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Last post 18 years ago by sw48362. 46 replies replies.
shadowbandit Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 01-01-2006
Posts: 16
god bless you BEYDER28 for your pictures... i don't care what steve says, YOU'RE THE MAN.
Beyder28 Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 12-25-2005
Posts: 346
Thanks shadow. I was just posting more cause the guys were getting a kick out of it, no personal agenda on my part. Unfortunately some people had to make a bigger deal of it than needed.
jetblasted Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 08-30-2004
Posts: 42,595
I don't see what the big deal is . . .

puffdaddy63 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 02-16-2005
Posts: 1,311
I like em...!! If you don't like em, don't look. There are many pics here that don't interest me, but I don't go complaining.. Oh well

TrannyMk Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2004
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I agree with Jet.
pabloescabar Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 02-25-2005
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I agree with : puffdaddy63
GDColson Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 08-17-2005
Posts: 1,061
"Unfortunately some people had to make a bigger deal of it than needed."
Give it a rest, Beyder.
You're the one making it a big deal. I, for one, have gone on with my life and the whole thing means nothing to me. But, I guess some people like to dwell on things...
If you feel you need to pimp out your girlfriend, go right ahead.
Gunflintwoodshop Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 06-21-2004
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GDColson -- I couldn't put it any better -- Gunflint
adroomi Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
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If you've gone one with your life and it means nothing to you, why did you take one last jab at the guy?

You're referring to a guys girlfriend as a hooker/prostitute/whore.

You took a positive thread, and turned it into a flame.

Just leave the guy alone and don't look at his photos......

it's easy.

Your personal opinion of him and his girlfriend is low, and that's your option, but don't flame him.

Be nice.
GDColson Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 08-17-2005
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I'm not intending to "flame" Beyder. I just felt someone needed to tell him enough already.
We've been hearing about what "morons" some of us are for not thinking his pictures are the coolest **** out there for almost a week now (and not just on the picture thread).
I don't have anything against his girlfriend, nor with Beyder himself personally. I just don't agree that it's a good way to treat your girlfriend to parade her goodies in front of everyone.
If you guys disagree, fine. To each his own.
But do we have to keep dredging it up about how "uptight" "some people" are? It doesn't seem like I'm doing the flaming here.
Beyder28 Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 12-25-2005
Posts: 346
thanks for all the support guys. Its nice read possitive things for a change. With everything going on in the world today and in people's personal life, this is just too minor to fight about. The bottom line is, if you have something possitive to say, thats great but if you dont, why waste time putting people down?

Like others already said, if you didnt like my posts then by the 4th or 5th one, why still open it, look at it and then say something negetive?
GDColson Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 08-17-2005
Posts: 1,061
I actually haven't looked at your threads since that original one, Beyder. And if you'll notice, this one wasn't your thread. I thought maybe it would be a funny picture poking fun at your big "controversy". Whatever.
When you have something meaningful to say, maybe you'll join everyone else on the other threads.
Beyder28 Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 12-25-2005
Posts: 346
GD (Dr. Phil), who exactly do you think you are for telling anyone how to treat their girlfriend? Like it has been said a thousand times, these were not naked pics, they were just fun pics that some people got a kick out of, nothing more. Dont use words like parading the goods and other dumb remarks. It was what it was, and people like you who are making those comments is whats fueling these dumb debates so if you just like I would like the debates to end, stop it with your advice on how to treat girlfriends with respect.
Beyder28 Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 12-25-2005
Posts: 346
GD, that makes sense for someone like you. You thought it was a thread poking fun at someone so in that case you decided to join in. But when you realised there were positive things said, you decided to add some needed negativity to it. I understand.
adroomi Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143 two remind me of two other guys I know.....
GDColson Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 08-17-2005
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I don't think I've used the word "respect" since my original post, but obviously you haven't forgotten it. Maybe I hit a sore spot.
If you'll read above in this particular thread, I'm just stating my opinion. No "lecture" involved. I also said whatever floats your boat.
Sorry, didn't know your opinion was the only smart one and the rest of us were just "dumb".
GDColson Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 08-17-2005
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LMAO at adroomi!
chimball Offline
#18 Posted:
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rugrunner Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
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I guess I still don't understand. Is it better to say nice things or to make horn dog comments?

Just asking, because I can do both.

It seems you want the latter but I can only imagine that if they went too far, you'd be pissed about that too.
adroomi Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.......

You hit that one right on the head.
tallgaijin Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 12-10-2004
Posts: 48
1. I like the oinks.
2. Your girlfriend is hot.
3. My wife is hot, but I`d never post a picture of her for other men to ogle. She`d be fully clothed.
4. Like SteveR said, this isn`t a soft porn site. It`s a cigar site. People have a tendency to want to post a million pictures of scantily clad women. I like those pictures, but if c-bid put up every single one that was submitted they would be wasting a good amount of server space and detracting from the enjoyment of those who like to look at other types of pictures. It`s good to have a balance. I think c-bid has done a good job of striking that balance. If you really want to share more pictures of your girlfriend, set up your own website and post a link to it in the miscellaneous forum.
chimball Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 01-29-2006
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Yellow labrador Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 10-28-2003
Posts: 153
Lots of thoughts lets see where to start.
1) I completely and thoroughly enjoys Beyders picture posts. They are not naked but rather say... seductive.The images that he posts can be seen at almost any beach in the United States and much more can be seen abroad.

2) Someone suggested that he is taking up too much server space, perhaps but... Cbid does permit the posting of images and there is no limit about how much, how often or how big an image is. If and when cbid determines a daily , weekly or monthly policy then perhaps the number of images should be fairly and equitably limited.

3)Some one said and I quote",... but if c-bid put up every single one that was submitted they would be wasting a good amount of server space and detracting from the enjoyment of those who like to look at other types of pictures. "

One of the recent pictures was that of one of the registered members showing us how he was dressed while using his snow blower this past weekend.
No disrespect to that person and poster but who cares.
I live in the Northeast, we all got between 5" and 20" of snow this weekend.

Frankly I would rather see a hot young woman like Beyders GF than a cold old man! :)

Final thoughts: The pictures are seductive.
My kids have seen the same on the beach.
They do not show any more skin than a bikini bathing suit. That many of those here are not comfortable with Beyder showing off his girlfriend is not his problem but theirs.

Cbid does not limit size nor frequency of posting.
We all have the ability to post an airbrushed "hottie" from some site, some magazine, some advertisement.
This woman is the real thing, no airbrushing.. let him post what he wants.
The part of the site that he is posting on is not about cigars.. if you want to discuss cigars and your hobby then don't go to this section of the site.

If you see a post from Beyder on this part of the site then don't open the darned thing and stop restricting his ability of free speech.

Sheesh,,,the republican right... painful!
TBWCW Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 11-29-2006
Posts: 4,243
"Cbid does not limit size nor frequency of posting."

Sure they do. 100kb on photo size, and they have occasionally declined to approve a photo simply because they had recently approved a number of similar photos.
chimball Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 01-29-2006
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hooyah1 Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2004
Posts: 132
Yellow labrador -- Who cares about seeing a fellow board member? To answer your question I do. I find it interesting to see what the other members are up to. I really could care less about someone's damn girlfriend at a lingerie party. Fine if you want post one picture but my god to keep going you start to look kind of pathetic. I felt like Beyder28 needed me to pat him on the head like my puppy and tell him good job. If he wants that what he needs to do is start a soft core porn site then you and your buddies can see all of it, but the down side of that would be you would have to pay and I think you realize that. Like I said before she is a great looking girl, but she is no different them a million other women in this world. I find it funny on this board that if you don't want Beyder to disrespect his women you have to be queer. I would like to know how much the wives of the men make on either side. If I was a betting man I would say a lot on one side and little to none on the other. My wife is beautiful I know this because every waking moment we have together I spend it running from bar to bar asking everyman for his opinion. (Just Kidding) Boy when I type that it sounds pathetic, but it's exactly the same thing he's doing. So if you ask me keep the family pictures coming and the ones of your houses and yards I love them. Hell even Adroomi as much as I can't stand him hasn't degraded his women like this yet or at least he hasn't shown us if he has. Sometimes the imagination needs to be used and this is a perfect example.
Liz62803 Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 01-21-2004
Posts: 2,921
how about a womans perspective :-)

ok, firstly, I think Beyder said his posting of his gf's pics are with her consent - nuff said there

secondly, as I've said a few times before in different threads - most of the time you can tell by the subject what something is about - if it doesn't interest you - don't open the thread - go on to something else. No harm, no foul.

thirdly, when Steve denies/rejects a pic - like someone else said it's because there's been an abundance of said type so he says enough is enough, save it for another day. He's done it to a few people who got over zealous with *oink* pics. It's not to be taken personally.

Personally, unless it was a pic with me and Clive or me and Sterling I wouldn't want it up on the boards. Even if I had the perfect body which I don't. But that's just me. So post all that you want - just make sure you don't over do it on any given day. And when in doubt don't post. Like I said people should know by now if you title a thread about your gf on the pic forum they should know it's a pic of your gf and if they have a problem with it and they open it then shame on them and they shouldn't comment.

just my 2 cents :-)

SteveR@CigarBid Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 11-19-2002
Posts: 12,746
Hasn't this topic been beaten to death, over and over? Sheesh!
andytv Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 10-23-2002
Posts: 40,991
SteveR has the final word.

This is his site....think of it as his home, where we are all guests.

Whining about it doesn't help, nor does petitioning......this is not a democracy, nor are we guaranteed any sort of right to free expression.

I've had posts declined.....and I really didn't understand why, but I didn't chide SteveR for weeks because of his decision.
jetblasted Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 08-30-2004
Posts: 42,595
Good Point on # 29 . . .
Ram27 Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 04-30-2005
Posts: 49,140
In full agreement with post # 28, 29 & 30.
JHC Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 12-27-2005
Posts: 19,283
"One of the recent pictures was that of one of the registered members showing us how he was dressed while using his snow blower this past weekend.
No disrespect to that person and poster but who cares."

I agree with most of what you said but I think you missed the idea on this one. The title was "what I did Sunday morning" (or close to that) It was mearly a picture to show all the members that do not get snow, what we are dealing with here on the east coast. I enjoy the posts of the members and their significant others. It was nice seeing what Beyder and his g/f look like as is it was nice seeeing Ron and his daughter out shoveling snow together. Good quality time.
ddandb Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 02-13-2005
Posts: 6,513
Hmmmm. Now which would I rather see some old frozen fart with a snow blower or a nice looking big breated woman??? LOL Is this like a trick question???
JHC Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 12-27-2005
Posts: 19,283
Gotta take the bad with the good. Can't have a rainbow with out rain.
Ram27 Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 04-30-2005
Posts: 49,140
Please refer to post # 28 ! ! TY & good by .

TrannyMk Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2004
Posts: 3,559
Funny how most of the stronger comments are from newbies that havent been here more than a few weeks, but think they know it all.

What a joke!
MikeyRavioli Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 10-10-2005
Posts: 2,105
Personally I wouldn't do it.

You are a young, decent looking guy. You obviously have some cash (your watch in the pic, condo in Miami, live in NYC). You are going to attract a certain type of girl. Enjoy it. Its obvious she knows what she's doing and you do too.

If she don't mind you taking them, and you don't mind sharing them, then I don't mind seeing them.
usahog Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Damn all this is still going? reminds me of the energizer rabbit thread.. or one of those lil LBFM's...

Well since it's still a discussion... how bout them Toy Party Pics?? I'm still waiting with or without the dishwasher ;0)


SteveR@CigarBid Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 11-19-2002
Posts: 12,746
'Toy Party Pics'

Not... gonna... happen!
ddandb Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 02-13-2005
Posts: 6,513
Hey Beyder whatever time you sent those last pictures in, send the toy party ones at the same time. Maybe they'll slip by Steve again.
He's gotta eat sometime...

sw48362 Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 09-14-2004
Posts: 9,746
Even the coffee is old in here.
Beyder28 Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 12-25-2005
Posts: 346
I am surprised that there are so many grown men in here who use very little common sense and just keep going with the same old negative B.S. I already explained myself more times than I needed to and people are still saying about low self esteem and disrespect, etc. Let it go guys, you are the ones whining. You dont like a post, you see me as author, dont open it, simple as that. I didnt post pictures to hear people's opinions on how to treat a woman or how to boost your self esteem.

And all of you haters that keep on blabing on about the same negative crap, and say that your wife is so hot but you would never post her pic. That is B.S. the only reason you are hating on me and not posting your wife is because she most likely is not out of the good looking variety. So the sore spot that most of you guys have, keep it to yourself.
andytv Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 10-23-2002
Posts: 40,991
Quit with the negative BS.........ummm.,.oh yeah....your wives are ugly!

Beyder28 Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 12-25-2005
Posts: 346
andy, should i just listen to everyone's negativity and keep saying nice things about everyone?
Beyder28 Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 12-25-2005
Posts: 346
is that what you would do? doubt it!
SteveR@CigarBid Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 11-19-2002
Posts: 12,746
I'm putting this dead horse out of its misery.
sw48362 Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 09-14-2004
Posts: 9,746
You gotta stop. You gotta stop with this...this black poison cloud all the time 'cause I can't take it anymore.
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