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Last post 3 months ago by RayR. 19 replies replies.
Climate Change is a Racist Thing!
RayR Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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From the clown show called The Biden Administration...we present a teaching moment from a white guy with a high voice dressed in military drag.đŸ€Ą

Biden Admin Unleashes Woke Trifecta: Trans Official Calls Climate-Change Racist

by Tyler Durden
Friday, Feb 16, 2024 - 10:40 AM

In case you wondered where, oh where, all the trillions of dollars go, transgender Assistant HHS Secretary Admiral Rachel Levine is here to help.

In what some have called the 'woke trifecta', the white trans official took to social media today to explain that, apparently, climate-change is racist.

“Climate change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and mental health of black communities.”

So, to be clear, climate-change is an existential threat to all of mankind, right?

But it's an existential-er threat to communities of color?

'Trust the science'.

But have no fear, America, 'Rachel' has a solution. As 'they' explains:

"Through our Office of Climate Change and Health Equity and the Office of Environmental Justice..."

Well we'll stop there because the fact that there are actually government 'offices' for those things is all you need to know.

Watch the full magnificent signaling of virtue below:

RobertHively Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,981

Would be funny if it was a Babylon Bee article.

Sometimes I wonder if Govt officials, in this case Levine, actually believe that nonsense.

Or are they just pandering to minorities, to get them on board with the climate change grift?

Maybe both, I guess. Who knows.
frankj1 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,308
try living without trees
RayR Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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frankj1 wrote:
try living without trees

But Lefty says trees are racist.
Or they will say the lack of trees is racist because there is no tree equity.
You think I'm kiddin'? Look it up.
Lefty hates CO2 because they say it causes racist climate change, which means they must hate trees. After all, trees need CO2 to make their food and thrive.
RobertHively Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,981
Lol! Frank.

I have thoughts and a story on that...
frankj1 Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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RobertHively wrote:
Lol! Frank.

I have thoughts and a story on that...

can't wait!
frankj1 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,308
RayR wrote:
But Lefty says trees are racist.
Or they will say the lack of trees is racist because there is no tree equity.
You think I'm kiddin'? Look it up.
Lefty hates CO2 because they say it causes racist climate change, which means they must hate trees. After all, trees need CO2 to make their food and thrive.

frankj1 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,308
my apologies.
I meant moronic post
RayR Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,034
frankj1 wrote:
my apologies.
I meant moronic post

I agree, your post was moronic.
Thanks for sharing.
RobertHively Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,981
RobertHively wrote:
Lol! Frank.

I have thoughts and a story on that...

“Climate change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and mental health of black communities.”


To suggest that summertime temps affects black people more than other races is, in itself, racist. What would be more accurate is that it disproportionally affects poor people.

I watched a CBC (Canadian news) series on that last summer. Lots of white people, lots of poor people, lots of people on fixed income struggle with that.


We didnt have air conditioning, or insulation in the attic, our first summer at the old farmhouse. They didn't do that type of stuff to houses back in 1937.

We have a digital temp/humidity gauge thingy in the bedroom. I'm looking at it right now. It records our record highs and lows. At one point it was 94.3 degrees in this bedroom. 89% humidity. There's plenty of trees here too. :)

I think of all the people who lived here before me, and endured the summer heat year after year. They were all poor whites.

frankj1 Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,308
RobertHively wrote:
“Climate change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and mental health of black communities.”


To suggest that summertime temps affects black people more than other races is, in itself, racist. What would be more accurate is that it disproportionally affects poor people.

I watched a CBC (Canadian news) series on that last summer. Lots of white people, lots of poor people, lots of people on fixed income struggle with that.


We didnt have air conditioning, or insulation in the attic, our first summer at the old farmhouse. They didn't do that type of stuff to houses back in 1937.

We have a digital temp/humidity gauge thingy in the bedroom. I'm looking at it right now. It records our record highs and lows. At one point it was 94.3 degrees in this bedroom. 89% humidity. There's plenty of trees here too. :)

I think of all the people who lived here before me, and endured the summer heat year after year. They were all poor whites.

so actually, I often think of those affected by various inequalities more along the lines of "class" than "race", perhaps a hint as to why you and I can appear to be polarized yet seem to connect...

but it is undeniable that many who suffer from the tree thang (sic) are in urban treeless, grassless asphalt ghettoes...and that particular segment of the poor(er) class is predominantly black/other minorities, and stuff like asthma is way more prevalent in those neighborhoods.

Trees are colorblind. It's idiotic to lower the theories to the level of it being racism. But it's just another unplanned negative in a society of such wealth disparity...intentional or not is not the real problem to address.

Okay, it's not planned racism. So how do we fix it? Avoid the labeling. That's how I see these things
Brewha Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,261
frankj1 wrote:
so actually, I often think of those affected by various inequalities more along the lines of "class" than "race", perhaps a hint as to why you and I can appear to be polarized yet seem to connect...

but it is undeniable that many who suffer from the tree thang (sic) are in urban treeless, grassless asphalt ghettoes...and that particular segment of the poor(er) class is predominantly black/other minorities, and stuff like asthma is way more prevalent in those neighborhoods.

Trees are colorblind. It's idiotic to lower the theories to the level of it being racism. But it's just another unplanned negative in a society of such wealth disparity...intentional or not is not the real problem to address.

Okay, it's not planned racism. So how do we fix it? Avoid the labeling. That's how I see these things

I think may people here don't think industrial pollution has a meaningful effect on the climate.
Believing that it does just would not be convenient.
RayR Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,034
Brewha wrote:
I think may people here don't think industrial pollution has a meaningful effect on the climate.
Believing that it does just would not be convenient.

"industrial pollution"? You are dodging the question again which... is “Climate change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and mental health of black communities.”?

If you were a proper lefty you would say practically everything is based on white supremacy and is therefore racist:

Teaching math and reading to children is racist.
Historical monuments and symbols are racist.
Not teaching Critical Race Theory is racist.
CNN even says using some everyday words and phrases is racist.

Oh! I forgot...there are also racist roads!
HockeyDad Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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I had black walnut trees behind my house along the creek bed. I had them removed because they are bad for the soil and other plants.

Unconscious bias.
Brewha Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,261
Denying racism exists is the hallmark of a true racist. Wouldn’t you say Ray?
HockeyDad Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,308
Brewha wrote:
Denying racism exists is the hallmark of a true racist. Wouldn’t you say Ray?

That entire query is racist.
RayR Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,034
HockeyDad wrote:
That entire query is racist.

Breha is ducking the question again, and he thinks he's clever to counter with his question.
MACS Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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The world faces a serious crisis, one that will ruin whole economies and lead to needless suffering and death.

The crisis is related to climate change, but not in the way you’re probably thinking.

It’s the global energy crisis—a man-made crisis created by climate change policies.

These policies have led to a shortage of fossil fuels—oil, coal, and natural gas, the fuels that provide over 80% of the world’s energy.

A shortage of anything leads to higher prices. That’s just basic economics.

Fossil fuel shortages have led to higher energy prices. And because the energy industry powers every other industry, this has led to higher prices of almost everything, everywhere.

We are already seeing the consequences.


Inflation spares no one, but those who live paycheck-to-paycheck suffer the most. Every purchase becomes a major decision. Inflation in the US in 2022 was around eight percent, in the UK, ten percent, and in many developing countries, much higher. The leading driver of this inflation has been the cost of energy.

Deadly Winters

Contrary to popular belief, far more people die from cold than heat. Saving lives from the danger of cold requires low-cost, reliable energy. Without it, people on the margins can’t adequately heat their homes during the harsh winter months. Even in wealthy Europe, literally thousands will die for lack of energy.

Widespread job losses

When energy prices increase dramatically, industries scale back or shut down altogether.

As the Wall Street Journal reports, “Europe’s energy crisis has left few businesses untouched
 Some industries, such as the energy-intensive metals sector, are shutting factories that analysts and executives say might never reopen, imperiling thousands of jobs.”

Mass starvation

Modern agriculture depends on fossil fuels: natural gas is a prime component of fertilizer and farming equipment is largely powered by diesel fuel. When natural gas and oil prices go up, food becomes more expensive around the world.

According to the President of the World Farmers’ Organization: “Prices are
78 percent higher than
 in 2021
In many regions [in the developing world] farmers simply can’t afford
 or even if they could, the fertilizers are not available to them.”

Not enough fertilizer means not enough food.

While the whole world suffers from an energy crisis, the worst affected are poor nations that are getting outbid for scarce energy supplies. Bangladesh has recently experienced widespread power outages. They simply can’t get the energy they need. A desperate Europe is grabbing all it can, leaving this east Asian nation literally in the dark.

This will lead to

Civil unrest.

We saw this in Sri Lanka in 2022. Violent riots wracked the country following massive crop failures. A leading reason for the crop failures: a lack of fertilizer due to anti-natural gas, anti-fertilizer policies.

The root cause of all these problems and the very real suffering that results is the same.

Not enough fossil fuel.

But there is no need for shortages of fossil fuel.

We have all the fossil fuels we need and then some. We are literally standing on it.

We just can’t get to it.

We can’t get to it because governments have decided we shouldn’t use fossil fuels.

They say we’re in a climate crisis.

But while climate change—humans impacting climate—is a real thing, “climate crisis” is not.

The world is slowly becoming warmer—at a cold point in geological history when many more people die of cold than of heat. This doesn’t at all justify rapidly restricting global fossil fuel use.

Fossil fuels actually make us far safer from the climate by providing low-cost energy for the amazing machines that protect us against storms, protect us against extreme temperatures, and alleviate drought. Climate disaster deaths have decreased 98% over the last century.

The only rational approach to reducing fossil fuels’ climate impacts is a long-term one based on developing truly competitive, reliable forms of energy—most promisingly, nuclear energy.

Unfortunately, instead of taking this rational approach, governments declared a “climate crisis” and started immediately restricting fossil fuels—with no viable replacement.

They pretended that solar and wind could somehow replace fossil fuels. But since these fuels are inherently unreliable—they can go to near-zero at any given time—there was never any reason to believe this.

Now we’re suffering the consequences of their folly.

Instead of rapidly expanding our fossil fuel production, we’re begging Saudi Arabia and Venezuela to expand theirs. Europe, which once enjoyed energy security, is now dependent on Russia for the natural gas it needs to heat its homes and power its industry.

And, outrageously, instead of apologizing for the disastrous anti-fossil-fuel policies that caused today’s energy crisis, our so-called experts are confidently doubling down, advocating for even more aggressive elimination of fossil fuel production.

Every nation will suffer from the global energy crisis, but those with the least will suffer the most.

Many will die, sacrificed on the altar of a climate crisis that doesn’t exist.

How long will we let this injustice continue?

Alex Epstein - author of Fossil Future
RayR Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,034
^ It's all part of their lefty program to depopulate the Earth of humans but now...

The Climate Commies are now coming for your pets đŸ¶đŸ•â€đŸŠș🐈‍⬛😿

Dogs, Cats And Climate Change: What's Your Pet's Carbon Pawprint?

Jeff McMahon
Senior Contributor
From Chicago, I write about climate change, green technology, energy.

Dogs and cats are responsible for a quarter of the greenhouse gas emissions caused by animal agriculture, according a new study out Wednesday, which adds up to a whopping 64 million tons of carbon-dioxide equivalent emitted in the production of their food. But scientists remain divided about the role our pets play in global warming.

When researchers set out to assess the impact of personal actions on climate change, they expected dog ownership to be a large source of greenhouse-gas emissions.

Dogs tend to eat meat, after all, and meat production is a major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions. By one estimate, it's even the largest. And dogs tend to eat highly processed meat, so their carbon pawprint grows as their food is manufactured, and again as it is transported.

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