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Hillary's probing Shifts into Fourth...
tonygraz Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
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DrafterX wrote:
why is that..?? did you get an e-mail from him..?? Huh

Why, did you get an email ?
DrafterX Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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The latest batch of emails released from Hillary Clinton's personal account from her tenure as secretary of state includes 66 messages deemed classified at some level, the State Department said early Friday.

In one email, Clinton even seemed to coach a top adviser on how to send secure information outside secure channels.

All but one of the 66 messages have been labeled "confidential", the lowest level of classification. The remaining email has been labeled as "secret." The total number of classified emails found on Clinton's personal server has risen to 1,340 with the latest release. Seven of those emails have been labeled "secret."

In all, the State Department released 1,262 messages in the early hours of Friday, making up almost 2,900 pages of emails. Unlike in previous releases, none of the messages were searchable in the department's online reading room by subject, sender or recipient.

Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has repeatedly maintained that she did not send or receive classified material on her personal account. The State Department claims none of the emails now marked classified were labled as such at the time they were sent.

However, one email thread from June 2011 appears to include Clinton telling her top adviser Jake Sullivan to send secure information through insecure means.

In response to Clinton's request for a set of since-redacted talking points, Sullivan writes, "They say they've had issues sending secure fax. They're working on it." Clinton responds "If they can't, turn into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure."

Ironically, an email thread from four months earlier shows Clinton saying she was "surprised" that a diplomatic oficer named John Godfrey used a personal email account to send a memo on Libya policy after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi.

Another message includes a condolence email from the father of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl following the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

The note from Bob Bergdahl, which was forwarded to Clinton by Sullivan, reads in part, "Our Nation is stumbling through a very volatile world. The 'Crusade' paradigm will never be forgotten in this part of the world and we force our Diplomats to carry a lot of baggage around while walking on eggshells."

After seeing the email, Clinton directed her assistant Robert Russo to "pls [sic] prepare [a] response." Bowe Bergdahl was freed from Taliban capitivity in May 2014 as part of a prisoner swap. He faces a court-martial for desertion in August.

Film at 11... Think
cacman Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 07-03-2010
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Nixon was impeached for 18-minutes of missing audio-tape and spying on his opponents election campaign.

Clinton has been found to send over 1,500 classified Emails from her private, unsecure server, attempted to wipe it clean, and has lied about it numerous times under oath during Congressional hearings… and she's running for President???

Someone tell me again how our current administration and government is not full of corruption!
DrafterX Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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There should be Outrage... Mellow
tonygraz Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
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cacman wrote:
Nixon was impeached for 18-minutes of missing audio-tape and spying on his opponents election campaign.

Clinton has been found to send over 1,500 classified Emails from her private, unsecure server, attempted to wipe it clean, and has lied about it numerous times under oath during Congressional hearings… and she's running for President???

Someone tell me again how our current administration and government is not full of corruption!

Do you think Hillary is in "our current administration and government" ?
DrafterX Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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What Does it Matter at This Point..!!?? Mad
TMCTLT Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
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tonygraz wrote:
Do you think Hillary is in "our current administration and government" ?

NO....she's just running for THE highest office....d'oh!
Burner02 Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 12-21-2010
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tonygraz wrote:
Do you think Hillary is in "our current administration and government" ?

No but she did violate COMSEC and OPSEC protocols when she was part of the administration and should be punished for it.

Let an E-nothing in the military do the same thing and see what happens to that individual.

She is counting on the ignorance of her supports to allow her to get away with her security violations which seems to be working flawlessly.
gummy jones Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 07-06-2015
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cacman wrote:
Nixon was impeached for 18-minutes of missing audio-tape and spying on his opponents election campaign.

Clinton has been found to send over 1,500 classified Emails from her private, unsecure server, attempted to wipe it clean, and has lied about it numerous times under oath during Congressional hearings… and she's running for President???

Someone tell me again how our current administration and government is not full of corruption!

i have no doubt that the clinton foundation is trickling money to the right people
everyone has a price
DrafterX Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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Nobody can buy the Donald... Mellow
gummy jones Offline
#61 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
Nobody can buy the Donald... Mellow

...a better wig?
cacman Offline
#62 Posted:
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gummy jones wrote:
i have no doubt that the clinton foundation is trickling money to the right people
everyone has a price

Kind of like what Bernie is doing???
MACS Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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tonygraz wrote:
Do you think Hillary is in "our current administration and government" ?

She was a senator... and as recently as 2013, was the secretary of state... and she is, indeed, still a politician running for President, no?

So the answer is yes, she is.
tonygraz Offline
#64 Posted:
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You need to look up the word "current".
gummy jones Offline
#65 Posted:
Joined: 07-06-2015
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cacman wrote:
Kind of like what Bernie is doing???

no way
i don't buy it
throughout history socialists have been many things
but corrupt isn't one of them Sarcasm
DrafterX Offline
#66 Posted:
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Bernie is buying beer & McDonalds too..?? Huh
tailgater Offline
#67 Posted:
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tonygraz wrote:
You need to look up the word "current".

Depends what the definition of "is" is.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#68 Posted:
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tonygraz Offline
#69 Posted:
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tailgater wrote:
Depends what the definition of "is" is.

Ok Captain.
Mikekoz13 Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2015
Posts: 383
Post #58 by Burner 02 says it all.

I work in an industry where many, many people have clearances of all levels. If ANY, and I mean ANY, of those average Joe's had done what Hillary did they would not only lose their job, they would be in jail.

How the Hell she can run for President is an absolute mystery to me. People that would vote for her under these circumstances need to wake up.
TMCTLT Offline
#71 Posted:
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Mikekoz13 wrote:
Post #58 by Burner 02 says it all.

I work in an industry where many, many people have clearances of all levels. If ANY, and I mean ANY, of those average Joe's had done what Hillary did they would not only lose their job, they would be in jail.

How the Hell she can run for President is an absolute mystery to me. People that would vote for her under these circumstances need to wake up.

Here once again the American people get to digest the fact that there ARE separate laws in this country depending on who you are. Everything you said however is spot on.
cacman Offline
#72 Posted:
Joined: 07-03-2010
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tonygraz wrote:
You need to look up the word "current".

Google search wrote:

adjective: current

belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now.
"keep abreast of current events"
synonyms: contemporary, present-day, modern, present, contemporaneous;

How much more current do you want to get?
Hillary is currently under investigation for her Email practices, at the same time Snowden is exiled from the US for exposing the illegal snooping practices of the guberment.

Hillary's State Dept can not account for $6 billion lost during her tenure as Secretary of State

Hillary is responsible for the death of 4 Americans and the fall of a US Embassy due to illegal arms sales - does the Iran Contra deal sound familiar???

And to top it all off, the Democratic party has not allowed any other candidate, besides Bernie cause he has lots of cash for the DNC and to run in the Democratic primary. What does it tell you that the Democratic Party is only offering Hillary or Bernie and squashing all other Democratic contenders, while the Republican party has put up over 15 candidates? If you are a Democrat you are either for Hillary or Bernie, or you are a racist SOB. It's a long way from the JFK days, and Hillary is no Jackie O.

How can you vote for a 1st lady with a history including the above, and a woman that would put her impeached husband/president on her election campaign??? If Romney would have put Nixon on his campaign staff the political machine would have had a heart attack. Trump should put Monica, Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Willey, or Juanita Broaddrick on his campaign and see how that works out for Hillary.
tonygraz Offline
#73 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,398
What about "belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now." don't you understand ?

Iran contra does back to Reagan's arms deal with Iran.

Trump should get Marla Maples on his staff (again).
TMCTLT Offline
#74 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
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tonygraz wrote:
What about "belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now." don't you understand ?

Iran contra does back to Reagan's arms deal with Iran.

Trump should get Marla Maples on his staff (again).

What part don't YOU understand there WERE FOIA requests denied regarding her usage of a private E mail server to do States business. The OIG denied the requests!!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#75 Posted:
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DrMaddVibe Offline
#76 Posted:
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The Federal Bureau of Investigation will recommend that the Justice Department bring criminal charges against Hillary Clinton and various of her aides, and soon. The evidence consists of materials that the Bureau has gathered in the course of its months-long investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s personal server. The recommendations will come very soon.

The charges will consist of some of the following:

1. Improper disclosure or retention of classified information.
2. Destruction of government records.
3. Lying to federal agents.
4. Lying under oath.
5. Obstruction of justice.

All the counts are familiar to those of us who have followed the Clintons for a quarter of a century, but, as one source familiar with the FBI’s investigation told me, the evidence has now reached a “critical mass.”

There are those who have told me that the FBI has been engaged in a ruse. And that the Bureau will report it has come across nothing criminal. Then the whole imbroglio is expected to blow over.

But such cynics are in the minority. Most sources have told me the investigation is genuine, serious, and all but completed. One told me that it was completed two months ago. The Bureau has put together a case that as one source put it “is locked up. It is solid.”

In the past, as FBI agent I.C. Smith wrote in his book Inside: A Top G-Man Exposes Spies, Lies, and Bureaucratic Bungling Inside the FBI, the Clintons have benefited from a few corrupt agents, usually in Arkansas. But that was years ago, and in Arkansas. This is the FBI in Washington, at the top where there are plenty of utterly professional law enforcement officials. They believe truth matters and so does the pursuit of justice. “They have been building a case that is unassailable,” one source told me. “It is beyond the case against Petraeus.… It is about the violation of federal statutes.”

The only question now is will the recommendations come this month or within sixty days. Politicians with the presidential itch such as Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry hope the FBI’s recommendations will come in a week or so to allow them to get into the race. Other observers say the decision will come later. “The FBI,” said one source, “does not care about politics.” Whether it comes tomorrow or in sixty days, Justice Department policies mandate making such decisions as far in advance of elections as possible. If there are conflicting winds blowing in the Bureau or DOJ, they must avoid the appearance of being motivated by partisan politics.

Yet such is the gravity of the charges and the consequences of neglecting them that they cannot be ignored. If they are ignored, people familiar with the investigation say, it will be impossible to prosecute future defendants being charged with the mishandling of classified information. Said Joseph DiGenova, a former U.S. attorney, “The intelligence community will not stand for that. They will fight for indictment and they are already in the process of gearing themselves to basically revolt if [the Attorney General] refuses to bring charges.” FBI Director James Comey has reportedly said he will resign if the Bureau’s recommendations for charges are ignored.

One source familiar with the case said the indictments will begin with the “small fish” starting with Bryan Pagliano, the keeper of Hillary’s server, and move on to the Big Enchilada, Hillary. Whatever happens, seasoned political players have claimed Hillary will continue in the race for Democratic nomination. Joe Trippi, former campaign manager for 2004 presidential candidate Howard Dean, was overheard in the Green Room at Fox saying Hillary will run to the end.

Avert your gaze.
cacman Offline
#77 Posted:
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FBI Has Enough Evidence to Prosecute Hillary Clinton for Public Corruption

An investigation into possible mishandling of classified information on Hillary Clinton’s private email server has expanded to consider whether Clinton’s work as Secretary overlapped with her work for the Clinton Foundation run by her family.

Fox News‘ Catherine Herridge published the report, citing unnamed FBI sources, Monday morning. The report indicates the initial security referral looking into whether or not classified information was mishandled has expanded to look at possible public corruption involving the Clinton Foundation.

The report paints a picture of an internal struggle within the FBI over whether or not to prosecute Clinton. Herridge quotes an unnamed FBI source saying, “many previous public corruption cases have been made and successfully prosecuted with much less evidence than what is emerging in this investigation.”

One parallel said to be weighing on the FBI is the prosecution of David Petraeus. Petraeus pled guilty to a misdemeanor for sharing highly classified information with his biographer and lover Paula Broadwell and also for lying to the FBI. A two-year investigation concluded that none of the classified information ever appeared in Broadwell’s book. Nevertheless, Petraeus’s treatment was considered a slap on the wrist by some agents within the FBI.

As many as 100 special agents are said to be working on the investigation, including about 50 assigned to work the case on a temporary basis. Herridge reports the agents have been asked to sign new non-disclosure agreements, possibly to prevent leaks or because of the classified information being handled in the examination of Clinton’s server.

Over 1,300 documents on Clinton’s server have been deemed classified thus far, with more to come as the State Department continues to release new emails each month. Two of the emails have been judged to have contained “top secret” material at the time they were sent. The State Department initially suggested the information in those emails may have come from a parallel intelligence source but, apparently, dropped that claim. The Department then asked for a review of those classifications in an attempt to have them downgraded, but a final determination by the Director of National Intelligence found the emails did contain “top secret” information at the time they were sent.

Clinton’s former IT person, Bryan Pagliano, chose to plead the 5th rather than answer questions about his involvement with Clinton’s unique email arrangement.
cacman Offline
#78 Posted:
Joined: 07-03-2010
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tonygraz wrote:
What about "belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now." don't you understand ?

Your reading comprehension sucks.
DrafterX Offline
#79 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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she will get in front of a camera and plead computer illiteracy and cry and stuff... people will still vote her... and Obama will pardon her.... Mellow
tonygraz Offline
#80 Posted:
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cacman wrote:
Your reading comprehension sucks.

and you have no sense of time.
teddyballgame Offline
#81 Posted:
Joined: 09-16-2015
Posts: 592
I wonder what the definition of "soon" will be with this administration.

tony, just keep plastering "vote for Hillary" bumper stickers on your car and try not to hit anyone as your eyes are permanently shut.
cacman Offline
#82 Posted:
Joined: 07-03-2010
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tonygraz wrote:
and you have no sense of time.

She may not have done anything in say the past 10-minutes (doubtful) but she is still being investigated and yet to be held accountable for her previous crimes. This makes it ALL relevant today.
DrafterX Offline
#83 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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There's a statute of limitation for stealing classified stuff..?? Huh
tailgater Offline
#84 Posted:
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cacman wrote:
Your reading comprehension sucks.

Don't bother.
He won't understand what you're saying.

tailgater Offline
#85 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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tonygraz wrote:
and you have no sense of time.

Only that any attempt to have an adult conversation with you is a complete waste of.

victor809 Offline
#86 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
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I wanted to point out that on a mobile device the title of this thread reads:

"Hillary's probing continues.... By tailgater"

Granted, I now ruined the joke... But I wanted to make sure you had that firmly in your head next time you try to have sex tail... ;)
tailgater Offline
#87 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
I often find myself thinking about things Victor says while engaging in coitus.

Man, ya gotta remembered that I'm married, and she's a babe.
When I'm given the green light on my weekly allotment, I could bore through a Hill-dog and Pelosi sandwich to get with her.

I know what you're thinking, and yes. It IS romantic.

frankj1 Offline
#88 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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tailgater wrote:
I often find myself thinking about things Victor says while engaging in coitus.

Man, ya gotta remembered that I'm married, and she's a babe.
When I'm given the green light on my weekly allotment, I could bore through a Hill-dog and Pelosi sandwich to get with her.

I know what you're thinking, and yes. It IS romantic.

If forced to testify, I would have to concur.
teddyballgame Offline
#89 Posted:
Joined: 09-16-2015
Posts: 592
I think that from now on, for the health of the community, that you don't use Hillary and Pelosi in the same paragraph when you are alluding to any type of sexual activity.

Those 2 are the poster "girls" for the flaccid society of America.

(And no I am not a member of that society.)
victor809 Offline
#90 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
Both frank and tail have now admitted to wanting a 4some with pelosi, Hillary and tail's wife.


I don't know what to say....

.... Pics or it didn't happen?
teddyballgame Offline
#91 Posted:
Joined: 09-16-2015
Posts: 592
Not cool to talk about another guy's wife that way.
Poking fun at a g/f is one thing, but bad ju ju doing that to a guy's wife.

David Bowie's wife is not off limits as she likes that orgy stuff.
Speyside Offline
#92 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
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Odd segway to Iman.
victor809 Offline
#93 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
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Ironic, given your first post on this thread was speculation about probing someone's wife... And how many drinks it would take.
teddyballgame Offline
#94 Posted:
Joined: 09-16-2015
Posts: 592
yes, but that is not a "real marriage" now is it? Hill and Bill have a political marriage.

Now if tailgater goes around schtuping lots of women..then all bets are off.

I am giving the benefit of the doubt that he is monogamous.
tonygraz Offline
#95 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,398
teddyballgame wrote:
I think that from now on, for the health of the community, that you don't use Hillary and Pelosi in the same paragraph when you are alluding to any type of sexual activity.

Those 2 are the poster "girls" for the flaccid society of America.

(And no I am not a member of that society.)

The fact that you know of such a society speaks otherwise.
victor809 Offline
#96 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
Who are you to say if someone's marriage is "real" or "political" or "whatever"... Pretty sure you aren't named as a participant in anyone's marriage but your own.

I can guarantee you that if/when I get married, if you were to provide your opinion on whether it was " real" or not, I'd tell you where to stick it.

DrafterX Offline
#97 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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we all know where you want him to stick it... Mellow
fishinguitarman Offline
#98 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2006
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Bet she hasn't been probed in years!
tailgater Offline
#99 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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teddyballgame wrote:
yes, but that is not a "real marriage" now is it? Hill and Bill have a political marriage.

Now if tailgater goes around schtuping lots of women..then all bets are off.

I am giving the benefit of the doubt that he is monogamous.

I'm too tired from being chased around the house by my wife to do any extracurricular schtuping.
And yes I am quite magnanimous.
Thank you for saying so.

Thunder.Gerbil Offline
#100 Posted:
Joined: 11-02-2006
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victor809 wrote:
Both frank and tail have now admitted to wanting a 4some with pelosi, Hillary and tail's wife.


I don't know what to say....

.... Pics or it didn't happen?


Dude... Frank, naked? WTF. That is so gross.
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