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More Middle East Fun
rfenst Online
#51 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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rfenst wrote:
What you write about is unacceptable to most American Jews. In fact, we find it abhorrent. But, we are not Israeli and do not make or agree with those laws. Thankfully, IMO, centuries of such unfair religious law are changing, albeit slowly. Compared to our form of egalitarian, non-denominational democracy, Israeli law as stated above is antiquated and unlawful. But, I wonder how Israeli's feel about it. No sense complaining if they support such a law. But, Americans have an entirely different different history and the culture and the central theme of our nation is not the same as Israel's. The difference in women's' rights in Islam and perhaps Christianity haven't been brought up. I think you are just throwing this unpleasant fact out to heap criticism and keep the arguments going. It took this nation almost 200 years before blacks were allowed to vote and more than a century before women were allowed to vote. But, in time, we changed. So too will Israel.

We have a little confusion here. The above was my comment to HD's facetious criticism of Israeli religious law law and women's rights to worship as they please where they please.
HockeyDad Offline
#52 Posted:
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rfenst wrote:
What you write about is unacceptable to most American Jews. In fact, we find it abhorrent. But, we are not Israeli and do not make or agree with those laws. Thankfully, IMO, centuries of such unfair religious law are changing, albeit slowly. Compared to our form of egalitarian, non-denominational democracy, Israeli law as stated above is antiquated and unlawful. But, I wonder how Israeli's feel about it. No sense complaining if they support such a law. But, Americans have an entirely different different history and the culture and the central theme of our nation is not the same as Israel's. The difference in women's' rights in Islam and perhaps Christianity haven't been brought up. I think you are just throwing this unpleasant fact out to heap criticism and keep the arguments going. It took this nation almost 200 years before blacks were allowed to vote and more than a century before women were allowed to vote. But, in time, we changed. So too will Israel.

frankj1 wrote:
better said than I would have answered. Of course it is unacceptable, the whole idea of laws dedicated to an ultra branch of Judaism is something that does not fly with true lovers of a democratic and free state. Still literally centuries ahead of the countries that HD listed as loving us though. The world would be a better place if the Saudis et al could get to where Israel is now.
France does not allow Muslim women to wear head coverings btw.

I merely point out that what we like to claim as a true democracy in Israel is actually much closer to a Jewish theocracy with some resemblance of free elections. Calling Israel a democracy and yet the Jewish state at the same time is a farce. the US wasn't a great place for blacks 200 years ago. Israel wasn't a great place for women yesterday. Saying at least they're better than the Saudis doesn't cut it.

We hate Iranian theocracy who also has free elections, we love Israeli theocracy.....we hate North Korean and Cuban dictatorships yet we love Egyptian dictatorships and Persian Gulf kingdoms. We can't justify giving away US taxpayer money just based on supporting "democracy". We pushed for democracy in Lebanon, Palestine, and Egypt and now don't like what we got.
HockeyDad Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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CWFoster wrote:
You can bash Israel all you want, but there ARE a few Palestinian Arabs in the Knesset. How many Jews are there on the ruling Council in Egypt? in Syria?, Saudi Arabia? Lebanon? Iraq?, Iran?, Libya? Morocco, Yemen, Oman? Baharain, UAE, Dubai? Go ahead, I'm sure it will take awhile for you to count them all!

You think that maybe.... just MAYBE that MIGHT be indicative of the Israelis trying to have a government that is relevant to THEIR faith, and at the same time, tries to respect the sensibilities of others, as long as they aren't shooting rockets into their cities?

Take that one step further... you think that MAYBE that might be indicative that ALL those Arab countries have no concern whatsoever for anyones sensibilities OTHER than their own, and they have little if any tolerance for others?

OKAY ONE MORE STEP, now this is a BIG one, so get ready! you think Maybe.... POSSIBLY, THAT difference could make any comparison of moral equivalence between the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood backed government and Israels parlimentary system to be propagandistic and intellectually bankrupt? I'll let you go have a cigar now, you probably have a headache.

If you want to look at how many Jews are in those various governments, first you have to look at how many Jews live in those countries. How many Jews are in the governments of Japan, Argentina, Brazil, etc. You could apply that same line of distraction to various US state legislatures.

You realize a government "relevant to their faith" is a theocracy, right? At a minimum it sure isn't a western democracy that we like to push all over the world.

By virtue of pure demographics, Israel has Arab members in the government but at a minority level that keeps them powerless. Lebanon has Druze Christians in the government but at a minority level that keeps them powerless. Israel will never annex the West Bank or Gaza because of the huge concern that the Muslims will out-breed the Jews and Jewish immigration and would eventually take over the government through its "democracy". Anybody want to disagree and call for a one-state solution? Wait for crickets for that one!

I haven't made any comparison of moral equivalence between the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood backed government and Israels parliamentary system. I made a comparison between Egypt under Sadat and Mubarak dictatorships that we loved and supported with M1 Abrams tanks, Apache helicopters, and F-16s. I don't know what the wonderful democracy that we were slow to support will bring but we eventually threw Mubarak under a bus.

Remember, I said cut US taxpayer funding to both Israel and Egypt, don't send more US teenagers off to fight wars for either of them, build a wall around the entire region and fill it will sea water from the Mediterranean. They've had 3000 years and can't get along so we should end the US arrogance of thinking we can fix it.

rfenst Online
#54 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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HockeyDad wrote:
I merely point out that what we like to claim as a true democracy in Israel is actually much closer to a Jewish theocracy with some resemblance of free elections. Calling Israel a democracy and yet the Jewish state at the same time is a farce. the US wasn't a great place for blacks 200 years ago. Israel wasn't a great place for women yesterday. Saying at least they're better than the Saudis doesn't cut it.

We hate Iranian theocracy who also has free elections, we love Israeli theocracy.....we hate North Korean and Cuban dictatorships yet we love Egyptian dictatorships and Persian Gulf kingdoms. We can't justify giving away US taxpayer money just based on supporting "democracy". We pushed for democracy in Lebanon, Palestine, and Egypt and now don't like what we got.

Many laws of the state of Israel are determined by certain sects and majorities' interpretations of religious law. There is also civil law unrelated to religion. That does not me that Israel is not a democracy. It's leaders are elected. Its laws can be changed by its legislature, courts and citizens. Ultimately, the power is in the hands of the people, who elect their leaders. How is that not a democracy or at least the closest there is to one?

We don't hate Iranian theocracy because it is a theocracy. We hate it because that Theocratic leaders' clash with American interests, arm our enemies and our allies' enemies and threaten destruction to them and us. Same goes for the dictatorships you listed.

"Democracy" is the simple, seemingly plausible explanation to the American people for American policy towards other countries. Many, if not most "buy" it. I know you don't. Neither do I. It's a load of crap. It's a cover or a shill, if you will, to get American citizens on board with the plan. We support other countries because they are our allies and we believe we benefit from the support we give now and will in the future. That's all there really is to it. Nothing more. And, when all things are considered, if we get our money's worth, then I don't give a crap who we buy off.

Pushing for democracy is a ludicrous American fallacy. Democracy only works were the culture(s) of the people fit with it. Same with socialism and comunism.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#55 Posted:
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CWFoster wrote:
Not a big fan of Democracy myself, nor were the Founders. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch. What our Founders gave us was a Democraticly Elected Representative Republic. Read "The 5000 Year Leap" It's educational without being too dry. It cover point by point by point how the Founders arrived at the form of government we were given. note how I keep saying "they left to us" and "We were given". What we've made of it is a total mess, and bears only a superficial resemblance to what was intended. One of my favorite quotes was from Thomas jefferson in regards if someone should have been allowed to do some thing or other, and he said "If it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg, why should I care?" (paraphrased) There are TWO types of tyranny, the tyranny of the minority over the majority (think a small ruling party of nobles or Party Aperachiks (sp?) that make the decicions for the commoners or proliteriat, depending on which political lexicon you choose to use. A Democracy is evil, a Democracy says "there are fewer of you than us, and we vote you give us your stuff and you work as our slaves". You can bash Israel all you want, but there ARE a few Palestinian Arabs in the Knesset. How many jews are there on the ruling Council in Egypt? in Syria?, Saudi Arabia? Lebanon? Iraq?, Iran?, Libya? Morroco, Yemen, Oman? Baharain, UAE, Dubai? Go ahead, i'm sure it will take awhile for you to count them all!


People get confused with the terms "democracy" and "republic".

The only thing I'd add to this is that we paid for ours with blood. The crazy expectation that we can somehow "export" Freedom and Democracy is sheer lunacy. We cannot "share" ours. Other nations can model themselves after what we created.

Then the craziness of PAYING other nations for what??? Cooperation? That's like paying your kids an allowance to eat vegetables or make their bed!

Anyone ever look into the USS Liberty? This is a strong ally? THIS is what we've paid millions for?


It's really awesome when you have another nation paying for all the military stuff so you can funnel money into other R&D while we go broke subsidizing attacks against our military...our nation...our taxpayers.
CWFoster Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
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DrMaddVibe wrote:

People get confused with the terms "democracy" and "republic".

The only thing I'd add to this is that we paid for ours with blood. The crazy expectation that we can somehow "export" Freedom and Democracy is sheer lunacy. We cannot "share" ours. Other nations can model themselves after what we created.

Then the craziness of PAYING other nations for what??? Cooperation? That's like paying your kids an allowance to eat vegetables or make their bed!

Anyone ever look into the USS Liberty? This is a strong ally? THIS is what we've paid millions for?


It's really awesome when you have another nation paying for all the military stuff so you can funnel money into other R&D while we go broke subsidizing attacks against our military...our nation...our taxpayers.

As to the USS Liberty incident, I've read a detailed account of it, and heard it refuted by the victims. Given the choice, and the knowlege of how governments and bureauracracies operate, I tend to believe the explaination.

The israeli government was informed of the Operations of the USS Liberty (an ELINT intelligence gathering ship) in the Eastern Med in waters closly adjoining Israel. The ops were supposed to end on a certain day. the outbreak of hostilities between Israel and her neighbors convinced Pentagon analysts that the Liberty should be extended on station to get a better look and listen to possibly more advanced Russian built communications gear, radars and guidance systems than previously monitored, and notification was sent through channels to the Israelis of the operational extension. "Channels" included the US Naval attache at the US embassy, who seemingly was busy. A day or so after the ORIGINALLY scheduled departure of the Liberty from the Area of Operations (AO) the Israelis noticed electreonic signals emanating from the area the Liberty had been in. Further there were rumors that the Egyptians may be trying to launch coastal attacks from ship based commandos, and using Russian supplied ships to gather intelliegence, aircraft were dispatched to investigate. They located the suspect ship, but noted an American flag at the masthead. Pilots notified their controllers of this. A call was made to the Naval Attache who was asked about the USS Liberty's schedule. Without checking his in basket for recent message traffic he assured the IDF that the Liberty was well clear of the area. The Israelis, suspecting an Egyptian "false flag" operation, made another pass over the ship. The decision was made that regardless of the flag, they had been informed by duly authorized representatives of the US government that there were NO US ships in the AO, therefore the aircraft were given weapons release authority. The rest of the story is a confused mess of Israeli planes passing at high speed strafing and shooting up what they had been assured was a legitimate target, and American sailors trying desparately to wave off an attack by aircraft bearing supposedly friendly markings. In retrospect, it make sound shady, but think about it. I've heard a HUNDRED stories about the run up to Pearl Harbor, about misinterpreted intel, un relayed information, and failures to put 2 and 2 together that make THIS seem clear and concise!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#57 Posted:
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A little birdy told me that when you're employing ECM or ECCM...the "footprint" is massive and gives your position away. ESPECIALLY when you're a floating jammer...with HUGE identifing numbers on both sides of it...that "should've" given it away as a "friendly"...sad but no.

The "official" statements don't past the muster.
frankj1 Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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[quote=DrMaddVibe]WONDERFUL point.

People get confused with the terms "democracy" and "republic".

The only thing I'd add to this is that we paid for ours with blood. The crazy expectation that we can somehow "export" Freedom and Democracy is sheer lunacy. We cannot "share" ours. Other nations can model themselves after what we created.

also a nice point...count me among the lazy using the easy term "democracy". I do know better.
But despite the popular notion of some here, Israel has also paid for theirs with blood, certainly with help too, but lots of blood, repeatedly. Allow me to point out the help America received from France, among others, early on

You are also correct that we can not share nor export our ways any more than a gun can truly change the hearts and minds of others...they must want it badly enough to sacrifice, like the US, like Israel, others may be coming aboard. But they won't know to love it/model themselves after it without exposure to it.
frankj1 Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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CWFoster wrote:
You can bash Israel all you want, but there ARE a few Palestinian Arabs in the Knesset. How many Jews are there on the ruling Council in Egypt? in Syria?, Saudi Arabia? Lebanon? Iraq?, Iran?, Libya? Morocco, Yemen, Oman? Baharain, UAE, Dubai? Go ahead, I'm sure it will take awhile for you to count them all!

You think that maybe.... just MAYBE that MIGHT be indicative of the Israelis trying to have a government that is relevant to THEIR faith, and at the same time, tries to respect the sensibilities of others, as long as they aren't shooting rockets into their cities?

Take that one step further... you think that MAYBE that might be indicative that ALL those Arab countries have no concern whatsoever for anyones sensibilities OTHER than their own, and they have little if any tolerance for others?

OKAY ONE MORE STEP, now this is a BIG one, so get ready! you think Maybe.... POSSIBLY, THAT difference could make any comparison of moral equivalence between the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood backed government and Israels parlimentary system to be propagandistic and intellectually bankrupt? I'll let you go have a cigar now, you probably have a headache.


If you want to look at how many Jews are in those various governments, first you have to look at how many Jews live in those countries. How many Jews are in the governments of Japan, Argentina, Brazil, etc. You could apply that same line of distraction to various US state legislatures.

I don't buy your comparison at all, HD. Palestinians have it tough getting through checkpoints etc, there is profiling I am sure, boo hoo, they do blow up busses and markets etc. But they and other Arabs can become citizens, go to schools, get elected, vote, work, and live in Israel. I believe they can and do serve in the military too.Without looking it up, I'd bet there are a few Jews in the governments of Brazil and Argentina, maybe not Japan, but it is difficult to become an elected official in nations that: A may not have many if any elected officials at all, B may have expelled Jews from their land, and C if not expelled, not allowed to step foot in the capital and/or major Mecca for just one example. Way off the mark comparing population percentages of Jews in Syria and Argentina as your excuse... And CW referenced the ruling council, not simply elected officials. There may also be many duly elected Palestinian aldermen in Israel, though...j/k

teedubbya Offline
#60 Posted:
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What's the frequency Kenneth?
HockeyDad Offline
#61 Posted:
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What an odd democracy....

Israeli defense officials consult with Rabbi Ovadia Yosef over Iran strike

"Some want the spiritual leader of Haredi party Shas to support a strike, others to oppose it. At least one visit, in which the rabbi was briefed on Iran's nuclear program, came at Netanyahu's behest.

Senior defense officials have recently been visiting the ultra-Orthodox Shas party's spiritual leader, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, to discuss a possible Israeli attack on Iran."

I wonder if GWB explained yellow cake to the Southern Baptists?
HockeyDad Offline
#62 Posted:
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How to spoil all the upcoming fun...

Leading Iranian cleric calls on regime to avoid war with Israel

Ayatollah Yousef Sanei, vocal opponent of Ahmedinejad, warns regime not to provoke Israel by 'acting as warmongers;' two former ministers call on Supreme Leader to set up new ruling council.

Ayatollah Yousef Sanei, one of the leading Iranian clerics and a vocal opponent of the regime, called on the Islamic Republic's leadership not to encourage an Israeli attack by stirring provocations or "acting as warmongers."
teedubbya Offline
#63 Posted:
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All this makes me want to skinny dip in the holy land
HockeyDad Offline
#64 Posted:
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frankj1 wrote:

I don't buy your comparison at all, HD. Palestinians have it tough getting through checkpoints etc, there is profiling I am sure, boo hoo, they do blow up busses and markets etc. But they and other Arabs can become citizens, go to schools, get elected, vote, work, and live in Israel. I believe they can and do serve in the military too.

You're confusing Palestinians living in Israel with Palestinians living in the West Bank or the Gaza concentration camp.

Palestinians in the West Bank have it tough getting through checkpoints.

Palestinians in Gaza are walled in and cannot leave.

Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza cannot become citizens, go to schools, get elected, vote, work, and live in Israel. Palestinians in Israel can do those things.

Palestinians in the West Bank live under military occupation. Palestinians in Gaza live in a giant prison.

When is the last time a bus or market in Israel got blown up?

Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza could become citizens, go to schools, get elected, vote, work, and live in Israel if Israel would simply annex those lands. One-state solution anyone? Where are CW's crickets.
frankj1 Offline
#65 Posted:
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CWFoster wrote:
Good observation, but remember, nothing happens in a vacuum.
WHO was President in 1973? -Richard M. Nixon
WHAT else was going on? -Nixon was bringing the Vietnam War to an end by forcing the N. Vietnamese back to the bargaining table by bombing Hanoi and mining Haiphong Harbor.
Yes, Ford the bumbler was next and then the joke that was Carter, but the Russians had no idea of that in 1973, of course they wouldn't have "bet the farm" on trying to escalate in the Middle East.

Thanks for the credit, but Nixon had his mind on Watergate by this time, he really had little to do with the Yom Kippur war ending, Kissinger blew past Russia virtually without Tricky ******.
frankj1 Offline
#66 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
You're confusing Palestinians living in Israel with Palestinians living in the West Bank or the Gaza concentration camp.

no I'm not.
HockeyDad Offline
#67 Posted:
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frankj1 wrote:
no I'm not.

Yes, you are. Herfing
HockeyDad Offline
#68 Posted:
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How about that one-state solution to solve everything?!
frankj1 Offline
#69 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
How about that one-state solution to solve everything?!

was that the plan, known in previous threads that covered the same ground, as The Wheelright Solution?
HockeyDad Offline
#70 Posted:
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I think the Wheelrite solution involved breast implants for everyone there so the men would be so distracted that they would lose interest in fighting..
frankj1 Offline
#71 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
I think the Wheelrite solution involved breast implants for everyone there so the men would be so distracted that they would lose interest in fighting..

I gotta be honest with ya, I'm losing interest in fighting!
HockeyDad Offline
#72 Posted:
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I'm a lover, not a fighter.
HockeyDad Offline
#73 Posted:
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frankj1 wrote:
I gotta be honest with ya, I'm losing interest in fighting!

Hopefully that will keep you and your loved ones out of Syria and Iran in the near future!
HockeyDad Offline
#74 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Daily dose of fun...

Far-right group warns Arabs not to flirt with Jews

A week after attempted lynch, anti-assimilation group hands out fliers in J'lem warning Arab men not to hit on Jewish girls.

A far-right group that works against what it calls “assimilation” and mixing between Jews and Arabs has entered the spotlight the last couple days, as it has come out in support of the savage beating of two Arab youths by a teenage Jewish mob in Jerusalem last Thursday that left one of the boys on the brink of death.

This week “Lahava” (an acronym for “preventing assimilation in the holy land”) began circulating flyers in Jerusalem that warn Arab men against flirting with or talking to Jewish girls, saying "we don’t want you to get hurt, respect our girls honor because they are dear to our hearts."

The fliers, which some Lahava activists have been handing out at Damascus Gate in east Jerusalem and elsewhere in the city, also say “our girls are dear to us, just like you don't want a Jew to date your sister, we also aren't willing to accept an Arab dating one of our women. Just like you would do anything in order to stop a Jew from dating your sister, so would we!”

The flier warns Arab men not to come to west Jerusalem’s malls or public areas to meet a girl, advising them “to walk around in your village and find a girlfriend there not here!”

The flier mentions the beating of 17-year-old Jamal Julani in Zion Square in downtown Jerusalem last Thursday, saying “last week, an Arab who was thought he'd come here and find a Jewish girlfriend was hurt, we don't want you to get hurt, respect the honor of our girls because they are dear to us!”

The chairman of Lehavah, Bentzi Gupstein, who also sits on the local council of the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba outside Hebron, offered praise for Julani’s attackers on Tuesday saying "these youth picked the honor of the Jewish people up off the floor and did what the police should have."

The organization "Ir Amim" on Wednesday filed a police complaint for incitement to terror against Lehavah, following Gupstein's remarks and the issuing of the flier.
HockeyDad Offline
#75 Posted:
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Daily dose of outrage....

S. Africa won't label territories' goods as Israeli

Pretoria approves plan requiring special labels for Israeli products "emanating from IOTs (Israel Occupied Territories)."

The South African cabinet on Wednesday approved a plan to require special labels on products coming from the settlements so that they do not read "Made in Israel."

The government's approval comes some three months after the plan was first made public, and despite a flood of protest from South African Jews and other pro-Israel supporters in the country.

The cabinet issued a statement saying it "approved that a notice in terms of the Consumer Protection Act, 2008 be issued by the Minister of Trade and Industry requiring the labeling of goods or products emanating from IOTs (Israel Occupied Territories) to prevent consumers being led to believe that such goods come from Israel. This is in line with South Africa’s stance that recognizes the 1948 borders delineated by the United Nations and does not recognize occupied territories beyond these borders as being part of the state of Israel."

The decision came at a cabinet meeting where the cabinet also noted the "importance" of South Africa's participation in the upcoming Non-Aligned Movement meeting in Tehran.

The UN never delineated borders in 1948, so it is not clear whether the South African government is referring to the 1947 UN Partition Plan or perhaps the 1949 Armistice Lines.

Avrom Krengel, the chairman of the South African Zionist Federation and South African Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein, issued a statement saying the South African Jewish community was "outraged" over the cabinet’s decision.
frankj1 Offline
#76 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
Hopefully that will keep you and your loved ones out of Syria and Iran in the near future!

Non issue. Syria and Iran will keep me out of Syria and Iran. Send them my best.
HockeyDad Offline
#77 Posted:
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frankj1 wrote:
Non issue. Syria and Iran will keep me out of Syria and Iran. Send them my best.

They won't be keeping you out when you're wearing a US Army or Marine uniform.
wheelrite Offline
#78 Posted:
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HD are you Pro Israel now ?
HockeyDad Offline
#79 Posted:
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wheelrite wrote:
HD are you Pro Israel now ?

My current stance is to build a wall around the entire Middle East, borrow money from China to purchase huge water pumps, use the pumps to drain the Mediterranean to fill up the entire walled region, and conduct archeology in the drained out sea.
wheelrite Offline
#80 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
My current stance is to build a wall around the entire Middle East, borrow money from China to purchase huge water pumps, use the pumps to drain the Mediterranean to fill up the entire walled region, and conduct archeology in the drained out sea.

So you're off the Palestinian Band Wagon ?
HockeyDad Offline
#81 Posted:
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wheelrite wrote:
So you're off the Palestinian Band Wagon ?

I never was on the Palestinian bandwagon. I'm just not on the Israeli bandwagon. There is a big difference that gets lost in the automatic cries of "anti-Semite" against anyone not on the Israeli bandwagon.
rfenst Online
#82 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
I never was on the Palestinian bandwagon. I'm just not on the Israeli bandwagon. There is a big difference that gets lost in the automatic cries of "anti-Semite" against anyone not on the Israeli bandwagon.

Wheel, he's not on any bandwagon other than the U.S. stoping aid to Israel. The rest is smoke and mirrors.
HockeyDad Offline
#83 Posted:
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rfenst wrote:
Wheel, he's not on any bandwagon other than the U.S. stopping aid to Israel. The rest is smoke and mirrors.

...and stopping aid to all the arab countries as well! We need to be out of the water boy business.
frankj1 Offline
#84 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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HockeyDad wrote:
I never was on the Palestinian bandwagon. I'm just not on the Israeli bandwagon. There is a big difference that gets lost in the automatic cries of "anti-Semite" against anyone not on the Israeli bandwagon.

I missed the anti-semite cries.
HockeyDad Offline
#85 Posted:
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frankj1 wrote:
I missed the anti-semite cries.

It is a relatively normal occurrence when not carrying water for Israel.
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