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Last post 5 months ago by DrMaddVibe. 102 replies replies.
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frankj1 Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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edin508 wrote:
Little one is 4! And yeah, the girls have taken over the house. I'm usually around homie, mr mom these days.
And yup!

Max, right? 4? Yikes.

I'll get on it, Chief.
Joe and I might still owe you a dinner...
rfenst Online
#52 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,716
frankj1 wrote:
It feels like Baldwin is what is coloring opinions.

I agree. And we don't know the whole story.

Other than that, he definitely irritates me.
bgz Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
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Camping trip didn't go well huh?
CelticBomber Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2012
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This is what happens when you take Ritalin while reading old Nancy Drew novels...

The More You Know!

DrMaddVibe wrote:
Walls close in on Alec Baldwin as his gun lie falls apart

Alec Baldwin has always insisted, despite all evidence to the contrary, that he didn’t pull that trigger.

The FBI now says that he did. That finding, released over the weekend, comes just after the Santa Fe Sheriff’s Office announced it’s only waiting for Baldwin’s phone records before sending its investigative file to the DA’s office.

Are the walls closing in yet, Alec?

This FBI report is reason to cheer. Not since OJ Simpson have we seen someone so guilty act so aggrieved, entitled, put-upon and victimized, as if this whole tragedy has affected no one more than Baldwin himself — not Halyna Hutchins’ husband, not her little boy, so traumatized after her death that he couldn’t speak for days, but Alec freaking Baldwin.

Think that’s overstatement? Let me count the ways: Gallivanting through the Hamptons and Vermont, just days after the shooting, Baldwin shopping at Ralph Lauren and preening before the paps — you know, the ones he otherwise hates and physically attacks — so they could get the perfect shot of Baldwin, inside a gleaming restaurant, holding his head in his hands. The bizarre roadside presser with his fake Spanish wife, the Rachel Dolezal of the Hamptons, in which he claimed the “Rust” set was run by “a very, very well-oiled crew” who just had the bad luck to suffer this “one in a trillion” tragedy.

The barrage of social media posts in the days after, Hilaria and Alec gloating over their family — that is, when Hilaria wasn’t getting in on the victim act herself, writing that “parenting through this has been an intense experience, to say the least.”

Know what else will be an intense experience? Criminal charges, jail time, and the loss of all his money in civil litigation. (On Monday, the New Mexico medical investigator ruled the shooting an accident; the district attorney has yet to decide whether to file charges.)

Did I mention that the Baldwins thought there was no better time to buy a sprawling, historic Vermont farmhouse for $1.75 million?

That’s how delusional these two are. How surely they believe Alec to be above the law or any consequence.

As two firearms experts in on-set safety told me last year: Guns don’t fire themselves. Alec Baldwin, for all his caterwauling and crocodile tears, pulled that trigger and killed Halyna Hutchins.

“I’m not aware of any gun firing itself,” veteran Hollywood firearms expert Steve Wolf told me last December, after Alec’s poor-me softball sit-down with ABC’s George Stephanopolous — his good pal from the Hamptons social scene, not that either disclosed that little conflict of interest.

“The trigger still must have been pressed,” Wolf said. “It’s really important to discredit anyone who claims that guns fire themselves. If this becomes an acceptable defense, there goes any accountability when it comes to shooting people. We can’t have this kind of ‘Guns shoot themselves’ thing. They don’t.”

Former FBI agent-turned-Hollywood firearms consultant Bobby Chacon told me the same thing.

“The bullet striking and killing that woman came out of the barrel of the gun pointed directly at her,” Chacon said. “Bullets don’t curve. He isn’t in ‘The Matrix.’ The trigger would still have to be pulled.”

Alec, to Stephanopolous: “I would never point a gun at anyone and pull the trigger at them. Never.” Also, he was brazen enough to say he felt no guilt.

This was the same interview in which Baldwin claimed Hutchins told him to point the gun at her. “Everything is at her direction,” he said. “I’m holding the gun where she told me to hold it, which ended up right below her armpit.”

So which is it, Alec? You’d never point a gun at anyone, or you pointed the gun at Hutchins because she told you to? And if it’s the latter, what are we to infer — that Hutchins is to blame for you pulling the trigger and shooting her to death?

It’s all so vile, but take heart: As a producer on “Rust,” Baldwin may also share blame for the rookie mistakes and cost-cutting that led up to this tragedy. Don’t forget that on the morning Hutchins was killed, seven crew members walked off the set over safety concerns.

At least one had sounded the alarm to the unit production manager, at one point texting, “We’ve now had three accidental discharges. This is super unsafe.”

It’s easy to see how such standard safety protocols went ignored and how dire warnings were shrugged off. As the old saying goes, the fish rots from the head, and Baldwin, as we’ve all seen over the past year, lives in a reality of his own making: His wife, née Hillary Thomas from Boston, is, through sheer force of make-believe and some bronzer, Spanish. His great friend Woody Allen is just misunderstood.

And, of course, it’s totally proper to brag about your happy family life incessantly on Instagram while ignoring your part in destroying another young family.

In Baldwin’s demented worldview, anyone who thinks he’s responsible for the death of a beautiful young wife and mother, her whole life and career ahead of her, must be motivated by animus or greed. Even the widower.

“What you have is a certain group of people, litigants and whatever” — ! — “on whatever side, who, their attitude is, ‘Well, the people who likely seem negligent have no money, and the people who have money are not negligent.’ ”

This was Baldwin in March, weeks after Hutchins’ widower filed his civil suit against Baldwin and went on the “Today” show, calmly expressing his justifiable anger over Baldwin’s interview with Stephanopolous.

“Hearing him blame Halyna in the interview and shift responsibility to others and seeing him cry about it — I just feel, are we really supposed to feel bad about you, Mr. Baldwin?”

Hutchins went on to state the obvious, which again continues to elude Baldwin — Baldwin, who prides himself on being smarter than the average Hollywood duck, what with his one-time NPR show and his bestselling memoir and his coverage in The New Yorker and telling the New York Times that he was qualified to be governor of New York. Oh, and his liberal bona fides with his “SNL” spoofs of Donald Trump, a man he has more in common with than he could ever admit.

Lest there remain any doubt as to who Alec Baldwin really is, consider these text messages between Baldwin and Matt Hutchins — whom Baldwin was so quick to befriend in the hours after the shooting.

Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2021, after Hutchins reaches out to Baldwin:

AB: I am with my kids.


AB: Your attorney told me not to contact you. So . . . what’s up?

What’s up? That says it all. That’s Baldwin saying: Why are you bothering me, what could you possibly have to say, can’t we just do this through lawyers, what are you, sad or something?

AB: Make sure you tell your lawyer that you reached out to me and not vice versa.

MH: Of course. You can always text me if you have something on your mind.

AB: Your lawyer sent a variant of a cease and desist to me. Told me not to contact you. So, there’s that.

How callous. How heartless — especially for someone who has spent the past 10 months begging for sympathy and understanding.

Karma isn’t a big enough concept to describe what Alec Baldwin has coming. Fortunately for decent people everywhere, sloppy emotional ploys and disgusting attempts to blame the victim do not apply to the criminal justice system, the FBI, or the laws of physics.

So, you know, there’s that.

Bang bang shoooot....

Gene363 Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
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frankj1 wrote:
I read of more than one instance where jostling caused it to fire...

Hey, I'm among the least knowledgeable people on the subject, but it feels like Baldwin is what is coloring opinions.

No kidding, instead of being his usual arrogant, I did nothing wrong, self, and he had apologized for accidentally killing someone in a stupid act, he would be far ahead of the game.

If the revolver in question had a light trigger or some other defect that may have contributed to the accident, the FBI would have discovered the problem. Regardless of what you might think of the FBI, they do have competent gun experts. Baldwin was mishandling a firearm and killed another human being. On the bright side, maybe he can apply for one of the new its positions.

Rant on
This is what "triggered" a lot of gun users, they knew unless there was some highly unusual and most unlikely defect in this single action revolver, it did not go off without having the trigger cocked and someone pulling the trigger, two separate acts that are required to fire a single action revolver. It goes along with the nonsense about scary black rifles being bad, they do nothing bad at all unless some criminal choses to use them to commit a crime. Guns are inanimate objects.
Rant off

Brick wall
DrMaddVibe Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Gene363 wrote:
No kidding, instead of being his usual arrogant, I did nothing wrong, self, and he had apologized for accidentally killing someone in a stupid act, he would be far ahead of the game.

If the revolver in question had a light trigger or some other defect that may have contributed to the accident, the FBI would have discovered the problem. Regardless of what you might think of the FBI, they do have competent gun experts. Baldwin was mishandling a firearm and killed another human being. On the bright side, maybe he can apply for one of the new its positions.

Rant on
This is what "triggered" a lot of gun users, they knew unless there was some highly unusual and most unlikely defect in this single action revolver, it did not go off without having the trigger cocked and someone pulling the trigger, two separate acts that are required to fire a single action revolver. It goes along with the nonsense about scary black rifles being bad, they do nothing bad at all unless some criminal choses to use them to commit a crime. Guns are inanimate objects.
Rant off

Brick wall

+1, but Celtic has more to know than most people.
Stogie1020 Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,500
I am really curious who actually cocked the hammer back on the revolver. I doubt we will ever know, but I am curious, since technically that moved the revolver from "loaded and in battery" to "loaded, in battery and ready to fire".
HockeyDad Offline
#58 Posted:
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Stogie1020 wrote:
I am really curious who actually cocked the hammer back on the revolver. I doubt we will ever know, but I am curious, since technically that moved the revolver from "loaded and in battery" to "loaded, in battery and ready to fire".

It was prolly Donald Trump.

Ram27 Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 04-30-2005
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Fiffy. NEIN Brick wall
Gene363 Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
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HockeyDad wrote:
It was prolly Donald Trump.


I hear the FBI found his DNA on the gun, or they will.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,755
Called it back in Post #10!


Alec Baldwin Whines About What a Victim He Is - Even Attacking Trump, Trump Supporters

If you didn’t already think that Alec Baldwin was a self-obsessed actor, his latest interview about the shooting on the “Rust” movie set would likely convince you of it.

His attorneys should have told him to stop talking already, but he still keeps going.

In a CNN interview, he seemed to blame everyone else except himself over the shooting of Halyna Hutchins, casting blame on the armorer, Hannah Gutierrez Reed, and the assistant director, Dave Halls.

“Why didn’t [Gutierrez Reed] check that bullet? Why didn’t Halls obey her?” Baldwin continued. “Why did he give me the gun? Why didn’t he check? Why did he tell the crew [it was a cold gun]?”

Jason Bowles, Guttierez Reed’s attorney, and Lisa Torraco, Dave Halls’ attorney, came to the defense of their clients.

“We disagree with Mr. Baldwin’s attempts to deflect blame onto others. It is not for him to decide or to apportion blame,” Bowles added.

In a statement, Halls’ attorney said Baldwin is trying to shift blame away from himself.

“Baldwin is pointing the finger at others because the evidence is pointing at him,” said Lisa Torraco. “Halls is not responsible. Everyone needs to stop. People are only pointing the finger at Halls because they don’t want the responsibility of being wrong. Halls is a scapegoat. People need to look at the evidence.”

As we’ve reported, Baldwin claimed he didn’t pull the trigger, but the FBI forensic analysis indicated during testing that the gun could not be fired without pulling the trigger.

On top of that, Baldwin whined that the incident cost him five jobs from people concerned about hiring him and came up with some nonsensical attack on Trump supporters.

“I got fired from another job yesterday,” he said. “There I was all set to go to a movie, jump on a plane … I’ve been talking with these guys for months and they told me yesterday we don’t want to do the film with you because of this.”

Baldwin also says he’s feared for his safety since former President Donald Trump said publicly that he believed the actor killed Hutchins on purpose.

Baldwin says it’s that type of stress that has “taken years off my life.”

Baldwin said:

Here was Trump, who instructed people to commit acts of violence, and he was pointing the finger at me and saying I was responsible for the death. 1000% percent I am nervous that a bunch of people who were instructed by the former president to go to the Capitol, who killed a law enforcement officer … you don’t think, that I think to myself, that some of those people are going to come and kill me.

Wow. How many ways is that ridiculously wrong?

First, let’s start with his self-obsession. No, Alec, the shooting took “years off the life” of Halyna Hutchins. She’s the victim in this incident, not you. Maybe that’s where your concern should be rather than on yourself or trying to deflect to Trump and make people feel sorry for you.

Second, Trump didn’t say Baldwin “did it on purpose.” What he did say was, “He’s a cuckoo-bird, he’s a nutjob. And usually, when there’s somebody like that, you know, in my opinion, he had something to do with it.”

Third, Trump didn’t “instruct people to commit acts of violence” and the people didn’t kill a law enforcement officer.

Baldwin’s attorney might want to get hold of him and rein him in because he just keeps digging that hole deeper. He’s facing a wrongful death lawsuit from Halyna Hutchins’ family and the police are still investigating the matter.

TDS is a terrible terrible sight to witness. What used to constitute as sane individuals making up stories as they go along in some twisted half-baked "telephone game" with a guy that is living rent free in the minds of millions! Baldwin was never sane though. Ever.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#62 Posted:
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Involuntary manslaughter.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Does anyone here remember how a single action pistol functions?

Let's get this trial started already.

What's the over/under on this one boys?
8trackdisco Offline
#64 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
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MACS wrote:
Prop gun with "blanks" don't make people dead or injured.

Smells very wrong to me.

Another actor, John Eric Hexham (sp) was an actor on a show called Cover Up. He had a pistol with blanks. He put the gun up against his head, pulled the trigger and blew a hole in his brain.

Rare case, although it does prove a blank can kill.

Alex should have practiced what he preached. Gun control.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#65 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
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Jason Lee killed by a blank on The Crow too. However, the Baldwin thing was a live round
Jakethesnake86 Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-2020
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They should make less lethal blanks
MACS Offline
#67 Posted:
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8trackdisco wrote:
Another actor, John Eric Hexham (sp) was an actor on a show called Cover Up. He had a pistol with blanks. He put the gun up against his head, pulled the trigger and blew a hole in his brain.

Rare case, although it does prove a blank can kill.

Alex should have practiced what he preached. Gun control.

This is a bit different, though. Although blanks may have cardboard (or other such material) wads in them, they still have gun powder which causes the "bang". Up against your head?? Yeah, that's enough concussive power to make you dead.

The "less lethal" munitions in the jail, such as the SL1 or SL6 shoot hard rubber projectiles. If you hit someone in the head with it... it can kill. Same with a hard plastic pepper ball... if it hits you square in the eyeball, the eye is done, and it could possibly kill you if it transfers enough energy back into the brain.
8trackdisco Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
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MACS wrote:
This is a bit different, though. Although blanks may have cardboard (or other such material) wads in them, they still have gun powder which causes the "bang". Up against your head?? Yeah, that's enough concussive power to make you dead.

The "less lethal" munitions in the jail, such as the SL1 or SL6 shoot hard rubber projectiles. If you hit someone in the head with it... it can kill. Same with a hard plastic pepper ball... if it hits you square in the eyeball, the eye is done, and it could possibly kill you if it transfers enough energy back into the brain.

Does anybody make less lethal ammo for pistols?
Rubber bullets, bean bags etc.
RiverRatRuss Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 09-02-2022
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8trackdisco wrote:
Does anybody make less lethal ammo for pistols?
Rubber bullets, bean bags etc.

Yea the ACME company does.. I've seen it on the Cartoons!!!
RiverRatRuss Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 09-02-2022
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DrMaddVibe wrote:

Let's get this trial started already.

What's the over/under on this one boys?

I'll Take "Don't Drop the Soap" for 500 Alec!!! d'oh! Brick wall Brick wall Beer
MACS Offline
#71 Posted:
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8trackdisco wrote:
Does anybody make less lethal ammo for pistols?
Rubber bullets, bean bags etc.

I am not sure, but I am not aware of any. Something that small, traveling that fast will likely penetrate. Think
HockeyDad Offline
#72 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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There will be no jail time for Alec.
Abrignac Offline
#73 Posted:
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8trackdisco wrote:
Does anybody make less lethal ammo for pistols?
Rubber bullets, bean bags etc.

There’s something called simunitions. It’s basically a low powder charge pushing a paintball tip. We used to use them in our duty weapons in shoot houses where we practiced clearing buildings. You could shoot a guy up close in the torso without causing any permanent damage. However, it would leave a nice red welt where it hit you.
Abrignac Offline
#74 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
There will be no jail time for Alec.

You don’t think he’ll be convicted of anything. Too many fingers pointing in too many directions.
Jakethesnake86 Offline
#75 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-2020
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Personally haven’t seen any less lethal pistol ammo.
I’m doubting jail time

As far as who cocked the pistol. Well no one that knows guns would **** a single action and leave it cocked laying around loaded. Doesn’t make sense to me.

I do realize some were never taught how to handle guns But I’m still confused as to why someone would point a gun in the direction of a person in general. Unless it was a rehearsal. If it was a rehearsal looks like someone else there would’ve opened up to the media about that being the case.

I wouldn’t point an empty gun at someone and I’d take a great deal of offense if someone pointed one at me.

The whole thing is blurry to me
burning_sticks Offline
#76 Posted:
Joined: 08-17-2020
Posts: 152
From what I've read, he was using a Colt replica that doesn't have a transfer bar safety, I didn't know they were still making them that way.
MACS Offline
#77 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
There will be no jail time for Alec.

We'll be lucky if he gets fined and a short stint on probation. My guess is off with a slap on the wrist.
deadeyedick Offline
#78 Posted:
Joined: 03-13-2003
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He will get two credits as shooter and actor in the movie.
HockeyDad Offline
#79 Posted:
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Abrignac wrote:
You don’t think he’ll be convicted of anything. Too many fingers pointing in too many directions.

Alec Baldwin is an American treasure. We can’t burn him.
MACS Offline
#80 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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deadeyedick wrote:
He will get two credits as shooter and actor in the movie.

Well played, sir... well played. Applause
DrMaddVibe Offline
#81 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,755
I'm going to disagree with the BOTL's here that say Alec gets off.

I say he does time.

It was a single action pistol. That means you have to c0ck back the hammer to engage the trigger mechanism to release the hammer. Your finger HAS to be on that trigger. No IF'S, AND's or BUT's. You have to want to shoot the gun for it to fire. It's one of the safest guns on the planet and it was a gun that helped tame the West. I don't want to hear that "Someone else loaded it" excuse. It starts and stops with the person behind the gun. The 1st thing you're taught is NEVER point a gun at somebody. EVER. Unless you want to kill them. Our US military teaches a soldier to aim for center mass, or as Mel Gibson taught his sons in the movie "The Patriot"...Aim small, miss small. No head, arms or legs. You're aiming under the neck and above the waist. What Alec did was violate Rule #1 of Gun owner safety.

For those that don't know about how a single action behaves, watch this:

Then there's the absence of guilt of what he did. The 60 Minutes Interview shows nothing but guilt on his part. Top that with the anti-gun dimwits and the gun grabbers this nation has. This shows anyone that even Hollywood actors, not some gang, not some thug, not some criminal can use a gun to kill. He's doing time.
Jakethesnake86 Offline
#82 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-2020
Posts: 4,312
Agree^. Also agree he should do some time. He pulled the hammer back and squeezed the trigger with people down rage. Clearly it was pointing directly at someone. Even if it was a blank ????? They had to be near point blank for harm to come. Just a stupid situation in general
HockeyDad Offline
#83 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,312
Maybe it was an assault pistol. Those things kill all the time. It’s time we put the blame where it lies and sue the pistol and it’s manufacturer.
Abrignac Offline
#84 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,483
DrMaddVibe wrote:
I'm going to disagree with the BOTL's here that say Alec gets off.

I say he does time.

It was a single action pistol. That means you have to c0ck back the hammer to engage the trigger mechanism to release the hammer. Your finger HAS to be on that trigger. No IF'S, AND's or BUT's. You have to want to shoot the gun for it to fire. It's one of the safest guns on the planet and it was a gun that helped tame the West. I don't want to hear that "Someone else loaded it" excuse. It starts and stops with the person behind the gun. The 1st thing you're taught is NEVER point a gun at somebody. EVER. Unless you want to kill them. Our US military teaches a soldier to aim for center mass, or as Mel Gibson taught his sons in the movie "The Patriot"...Aim small, miss small. No head, arms or legs. You're aiming under the neck and above the waist. What Alec did was violate Rule #1 of Gun owner safety.

For those that don't know about how a single action behaves, watch this:

Then there's the absence of guilt of what he did. The 60 Minutes Interview shows nothing but guilt on his part. Top that with the anti-gun dimwits and the gun grabbers this nation has. This shows anyone that even Hollywood actors, not some gang, not some thug, not some criminal can use a gun to kill. He's doing time.

Time will tell. He’ll spend millions on a dream team of lawyers. They, like O.J.’s lawyers, will to create a cloudy pall that covers everything. They only need to convince one juror that poor Alec wasn’t to blame. It only takes one juror to come to the conclusion that he is NOT guilty beyond a reasonable doubt to acquit.
DrafterX Offline
#85 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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but doesn't being the director, or whatever his title besides actor, make him responsible no matter who pulled the trigger..?? Think
HockeyDad Offline
#86 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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“Maybe he doesn’t identify as “Responsible”. I think is how it works.
Abrignac Offline
#87 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
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DrafterX wrote:
but doesn't being the director, or whatever his title besides actor, make him responsible no matter who pulled the trigger..?? Think

Not really. What you refer to is that of a principle to a crime which is separate and distinct from the actual perpetrator of the crime. In order to be guilty of such, he would have had to have participated in some way to create a dangerous situation, and not been the person who actually pulled the trigger. If all the safe guards were in place and followed this would be a non-issue in a criminal trial. Again, the defense would create a smokescreen to obfuscate blame.

An accessory wouldn’t fit either as that refers to actions taken after the crime by someone other than the perp.

Optics for him look real chitty. But, if he has any sense at all he’ll hire a team of the best defense lawyers money can buy. If the judge allows, think that buffon Ito, they will make the water so murky one wouldn’t be able to see clearly more than a half inch below the surface. If that happens he walks.

On the other hand, if the judge keeps a tight reign on both the defense and the prosecution then he will likely be convicted unless the defense gets a star struck juror or two on the panel who will vote not-guilty regardless of the facts.
Stogie1020 Offline
#88 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
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Regardless of the criminal charges, he is going to get his clock cleaned in the civil case...
Abrignac Offline
#89 Posted:
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Stogie1020 wrote:
Regardless of the criminal charges, he is going to get his clock cleaned in the civil case...

Without a doubt.
#90 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,428
And rightfully so, unfortunately it won’t bring the victim back.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#91 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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HockeyDad wrote:
Maybe it was an assault pistol. Those things kill all the time. It’s time we put the blame where it lies and sue the pistol and it’s manufacturer.


It wasn't black.

There wasn't a 15 or 30 round clip.

It isn't even semi-automatic.

I'm thinking we should sue the educational system and books.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#92 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,755

Alec Baldwin ‘will not be charged with shooting Rust director Joel Souza’

Alec Baldwin will not be charged with shooting the director of Rust, Joel Souza, according to reports.

The actor, 64, was recently charged with involuntary manslaughter over the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who died on set of the movie in October 2021.

However, it has been reported that the American star will not be charged with the shooting of Souza, although he was hit by the same bullet that killed Hutchins.

According to TMZ, the reason for this is there is reportedly “no crime” as far as the shooting of Souza is concerned.

The outlet has said according to information obtained from the Santa Fe District Attorney’s Office, the only way to characterise the shooting of Souza is an “unintentional battery,” and no such thing exists.

The publication claims that the D.A. added that Baldwin had no intention to hurt anyone.

Last week, it was announced that both Baldwin and the film’s armourer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed will be charged with involuntary manslaughter over the death of Ms Hutchins on the film’s Santa Fe set.

In a statement, District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies said: “After a thorough review of the evidence and the laws of the state of New Mexico, I have determined that there is sufficient evidence to file criminal charges against Alec Baldwin and other members of the Rust film crew.

“On my watch, no one is above the law, and everyone deserves justice.”

It comes less than three months after the District Attorney’s office received the final report from the police into the incident which led to the death of Ms Hutchins after a prop gun held by Baldwin was discharged.

Assistant director David Halls has signed a plea agreement for the charge of negligent use of a deadly weapon.

Baldwin and Gutierrez-Reed will be “charged in the alternative” with the two counts of manslaughter, meaning that a jury would decide not simply if they were guilty, but under which definition of involuntary manslaughter they were guilty, the DA’s office said.

The first charge can be referred to as involuntary manslaughter and requires proof of underlying negligence.

This charge also includes the misdemeanour charge of negligent use of a firearm, which would likely merge as a matter of law.

The second charge is involuntary manslaughter in the commission of a lawful act, which requires proof that there was more than simple negligence involved in a death.

Under New Mexico law, both charges are a fourth-degree felony and are punishable by up to 18 months in jail and a 5,000 dollar (£4,000) fine.

The second charge includes a firearm enhancement, or added mandatory penalty, which makes the crime punishable by a mandatory five years in jail. Baldwin’s lawyer, Luke Nikas said the DA’s decision to bring charges against his client “distorts” Halyna Hutchins’ tragic death and “represents a terrible miscarriage of justice”.

“Mr Baldwin had no reason to believe there was a live bullet in the gun – or anywhere on the movie set”, he added.

“He relied on the professionals with whom he worked, who assured him the gun did not have live rounds. We will fight these charges, and we will win.” In a statement, Gutierrez-Reed’s attorneys asserted her innocence in the fatal shooting.

“Hannah is, and has always been, very emotional and sad about this tragic accident,” the statement said. “But she did not commit involuntary manslaughter”.

They added: “These charges are the result of a very flawed investigation, and an inaccurate understanding of the full facts.

“We intend to bring the full truth to light and believe Hannah will be exonerated of wrongdoing by a jury.”

We know dead men tell no tales...but this time we have a wounded one. So we can use bodies as silencers now?
HockeyDad Offline
#93 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,312
HockeyDad wrote:
There will be no jail time for Alec.

Charges dropped.
DrafterX Offline
#94 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,687
They're just kiddin... Mellow
Stogie1020 Offline
#95 Posted:
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Dismissed without prejudice, which means they can refile them once their analysis is complete.

Prosecutors Kari Morrissey and Jason Lewis dropped the charges Friday. They stated newly revealed facts and evidence demanded further investigation and analysis, which couldn’t be completed before the May 3 preliminary hearing.

The dismissal without prejudice means prosecutors can file charges against Baldwin if it’s appropriate. Prosecutors said the investigation is active and ongoing.

My understanding is that there is some contention that the firearm was modified in some way, and the testing will take too long for the hearing deadline. So, they dismiss the complaintg and if they find good info, they refile the charges. If not, they don't.
tonygraz Offline
#96 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,392
DrMaddVibe wrote:

I'm thinking we should sue the educational system and books.

Next you will want to burn the books.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#97 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Study Proves Alec Baldwin Pulled Trigger, Charges Could Be Refiled

Alec Baldwin could, once again, face manslaughter charges after a study proved he pulled the trigger on the gun that killed 42-year-old cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.

Back in October 2021, during a camera rehearsal on the Western Rust, the film’s star, Alec Baldwin, accidentally shot and killed Hutchins. The gun he was holding, an old Colt .45, was supposed to be loaded with dummy rounds that would not fire, not even blanks. Somehow, a live round found its way into the firearm. Hutchins was killed, and the director was injured.

After a lengthy investigation, New Mexico prosecutors filed manslaughter charges against Baldwin and the film’s armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed. Assistant director David Halls, who reportedly handed the gun to Baldwin without checking it, pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor charge of negligent use of a deadly weapon in March. He was sentenced to six months of unsupervised probation, a $500 fine, 24 hours of community service, and required to take a gun safety course.

In April, the charges against Baldwin were dropped. Prosecutors later warned the charges could be refiled:

Over the last few days and in preparation for the May 3, 2023, preliminary hearing, new facts were revealed that demand further investigation and forensic analysis in the case against Alexander “Alec” Rae Baldwin, III. Consequently, we cannot proceed under the current time constraints and on the facts and evidence turned over by law enforcement in its existing form. We therefore will be dismissing the involuntary manslaughter charges against Mr. Baldwin to conduct further investigation. This decision does not absolve Mr. Baldwin of criminal culpability and charges may be refiled. Our follow-up investigation will remain active and on-going.

Apparently, that “further investigation and forensic analysis” involved Baldwin’s ridiculous claim the gun went off without him pulling the trigger.

In December 2021, Baldwin stupidly sat down for a lengthy interview with ABC News. Here’s how he explained what happened to George Stephanopoulos…

“[Hutchins is] guiding me through how she wants me to hold the gun for this angle,” Baldwin said. “I’m holding the gun where she told me to hold it, which ended up being aimed right below her armpit. So, I take the gun, and I start to **** the gun. I’m not going to pull the trigger,” he added. “And I **** the gun; I go, ‘Can you see that? Can you see that? Can you see that?’ And then I let go of the gun’s hammer, and the gun goes off.”

I let go of the gun’s hammer, and the gun goes off.

WATCH — Alec Baldwin: I Was Told “Rust” Gun Was “Cold” — It Discharged After I Let Go of the Hammer

Although I’ve never believed and still don’t believe Baldwin should face criminal charges, at the time, I found Baldwin’s claim ridiculous, if not a flat-out lie. Guns do not go off without someone pulling the trigger.

Well, it took almost two years, but a forensic investigation of the firearm has now concluded the same:

The experts reconstructed the gun, which had been broken during earlier testing by the FBI, and concluded that it could only have been fired by a pull of the trigger.

“This fatal incident was the consequence of the hammer being manually retracted to its fully rearward and cocked position followed, at some point, by the pull or rearward depression of the trigger,” the report concluded. “Although Alec Baldwin repeatedly denies pulling the trigger, given the tests, findings and observations reported here, the trigger had to be pulled or depressed sufficiently to release the fully cocked or retracted hammer of the evidence revolver.”

“If it is determined that the gun did not malfunction, charges against Mr. Baldwin will proceed,” [prosecutors] wrote in a filing in June.

The only possible way to fire a gun without pulling the trigger is to pull back the hammer, release it, and have it snap against the bullet. BUT… In order to do that without manually pulling back the trigger, the gun would have to be defective beyond any practical use. Baldwin’s Colt .45 was obviously a working gun, but as he pulled back the hammer, the sears immediately clicked into place, ensuring the hammer could not snap loose and fire the round without depressing the trigger. That’s why a pistol click-click-click-clicks as the hammer is pulled back. Those clicks are the sears locking into place to ensure there’s no misfire if your thumb slips off the hammer. You MUST pull the trigger to release the sears that allow the hammer to spring forward and fire the cartridge.

Prosecutors say an announcement about refiling charges against Baldwin (or not) will be forthcoming.
Mr. Jones Offline
#98 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 19,527
Not gonna happen...

He paid the "RIGht pEEpS" several hundred thousand in increments of $100- 250k per almost reached a million in cash total...

Somebody's getting greedy and thinks he's a cash cow trying to renig on their already paid bribery agreements...

That ain't riiigggghhhtttt!!!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#99 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,755
Now I know the ignorant won't get this because they believe NOBODY should own a gun, but what's the 1st rule they teach in any gun safety class?

Judge Orders ‘Rust’ Producers to Hand Over Documents that Company Fears May Be Used to Prosecute Alec Baldwin

A New Mexico judge has ordered that the producers of the western film Rust hand over documents that counsel fears could be used for further charges against Alec Baldwin, siding with prosecutors who say the film company obstructed the investigation of the 2021 death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.

In a hearing this Friday, Rust Movie Productions challenged a subpoena demanding documents related to the production, including the contract of Baldwin himself, according to the L.A. Times.

“The state has made it very clear in its statements that it’s still considering bringing charges against Alec Baldwin,” attorney Abigail R. Wolberg, representing the company, said. “I see these subpoenas as nothing more than continuing down that path.”

In response, special prosecutor Kari T. Morrissey alleged that the producers obstructed the state’s investigation into Baldwin’s fatal on-set shooting.

“Rust Productions has either intervened, interfered or obstructed the criminal investigation in this case,” said special prosecutor Kari T. Morrissey. “This entire tragedy occurred because Rust Productions cut corners every chance they could and they hired inexperienced and ill-equipped crew members.”

The latest allegation against the filmmakers was made during the ongoing case against Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the film crew member responsible for the safety and maintenance of the firearms used during filming, Deadline reported.

Prosecutors have not yet moved to charge Baldwin or any of the producers based on this allegation of obstruction, but nothing has been ruled out.

This week’s hearing was part of the process for prosecutors to gain access to records that could clarify Baldwin’s role as a producer on the film. Prosecutors are seeking to find out exactly what Baldwin knew of how the film’s budget and crew were being handled. The discovery is meant to inform the state’s suspicion that the producers cut corners and created an unsafe atmosphere.

A central issue is the claim by Gutierrez-Reed that the film’s producers denied her request to spend several more days to train Baldwin on how to handle the .45 Colt pistol that he was using in his on-screen role.

According to the L.A. Times, the documents would illuminate Baldwin’s actions during the time before the shooting took place, which affect the state’s case against Gutierrez-Reed:

“How Alec Baldwin was paid, how much money was spent on set, how much money went into [the film] … doesn’t assist in investigating the defendant’s allegations that she, as a contractor, was requested to do certain things,” Wolberg said.

Gutierrez Reed was struggling to fill two jobs on the production — armorer and props assistant. Emails have shown that Gutierrez Reed was scolded for not paying enough attention to her role helping with non-gun-related props.

Morrissey said producers had a financial incentive to reduce the amount of time that Gutierrez Reed spent on her armorer duties because she was paid a higher rate for that time. She was paid a lower hourly rate for the time spent dealing with other props.

“We have a situation where Rust Production is doing everything it can to keep costs low so that it can keep profits high,” Morrissey said, adding that because he was one of the films producers, “Mr. Baldwin himself benefits financially from keeping production costs low.”

Morrissey also alleged that officials on the film also rushed to speak to likely witnesses before investigators were able to get to them.

“Beginning on Oct. 21, 2021, Rust Productions had a lawyer on the scene within 30 to 60 minutes after this fatal shooting, who was running around and talking to witnesses before the police could speak to those witnesses,” Morrissey said during the proceedings.

“Since then, we have issued numerous subpoenas to Rust Productions and they have either … not responded or responded very, very slowly,” she added.

Manslaughter charges against Baldwin were dropped in April, with the case ended “without prejudice.” But prosecutors also warned at the time that the case was “active and on-going” and more charges could come as prosecutors learn more about the incident.

Hutchins was killed in Oct. of 2021 while blocking out a scene they were preparing to film. She was struck in the chest with a single bullet fired from a pistol being used as a prop by Alec Baldwin. It was later discovered that a real cartridge had been loaded into the gun before it was given to Baldwin to use on the set.

Baldwin was reportedly practicing firing directly at the camera when he cocked the hammer and pulled the trigger.

Baldwin has repeatedly denied pulling the trigger of the pistol, but the gun being used is a single-action firearm that cannot be fired unless the hammer is pulled back and the trigger pulled. The Glengarry Glen Ross star did, however, admit he cocked the hammer back.

Oh yeah, I remember now!

DrMaddVibe Offline
#100 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,755

Alec Baldwin Indicted By Grand Jury In 'Rust' Shooting

Actor Alec Baldwin was indicted by a New Mexico grand jury over the 2021 death of “Rust” cinematographer Halyna Hutchins after a prop gun fired a live round and struck her, according to court documents.

According to several media outlets, the move to indict Mr. Baldwin was confirmed Friday after the grand jury heard evidence presented by special prosecutors. He was charged with involuntary manslaughter.

Specifically, he was charged with involuntary manslaughter—negligent use of a firearm—or, in the alternative, involuntary manslaughter—without due caution or circumspection—reported ABC News. Both are fourth-degree felonies.

His lawyers suggested to several news outlets Friday that they would fight the charge. “We look forward to our day in court,” Baldwin lawyers Alex Spiro and Luke Nikas said in a statement.

The “30 Rock” actor’s initial involuntary manslaughter charges were dropped in April 2023. At the time, prosecutors said they could be brought again, however.

“Rust” armorer Hannah Gutierrez was charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter as well. She faces an additional charge of evidence tampering.

The special prosecutors, Kari Morrissey and Jason Lewis sent the gun for more forensic testing several months ago. Experts who evaluated the firearm found that it could have only fired if the trigger was pulled.

“This fatal incident was the consequence of the hammer being manually retracted to its fully rearward and cocked position followed, at some point, by the pull or rearward depression of the trigger,” their report concluded. “Although Alec Baldwin repeatedly denies pulling the trigger, given the tests, findings and observations reported here, the trigger had to be pulled or depressed sufficiently to release the fully cocked or retracted hammer of the evidence revolver.”

While the proceeding is shrouded in secrecy, two of the witnesses seen at the courthouse included crew members—one who was present when the fatal shot was fired and another who had walked off the set the day before due to safety concerns.

Mr. Baldwin, the lead actor and a co-producer on the Western movie, was pointing a gun at Ms. Hutchins during a rehearsal on a movie set outside Santa Fe in October 2021 when the gun went off, killing her and wounding director Joel Souza. But Mr. Baldwin has said he pulled back the hammer but not the trigger, and the gun fired.

An earlier FBI report on the agency’s analysis of the gun found that, as is common with firearms of that design, it could go off without pulling the trigger if force was applied to an uncocked hammer, such as by dropping the weapon.

The only way the testers could get it to fire was by striking the gun with a mallet while the hammer was down and resting on the cartridge or by pulling the trigger while it was fully cocked. The gun eventually broke during testing.

The 2021 shooting resulted in a series of civil lawsuits, including wrongful death claims filed by members of Hutchins’ family, centered on accusations that the defendants were lax with safety standards. Mr. Baldwin and other defendants have disputed those allegations.

Ms. Hutchins’ widower, Matthew Hutchins, also filed a lawsuit after the incident, reaching a settlement in 2022. It allowed for insurance funds and a portion of “Rust’s” profits to help the couple’s child.

When the settlement was reached, Mr. Hutchins said he didn’t assign blame to Mr. Baldwin.

“I have no interest in engaging in recriminations or attribution of blame (to the producers or Mr. Baldwin),” he said at the time, according to reports. “All of us believe Halyna’s death was a terrible accident. I am grateful that the producers and the entertainment community have come together to pay tribute to Halyna’s final work.”

The Rust Movie Productions company has paid a $100,000 fine to state workplace safety regulators after a scathing narrative of failures in violation of standard industry protocols, including testimony that production managers took limited or no action to address two misfires on set before the fatal shooting.

The filming of “Rust” resumed last year in Montana under an agreement with the cinematographer’s widower, Matthew Hutchins, that made him an executive producer.

The movie’s assistant director, David Halls, was named as the individual who gave the firearm to Mr. Baldwin on the day of the shooting. Last year, he signed a plea deal for the “charge of negligent use of a deadly weapon” and received six months’ probation, according to prosecutors.
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