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Last post 13 months ago by DrMaddVibe. 57 replies replies.
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The Florida purge: Whitewashing history, banning books
rfenst Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,716
Orlando Sentinel's Scott Maxwell Opinion Writer
.The headlines are as abundant as they are dystopian:

“Florida rejects, amends many social studies textbooks”

“An Entire Florida School District Has Banned a Kids’ Book on Segregation”

“350+ Books Banned in Florida School Districts Since Last July”
“Florida bans more than 40% of math books after review”

A knowledge purge is underway in Florida. The targets: History lessons that politicians want hidden. Perspectives that make parents uncomfortable. Truths that ideologues find inconvenient.

Basically, we have people who want to control the narrative. And they think it’s easier to do that if kids don’t know all the facts.

Now, it’s hard to get your hands around both the scope and the specifics of this purge, because education officials are censoring so much and revealing so little.

In the latest salvo, — more than Gov. Ron DeSantis’ education department rejected 35 different social studies booksa third of all they reviewed.

But to justify their actions, they released snippets from only six of the books they shunned or ordered altered. So you don’t have much to go on.

But let’s look at one of those six examples. It’s from an elementary school textbook that teaches children about patriotism.

DeSantis staffers approved passages that instructed students to learn the Pledge of Allegiance and encouraged parents to stress the significance of the national anthem. But they did not want kids hearing why they might see some Americans, especially athletes on TV, take a knee during the anthem.

Specifically, the Florida Department of Education ordered the textbook to remove a section that suggested parents — not teachers, mind you — use that lesson on patriotic traditions “as an opportunity to talk about why some citizens are choosing to ‘Take a Knee’ to protest police brutality and racism.” DeSantis staffers ordered that suggestion stricken.

A popular talking point for people who dislike athletes taking a knee is to describe them as “anti-American,” “anti-cop” or “unpatriotic.” And it’s easier to peddle that narrative if students don’t hear why the players themselves say they’re doing what they are.

Personally, I think there’s valid debate over taking a knee. I can see why some players would. I can see why many people would dislike them doing so. It’s not really that hard to understand the divide — if you listen to what people on both sides are saying.

But the new Florida model of education doesn’t want to share all sides. The censors say kids aren’t ready for these discussions. Really, though, it’s the adults who are scared their kids might hear a different perspective. They’re the snowflakes.

The DeSantis censors also axed a section about Black Lives Matter from a middle school textbook that presented both pro and con perspectives on the social movement. The passage described the killing of George Floyd, explained that social media gave rise to civic activism and then gave a brief explanation of why some people supported Black Lives Matter and an even lengthier description of why others opposed it. DeSantis’ education staffers ordered the entire section removed.

At least one of the passages DeSantis staffers removed looks justifiably flagged. It’s a section from a middle-school book that attempts to teach students what a socialist form of government is.

The first part does a fine job explaining that, in a socialist society, the government controls much of the means of production, but then says: “It keeps things nice and even and without unnecessary waste.” Um, what? That seems more like a pom-pom for socialism — and a pretty skewed one at that — than a civics lesson. Yank it out.

But here’s the problem: DeSantis staffers shared a reworked version of the textbook that met their approval. It removed the word “socialism” altogether, replacing it with “planned economies.”

I’m no fan of socialism, but I’d sure like students to have a correct understanding of what it is. Why? Because the vast majority of adults who scream about socialism absolutely do not. They somehow believe anything government-funded is “socialism” … and then turn into Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel when you ask them if that means Medicare and highways are socialist as well.

I’d love to see students better informed than these adults. But that seems to be the last thing the grown-ups want.

Last year, before state officials were rejecting social studies textbooks, they were flagging math books for being allegedly too woke. A handful of people apparently believed liberal boogeymen had infiltrated the nation’s algebra-instructional complex.
And the handful got their way.

Some of this censorship is silly, political theater. Some is a serious effort to indoctrinate.

One publisher, Penguin Randomhouse, sued the Escambia County school district last week over its book-banning. Other publishers agree to comply with whatever censorship orders they’re given as they’re more interested in selling textbooks than standing on any sort of educational principles.

Then there are all the school library books being banned in historic numbers, thanks to the Republican-led Legislature’s new book-banning bill — books about everything from the civil rights movement to nontraditional families.

The Lake County school district pulled a picture book about the true story of two male penguins in Central Park Zoo who raised a chick after the zookeeper gave them an egg. A Panhandle district removed a book about school segregation in the 1950s with the New Republic reporting the district concluded the subject matter was “difficult for elementary students to comprehend.”

I don’t think kids are the problem here. In fact, the local banning crusades are sometimes led by just one or two adults who not only want to shelter their own kids from ideas they find scary but want to keep books away from everyone else’s kids at school as well.

I thought of all this book-banning and history-censoring while attending a recent session on the rise of antisemitism at the Holocaust Memorial Resource and Education Center of Florida. One panelist said the best way to combat hatred, intolerance and ignorance is to ensure children hear unvarnished truths. He described it as “The criticality of giving truth to our kids.”

The leader of a Holocaust Center in South Florida made a similar point recently stressing: “The Holocaust, it didn’t start with guns and death camps. It started with words.”

Well, words are precisely what Florida is trying to ban, censor and distort. In unprecedented fashion.
RayR Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,039
I heard LEFTIES say teaching math is racist, that "mathematical knowledge has been appropriated by Western culture" and that "math has been and continues to be used to oppress and marginalize people and communities of color." Confused

I also heard sneaky woke math textbooks have incorporated critical race theory (CRT) into them.

I don't know whatever happened to just teaching math.

History lessons are a tangled web since a lot, if not all of history textbooks are biased, written by those who have a TAINTED subjective view of history.

Those DeSantis staffers who approved passages that instructed students to learn the Pledge of Allegiance are biased. Do they want to teach the original Pledge was written by self-described Christian socialist minister Francis Bellamy who preached from the pulpit that "Jesus was a socialist." Or don't they know that? His cousin Edward Bellamy, was the author of of the 1888 socialist fantasy, 'Looking Backward', a vision of a glorious Soviet-style Utopian future.

"In Looking Backward the main character, Julian West, falls asleep in 1887 only to awaken in the year 2000. He finds an America where the means of production are owned by the state and everyone earns equal income. Jobs are assigned by the government to citizen-conscripts, who must work for the state from the age of 21 until retirement at 45."

Edward Bellamy, along with his cousin Francis Bellamy, were the two major spokesmen for what they called “Nationalism,” by which they meant the nationalization of all industry under state control. Across America some 167 Nationalist Clubs were formed. In 1889 one of the Boston Nationalist Clubs formed an auxiliary called the Society for Christian Socialists."


The purpose of Francis Bellamy's pledge was to indoctrinate children into that vision of socialist nationalism so as to depict a false history of the American founding. Many self-described conservatives have unknowingly been indoctrinated into revering "patriotic traditions" fabricated by leftists.
ZRX1200 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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rfenst wrote:

Basically, we have people who want to control the narrative. And they think it’s easier to do that if kids don’t know all the facts.

This part is correct…..and the left has been doing it for decades and people are sick of it. Look get mad all you want and name call, but it comes down to wether or not you’re ok with people existing. And one set who have unpopular opinions (by that I mean unable to force it upon people) in the form of GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE. The very same people that crow about separation of church and state mind you.

People with a brain don’t take this propaganda seriously. Others do
MACS Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,065
ZRX1200 wrote:
This part is correct…..and the left has been doing it for decades and people are sick of it. Look get mad all you want and name call, but it comes down to wether or not you’re ok with people existing. And one set who have unpopular opinions (by that I mean unable to force it upon people) in the form of GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE. The very same people that crow about separation of church and state mind you.

People with a brain don’t take this propaganda seriously. Others do

Agreed. Dems just pointing the finger and saying DeSantis is doing exactly what THEY have done. He's cleaning up their fkn mess.

Anyone see the guy reading a book to the school board? Graphic sexual content and they were like, whoa, whoa, stop right there... and he says, yeah, exactly... so why the fk is this book in my kid's school?? Excellent question.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,755
MACS wrote:
Agreed. Dems just pointing the finger and saying DeSantis is doing exactly what THEY have done. He's cleaning up their fkn mess.

Anyone see the guy reading a book to the school board? Graphic sexual content and they were like, whoa, whoa, stop right there... and he says, yeah, exactly... so why the fk is this book in my kid's school?? Excellent question.

Saw it.

Made them squirm.

THEIR acts put that crap in his children's schools. As a parent he's fed the F up. Those POS all sat there and tried to gavel him down and then the Lead Stooge says "You're time is up". He rebuts back "That makes 2 of us"

ANYONE defending cleaning the trash out of schools that doesn't belong is F'n disgusting and insane.

Go ahead Robert and spread your hatred for a governor that will not let this perverted narrative spread here in Florida. You should be ashamed of yourself, but you go from thread to thread defending this behavior and the people pushing it.
rfenst Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,716
The only people afraid of math books are those afraid of what they teach it can be used to prove.
Neither side of the political spectrum can ever control them.
Numbers neither lie nor bury truth.
Desantis does both.
RayR Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,039
rfenst wrote:
The only people afraid of math books are those afraid of what they teach it can be used to prove.
Neither side of the political spectrum can ever control them.
Numbers neither lie nor bury truth.
Desantis does both.

Explain that Robert, it's bordering on word salad. Unsure

DeSantis has said that “The purpose of our school system is to educate kids, not to indoctrinate kids,” “You do not distort American history to try to advance your current ideological agenda.”

But indoctrination is exactly what has been done since there has been this thing called "public education". Where in the past it was much more subtle in nature in advancing ideological agendas, typically a Leftist ideological agenda since the Left quickly latched on to the socialist education system as a vehicle for mass indoctrination, to today where the Jacobins are so unapologetically in the face of kids with their radical burn down the old and bring on the new science, new math, and new history.

Brewha Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,262
rfenst wrote:
The only people afraid of math books are those afraid of what they teach it can be used to prove.
Neither side of the political spectrum can ever control them.
Numbers neither lie nor bury truth.
Desantis does both.

They are short sighted and narrow minded people - and fully driven by fear and hate of anything that is not just like them. Hate and fear are the glue that keeps them together.
And "live and let live" just ain't American to them.

Are you "just like them"? Well you better be or they're coming for you - and your little dog too.
"But....only for the understand...yeah - the kids....let's burn a few books - for the kids."
Prolly their god told 'em to.

People don't like that this nation was build on the backs of slaves, and is deeply racist to this day. So - let's just not allow the kids to be told. That will make us whites happy.

Oh, and they are uncomfortable with the 5% or so of the population that don't do "normal gender roles". So - let's just make even talking about it illegal.

"And women need to be kept in their place - they like it that way, you know."

Kindly set your watch back 200 years....
HockeyDad Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,312
Brewha wrote:
They are short sighted and narrow minded people - and fully driven by fear and hate of anything that is not just like them. Hate and fear are the glue that keeps them together.
And "live and let live" just ain't American to them.

Are you "just like them"? Well you better be or they're coming for you - and your little dog too.
"But....only for the understand...yeah - the kids....let's burn a few books - for the kids."
Prolly their god told 'em to.

People don't like that this nation was build on the backs of slaves, and is deeply racist to this day. So - let's just not allow the kids to be told. That will make us whites happy.

Oh, and they are uncomfortable with the 5% or so of the population that don't do "normal gender roles". So - let's just make even talking about it illegal.

"And women need to be kept in their place - they like it that way, you know."

Kindly set your watch back 200 years....

RayR Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,039
Brewha should lay off the gas, he's stinking up the place.

I heard the JACOBINS are mad at peeps challenging their new biology indoctrination at skools..

7th Grader Is FORCED To Remove “There Are Only Two Genders” Tee-Shirt At School

Then there's the Left O' Center that calls banning books like this from skools something like NAZI book burning.

11-Year-Old SILENCES School Board As He Reads From DISTURBING Book Found In School Library
Graphic warning: 11-year-old boy reads pornographic smut from his school library at school board meeting.
Brewha Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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HockeyDad wrote:

RayR Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Brewha wrote:

You are gaslighting again Brew...
GASLIGHTING is an acknowledged form of psychological manipulation recognized by the Phycology profession.

"Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity. Over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the truth."

"The term gaslighting comes from a 1938 play, Gas Light, and its film adaptation. Gaslighting can occur in personal or professional relationships, and victims are targeted at the core of their being: their sense of identity and self-worth. Manipulative people who engage in gaslighting do so to attain power over their victims, either because they simply derive warped enjoyment from the act or because they wish to emotionally, physically or financially control their victim."
ZRX1200 Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Brew I heard that before from a gaslighting narcissist.
Brewha Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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Obviously, for some irony does not exist either.....
ZRX1200 Offline
#15 Posted:
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rfenst Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
Saw it.

Made them squirm.

THEIR acts put that crap in his children's schools. As a parent he's fed the F up. Those POS all sat there and tried to gavel him down and then the Lead Stooge says "You're time is up". He rebuts back "That makes 2 of us"

ANYONE defending cleaning the trash out of schools that doesn't belong is F'n disgusting and insane.

Go ahead Robert and spread your hatred for a governor that will not let this perverted narrative spread here in Florida. You should be ashamed of yourself, but you go from thread to thread defending this behavior and the people pushing it.

Classic Hit Job 101:

1. You post a clip about material I have not seen yet- sneaky.
2. You criticize me for my oppostion to am political figure you support
3. You suggest that there is a perverted narrative (conspiricy) that I support (Kind of like kids being raped in the basement of the pizza shop?).
4. You allege I am part of the problem because I don't support the governor in most matters.
5. You allege that not supporting the governor = your allegation that I want inappropriate material in our schools.

Well you blew it big-time! I watched your video and agree 100% that the passage from the book read and the pages shown do not belong in a school library.

My social views and politics differ from yours often. So what. This is America and we have elections. You pull that kind of crap on me like this because I will probably fill in some ballot ovals different than you?

HockeyDad Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,312
Rfenst is a book banner! I’m just glad you can admit that the books being banned should never have been there in the first place.

Parents abdicated their responsibility to the school boards and teachers unions and a lot of bad things happened.

The school board Covid lockdowns got parents back involved (law of unintended consequences) and now things are getting cleaned up. The idea the the teachers and government own the children is getting pushback.

rfenst Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,716
HockeyDad wrote:
Rfenst is a book banner! I’m just glad you can admit that the books being banned should never have been there in the first place.

Parents abdicated their responsibility to the school boards and teachers unions and a lot of bad things happened.

The school board Covid lockdowns got parents back involved (law of unintended consequences) and now things are getting cleaned up. The idea the the teachers and government own the children is getting pushback.

Why are you surprised I don't think that book belongs in schools? Do you think I have no decency?

I am solely concerned that one socio-political group I disagree with at times is controlling the entire process through politics.

Everyone should have a seat at the table so the pendulum doesn't get swung too far.

If you want to know where I stand on any particular books, just ask me.
HockeyDad Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,312
rfenst wrote:
Everyone should have a seat at the table so the pendulum doesn't get swung too far.

Yes. I just moved from California. I’ve seen the future. Most of the books targeted for bans are required reading to graduate from the 5th grade in California.
RayR Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,039
This guy must be a really BAD BAD MAN. Anxious ]

LGBQ+ Inc. issued a travel advisory for going to Florida.

Another gay group warns against travel to Florida

The NAACP too...

NAACP Issues Travel Advisory in Florida

"The formal travel notice states, "Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals. Before traveling to Florida, please understand that the state of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of, and the challenges faced by African Americans and other communities of color."

Florida senator warns socialists that state is 'openly hostile', issues travel advisory

The senator's comments appear to satirize a pair of recent travel advisories from advocacy organizations warning that the state had become hostile to LGBT individuals and black Americans.

Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott on Tuesday issued a "travel advisory" for socialists who might seek to visit the Sunshine State, suggesting they opt against such a trip.

"The state of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of, and the challenges faced by Socialists and others who work in the Biden Administration," Scott said, according to The Hill. "Let me be clear – any attempts to spread the oppression and poverty that Socialism always brings will be rebuffed by the people of Florida."

"Travelers should be aware that attempts to spread Socialism in north Florida will fail and be met with laughter and mockery," he added.

Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh
DrMaddVibe Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,755
rfenst wrote:
Classic Hit Job 101:

1. You post a clip about material I have not seen yet- sneaky.
2. You criticize me for my oppostion to am political figure you support
3. You suggest that there is a perverted narrative (conspiricy) that I support (Kind of like kids being raped in the basement of the pizza shop?).
4. You allege I am part of the problem because I don't support the governor in most matters.
5. You allege that not supporting the governor = your allegation that I want inappropriate material in our schools.

Well you blew it big-time! I watched your video and agree 100% that the passage from the book read and the pages shown do not belong in a school library.

My social views and politics differ from yours often. So what. This is America and we have elections. You pull that kind of crap on me like this because I will probably fill in some ballot ovals different than you?


It's another example of you jumping out of an airplane without a parachute and screaming. Your hatred for our governor is on display yet again for all to see. You created thread after thread about what low informed readers called the "Don't Say Gay Bill". You were provided a link to the very bill which had you clicked on it, you would've seen on the 7 pages the words nor the implication of "Don't Say Gay" were never in it! Then you went and created a slew of posts defending Disney against the state of Florida for wanting to meddle in it's politics and groom children. In a really bad take, you swore they weren't doing that and multiple members here showed posts stating that yes in fact Disney was doing just that! They were going (and still might, but now their cash machine is broke because of their agenda!) to pump millions to defeat and overturn legislation in a state they have a business in but not their headquarters (that really doesn't matter to me that much) and leaders of divisions stating they were going to cram as much crap into their programming that children cannot avoid it! On this post your nose is bent because you didn't see where the governor wants to strip out CRT and sexualized content in our schools for children. It's not there to deny anyone an education. Then you back peddle with this:

rfenst wrote:
Why are you surprised I don't think that book belongs in schools? Do you think I have no decency?

I am solely concerned that one socio-political group I disagree with at times is controlling the entire process through politics.

Everyone should have a seat at the table so the pendulum doesn't get swung too far.

If you want to know where I stand on any particular books, just ask me.

A bit too late for that now isn't it? You could've commented on the material in question but went out seal clubbing for DeSantis...again.

What's really disturbing in this is that I was replying to MACS' post. Sorry you globbed on it and personalized it.

His post was relevant to yours in that a pastor stood up and railed against their agenda. What's happening in Asheville City, NC and what the YouTube creator described is happening EVERYWHERE in this nation in the name of the LGBTHDQWPLCX!@# community and it's DISGUSTING! Thanks for admitting as much in your reply to HD. Yet, here you go again with the OP. Defending what that small margin of society is doing to the rest of it. Had you took the time to see the content the OP is talking about you would clearly see he's lying by omission. The same play from the same playbook the NYT does on a daily basis.

Thanks for disinfecting your mistake with the "I agree with you" blurb because it doesn't make ANYONE look good defending that garbage. Like to think that my "judge of character" meter isn't broken on you, but lately here with what I've described it's worried me. Really bad too. Most of the people making decisions with clear indoctrination motives into what we both can agree are disgusting material aren't elected. Yet, your hatred would stop you from voting for a man that is cleaning up the state. You would vote for Charlie Crist and Andrew Gillum only because they have a "D" next to their name because you feel the "D" is aligned with your beliefs. How's that working out for you? Do you ever study the man running for office before you pull the lever or are you that programmed into the "D"? I've stated on other posts that here's no way I would ever vote for anyone with a "D" behind their name for reasons just like this. Where are those "leaders"? Cowering, hiding and willingly let this nation down because they cannot and will not stand up against agendas that don't help anyone.

Glad I could rattle your cage into some sensibility of "normalcy". If it ruffled your feather, sorry about that. No, I'm not. I consider you a friend and want what's best for you. Peddling propaganda pieces because they don't align...take a run at me on them. You'll see that I've done my homework, or that I'm questioning what's going on.
RayR Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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I heard DDS (DeSantis Derangement Syndrome) causes the pendulum to swing far to the left. Eh?
RayR Offline
#23 Posted:
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Hildog chimes in...

Hillary Clinton claims Florida is unsafe for ‘multi-billion-dollar corporations’ – and oh, the mockery!

May 24, 2023 | Chris Donaldson

Twice-failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is once again stirring the pot by promoting the ridiculous narrative that Governor Ron DeSantis has made Florida into an unsafe place for blacks and gay people, but she drew much ridicule by also including “multi-billion dollar corporations” in an obvious reference to Disney.

The former senator and secretary of state continues to exert her toxic influence on the American body politic which she has done ever since the White House dreams of Slick Willie’s entitled spouse were spoiled by the bombastic real estate magnate Donald J. Trump and Rust Belt voters in the 2016 election.

Mrs. Clinton took to Twitter to join the piling on of DeSantis, who reportedly will be announcing his own White House candidacy during a Twitter Spaces interview with billionaire Elon Musk on Wednesday night, and was quickly made to regret her silly missive.

“Ron DeSantis’s ultra-MAGA Florida isn’t safe for people of color, LGBTQ+ people, or even multi-billion dollar corporations,” wrote Hillary.

rfenst Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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Amanda Gorman’s poem for Biden’s inauguration banned by Florida school

— A poem written for President Joe Biden’s inauguration has been placed on a restricted list at a South Florida elementary school after one parent’s complaint.

In a Facebook post on Tuesday, poet Amanda Gorman vowed to fight back. Her poem, “The Hill We Climb” was challenged by the parent of two students at Bob Graham Education Center in Miami Lakes, along with several books.

“I’m gutted,” she wrote. “Robbing children of the chance to find their voices in literature is a violation of their right to free thought and free speech.”

Gorman, who at 17 became the country’s National Youth Poet Laureate, said she wrote the poem “The Hill We Climb,” so “all young people could see themselves in a historical moment,” and that she’s received countless letters and videos from children who were inspired to write their own poems.

In “The Hill We Climb,” Gorman references everything from Biblical scripture to “Hamilton,” and at times echoes the oratory of Kennedy and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. With urgency and assertion she begins by asking, “Where can we find light/In this never-ending shade?” and used her own poetry and life story as an answer.

She said she planned to share a message of hope for Biden’s inauguration without ignoring “the evidence of discord and division.”
She had completed a little more than half of the poem before Jan. 6 and the siege of the U.S. Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump.

The poem and books are still available in the media center for middle school-aged children, Ana Rhodes, a spokesperson for the Miami-Dade school district, said in a statement.

While book bans are not new, they are happening much more frequently, especially in Florida — where Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has championed policies that allow the censorship of books some have deemed inappropriate for children in schools, causing national uproar.

DeSantis, who entered the 2024 presidential race Wednesday, has leaned heavily into cultural divides on race, sexual orientation and gender as he gains support from conservative voters who decide Republican primary elections.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre condemned the decision to ban Gorman’s poem, saying Biden and his administration stands with her.

“The President was proud to have Ms. Gorman, the youngest inaugural poet, speak at his inauguration,” she said.

“Banning books is censorship, period,” she added. “It limits American freedom — Americans’ freedom — and we should all stand against that type of act.”

Yecenia Martinez, principal of the K-8 school, which is part of the Miami-Dade public school system, did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment about the poem’s ban. The school is named after Bob Graham, a former Democratic governor and U.S. senator from Florida.

Daily Salinas, the parent who objected to the poem and books, told the Miami Herald she’s not “for eliminating or censoring any books.” Salinas said she wants materials to be appropriate. It was not immediately clear what she objected to in Gorman’s poem.

After her complaint, a materials review committee made up of three teachers, a library media specialist, a guidance counselor and the principal, determined one of the books in question was balanced and age appropriate, and would remain available for all students, the newspaper reported.

The other four were deemed “better suited” or “more appropriate” for middle school students. The books were to remain in the middle school section of the media center, the review concluded.

“And let’s be clear: most of the forbidden works are by authors who have struggled for generations to get on the bookshelves,” Gorman’s post said. “The majority of these censored works are by queer and non-white voices.”

Addendum: "In the complaint, the parent wrote that Gorman’s poem contained indirect “hate messages” and served to “cause confusion and indoctrinate students."

Where does the book banning line stop?

No pornography here. No sexuality here.

Just a televised speech by the U.S. Poet Laureate at Biden's inauguration speech is enough to ban this book from an elementary school where a child could be interested in poetry, Poet Laureate, or just the speech given at a swearing in ceremony?

No one complained about any of its contents when it was broadcast to the entire country. Why did it take over two years?
RayR Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,039
rfenst wrote:

Where does the book banning line stop?

No pornography here. No sexuality here.

Just a televised speech by the U.S. Poet Laureate at Biden's inauguration speech is enough to ban this book from an elementary school where a child could be interested in poetry, Poet Laureate, or just the speech given at a swearing in ceremony?

No one complained about any of its contents when it was broadcast to the entire country. Why did it take over two years?

Robert, I think you are the victim of Jacobin propaganda and disinformation, intended to deceive and cause outrage targeted at DeSantis. The same propaganda and disinformation I'm sure have been parroted across all Left-Wing media sites.

Miami-Dade County Public Schools: 'No Literature ... Has Been Banned or Removed'

On the night of May 23, the school district, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, published a brief statement on Twitter. It read: "In order to ensure accurate information, [Miami-Dade Schools] is compelled to clarify that the book titled, 'The Hill We Climb' by [Amanda Gorman] was never banned or removed from one of our schools. The book is available in the media center as part of the middle grades collection."

The next day, we contacted the district to request comment. A media relations representative sent a statement to Snopes that was similar to the tweet it had posted the day before: "No literature (books or poem) has been banned or removed. It was determined at the school that 'The Hill We Climb' is better suited for middle school students and it was shelved in the middle school section of the media center. The book remains available in the media center."
rfenst Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,716
RayR wrote:
Robert, I think you are the victim of Jacobin propaganda and disinformation, intended to deceive and cause outrage targeted at DeSantis. The same propaganda and disinformation I'm sure have been parroted across all Left-Wing media sites.

Miami-Dade County Public Schools: 'No Literature ... Has Been Banned or Removed'

Wrong again.

The book was removed from the elementary school section of the school library.
RayR Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,039
rfenst wrote:
Wrong again.

The book was removed from the elementary school section of the school library.

Symantecs! It wasn't "removed", "banned", "burned" or otherwise. It was moved to the middle school section. Do you think those little chillns in elementary school classes could get anything out of it?

"The poem and books are still available in the media center for middle school-aged children, Ana Rhodes, a spokesperson for Miami-Dade school district, said in a statement."

I know she said "she planned to share a message of hope for President Joseph Biden’s inauguration without ignoring “the evidence of discord and division.” Whatever that was the innocent thought, it was for nothing...Biden is hopeless.
pctekk Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 02-28-2023
Posts: 2
The author Scott Maxwell Orlando Sentinel is a radical twisted liberal. He knows how to hate and project that hate thru his articles. He hates DeSantis

The whole book ban thing is blown out of proportion. The books that did get removed had images you dont want your kids to see. Man pay attention
RayR Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,039
pctekk wrote:
The author Scott Maxwell Orlando Sentinel is a radical twisted liberal. He knows how to hate and project that hate thru his articles. He hates DeSantis

The whole book ban thing is blown out of proportion. The books that did get removed had images you dont want your kids to see. Man pay attention

Did he author it or just copy and paste the Associated Press article Amanda Gorman's poem for Biden's inauguration banned by Florida school by FREIDA FRISARO. Doesn't really matter, these LEFTY writers are so unimaginative, they parrot each other's platitudes, cliches, and slogans anyway.

Ms. Gorman herself has turned into quite the whiny hyperbolic lefty twisting words for her pity party.

"I'm gutted," she wrote. "Robbing children of the chance to find their voices in literature is a violation of their right to free thought and free speech."

"And let's be clear: most of the forbidden works are by authors who have struggled for generations to get on the bookshelves," Gorman's post said. "The majority of these censored works are by queer and non-white voices."

Abrignac Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,483
Cry me a phuqqin river. On one hand those on the left p1$$ and moan about about questionable content being age restricted then then on the other they are quick to attempt to vilify or silence those with whom they disagree.
rfenst Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,716
pctekk wrote:
The author Scott Maxwell Orlando Sentinel is a radical twisted liberal. He knows how to hate and project that hate thru his articles. He hates DeSantis

The whole book ban thing is blown out of proportion. The books that did get removed had images you dont want your kids to see. Man pay attention

Why should Desantis be litmus test for anything? We all should get to vote for whoever we want to or don't want to. Right?

Moreover, Maxwell is not radically twisted. I have been reading his work for years- and about the open government and government records fights he has won- and which have exposed so much graft and wrong-doing on so many levels.

It happens that I have run across him professionally and socially once or twice. He is a very talented, smart, hardworking journalist, whether one agrees with him or not.

Most important, what and how do you know anything about Maxwell? You in Central Florida???
Brewha Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,262
rfenst wrote:
Why should Desantis be litmus test for anything? We all should get to vote for whoever we want to or don't want to. Right?

Moreover, Maxwell is not radically twisted. I have been reading his work for years- and about the open government and government records fights he has won- and which have exposed so much graft and wrong-doing on so many levels.

It happens that I have run across him professionally and socially once or twice. He is a very talented, smart, hardworking journalist, whether one agrees with him or not.

Most important, what and how do you know anything about Maxwell? You in Central Florida???

I think maybe it’s the only way he can deal with Maxwells opinions. Name calling is easier than debate.
RayR Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,039
Maxwell is not radically twisted? If in fact, he wrote the article...look at the wurds.

"A knowledge purge is underway in Florida"

"book-banning and history-censoring"

He says he would "like students to have a correct understanding" of stuff like socialism Then he says "Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel" somehow believes anything government-funded is “socialism” like Medicare and highways.
Well, Mr. Maxwel, no they are not always but Medicare is clearly socialist, which I'm sure you choose to deny...actually many times what the government does is downright fascist, the close cousin of socialism, but you probably couldn't recognize that if it hit you in the face.

rfenst Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,716
RayR wrote:
Maxwell is not radically twisted? If in fact, he wrote the article...look at the wurds.

"A knowledge purge is underway in Florida"

"book-banning and history-censoring"

He says he would "like students to have a correct understanding" of stuff like socialism Then he says "Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel" somehow believes anything government-funded is “socialism” like Medicare and highways.
Well, Mr. Maxwel, no they are not always but Medicare is clearly socialist, which I'm sure you choose to deny...actually many times what the government does is downright fascist, the close cousin of socialism, but you probably couldn't recognize that if it hit you in the face.

Don't cherry pick a few lines in an article and pigeon-hole someone smarter than you based on just that. It makes you look ignorant and un-American.
ZRX1200 Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,757
Would it be more American to pick lettuce?
RayR Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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rfenst wrote:
Don't cherry pick a few lines in an article and pigeon-hole someone smarter than you based on just that. It makes you look ignorant and un-American.

The WORDS Robert...The WORDS he uses reveal all that goes on in his twisted thoughts.

If it's "ignorant and un-American" to be against socialism and fascism these days, to clearly recognize it instead of denying its existence where it is so obvious, to also see it so blatantly exhibited in indoctrination centers called socialist-funded government schools then so be it, call me what you will.
Speyside2 Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
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DeSantis is leveling the playing field. Everyone in the panhandle is Cletus the slack jawed moron. In thirty or so years everyone in the state will be Cletus the slack jawed moron.
MACS Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,065
^That comment came from a slack jawed moron.
RayR Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,039
Spey! Why did you come back here and act like a slack jawed moron? I was hoping you would come back and redeem yourself.
rfenst Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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MACS wrote:
^That comment came from a slack jawed moron.

Moron? No way.
Complete opposite.
rfenst Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,716
pctekk wrote:
The author Scott Maxwell Orlando Sentinel is a radical twisted liberal. He knows how to hate and project that hate thru his articles. He hates DeSantis

The whole book ban thing is blown out of proportion. The books that did get removed had images you dont want your kids to[see. Man pay attention

25 years at the Orlando Sentinel. What a long, strange, amazing trip

Scott Maxwell/Orlando Sentinel

As I walked into the Orange County Administration center in downtown Orlando last week, I realized I had walked into the very same building fort the first time on the very same day 25 years ago.

My 25th anniversary at the Orlando Sentinel snuck up on me.

That’s partly because, if you last a quarter-century at a newspaper these days, they don’t give you a gold watch or keepsake pen. They just give you a weird look that basically says: Wow, you’re still here?

But last week, as I walked into the Orange County administration building for a meeting and checked the date on the sign-in log, it dawned on me that I’d walked into the very same building for the first time 25 years ago to the day.

Time certainly flies. It seems like only yesterday that a reader first wrote to ask: How the [bleep] did they let a [bleep]-for-brains like you write a [bleep]-ing column?

I don’t know, dear reader. But it’s been a pretty [bleep]-ing amazing journey.

I started as a county beat reporter back when local politicians were less guarded. I’d roam the halls, chatting with commissioners or the mayor, but spent more time with the aides and staffers who knew where the bodies were buried.

The intricacies of local government — zoning codes and ordinance amendments — bore most people to tears. But I was like a memo junkie when I got to pick up a 400-page agenda binder on a Friday afternoon for the next week’s meeting. I’d spend the weekend scouring the book and jotting down questions. Are they really trying to spend another $2 million at the convention center without any discussion? Why have they again punted plans to pave the dirt roads in Tildenville and Orlo Vista? Isn’t this timeshare company that’s asking for a special treatment run by the CEO who seems cozy with that one commissioner?

I learned then what we should all remember now: Don’t rely on what politicians claim a law will do. Read it for yourself. Remember the skeptical journalist’s motto: If your mother says she loves you, check it out.

The people who work for newspapers aren’t always the most socially refined. They aren’t impressed by big houses or fancy cars. And they don’t bow or curtsy to power. That’s precisely what you want in a local newsroom.

When I first walked into the Sentinel back in 1998, I saw an ocean of cubicles filled with reporters who were working the phones, arguing with editors and cursing at their computers. I knew I was home.

The newspaper industry has changed a lot over the years. In most ways, for the worse. Our parent company has been bought and sold by people who care more about profits than journalism. One billionaire even bought the esteemed, 150-year-old Tribune franchise and promptly took it into bankruptcy after telling everyone he knew journalism better than any journalist.

Through the years, various owners picked off many of our most valuable assets — our real estate and profitable internet ventures — like vultures trying to feast on family members who were still alive.

One of the most remarkable things about the Orlando Sentinel is that we’ve almost always remained profitable. Even during downturns and recessions. Even when other businesses went belly up. But it was rarely enough for the stockholders or out-of-state owners.

Social media has also taken its toll on newspapers as my children’s generation prefers to get their “news” via Insta feeds and TikTok influencers.

So a newsroom of 500 became 300. And then 200. And now less than 75. The writers, editors and photographers still here are the ones who truly believe in local journalism and have resisted the siren call of jobs with more money, less stress and fewer hours.

Today we’re owned by a hedge fund that makes many decisions I dislike. We jerk loyal customers around on price (including my and my wife’s own subscription), provide shoddy customer service from distant call centers and provide so few avenues for readers to reach real, local people that I’ve responded to more than 2,500 complaints about circulation alone. It is painful. I’ve lost sleep over it.

I could go on about what drives me crazy. But let me tell you what I still love.

I love that newspapers still cover the grassroots issues that are often otherwise ignored, everything from high school sports and local theater to school rezonings and public safety.

I also think one of the most rewarding things about this business is the relationship we have with readers. It is an honor to be trusted with someone’s personal story, a family’s quest for justice or a retired couple’s philanthropic savings when they ask for guidance about charities they can trust.

The people who read this paper are kind, generous, curious and funny. As much as anything, they care about their community.

OK, so some of them are also mean. (Though I’ve learned some of the nastiest are also the most loyal readers.)

But some critics also have good points, thoughtful points that make me think as well.

That’s one last thing I love about newspapers — the diverse opinions. We’ll run guest columns heaping praise on the governor right next to an editorial chastising him. We produce stories that capture the complexities of a debate, sometimes revealing there’s not always a good guy or a bad one. I’ll write a column one day followed the next by a letter to the editor that asks if I have a pile of horse manure for brains. What other business uses its own resources to amplify criticism of itself?

Heck, sometimes we see ideological differences within the same house — like the time I returned a call to a man who wanted to discuss a column he liked, only to have his wife answer the phone and tell me she did not like my column. In fact, she thought I was an idiot and that her husband was an idiot for liking me. So she refused to give him the phone.

What other job is going to afford me experiences like that?

I know the media landscape has changed dramatically and will continue to do so. I know corporate policymakers will continue doing things that irritate me as much as they do readers.

But I also know that they give great leeway to local management, which aggressively covers local news and never tries to censor or control what a gasbag like me wants to say.

The people who are still here care passionately about this community. About telling stories others don’t. And about serving as a watchdog … a sentinel.
rfenst Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,716
How you can fight back against the crusade to ban books

Orlando Sentinel | Editorial

On March 17, 1946, before a mostly appreciative crowd that included both Black and Caucasian civic leaders and throngs of local residents, Jackie Robinson stepped onto the grassy field of a beautiful little ballpark in Daytona Beach and made history as the first player to break Major League Baseball’s color barrier.

Seventy-seven years and one day after Robinson’s debut, hundreds of people attending a March 18 quarterly meeting of Florida’s NAACP in Orlando gathered around tables of books that have been challenged over the past year. The books include titles that have shown up on district ban lists for Florida’s schoolchildren under a 2022 law that allows any parent to challenge a book —and have it pulled, subject to review that has sometimes led to a permanent ban. While the frenetic pace of challenged books has slowed down, the law allows it to be revived at any time.

It was clear, in the shock and sorrow on the faces of conferees attending the event, that the topics represented in those stacks and stacks of books had struck them to the heart. The sheer breadth of the books that have been challenged — stories highlighting traditions and everyday life from cultures around the globe, as well as stories about families that didn’t fit the one-dad-one-mom mold, and young people struggling with their own sexual and gender identity — was almost impossible to comprehend.

Some of the bans have left even their own authors puzzled. Popular young adult author John Green’s debut novel, “Looking for Alaska,” is one of the most-challenged works in the state, largely due to one brief description of a sexual encounter between two characters. He talked to the Sentinel’s Scott Maxwell about seeing his novel under attack at the high school he once attended. ” “No parent should be allowed to decide what other people’s kids can read,” he said.

Rashad Robinson, Color of Change President discusses the tragedy of George Floyd's murder, three years ago today, and the movement that followed. Robinson talks about the immediate impact this had on the country, and that there hasn't been significant federal action on police reforms. Rashad Robinson speaks with Annmarie Hordern and Joe Mathieu on Bloomberg's "Balance of Power."

That’s why Floridians should support the collaboration between the NAACP and the American Federation of Teachers, which has donated 10,000 books to start “Freedom Libraries” across the state. The goal — of getting these books into the hands of local children, despite county-based challenge lists that pull books from school shelves — is laudable, and this summer is a great time to build a resource that could keep local students reading and talking about these books throughout the school year.

Local residents can help build this area’s Freedom Library in several ways, but we have one in particular to suggest: On June 20, the NAACP of Orange County plans an afternoon rally in Lorna Doone Park to strike back at many of the anti-WOKE initiatives Gov. Ron DeSantis and his captive lawmakers have advanced. It would be a powerful response to the stirring speeches (and a nice way to acknowledge the rally’s free hotdogs and burgers, as well as kids’ activities) to see a pile of donated books stacking up in a place of prominence, ready to jumpstart the local library that Sylvia McMillon, civic engagement chair of the Orange County NAACP, says is in the works. We have links to current lists of challenged books in local counties on our website, as well as historic lists of books that were pulled and then restored.

DeSantis has tried to deny the reality of what’s happening as a result of the anti-WOKE legislation he so proudly touted, but at least two books about Robinson’s bittersweet triumph and how it galvanized him to fight for civil rights have been challenged at the county level.

A story worth telling
Those bans suppress an extraordinary story. Later in life, Robinson and others would write about that day in 1946, including how it made him feel to know that — after being rejected and threatened in Sanford and DeLand — he was not just tolerated, but celebrated, in Daytona Beach. It wasn’t easy. As baseball historian Bill Schumann recounts, the audience was mostly positive but seeded with a handful of people who called out ugly taunts. Daytona was almost fully segregated: Robinson and his wife, Rachel, could not stay in local hotels or eat in restaurants. But the newlyweds were made welcome in the home of Black businessman and powerbroker Joe Harris, whose long-term alliance with Mayor William Perry empowered Daytona Beach’s African American community to lay claim to a more generous share of civic resources and the ability to own and operate the businesses that were open for Black shoppers, patients and even diners.

The historic ballpark in Daytona opened in 1914 and was renamed Jackie Robinson Ballpark in 1989 as the stadium served as host to the first racially integrated game in baseball history.

Harris was in the bleachers during Robinson’s historic debut. So was Perry — who, as Schumann recounts, had made it clear bad behavior would not be tolerated. It was a story that should engender pride, not shame, among Florida students.

The same goes for many of the books that have been challenged at the county level. Others simply tell stories of families living lives that may not perfectly echo “traditional” Ward-and-June American tropes, but speak to this nation’s lifelong ability to synthesize many cultural heartbeats into one vast and loving whole.

The piles of books heaped on tables reveal the real shame. Putting public school libraries and classroom collections at the mercy of the smallest-minded and most aggressive parents (such as the Clay County man who has challenged hundreds of books he says have “concerning content”) — and denying children access to these books under the pretense that they might be making modern students ashamed or unhappy also deprives them of the stories behind the victories that helped lay the basis for modern-day history. Kids deserve to read about these wins, and to be proud of their national heritage, even as they acknowledge its ugliest episodes. That’s the message behind Freedom Libraries, and why they deserve support.
RayR Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,039
That's all sweet and touching about people donating books whatever they are. “Freedom Libraries,” they say. Now who could be against FREEDOM? LOL I'm sure there's a lot of literary trash and historical garbage on the table, but you can see that at your local bookstore and online booksellers too.

And a collaboration between the NAACP and the American Federation of Teachers? Oh Yes, I'm sure the kiddies FREEDOMS will be safe in their LEFTY hands.

I see how they prop up Color of Change President Rashad Robinson as some kind of relevant person to listen to, whose organization spreads HATE for ANTI-PROGRESSIVE RIGHT-WINGERS, who are surely RACISTS and WHITE NATIONALISTS.
Their web page is a hoot if you want to peruse black communist-style propaganda. it's SOOOO...PROGRESSIVE.

The question I have is does the ORLANDO SENTINEL EDITORIAL BOARD support PRO-GROOMING FREEDOM BOOKS for children? They don't actually come out and say that's also the kind of FREEDOM they support. Think
Abrignac Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,483
rfenst wrote:
Moron? No way.
Complete opposite.

I don’t know. Sounds pretty moronic to me to label EVERYONE in a particular geographical region a moron.
rfenst Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,716
Abrignac wrote:
I don’t know. Sounds pretty moronic to me to label EVERYONE in a particular geographical region a moron.

The single statement may be moronic, but that doesn't make the man a moron.
More important, Rebecca really likes him a lot... LOL
Speyside2 Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,528
It appears slack jawed morons are reading what I wrote. I am writing about the eventual effects that DeSantis policy will have on Florida.
RayR Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,039
Speyside2 wrote:
It appears slack jawed morons are reading what I wrote. I am writing about the eventual effects that DeSantis policy will have on Florida.

I understand you were talking about achieving the goal of a universal moronity through moron gradualism. First off that is a fantasy outcome, there will always be a brave rebel remnant that will resist being turned into morons that will be a constant threat by saving minds and reversing the trend to universal moronity.
Secondly, you've got it backward, that technique has been utilized almost exclusively by the LEFT for hundreds of years and they continue to try.

So now you need to explain yourself Spey, what DeSantis policies do you fear is turning Floridians into morons? Is it the "Florida is where WOKE goes to DIE" stuff that you fear? Or is it the ANTI-ESG policies which opposes Chyna style SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE corporate-state discrimination by government and financial institutions based on religious, political, or social beliefs?

HockeyDad Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,312
Speyside2 wrote:
It appears slack jawed morons are reading what I wrote. I am writing about the eventual effects that DeSantis policy will have on Florida.


It is a temporary blip in the Cultural Revolution. The nation will become just like California under a one party system where the government, media, and industry are perfectly aligned. Just make sure you stay aligned.
ZRX1200 Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,757
If you’re not for the current thing then beware.
rfenst Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,716
HockeyDad wrote:

It is a temporary blip in the Cultural Revolution....

I believe your statement is true.
Only question is how long the blip will last.
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