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Last post 20 months ago by RayR. 18 replies replies.
Oprah Winfrey's endorsement...just made tonight...isssss????
Mr. Jones Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 19,536
fog Shame on you Brick wall Boo hoo!

John fetterman

Over her protege memmet OZ !!!



WHAT A TURNcoat...
What a Benedict Arnold...

Oprah is owned by the Illuminati...
BY the l.e.f.t.
BY The D.N.C.
Mike3316 Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-05-2022
Posts: 329
Well if Oprah endorses a brain damaged stroke victim that tells you all you need to know.
Whistlebritches Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 04-23-2006
Posts: 22,149
She endorsed Biden also.........another brain dead stroke ( me honeyLove )victim

Besides that why the thunderin **** would her endorsement mean anything anyway
Mr. Jones Offline
#4 Posted:
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Burner02 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 12-21-2010
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How is that working out for Stacey?
RayR Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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The Oprah endorsement of the muddle-headed stroke victim who was muddle-headed before the stroke too is just another act of desperation. The Dems are dragging out all the used-up irrelevant cronies, including Obama, Bill and Hilldog.
Their only message is still fearmongering about the threat to duhmacracy if you don't vote for the LEFTIES, with slogans like "We are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy", “As I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault”, “We can’t take democracy for granted any longer”, “democracy is under threat.”
This is an Orwellian world we live in, where words have taken on new meanings directed by regime apparachiks. Democracy is now a buzzword with a secret meaning to the left, that is "authoritarian one-party control by the progressive left", and it's under threat.
Every single democrat has been issued instructions to scaremonger to the feckless proles only about the threat to democracy if the Republicans take control of the House and Senate. Avoid talking about inflation and the economy, rampant crime on the streets in Democrat-run cities and states, or the invasion at the Southern border, avoid it at all costs or say to them it's all in your heads and not real.

Even CNN is confused about this democracy rhetoric when the voters are concerned about other things

Joe Biden’s head-scratching democracy speech

Chris Cillizza
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Published 6:30 PM EDT, Thu November 3, 2022

CNN released a new national poll on Wednesday that made a single, stark point: This election is all about the economy.

A majority – 51% – of likely voters said that the economy was the most important issue in determining how they will vote in the midterms. (The next biggest issue, abortion, drew just 15%.)

Hours later, President Joe Biden delivered a much-publicized address on the perils facing US democracy.

“We can’t take democracy for granted any longer,” he warned in a speech that set apocalyptic stakes for the coming election.


Libertarian Jim Bovard dissects the duhmacracy rhetoric of the big liar-in-chief in the New York Post...

Biden’s ‘Big Lie’ on democracy

By James Bovard
November 3, 2022

In a lethargic yet indignant speech Wednesday from Washington’s Union Station, President Biden portrayed Republican voters as a deadly threat to the survival of democracy. But Joe Biden’s version of democracy contains a Montana-sized asterisk that magically exempts himself from his oath of office to uphold the Constitution.

Biden endlessly castigates former President Donald Trump for the “Big Lie” that Trump won the 2020 election. But Biden’s “Big Lie” is that he is entitled to use federal power however he pleases because he was certified the winner of that election. But 81 million votes didn’t nullify the Bill of Rights.

Speaking on the edge of Capitol Hill, Biden portrayed himself as the savior of the republic. He declared, “Autocracy is the opposite of democracy. It means the rule of one, one person, one interest, one ideology, one party.”

Like Biden’s mandate for 80 million Americans to get COVID vaccines — a dictate the Supreme Court struck down as illegal? Like when Biden contorted federal law to cancel $500 billion in student loans to give Democratic candidates a boost in next week’s election? Like when Team Biden sends FBI agents to harass parents who complained at school-board meetings? Like the Biden administration’s proposal to cancel all federal school breakfast and lunch subsidies for any state that does not impose radical pro-transgender policies on every public school?

Biden warned of “the consequence of lies told for power and profit, lies of conspiracy and malice, lies repeated over and over to generate a cycle of anger, hate, vitriol and even violence.”


HockeyDad Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,327
“Autocracy is the opposite of democracy. It means the rule of one, one person, one interest, one ideology, one party.”

Sounds just like California. Autocracy ruled by democrats is exactly what they want. Anything else is a threat to their plan for democracy.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,798
HockeyDad wrote:
“Autocracy is the opposite of democracy. It means the rule of one, one person, one interest, one ideology, one party.”

Sounds just like California. Autocracy ruled by democrats is exactly what they want. Anything else is a threat to their plan for democracy.

Listen to you all bold and walking head held high now that you're off the DNC plantation.
ZRX1200 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,766
Like you guys still wouldn’t hook up with this knockout….
DrMaddVibe Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,798

Haven't they cancelled her like they did Aunt Jemima?
RayR Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,045
HockeyDad wrote:
“Autocracy is the opposite of democracy. It means the rule of one, one person, one interest, one ideology, one party.”

Sounds just like California. Autocracy ruled by democrats is exactly what they want. Anything else is a threat to their plan for democracy.

You smart HD. It's a case of Orwellian Doublethink, they are grooming the proles for cognitive dissonance. They say autocracy is bad and democracy is good but their actions are nothing but autocratic. So the proles start believing the actions of the rulers have to be democratic. That's how you indoctrinate good Duhmacrats.
RayR Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,045
DrMaddVibe wrote:

Haven't they cancelled her like they did Aunt Jemima?

Bring back Aunt Jemima, she never hurt anyone.
Not like that fat azz Oprah who endorses and supports all the evil-doing lizard people.

After the primaries, Winfrey declined to endorse anyone in the race, claiming it was up to Pennsylvanians to make that decision. But since the polls have tightened and Oz has taken the lead, star power was needed evidently. Thus the endorsement. It screams desperation as well as disloyalty on Oprah’s part. She has also come out and endorsed other Democrats in an effort to sway the midterm elections.

“That is not the only race that matters,” she remarked. “If I was in North Carolina, as you mentioned, Sister [Cheri] Beasley there, and if I was in Florida, I’d be supporting Val Demings. If I was in Wisconsin, it would be Mandela Barnes. In Nevada, [Catherine] Cortez Masto, and in Texas, Beto O’Rourke and Raphael Warnock and the incredible Stacey Abrams, of course, in Georgia.”

“There are clear choices out there… the values we hold dear, the values of inclusion, the values of compassion and that so many of us share… Use your discernment and choose wisely for the democracy of our country,” Winfrey added.

Source: Oprah Winfrey’s shamefully desperate endorsement screams ‘partisan hack’

DrMaddVibe Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,798
RayR wrote:
“That is not the only race that matters,” she remarked. “If I was in North Carolina, as you mentioned, Sister [Cheri] Beasley there, and if I was in Florida, I’d be supporting Val Demings. If I was in Wisconsin, it would be Mandela Barnes. In Nevada, [Catherine] Cortez Masto, and in Texas, Beto O’Rourke and Raphael Warnock and the incredible Stacey Abrams, of course, in Georgia.”

“There are clear choices out there… the values we hold dear, the values of inclusion, the values of compassion and that so many of us share… Use your discernment and choose wisely for the democracy of our country,” Winfrey added.

I dunno...she sounds an awful lot like...

RayR Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,045
More on DUHMACRACY, Tucker did a good job on this comparing Joey B's democracy to Stalin' democracy.
And all those usual LEFTY automatons repeating the slogan "DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE"

Tucker: Biden is describing the Soviet version of democracy

Last month...

Tulsi Gabbard compares Joe Biden to Hitler at New Hampshire rally

I think they are both right. Think
RayR Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,045
DUHMACRACY AGAIN! They fear that their GOD DUHMACRACY is failing them, that America is no longer the symbol of true DUHMACRACY.

Unhinged TDS-infected LEFTY Nigerian immigrant says in USA Today Op-ed "Shame on you, America" the threat of fascism has been swirling since Trump's presidency, Herschel Walker is the "Token Black puppet of the GOP" and his "senate campaign shames Black Americans". Rita has all the DNC talking points down pat. I'm sure Oprah approves this message.

Herschel Walker's Senate run is a stain on American democracy

by Rita Omokha
Opinion contributor
Nov. 4, 2022

Since the rise of Trump, the pursuit and upkeep of democracy is slipping away, morphing into his vision of totalitarianism by way of misinformation indoctrination. Walker's candidacy proves it.

So much has been said about Herschel Walker's gross incompetency as he takes aim at securing a seat in the U.S. Senate. As I looked at the recent nail-biter polling – Walker and incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock are even at 46.4% on Thursday night – my first thought was: How could this race be this close?

Then, I felt enormous shame for this country. A place my family and I, Nigerian immigrants who became naturalized citizens more than 20 years ago, have always viewed as a symbol of true democracy. A country where we proclaim justice and freedom and fight fiercely to uphold those signature markers. A nation fervently striving, still, for common decency.

But in recent years, there has been a trend away from these American hallmark qualities. Since the rise of Donald Trump, the pursuit and upkeep of democracy is slipping away before our eyes, morphing into his vision of totalitarianism by way of misinformation indoctrination. Walker's ascending candidacy, endorsed by Trump, has proved just that.

Here is a verifiable unqualified man following the same playbook of the former, similarly inept president who willfully and gleefully incited a takedown of democracy on Jan. 6, 2021, and God help us all, Walker may just break through in Georgia.

Shame on you, America

Much like Trump with the presidency, when Walker threw his hat into the Senate race, people scoffed at the idea. There was no way a man who can barely form a coherent sentence could convince reasonable citizens that he, over a well-respected, educated pastor, was the better choice. And, much like Trump, I strongly doubt, given his rambling speeches and cringe gaffes, that Walker knows what the Constitution is, let alone grasp his duties to protect it. The celebrity-turned-politician based on popularity and name recognition needs to end. Walker is the most dangerous embodiment of this.

#16 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,438
RayR wrote:
DUHMACRACY AGAIN! They fear that their GOD DUHMACRACY is failing them, that America is no longer the symbol of true DUHMACRACY.

Unhinged TDS-infected LEFTY Nigerian immigrant says in USA Today Op-ed "Shame on you, America" the threat of fascism has been swirling since Trump's presidency, Herschel Walker is the "Token Black puppet of the GOP" and his "senate campaign shames Black Americans". Rita has all the DNC talking points down pat. I'm sure Oprah approves this message.

Herschel Walker's Senate run is a stain on American democracy

by Rita Omokha
Opinion contributor
Nov. 4, 2022

Since the rise of Trump, the pursuit and upkeep of democracy is slipping away, morphing into his vision of totalitarianism by way of misinformation indoctrination. Walker's candidacy proves it.

If Hershel wins will they blame that on the racists again? These days it’s easier to throw out buzzwords like that regardless if they fit, so now Republican=Racist. The racists got their way in Virginia’s last election, regardless of the fact a black woman from Jamaica won the Lt. Governor seat and a Cuban-American won the Attorney General seat over a guy that previously appeared in blackface.
RayR Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,045
It's all about programming the feckless proles through language, redefining words and phrases by creating visions in their minds, pictures are a powerful thing.
So yes, when they see a Republican, they'll picture a racist. and a fascist
If they see a black Republican, they'll picture a "Token Black puppet of the GOP", a traitor to all black Americans.

When they talk about a successful American democracy, they picture themselves as LEFTIES being the majority running roughshod over that horrible deplorable RIGHTY minority, nationalizing all sorts of unconstitutional evils, like codifying abortion in federal law as some sort of right or taking away the consumer's right to make rational choices by banning products like fossil fuels or outright banning the sale of transportation that is powered by fossil fuels or just taxing any industries or products they don't like out of existence.

They'll accuse NON-LEFTIES of not having any knowledge of the Constitution, which in their view is really a document that means anything they say it means to justify their agenda and of course somewhere in there they think it promotes unbridled democracy from the center, which of course it doesn't. The concept of federalism, a federal republic, a confederacy of sovereign states, each with its own constitution and laws is generally considered a bad thing to the LEFT unless they can't get their way from the center in D.C. Then they'll suddenly transform into states' rights advocates.
RayR Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,045
Hmmm...So this "loyal Democrat" says the DNC scaremongering propaganda strategy "Democracy is at stake" shtick was a bad idea, and the proles ain't buying it.

Dem Strategist On CNN Predicts Bad Night For Democrats: ‘We Did Not Listen To Voters’ (VIDEO)

By Mike LaChance
Published November 7, 2022 at 11:33pm

Democrat strategist Hilary Rosen was on CNN this weekend and she predicted that Democrats are going to have a bad night on election night.

Rosen said that the strategy of constantly talking about democracy was a bad idea and that Democrats failed to listen to voters.

She noted that most voters are focused on the economy.


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