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Last post 20 years ago by jdrabinski. 69 replies replies.
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usahog Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Uncleb, I'll stand by what Sylance stated above..
and no, the whole reason for Our Fight is for the Freedoms of America... But when it does come down to a Military Issue and John has tossed his two cents Plus in ontop of these issues.. the Freedom of Speech will rest at the door for a Non Military Member or Veteran... Givin the Babble John has spouted off on here against this Country and Against Military members in General... think of it this way... would he have the Balls to use his Freedom of Speech in a Bar across the Street off Post of a Military Instillation? and spout off the things he so Freely does behind his 17-19 inch monitor just about every night?? I think if he did, he would be spending allot of his time visiting Medical Facilities!!!!!!!
we may all come from all different Branches of Military.. but one things for Damn sure.. when things get tossed out of preportion and distorted... we stick together like Glue!!!!! and work together like Silicone Grease!!!!

Sylance Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2003
Posts: 592

I may have not made myself clear. I did not mean they don’t have the right to voice their opinion, I simply mean that someone whose profession is to fight and possibly die for my freedom is more qualified to speak about war than anyone else.

An anology: If you want to discuss laws speak to a lawyer, if you want to discuss war… speak to a veteran.
uncleb Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
Posts: 1,326

I understand now what you were trying to say. I agree to a certain extent though I would add:

If you want to discuss war you talk to:

- A refugee
- A parent that has lost a son to war
- A sibling that has lost a brother/sister to war
- A child that has lost a parent to war
- A culture that has lost treasures and identities to war
- A countries or cities citizens that have lost everything they owned due to war (Iraq, New York, vietnam,etc.).

There are a lot more than just soldiers that are qualified to discuss war.

tailgater Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Uncleb; Amen to that.

John, the reason so many on this board attack what you say is due to the overwhelmingly negative tones of your posts. You write just enough to leave the impression that you do dislike this country.
It's one thing to be anti-conservative. It's entirely different to come off as anti-American.
And many of your posts reek of the latter.

It doesn't make it so, but appearance is everything.
65gtoman Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
It’s not that im pro-bush. It’s because im anti-communist/socialist

Bush is way too liberal on some issues. But he will have my vote in 04

The Republicrat party of today, is the democrat party from 30years ago, the demonrat party of today is communist party USA

Who’s the sheep? What makes your dad a war hero and not Lt. Col West? Why are most people happy? Where’s MR. I invented the internet.

the world may never know..

jdrabinski Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
Sylance, nice misinformation campaign. Read the first. It is a direct description of what the 'stamp' portrays. An unflattering picture of my country.

I condemn the leadership of this country. That's what I said in the second quotation. Your point? Are you unaware that we live in a free society?

Why do I have to praise the military? We AREN'T TALKING ABOUT THE MILITARY PEOPLE AS INDIVIDUALS! WE ARE TALKING ABOUT POLICY CHOICES! The thick neofascist heads, deafened by the sound of dragging knuckles, can't seem to process that most simple point.

Neofascism is alive and well in this thread. It would be just hilariously pathetic if it wasn't for folks like Ashcroft who are encouraged by this drivel.

Once again, usahog has heaped a false accusation upon me, and doesn't have the balls to either authenticate his accusations or retract and apologize. Real lack of character, bro. And, when you say that military personnel would commit assault and battery simply because I disagree with the president's policy, you insult the military. Serious insult. Do YOU think they all agree with the President? Hardly.

Yes, ask the refugee, the victim, the family and loved ones of the dead...they are as much a part of war as the veteran. Also, ask the countless veterans who oppose this war. What about them? Oh, I forgot, it is only the neofacist folks like usafraudhog who count. Ha! Give me a break.

Tailgater, that is just a pathetic take on things here. You only target your remarks at me. Never at others. That makes you just as ridiculous of a character as the rest of these neofascist buffoons. I actually thought your knuckles hung just below your midthigh. But now I suspect they're on the ground as well.
65gtoman Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
What makes your dad a war hero and not Lt. Col West?
usahog Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Again John.. you are what you are..

jdrabinski "Quote"
“I condemn my country because the current leadership is an absolute embarrassment”
Catch it hear from the Horses A$$ I mean Mouth

Now tell me the difference because Webster thinks to Differ with you!!!!


Pronunciation: (kun-dem'),
1. to express an unfavorable or adverse judgment on; indicate strong disapproval of; censure.
2. to pronounce to be guilty; sentence to punishment: to condemn a murderer to life imprisonment.
3. to give grounds or reason for convicting or censuring: His acts condemn him.
4. to judge or pronounce to be unfit for use or service: to condemn an old building.
5. U.S. acquire ownership of for a public purpose, under the right of eminent domain: The city condemned the property.
6. to force into a specific state or activity: His lack of education condemned him to a life of menial jobs.
7. to declare incurable.


Pronunciation: (di-nouns'),
1. to condemn or censure openly or publicly: to denounce a politician as morally corrupt.
2. to make a formal accusation against, as to the police or in a court.
3. to give formal notice of the termination or denial of (a treaty, pact, agreement, or the like).
4. announce or proclaim, esp. as something evil or calamitous.
5. portend.

You Said it just a few months back.. the link is above.. and you have got to be on Drugs to think I do not have a set of Balls to not make my point with you....
and again I did not say anything about my Military Brothers and Sisters that would not be true in the above.. take it for what you want you seem to have a twisted way of viewing everything anyways!!!!!!

Now Again I Suggest you get help for that double personality your seeming to have there.. either that or Lay off the computer when your on the Sauce because you seem to have Short Term Memory Loss when you think it will go in your Favor!!!!! ever think of switching Career's you would work out well with the ACLU Legal System!!!!!!!

jdrabinski Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
usahog, please answer this, which is THE QUESTION I KEEP FRIGGIN' ASKING YOU!!!

Where have I condemned military people?

Condemning the president is part of democracy. Never claimed that I didn't do that, so that link is pointless.

Can you answer that question?

Plus, let me underscore the irony of you cracking on the idea of me drinking while you're loaded on pills in bumblefu*k Illinois. LOL!
usahog Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
You Stated You Condemn your Country..this being the United States???? when you Condemn your Country... Just as I stated in the Very First thread when you stated that... You Also Condemn the Military Members of this Country because They/We are the Backbone of the Sovernty of this Great Country you so Condemn... you Did not Say you condemn Bush for this Country.. you Stated you "Condemn your Country" So John don't try and change this around to anything but the fact of the Statement you made.. and I have said lay off the Sauce because it seems you cannot keep up with your Own Drivil you make... everything you have said in the last 5 months have been all Negative towards anything Positive...and when you made that Statement it went stright to my Feelings Personnaly so I know where you stand and so doesn't many others here from your Public Display and actions... Now I've answered your question I've shown you your Proof... do me the Honor of staying away from my Postings because all you want to do is Create and Stir ****!!!!!!

tailgater Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
I offer an observation that may possibly explain why each of your posts are attacked, and I get insulted in return?

I only offered it because you constantly whine about being "picked-on". Yet, nobody is cornering you and forcing you to type on these boards.
You come back, just like all of us, because this dialog is somehow compelling. You type a few paragraphs that satiate your need to share your very liberal perspective, only to see it all analyzed with a successful retort. It truly irks you more than you admit.

I'm sorry that you have resorted to name calling.
But I can't say that I'm surprised.
jdrabinski Offline
#62 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
usahog, for the hundredth time, that quotation means that the leadership is condemned. I condemn my country's actions. Yep. Sorry you can't handle dissent.

Give me a break, Tailgater. You haven't a clue. 'Resorted to namecalling.' That's about what you've done with me, so it is amusing to see you snoot from the highground. Face it: conservatives here are intolerant of different views. Why not admit that? Why not say 'we'd prefer to have only conservatives here'? I've seen few 'retorts' to my points, unless by 'retort' you mean a personal attack...attacks that are hilarious, not irksome, especially since they are directed against a profession, not a person, and always display in the most blatant terms nothing but envy. Transparent.
65gtoman Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2003
Posts: 858
What makes your dad a war hero and not Lt. Col West?
tailgater Offline
#64 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Somebody had a full bowl of EGO this morning.

So tell me, are the attacks "personal" or are they aimed at your profession? You've contradicted yourself.

As for the profession, the reason for the disdain is clear. Professors play an important role in shaping young minds. When all the facts are laid out it allows students to form their own opinions. When very one-sided, it skews their perception of reality.

Let's face it, if trash collectors were liberal, nobody would care because they don't interact with our youths (yoots?). Professors who abuse their pulpit are committing a heinous, self serving act that should be revealed. You, more than anybody on these boards, should speak out against such professors. Rather, you defend them. Deplorable.

But remember this, too, professor.
I've attacked your position on many subjects. But I never attacked you, the person.

And now I don't need to.
You have revealed yourself as something far worse than I could ever describe with any type of insult.

I guess a "thank you" is in order...
jdrabinski Offline
#65 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
65gtoman, my father never broke the law or rules of engagement. He acted heroically according to the law. He's also deeply opposed to the war in Iraq, as it turns out.

Tailgater, I haven't a clue what you're talking about. I've never 'defended' professors who go on against Bush or Clinton or any other tirades. I've said that this fear is unfounded and based only in anecdote. All but very few professors do their business in the classroom, teaching basic knowledge and skills, without time or energy to engage the students on the polemic of the day. If all this indoctrination b.s. was in fact true, the majority of college students would be leftists, right? They're not. Look at any survey. That would disprove the theory, plain and simple.

The envy is there for you to see. What is the major whine about me here? "How you write." And the repeated reference to 'jdrabinski' as professor, almost to the point of compulsion, speaks loudly. What explanation do you have for it?
tailgater Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Sonny_LSU Offline
#67 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
WOW! This is one hot exchange!

I, at times, disagree with what the "Powers That Be" do in my name as a citizen, but I cite those "Powers" specifically. When you denounce intitutions as a whole you are unjustly including those who are not to blame (i.e. military personnel).
My point: If GW does something that I disagree with, my disagreement lies with HIM and no one else.

As far as the Officer in question, I will NOT judge him on what is printed in black and white, but on how many lives he saved as a result of his "crimes".
If your child's life was spared due to his "criminal" actions, would it still be wrong? I DOUBT IT!

Lives were saved.....I couldn't care less what "law" he broke! Somebody's babies may come home now because of his actions and the "laws" he my book, that makes him a Hero.

I only hope more "laws" are broken to ensure a safe return for those wonderful people over there!

Lastly, I have a safe-warm bed to go to tonight and I get to embrace my beautiful wife........THEY DON'T!
Charlie Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Professor John

We do not want you to leave the board as you intimated in one of your whinings! You provide entertainment with your psycho liberal babble.........far out of touch with the real world!

Happy Holidays

osage Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 02-18-2001
Posts: 492
JD, you are one sick SOB! It is pitiful that you have to live through your father's deeds. Have you ever done anything on your own?
jdrabinski Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
osage, what makes you think I am living through my father's deeds? If you're going to say something like that, I expect you can explain yourself. Merely using an example. That's different than living through, you know.

I've done a lot. Email me if you'd like a list, ok?
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