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Last post 3 months ago by Abrignac. 127 replies replies.
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It’s Time to Strike Back at Iran
rfenst Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
Appeasement has failed. The U.S. needs to restore deterrence in the Middle East and elsewhere.

WSJ Opinion: Pence + Pompeo
President Joe Biden delivers remarks at the White House in Washington, Feb. 6. PHOTO: EVELYN HOCKSTEIN/REUTERS
Escalating Iranian aggression cost the lives of three U.S. soldiers in Jordan. These intolerable acts of violence by the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism can no longer go unpunished. The U.S. must respond with an immediate and unequivocal show of force that will begin to restore the deterrence that has decayed not only in the Middle East but around the world.

Over the past three years, President Biden’s diplomats have repeatedly made overtures and concessions to Iran, which has only emboldened the regime’s aggressive behavior. The Biden administration rolled back the Trump administration’s maximum-pressure strategy, agreed to a $6 billion ransom payment for five American hostages, allowed Iran to export more oil to China than ever, and removed the Houthis’ terrorist designation. Worse, the Biden administration has continued trying to revive the Iran nuclear deal, which would put Tehran back on the fast track to obtaining nuclear weapons.

The result of this appeasement is war, beginning Oct. 7 with Hamas’s atrocities against Israel. In the four months since, the Biden administration has continued to resort to appeasement by declining to respond forcefully to Iran’s escalation and attacks.

The mullahs have unceremoniously snapped every olive branch Mr. Biden and his diplomats extended. It is past time to accept that this approach has utterly failed and cost American lives. To keep our soldiers and our nation safe, the Biden administration must adopt a more robust stance toward Iran.

The mullahs understand only strength. In addition to canceling the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the Trump administration launched a campaign of maximum pressure that included the enforcement of crippling sanctions on Iran. We didn’t hesitate to take decisive action to stop Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani when he threatened American lives. By 2020, the Iranian regime was more isolated than ever. Both its capacity and its will to plunge the region into chaos were at an all-time low.

Only by returning to maximum pressure can the U.S. restore stability to the region and adequately protect the lives of American service members and our allies. We encourage the Biden administration to revoke the $10 billion sanctions waiver it reissued in November. The regime in Tehran uses these funds to finance terror, death and suffering across the Mideast. As the leader of the free world, the president must also call on international banks to seize the funds of all Iranian proxies operating in the region.

No one wants war; every decent person despises it. This is why we in the Trump administration built a model of deterrence that successfully kept America’s adversaries from engaging in aggression. That model of deterrence has been allowed to decay in favor of appeasement and, as a result, the costs necessary to resurrect it have risen, not only in the Middle East, but around the world.

Our first step should be to respond to Iran’s deadly attacks with devastating strikes: not only to end Tehran’s escalation and keep American soldiers safe, but to begin re-establishing the model of deterrence that keeps war at bay. The U.S. military must destroy high-value Iranian targets, including Tehran’s nuclear program, navy and oil infrastructure. Telegraphed strikes on empty warehouses achieve nothing. Appeasement has never worked a single time in history, and it won’t work now.

The safety and security of the nation and its citizens must always remain paramount. Those who volunteer to defend our freedoms shouldn’t be left to fend for themselves. Those who make the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country deserve justice. And those who dare to threaten America’s interests deserve a reminder that they’ll regret it.

Mr. Pence served as vice president of the United States, 2017-21. Mr. Pompeo served as secretary of state, 2018-21.
RayR Online
#2 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
You lost me at Pence + Pompeo Not talking
RobertHively Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976


When do you deploy?
Gene363 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
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Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961) On January 17, 1961, in this farewell address, President Dwight Eisenhower warned against the establishment of a "military-industrial complex."
DrMaddVibe Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
The OP only highlights how important it is to have leadership. Right now, we're on an autopilot course to the Sun.

Just a mere 4 years ago, America wasn't the nation we are now. Weakened. Laughed at. Constant sniping by nations that shout death to us and Israel. Fumbling and stumbling with green new deal stupidity at a cost only designed to fail and line pockets of the chosen.

Remember all the crap they said Trump was going to do? Well, he even told you this was going to happen. It's all there in the last debates. We've watched psyop after psyop destroy the Constitution and claw back rights never given the federal government , the 3 branches in DC, and the gaslighting of Americans that know better and voice out.
ZRX1200 Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,733
This editorial brought to you by Raytheon,Lockheed Martin and Blackrock.

Bleed the plebes!
8trackdisco Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
Robert is (imo) the need for leadership.

The Republicans in the house should read and live it.

HockeyDad Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
“The U.S. military must destroy high-value Iranian targets, including Tehran’s nuclear program, navy and oil infrastructure.”

Them thar is fighting words! Just the other day Joe Biden was talking to the Shah of Iran about this.
8trackdisco Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
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Why doesn’t Israel just take out the Iranian reactor like they did around 1980?

8trackdisco Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
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HockeyDad wrote:
“The U.S. military must destroy high-value Iranian targets, including Tehran’s nuclear program, navy and oil infrastructure.”

Them thar is fighting words! Just the other day Joe Biden was talking to the Shah of Iran about this.

Better Biden than, Nikki Haley, right?
HockeyDad Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
8trackdisco wrote:
Better Biden than, Nikki Haley, right?
I’ve always said I’ll hold my nose and vote for Haley if she were the nominee.

One thing I know is she will bomb Iran. Biden might get confused and bomb Israel. Or Idaho.
8trackdisco Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
HockeyDad wrote:
I’ve always said I’ll hold my nose and vote for Haley if she were the nominee.

One thing I know is she will bomb Iran. Biden might get confused and bomb Israel. Or Idaho.

Missed that (you’d take Haley over Biden). Holding your nose and voting for Haley is easily the nicest thing any of you Far Righties have Sadi about her.

Hope it didn’t hurt too much, or you get Trump chasing you down.
8trackdisco Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
HockeyDad wrote:
I’ve always said I’ll hold my nose and vote for Haley if she were the nominee.

One thing I know is she will bomb Iran. Biden might get confused and bomb Israel. Or Idaho.

34 trillion in debt. Shouldn’t Mossad take care of that?

Or send the Charlottesville Militia? Those boys with the flashlights sure could march, chant and carry torches real purdylike.

MACS Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
8trackdisco wrote:
Missed that (you’d take Haley over Biden). Holding your nose and voting for Haley is easily the nicest thing any of you Far Righties have Sadi about her.

Hope it didn’t hurt too much, or you get Trump chasing you down.

Far righties? I'm pretty sure I am further to the right than HD... and I don't consider myself "far" anything. I just see the forest through the trees.
8trackdisco Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
MACS wrote:
Far righties? I'm pretty sure I am further to the right than HD... and I don't consider myself "far" anything. I just see the forest through the trees.

I understand what you are saying.

By the measurement of people who support Trump (you, HD, DMV, etc.) all consider moderate conservatives are considered rhinos. Moderate conservatives and moderate Republicans are supporting Haley.

If she is center right, you guys are rather to the right, therefore Far Right. At the very least, Farther Right.
ZRX1200 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,733
When the left takes a rocket ship trip to the left, RFK is a right wing wing nut.

Sad to see when identity politics works. Rational thought and discussion of ideas used to be admired.
MACS Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
Understood. However, I do not believe Nikki Haley is truly a conservative. Nor are many of the jackwagons with an R next to their names.

They can SAY they are, but actions prove they're liars.
8trackdisco Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
MACS wrote:
Understood. However, I do not believe Nikki Haley is truly a conservative. Nor are many of the jackwagons with an R next to their names.

They can SAY they are, but actions prove they're liars.

What exactly is a True Conservative?

Are Trump and the Right Wing Group of 8 defined as True Conservatives? Are you a True Conservative?

Who else is, and by what standard? What are their attributes?
8trackdisco Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
ZRX1200 wrote:

Sad to see when identity politics works. Rational thought and discussion of ideas used to be admired.

Boy, do I agree with you there. It hasn’t been the same since 7 out of the 10 of the self identified Lefties got chased out of CigarBid.

It’s gotten so out of hand, I believe you guys look at me as a lefty now.

All you have to do is chase out rfenst, Frank, and Brewha and you’ll almost have the pure, one dimensional echo chamber that has been built over the last two years.

Then I’m guessing I’m next.
HockeyDad Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
8trackdisco wrote:
I understand what you are saying.

By the measurement of people who support Trump (you, HD, DMV, etc.) all consider moderate conservatives are considered rhinos. Moderate conservatives and moderate Republicans are supporting Haley.

If she is center right, you guys are rather to the right, therefore Far Right. At the very least, Farther Right.

We probably first should establish the correct terminology.

First it was people who cling to their guns and Bibles.
Then it was “deplorables”.
Now it is semi-fascist MAGA Republicans.

I supported Desantis but you pigeonholed me as a Trump guy.

Nikki is Davos WEF. She is the kind of Republican that stops the Democrats from adding 2 trillion to the national debt and negotiates them down to 1.6 trillion and declares victory. Let’s face it, she isn’t getting much support.

MACS Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
8trackdisco wrote:
What exactly is a True Conservative?

Are Trump and the Right Wing Group of 8 defined as True Conservatives? Are you a True Conservative?

Who else is and by what standard? What are their attributes?

Someone who is for limited government... much, much more limited than we have become. We've gone well and far beyond what was intended. Someone who is for supporting the constitution as it was written. There's no need to interpret sh*t. They said it plain and clear when they wrote it.

Someone who will not negotiate when it comes to getting a balanced budget. STOP the bleeding. STOP sending money to countries that hate us. Stop funding wars in other countries. Stop meddling in other countries' affairs and stop being the world police.

And finally... someone who will support term limits, and transparency when it comes to gov't officials money making. They want to see Trump's tax return?? I want to see ALL of theirs. How did people making 150k become multimillionaires?
MACS Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
HockeyDad wrote:
We probably first should establish the correct terminology.

First it was people who cling to their guns and Bibles.
Then it was “deplorables”.
Now it is semi-fascist MAGA Republicans.

I supported Desantis but you pigeonholed me as a Trump guy.

Nikki is Davos WEF. She is the kind of Republican that stops the Democrats from adding 2 trillion to the national debt and negotiates them down to 1.6 trillion and declares victory. Let’s face it, she isn’t getting much support.

And this is why I say she is NOT a conservative. She's supported by Klaus Schwab for fks sake.
8trackdisco Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
MACS wrote:
Someone who is for limited government... much, much more limited than we have become. We've gone well and far beyond what was intended. Someone who is for supporting the constitution as it was written. There's no need to interpret sh*t. They said it plain and clear when they wrote it.

Someone who will not negotiate when it comes to getting a balanced budget. STOP the bleeding. STOP sending money to countries that hate us. Stop funding wars in other countries. Stop meddling in other countries' affairs and stop being the world police.

And finally... someone who will support term limits, and transparency when it comes to gov't officials money making. They want to see Trump's tax return?? I want to see ALL of theirs. How did people making 150k become multimillionaires?

Ewwww. ❤️❤️❤️.

Love you, Brother. Don’t look now, but your Libertarian is showing!
That is better than half their platform.
Now nut up and vote for their candidate and dump The Nut.

You are a man of character. You can do it.
The right thing isn’t always easy, and the easy thing isn’t always (more like rarely) right.

There is so little in that list that Republicans would ever do.
MACS Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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It's my belief (call me crazy) that the fastest way to get there (or even close) is by electing someone they can't control.

Hmmm... who would that be? Who do they absolutely HATE? Who would they do anything to keep from getting elected?

Now... ask yourself WHY?
8trackdisco Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
MACS wrote:
It's my belief (call me crazy) that the fastest way to get there (or even close) is by electing someone they can't control.

Hmmm... who would that be? Who do they absolutely HATE? Who would they do anything to keep from getting elected?

Now... ask yourself WHY?

Permanent tax cuts for the rich, not for everyone else.
Added seven trillion to the debt, didn’t stop or slow the financial bleeding.
Has never called for term limits.
Don’t see much in the area transparency. When have we seen Trump tax returns? He and his attorneys were negotiating the return of classified documents.
You personally, as a leader in the military, knows what good, quality leadership is and what it isn’t. About the only thing I can give Trump credit for is being Authentic. A quality leader serves his people, doesn’t rile them up to feed his ego and desire to show off his influence and acts like that man acted on January 6th.

Based on your own criteria, this man is not worthy of your vote.
Abrignac Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,470
MACS wrote:
Someone who is for limited government... much, much more limited than we have become. We've gone well and far beyond what was intended. Someone who is for supporting the constitution as it was written. There's no need to interpret sh*t. They said it plain and clear when they wrote it.

Someone who will not negotiate when it comes to getting a balanced budget. STOP the bleeding. STOP sending money to countries that hate us. Stop funding wars in other countries. Stop meddling in other countries' affairs and stop being the world police.

And finally... someone who will support term limits, and transparency when it comes to gov't officials money making. They want to see Trump's tax return?? I want to see ALL of theirs. How did people making 150k become multimillionaires?

Trump didn’t submit a budget that was in anyway balanced. Jus sayin’

On the other hand, I long for someone who has the nutz to say enough is enough. Someone who will say no more tax cuts for anyone until we pay down the debt. Someone who will say “we can’t afford _____, _____, and _____”. We need someone who isn’t afraid to submit a budget that cuts enough so that revenue exceeds expenditures by at least 10% and dedicates the surplus to debt reduction. Someone who will absolutely veto any spending bill that does not accomplish that. Someone who brave enough to tell Congress to get off their ass and send such a bill within the next 30 days.

Right now, no one on the campaign trail has speaks that message.
8trackdisco Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
HockeyDad wrote:

I supported Desantis but you pigeonholed me as a Trump guy.

Nikki is Davos WEF. She is the kind of Republican that stops the Democrats from adding 2 trillion to the national debt and negotiates them down to 1.6 trillion and declares victory. Let’s face it, she isn’t getting much support.

Desantis is politically dead. Trump, Trump Light. It doesn’t matter if you drink Bud or Bud Light. It’s made by the same people.

Donald added 7 trillion to the deficit, yet you support him. Your actions don’t match your words.
8trackdisco Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
Abrignac wrote:
Trump didn’t submit a budget that was in anyway balanced. Jus sayin’

On the other hand, I long for someone who has the nutz to say enough is enough. Someone who will say no more tax cuts for anyone until we pay down the debt. Someone who will say “we can’t afford _____, _____, and _____”. We need someone who isn’t afraid to submit a budget that cuts enough so that revenue exceeds expenditures by at least 10% and dedicates the surplus to debt reduction. Someone who will absolutely veto any spending bill that does not accomplish that. Someone who brave enough to tell Congress to get off their ass and send such a bill within the next 30 days.

Right now, no one on the campaign trail has speaks that message.

The candidate that stands for and delivers that will be a one term president. We’d need a courageous leader with an in check ego. Can only pray for that.
I’m not even dreaming of a balanced budget, I’d take a 15% reduction YOY.
Plus, all the Dems and reps will cash-starve to death not getting their PAC money.

The candidates answer to them, not their voters.
Abrignac Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,470
8trackdisco wrote:
The candidate that stands for and delivers that will be a one term president.
I’m not even dreaming of a balanced budget, I’d take a 15% reduction YOY.
Plus, all the Dems and reps will cash-starve to death not getting their PAC money.

The candidates answer to them, not their voters.

Actually that candidate would not get the pleasure of one term much less two.
Gene363 Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
Posts: 30,937
RobertHively wrote:

When do you deploy?

Let the CEOs and politicians that want war be on the tip of the spear.
Abrignac Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,470
Few people who have served in any branch of military under the Stars and Stripes, myself included, would actively support going to war absent some strong compelling reason. After all we were/are the ones whose life’s would hang in the balance.

But, we also know that the stronger the deterrent the less apt a bad actor is going to attack an ally. Enter the MIC. A evil yet necessary component of deterrence. The more undefeatable the USA seems the smaller the odds that US troops actually deploy.
MACS Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
8trackdisco wrote:
Permanent tax cuts for the rich, not for everyone else.
Added seven trillion to the debt, didn’t stop or slow the financial bleeding.
Has never called for term limits.
Don’t see much in the area transparency. When have we seen Trump tax returns? He and his attorneys were negotiating the return of classified documents.
You personally, as a leader in the military, knows what good, quality leadership is and what it isn’t. About the only thing I can give Trump credit for is being Authentic. A quality leader serves his people, doesn’t rile them up to feed his ego and desire to show off his influence and acts like that man acted on January 6th.

Based on your own criteria, this man is not worthy of your vote.

What I can't believe is your still stuck on the January 6th ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. Watch the videos. All of it was planned by the FBI.
MACS Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
Abrignac wrote:
Trump didn’t submit a budget that was in anyway balanced. Jus sayin’

On the other hand, I long for someone who has the nutz to say enough is enough. Someone who will say no more tax cuts for anyone until we pay down the debt. Someone who will say “we can’t afford _____, _____, and _____”. We need someone who isn’t afraid to submit a budget that cuts enough so that revenue exceeds expenditures by at least 10% and dedicates the surplus to debt reduction. Someone who will absolutely veto any spending bill that does not accomplish that. Someone who brave enough to tell Congress to get off their ass and send such a bill within the next 30 days.

Right now, no one on the campaign trail has speaks that message.

No, he did not... but he was fighting battles his entire election and if he DID try to do that, he'd have been fighting dems and RINO's.

It's not just the president. It's ALL of them. House. Senate. Unelected bureaucrats.

I've a glimmer of hope in Mike Johnson. Pray
HockeyDad Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
8trackdisco wrote:
Desantis is politically dead. Trump, Trump Light. It doesn’t matter if you drink Bud or Bud Light. It’s made by the same people.

Donald added 7 trillion to the deficit, yet you support him. Your actions don’t match your words.

Obama added 9.3 trillion.
Trump added 7+ trillion.
Biden has already added 7 trillion.

See the trend?

Where I differ from some of the other “far-righties” is I believe we are already in the doom loop. Game over. I’m just trying to stave off the national bankruptcy so I can get another 30 years and then croak.
8trackdisco Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
Abrignac wrote:
Actually that candidate would not get the pleasure of one term much less two.

Then what chance does a person have if they run on an absolute balanced budget?
They wouldn’t be able to get close to trimming 34 trillion.
MACS Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
Abrignac wrote:
Actually that candidate would not get the pleasure of one term much less two.

Exactly. Our government has grown too big for it's britches. There's no way to fix the corruption other than flushing the toilet and starting over. An excerpt from the Declaration of Independence... our Gov't has gone well and far beyond what it was established to do, and it is well past time to throw off the shackles.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

The pricks in power absolutely know many of us are sick and fkn tired of it, which is why they want to disarm us so badly. It is time for another revolution.
8trackdisco Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
HockeyDad wrote:
Obama added 9.3 trillion.
Trump added 7+ trillion.
Biden has already added 7 trillion.

See the trend?

What are Democrats and Republicans, Alex?

Obama (who I didn’t and don’t support) added 4.65 trillion over four years? If we want to get more budget conscious, shouldn’t True Conservatives support Obama over Trump?

Biden only at 7 trillion? After all the Ukraine money and every lgbt+ shades of color Divide, Exclude, and Inequity crap and is only on par with Trump?

What did Trump spend up 7 trillion?… other than the obvious tax cuts for the rich? With all the money ZRX, MACS, and DMV have, I understand a little bit why they supported him.
HockeyDad Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
8trackdisco wrote:
What are Democrats and Republicans, Alex?

Obama (who I didn’t and don’t support) added 4.65 trillion over four years? If we want to get more budget conscious, shouldn’t True Conservatives support Obama over Trump?

Biden only at 7 trillion? After all the Ukraine money and every lgbt+ shades of color Divide, Exclude, and Inequity crap and is only on par with Trump?

What did Trump spend up 7 trillion?… other than the obvious tax cuts for the rich? With all the money ZRX, MACS, and DMV have, I understand a little bit why they supported him.

How much debt is added under a President is complicated because much of the laws that cause the debt were passed during the previous administration(s). Right now the laws are already passed to add 2 trillion a year in debt even if Biden loses.

To even slow it the new president and congress would have to repeal existing spending laws. Much of Trump’s debt addition was Covid related. (And those tax cuts you hate!)
8trackdisco Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
HockeyDad wrote:
How much debt is added under a President is complicated because much of the laws that cause the debt were passed during the previous administration(s). Right now the laws are already passed to add 2 trillion a year in debt even if Biden loses.

To even slow it the new president and congress would have to repeal existing spending laws. Much of Trump’s debt addition was Covid related. (And those tax cuts you hate!)

Would like to see the line items under “Covid Related”.
Was he part of the paychecks that gave many people money for nothing, which helped to overstimulated the economy, lighting the inflation flame?

Thought that was a Biden thing.

Had an epiphany when you said you make more money with a Biden win vs Trump. Assuming you vote in your self interest, your support of Trump, a guy who is likely to lose to Biden makes a lot of sense.

Trump loses by 1%, and you get paid.
That is why you are the smartest dude on CigarBid.

A sincere tip of the hat to you, fine sir.
RobertHively Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976
HockeyDad wrote:

Where I differ from some of the other “far-righties” is I believe we are already in the doom loop. Game over. I’m just trying to stave off the national bankruptcy so I can get another 30 years and then croak.

Do you really think you'll live to 130?

I think it might be game over as well. But they always seem to come up with more Ponzi for their scheme.

I think their next "solution" will be Central Bank Digital Currency. They'll need a huge crisis for people to accept that. That will be the end of what's left of freedom in this country.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Abrignac wrote:
Trump didn’t submit a budget that was balanced. Jus sayin’

On the other hand, I long for someone who has the nutz to say enough is enough. Someone who will say no more tax cuts for anyone until we pay down the debt. Someone who will say “we can’t afford _____, _____, and _____”. We need someone who isn’t afraid to submit a budget that cuts enough so that revenue exceeds expenditures by at least 10% and dedicates the surplus to debt reduction. Someone who will absolutely veto any spending bill that does not accomplish that. Someone who brave enough to tell Congress to get off their ass and send such a bill within the next 30 days.

Right now, no one on the campaign trail has speaks that message.

Trump didnt submit a budget. That's ALL Congress. His administration was faced with a once in a lifetime pandemic. The expenditures associated with that are going to be abnormal. Everyone wanted government to solve what they created.

As for the rest...Perot and Ron Paul tried to tell America that there was a problem. Might've fixed it back then. Now? Now isn't looking good.
ZRX1200 Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,733
Who are the 7 out of 10 that got chasers out?


I can only think of one that stepped out and that’s Chuck. Oh wait….can’t remember the handle, Florida guy that posted a pic of his wife.

Rick died.

frankj1 Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
Perot ran in 1992

Clinton was the last POTUS to have a balanced budget...even a surplus IIRC.
In office '93 to 2001
Balanced budget from '98 to 2001

Last POTUS before him to do so was LBJ
frankj1 Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
ZRX1200 wrote:
Who are the 7 out of 10 that got chasers out?


I can only think of one that stepped out and that’s Chuck. Oh wait….can’t remember the handle, Florida guy that posted a pic of his wife.

Rick died.

the guy wif da wife was drywalldog I think.
was Chuck pdxstogieman? good guy, didn't you know him off camera?

Victor was not and is not a liberal.
Don't recall Adroomi being all that liberal either, but I could be wrong.

smoke monkey

prolly a few more
8trackdisco Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Trump didnt submit a budget. That's ALL Congress. His administration was faced with a once in a lifetime pandemic. The expenditures associated with that are going to be abnormal. Everyone wanted government to solve what they created.

As for the rest...Perot and Ron Paul tried to tell America that there was a problem. Might've fixed it back then. Now? Now isn't looking good.

Voted for both Perot and Paul.
Abrignac Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,470
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Trump didnt submit a budget. That's ALL Congress. His administration was faced with a once in a lifetime pandemic. The expenditures associated with that are going to be abnormal. Everyone wanted government to solve what they created.

As for the rest...Perot and Ron Paul tried to tell America that there was a problem. Might've fixed it back then. Now? Now isn't looking good.

Trump was Inaugurated on 1/10/2017. On 13 March 2020, the South China Morning Post reported that Chinese government records suggest that the first case of infection with COVID-19 could be traced back to a 55-year-old Hubei resident on 17 November.

31 U.S. Code § 1105 wrote:
On or after the first Monday in January but not later than the first Monday in February of each year, the President shall submit a budget of the United States Government for the following fiscal year. Each budget shall include a budget message and summary and supporting information. The President shall include in each budget the following:

Trump had been in office for almost 26.5 months before the first case of Covid was reported. So I fail to see how the budgets he was required to submit to Congress for FY’s 2018, 2019 and 2020 were affected by the pandemic.

Perhaps you can explain how an event that had not yet occurred affected 3 of his 4 required budget proposals?
8trackdisco Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
ZRX1200 wrote:
Who are the 7 out of 10 that got chasers out?


I can only think of one that stepped out and that’s Chuck. Oh wait….can’t remember the handle, Florida guy that posted a pic of his wife.

Rick died.

Heck, I don’t remember them all. If you want, I can put together the list. They are the Cbid Exiles that meet up regularly on Zoom.

Leo from New Jersey
Teedubya (the most vicious and merciless attacks on anyone south of Victor80*).
Native American dude from Arizona that talked bitcoin. Ben, but don’t remember his handle.
The dude from Colorado (forget his handle).
Celtic Bomber

You visit the Exiles from time to time, Z. Who am I missing?
Rfenst… who else?

Anything from Covid, Politics, Woke, LGBT+.

I certainly took my fair share of swings but…. Wow.
If you figure something like 8% of the population is gay, lesbian, bi, or something more exotic for of sexual preference or dysfunction, and add to that people who post here all know of or care for someone who’s made that choice (if you believe it is a choice) or has been afflicted- and some are raising kids and going through this stuff, if my son was gay or my best friend was a tranny, I probably wouldn’t have stuck around either.

Live and let live. Or, purify Cbid by wiping out everyone who is the left of you!
When the single Lord of the Flies “wins”i please make sure to turn off the lights and close the door.
8trackdisco Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
MACS wrote:
What I can't believe is your still stuck on the January 6th ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. Watch the videos. All of it was planned by the FBI.

He demonstrated a lack of leadership.
- gave a speech suggesting the election was a sham.
- told them to March on the capitol.
- said he be with them
- when the violence started, he waited a minimum of two hours to call off his dogs.

That is chit leadership, and you know so. You led men. You are a leader. That man isn’t a good leader.

All the rest of it, Epps, plants, etc. etc. NEVER HAPPENS if he showed any type of true leadership. He ate up the thrill of the power he had over his most rabid supporters.

He’s a chit bird and he’s got a section of the country under a trance. Some of those people, I care for deeply.
RobertHively Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976
8trackdisco wrote:
Heck, I don’t remember them all. If you want, I can put together the list. They are the Cbid Exiles that meet up regularly on Zoom.

Leo from New Jersey
Teedubya (the most vicious and merciless attacks on anyone south of Victor80*).
Native American dude from Arizona that talked bitcoin. Ben, but don’t remember his handle.
The dude from Colorado (forget his handle).
Celtic Bomber

You visit the Exiles from time to time, Z. Who am I missing?
Rfenst… who else?

Anything from Covid, Politics, Woke, LGBT+.

I certainly took my fair share of swings but…. Wow.
If you figure something like 8% of the population is gay, lesbian, bi, or something more exotic for of sexual preference or dysfunction, and add to that people who post here all know of or care for someone who’s made that choice (if you believe it is a choice) or has been afflicted- and some are raising kids and going through this stuff, if my son was gay or my best friend was a tranny, I probably wouldn’t have stuck around either.

Live and let live. Or, purify Cbid by wiping out everyone who is the left of you!
When the single Lord of the Flies “wins”i please make sure to turn off the lights and close the door.

I liked TW and BGZ. But neither of them were lefties/liberals. Hell I'm more liberal than Fenster.

I think people just post for a while and then quit for whatever reason. Overall, the place seems more laid back without them. I could go for some BGZ trolling or one of TW's "models". Entertaining stuff.

BTW TW and BGZ, and a few others that you mentioned, dished out just as much BS as the got. Personally I think Victor and BGZ lived to troll. I just liked BGZ's style more than Victor's. Victor wasn't as funny.

RobertHively Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976
And Rich aka Izon. I liked him too. Come on back brotha.
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