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Last post 21 years ago by rayder1. 87 replies replies.
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Tough Job
E-Chick Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
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E-Chick Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
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I DO like the *poof* thing...think I'll be using THAT one around here, if I haven't already!

Are you swishy, LONG?

rayder1 Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
Forgive me for posting a picture of a police car.

This thread got way off on a tangent. Now that those who choose to disrupt have made themselves known...lets follow SteveS advice. It is much more rewarding to mentally toss aside ignorance than to respond to it directly.

There are those who just don't like police. They are the same people who say "pig" under their breath when you walk by in uniform.

They are the same ones who cry like a baby when you call them on it or catch them doing something wrong.

rayder1 Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
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(sorry..wife had to log on and check something)

Lets just get back to talking about cigars.

I would be hard pressed to ignore the OpusX eleltea. But I've had to pass on way more interesting offerings than a good cigar. But then again...if you just send me one now...we can negotiate ahead of time.
Sonny_LSU Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
Rayder, feel free to post pictures of as many patrol cars as you can!!!! And for the monkeys of the bunch (you know who you are...) I believe members of law enforcement should be paid more for what they do!

You could buy more stogies!!!!
CulleyJC52 Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 09-25-2002
Posts: 369
Hey Rick,

Nicely said
rookie139 Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 03-02-2000
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E-Chick, You and no one else have no right to judge someone's else's profession unless you've been in their shoes and have done the same job...that's what I meant when I said I don't have the right to second guess a carpenter working on my house unless I actually know what the job entails...I don't tell my doctor what I think he should do unless I have real facts and a complete knowledge of what a doctor's job entails...A lot of ignorant people here who shoot their mouth off freely without real facts, just ignorance
rookie139 Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 03-02-2000
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What exactly IS a "non-emergency pursuit"?..What I think about is would I initiate/continue a pursuit if my family was up ahead on the street driving?...99/100 times the answer is NO.
Of course you have the right to "complain"...We all do..However, when you critizize an officer for speeding because "it looks like he's not on an emergency and his/her lights aren't on", that's simple ignorance unless you know the rules and regs of being a police officer, and if those rules and regs are being violated by his/her actions (which they are not), then you have a basis to complain..You simply don't know what you're talking about
CulleyJC52 Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 09-25-2002
Posts: 369

It wasn't your pic, these jerks come out of the closet at every opportunity they get. They have no life or self esteem, they love their computer, because they can pretend to be what they are not.
rookie139 Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 03-02-2000
Posts: 2,149
Just read Rayder's post about getting back to cigars...OK..I'm done here
(off my soapbox now)

Had a RASS (May 02) yesterday that was just unbelievable!..Surprising smooth for such a young vitola!
rayder1 Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
Rookie: From an earlier post about smoking cigars at work. This is definitely not a smoking car. I just started to figure out a way to enjoy a cigar while driving my old Crown Vic since it was a few months from being sent back to Sacramento.

Rain or shine...gotta stand outside this one to smoke
xibbumbero Offline
#62 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
Posts: 12,535
Some of the negative posts make me scratch my head. I don't understand some people's views.
BTW,Rayder1,One of the funniest experiences I've ever had was after being pulled over by a CHP in Lone Pine on I-395. A tall officer with one of the best senses of humor I've seen in a P.O. X
LongAshes2u Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2002
Posts: 46
OK, maybe I did use a too broad of a brush to state my opinion and views towards the local sheriff dept. speeding around my nieghborhood.

Also, enforcement of the laws are important, but when they do not respect the law, that bugs me.

The three partol men were NOT going to an emergency call...they were all going to the sub-station down the street. They were like racing each other.

There are definitly some good cops out there, but in turn, There are definitly some bad one's also.

The percentage's are only one guess?

note: cully, isn't that calling the kettle black?

Intel Offline
#64 Posted:
Joined: 06-24-2002
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Hey Doc. I realize that most people feel poorly towards law-enforcement because usually their experiences with them are a painful one. Having to pay a ticket, running a red light, failing to yield. I understand your comments are not directed toward anyone officer but to the image in your mind built over years of negative experiences with them. Just remember if that officer, trooper, or agent was not on the job then you might have to get off you're a$$ and protect your loved ones and society from the worst mankind has to offer. So unless you are willing to put up with low pay, getting into fights with drunks and geeked up meth heads, and shot at by deviants of different shapes and size I suggest you just say hey nice car. Or say nothing at all.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#65 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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What a freaking joke! Steve,JJ and LongAshes got it. The rest of you, and there were a LOT of you failed to grasp the context of what I was writing. Instead, Raydar writes a soliloquy defending that he gets to drive a hot rod car, AND worst of all sneaks up on you. That doesn't bother you guys? It's a mild form of entrapment!

If he wanted to post the picture of the car, thats one thing, but to describe in detail that "we" get to sneak". So much for "Serving and Protecting"! I don't need the respect or "extra attention" by ANYONE that has to sneak. Snakes sneak. I thought law enforcement officers worked FOR us, and not against us.

Cully, you've got a lot of nerve chest thumping out to everyone when you fail to grasp the English language! rick, is rick. Blinders and delusional. Almost like some Eeyore personality disorder. "Poor me,everyone's out to get me." Nothing could be farther from the truth. Maybe that's the way rick's "wired" and conducts himself in that fashion. I don't.

Working in a hospital brings out the absolute WORST is some of the State Cops that I've witnessed. They were in a high speed pursuit, maybe one of the fellow officers or civilians was hurt and we get to treat these guys while they're yelling and cursing. I mentioned that I only see them "hiding" in the medians or blowing by me in traffic. Of course, it's always an "emergency"!

In closing with the majority of you illiterate's that think this was some personal vendetta or some pent up frustration...Wrong! Intel, I might not like what YOU or some other's might say, BUT I'll defend YOUR right to say it! Last time I looked I was living in America and not some gulag where the thoughtpolice is watching everything!
xibbumbero Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
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I suppose it would be in bad taste to sneak up on a bank robber? If your breaking the law,you're breaking the law. BTW DMV,take a chill pill...GEEZ. X
E-Chick Offline
#67 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
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I love doctors...and that's all I've got to say about that!
E-Chick Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
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How does that song go...maybe rick knows...

I'm walkin', yes indeed, I'm talkin', bout you and me...

Ricky Nelson?

Walk a it...
pebbea Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 05-31-2002
Posts: 70
raydar, do you know Gordy Graham?
xibbumbero Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
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E-Chick,Fats Domino. No relation to Domino's Pizza,LOL. X
Intel Offline
#71 Posted:
Joined: 06-24-2002
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I will say I agree with you when you say you have the right to say how you feel. If you took what I wrote to literally and think I am asking you not to share your opinion then I apologize for the break down in communication on my part. What I intended to express was law-enforcement should not be judged by people who have never done the job. If you want to talk the talk by all means go ahead, but before you chastise the police for cursing and being angry after a chase remember the physiological changes that occur after a traumatic event such as a accident. If you have never lived through what law-enforcement officers live through then you will never understand law-enforcement officers. I could try to explain but you will still not understand. NICE CAR.
BMW Offline
#72 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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I grew up in Alabama in the 60's. Police there at that time were to be feared by all (the Wallace yrs). The State Boys drove Javelins with Hemmys and chased moonshiners and NASCAR wannabees. I never heard of anyone ever outrunning them. I had a few friends blow motors trying and the cops let it go at that.

Since then I've met police (not always my choice) from all walks of life, good, bad, mean, extremely helpful, crooked, nervous, scary, macho, sincere and then there's rookie (Keith)LOL (just kidding Keith)

Cops, they're people too, well some of them. LOL.

Sonny_LSU Offline
#73 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
DMV....Paxil could do the trick, but don't quote me though. Ask your primary care for his/her opinion. An A+ personality does not mix well with emergency medicine or the use of tobacco products...forget Paxil, try a career change and let me take care of your aweful cigar situation;)

Now, with that being said,STFU.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#74 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Is that some firsthand diagnoses? Like I care!
rookie139 Offline
#75 Posted:
Joined: 03-02-2000
Posts: 2,149
Nicely put Intel
rayder1 Offline
#76 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
Dr Madd is a real Dr?? I though he was a frustrated Jazz musician.

I hear the word "Entrapment" used a lot by truckers on the CB. They usually refer to Officers using aircraft, radar or sitting off the roadway in order to gather evidence of a criminal offense.

I sometimes ask on the CB that the person define entrapment. The result is the realization they are ignorant of the law and legal procedure. This is from a legal resource:

• Defense
 Reasonable force to protect self, others, property
 Deadly force not reasonable to protect only property without threat of bodily harm.
• Duress
 One is threatened with immediate, serious harm
 Not an excuse to murder
• Mistake of Fact
• Entrapment
 Law enforcement officer induces person to commit crime person would not have done without persuasion
Or another: ENTRAPMENT - A person is 'entrapped' when he is induced or persuaded by law enforcement officers or their agents to commit a crime that he had no previous intent to commit; and the law as a matter of policy forbids conviction in such a case.

Here's an example: An Officer gives a person $100 to carry some drugs to a location and try to get someone to buy the drugs. However, once the person has the drugs in possession, the Officer arrests him for possession for sale. THAT is entrapment.

Please people, do your homework before spouting rhetoric.
rookie139 Offline
#77 Posted:
Joined: 03-02-2000
Posts: 2,149
Rayder, I gave up on 'em...We're definitely not gonna change their minds..Someone find the poem/story called "Damn Cop" and post it here (my computer's packed away and I'm at work)..Very good read...Also represents my sentiments exactly
rookie139 Offline
#78 Posted:
Joined: 03-02-2000
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Disregard..It isn't called "Damn Cop" and I can't find it..Nevermind
DrMaddVibe Offline
#79 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,798
Ray, I guess that's what ya get for thinking!

I have to know...if(and in your world that's the biggest stretch of the imagination!)you were driving down the highway and you were speeding and you saw in your mirror a "performance" car weaving in traffic almost like he wants to "backdraft" on you would you slow down? Barring, you have complete control of your car and you, yourself aren't weaving in and out of traffic and the only cars for miles are behind you in the left lanes.

Really understand what I'm about to write: I don't have any hatred for you or your profession like so many have stated in this thread. I'm not a criminal and have never seen the inside walls of a jail. Never been arrested, but I have received a couple of speeding tickets(which I was!) in my life and a disturbing the peace ticket for the band I was in; playing outdoors after 9pm(some local ordinance that wasn't looked into beforehand!)I don't want to do your job better than you or any of your collegues either. It would be a severe pay cut! With that being said, I don't need you(your words!) standing in front of my house waiting for some burgular. My wife and I can handle that just fine, by ourselves. In my lifetime, and you can call it luck or whatever; I've never had to call the police for anything. The attitudes and behaviors that I've seen personally have left a stain, not a prejudice on anything you or any other "good" cops could sway to change my mind. Keep on doing what you're doing, and I'll be the guy that flashes his headlights to oncoming motorists to let them know you're there, fair?

Oh, and I'd really like to know your answer to the my question.
rayder1 Offline
#80 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
Happy New Year to All! Yes....even you Dr Madd.
If I saw a performance car in my mirror catching up to me, I am ecstatic. That means, that when I let him pass me (and I always do) that I can speed up and travel about 5 mph less than him and not worry about being the one singled out for a ticket.

If I choose to speed up and play speed racer with him, then I deserve what I get. In my world of offensive driving, if I "bump" someone's speed up by my driving up behind them to get a pace, I discount the difference when I write the ticket.
CJBully Offline
#81 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2002
Posts: 753

This occupation ball busting has gone on long enough and there's no need to defend yourself any more. I can only imagine the sh*t I'd catch from some of the dregs regarding mine.
C'est la vie!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#82 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,798
Ray, you wouldn't be in you police car. Just a regular car, and regular other words; you're not an officer.

I guess I should've put that in the last post as well.
Todog Offline
#83 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
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A Police Officer is always on duty even though they might not get paid the OT!
smokinchick Offline
#84 Posted:
Joined: 01-02-2003
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I looooove the public money approach, so I just have to chime in. Those of you who are so concerned that Rayder's car, job, and very existence are a waste of public funds -- have you ever participated in the public funding process for your area?

Hmmm? Say what?

All cities, counties, parishes, states and even the feds have budget hearings each year to cover every dime spent. They're open to the public but public attendance is usually {0}. Yet so many citizens are willing to complain all year about where "their" money goes. If you've got a beef then participate the process rather than gripe here. Be part of the solution if you believe it so strongly.

Didn't vote last time around? The don't criticize the President. You didn't help choose him. Same theory.

Finally, for those of you who keep referring to Rayder's job with the county, take another look at the car. Highway Patrol is state agency. County law enforcement agencies don't have traffic units (although they do occasionally have emergencies in their substations that require a quick response from patrol units). Just wanted to make sure you all knew which budget hearings to attend this year.
[email protected] Offline
#85 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
Posts: 9,719
- Ok - I'm confused now ...

"...have you ever participated in the public funding process for your area?" ...

Well, I've never paid a woman to have sex unless you count dinner, movies, flowers, marriage, etc ....

... and I've never gotten to ride in the back of a police car ... even though I've had one ride my ass on the interstate ...

- Ahhhh.... the economics of SEX .... I wonder where the DOW would be today if it weren't for sex?

There - have I threadjacked this post enough now?
CulleyJC52 Offline
#86 Posted:
Joined: 09-25-2002
Posts: 369
Hello All,

Not to reopen a wound, but, I just returned from Key West and the local PD had a vehicle just like this. Had the negative comments from the good Dr. and others been pointed at Key West PD as being wasteful, (all of you that have visited the Keys know this vehicle could never be utilized for it's speed), I would have quietly agreed. I think vehicle is driven by one of their better know Officer's and is probable an extension of his ego. But, I won't judge, you see I had friends on that PD and the difference between the purchase price of that vehicle, versus, a regular unit is minimal, just like Rad's nice ride. They have an outstanding police force, and would never tarnish their reputation because of a few thousand dollars. I think, (should they desire), they should all drive a cruiser that this.
arkie_72015 Offline
#87 Posted:
Joined: 09-25-2001
Posts: 64
I been driving a truck since 1969, Have seen and met a lot of really good cops,Also seen some really sorry ones that will let a four wheeler blow by him or her at 50 mph over the speed limit and get the truck behind doing 5 or 10 over,Also have known a bunch of great truck drivers,but they are getting harder to find. Too many go to truck driving school a few weeks and think they are truck drivers,The above goes for any profession.Rayde1 Your Car is cool,Be always proud of what you do as I am in my job.One more thing, Here in the Land of Bill Clinton and Big Cigars the State Police have a fleet of the Camaros(all unmarked)
rayder1 Offline
#88 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
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I left this post alone for a while due to the threadjack. I am one of those guys that gives a lot of breaks and don't worry if my numbers are a little on the low side as far as tickets are concerned.

I am probably going to move to an indoor job soon. If it works out, I will be driving a desk as a commercial coordinator. A step towards my goal of working out of a "D.O.T" truck.
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