Bahia cigars is dedicated to producing premiums focusing on quality and craftsmanship without putting a hefty price tag on their handmade gems. Each Bahia cigar is handmade using the finest tobaccos to deliver a an affordable top--performing cigar. Bahia Vintage 1998 was the first to be introduced by the brand, well recognized for its rich and complex notes from the dark tobacco flavors. For a complex yet smooth cigar, try Bahia's flagship blend Gold, a well-balanced satisfying stick. But if you prefer a more pleasant aromatic cigar, Bahia Trinidad is a great Nicaraguan puro selection. And don't forget to try Bahia Red Label that gave Bahia its fame. A flavorful cigar that's not too overpowering. A full line of excellent cigars at affordable prices. You can't go wrong with Bahia.