin...
teedubbya Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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I don't want anyone here illegally but accept the fact some number will always exist and to some whatever that number is heir 1000 or 11 million they will be the cause of our problems. It's a convenience thing.

I want the quota lifted dramatically and an easier path to legal for those NOT here illegally but those that want to come here legally. We won't do that.

For a bunch of folks that hate PC we sure can get PC about things when it serves us. The USA has never particularly liked Mexicans and doesn't want them here. They are inconvenient neighbors we wish were higher scale. We don't want the riff raff here legally or illegally. Keeping that number low and making it hard to get here legally makes it easier to deny this. It's our policy. We are already scared of a minority take over. Why would we accelerate that?

We barely tolerate the texans.
teedubbya Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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I have nothing against (insert race or ethnicity here) and it's just a coincidence I and other folks like me left my neighborhood en mass when they started moving in.

It's human nature, happens virtually everywhere in the world and isn't a big deal. Admitting it sure seems to be though. I've never actually met someone prejudiced but myself. Weird.
victor809 Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
MACS wrote:
If you don't think 11.5 MILLION illegal immigrants (number from your own post, reported by DHS, so likely higher) is a problem, then I don't know where to begin...

It's all a matter of scale. Like I said, that's only 3.5% of our population.
MACS Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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victor809 wrote:
It's all a matter of scale. Like I said, that's only 3.5% of our population.

Sure... right now. But we have many citizens that have no business being citizens because they were born here to illegal immigrant parents who had no business being here...

Vicious cycle. And yes, I realize it's our own damn fault. They're using our laws against us and we're too stupid or scared to change them.

Why do you think Hispanics are the plurality in CA now? Because those 11.5 million make 33 more million... and so on...
opelmanta1900 Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 01-10-2012
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11.5 million is definitely a low number... every time I put out an ad for a job opening down in southern california, at least 13 million illegals applied each time... at least...
DrafterX Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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I have nothing against Mexicans... I have a good friend that's Mexican... Mellow
HockeyDad Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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We need immigrants and Europeans won't come here anymore. Sometimes you gotta settle.
opelmanta1900 Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 01-10-2012
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DrafterX wrote:
I have nothing against Mexicans... I have a good friend that's Mexican... Mellow

you mean pedro? dude, I don't think he's real...
DrafterX Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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No... this guy's name is Alfred.... Mellow
TMCTLT Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
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victor809 wrote:
There are a lot of illegal things people don't want.

People don't want to be mugged. Is it worth stationing a police officer at every single corner 24hrs a day to make sure it never happens?

My point isn't its illegality, or that there is some negative consequence. It's that people seem to get really really really upset about something which is likely not as big a problem as they think.

No Victor we don't put our safety in the hands of " someone else " who CANNOT prevent an attack on innocents...but only write up a report AFTER the attack. That's why most Americans would like to KEEP the Right To Bear!!!!
I say most because you left and right coasters want someone else to protect you.....:-"

And as far as your and TW's assessment that there are those of us who don't want Mexicans here because we're racist, that is a load of Crap. Not only are the numbers out there to support the DRAIN they're putting on social services / healthcare / education you'd have to be ignorant in not recognizing that as the flow continued the system broke down. And to layer the problem, the main reason they are coming here undocumented is because they Do Not Want Anyone to know they're here, lord forbid that have to pay taxes, have LE know they're here and where they live etc. while those of us born here are given SS numbers as soon as we slide from the womb so as not to escape Paying Taxes.
If you want to accuse someone of using them as political " Pawns " then look @ our elected officials....and further look @ the business sector whose getting rich from the backs of Cheap Labor.

victor809 wrote:
It's all a matter of scale. Like I said, that's only 3.5% of our population.

So if 3.5 percent of our population born and raised here legally....we're to suddenly begin breaking the law, we should just turn our head or close or eyes and hope it simply goes away like a bad dream??? Unreal outlook....see when you come here illegally, your ALREADY breaking OUR LAWS.

I say we show them the same respect we are shown if entering THEIR country illegally....but then you and TW's panties would REALLY be in a WAD
teedubbya Offline
#62 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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USA policy suggests we don't want Mexicans here LEGALLY in large numbers. We don't. Read that however you like. We could address #3 if that wasnt the case. That isn't even on the table.

I was clear in 1 and 2 that I am a law and order guy whether illegal aliens or illegal ranchers. As for them not wanting to be here legally that is complete and utter BS. Where is MACS BS whistle when you need it? Anyone who beleives the life of an illegal is easy and desireable is fooling themselves. That doesn't mean there are not any that fall in this bucket but I suspect it is a very VERY small percentage.

There are no good data sets supporting the "drain". If there were they would be front and center. Thats not to say there is no drain, just that is can not be proven or supported by data. There is a lot of junk data out there but its just that. You wouldn't accept it on the global warming issue. It's a matter of convienience.
teedubbya Offline
#63 Posted:
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undocumented makes data difficult and allows folks to prey off those with a predisposed opinion on the matter. It's easy to convince ones self there is a huge drain or little drain but the fact is there is no good data.
DrafterX Offline
#64 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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I'm gonna go steal some cigars... Mellow
teedubbya Offline
#65 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
I'm gonna go steal some cigars... Mellow

Trish will pull the trigger then yell freeze.
DrafterX Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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no way man..... 11 million others are stealing them too... she can't get us all... Not talking
TMCTLT Offline
#67 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
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teedubbya wrote:
undocumented makes data difficult and allows folks to prey off those with a predisposed opinion on the matter. It's easy to convince ones self there is a huge drain or little drain but the fact is there is no good data.

That's because your and my elected officials are NOT interested in collecting factual data on exactly how many are here or what the ensuing costs are to the general public through LOST tax dollars. I know I have said this before but I'll repeat it for those interested in the Truth, my wife and many of her friends work in healthcare / education and know FIRST HAND ( better than some F'n statistic that you and Victor ) seem to need to justify what is happening that this IS a very REAL problem that needs to be addressed. Not only do they want FREE healthcare but take FULL ADVANTAGE and request free meals...transportation etc. because we Do Indeed have social service offices telling these folks how to TAP these freebies. And whose working in an awfully lot of these social service offices....other Latinos. And then let's discuss why it's NOT important that these people haven true ID's to participate in our election process?? Because well your simply not allowed to unless.....A US citizen. Take your blinders off for Pete's sake and quit trying to accuse those want them to ABIDE by our laws as being Racist, that's just silly.
teedubbya Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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There is no data. Undocumented. No good data as a result. Easy peasy concept. Its not a matter of want to.

As for the "my wife is a nurse/doctor/whatever and has teacher friends" card BFD. I trust my experience over the last 25-30 years working in, formally studying, and implementing health care delivery systems more than theirs. Sorry. Nothing against them. I don't know them. I just know what I know and am not relying on second or third hand anecdotal crap. That dog don't hunt.

Please refer back to my points 1 and 2 on the illegal aspect. You are all over the place.
TMCTLT Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
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teedubbya wrote:
There is no data. Undocumented. No good data as a result. Easy peasy concept. Its not a matter of want to.

As for the "my wife is a nurse/doctor/whatever and has teacher friends" card BFD. I trust my experience over the last 25-30 years working in, formally studying, and implementing health care delivery system more than theirs. Sorry. Nothing against them. I don't know them. I just know what I know and that dog don't hunt.

Again YOU make my point , undocumented = uninterested! thus explaining why our elected officials want to allow these law breakers to participate in our election process.
Your dog doesn't even get out in the field. Big F'n deal about your " last thirty years " try staying in the Here and Now and I'm gonna go out on a limb that you were a paper pusher and not on The Front Lines where seeing is believing. You just Think you know what you want to know.....pfffft
teedubbya Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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TMCTLT wrote:
Your dog doesn't even get out in the field. Big F'n deal about your " last thirty years " try staying in the Here and Now and I'm gonna go out on a limb that you were a paper pusher and not on The Front Lines where seeing is believing. You just Think you know what you want to know.....pfffft

And you would be incorrect.

The thing is I never brought my background or experience into the conversation. You brought your wife and her friends background in to somehow support your argument. I simply responded. Our statements should stand alone and not require the my dad can beat up your dad mentality. I simply am saying my experience is direct not that of someone else (like yours). I'll take primary source any day.

Now that my experience is psudo out there, some of it involved directly working with this very issue from a front line perspective, a front end policy perspective, and a regulatory implementation perspective. The regulatory (law) part was a big part of all of them. And I've actually had to speak with many illegals regarding the subject.

gryphonms Offline
#71 Posted:
Joined: 04-14-2013
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Our immigration system does need to change but in a viable manner for the following reason. As baby boomers retire there are not enough tax producers to replace them. There is a big caveat to the idea of immigration reform. We do not need more unskilled workers that are a burden to the system. We need people with a viable skill set. So immigration reform needs to make sense for the country as a whole.
TMCTLT Offline
#72 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
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teedubbya wrote:
And you would be incorrect.

The thing is I never brought my background or experience into the conversation. You brought yor wife and her friends. I simply responded.

Okay so come clean, in what manner did you work in healthcare??
DrafterX Offline
#73 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?

That's what it seems to come down to in the most recent flare-up of the immigration debate. Policy makers and pundits who want tougher policies against illegal immigrants argue that they cost American taxpayers billions of dollars. Those on the other side of the debate counter that illegal immigrants create demand and jobs that promote economic growth.

So which one is it?

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a conservative advocacy group that favors tighter immigration laws, argues that the answer is clear: illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers more than $100 billion each year.

Video of Michelle Obama discussing immigration with 2nd graders
Jack Martin, director of special projects for FAIR, says the group is still working on its estimate, but believes undocumented workers leave taxpayers with a fat bill, considering that the government spends money on the workers, and they almost never pay income taxes.
"The study of the fiscal effects of illegal immigration clearly demonstrates that it is a burden on the American taxpayer," says Martin. More forceful implementation of immigration laws could save each U.S. household "in the neighborhood of a couple of thousand dollars a year."

Cost estimates usually only measure the fiscal cost, which weighs government spending (such as on public schools, medical care, incarceration and unemployment benefits) against government income (from income, property and sales taxes.) All those interviewed for this story said they can only make rough estimates, since it's almost impossible to gather accurate data about illegal residents.

Martin argues that more than half of the country's illegal immigrants work in the "underground economy," meaning that they are paid cash under the table, without paying any kind of taxes.

Film at 11..... Think Think
TMCTLT Offline
#74 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
Posts: 19,733
gryphonms wrote:
Our immigration system does need to change but in a viable manner for the following reason. As baby boomers retire there are not enough tax producers to replace them. There is a big caveat to the idea of immigration reform. We do not need more unskilled workers that are a burden to the system. We need people with a viable skill set. So immigration reform needs to make sense for the country as a whole.

Not sure that this is correct regarding lost tax revenue from Baby Boomers...
TMCTLT Offline
#75 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
Posts: 19,733
DrafterX wrote:
Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?

That's what it seems to come down to in the most recent flare-up of the immigration debate. Policy makers and pundits who want tougher policies against illegal immigrants argue that they cost American taxpayers billions of dollars. Those on the other side of the debate counter that illegal immigrants create demand and jobs that promote economic growth.

So which one is it?

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a conservative advocacy group that favors tighter immigration laws, argues that the answer is clear: illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers more than $100 billion each year.

Video of Michelle Obama discussing immigration with 2nd graders
Jack Martin, director of special projects for FAIR, says the group is still working on its estimate, but believes undocumented workers leave taxpayers with a fat bill, considering that the government spends money on the workers, and they almost never pay income taxes.
"The study of the fiscal effects of illegal immigration clearly demonstrates that it is a burden on the American taxpayer," says Martin. More forceful implementation of immigration laws could save each U.S. household "in the neighborhood of a couple of thousand dollars a year."

Cost estimates usually only measure the fiscal cost, which weighs government spending (such as on public schools, medical care, incarceration and unemployment benefits) against government income (from income, property and sales taxes.) All those interviewed for this story said they can only make rough estimates, since it's almost impossible to gather accurate data about illegal residents.

Martin argues that more than half of the country's illegal immigrants work in the "underground economy," meaning that they are paid cash under the table, without paying any kind of taxes.

Film at 11..... Think Think

teedubbya Offline
#76 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
TMCTLT wrote:
Okay so come clean, in what manner did you work in healthcare??

Sure. Give me a few minutes to type it up. I will be a little general because I don't feel the need to put my private details out there and was not the one who brought it up. If you look around in here I rarely bring up my background.
teedubbya Offline
#77 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
DrafterX wrote:
Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?

That's what it seems to come down to in the most recent flare-up of the immigration debate. Policy makers and pundits who want tougher policies against illegal immigrants argue that they cost American taxpayers billions of dollars. Those on the other side of the debate counter that illegal immigrants create demand and jobs that promote economic growth.

So which one is it?

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a conservative advocacy group that favors tighter immigration laws, argues that the answer is clear: illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers more than $100 billion each year.

Video of Michelle Obama discussing immigration with 2nd graders
Jack Martin, director of special projects for FAIR, says the group is still working on its estimate, but believes undocumented workers leave taxpayers with a fat bill, considering that the government spends money on the workers, and they almost never pay income taxes.
"The study of the fiscal effects of illegal immigration clearly demonstrates that it is a burden on the American taxpayer," says Martin. More forceful implementation of immigration laws could save each U.S. household "in the neighborhood of a couple of thousand dollars a year."

Cost estimates usually only measure the fiscal cost, which weighs government spending (such as on public schools, medical care, incarceration and unemployment benefits) against government income (from income, property and sales taxes.) All those interviewed for this story said they can only make rough estimates, since it's almost impossible to gather accurate data about illegal residents.

Martin argues that more than half of the country's illegal immigrants work in the "underground economy," meaning that they are paid cash under the table, without paying any kind of taxes.

Film at 11..... Think Think

LOL a great example proving my point.
gryphonms Offline
#78 Posted:
Joined: 04-14-2013
Posts: 1,983
Just an assumption on my part, no facts to back it up. At some point we will have more people leaving the work force than entering it. It may not be now, but demographics of age groups would seem to dictate this will happen. I will check out your link. Though I will stand by my statement that immigration reform must make sense for the country as a whole.
DrafterX Offline
#79 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
ya... this was written back in 2010 anyway... can't be accurate now with the million kids that came over by themselves... Mellow
TMCTLT Offline
#80 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
Posts: 19,733
teedubbya wrote:
LOL a great example proving my point.

Proving THE point that your willfully BLIND to what is obviously a HUGE problem....
teedubbya Offline
#81 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
TMCTLT wrote:
Okay so come clean, in what manner did you work in healthcare??

TMCLT I typed something up and still have it but don't really want to post it in here. I am a private person and don't often put much about my background in here.

I will gladly PM it to youi f you are really interested and if you will respect my wish to keep it private. This way you can always come back in here and say I'm full of **** and I won't defend myself LOL.

HockeyDad Offline
#82 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
teedubbya wrote:
TMCLT I typed something up and still have it but don't really want to post it in here. I am a private person and don't often put much about my background in here.

I will gladly PM it to youi f you are really interested and if you will respect my wish to keep it private. This way you can always come back in here and say I'm full of **** and I won't defend myself LOL.

The French fry cooker is beeping. Turn it off.
teedubbya Offline
#83 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
TMCTLT wrote:
Proving THE point that your willfully BLIND to what is obviously a HUGE problem....

Nope. If you actually read what I've typed you would know better. I think it is a problem. I think it is at times way over stated and there is a bunch of hyperboly for various reasons. I admit there is no good data to prove it either way. There isn't. And drafters post includes more of the junk data supporting one side.

Illegals should be sent home.
Our borders should be protected (I prefer different methods but whatever).
Legal immigration should be reformed to allow way more LEGAL immigration.

That's my take. Along with the very obvious fact that if something is undocumented it is hard to get good data.

The irony is that indicates open eyes and mind.
DrafterX Offline
#84 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
I could sure use some french fries about now... Mellow
teedubbya Offline
#85 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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HockeyDad wrote:
The French fry cooker is beeping. Turn it off.

would you like some apple pie with that?
DrafterX Offline
#86 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
those fries are prolly cold by now.... Mellow
teedubbya Offline
#87 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
I work at Burger King making flame-broiled whoppers,
I wear paper hat.

Would you like an apple pie with that?
Would you like an apple pie with that?

Ding, fries are done.
Ding, fries are done.
Ding, fries are done.
Ding, fries are done.

I gotta run.
I gotta run.
I gotta run.
I gotta run.

Don't bob for fries in hot fat,
It really hurt bad and so does skin graft.

Would you like an apple pie with that?
Would you like an apple pie with that?

Where is the bell?
Wait for the bell.
Can't eat the bell.
Where is the bell?

Ding, fries are done.
Ding, fries are done.
Ding, fries are done.
Ding, fries are done.

I work at Burger King making flame-broiled whoppers,
I wear paper hat.

Would you like an apple pie with that?
Would you like an apple pie with that?

Ding, fries are done.
Ding, fries are done.
Ding, fries are doneeeeee.
teedubbya Offline
#88 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
That reminds me. One of my jobs was a pee catcher at a greyhound park and sadly that's not the worst job I've ever had.
DrafterX Offline
#89 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
Piss Boy..?? Huh
victor809 Offline
#90 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:
That reminds me. One of my jobs was a pee catcher at a greyhound park and sadly that's not the worst job I've ever had.

What did you use to get the taste out of your mouth?
gryphonms Offline
#91 Posted:
Joined: 04-14-2013
Posts: 1,983
^ Quit making non factual assumptions. TW might have enjoyed the taste.
teedubbya Offline
#92 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
Yea. Quit making assumptions.
victor809 Offline
#93 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
TMCTLT wrote:
No Victor we don't put our safety in the hands of " someone else " who CANNOT prevent an attack on innocents...but only write up a report AFTER the attack. That's why most Americans would like to KEEP the Right To Bear!!!!
I say most because you left and right coasters want someone else to protect you.....Whistle

.... why would you assume that I want someone else to protect me? Why would you assume that I even think I need protecting? Why would you even think I have a problem with the right to bear arms? You really make a lot of assumptions in this very short sentence....


And as far as your and TW's assessment that there are those of us who don't want Mexicans here because we're racist, that is a load of Crap. Not only are the numbers out there to support the DRAIN they're putting on social services / healthcare / education you'd have to be ignorant in not recognizing that as the flow continued the system broke down. And to layer the problem, the main reason they are coming here undocumented is because they Do Not Want Anyone to know they're here, lord forbid that have to pay taxes, have LE know they're here and where they live etc. while those of us born here are given SS numbers as soon as we slide from the womb so as not to escape Paying Taxes.
If you want to accuse someone of using them as political " Pawns " then look @ our elected officials....and further look @ the business sector whose getting rich from the backs of Cheap Labor.

First, I didn't say everyone, I said there are racist elements in it... I don't claim to know anyone's personal motivations until such time as they make it clear through specific words/actions. As for Social Security Numbers... you do realize that illegal immigrants do use social security numbers for some work, right? I mean, unless the job is cash only (and that's really just migrant labor or restaurant labor) you usually have a SSN for payroll. They use a fraudulent SSN and pay social security taxes on their income.... I'm sure there is a problem, but it's clear by the fact you're leaving out factors that you don't understand the magnitude... you're just angry about it.


So if 3.5 percent of our population born and raised here legally....we're to suddenly begin breaking the law, we should just turn our head or close or eyes and hope it simply goes away like a bad dream??? Unreal outlook....see when you come here illegally, your ALREADY breaking OUR LAWS.

I say we show them the same respect we are shown if entering THEIR country illegally....but then you and TW's panties would REALLY be in a WAD

I'm sure more than 3.5% of our population breaks the law daily. I'm sure more than 75% of our population breaks the law at least every other day. You just don't think they're important, because you've decided that the laws they break aren't important. Why do you feel that some laws are so important they have to be enforced immediately by walls and armed private citizens willing to shoot on sight, but others arent?
DrafterX Offline
#94 Posted:
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Posts: 98,645
victor809 wrote:
Why do you feel that some laws are so important they have to be enforced immediately by walls and armed private citizens willing to shoot on sight, but others arent?

Would that be like felony vs misdemeanor..?? Huh
victor809 Offline
#95 Posted:
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Posts: 23,866
DrafterX wrote:
Would that be felony vs misdemeanor..?? Huh

Lots of felonies committed in the US which no one cares enough about to require walls and armed private citizens.

Drug felonies? That sh%t happens daily on every college campus, most night clubs, tons of bars. It's illegal, whether you agree with it or not.

Felonies regarding the illegal copying of copyrighted materials? Those happen all the time. And there's data about how much it costs our economy.

Purchase of cuban cigars over $100 is I believe a felony. Seems that no one's screaming for the enforcement of that one.
DrafterX Offline
#96 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
people go to jail everyday for drugs... not sure about the copyright and possession of cuban cigar laws... Think

not a good argument tho... Mellow
gryphonms Offline
#97 Posted:
Joined: 04-14-2013
Posts: 1,983
How about this Drafter, in 23 states it is legal to sell marijuana for medicinal purposes, yet on the federal level it is a felony. Seems like those states do not care that it is a felony.
victor809 Offline
#98 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
DrafterX wrote:
people go to jail everyday for drugs... not sure about the copyright and possession of cuban cigar laws... Think

not a good argument tho... Mellow

Sure it is. Some individuals want a wall spanning 100% of the US/Mexico border because people illegally cross the border. These illegal crossings have an unknown cost to our country. This is essentially demanding we cover every single square foot where that illegal activity can occur.

This isn't really any different than demanding a cop at every single location where other felonies could occur... Each of those felonies have a cost to the country... in some cases a better defined cost than that of illegal immigration. Yet no one is demanding a cop at every college party, and in every nightclub and on every streetcorner or on everyone's computer....

They only seem to want 100% coverage when it comes to this particular crime. Hell... they're essentially demanding more preventative measures for illegal immigration than they do for child abuse.

All these things are problems. I find it funny that this particular one gets so much attention... it's like the breast cancer of crimes.
DrafterX Offline
#99 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
doesn't have much to do with immigration tho... Mellow
victor809 Offline
#100 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
doesn't have much to do with immigration tho... Mellow

Don't be obtuse. That's the entire point. If it's a non-immigration felony people don't seem to care.
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