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Last post 11 months ago by RayR. 16 replies replies.
Jacobin Lefty Tears Down the National Anthem to Erect a New One
RayR Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,034
Because Jacobin Lefty's love tearing down stuff, especially cultural symbols and traditions.

I don't have a clue who she is but her voice sounds terrible and hateful and I'd say she is way overfed on her Tennessee plantation.

Americans Angered After Far Left Singer Changes National Anthem Lyrics to Unleash a Race-Baiting Tirade Against Country (VIDEO)

By Cullen Linebarger
Jul. 7, 2023 9:45 am

An ungrateful musician invited to sing America’s national anthem decided to change the lyrics to bash the greatest nation on planet Earth and angered an entire nation in the process.

Fox News reported that R&B award-winning singer Jill Scott was performing during the second day of the Essence Festival, which focused on criticizing the alleged “systemic racism” in America.

Essence Magazine, which hosted the festival commented: “Everyone please rise for the only National Anthem we will be recognizing from this day forward. Jill Scott, we thank you!”

Scott proceeded to deliberately butcher the “Star Spangled Banner,” changing the lyrics so she could unleash a race-baiting tirade against America.

Her singing is absolutely horrid. Nevertheless, the entire crowd cheers her on as she “performs.”

MACS Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,058
194 other countries. Anyone who doesn't like this one can choose which one they'd prefer... they're FREE to do so.

And wtf is jacobin?
RayR Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,034
MACS wrote:
194 other countries. Anyone who doesn't like this one can choose which one they'd prefer... they're FREE to do so.

And wtf is jacobin?

WTF is a Jacobin? Where have you been MACS? OhMyGod
Every historian worth a damn knows the birth of modern Leftism was the French Revolution, the Jacobin Terror 1789-1794. The modern Lefties are the ideological descendants of the Jacobin Club, or Jacobins, identified with extreme radicalism and violence, upending and destroying cultural norms and symbols, economics, morals, history, religion, science, the law, you name it.

HockeyDad Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,308
The Jacobins were a political group during the French Revolution in the late 18th century. They were known for their radical ideas and their influence during the Reign of Terror. However, after Maximilien Robespierre, one of the key figures of the Jacobins, was overthrown and executed in 1794, the power and influence of the Jacobins began to decline. The group eventually dissolved, and its members were either imprisoned, exiled, or politically marginalized. The Jacobins' reign of influence came to an end following the end of the French Revolution.

I got that from ChatGPT
HockeyDad Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,308
The origin of modern leftism can be traced back to various historical movements and ideologies. One significant influence was the Enlightenment era of the 18th century, which emphasized reason, individual rights, and equality. The French Revolution, particularly its radical phase led by the Jacobins, played a pivotal role in shaping left-wing thought. The revolution aimed to overthrow the monarchy, challenge aristocratic privilege, and establish a more egalitarian society.

In the 19th century, the rise of industrialization and the emergence of capitalism led to the development of socialist and communist ideologies. Figures like Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels formulated the theories of Marxism, advocating for the abolition of private property, class struggle, and a society based on common ownership of the means of production.

Over time, various leftist movements and ideologies evolved, including social democracy, anarchism, feminism, environmentalism, and more. These movements often share a commitment to social justice, equality, collective action, and the critique of economic and social hierarchies. Modern leftism continues to evolve and adapt to the changing political and social landscapes, with a focus on addressing inequality, promoting social progress, and advocating for the rights of marginalized groups.
frankj1 Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,308
hmmm, some of that sounds desirable.
the word "evolved" is gonna be hard for a few to grasp.
MACS Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,058
Huh. Musta missed that in history class. Of course, I was more interested in US History/WWI and II and such.

Prolly my junior year when I smoked a lot of pot and failed some classes. Had to buckle down senior year and make up those same classes. Brick wall
deadeyedick Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 03-13-2003
Posts: 17,248
MACS wrote:
Huh. Musta missed that in history class. Of course, I was more interested in US History/WWI and II and such.

Prolly my junior year when I smoked a lot of pot and failed some classes. Had to buckle down senior year and make up those same classes. Brick wall

That was your personal Jacobin period MACS.
RayR Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,034
frankj1 wrote:
hmmm, some of that sounds desirable.
the word "evolved" is gonna be hard for a few to grasp.

You would say that...YOU JACOBIN LEFTY! LOL

Marx and Engels received great inspiration from the Jacobins and the Reign of Terror. Their ideological decedents in the DNC still trumpet the ideas of Robespierre, their great progressive forefather and martyr to the cause.

This should sound familiar:

"Robespierre proposed to consider property legitimate only if it did not “prejudice the security, or the freedom, or the existence, or the property of our fellow men.” Among other things, this justified measures to force grain merchants to sell their stocks at prices fixed by the authorities. From his principles, Robespierre also drew the consequence that citizens whose income was at or below the subsistence level should be entirely exempt from taxes, a suggestion Condorcet had already made in his proposal.

Robespierre added that tax rates on those with more wealth should be progressive. The wealthy should fund welfare programs, which Robespierre considered “an obligation of those who have a surplus.” Whereas the militant agitators in the streets emphasized the issue of bread prices, Robespierre wanted to assure that they would be able to earn enough to support themselves.

He hoped to accomplish this by incorporating into the Declaration of Rights an article stating that “society is obliged to provide for the subsistence of all its members, either in providing work for them, or in assuring the means of existence to those who are not able to work.” This basic principle of modern welfare states had been foreshadowed early in the Revolution by the proposals of the National Assembly’s welfare committee, but Robespierre now proposed giving it constitutional status."
HockeyDad Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,308
frankj1 wrote:
hmmm, some of that sounds desirable.
the word "evolved" is gonna be hard for a few to grasp.

That’s just your climate anxiety talking.
MACS Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,058
deadeyedick wrote:
That was your personal Jacobin period MACS.


izonfire Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,724
You’re all a bunch of Jacobins…
RayR Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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izonfire wrote:
You’re all a bunch of Jacobins…

Who are you calling us all JACOBIN! ram27bat
Speyside2 Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,526
I knew a Jacobian once. The gallatin is still quite effective.
RayR Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Some people associate fake conservatives like the Neocons and Strausians with the Jacobins too.
Historian Brion McClanahan associates them with the Girondins, who were the other side of the same coin. More alike than they were different. They took turns chopping each other's head off in the guillotine.

American Girondins

By Brion McClanahan
June 3, 2020

Who should Americans blame for the iconoclasm on display during the “protests” in virtually every American city this past weekend?

Not the Left. They are the easy targets, and not without culpability. The washed up hippies teaching in American classrooms at every level have certainly been a major component of the cultural Marxism that now saturates American society.

But they are in the open about it. They are the real revolutionaries, the conspicuous Jacobins in this vast culture war most Americans are just now realizing is taking place. Rioting, looting, and vandalism will have that effect.

No. The real problem in American society are the Girondins on the “right,” the social justice conservatives who constantly chirp on major media outlets that “traitors” like Robert E. Lee and “racists” like John C. Calhoun should not be celebrated in public spaces while at the same time offering bewildered looks when anyone attacks George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, the same Washington and Lincoln who were racists, and in the case of Washington a so-called “traitor,” at least to the British, the kingdom he swore allegiance to as an officer in the British Colonial Militia.

You can’t have it both ways. These social justice conservatives agree with the arsonist leftist thugs on Confederate monuments. Take them down and put them in a museum they say. Except we see what happens to museums. Just ask the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Richmond. Their “museum” was burned and vandalized. It appears that not even museums are safe from these vigilantes.

Allen Guelzo, Richard Brookhiser, Dinesh D’Souza, Stephen Knott, Bill O’Reilly, Victor Davis Hanson, Harry Jaffa and a host of other Lincolnite nationalists have decided that Lincoln’s war to save the “nation” was a conservative reaction to some insidious plot to foist a radically different America on the ruins of a proposition nation where all men are created equal. Their Constitution is Daniel Webster’s, Alexander Hamilton’s, James Wilson’s and John Marshall’s, the Constitution that would have failed to make it out of Philadelphia in 1787, and that was rejected by the majority of the ratifying conventions in 1788. The ratifiers were told they weren’t agreeing to a national government with unlimited power or to one size fits all domestic policies. No one in Virginia wanted to be governed by Massachusetts, and the delegates to the Massachusetts ratifying convention openly voiced their opposition to being controlled by slaveholders in the South. Nothing had changed in 1861.

More importantly, these social justice conservatives implicitly support Lincoln’s second revolution, a revolution the communist Eric Foner calls “The Second Founding.” Take for example this Tweet from “conservative” journalist and author Brookhiser when asked what books to read on Reconstruction:

Social justice warriors could not find a better ally than the “conservative” History Channel star.

Any objective observer during the War understood a “new America” would be the result. Lincoln’s fabrication of American history at Gettysburg created a “new nation.” By advancing the narrative that Lincoln channeled the founding generation in his pithy little address, social justice conservatives are conceding the field to the Jacobins. As United States Senator James A. Bayard pointed out in 1867, the Republican legislation to “recreate” the Union was “utterly subversive of the semblance of free government [and would end] in one of…two alternatives–either a concentrated, consolidated bureaucratic despotism or anarchy.” Can anyone in 2020 suggest Bayard was incorrect?

These modern American Girondins are the collaborators in their own destruction. After all, the French Revolution only began because a bunch of aristocratic malcontents decided to cozy up to the radicals in the Third Estate. They all eventually lost their heads.

The third American Revolution will not be kind to these invertebrates. This is not a political war where voting Republican or for “law and order” will save society. And denouncing the violence while concurrently subscribing to the Lincoln myth of American history serves no purpose other than to add fuel to the fire. The radical left has now taken control of the narrative of American history, and the American Girondins on Fox News are as responsible for the attack on traditional America as the Stalinists on every major American university campus and the leftist keyboard warriors on social media.

Confederate monuments were targeted over the weekend because they represent traditional America, the America of the founding generation, the America every petty tyrant on the left wants to destroy. This third American Revolution is about power, nothing more, and judging by the conciliatory response to the riots by people on both the left and the right (we want to understand you!), the founders’ America is already gone. It’s not a matter of if but when the entire fabric of American society will be torn to shreds.

We can thank Honest Abe for this. Or better yet, thank the American Girondins.
RayR Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,034

“For the average person, all problems date to World War II; for the more informed, to World War I; for the genuine historian, to the French Revolution.”
― Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Leftism Revisited: from de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Pol Pot

The French Revolution: The Rising of the Vendee

Charles Burris
July 12, 2023

With contemporary climatic events rising to a fever pitch in France, and the national holiday of Bastille Day set to occur two days later on July 14, it is imperative that people once again recall and take cognizance of the genocidal horrors of the French Revolution in the Vendee region of France, the first major tragic events of this magnitude in modern European history. Michael Davies speaks on the Catholic response in the Vendee to the persecution in France. The battles, the heroism, the leaders, and the genocide that the French State did to them and history is silent by the institutional court historical establishment. From his book For Altar & Throne.

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