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Presidentin' Is...The Thing...You Know...The Thing!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#501 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,150
Who was it that said we shouldn't call him Pedo Joe?

Ashley Biden Trends After Her Diary Describing ‘Probably Not Appropriate’ Childhood Showers with Joe Confirmed Legit

"Why are they so terrified of the contents of Ashley Biden’s diary? What did Joe do to those kids that fucked them up so badly?"

“Ashley Biden” is trending on Twitter following the verification of her diary that National File published last year, which included various scandalous details regarding her life, including “not appropriate” showers she took with her father Joe as a child.

A week and a half before the 2020 election, National File broke the story after a Project Veritas whistleblower provided a digital copy of Ashley Biden’s diary to journalist Patrick Howley.

Today, the FBI searched two addresses in New York related to Project Veritas in an apparent attempt to gain information about how the diary was acquired, admitting that Ashley Biden reported the diary stolen in the process when the story was then broken by the New York Times. The Project Veritas whistleblower told National File that the diary was found at an address where Ashley Biden used to stay.

Incest Joe sound better?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#502 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,150
Not the Jake from State Farm....This is getting IN the White House...

Jake Sullivan's family ties to the Biden admin under scrutiny amid Steele dossier, Afghanistan debacles

Watchdogs are shedding light on Sullivan's pattern of being embroiled in political controversies

National security adviser Jake Sullivan is coming under increased scrutiny due to his deep family connections within the Biden administration, raising potential ethics concerns as Sullivan is embroiled in new findings related to Special Counsel John Durham's investigation into the origins of the Russia probe and the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Fox News reported Tuesday that Sullivan is the "foreign policy advisor" referred to in the indictment of former Hillary Clinton presidential campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, according to two well-placed sources. This is the closest Durham's probe into the origins of the Russia investigation has come to anyone directly associated with the Biden White House.

The Durham indictment lays out a scenario in which an unnamed Clinton campaign lawyer "exchanged emails with the Clinton Campaign’s campaign manager, communications director, and foreign policy advisor [Jake Sullivan] concerning the Russian Bank-1 allegations that Sussmann had recently shared," with an unnamed reporter.

There is no indication that Sullivan is a target of Durham’s investigation, only that he received information from a campaign lawyer. Durham’s indictments have since revealed that the information he received, about an alleged link between the Trump presidential campaign and the Russian bank, and that was fed to the FBI, was false.

In light of Sullivan's newly confirmed connection to a Clinton campaign lawyer, there is a new focus on Biden's national security adviser's role in previous political scandals and his family ties to the Biden administration.
National security adviser Jake Sullivan speaks with reporters in the James Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington.

Sullivan's wife, Maggie Goodlander, clerked for Attorney General Merrick Garland when he was a D.C. Circuit judge, and is now counsel to Garland at the Department of Justice (DOJ). In addition, his brother Tom Sullivan serves as deputy chief of staff for policy at the State Department and Tom's wife, Rose Sullivan, holds a top position as the acting assistant secretary for legislation in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Matthew Buckham, founder of the group American Accountability Foundation (AAF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing transparency to government officials and political elites, told Fox News that it is especially "troubling" that Sullivan has a family member at the top level of DOJ, the agency responsible for overseeing the Durham probe. In addition, AAF plans to recommend to Congress that it launch an investigation into Garland’s ties to Sullivan.

"The fact that he has relatives in the agency responsible for overseeing the investigation is very troubling from an oversight and a watchdog perspective and is something that we would recommend and potentially will recommend Congress keep a close eye on and investigate," said Buckham. "This is something we always flag and we don't want any undue influence from family members in an ongoing investigation."

Sullivan's position as one of the top national security experts in the country carries "immense pressure and weight of responsibility," said Buckham, who also stated that it is "a little strange" that the U.S. has such a young national security adviser. Sullivan is 44 years old. In comparison, former President Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was 58 when he assumed office and President Obama's first adviser, James L. Jones, was 65.

"This is not somebody where we need a kid running the show. This is somebody we need a seasoned veteran that has been through it because he's faced with critical decisions, timely critical decisions on a daily basis. We don't need a political hack in this position, but one that's going to take the safety and security of our country as a primary focus," said Buckham.

Buckham also criticized Biden for taking an "ideologically political individual over a qualified individual and [the Biden administration] will take them regardless of mistakes. We've already seen the Biden administration completely fumble the withdrawal in Afghanistan, and we're still hearing reporting on the problems there. We've already seen that nobody wants to take accountability."

Tom Fitton, president of government watchdog Judicial Watch, told Fox News that Sullivan's wife's connection to Garland as his top adviser raises ethics questions and it is suspect that Sullivan keeps appearing at the center of political controversies, including Afghanistan and now the Steele dossier.

"From Benghazi, to Hillary Clinton’s emails, to the Steele dossier, to the Afghanistan disaster – Jake Sullivan keeps popping up. And now, par for the course, his family connection to Garland through his spouse's top advisory role at DOJ raises additional ethics questions. And if Jake Sullivan isn’t already a target of the Durham investigation, he should be. His continued presence in the Biden White House speaks volumes."

Sullivan served as Hillary Clinton's former deputy chief of staff and policy adviser at the State Department during the Benghazi, Libya, attack in 2012, and testified before the House Select Committee on Benghazi. He was also embroiled in the Clinton email scandals, where he was revealed to have forwarded sensitive information to Clinton's private account.

The Biden administration has widely come under criticism for its handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving hundreds of Americans and Afghan allies trapped as the Taliban took control of the country in August. No official within Biden's administration has taken accountability for the withdrawal.

Wonder when he commits suicide?
ZRX1200 Offline
#503 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 61,555
R.E #501

The NYT didn’t break the story it was LEAKED to them BY the FBI….

Project Veritas had given the damn thing TO THE POLICE when they couldn’t verify it’s authenticity or how it was acquired. Funny thing is, the NYT won a gawddamn court case for actually printing a story on stolen information.

*insert irony here*
DrMaddVibe Offline
#504 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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ZRX1200 wrote:
R.E #501

The NYT didn’t break the story it was LEAKED to them BY the FBI….

Project Veritas had given the damn thing TO THE POLICE when they couldn’t verify it’s authenticity or how it was acquired. Funny thing is, the NYT won a gawddamn court case for actually printing a story on stolen information.

*insert irony here*

Yeah...the ol Grey Lady isn't fit to line a birdcage anymore.

"The Project Veritas whistleblower told National File that the diary was found at an address where Ashley Biden used to stay."

Just left it there...kinda like a handgun tossed in a dumpster...or a steaming pantsload in the Vatican...or PC's in a repair shop and not pay the bill or return phone calls...or a shotgun so you can just fire warning shots whenever...The Biden's like to just leave stuff laying around.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#505 Posted:
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8 big problems with Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ bill

Democrats are racing to pass the largest non-emergency spending bill since the 1960s. Precisely how much will it cost? No one knows.

House Democrats continue working to secure the necessary votes to pass “Build Back Better,” their massive reconciliation bill. Even if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi twists enough arms for passage, prospects in the Senate remain dim as Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have refused to endorse the legislation. Their hesitancy is justified by the proposal’s enormous cost, economic damage and poor design. Consider the following eight major flaws of the proposal:

1. No cost estimate. Democrats are racing to pass the largest non-emergency spending bill since the 1960s. Precisely how much will it cost? No one knows. Lawmakers are not even waiting for the Congressional Budget Office to score the bill. The White House and others have pegged the 10-year cost at around $2 trillion, but that is surely an underestimate because of …

2. Gimmicks to hide the cost. The White House intends for the new policies to be permanent, but is using fake expiration dates to score only the first year of the extended child tax credit, the first four years of new health care expansions, and the first six years of child care and early pre-K subsidies. The stated goals of extending these provisions will add approximately $2 trillion to the 10-year cost, likely pushing the total past $4 trillion.

3. Less economic growth. The White House claims these policies will grow the economy. Yet the nonpartisan economists at the Penn-Wharton Budget Model calculate that — if Congress follows White House policy to make most provisions permanent — then Build Back Better will reduce the long-term GDP by 2.8 percent, reduce wages by 1.5 percent, and reduce work hours by 1.3 percent. The only thing it will expand is government debt, by 25 percent.

4. Expanded SALT deduction. The House bill would hike the cap on the state and local tax (SALT) deduction from $10,000 all the way to $72,500. This $500 billion tax cut (relative to keeping the $10,000 cap) would provide 84 percent of its benefits to the top-earning 10 percent of households (saving as much as $19,000 each), while the typical median-earning family would save just $20. And Democrats say Republicans are the party of the rich! The result is that — even with other new tax hikes — many wealthy families could see a net tax cut in this bill.

No, capping SALT is not about forcing blue states to subsidize red states. States don’t pay taxes, individuals do. And if Democrats object to wealthy taxpayers in California or New Jersey redistributing income to less-fortunate families in Arkansas or West Virginia, they are free to advocate the repeal of federal welfare programs.

5. Child tax credits for undocumented immigrants. The legislation would end the requirement of a valid Social Security number and thus extend the refundable child credit to undocumented families — covering approximately 675,000 children. It is not anti-immigrant to note that even legal immigrants (such as green card holders) have typically had to wait five years to receive public assistance benefits. The waiting period matters because, for a family with three young children, the fully refundable $10,800 child tax credit payment would exceed the entire average family income in several Central and South American countries, and thus encourage more illegal border crossings. Indeed, poverty expert Samuel Hammond notes that, following the enlargement of the European Union in 2004, nations with generous benefits for new arrivals saw a stampede of new migrants from poorer countries that eventually forced them to mandate waiting periods. Immediate, easy welfare benefits are not compatible with easy immigration.

6. Child care “reform.” While many families surely struggle with child care costs, the Democrats’ solution has been slammed across the political spectrum. It would create a one-size-fits-all system that would drive up the cost of daycare centers with new regulations and large mandated salary increases for child care workers. This could raise child care prices by as much as $13,000 per year, according to the left-wing People’s Policy Project. Many of these new costs would then be passed on to the government (i.e., the taxpayers) in order to cap costs for families. Yet households earning above the eligibility threshold (which gradually rises over a few years from 100 percent to 250 percent of state median income) would have to pay these new costs themselves. Families that prefer informal child care arrangements, such as friends or grandparents, would likely be excluded from assistance. A cleaner option would simply expand the child tax credit and let families decide how to spend it.

7. Historic new taxes. Even as tax revenues surge, the House bill’s $2 trillion tax increase would be the largest in nearly 40 years. The corporate tax increases would be nearly triple the size of the tax cuts they received in 2017, and the international reforms would harm American multinational companies relative to their international competitors. For households, the top combined marginal income tax rates (including federal, state and payroll taxes) would soar to the highest in the OECD, exceeding 66 percent marginal tax rates in New York.

Few will shed a tear for large corporations or wealthy taxpayers (many of whom would also receive the aforementioned SALT tax cuts). However, these taxes will harm American competitiveness, and much of the corporate taxes will be passed down to families through higher prices, lower wages and smaller retirement investment returns. Furthermore, if Congress maximizes taxes on corporations and wealthy families to pay for this legislation, guess whose taxes will be left to raise when it’s time to address the staggering $25 trillion in new deficits projected between 2019 and 2031? Get ready for significant middle-class tax increases just a bit down the road.

8. Marriage penalties. The House bill would extend the American Rescue Plan’s expansion of the earned income tax credit (EITC) that broadened age eligibility and increased benefits for childless workers.

However, this new design expands a marriage penalty in which the simple act of getting married would cause two individuals to forfeit as much as $2,700 in annual EITC benefits. The easiest fix would allow married couples who file their taxes separately to remain eligible for the EITC (and thus guarantee the same pre-marriage benefits). A better option would simply fix the EITC formulas so that a couple’s benefit levels are the same regardless of whether they get married.

President Biden and Congress have already added more than $3.5 trillion in new 10-year debt from the American Rescue Plan, infrastructure bill, and higher discretionary spending baseline. The Build Back Better plan would add trillions more in debt, fuel inflation, raise current taxes, and set the stage for future middle-class tax hikes — all for a poorly designed bill that economists show would hurt the economy. Lawmakers should kill this bill.

So, the Brandon Administration really has only raised the taxes on those making over 400k. That's the lie and he's sticking to it. Not a tax, so America...EAT IT! Meanwhile...cost of gas, groceries and everything else is skyrocketing. All of this because Biden used EO's to reverse the path the nation was on pre-Covid under Trump. So, now that all of the media's reporting on Clinton's lies about Trump were proven to be the falsehoods a lot of people here told you they you like Trump now? Still want to carry around that bag of lies and push this crazy true stuff? It's like some bizarro world where everything they accused Trump of...the DNC was already doing but had to deflect to the "Orangeman baaaaaad!" narrative and well...some are still pushing it even after it's all been proven to be lies!
RayR Offline
#506 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,958's the price America must pay to bring about the Communist Utopia long sought after by the deranged evil left.Crying
It's all a very simple strategy, easy to understand and socialists have been employing it piece by piece for a long time. Their successes so far have been greatly enhanced by the fact that many on the right and left, even those some may call "moderates" really don't understand the game at all. If they did they would, without doubt, reject everything the evil ones propose, saying NO! SHUT THE FRANK UP!"

CP+MSM=T -- A Formula for Understanding

October 14, 2021

Say there, Friend…have you been searching for an answer to ‘What the hell is going on?’ Do you find yourself saying repeatedly “This doesn’t make any sense!” Or using ‘WTF?’ in your business letters and Mother’s Day cards? Understanding the simple formula above can solve the problem.

CP stands for the Cloward-Piven Strategy, a 1966 political concept conceived by two American sociologists, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven (who also led an active activist life moonlighting from their gig at Columbia U.). The idea was based on their belief lotsa folks eligible for Welfare bennies weren’t getting their spot at the public-provided trough. To resolve that tragedy, they needed to foment a sign-up campaign so large, the sheer numbers would blow the doors off the administrating agencies, creating a crisis so big, it would shake awake the DC bureaucrats and emotionally driven Democrats, always sensitive to trading Boo-Hoos and Temper Fits for votes, government expansion, involvement, and dependency.

RayR Offline
#507 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Another uninspiring teleprompter clown show with Big Fail Biden squinting and reading prophecies. It ended with him surrounded by drooling parasitic organisms.

Biden Forgets His Mask, Tries to Find it, Then Gives Up After Insulting Kamala Harris’ Husband During Infrastructure Signing Ceremony (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published November 15, 2021 at 4:32pm

Joe Biden on Monday afternoon delivered remarks at the signing ceremony for the $1 trillion infrastructure bill recently passed by Congress.

Biden’s speech was painful to listen to because he could barely read his teleprompter.

At one point Biden insulted Kamala Harris’ husband, Doug.

This was awkward considering there is a major Biden-Harris behind-the-scenes war going on.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#508 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,150
Speaking of useless...

Shade War: Psaki Does Damage Control After CNN Covers Biden-Harris-Buttigieg Drama

It's no secret that Vice President Kamala Harris is unpopular - in fact, the most unpopular VP in US history who dropped out of the Democratic primaries in 2020 before anyone could see just how little support she had from the American public.

In July, several Harris staffers leaked that her office is a 'dysfunctional mess,' and that Chief of Staff Tina Flournoy has fostered an environment "where people feel treated like ****."

But that didn't tell the rest of the story - namely the brewing "shade war" between Harris' team and the Biden White House covered extensively over the last six months by journalist Jack Posobiec - whose sources were right about everything, thanks to a Sunday nuke dropped by CNN...

(CNN)Worn out by what they see as entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus, key West Wing aides have largely thrown up their hands at Vice President Kamala Harris and her staff -- deciding there simply isn't time to deal with them right now, especially at a moment when President Joe Biden faces quickly multiplying legislative and political concerns.


Harris is struggling with a rocky relationship with some parts of the White House, while long-time supporters feel abandoned and see no coherent public sense of what she's done or been trying to do as vice president. Being the first woman, and first woman of color, in national elected office is historic but has also come with outsized scrutiny and no forgiveness for even small errors, as she'll often point out.

She's perceived to be in such a weak position that top Democrats in and outside of Washington have begun to speculate privately, asking each other why the White House has allowed her to become so hobbled in the public consciousness, at least as they see it.

Harris is also reportedly bitter over President Biden's favoritism toward "white man" Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, as Breitbart describes it.

Ouch! Feel free to read the rest here. It's a lengthy drubbing.

Harris can't even formulate coherent answers to real questions on the fly.

Hours after the CNN piece, White House spox Jen Psaki swooped in with a transparent band-aid.

"For anyone who needs to hear it. @VP is not only a vital partner to @POTUS but a bold leader who has taken on key, important challenges facing the country..."

Later on Monday, Psaki dismissed talk of the rift as "gossip," saying: "The president relies on the vice president for her advice, for her counsel."

"She is somebody who is not only taking on issues that are challenging, she is not looking for a cushy role here. No vice president. No president is."

"The president selected the vice president to serve as his running mate because he felt she was exactly the person he wanted to have by his side to govern the country," she added.

America to the Brandon Administration and all the useless little people that foisted it:
DrMaddVibe Offline
#509 Posted:
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6 Ridiculous Budget Gimmicks In House Democrats’ ‘Build Back Bankrupt’ Spending Spree
The legislation contains almost as many gimmicks and budget tricks to hide its true costs as it does new entitlement programs.

At some point in the near future—whether a few days or a few weeks—the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) will release a complete score of the spending spree legislation Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, and House leaders introduced on Nov. 3. The document will represent the first complete CBO analysis of any of the multi-trillion-dollar spending bills that Democrats have spent the fall writing, then re-writing.

Two budgetary analyses suggest CBO could find the most recent version of the legislation increases the deficit. A Penn-Wharton analysis of the White House’s policy framework concluded it would spend $1.87 trillion over ten years while raising only $1.56 trillion, resulting in a roughly $300 billion deficit increase. (This analysis did not include family leave and other provisions Pelosi added back into the bill.) And a recent Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget analysis found that the House bill as introduced would spend $2.4 trillion while generating only $2.2 trillion in revenue, resulting in approximately $200 billion in deficit spending over the coming decade.

But even if CBO says the Democrat bill won’t increase the deficit, that doesn’t give it a clean bill of health—far from it, in fact. The legislation contains almost as many gimmicks and budget tricks to hide its true costs as it does new entitlement programs. Here are just some of the most egregious examples of the bill’s budgetary legerdemain.

1. Spending Cliffs Will Raise Long-Term Costs

Over and above individual budget gimmicks included in its pages, the bill’s entire premise is a budget gimmick. It would use permanent tax increases to pay for “temporary” spending—which Democrats already want to make permanent. Consider the short nature of the major programs included in the bill:

Child tax (i.e., welfare) credit: Extended for 2022 only.
Enhanced Obamacare subsidies, and expanded eligibility for subsidies in states that didn’t expand Medicaid to the able-bodied: Extended through 2025.
Federal child care and preschool: Three years of relatively modest spending ($4 billion, $6 billion, and $8 billion), followed by three years of higher spending—and then a sunset to the program.

Eliminating these sunsets, as Democrats want, would substantially raise the cost of their agenda well beyond the “mere” $1.75 trillion or $2 trillion they claim the current bill would cost.

Penn-Wharton believes spending would total $3.98 trillion—again, not counting the family leave and other provisions Pelosi recently added. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget said that “extending temporary provisions in the bill could add $2 trillion to $2.5 trillion to the total cost,” placing its ultimate fiscal impact at nearly $5 trillion total.

2. SALTy Math

The bill not only has gimmicks on the spending side, it uses gimmicks on the tax side as well. The language Pelosi introduced would lift the cap on the tax deduction for state and local taxes paid (SALT). Current law allows individuals to write off only $10,000 worth of SALT on their federal taxes from now through 2025. The bill would raise that $10,000 cap to $80,000, but extend that higher cap through 2030, lowering it back to $10,000 in 2031.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget described the SALT proposal thusly:

The House fully pays for an increase in the SALT deduction cap through 2026 on paper by extending the cap beyond 2026, after most provisions of the [Trump tax relief law] have expired. While this change raises revenue relative to current law, it would substantially increase the cost of extending the [Trump tax relief] and thus is likely to result in lower revenue collections over time.

In short, the SALT proposal “pays for” tax cuts now by assuming tax increases later that likely won’t happen. Moreover, a recent analysis by the Tax Policy Center showed not just that this gimmick would lower revenue—it means that most millionaires would get a tax cut from the legislation, rather than the tax increase the left claims it wants to impose on “the rich.”

3. Audit Provision Violates Budgetary Scorekeeping

While the White House claims its provisions to increase funding for the Internal Revenue Service will generate $400 billion in new revenue, CBO concluded earlier this year that new IRS funding will lead to a net revenue increase of only $120 billion. Moreover, as CBO noted in September, budgetary conventions prohibit scorekeepers from recognizing any financial benefits from increased funding for anti-fraud efforts in the score of bills like the Democrat spending package.

4. Phony Savings from Repealing Rule That Won’t Go Into Effect

The bill generates “savings” by repealing a rule regarding prescription drug pricing rebates issued in the final days of the Trump administration. CBO and the Medicare actuary concluded that the rule would raise Medicare spending, meaning that its repeal would save money, at least in theory. (I explained the issue in detail earlier this summer.)

But the rule hasn’t gone into effect—and won’t ever go into effect, given process flaws leading up to its issuance and a legal challenge based on those procedural flaws. Moreover, Democrats have (unofficially) said they don’t want the rule to go into effect. But the Biden administration won’t withdraw the rebate rule officially, because Democrats want the phony “savings” that comes from Congress repealing a rule Biden has no intention of moving ahead with.

5. Double-Counting Medicare Taxes

When issuing a proposal to raise taxes on certain S-corporations earlier this year, the U.S. Treasury Department claimed the tax increase would deposit new revenue into Medicare’s Hospital Insurance Trust Fund. Democrats may attempt to frame this proposal, a version of which was included in the bill, as extending Medicare’s solvency.

But during the Obamacare debate, CBO and the Medicare actuary both debunked this double counting. CBO noted that, because the Medicare reductions were being used to fund the new Obamacare entitlements—just as the Medicare tax increases are being used to fund new entitlements in this year’s Democrat bill—the IOUs placed in the Medicare trust fund “would not enhance the ability of the government to pay for future Medicare benefits.”

6. Raising a Tax Biden Wouldn’t Pay Himself

This qualifies as hypocrisy as much as a gimmick. Biden knows well about the Treasury proposal to raise taxes on S-corporations incorporated into the legislation. Over the past four years, he and his wife have exploited the loophole the House bill would close to avoid paying nearly $517,000 in payroll taxes. Groups as disparate as the Tax Policy Center and the Congressional Research Service have raised questions about the propriety of the Bidens’ actions.

Building Back Bankrupt

Add it all up, and the legislation doesn’t begin to pay for its myriad programs in a fiscally responsible way—not even close. Moderate Democrats in the House and Senate should use the full CBO score, coupled with recent reports about skyrocketing inflation, to stick a fork in this overstuffed fiscal turkey once and for all.

Brandon takes a victory his mind.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#510 Posted:
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Who had Merrick Garland???
ZRX1200 Offline
#511 Posted:
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DrMaddVibe Offline
#512 Posted:
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Looks Like Joe Biden Just Lost The New York Times

His crumbling public approval rating must be troubling to President Joe Biden. But can it possibly compare to learning that the liberal mainstream media is turning on him as well?

On Tuesday, the New York Times sent an email to its morning update subscribers with the headline: “Who’s to blame for inflation?”

“It is dragging down President Biden’s approval ratings and fueling discontent among Americans,” writes senior economics correspondent Neil Irwin. “How did we get here? Who is to blame?”

We fully expected the Times to make excuses for Biden. And at first, it looks as though that is what Irwin is going to do, writing that “presidents have less control over the economy than headlines might suggest.” But then he adds that “the current situation is an exception to the rule.”

And even more remarkable is what comes next. Irwin writes:

You can draw a direct line from a specific policy decision that Biden and congressional Democrats made this past winter to some of the inflation happening now.

In designing the stimulus that Congress passed in March, Biden’s administration went big, with $1.9 trillion in pandemic relief — on top of a separate $900 billion package that passed three months earlier. Put the two together, and $2.8 trillion in federal money has been coursing through the economy this year while economic activity has trended only a few hundred billion dollars a year short of what mainstream analysts would consider full health.

The fact that the Times, along with others in the mainstream media, admits that inflation is a problem is in itself a noteworthy development, since for months it insisted that it was just a data anomaly – one that Republicans were trying to exploit for political gain.

Now, with prices for many common household goods having gone up by double digits over the past few months and no end in sight for the trend, the inflation story is impossible to ignore.

But the fact that any one of these “news” outlets is willing to blame Biden for the inflation spiral is a truly stunning development, given they’d spent months blasting out “fact checks” that aggressively slapped down any such claim.

In April, for example, a USA Today “fact check” told readers that COVID-19 was “to blame for spike in lumber prices, not Biden.” In June, it ran another saying that “Rising gas prices due to high demand and low supply, not Biden’s policies.”

The next month, AP declared that “House GOP falsely blames Biden for gas prices.”

When Republican Sen. Rick Scott stated in July that “Thanks to the insane tax-and-spending spree of President Joe Biden and Democrats in Washington, we are seeing six straight months of raging inflation,” the “fact checking” site PolitiFact labeled it “Mostly False.”

In August, CNN approvingly quoted the Democrats’ all-time favorite economist, Mark Zandi, as saying that “the jump in inflation has nothing to do with tax and spending policies.”

As is so often the case, the public was way ahead of the mainstream press on this one. A poll in June found that twice as many people blamed Biden as President Donald Trump for rising inflation.

It’s worth noting that the Times admission of Biden’s fault regarding inflation comes after CNN ran a piece exposing the growing antagonism between Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Which raises questions such as:

Why didn’t the New York Times editors “correct” Irwin’s story before it went out? Is it suddenly OK to run hit pieces on Biden, even if it risks helping Republicans? If so, what’s changed in the corporate newsrooms to allow such an infamia?

Now, bear in mind that we are not saying that the media has suddenly decided to do its job and cover the facts. As we pointed out yesterday, the mainstream press has racked up such an incredibly long list of false and misleading stories, all designed to help drive a leftist narrative, that it has pretty much lost all credibility outside crossword puzzles and TV listings.

But that makes this recent development at the New York Times even more astonishing. If the mainstream media lose faith in Biden, who will be left to defend him? Jimmy Carter?

The NY Times...lets put them in perspective:

They'll carry water for the Nazi Party AND the DNC! Equal opportunity messaging...always on the wrong side of History.

RayR Offline
#513 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,958
The problem with progressive media like the NYT is they have always carried water for leftist regimes and causes and their propaganda is ultimately always proven wrong and just sometimes they will be forced to admit they were wrong.
Their writers and contributors which are largely leftists, in their zeal to push a political agenda are almost always consistently on the wrong side of history (see The 1619 Project) and economics.

Their star economics writer Paul Krugman conceded this week, “I got inflation wrong"

Their negligent reporting on the Nazis and the Holocaust back in the day wasn't an unusual incident either...

"During the 1930s, as Josef Stalin was establishing communism in the U.S.S.R., the Times’ man in the Soviet Union was Walter Duranty, who openly sympathized with Stalin and communism. (Duranty was hardly unusual in that regard, as numerous intellectuals, clergymen, politicians, and union leaders also embraced the Russian "alternative." In fact, Duranty’s reporting from the U.S.S.R. as Stalin was consolidating his first Five Year Plan was considered so informative and important that the reporter was awarded the 1932 Pulitzer Prize for Correspondence. Duranty’s picture still hangs in the lobby of the Times building, as the newspaper proudly displays him among its many other Pulitzer Prize winners.

The only problem is that Duranty wrote nothing but lies, and it is even more apparent that the leadership of the Times had been informed on numerous occasions that Duranty was painting a false picture of Stalin’s actions. While Duranty told the readers of the Times that the Five Year Plan was successfully transforming production in the U.S.S.R. and giving the citizens of that nation an ever-improving standard of living, the opposite was actually true."

rfenst Offline
#514 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 40,059
If you want to read them source directly as opposed to someone's opinion of itfor yourself, her is a link:


RayR Offline
#515 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,958
#339 was written by Neil Irwin, he's another Keynesian on the NYT payroll like Krugman.
Interestingly enough he does seem to be recognizing that at least some of the inflation blame is owned by Biden and the rest of the Dems as well as the FED. It's even hard for him to dismiss what's staring him in the face.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#516 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,150
Xi Spanks Biden in Video Call

If you’re looking for more indication that Old Joe Biden is unfit to be president of the United States, you never have to look very long. On Monday, Biden had a virtual meeting with the president of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping. Although this tête-à-tête was reported as lasting nearly four hours, the White House issued only a skimpy six-paragraph “Readout” of what was discussed. Given the fact that even the White House itself often depicts Biden as barely coherent, it’s easy to see why a transcript of this marathon meeting wasn’t offered. Another reason becomes clear even from the White House’s terse “Readout”: Xi spanked the weak and feckless pseudo-president, and got him back into line.

Of course, even though it is brief, the “Readout” is larded with a great deal of the usual boilerplate. “The two leaders” (since they’re both evidently playing for the same socialist team, shouldn’t that be “the two Great Leaders”?), we’re told, “discussed the complex nature of relations between our two countries and the importance of managing competition responsibly.” Hey, that’s terrific, but really, can you imagine Old Joe holding a credible discussion on the complex nature of anything? Imagine if the transcript were released! “Look, Pooh, here’s the deal…”

But actually, Biden wouldn’t have dared to say “here’s the deal” to Xi, because it was clear from the “Readout” that the Chinese Communist leader, not the ostensible president, was calling the shots. “On Taiwan,” it noted blandly, “President Biden underscored that the United States remains committed to the ‘one China’ policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances, and that the United States strongly opposes unilateral efforts to change the status quo or undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.”

This statement was necessary to sort out the mess Biden made during a CNN town hall on Oct. 21, when he was asked whether the United States would defend Taiwan if it were attacked by the People’s Republic. “Yes,” said the old puppet precipitously, “we have a commitment to do that.”

Well, actually the situation was more complicated. As Reuters noted at the time, “While Washington is required by law to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself, it has long followed a policy of ‘strategic ambiguity’ on whether it would intervene militarily to protect Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack.” In walking back Biden’s remarks, a White House spokesperson made it clear that the alleged man in charge was actually going off half-cocked, and the United States would not intervene militarily if China were attacked: “The U.S. defense relationship with Taiwan is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act. We will uphold our commitment under the Act, we will continue to support Taiwan’s self-defense, and we will continue to oppose any unilateral changes to the status quo.”

The Chinese Communists were not pleased even after that “clarification” was issued. People’s Republic foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said: “China urges the U.S. to strictly abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the China-U.S. Three Joint Communiqués, be cautious in its words and deeds on the Taiwan issue, and refrain from sending any wrong signals to the separatist forces of Taiwan independence, so as not to seriously damage China-U.S. relations, peace, and stability across the Taiwan Strait.”

And now, in their endless meeting, Old Joe has assured Xi that the U.S. will do just that. The “strategic ambiguity” is gone, with all the deterrent power it had over China even absent U.S. military intervention. Thus Communist China is essentially free to do what it wishes with Taiwan. Xi and his colleagues knew this already: as the catastrophe in Afghanistan was just beginning in mid-August, Global Times, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organ, published an editorial that sent a harsh message to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the ruling party of the Republic of China on the island of Taiwan: “The DPP authorities need to keep a sober head, and the secessionist forces should reserve the ability to wake up from their dreams. From what happened in Afghanistan, they should perceive that once a war breaks out in the Straits, the island’s defense will collapse in hours and the U.S. military won’t come to help.”

They were right. Old Joe has now confirmed that. He has also confirmed that it is Xi and the People’s Republic, not the United States, that is in charge now. The U.S. during the regime of Joe Biden’s handlers will not offer a serious challenge to Chinese hegemony. And so the residents of Taiwan must prepare for a very difficult future.

Wonder how much Hunter makes now?
RayR Offline
#517 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,958
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Wonder how much Hunter makes now?

And how much of a cut the "Big Guy" is getting?
And how many of Hunter's paintings are on the wall in Xi's office? Think

DrMaddVibe Offline
#518 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Hunter Biden's private equity firm helped Chinese conglomerate buy American-owned cobalt mine in $3.8 billion deal: Purchase helped China company gain world's largest deposit of precious metal used to make batteries for electric vehicles

An investment firm founded by Hunter Biden assisted a Chinese company in purchasing one of the world's richest cobalt mines from an American company for $3.8 billion - helping the conglomerate gain a massive share of the key metal used to make electric car batteries.

The president's son was one of three Americans who joined Chinese partners in establishing the Bohai Harvest RST Equity Investment Fund Management Company, or BHR, in 2013.

The Americans controlled 30 percent of the company and made successful investments that culminated in aiding China Molybdenum purchase the Tenke Fungurume cobalt mine in the Congo from the American company Freeport-McMoRan in 2016, the New York Times reported.

The news comes after President Joe Biden had warned that China could use its dominance of mined cobalt to disrupt America's development of electric vehicles.

It also adds to the scrutiny Biden and his father have faced for his dealings with Chines and Ukrainian companies while Joe was vice president and later running for president.

Biden's firm made the deal with Joe Biden, right, was still vice president. The now president has warned that America's electric vehicle production could he stunted by China's dominance over cobalt, one of the key components of the electric batteries

BHR slowly made its way into an investment powerhouse after helping finance an Australian coal-mining company controlled by a Chinese state-owned firm, the paper reported.

The investment company's big break came in 2016 when it bought and sold a stake in CATL, a Chinese company that is now the world's biggest maker of batteries for electric vehicles.

That same year, China Molybdenum - one of the world's leading producers of the precious metals molybdenum and tungsten - announced it would purchase the Tenke Fungurume cobalt mine from Freeport-McMoRan, an American mining company.

But in order to purchase the mine, the Chinese company needed a partner to buy out one of the stakeholders, Lundin Mining of Canada.

That's when BHR came in to buy out Lundin with $1.14 billion raised entirely from obscure Chinese state-backed companies, according to the Times.

Biden still controlled 10 percent of BHR when its shares of the mines were sold to China Molybdenum in 2019.

Chris Clark, one of Biden's lawyers, said the president's son 'no longer holds any interest, directly or indirectly, in either BHR or Skaneateles,' a firm Biden used to control his BHR shares.

Chinese records show Biden was no longer on BHR's board as of April 2020, and a former board member told the Times that the American founders were not directly involved in the mine deal and supposedly earned only a nominal fee from it.

'We don't know Hunter Biden, nor are we aware of his involvement in BHR,' Vincent Zhou, a spokesman for China Molybdenum, said in a statement.

A White House spokesman told the Times that President Biden has not been made aware of his son's connection to the sale.

The president has often faced backlash for Biden's dealings with Chines and Ukrainian companies through banks, lobbies and investment firms.

The necessity for cobalt by American companies was made even more vital after the president signed an executive order in August outlining a goal to have electric and other zero-emissions vehicles make up half of the new cars and trucks sold in the U.S. by 2030.

The 50 percent goal is nonbinding and mostly symbolic, but it sets the expectation for U.S. automakers to begin the transition from building gas-powered vehicles to electric ones.

It includes battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or fuel cell electric vehicles. Biden also included the first-ever national network of electric vehicle charging stations in his $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.

Remember when lefties used to say the Trump's were doing this...but none of his kids were...and his family holdings lost billions while not taking a salary as US President?

I do.
MACS Offline
#519 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,810
The left accuses others of exactly what they're doing.
Speyside2 Offline
#520 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,602
True, but lots of people on the right do bad **** also.
Dg west deptford Offline
#521 Posted:
Joined: 05-25-2019
Posts: 2,836
Biden wishes he had Trumps kids
Krazeehorse Offline
#522 Posted:
Joined: 04-09-2010
Posts: 1,958
Dg west deptford wrote:
Biden wishes he had Trumps kids

Then he wouldn’t be President. I doubt any decent person would let their father pursue the office if they thought he was in the early stages of dementia.
Dg west deptford Offline
#523 Posted:
Joined: 05-25-2019
Posts: 2,836
True true
RMAN4443 Offline
#524 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
Posts: 7,683
Krazeehorse wrote:
Then he wouldn’t be President. I doubt any decent person would let their father pursue the office if they thought he was in the early stages of dementia.

Dr.Not talking Jill doesn't seem to have a problem with it...fog
Dg west deptford Offline
#525 Posted:
Joined: 05-25-2019
Posts: 2,836
Decent person was the separating issue I believe
RayR Offline
#526 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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RMAN4443 wrote:
Dr.Not talking Jill doesn't seem to have a problem with it...fog

I would say then that she is not much of a "decent person" to begin with. Think
But she might be regretting it now a little that her hubby continues to flounder in the eyes of the world?

Krazeehorse Offline
#527 Posted:
Joined: 04-09-2010
Posts: 1,958
The whole family is a bunch of power hungry whores. They have more money than they can spend. For crying out loud hang it up and start spending. Get to know your grandkids. Hand out at the beach. Go to your mountain home while you still have a clue who you are. Shame on his whole family.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#528 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,150
The leader of the Free World gets schooled by an 18 yr old kid.

Kyle Rittenhouse's message for President Biden: 'Understand the facts before you make a statement'

Kyle Rittenhouse appeared Monday on Tucker Carlson Tonight for his first televised interview since being acquitted on all charges stemming from shooting three protesters in Kenosha, Wis., in 2020. The incident occurred shortly after the police shooting of Black motorist Jacob Blake; Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time, fatally shot protesters Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and wounded Gaige Grosskreutz. Since then, Rittenhouse has become a polarizing figure in the both social and political realms.

“This wasn't a political case,” Rittenhouse said. “It shouldn't have been a political case. It was made a political case. This had nothing to do with race. And the ways people are twisting this, it's just sickening.”

During his campaign, Biden tweeted about then-President Trump not disavowing white supremacists and shared a video which featured Rittenhouse.

Tucker Carlson asked him, “What did you make of the president of the United States calling you a white supremacist?”

Rittenhouse replied, “Mr. President, if I would say one thing to you, I would urge you to go back and watch the trial, and understand the facts before you make a statement.”

Carlson followed up with the question, “That's not a small thing to be called that?”

Rittenhouse replied,“No, it's actual malice, defaming my character for him to say something like that.”

Following the verdict, Biden told reporters that “I stand by what the jury has concluded. The jury system works, and we have to abide by it.” He later noted that the acquittal would “leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included,” but reiterated the public "must acknowledge that the jury has spoken.”

Rittenhouse’s attorney Mark Richards has blasted news sites like CNN and MSNBC for what he claims is a distorted image of Rittenhouse as well conservative politicians looking to profit off his client.

Carlson asked if he plans to “hold some of these liars to account.”

“I have really good lawyers who are taking care of that right now,” Rittenhouse said. “So I’m hoping one day there will be some — there will be accountability for their actions that they did.”

Wait till his lawyers tear into him. Pay the kid Joe.
Brewha Offline
#529 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,760
Ah, Tucker Carlson.
The seat of wisdom and light.

And I do mean seat….
MACS Offline
#530 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,810
Brewha is totally cool with railroading an ionnocent kid and sending him to prison for life based on outright lies... as long as it furthers the leftist agenda.

Wait... if Talib gets her way, wouldn't we just be releasing all the criminals anyway? So what do they want? Accountability for conservative criminals but the leftists get to go free? Shame on you
Dg west deptford Offline
#531 Posted:
Joined: 05-25-2019
Posts: 2,836
Kyle was awesome on Tucker last night, I'm so happy for him! No anger, resentment or disrespect from him at ALL!

I hope the big guy has his Ukrainian, Russian & Chinese kick-back funds ready for Kyle's lawyers.

In other news:

Oil reserves released by Biden expected to primarily go to China, India

Trump made us not only energy independent but energy DOMINANT!

Build back better? We're throwing away 50 Billion a year in energy production. All the while polluting the planet more so by shipping oil unnecessarily across oceans while funding enemies

They're called strategic reserves for reason.
They're not for propping up a failed administration. Giving us less than 3 days of energy.
It was part of negotiations with our energy enemies though so it's ok for Brandon.

RayR Offline
#532 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,958
MACS wrote:
Brewha is totally cool with railroading an ionnocent kid and sending him to prison for life based on outright lies... as long as it furthers the leftist agenda.

Wait... if Talib gets her way, wouldn't we just be releasing all the criminals anyway? So what do they want? Accountability for conservative criminals but the leftists get to go free? Shame on you

This is one type of criminal that the left likes to set free:

The Strange Incident in Waukesha
DrMaddVibe Offline
#533 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,150
It's one thing for a movie to make for of an idiot that gets paid to read a teleprompter...

It's another thing when the leader of the Free World does the same thing!
RayR Offline
#534 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,958
"end of quote"

What a moron! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
DrMaddVibe Offline
#535 Posted:
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The Biden Grift-and-Influence Machine Is Even Worse Than You Thought

In her new book, Laptop from Hell, Miranda Devine describes a Biden grift-and-influence machine dirtier than most people could imagine — because the mainstream media sat on the story of Hunter Biden’s juicy laptop until well after the election.

Due out on Tuesday, Devine’s explosive revelations come from the very laptop that Biden had accidentally abandoned at a Delaware repair shop in 2019, apparently due to his drug use.

The press (with a big assist from social media) buried the story, slapping the Fake News banner on it and — during a heated election — prevented an open and honest discussion of the facts.

Certainly because of revelations like these:

Chinese energy firm chairman gifted Hunter Biden an $80,000 diamond after he agreed to help expand the business by making ‘introductions’ for $10MILLION a year
More emails in ‘laptop from Hell’ show Joe Biden was expecting 10% cut in Hunter deal with Chinese giant

Here’s the crucial expert from Devine’s book:

As [Joe Biden’s brother] Jim talked, [Hunter’s business partner Tony] Bobulinski marveled at the political risk to Joe’s career if his family’s flagrant influence peddling during his vice presidency came to light.

“How are you guys getting away with this?” he finally asked. “Aren’t you concerned that you’re going to put your brother’s [2020] presidential campaign at risk? You know, the Chinese, the stuff that you guys have been doing already in 2015 and 2016, around the world?”

Jim chuckled and looked knowingly at Bobulinski.

“Plausible deniability,” he said, using a term of art coined by the CIA during the Kennedy administration to describe the practice of keeping the president uninformed about illegal or unsavory activity so he can plausibly deny he knows anything if it becomes public knowledge.

The deal in question involved SinoHawk Holdings LLC, established in 2017 with $10 million in Communist Chinese seed money. Ownership of the firm was split 50/50 between two Delaware shell companies.

Equity would be split, according to Devine, like so:

20 H [Hunter]

“20 RW [Walker] [A Biden family associate]

“20 JG [Gilliar] [A former SAS officer] “20 TB [Bobulinski] “10 Jim [Biden] “10 held by H for the big guy.”

“Three years later,” Devine wrote, “Bobulinski will tell the world that ‘there is no question’ that the ‘big guy’ is Joe Biden.” For confirmation, Hunter’s laptop contains emails referring to his father as “the big guy” or “my chairman,” and in WhatsApp messages on Bobulinski’s phones.

Damning stuff.

Over at The New York Times, Ben Smith did his usual bang-up job of semi-excusing burying the laptop story.

The Hunter Biden laptop saga sure is instructive about something. As you may recall, panicked Trump allies frantically dumped its contents onto the internet and into reporters’ inboxes, a trove that apparently included embarrassing images and emails purportedly from the candidate’s son showing that he had tried to trade on the family name. The big social media platforms, primed for a repeat of the WikiLeaks 2016 election shenanigans, reacted forcefully: Twitter blocked links to a New York Post story that tied Joe Biden to the emails without strong evidence (though Twitter quickly reversed that decision) and Facebook limited the spread of the Post story under its own “misinformation” policy.

Even though we now know just how damning the laptop story really is, Smith concludes — surprise! — that “the story about the laptop was an old-fashioned, politically motivated dirty tricks campaign” and that the “’media manipulation campaign’ was a threadbare, 11th-hour effort to produce a late-campaign scandal.”

Threadbare, except for all the facts that we’re now nearly 100% certain are true.

What’s amazing about this story is that it’s a zombie. It’s Bela Lugosi’s Dracula. It’s Christopher Lee’s Frankenstein creature.

What I mean is, the Biden grift story is full of evil, and no matter how many times the press tries to kill it, it keeps coming back to life.

The American people got duped once, when it really counted, in October of 2020.

Will we get fooled again?

Looking forward to reading:
rfenst Offline
#536 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 40,059
Gather legally sufficient evidence if they broke the law, then charge them. Period.
RayR Offline
#537 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,958
"Will we get fooled again?"

Com'on Man! Getting fooled again is what duhmacracy is all about. Ask Frank.

Read economist Bryan Caplan's book, The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies

DrMaddVibe Offline
#538 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,150
Biden Enlists Nuclear Disarmament Proponents To Study ICBM Alternatives

The Biden administration has enlisted two nuclear-disarmament advocates to present the Defense Department with "alternatives" to the United States' long-standing intercontinental ballistic missiles system, according to a copy of the project proposal obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The Defense Department asked the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to study "alternatives as they relate to options for the land-based leg of the U.S. nuclear triad" and in January submit a report to the secretary of defense, according to the project proposal.

The two Carnegie researchers leading the project, George Perkovich and James Acton, are authors of the 2009 compendium Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: A Debate, which proposes ways to reach total nuclear disarmament. Acton said in March the government should pause the ICBM replacement program and instead try to extend the life of existing missiles. He argued that technological advances could eventually "devalue silo-based ICBMs and cause future Congresses, as well as the American people, to look back with incomprehension at the decision to pursue [the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent system]."

The contract is part of the Biden administration's larger pushback effort against Congress, which has been urging the administration to modernize and replace the country's decaying, 50-year-old Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles arsenal, the land-based component of the United States' "nuclear triad." President Joe Biden last week issued a formal White House objection to a provision in the national defense spending bill that would have prohibited him from reducing the 400-missile stockpile.

"At Department of Defense's request, the Carnegie Endowment will study policy issues pertaining to the future of the land-based leg of the U.S. nuclear triad, starting with an assumption that the United States will retain ICBMs. In our research we will engage a wide spectrum of experts with different views to analyze how to ensure a robust, cost-effective nuclear deterrent while reducing the risk of nuclear war," said George Perkovich, vice president for studies at Carnegie.

The Department of Defense did not respond to a request for comment.

Under the Trump administration, the United States last year started developing a replacement system for the aging ICBMs called the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent, which is scheduled to be completed by 2029. Progressives and anti-war activists oppose the program and have called on the Biden administration to eliminate the land-based nuclear missile system completely. But defense hawks maintain that replacing the missiles is crucial for U.S. nuclear deterrence.

The researchers tasked by the Biden administration with developing ICBM alternatives will seek out a range of perspectives "from former Trump administration officials to NGO disarmament advocates" to discuss "the potential policy benefits and risks with extending the life of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), pursuing the Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) program, or other options for consideration regarding the future of the land-based leg," according to the project proposal.

The project was drafted in response to "a request from DoD," according to the proposal. Records indicate that the project is intended to help craft a public relations narrative to bolster the Biden administration's decisions on the ICBM program.

The proposal said the researchers would seek out a variety of opinions, in part to "politically validate that the administration is open to a range of perspectives as is appropriate in a democracy."

The project would also give the administration and its supporters a chance to test-drive responses to its political opponents ahead of any policy announcements on the future of the ICBM program, according to the proposal.

"The main innovation in this project is the interrogative approach: asking hard questions of each alternative, and then building best-case answers to address those hard questions," the proposal states. "This approach can help inform narratives that [the Office of the Secretary of Defense] might use in explaining its decisions about the future of the land-based ICBM."

Debate over the future of the U.S. ICBM program comes as China is rapidly expanding its own nuclear arsenal, building over 200 missile silos and testing hypersonic nuclear delivery systems. Defense hawks in Congress have been focused on updating and modernizing the the United States' ICBM capabilities in light of pressing threats from China, Russia, Iran, and other malign regimes that have prioritized their procurement of advanced missiles. Progressive advocacy groups and members of the Democratic Party's anti-war flank oppose these moves, with sources telling the Free Beacon that the latest Biden administration proposal is an effort to appease the voices.

"If the United States does not modernize the land leg of our nuclear triad, America's nuclear deterrent will erode and Beijing will have little incentive to engage in good-faith strategic arms negotiations," said Brad Bowman, a former Senate national security adviser and now the senior director of the Center on Military and Political Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, in a statement to the Free Beacon.

Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Armed Services Committee slammed the proposal, which they described as an attempt by the Biden administration to justify reductions to U.S. nuclear capabilities and appease the Democratic Party's far-left flank.

"At this moment where the Chinese are testing next generation hypersonic weapons, the last thing America needs is more people advocating for the slowing and gutting of our military development," Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) told the Free Beacon.

"America needs to be clear-eyed about the threats from abroad we face and ensure that our military has what they need to confront them," Cruz said. "Instead, the Biden administration wants to pay leftwing activists and organizations to make recommendations further weakening us, which in turn will only further embolden our hostile rivals around the globe."

Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, said the contract would be "yet another gift to strengthen Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin at the expense of U.S. security."

"The Biden administration clearly is looking for a way to justify its radical agenda of unilateral disarmament and degrading our essential ballistic missile deterrent," said Banks. "This so-called report is being worked on right at the time that Russia and China are accelerating in their missile development, and China is expanding its nuclear arsenal."

The links between the Carnegie Endowment—which runs a Beijing-based branch at one of China's premier military research universities and has received funding from Chinese state-run influence groups—and the Chinese government came under congressional scrutiny earlier this year after Biden nominated the think tank's president, William Burns, as CIA director.

During the confirmation process, Burns acknowledged that the think tank had accepted between $200,000 and $500,000 from the China-United States Exchange Foundation, a group that congressional investigators have said is part of a foreign influence operation by the Chinese government.

The Carnegie Endowment's board of trustees includes Zhang Yichen, the CEO of a Chinese state-owned private equity fund and a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, an advisory group to the Chinese government. Zhang last year contributed between $250,000 and $549,000 to the think tank.

The Carnegie Endowment also set up a Beijing-based partner think tank, called the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, with China's Tsinghua University. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute, which tracks the national security threat of China's defense research institutes, designated Tsinghua University as "very high risk" due to the school's "high level of defence research and alleged involvement in cyber attacks."

Acton, one of the Carnegie researchers involved in the project, has downplayed China's nuclear expansion. In July, following reports that Beijing had started rapidly building nuclear missile bases, he penned a Washington Post column titled "Don't panic about China's new nuclear capabilities."

Acton proposed that the United States should commit to "limit[ing] its missile defenses" in exchange for reduction commitments from China and argued that it is "actually in the U.S. interest for China to be confident in the survivability of its nuclear deterrent to reduce any pressures on China to use nuclear weapons first in a conflict." The column was later updated with an editor's note: "Since this piece was originally published July 1, additional silos have been discovered at a second new nuclear missile base in China."

Defense hawks counter that reductions in U.S. nuclear capabilities will embolden adversarial countries.

"Those who say we don't need a land leg for our nuclear triad put too much trust in the air and sea legs of our nuclear deterrent, both of which will be increasingly vulnerable to Chinese and Russian attack in the future," said Bowman.

"The essence of deterrence is to create dilemmas for adversary planners that are too difficult to solve, incentivizing them to not conduct the attack in the first place."

Fox in the hen house...a dummy behind the Resolute Desk counting stacks...a crackhead son trying to clean cash...welcome to DC now.
RayR Offline
#539 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,958
The new arms race, same as the old arms race.
Build Back Better Bombs!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#540 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,150
Mumble mumble...stare blankly..."Isn't this a pretty place?"

What a dolt.

RayR Offline
#541 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,958
Duhmacracy made that inspiring moment possible DMV. Yup.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#542 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,150
RayR wrote:
Duhmacracy made that inspiring moment possible DMV. Yup.

That and an IQ of 48!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#543 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,150
Peering in at the crystal ball that is the LA Times....

Where will Democratic infighting lead? History’s answer is clear.

Pardon me if I pass on pity parties over the Supreme Court’s likely disembowelment of Roe v. Wade. Not that the likelihood of Roe’s ruination isn’t sickening. It’s just that this outrage could be seen coming. As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump pledged to appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe. The nation had fair warning.

Now, three of the six justices poised to undo Roe — Neil M. Gorsuch, Brett M. Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett — were appointed by Republican President Trump.

Elections have consequences.

The current ruckus over Roe is a reminder that we are, once again, at a pivotal moment.

Joe Biden is on the path to a one-term presidency.

That disastrous outcome lies down a dangerous road being paved by a fractious Democratic Party. Such a consequence would be devastating to the 81.2 million Americans who chose Biden over Trump. As in 2016, the country is on notice. Sadly, now as then, Democrats are too engaged in infighting to bother with the real and present danger: a Republican takeover of the House and Senate in the 2022 midterms.

A Democratic Party in the minority on both sides of the Capitol will put the Biden presidency on a 2024 watch list.

You can argue that Biden and other Democrats should be in much better shape for having, in less than a year, passed a pandemic aid package worth $1.9 trillion, enacted a massive infrastructure bill and sent to the Senate a safety-net expansion measure as transformative as any since Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society and War on Poverty in the 1960s.

But that would require discounting the class warfare waged over the roughly $2 trillion Build Back Better measure that finally survived prolonged clashes among centrists and progressives in the House.

Somewhere in the debate over the budget reconciliation package, the existential threat to Biden’s programs shifted from right-wing Republican opposition inspired by Trump to left-wing complaints of “corporate Democrats” beholden to corrupt businesses, Big Pharma and the ultra-wealthy.

The nasty internecine struggles left Biden with slumping poll numbers, fueled by the not-too-sub-rosa argument that the president doesn’t quite know how to handle his job, that he is pushed around by powerful special interests, and that he is not up to harnessing today’s populist moment.

It's not hard to see where this is all going.

Let Senate and House Democrats get shown the door next year — at least enough to shift the Senate majority leader’s seat from Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) to Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and the House speaker’s gavel from Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) — and Biden can expect, as night follows day, a challenge to his renomination.

And America, we have been there before.

Are you old enough to remember 1979? Well, I was there as a deputy assistant secretary in Jimmy Carter’s Treasury Department, and later as his U.S. executive-director-appointee at the World Bank.

The fractured relationships between the Carter White House and key Capitol Hill liberals produced a spectacle.

In early November 1979, Carter, a sitting president, faced a serious challenge from within: Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) sought to replace him on the party’s presidential ticket.

Carter won the nomination, but given the costs and lingering damage of the harsh primary, it was a renomination not worth having. A politically wounded president was trounced by Republican Ronald Reagan — and a 12-year Republican reign in the White House ensued.

It’s fair to ask whether an incumbent Biden, saddled with a Republican Congress and an ankle-biting Democratic left, would decide it’s better to just hang it up.

If Biden opts against seeking reelection, it would take us even further back, to 1968, when Johnson, hounded by unpopular Vietnam policies, stepped aside. That horrendous year is too painful to revisit in this column. But Vice President Hubert Humphrey took up the cudgel and made a run for it, losing by the narrowest of margins to Republican Richard M. Nixon — yielding five years of a Nixon White House until Watergate brought him down.

The turmoil and heartache of 1968 and 1980 might be avoided in 2024 if Democrats choose a different path today.

First, close the progressive-centrist divide. Those differences hardly outweigh the fallout that would result from right-wing victories next year.

The unifying Democratic focus should be beating Republicans — in Senate and House races.

A campaign focused on malevolent redistricting and voting restrictions should energize the entire Democratic spectrum. So, too, an agenda that delivers for a majority in America.

It involves more than messaging.

A president and Congress seen united and fighting for people will be a team that gets rewarded at the polls. Accomplishing that calls for less selfish and self-serving political behavior — from Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) — and more care toward making life better for Americans.

Much of the country slept when Trump piped up about the Supreme Court and Roe in 2016. Wake up. No more pity parties.

There is time to change course.

United and fighting? Sound more like a 3 alarm signal to BLM and ANTIFA to step up operations!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#544 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,150
Adios puta!

Politico: Biden's senior adviser for migration heads for the exit

Another senior adviser to the president is leaving after only a few months on the job. Tyler Moran, the senior adviser for migration in the Biden administration, is leaving at the end of January. This scoop came from Politico last night. Moran’s resignation raises eyebrows because she has only been on the job since July.

Kamala Harris is supposed to be overseeing the Biden border crisis, as we all know. She is failing spectacularly to do whatever it is she is doing if anything, to secure the border. All we get from her is a talking point that she is working to address the root causes of illegal migration to the United States. The administration and Kamala’s office are desperately trying to get some good press for her. Yesterday, before this latest resignation from a senior person working on migration issues, Kamala made an announcement that several top international businesses pledged $1.2 billion in commitments to support the economies and social infrastructure of Central American nations. Kamala touts this squeeze on major corporations as a success in addressing root causes of migration. I’ll get to that announcement in a moment.

Tyler Moran was always expected to only remain in her job for a few months, according to the White House explanation for her short time on the job. When Moran replaced Biden’s first special adviser for migration, Amy Pope, in July, Pope’s stay in the position was also described as temporary. At the time Moran replaced Pope, Moran was the special assistant to the President for Immigration for the Domestic Policy Council. The White House said that Moran would “focus on implementing the President’s commitment to a well-managed border and a fair and orderly immigration system.”

Are we to believe that her work is done here? Is the border secure and well-managed? Is there a fair and orderly immigration system? Those are rhetorical questions that spring to mind because we know that none of that has been accomplished. Why does the Biden administration continue to hire people for this top position on such a hot button issue on a temporary basis? Can’t they find anyone anywhere who can do the job? Hiring temporary people shows a lack of seriousness in addressing the Biden border crisis, which I have often mentioned. This administration is not serious in securing the southern border and allowing illegal migrants in to the United States is a deliberate action.

Clearly, the Biden administration is having some real difficulty in retaining people at the top levels to deal with the Biden border crisis. Roberta Jacobson was Biden’s first border czar (though he allegedly gave that job to Kamala) and she left in April. Mid and low-level aides have also left. Now the White House says they don’t have a replacement for Moran but think that her six-week notice gives them time to find one. Which produces the question of why they don’t have someone lined up to take her place if they knew from the start that Moran was only staying a few months? They are not serious about this issue.

The Biden administration remains in a reactive posture in dealing with the southern border, not a proactive stance.

Biden’s chief domestic policy adviser Susan Rice issued a statement. “Tyler has been an invaluable member of our team since the transition and a tremendous asset in our effort to rebuild a fair and humane immigration system.” Maybe so but nothing seems to have changed during the course of her tenure in the administration.

Kamala is looking for some good publicity these days as her poll numbers continue to sink. She has a lower favorability rating than Biden does, which, at this point, is saying something. So she announced that several international businesses have agreed to help out with those root causes she keeps talking about during discussions on illegal migration. The fact of the matter is that these causes have been around for decades and every administration talks about them as they deal with illegal immigration at the southern border. But, with the disaster of Biden’s border crisis at historically high levels of illegal migration due to some bone-headed policy decisions, instead of actually doing something, Kamala talks in vague and general terms. She is clueless, frankly, and unable to rise to the challenge. So, like a good Democrat, she hit up some major corporations for money to throw at the problem to the tune of $1.2B.

In May, Harris appealed to the private sector to invest in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras in an effort to improve stability and opportunity in the Central American countries. Monday’s announcement builds on that “call to action,” as she announces new commitments and encourages other companies to continue their investment.

Among the new initiatives announced Monday are a push by Nespresso to support coffee-growing in Honduras and El Salvador, a Microsoft initiative to connect millions of people to the Internet and a $100 million commitment to the region by Mastercard to promote digital payments and e-commerce.

In the past, money sent to Northern Triangle countries doesn’t find its way to the people who need help. Corruption is rampant and the political class ends up with most of it. This may be a feel-good moment for the businesses responding to Kamala’s ask but there really isn’t any reason to think that this time anything will be any different than in the past. Perhaps Honduras’ first female president will turn things around for her country. Kamala’s office released a statement on Saturday, a day after she called to congratulate her on the victory.

Yesterday, Vice President Kamala Harris called and congratulated Xiomara Castro on her historic victory as Honduras’ first female president. They discussed their shared interest in addressing the root causes of migration, including by increasing economic opportunity, combatting corruption, addressing security threats, and improving access to health and education. They committed to working together and deepening the partnership between the United States and Honduras.

In her remarks announcing the commitments from the businesses, Kamala said it’s not about the United States telling the countries involved what to do. She spoke in general terms about being partners and “helping to facilitate the natural desire of the people in these nations.” Word salad.

She said the investments came from seven companies, including PepsiCo, Mastercard and Cargill, and will go toward boosting the economies and social infrastructure in countries where immigration is most pronounced. Harris issued a call to action in May to assist El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

“Six months ago, we had a commitment of $750 million,” she said Monday during a meeting with executives. “Today, we have a commitment of over $1.2 billion.

“This is not about us coming in and telling anyone what they should do. It is about being partners and assisting and helping to facilitate the natural desire of the people in these nations. This is important work. This is good work. I think it reflects the best of who we are as the United States recognizing our responsibility as neighbors to these countries in the Western Hemisphere.”

PepsiCo said it plans to designate $190 million for investments in Central America, including improving manufacturing plants. Cargill, meanwhile, plans to invest $150 million in farming operations in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Parkdale Mills said it will build a $150 million yarn spinning site in Honduras.

I guess now we’ll wait to see who Biden chooses next to help Kamala with illegal migration and border issues on a temporary basis. No one seems to want to stick around long enough to actually see some results.

Overrunning the border with illegals and drugs is their plan. Acting like it's normal is too.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#545 Posted:
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The 5th Circuit Delivers a Shockingly Ruthless Rebuke of Joe Biden's Lawlessness

You may recall some weeks ago when RedState reported on the Biden administration moving to reinstate Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy.

Upon taking office, Joe Biden pulled out his pen and phone and nixed the measure that had stemmed the tide of unqualified asylum applicants and trafficking of children. Soon after, with the Obama-era policy of releasing illegal immigrants into the interior with a court date back in place, the current surge at the border began. That surge has continued, reaching record levels over 2021.

Eventually, the courts got involved after several states sued, leading to an order to reinstate the “Remain in Mexico” policy. Last month, the Biden administration made the move to follow that order, including securing a deal with Mexico, whose president had opposed ending the program in the first place. Of course, that move wasn’t willingly, as the government sought to appeal the decision.

Now, the 5th Circuit has slapped down that attempt at an appeal, and the decision is absolutely savage. That’s not hyperbole. Read every word of this. It’s one of the most direct condemnations from a court I’ve ever seen of a president.

There are a lot of highlights here. At one point, the court has this to say, countering the government’s claims that the case is moot and that the Biden administration can skip various review processes. Get a load of this language.

DHS’s proposed approach is as unlawful as it is illogical. Under Supreme Court and Fifth Circuit precedent, this case is nowhere near moot. And in any event, the vacatur DHS requests is an equitable remedy, which is unavabile [sic] to parties with unclean hands. The Government’s litigation tactics disqualify it from such equitable relief.

The court also scoffed at the idea that Biden can simply print out a word document and order the ending of a program that impacts the states in such a way without going through any of the legal and legislative review processes. Remember, Democrats celebrated the courts denying Donald Trump the right to end DACA based on the Administrative Procedures Act.

In laughable fashion, Biden thought he could get away with violating the precedent his own party forced into place just a few years ago. Nope, that’s not how any of this works.

The Government also raises a slew of reviewability arguments, contending that no court may ever review the Termination Decision. DHS claims the power to implement a massive policy reversal—affecting billions of dollars and countless people—simply by typing out a new Word document and posting it on the internet. No input from Congress, no ordinary rulemaking procedures, and no judicial review. We address and reject each of the Government’s reviewability arguments and determine that DHS has come nowhere close to shouldering its heavy burden to show that it can make law in a vacuum.

On the merits, the Termination Decision was arbitrary and capricious under the APA.

The beat-down just continues from there, and it is clear that the courts are sick and tired of the Biden administration violating the law and then attempting to game the judicial system to still get what they want. Whether that means not honoring precedent or the White House hoping they can simply run out the clock before litigation can finish, the 5th Circuit is not here for their games.

The old adage “be careful what you wish for” applies here. Democrats, for four years under Trump (and long before that), abused the judicial system to try to stop nearly everything the then-president attempted to do. Activist judges often played along, setting precedent that is now working against the Biden administration. You absolutely love to see it.

He's doing...the know the thing.

Rinse, lather and repeat...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#546 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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When your entire administration is compromised and your family is bribed with CCP contacts and get to talk to JoeBama like this:

China threatens US; says era of US defending democracy, human rights ‘is over’

On Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin criticized the U.S. military’s decision not to punish those behind an August airstrike that killed 10 civilians and said the U.S. can no longer use the “pretext” of supporting democracy and human rights to act around the world.

“While the US talked about ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ at the ‘Summit for Democracy,’ the innocent Afghan people who were gunned down by the US military were brushed aside and their families had no place to complain about their grievances,” Wang said. “This is the harsh reality brought to the world by the so-called ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ advocated by the U.S.” 

Wang condemned U.S. military interventions in countries like Afghanistan. Iraq and Syria, and called for the international community to “look into the U.S. military’s war crimes of killing innocent civilians around the world and hold it accountable.”

“Justice may be delayed, but it will not be denied,” Wang added. “The era in which the U.S. acted arbitrarily in the world under the pretext of so-called ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ is over. The day of reckoning will eventually come for the U.S. military who committed the crimes of killing innocent civilians in many countries.”

Wang’s comments came in response to Monday remarks by Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby, who said after a review of the Aug. 29 strike, which killed 10 civilians, “There was not a strong enough case to be made for personal accountability,” for those involved.

“The US troops’ atrocity of killing civilians in Afghanistan is unacceptable. It is all the more outrageous that the U.S. exonerates the perpetrators with impunity on various grounds,” Wang said.

Wang’s remarks come amid recent U.S. condemnations of China’s own human rights record. Last week, the Biden administration announced a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, citing China’s human rights record and particularly its activities in Xinjiang, where China is estimated to be holding about 1.8 million ethnic minority Uyghurs in internment camps.

China has also come under scrutiny for the recent disappearance and possible kidnapping of tennis player Peng Shuai, who went missing after publicly accusing a top Chinese official of sexual assault. Other Chinese citizens, such as billionaire Jack Ma, have gone missing after publicly criticizing the Chinese government and its leaders.

China wants the world to blindly ignore what they've been doing while topping the US for global superiority. Amassing the world's largest navy, which they will use. Supersonic missiles, which they will use. Everyone say "Cheese!" at the Winter Olympics though.
ZRX1200 Offline
#547 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 61,555
LaBron said it’s cool.
RayR Offline
#548 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,958
Who voted for this ridiculous demented old fart?

He just called Kamala da president aaagain!

Joe Biden calls Kamala Harris 'President'
DrMaddVibe Offline
#549 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,150
Poor confused Charlemange da God....I guess he's not Black.

People that really need an introduction.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#550 Posted:
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Democrats Dump ‘Build Back Better,’ Pivot to Useless Extremism

Editor’s note: On Sunday, Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., told “Fox News Sunday” he would not vote for the Build Back Better bill, saying, “I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just can’t. I’ve tried everything humanly possible. I can’t get there.”

Unable to pass their welfare-state expansion with a simple majority, Democrats have reportedly shelved the Build Back Better bill for the year.

Now, prepare for the entire left-wing infrastructure—politicians as well as the establishment press—to pivot hard from the fake “social safety net” bill to the fake “voting rights” bill, which will quickly become the most vital piece of legislation in the history of the republic.

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who not long ago heralded the mere framework of Build Back Better as “by far the most significant piece of legislation ever passed in the world,” told reporters that it was now more important to get a “voting rights” bill through the Senate.

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The “Jim Crow 2.0” smear—aimed at the Twittersphere, because there isn’t a single competitive race in 2022 in which “voting rights” attacks are going to make a difference—will only succeed in further corroding confidence in elections.

The demagogic lie that “democracy” is under attack in states that employ basic standards of voter integrity is an emotional appeal that does not stand up to scrutiny. It is a debate that Republicans should embrace.

Democrats can keep treating voter-ID requirements as if they were poll taxes, but most Americans support the standard that, incidentally, existed only a few years before the 2020 election anarchy.

That said, the ginned-up “voting rights” emergency is also meant to continue laying the groundwork for blowing up the legislative filibuster. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.—who participated in more than 300 filibusters during the Donald Trump years and who signed a letter in 2017 imploring then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to preserve the “existing rules, practices, and traditions” of the filibuster, and only a couple of months ago was criticizing former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., for attacking the procedure—came out in favor of eliminating the legislative filibuster today.

Here, too, it’s highly doubtful that moderates such as Sens. Joe Manchin, D.-W.Va., and Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz.—or even a number of other low-lying moderates—would help blow up a Senate norm to placate the hard left.

Manchin has been asked about “reforming” the filibuster about a bazillion times, and in each instance, to the consternation of progressives on Twitter, he’s replied with the same answer: No.

Indeed, even if shameless hypocrites such as Warner were successful in killing the filibuster, it’s unclear that Senate Democrats would be able to find the votes to pass an H.R. 1-type “voting rights” bill, which would not only override hundreds of existing laws, but compel states to count mail-in votes 10 days after Election Day to allow ballot harvesting, to allow felons to vote, to ban basic voter-ID laws, and to create councils to redraw districts (all the while undercutting free speech rights with a slew of new election regulations).

In the end, the Senate Democrats would almost surely be impelled to pass a diluted version of voting rights, which would still likely face challenges in courts by numerous states. Are red state Democrats willing to dispense with a longtime Senate norm for, if anything, fleeting partisan gain?

In addition to advocating trashing the filibuster and overriding state elections, court-packing is also back on the docket. In anticipation of Build Back Better being abandoned this year, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has come out in favor of an illiberal court-packing scheme.

Of course, the chances of the Senate destroying the judiciary are still quite small. These are largely issues and debates that political types (myself included) might welcome, but they do not even register in polls that measure the priorities of American voters.

These positions simply serve to highlight the radicalism and tone-deafness of many modern Democrats, who are denied the comforts of railing about Trump every day. And the closer we get to the 2022 midterms, the bigger the lift will be to pass the reconciliation bill. The more Democrats have tried to sell it, in fact, the less popular it has gotten.

In districts that matter in 2022, it is almost certainly quite unpopular. So, instead, Democrats have decided to win the Twitter vote.

Boo Frickety Hoo.

The DNC won't stop its stranglehold on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
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