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New Guys - What does your name mean?
sammydaddy Offline
#151 Posted:
Joined: 10-29-2001
Posts: 201
You don't mean Bilbo Baggins, do you? No I suppose not. But you have to admit that a bildo on a cigar site is not totally inappropriate, ask Monica.

(and so it begins)
SteveS Offline
#152 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
Do you suppose it would help to tell everyone your name is pronounced Bill-doo rather than Bill-doe? ...

On second thought, never mind ...
E-Chick Offline
#153 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
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I think riding it out is the best course of action...never let 'em see you sweat!
Sonny_LSU Offline
#154 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
Sonny is my name and I used to play ball at LSU.
SteveS Offline
#155 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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Heyya, Sonny ... you "played ball at LSU", eh? ... first thing that comes to MY mind when you say "played ball" is BASE, but I know you Tigers mean FOOT ...

How long ago? ... who do you like in the Cotton Bowl this year ?? ... LOL ... Hey, go over to the misc board and check out the NCAA Bowl Games thread ... let me hear from you
Penguin13 Offline
#156 Posted:
Joined: 07-26-2002
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Penguin - Because I think there pretty cool (no pun intended) and 13 because I was born on Friday the 13th
Penguin13 Offline
#157 Posted:
Joined: 07-26-2002
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sorry... they're not there
lenny4z Offline
#158 Posted:
Joined: 10-29-2002
Posts: 297
My last name is Forziati. Nobody can pronounce it, so as a kid we came up with "4ZRT". If you pronoounce the R as AH because you live in the Boston area like I do, it's a good approximation of Forziati. Lenny is my first name, so stick 'em together and you get Lenny4z.
Sonny_LSU Offline
#159 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
Hey, Steve.

Signed in 1989 and, subsequently, put on medical hardship my 2nd year there (bad wheel). Stayed around helping out with recruiting, etc.....still had a good time though. Texas is damn good. Take away the pre-season hype and expectations and you are left with a 10-2 team that only lost one that slipped through theirs fingers (Tech). LSU is the most unpredictable team in the world, but do realize, they haven't had consistency at the most important position on the field, QB. I believe Randall has rounded the corner and will be on fire at the Cotton.....coupled with that, a rested #5 defense in the nation and the possiblility of an upset is legitimate.

Geaux Tigers!
johnnymc Offline
#160 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2002
Posts: 11
It's what my fishing buddies call me! Oh, yeah, I'm new here.
johnnymc Offline
#161 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2002
Posts: 11
Aundy Offline
#162 Posted:
Joined: 10-25-2002
Posts: 21
Aundy is my Nickname, my real name is Andreas.
ou-pilot Offline
#163 Posted:
Joined: 11-16-2002
Posts: 21
Oklahoma Graduate - BS in Aviation Commercial Pilot
harleydude Offline
#164 Posted:
Joined: 12-05-2002
Posts: 59
i've owned no other motorcycle but Harley - Davidsons for the past 20 years
Charlie Offline
#165 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Charlie is my first name, so ................!!

#166 Posted:
Joined: 12-23-2002
Posts: 3
n. any of various plants that break away from their roots at maturity and are blown by the wind over praries, scattering seed. :)
ChampBoat Offline
#167 Posted:
Joined: 12-20-2002
Posts: 1
Didn't know I'd end up on a forum...hell, didn't even know CBid *had* a forum (might not have when I started buying 4 or 5 years ago). It's a 7 year old aol screen name...comes from fishing alot of tournaments out of a ChampioN Boat
Todog Offline
#168 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
Posts: 804
Im not a new guy but Todog is Irish(Gaelic) for cigar!
pgatour00 Offline
#169 Posted:
Joined: 11-28-2002
Posts: 301
P: first name begins with P, GATOUR: last name, 00: year 20(00) made first million $ = pgatour00

justforfun Offline
#170 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 797
Man oh man, and here I thought we had a celebrity in our midst. I was dreaming that you just made the cut out of qualifying school and hit the PGA tour in 2000. Oh well, send me your secrets on making the Million $ per year. I've been trying for the past 26 years and haven't come close. Maybe I should try another profession. Alternatively, if each of you guys sends me 10% of your gross incomes, a tax deductible contribution (cigar smokers anonymous or cohiba cigar church -- your choice), I'd be on the way to matching PGATOUR.
SteveS Offline
#171 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
Small slip-up in creating my screen name has caused much misunderstanding ... it was SUPPOSSED to have had one of those little ' things in it so it would read Steve's ...

I chose that because I've been smoking Steve's cigars for years and he doesn't know it ... ROFLMAO
E-Chick Offline
#172 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
Posts: 4,877
^ for the new guys that may still be lurking!

Come on! Join in!

Only a few of us bite! Hard!
MESIII Offline
#173 Posted:
Joined: 01-02-2003
Posts: 5
MESIII- Martin Emmett Smith III Long Island, New York
Robby Offline
#174 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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I am Emmitt Smith
Homebrew Offline
#175 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
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Just that. I brew Beer, mead, and make wine.
E-Chick Offline
#176 Posted:
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E-Chick Offline
#177 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
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"I" am Emmett Smith...
eh3856 Offline
#178 Posted:
Joined: 07-27-2001
Posts: 258
eh3856 is my login at work...sorry nothing interesting .If i dont make it something easy I will forget...Boy that is sad the memeory is shot at 44...I guess I should have taken better care of those brain cells in the earlier years.....
kodiakbr10 Offline
#179 Posted:
Joined: 03-11-2003
Posts: 14
"I" am Emmmitt Smith

My friends call KODIAK because they think I am a Huggable big bear
jamesconnors Offline
#180 Posted:
Joined: 11-02-2002
Posts: 378
no really im emmit smith...nah im jamie connors
SmokinAFuente Offline
#181 Posted:
Joined: 02-17-2003
Posts: 23
Most of the time I can be found smokin a Fuente (or smokin A.Fuente).
fretkillr Offline
#182 Posted:
Joined: 11-30-2008
Posts: 2,579
Am a relative rookie, so will answer as a new let me get a few things out of the way: nope, am not a stripper, nor a little one. Am not number one, although I've heard that I smell a little like number two...... ;^)

Stuart is my first name, Triplett is my last.....As striplett was taken with some other boards that I've gone to, I've had to use the 02 at the end. So....out of habit, I did so here as well..........

hoagie55 Offline
#183 Posted:
Joined: 03-01-2003
Posts: 909
Hoagie was my high school nickname and my high school basketball number, hence hoagie55.
osage Offline
#184 Posted:
Joined: 02-18-2001
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American Indian
geckoheart Offline
#185 Posted:
Joined: 02-27-2003
Posts: 51
I have a tattoo that is a "gecko"- most usernames need at least 6 characters so added "heart"- wife's tattoo.
Robby Offline
#186 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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I have a tatoo that says "Welcome Aboard", well actually, at this moment, all you can read is "Wel
William Huntsman Offline
#187 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2000
Posts: 20
Well, have you ever heard the bit where if you want to know your movie star name, just use your middle name for your first name, and your street name for your last name, William Huntsman.

Incidentally, the other half to this bit is if you want to find your porn star name, the name of the first pet you owned would be your first name, and your mother's maiden name would be your last name, Brutus Kuta. Give it a try, its a hoot.
kardshark19 Offline
#188 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2003
Posts: 42
Kardshark19...I love to play poker, and am pretty good at it. Used to frequent the casinos in Atlantic City and Vegas a lot. The K instead of a C is because I am half Korean (South) and the 19 because I was born on the 19th and that is my lucky number.
redsquid Offline
#189 Posted:
Joined: 12-15-2002
Posts: 1,286
My favorite critters are octopuses and squids. If you've ever seen a squid swim, it looks like a perfecto cigar. The perfecto is my favorite cigar shape. If I called myself brownsquid, the unsavory connotations would be unavoidable.

'Don't lick what's lit' -Andrew
redsquid Offline
#190 Posted:
Joined: 12-15-2002
Posts: 1,286
My favorite critters are octopuses and squids. If you've ever seen a squid swim, it looks like a perfecto cigar. The perfecto is my favorite cigar shape. If I called myself brownsquid, the unsavory connotations would be unavoidable.

'Don't lick what's lit' -Andrew
redsquid Offline
#191 Posted:
Joined: 12-15-2002
Posts: 1,286
I only pushed the button once, honest.
mkraus47 Offline
#192 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2003
Posts: 196
My first name is Mike. My last name is Kraus. 47 is my lowest golf score. Wait thats not true, sorry just dreaming. 47 is the number of cigars I always have on hand. Wait thats not it either. Really the 47 is the age my father was when he set up our families email accounts like seven years ago. To lazy to change it to my age, which incidentally is 24 (my real lowest golf score). Huh, yeah.......:-)
turnberry Offline
#193 Posted:
Joined: 12-11-2002
Posts: 915
I think I ran this by the group when I snuck in here a few months ago, but the name is a tribute to Turnberry, Scotland. Home to the Ailsa course and more ambience at sunset from the hotel terrace than I can describe. Three visits so far and can't wait for the next one.
Lowman Offline
#194 Posted:
Joined: 12-03-2002
Posts: 6,982

Friends used to always call me by my last name - Lowack

Shortened, they would call me Low... Sometimes, Lowman... Kinda liked it.


PS... It's not because I'm short... HONEST... I'm a lanky 5'-5", so that's NOT why I'm called Lowman...
choner Offline
#195 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2003
Posts: 876
I ran around in my underwear during elementary school, so they called me "chones", which is spanish for underwear. Then it got converted to "choner", so many of my friends still call me "choner".

wer Offline
#196 Posted:
Joined: 02-13-2003
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My initials (William E Rogers).
E-Chick Offline
#197 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
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Choner, yeah that's's the underwear...more like what's IN the undies! HAHAHA!

choner Offline
#198 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2003
Posts: 876
Hey E-Chick,
If I was named after what was in my undies, I would of been called "The Stallion".

BeatDragon Offline
#199 Posted:
Joined: 02-28-2003
Posts: 4,754

Just like it says, BeatDragon means that what is which it says as it may be construed as being what it should but not necessarily according to the process of which is being discussed to include said items to which there a few of but many in sone cases. AKA BeatDragon.

No really, its an ancient Norse term meaning one who spends to much money on cigars.
qball Offline
#200 Posted:
Joined: 09-07-2002
Posts: 250
Hey Low, I thought your AKA had something to do with Totem Poles. You know, Low Man on.

Sorry, only kidding buddy.

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