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Last post 10 years ago by victor809. 115 replies replies.
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Subsidized abortions in Israel
jpotts Offline
#101 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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Ok, again referencing my Israeli connections.

US Taxes subsidizing foreign abortions? Unlikely. The one complain that Israelis have is that the subsidies we give them have the stipulation that they MUST buy US products.

This is in contrast to other foreign aid that is provided to other countries where they run to Russia to buy RPGs to kill US soldiers.

So, I'm not exactly sure where people are getting this idea that US funds being given to Israel is funding Israeli abortions give that the money eventually comes back to the US.
tailgater Offline
#102 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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victor809 wrote:
So is this a vote against israel then?

It's a vote against their abortion practices. But since I am a gentile without a uterus it's just a matter of time before a hairy legged dame kicks me with her Birkenstocks.

victor809 Offline
#103 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
So, for the myopic (Potts)...

The argument is no different than those who claim funding for planned parenthood is equal to funding abortions. Ironically, it's no different than the argument that giving crackheads food/shelter is equivalent to giving them money for crack.

Personally, I don't expect potts to understand it, he's never been willing to admit how horribly wrong he is on every point he's ever made, but if anyone else in the thread is interested...

A frequent rightwing claim is that giving federal or state money to Planned Parenthood is equivalent to federal/state funding of abortions, DESPITE the careful accounting practices at PP which separate the destination of public moneys to public funded activities, and reserve private donations for abortions, fabulous hat parties and mermaid strip-shows. The claim made by the rightwingers is that the state money is essentially providing a stable base on which to perform the privately funded activities. ie, without public money, would they be able to get enough donations to have a full-time facility operational. Even if the incremental time the facility is used for abortions is paid fully by donations/fees, one can't simply acquire a facility in which to perform an abortion, then return it when done.

Now, I don't feel that's a particularly strong argument. But my feelings on this matter are irrelevant, I'm simply pointing out two very similar situations.

With this article, we've got US donating money to Israel. I believe we're really only donating money to go towards military goods, pottsie seems to think it's US produced goods... either way it's money going into Israel's pot of cash. Now, if israel was planning on spending $5billion on jets this year, and we gave them $1billion worth of fighters, what do you think they'll do with the extra billion they don't have to spend on jets now? Instead of increasing their budget for jets to $6billion, they decide to start up a new "free abortion for everyone" campaign.

or something like that... obviously I used hyperbole for the slow-witted.

Again, for those in the back of the bus, I am simply expressing my surprise that the same rightwing groups which fume and froth at any public money going to any group that is even adjacent to abortions, haven't had the same reaction. It's amusing.
jpotts Offline
#104 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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victor809 wrote:
So, for the myopic (Potts)...
With this article, we've got US donating money to Israel. I believe we're really only donating money to go towards military goods, pottsie seems to think it's US produced goods... either way it's money going into Israel's pot of cash. Now, if israel was planning on spending $5billion on jets this year, and we gave them $1billion worth of fighters, what do you think they'll do with the extra billion they don't have to spend on jets now? Instead of increasing their budget for jets to $6billion, they decide to start up a new "free abortion for everyone" campaign.

or something like that... obviously I used hyperbole for the slow-witted.

First, the article mixes private donations from Christian charities and federal foreign aid. The two are not synonymous.

The second is that there are two DISTINCT groups in Israel: conservatives and liberals. They are about as far apart on these matters as you can get, perhaps even moreso than here in the US. That private money does not go into the Israeli state budget. It goes for other things like land renewal, housing renovation (which is M-A-S-S-I-V-E over there), and food charity programs. Israel takes in Jews from E-V-E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E. They do not discriminate. That is part of what one may call their “charter.” This means that Jews from some of the most wretched places come there without even a pot to p*ss in. In fact, they would probably need to borrow the p*ss to put in the pot.

Federal foreign aid usually goes to military equipment. I’m not even going to discuss that because without it, you’ll have basically another Holocaust.

They do not specify the source of the funds to pay for those abortions. The people of Israel pay taxes too, you know. It most likely comes from there.

I know you love to play fast-and-loose with the truth there Victor, and this is a prime piece of obfuscation on your part. However, it is very clear that you have no idea how these Christian charities function, nor how foreign aid to Israel is distributed…and for what.

The US government pays for taxpayer funded abortions. Using you basic logic here, private Christian charities who are against abortion should not feed the hungry, and shelter the homeless in the United States as well.

I mean, if that’s what you are suggesting here then the only thing I can say is that you are in the same humanistic standing as rodents, and other animals classified as “vermin.”

I dunno, maybe you’re one of those people who would merely shrug their shoulders if the hostile Muslim states around Israel actually did push all those nice people into the sea?
wheelrite Offline
#105 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
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Brewha wrote:

And alcohol can lead to drugs, yes?

For me , no...

Back when I was a pothead , if I drank a lot and smoked weed I would see double and throw up....

Although, if whitey was around I could drink like a fish....

I don't know...

jpotts Offline
#106 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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You know, I started writing thew last post with a specific thought, got sidetracked, and then forgot what my original point was. On the way home, I remembered, so I'm going to post an addendum.

Like I said, there are basically two types of Jews in Israel: the conservatives (the guys you see at the Wailing Wall) and the liberals (the ones I saw whose wives were out with the personal trainers on the Tel Aviv beach in their very, very tight yoga pants). What reconciles one to the other is the reality that they are all Jews - that is their common bond. But their main distinction is their adherence to Scripture.

Abortion is condemned by Scripture. Period.

So, why would pro-life Christians (there are pro-choice people who call themselves "Christians," but they aren't Christians at all) continue to give money to Israel even though their government now subsidizes abortions? Because the Bible is pretty clear: you do not punish the good who live among the wicked. And that's what those Christian charities do: feed the poor, provide housing, fund land reclamation, and so on.

There are several precedents for this in the Bible. The first is Abraham negotiating with God to not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if ten (I think it was 10) righteous people still lived there. God promised that he would not destroy the city is that was the case (he didn't find them, by the way).

If God does not destroy decent people with the wicked, why should a believing Christian punish believing Jews because of the God-less? The answer is: you shouldn't.

The second example is a parable that Jesus tells about a farmer who sows wheat one day, and during the night Satan sows weeds amongst the wheat field. When the farm hands notice that weeds are growing with the wheat, they ask if the weeds should be pulled up. The farmer tells them to leave the weeds, as in pulling them up, they will pull out the wheat. Instead, the farmer waits until the harvest, pulls both the wheat an the weeds, puts the wheat in storage and burns the weeds.

While the latter is partially a parable about Judgment Day, it is also an example of God's nature. He will spare the wicked for the sake of the good, Or better put: he does not punish or destroy the good in his desire to obliterate the wicked. As Christians, we are to follow the example God sets down for us.

So basically, Victor in his blinding mad rush to stick his finger in the eye of decent Christians, so that he can laugh at them for being hypocrites, he's essentially condemning them for...doing what God actually wants them to do.

I;d also like to point out that pro-life Christians give willingly to aid poor people wyho are not Christians at all - specifically people in Africa and Asia. You think Mother Teresa helped only Poor Christians in India?

Wait...I'm debating with Victor here. Of course he thinks that. He has no idea what he is talking about, so of course he's speak from ignorance.

I have never credited atheists for having an over-abundance of brains. This thread is a fine illustration of that fact.

Next time, Victor, comment on something you actually know something about (which isn't much, I'm sad to say).
victor809 Offline
#107 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
jpotts wrote:
First, the article mixes private donations from Christian charities and federal foreign aid. The two are not synonymous.

The second is that there are two DISTINCT groups in Israel: conservatives and liberals. They are about as far apart on these matters as you can get, perhaps even moreso than here in the US. That private money does not go into the Israeli state budget. It goes for other things like land renewal, housing renovation (which is M-A-S-S-I-V-E over there), and food charity programs. Israel takes in Jews from E-V-E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E. They do not discriminate. That is part of what one may call their “charter.” This means that Jews from some of the most wretched places come there without even a pot to p*ss in. In fact, they would probably need to borrow the p*ss to put in the pot.

Federal foreign aid usually goes to military equipment. I’m not even going to discuss that because without it, you’ll have basically another Holocaust.

They do not specify the source of the funds to pay for those abortions. The people of Israel pay taxes too, you know. It most likely comes from there.

I know you love to play fast-and-loose with the truth there Victor, and this is a prime piece of obfuscation on your part. However, it is very clear that you have no idea how these Christian charities function, nor how foreign aid to Israel is distributed…and for what.

The US government pays for taxpayer funded abortions. Using you basic logic here, private Christian charities who are against abortion should not feed the hungry, and shelter the homeless in the United States as well.

I mean, if that’s what you are suggesting here then the only thing I can say is that you are in the same humanistic standing as rodents, and other animals classified as “vermin.”

I dunno, maybe you’re one of those people who would merely shrug their shoulders if the hostile Muslim states around Israel actually did push all those nice people into the sea?

Your understanding of... well, anything, is poor. Piss poor to be exact.
1st off, I am not advocating ANYTHING. Got that? You're trying to pin some stance on me and it's both sad and laughable.
2nd, I don't care about private charities. I'm simply pointing out a disassociation on the right regarding the use of public money. Private money can pay for anything it's little heart desires.
3rd, you don't address the argument the right makes regarding the use of money and how money earmarked for one activity can impact others. In fact, the rest of your argument is crap because you don't address that.
victor809 Offline
#108 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
jpotts wrote:
You know, I started writing thew last post with a specific thought, got sidetracked, and then forgot what my original point was. On the way home, I remembered, so I'm going to post an addendum.

Blah blah
crap that has no actual relevance....
probably typed by someone who doesn't even understand math...

I have never credited atheists for having an over-abundance of brains. This thread is a fine illustration of that fact.

Next time, Victor, comment on something you actually know something about (which isn't much, I'm sad to say).

funny... since you've never gone back to a thread where I proved conclusively that you don't understand simple mathematical concepts.
jpotts Offline
#109 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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Face it. You lost.
jpotts Offline
#110 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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victor809 wrote:
Your understanding of... well, anything, is poor. Piss poor to be exact.
1st off, I am not advocating ANYTHING. Got that? You're trying to pin some stance on me and it's both sad and laughable.

Victor. Your schtick is old, and rather transparent. Try something else to be relevant.

victor809 wrote:
2nd, I don't care about private charities. I'm simply pointing out a disassociation on the right regarding the use of public money. Private money can pay for anything it's little heart desires.

It is coming out of the pockets of Israeli taxpayers, not from the charitable funds.

Nice try muddying the waters. You are not being very coherent. Likewise you are wholly ignorant to the situation. You can only be that way if you have an agenda, which you do.

victor809 wrote:
3rd, you don't address the argument the right makes regarding the use of money and how money earmarked for one activity can impact others. In fact, the rest of your argument is crap because you don't address that.

Christians see believing Jews as their brothers. Hence we help our brothers when they are in need.

In fact, Christians see ALL people as their brothers, and help them while they are in need. They fact that you are continuing this argument when I've pointed that out already (in the part where you said it was "irrelevant") shows me you just want to be ignorant, or you don't bother to read. That's your problem, not mine.

Your argument is such that Christians should deny aid to anyone who is not pure as the driven snow, which Christians know as a part of doctrine is an impossibility. There is more to the State of Israel than subsidized abortions. They are a representative democracy, which Christians strongly believe in (hence the formation of this nation by Christians, and the rise of a parlimentary system in England). They are founded as a state for Jews...which is both a culture AND a religion (of which Christianity was founded from). They believe in freedom of expression, freedom of religion - which Israel also has. They are also happy to support a nation that allows for the free access of holy sights to all religions (mind you, Druids also live and worship in Israel). The benefits of supporting a Jewish homeland FAR outweighs the fact that they've now decided to subsidize abortion.

As a US citizen and as a Christian, I feel FAR more comfortable traveling to Israel than I have any other place I've visited outside of the US this far.

Not to mention all of the Biblical crap that I could throw out there. It would be wasted on you anyways. Pearls before swine, and all that...

The alternative that you are seeking is for Christians to turn their backs on the Israelis. It may result in wholesale slaughter, and occupation by Muslim maniacs who have a very LONG history over the last 1500 years of slaughtering Christians and Jews. In fact, that's part and parcel of what the Crusades were all about in the first place (despite anti-Christian propaganda that liberals trot out all the time).

Even the Arabs who are citizens of the state of Israel prefer that to living among their own kind. Mainly because their own kind are ruled by a bunch of tyrannical monsters, and high-strung serial-killers.

Again, it is clear to me, and your arguments, are based out of wholesale ignorance. You drummed up this article written by another idiot who has ZERO concept of what is going on here, just so you could poke your finger in the eye of believing Christians.

Once more - I never credited atheists with an over-abundance of brains. Your counter-posts only cement that notion.

I really don't know which is worse, your agenda, or some of the outrageously dense crap you're posting now to try and look like you have a point.

Move on . You're looking like a scumbag.

(Well...if the shoe fits...)
wheelrite Offline
#111 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119

Vic is trying to rectify the Coat Hanger puncture scars in his skull,,,,

That's all,,,

sd72 Offline
#112 Posted:
Joined: 03-09-2011
Posts: 9,600
We're not subsidizing that kind, are we?

Poor Victor
victor809 Offline
#113 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
jpotts wrote:
Victor. Your schtick is old, and rather transparent. Try something else to be relevant.

It is coming out of the pockets of Israeli taxpayers, not from the charitable funds.

Nice try muddying the waters. You are not being very coherent. Likewise you are wholly ignorant to the situation. You can only be that way if you have an agenda, which you do.

Christians see believing Jews as their brothers. Hence we help our brothers when they are in need.

... Load of crap which has no bearing on the topic... because that's how potts rolls... (rolls, get it!)

Once more - I never credited atheists with an over-abundance of brains. Your counter-posts only cement that notion.

I really don't know which is worse, your agenda, or some of the outrageously dense crap you're posting now to try and look like you have a point.

Move on . You're looking like a scumbag.

(Well...if the shoe fits...)

None of your argument is actually relevant. I'm not surprised, since on occasion you've wasted months and uncounted pages of text arguing an incorrect mathematical concept which is taught to every 7th grader in america.

Don't give me "christians do this" bullcrap. This has nothing to do with christianity, unless you think that's a prerequisite for being anti-abortion.

Real simple. We have two institutions, one is Planned Parenthood, the other is Israel.
Both institutions are given money from US Tax dollars.
Both institutions are given specific instructions for the use of that money.
Neither institution is given money which can be used to fund abortions.
Both institutions in some way subsidize abortions.

I hear whining about US tax dollars going to abortions for one institution, but not the other.

This isn't a pro abortion thread, or an anti israel thread, or an anything other than "Ha ha, hypocrisy is funny" thread. You want it to be so much more, because you've got your own completely unrelated issues running around in your head, and like a square peg in a round hole, you're determined to stuff them in there.

But since you don't understand math, you don't understand they don't fit.
tailgater Offline
#114 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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victor809 wrote:
None of your argument is actually relevant. I'm not surprised, since on occasion you've wasted months and uncounted pages of text arguing an incorrect mathematical concept which is taught to every 7th grader in america.

Don't give me "christians do this" bullcrap. This has nothing to do with christianity, unless you think that's a prerequisite for being anti-abortion.

Real simple. We have two institutions, one is Planned Parenthood, the other is Israel.
Both institutions are given money from US Tax dollars.
Both institutions are given specific instructions for the use of that money.
Neither institution is given money which can be used to fund abortions.
Both institutions in some way subsidize abortions.

I hear whining about US tax dollars going to abortions for one institution, but not the other.

This isn't a pro abortion thread, or an anti israel thread, or an anything other than "Ha ha, hypocrisy is funny" thread. You want it to be so much more, because you've got your own completely unrelated issues running around in your head, and like a square peg in a round hole, you're determined to stuff them in there.

But since you don't understand math, you don't understand they don't fit.

The comparison is a stretch, to say the least.
Planned Parenthood does not exist without federal money.
I'm no expert on Israel, but I believe the same cannot be said for them.

Also, Planned Parenthood encourages abortions.
Again, I don't believe this is true of Israel.

I think you may be trying too hard here.

victor809 Offline
#115 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
tailgater wrote:
The comparison is a stretch, to say the least.
Planned Parenthood does not exist without federal money.
I'm no expert on Israel, but I believe the same cannot be said for them.

Also, Planned Parenthood encourages abortions.
Again, I don't believe this is true of Israel.

I think you may be trying too hard here.

I'll admit simplifying a country down to an "institution" is a bit of a stretch, but I had to simplify the argument for people who like to drive off on unrelated tangents.

Planned Parenthood would likely still exist without state and federal money. These are significant, but still only 1/3 their total income (that's all government grant money at all levels of gov't). The rest is either service income or private donations.
Interestingly, one could argue Israel wouldn't exist without our prior involvement, but that's not relevant right now.

I have no idea where you get it in your head that planned parenthood encourages abortions....
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