As one of the world's premier luxury cigar brands, Ashton is a favorite by many. Handmade in the Dominican Republic in the legendary Tabacalera A. Fuente factory, these cigars are made with the utmost quality, consistency, and excellence. Founded in 1985 by Robert Levin, Ashton is a family-owned and operated company that has created enjoyable collaborations with other cigar masters such as the Fuente Family and Don Pepin Garcia.
Using only the finest most exceptional tobaccos, Ashton is well-known for being the very finest in premium cigars. From their vintage beauties like Ashton Cabinet Selection that's mellow and smooth to the full-bodied blends like the Sun Grown wrapped Ashton VSG, you receive only the finest standard of quality with Ashton cigars. With numerous awards and accolades throughout the years, Ashton is a well-deserved top 5 brand in the U.S., and is an international favorite for their quality blends. Ashton also hasn't forgotten the pipe enthusiast. They have a series of blends that cover the spectrum of styles and flavor profiles. No matter how you choose to kick back and relax, Ashton has you covered.
Profile | |
Shape | Lonsdale |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Lonsdale |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Robusto |
Wrapper | Connecticut Broadleaf |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Belicoso |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Perfecto |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Perfecto |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Perfecto |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Churchill |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Churchill |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Corona |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Toro |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Churchill |
Wrapper | Sun Grown |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Belicoso |
Wrapper | Ecuador Habano |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Corona |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Robusto |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Robusto |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Robusto |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Churchill |
Wrapper | Ecuador Habano |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Corona |
Wrapper | Ecuador Habano |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Corona |
Wrapper | Ecuador Habano |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Toro |
Wrapper | Ecuador Habano |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Corona |
Wrapper | Sun Grown |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Toro |
Wrapper | Sun Grown |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Perfecto |
Wrapper | Sun Grown |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Lonsdale |
Wrapper | Sun Grown |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Robusto |
Wrapper | Sun Grown |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Robusto |
Wrapper | Sun Grown |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Torpedo |
Wrapper | Sun Grown |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Shape | Gordo |
Wrapper | Sun Grown |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Profile | |
Tobacco | Cavendish, Virginia |
Style | Aromatic |
Room Note | 3 - Balanced |