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Creepy Chucky Takes His Jacobin Knife to the Senate Dress Code
RayR Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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To oblige the Pennsylvania Stump

Schumer Ditches Senate Dress Code to Accommodate Slob Fetterman

By Kristinn Taylor Sep. 17, 2023 2:00 pm

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has ditched the Senate dress code to accommodate man-child Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) who prefers to dress like a teenage slob rather than a grown man in the ‘world’s greatest deliberative body.’ The dress code of coats and ties for men and business attire for women will still apply to staff in the chamber.

Even before his debilitating stroke last year, Fetterman preferred to wear a hoodie and gym shorts as Pennsylvania’s lieutenant governor and while campaigning. After his treatment for depression earlier this year, Fetterman has continued dressing like a slob when at work in the Senate complex except for appearances at committee meetings and floor debates where he has worn suits. When voting on the floor, Fetterman sometimes votes from just outside the chamber while casually dressed, leaning in a doorway and flashing a thumbs up or down, a practice that other senators do on occasion.

A casually dressed Fetterman was recently seen in a Senate office building emoting like a stoner school boy when asked about House Republicans opening an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.

#2 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
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Embarrassing and disrespectful, but would expect nothing less from this knuckledragger.
RayR Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Fetterman represents the lowest common denominator, the lowest level of sophistication and taste among the progressive left that is considered acceptable. Until some Democrat Senator shows up in the Senate Chamber only wearing their skivvies.
drglnc Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 04-01-2019
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Hoodies and Shorts? Such a low life... Next thing you know he will be getting a hand job in a Broadway theatre.
DrafterX Offline
#5 Posted:
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drglnc wrote:
Hoodies and Shorts? Such a low life... Next thing you know he will be getting a **** in the Oval office.

drglnc Offline
#6 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:

Wouldn't be the first... or the last...
Mr. Jones Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 19,525
I feel sorry for the guy...
He was a goofy f**k for sure but now he has 3-4 kids, a wife a mortgage and zero earning ability after his Senate 6 YRS is over...he will prolly go on disability? Maybe at the $175,000k
Salary of the Senate??? He should hire a lawyer and get on that gravey train while he can...

His wife doesn't seem to be a "HARD WORKER"
ZRX1200 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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I feel sorry for him having that wife. She’s a Jill Biden. Loves having the prestige and both the hubbies are half celery brains.
MACS Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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ZRX1200 wrote:
I feel sorry for him having that wife. She’s a Jill Biden. Loves having the prestige and both the hubbies are half celery brains.


He's not to be blamed for the situation he's in. They put him there. He's a pawn... he ain't smart enough to be anything else.
#10 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,426
Good thing this Neanderthal gave a powerful message in support of the United Auto Workers.

“My message to the, the CEOs, CEOs is, you know, it's $74 million, you know, collectively earning that, you know, how many yachts can they need, you know, to, to yacht, to water, uh, ski behind it, you know, I mean, it's, it's crazy. You know, I don't, my message.”
RayR Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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JGKAMIN wrote:
Good thing this Neanderthal gave a powerful message in support of the United Auto Workers.

“My message to the, the CEOs, CEOs is, you know, it's $74 million, you know, collectively earning that, you know, how many yachts can they need, you know, to, to yacht, to water, uh, ski behind it, you know, I mean, it's, it's crazy. You know, I don't, my message.”

Ya, the guy sure knows how to use wurds to impress the Lefty Progressive base.

I heard a clip of him from MSNBC after being criticized by MTG for his manner of dress saying something about "Ding-a- Ling pics" and Republicans need to “go hump a different leg”. Eh?
#12 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
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RayR wrote:
Ya, the guy sure knows how to use wurds to impress the Lefty Progressive base.

I heard a clip of him from MSNBC after being criticized by MTG for his manner of dress saying something about "Ding-a- Ling pics" and Republicans need to “go hump a different leg”. Eh?

His interviews make as much sense as the old WWF George “the Animal” Steele interviews from back in the day, just missing the green tongue and a turnbuckle to chew on. Herfing
rfenst Online
#13 Posted:
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"Fetterman had a self-described privileged upbringing; he said he "sleepwalked" as a young adult while playing four years of football in college, intending eventually to take over ownership of his father's business. In 1991, Fetterman graduated from Albright College, also his father's alma mater, with a bachelor's in finance. He also received a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Connecticut (UConn) in 1993. For two years Fetterman worked in Pittsburgh as a risk-management underwriter for."

"Beginning his professional career in the insurance industry, Fetterman studied finance at Albright College and earned an MBA from the University of Connecticut. He went on to join AmeriCorps and earned a Master of Public Policy degree from Harvard University."

They have three children.
And, maybe they simply can afford for her to not have to work. Why is that a reason to trash her? Jealousy?
To each his own.
RayR Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Brianiac Speaks! You've got your marching orders, you Left O' Centers. You have to support Biden, you can't say 'nah, I don't like". Because if you don't like, that means you like Trump and "we know how Trump is like."

John Fetterman says he'll 'never understand' progressives who refuse to support Joe Biden

Bryan Metzger Sep 12, 2023, 5:22 PM EDT

* Sen. John Fetterman has a message for progressives: support Joe Biden.

* The Pennsylvania Democrat says that supporting anyone besides Biden is the same as supporting Trump.

* He recalled his time serving as a Clinton surrogate in 2016, even after he supported Sanders.

Sen. John Fetterman has a message for the progressive wing of the Democratic Party: get in line behind President Joe Biden.

"Get behind Joe Biden's policies, or you're gonna get behind Trump's policies," said the Pennsylvania Democrat.

Fetterman made the remarks during a sit-down with reporters in his Senate office on Tuesday, answering questions with the help of a tablet that displays an instant transcript of reporters' spoken questions. He continues to recover from an auditory processing disorder caused by a stroke that happened during the 2022 campaign.

To illustrate his point, Fetterman hearkened back to his own support for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign as the mayor of Braddock, even after he had supported Sen. Bernie Sanders during the primary.

"In 2016, you know, I was a surrogate for Senator Clinton. And it's just like, you have a choice," said Fetterman. "And if you don't get behind Senator Clinton, you know, you are voting for Trump. And that's exactly what happened in Pennsylvania, and it's devastating."

"Now we know how Trump is like, now you're just gonna be like 'nah, I don't like [him],'" Fetterman continued. "I will never understand that."

Fetterman isn't the only major progressive backing Biden. Both Sanders and Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York have also endorsed the incumbent president, despite their occasional criticisms from the left.

During the briefing on Tuesday, Fetterman also argued that the 2024 election would be "less about issues" affecting voters personally and more about the dueling personalities of Biden and Trump.

"At the end of the day, like, do you think Donald Trump is going to be talking about issues and, you know, his white papers?" asked Fetterman. "It's just gonna be about, you know, decency."Confused Huh

#15 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
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Made his bones as a big shot in a small town.

’No life’ in Braddock, the Pa. town Senate wannabe John Fetterman claims he saved

BRADDOCK, Pa. — Tony Lundy is sitting on one of three chrome stools at Hocky Brothers auto parts store on Braddock Avenue, waiting to find out how much it will cost to fix his car.

Dressed in work clothes from the plant he works at nine miles down the river in Pittsburgh, the 61-year-old has called Braddock home for most of his life. Lundy fondly recalls growing up as one of 13 children surrounded by this once-vibrant community.

“The town was the place to be,” Lundy said. “Braddock Avenue had four or five businesses on every block on both sides of the street, every kind of business you could think of — shoe stores, dress shops, men’s stores, restaurants, beauty shops, barber shops, a grocery store. Now look at it, there is nothing.”

He points down the desolate street, devoid of the crowds that he says once walked shoulder to shoulder to get from one place to the other.

“Oh, and the streetlights, they just lit the place up like there was going to be a parade,” he recalled of Braddock in the ’60s and ’70s.

Formerly a bustling borough of 20,000 people — where a resident never had to leave the city limits to eat or be entertained or go to church or school — Braddock today is home to fewer than 1,700. Most of the businesses, houses of worship and educational institutions are gone. Even the heart of the community, the beloved Braddock Hospital, has been leveled to the ground.

John Fetterman, the Democratic candidate for US Senate, began his political career here when he ran for mayor in 2005 and won with 149 votes — just one more than his rival. He stayed for two more terms until leaving office in 2019 to become lieutenant governor of the state under Gov. Tom Wolf.

Now running against Republican candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz, in a race considered a toss-up, Fetterman is betting his image as an everyman who saved this small town will take him all the way to Washington.

Fetterman has boasted that “as mayor of Braddock and its chief law enforcement officer, I worked with the chief of police, our police officers, and the community to reduce violent crime.” But data between 2005 and 2018 show that violent crime actually rose under his leadership.

He also pledged to “make sure our public schools have the funding they need” even though he went years without paying his own school district taxes to fund one of the poorest districts in the state. What’s more, the population of Braddock suffered large drops under his mayorship, plummeting 25.9% between 2000 and 2010 and an additional 20.3% between 2010 and 2020.

Raised in York, Pa., Fetterman was born to teenage parents. His father went on to become a highly successful partner in an insurance firm. Twenty-two years ago, Fetterman came to Braddock, fresh out of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, to begin a youth program.

Now 53, with a 6-foot-8 linebacker’s physique, shaved head, goatee, tattoos and a fondness for hoodies and cargo shorts, Fetterman has crafted a progressive hero legend for himself that locals say is far from the truth.

Indeed, the hopeful story of a young mayor saving this small Rust Belt town is full of holes. And no one is more disappointed than those who live here.

Lundy laughs when he hears Fetterman’s stories.

“Brought it back to what? Life? Come on. Look around you, there ain’t no life here, nothing is rebuilt here, nobody brought anything back, it got worse,” he said of Braddock.

Lundy said he wished the Fetterman legend was true. “I really do, but you can’t put this back together, and it is insulting to those who live here to tell us that we are better off because of him.”

Walking the length of Braddock Avenue’s business district, in the shadow of the giant steel mill that has dominated the skyline since the 1880s, it’s hard to quibble with Lundy’s assessment.

Not that long ago, hundreds of businesses lined Braddock Avenue, including Bernie’s clothing store, Isaly’s Deli, Brandywine Grill and the Ohlinger home furniture store. Today, there are just over a dozen businesses left. Many more are boarded up or even torn down, with empty lots marking their former presence like solemn graveyards.

The restaurant Superior Motors, which Fetterman brought here with star chef Kevin Sousa and placed in the first floor of his home, closed within four years. The Brew Gentlemen brewery he attracted in 2014 is open just three days a week from 4 to 9 p.m., and on Saturdays, the only fully open day, from 1 to 9 p.m.

Lundy says of the brewery, “I’ve gone a couple of times but lately every time I go down there, they are closed.”

Mary Carey has been deeply involved in the community her entire adult life as the culture & information facilitator at the Braddock Carnegie Library, a job she recently lost due to cutbacks. She said she bears no ill will toward the former mayor, who still lives here, but she takes issue with his narrative that he made the borough better.

“Job creation, what job creation? You mean the Family Dollar Store over there?” she said, pointing to the discount variety store on the vacant street.

Carey praised Fetterman’s wife, Gisele, for her presence in the town but said even the community gardens that received a lot of press have fallen on hard times.

“We have a lot of community gardens out here. [But] if you ride past them right now, you wouldn’t even think it was a garden because no one is taking care of it. Now I know that is a little thing, but they brought outsiders in to create them and once they left…,” she said, her voice trailing off.

The office Fetterman held here for nearly two decades has little power. The mayor is in charge of overseeing public safety and can be a tiebreaker on a council vote. But that never stopped Fetterman from butting into matters over which he had no power.

In 2010, surveillance footage captured him in the middle of the night changing Club 804 nightclub’s sign that said “Opening Soon Under New Management” to “Closed Not Opening Soon” — to send a message to the owners that they weren’t welcome.

Fetterman told local press at the time, “We’re going after the club with vigor because it’s public nuisance No. 1 in our community.” Cardell Collins, the owner of Club 804, said: “He had no right to touch our property.”

Three years later, Fetterman chased after an innocent black jogger after he said he heard gunshots while playing outside with his kids. He jumped into his pickup truck with a shotgun and held the unarmed man until police arrived.

After each incident, he simply shrugged off any legal liability; to date Fetterman has never publicly apologized.

Meanwhile, records show he skipped at least 53 borough council meetings after his first three years in office, peaking at 11 no-shows in 2011 and nine in 2015, according to borough records obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Fetterman has also faced sharp criticism for being an advocate for Pennsylvania’s public schools while failing to pay tens of thousands of dollars in taxes on time to the Woodland Hills School District. The school district placed more than 30 tax liens against Fetterman for unpaid property taxes from 2006 to 2019 and sued him twice. He took six years to pay them off.

No one in Braddock begrudges Fetterman for coming from wealth, or that his parents paid his salary until he was 49 years old. After all, being mayor pays just $150 a month. What they mind is him pretending to be something he is not: a doer.

While it’s true that Braddock’s best days peaked between the 1920s and 1950s, and the town declined as mill workers started to make more money and moved up and out for a better life, no one figured out a way to keep the community thriving — including Fetterman.

Bob Portogallo, the owner of Pepper’s N’at on Braddock Avenue, said he opened his restaurant and bar — one of the few places on the street that’s busy with clientele — in 2016 with no notice or help from the mayor.

Portogallo, laughing, said he isn’t surprised. “Well, I am a conservative,” he said with a shrug. “I didn’t expect to get welcomed with open arms.”

When asked to discuss Fetterman’s accomplishments in the borough, his campaign offered no comment.

Just down the block from Pepper’s N’at, Ted Abel is elbow-deep in grease working on a car at his body shop, Ted’s Auto.

Abel, who lives in the nearby Pittsburgh neighborhood of Swisshelm Park, owns one of the few bustling small businesses still in operation here. His wife is behind one of the others, Mele Brothers & Sister Florists, which lost a lot of its business when the hospital was torn down.

Abel said he doesn’t have a political bone in his body, but he finds it curious that he has never once seen Fetterman walk around town.

“Never met him,” he said. “Never met him.”

“All of the handful of businesses that have stuck it out and stayed here, [Fetterman] pays no attention to,” he added.

“I’m sorry, but if I was the mayor, I think I’d visit every business that was in the town that I was in. There are not that many businesses left. It’s not that hard, you can visit them all in one day.”
Mr. Jones Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 19,525
Kind of a bad article jgkamin...

I always wondered if he was blowing smoke up everybody's ARSE!!!



RayR Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Fetterman is a one-man Jacobin Terror who laid waste to his own town.
That makes him the PERFECT PROGRESSIVE.
Whistlebritches Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 04-23-2006
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Being educated does not make one intelligent. Not knowing schit from shinola is a common trait amongst the book smart.
DrafterX Offline
#19 Posted:
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RayR Offline
#20 Posted:
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Dressing like a SLOB from the HOOD in the Senate chamber is now appropriate attire for a Senator like Fetterman
It appears though that certain private sector establishments haven't copied to the Schumer rule and haven't lowered their dress standards for admission.

New York Post Sends Reporter to Restaurants Dressed Like Sen. John Fetterman- He is Refused Entry

By Margaret Flavin Sep. 23, 2023 10:20 am

The Gateway Pundit reported that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) ditched the Senate dress code in order to accommodate man-child Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) who dresses like a homeless drug addict.

The dress code of coats and ties for men and business attire for women still applies to staff in the chamber.

On Wednesday, Fetterman arrived at the Senate looking like a slob in a short-sleeve shirt and shorts.

While Fetterman has managed to receive special accommodations to disrespect the halls of power, The New York Post’s experiment of dressing like Fetterman and to try to gain entry to some of New York City’s finest restaurants shows that at least some standards still exist.

The Post sent reporter Jon Levine to area restaurants dressed in Fetterman’s trademark hoodie, sloppy gym shorts and sneakers. Levine quickly learned that the disrespectful attire gained him scorn and mockery, but not admission.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Now you know why I label him the Pennsylvania Stump. I guess the people of that state didn't want a Dr. Oz representing them. A man with degrees, a man that can speak in intelligent sentences and a man that can dress himself with the respect the office the Pennsylvania Stump just can't. Says a lot about the voters there when they would willingly take a non-verbal slob with a wife that leaves him in the hospital and goes off on vacations without him. Now, Schumer has to lower the bar on a dress code that stood because people respected the oath and office in the Capitol Building for one that couldn't get a job at a gas station dressed the way he does. A hoodie, gym shorts and high top sneakers? Ok. So when is Nancy Pelosi gonna show up looking like a stripper that just got off the pole?

This is what they're so concerned in passing because, well their real responsibility of passing a budget has turned into a team sport.

Be Proud Pennsylvania.
Ram27 Online
#22 Posted:
Joined: 04-30-2005
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This Pennsylvania resident thinks it's a DISGRACE! Brick wall
DrMaddVibe Offline
#23 Posted:
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The "Dress Like A Slob" rule is repealed.

In Praise of the New Dress Code for Democrats

With the abandonment of its longstanding requirement for coats and ties, a new, much lower standard of decorum has been set for the United States Senate, which we as conservatives (a/k/a normal, healthy people) naturally deplore. This was done to accommodate the sloppy tendencies of Senator John Fetterman, who prefers to dress in hoodies, shorts, and tennis shoes. No doubt Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer needs to keep every Democrat senator happy enough that they toe the Party line without protest. However, as upsetting as the idea of this new, slovenly Senate may be, there is a subtle upside that becomes apparent if we stop to consider why it is that we normals expect our nation’s leaders to be reasonably well-dressed as they perform their official duties.

The answer is that our leaders should be men and women of honesty, integrity, and probity who sincerely desire what is best for our country, and therefore dress in a manner that denotes the seriousness of their responsibilities. But does that description remotely fit the Democrats? Obviously not! Fetterman himself has failed in every post he’s held: he was a lousy mayor, so Democrats elevated him to lousy lieutenant governor, and then, after a highly-questionable “victory” over Mehmet Oz in the 2022 election, he advanced to the rank of barely-functional senator, having suffered a stroke and being hospitalized for depression. Fortunately for Fetterman, the Democrat Party is the one organization in which failure is rewarded by promotion. For all we know, they’re going to run him for President in 2024, and if their unlimited ballot-harvesting isn’t prevented this time, I see no reason why they couldn’t succeed in installing him in the White House the same way they did Joe Biden, with whom he has much in common.

Now, in the olden days of twenty or thirty years ago when America was still a semi-free nation, we were told to “dress for success,” but for Fetterman, handicapped as he is by illness, incompetence, and leftist political thought, success is out of the question. So why shouldn’t he dress like a middle-aged man still living in his parents’ basement, reminding everyone of the failure he always was and still is today? In fact, why should any Democrat be bound by the standards of a better time? (Republicans, of course, should continue to hold themselves to a higher standard.) Let’s play the role of valet to some prominent Democrats to help them dress in a manner that reflects their inner selves by suggesting a new wardrobe for each of them in turn:

For Senator Bernie Sanders, a 60s hippie outfit: Back in that era, Sanders was instantly recognizable as a worthless, shiftless bum from his scruffy appearance. (He was so lazy he was even thrown out of a hippie commune!) True, after decades of sponging off the public treasury he no longer has to raid other people’s refrigerators (except indirectly through the high taxes he loves to impose), but inside he’s still the same parasitic loafer he was then, so let him trade in his tie for a tie-dyed T-shirt and a loud pair of button-fly bell-bottom trousers -- all well-worn and dirty.

For Vice-President Kamala Harris, the streetwalker’s uniform: a red skirt that’s too short and too tight, a top that bares the midriff, and a mismatched black purse along with plenty of gaudy make-up. Harris is, after all, the woman who lusted after power so badly she embarked upon an affair with a politician thirty years her senior merely so that she could be introduced to the “right people,” i.e. the corrupt oligarchy in San Francisco that runs the state of California. Nor does she have any other qualifications for public office; like Fetterman she has managed to fail upward so spectacularly that she now babbles incoherently as V.P. while we normals can only pray that Joe Biden’s failing health holds together a little longer.

For Sam “Non-binary” Brinton, former Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Energy Department, and Richard “Rachel” Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health we can do little: these two worthies don’t need a new wardrobe since they had already discarded proper male attire before they took office and then never changed -- and in their case, any change would have been an improvement. Levine, for all the postmodern bunk about “transgenderism,” has the outward appearance of an old-style transvestite, although even transvestites (think Ed Wood) didn’t used to believe they were actually women but simply liked to wear women’s clothing. Judged as a male he’s below average in looks; by female standards he’s butt-ugly -- but then again, destroying the standards of health and beauty is another preoccupation of the Left. Brinton’s appearance frankly defies description when he’s being his “non-binary” self -- I can only call it “frightening” and refer readers to his photographs -- but he may yet be forced to exchange his preferred garb for an orange jumpsuit as most prison wardens are rather inflexible when it comes to fashion. In other words, both men represent perfectly the standards of the Democrat Party today.

Alas for Senator Chuck Schumer, last on our list, he’s going to have to miss out on all the fun since he will continue to follow the old Senate dress code, and I think that appropriate. Why? Because while Schumer is at base a thug who openly threatened two Supreme Court justices if they dared vote to overturn Roe v. Wade (“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!”), he is an upper-echelon thug, much like a mafia don, and should dress accordingly. It is only fitting that he should carry on sartorially as a Dinosaur Democrat, a fossil from the era when Democrats, like mafiosi, covered their crude criminality with the clothes of respectable citizens.

Democrats seek absolute power, and that means that they’re unbalanced mentally. Normal people do not dream of turning others into their slaves. This explains their widespread sexual deviancy and desire to sexually exploit youth, their willingness to betray any principle, to sell their own bodies and souls, to corrupt and destroy a nation. Lacking ability, they are unqualified to hold any position outside of government; lacking morals, they are unfit to hold any position within it. Therefore, let Democrat politicians dress like the slobs, bums, whores, whoremongers, perverts, and criminals that they are. Let their appearance match their stature, and let those of us who want to save America as a free republic be reminded by that appearance of how miniscule their stature is and how eminently beatable they are, if only we have the courage to confront and defeat them.
RayR Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,034
^ N. A. Halkides writes with an acerbic pen. No holding back. I like.

If you like that one, read his 2013 award winning essay...

**Inside the Progressive Mind
**By N. A. Halkides

The Progressive believes in precisely two things: his own magnificence and the constructive power of brute force. In combination, they lead him naturally from the role of pestiferous busybody to brutal dictator. Where the productive man dreams of the things he might create if only left alone by his fellows, the Progressive dreams of the world he could create if only the lives and property of his fellows were at his disposal. The roots of his pathology lie in that oldest and most destructive of all human vices, the desire for the power to rule over other men.

As naked power-lust is a rather ugly motive, the Progressive rationalizes his desire to rule as a concern for human welfare, seeing himself as a great humanitarian, far superior morally to the lesser beings who pursue merely “materialist” ends such as their own prosperity and who frequently object to his program for achieving Utopia. This assumed moral superiority spills over into fields of practical accomplishment, and the Progressive imagines himself capable of allocating resources and even directing entire industries far more efficiently than a free market, often despite not even having any business or scientific experience. But despite what the Progressive believes about himself, the desire to compel others to obey his orders is what drives him forward. To satisfy this desire, there is ultimately no limit to what actions he will take, for he respects none of the restrictions on government officials intended to guarantee individual freedom that have been developed and set forth in written or unwritten constitutions.


ZRX1200 Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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What would Brittany do?

Mr. Jones Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
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Brittany would dance around almost nude in a bra and bikini 👙 bottoms whilst brandishing TWO VERY LARGE BUTCHER KNIVES like a whirling dervish...
RobertHively Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
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WASHINGTON, D.C. — On the heels of a fresh sighting of Bigfoot in the mountains of Colorado, new reports have arisen of the creature — the existence of which has long been debated — being spotted lumbering around the National Mall in front of the U.S. Capitol.

"We've never seen him this up close before!" marveled biologist Dr. Isaac Yankem. "This not only proves the existence of Bigfoot after decades of intense speculation but also indicates its migration patterns have extended far beyond the Pacific Northwest and the Rocky Mountain region. Look at the size of this feral beast!"

Witnesses reported seeing the enormous creature trudging around the Capitol complex while wearing a pair of baggy shorts and a hooded sweatshirt. "I didn't expect him to be wearing clothes," said eyewitness Virgil Runnels. "Though it seemed to ‘humanize' him a little bit, he was still a terrifying sight to behold. Somewhat sentient and intelligent, but also clearly a wild, unpredictable beast. A living creature, certainly, but obviously not capable of judgment, rational thought, or sound decision-making."

While the reports seemed to confirm Bigfoot's presence in the nation's capital, critics disputed whether or not these sightings matched previous accounts. "Isn't Bigfoot supposed to be all hairy?" asked one skeptic. "These reports say the huge, lumbering creature wanding through the Capitol was bald. That doesn't seem to add up, but maybe this is some previously undiscovered hairless variant of the species."

At publishing time, new reports had begun to filter in that Bigfoot had recently been seen giving a television interview to late-night host Stephen Colbert.
RobertHively Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
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I enjoy the soap opera and don't mind the comic relief that Fetterman aka Uncle Lurch provides. And his response to a potential Joe Sanostra impeachment...Lol

I also like that black Carhartt hoodie he wears. I do yard work in one just like it. Lol! And in truth working at the senate is below yard work. He should go up in there with chest waders, in that swamp.

Plus he already had a stroke. The stroke in combination with his yard work apparel pretty much guarantees him an easy work day. You know his co-workers aren't going to bother him with an actual expectation of a work product. He's got all of his afternoons off!
RobertHively Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
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Fetterman & the Carhartt Crew:

Notice that hand gesture he made for most of the clip, same one Trump and most all western leaders make. Uncle Lurch still knows what's up...
RayR Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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^How dare that little twerp ask a question of the duhmacratically elected giant. He deserved to be manhandled. Cursing LOL
DrMaddVibe Offline
#31 Posted:
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RayR wrote:
^How dare that little twerp ask a question of the duhmacratically elected giant. He deserved to be manhandled. Cursing LOL

Pennsylvania Stump crush puny man.
RayR Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,034
So, the puny man is Daniel Kovalik, a 55-year-old former professor of international human rights who taught at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. He thinks he has the right to talk to lefty giant man because he voted for him and this is a duhmocracy. Stupid puny man with his puny vote, the only right under duhmocracy he has is to get his azz beaten by the Stumps handlers, the Stump doesn't want to be preached to about human rights, ceasefires and stuff by some twerp peacenik professor.
RobertHively Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,981
The Pennsylvania Stump. Lol I like that DMV
RobertHively Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,981
Fetterman: "I'm not a vegetable" Hey, it's a start.

You're move Donny Jr. Lol
RobertHively Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,981

Fetterman's tuxedo Lol!

What a nut! Like him or not he just don't GAF
Abrignac Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,483
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Now you know why I label him the Pennsylvania Stump. I guess the people of that state didn't want a Dr. Oz representing them. A man with degrees, a man that can speak in intelligent sentences and a man that can dress himself with the respect the office the Pennsylvania Stump just can't. Says a lot about the voters there when they would willingly take a non-verbal slob with a wife that leaves him in the hospital and goes off on vacations without him. Now, Schumer has to lower the bar on a dress code that stood because people respected the oath and office in the Capitol Building for one that couldn't get a job at a gas station dressed the way he does. A hoodie, gym shorts and high top sneakers? Ok. So when is Nancy Pelosi gonna show up looking like a stripper that just got off the pole?

This is what they're so concerned in passing because, well their real responsibility of passing a budget has turned into a team sport.

Be Proud Pennsylvania.

Or they didn’t want to be represented by a snake oil salesman who many people also find to be a complete joke.
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