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Last post 11 years ago by gringococolo. 362 replies replies.
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gringococolo Offline
#301 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2006
Posts: 4,626
Brewha wrote:
A nice explanation, most kind.
I would encourage you to embrace your African-American blood. It is nothing to be ashamed of. Think of the blood line you share; Jackie Robinson, Barack Obama, Rush Limbaugh . . . .

There are many interesting names here.

Wheelrite saw the movie Heart Like A Wheel, and found his moniker.

HockeyDad met a girl while ice skating.

MaddVibe collects battery powered motors with off center flywheels.

So many stories . . . . .

I wore parachute pants and was a breakdancer in the early 80's. I'm blacker than Obama, hands down.

I wonder when the "cocolo" medical device was invented... I shall google.
Brewha Offline
#302 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,258
gringococolo wrote:

I wonder when the "cocolo" medical device was invented... I shall google.

jpotts Offline
#303 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
gringococolo wrote:
Enjoy your flight delays. Thank your government. I can promise you, it's not intentional. It's just the way it is.

Oh yea, and eff all of you who are just content to bag on all government employees. You sound like idiots. Have no idea what you are talking about. Of course why should that persuade you never has in the past.

Federal employees pay taxes, pay towards their own retirements. But you know what.... Why bother educating you idiots. Easier just to say eff you, have a nice day you ungrateful F%CKS.

Ummm...I've worked with the federal apparatus in the past.

Your pension benes a WAY out of line from what you'd get in the public sector.

You salary base is now WAY out of line from what you'd get in the public sector.

Most of the federal workforce would not be able to make it in the private business sector due to the pressures and demands of having to deliver to a customer on time and at budget. Period. You wouldn't know what to do with yourselves if you f*cked up royaly on a project because your a** would be fired in a heartbeat. Yet delays, and bureaucratic hassels are the norm when dealing with the federal government, not the exception.

Most of us in the private sector have to be good at what we do because we can be without a job in a heartbeat. I can get fired because someone doesm't like the color of my hair, and there is nothing that I can do about it except maybe sue for unemployment compensation. So I have to make myself really valuable to my employer, or I don't eat.

Honestly, a good portion of the federal workforce, by contrast, are a bunch of lazy frickin' slobs who don't know how good they have it. And then you come along and act as if there is some sort of virtue in being in the federal "service" when you get paid more than your private sector counterparts, get an unbelivably generous benefits package, and have job security that most people would kill for.

Spare me the lecture. Honestly, you're frickin' clueless. You could can a third of the federal workforce - across the board - and hardly anyone who has to deal with that nightmare would notice.

By the way, been traveling a lot lately. No flight delays. You're essentially full of crap.
wheelrite Offline
#304 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119
Cliff Clavin outrage !!
teedubbya Offline
#305 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
More like Walter Mitty.
jpotts Offline
#306 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
teedubbya wrote:
More like Walter Mitty.

This coming from Gypsy Rose Lee...
gringococolo Offline
#307 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2006
Posts: 4,626
jpotts wrote:
Ummm...I've worked with the federal apparatus in the past.

Your pension benes a WAY out of line from what you'd get in the public sector.

You salary base is now WAY out of line from what you'd get in the public sector.

Most of the federal workforce would not be able to make it in the private business sector due to the pressures and demands of having to deliver to a customer on time and at budget. Period. You wouldn't know what to do with yourselves if you f*cked up royaly on a project because your a** would be fired in a heartbeat. Yet delays, and bureaucratic hassels are the norm when dealing with the federal government, not the exception.

Most of us in the private sector have to be good at what we do because we can be without a job in a heartbeat. I can get fired because someone doesm't like the color of my hair, and there is nothing that I can do about it except maybe sue for unemployment compensation. So I have to make myself really valuable to my employer, or I don't eat.

Honestly, a good portion of the federal workforce, by contrast, are a bunch of lazy frickin' slobs who don't know how good they have it. And then you come along and act as if there is some sort of virtue in being in the federal "service" when you get paid more than your private sector counterparts, get an unbelivably generous benefits package, and have job security that most people would kill for.

Spare me the lecture. Honestly, you're frickin' clueless. You could can a third of the federal workforce - across the board - and hardly anyone who has to deal with that nightmare would notice.

By the way, been traveling a lot lately. No flight delays. You're essentially full of crap.

"with" the federal apparatus. Not for.

Sorry you are such a slob in the private sector. Sounds like you should get a federal job since everything is so much better than the private sector.

And ummm. We temporarily "fired" 10% of the federal workforce, how did that work out.

I would suggest you stop coloring your hair purple..... Wait are you married to Michele Bachmann?

Typical Potts blowhard rhetoric. I could tell you how good the benefits are in my wifes private sector job, they are better than mine, plus I could smoke weed if I wanted too. But why? It really doesn't matter.

Like I said before F%$k off. You call me a lazy POS. Lets compare bodyfat you frickin slob. You call me clueless I call you a whiny little child, that in the land of opportunity in the PRIVATE SECTOR is still sucking hind tit and can't seem to get ahead. Don't blame your failures on others.
jpotts Offline
#308 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
gringococolo wrote:
"with" the federal apparatus. Not for.

Ohhh, yeah that is SUCH a distinction.

You know, if I brazenly put my feet up on my desk and opened up the newspaper while I was on the clock, my a** would be fired. Outright. And yeah, I saw federal workers doing that day in and day out. No reprocussions.

gringococolo wrote:
Sorry you are such a slob in the private sector. Sounds like you should get a federal job since everything is so much better than the private sector.

No. I wouldn't be able to put up with the lack of work ethic and the gross incompentence.

I got buddies who also worked with that lovely federal apparatus. They tell me the same thing.

I have relatives that actually work IN the federal government. Same basic stories.

You're either very lucky or completely frickin' blind to not know or see any of this.

gringococolo wrote:
And ummm. We temporarily "fired" 10% of the federal workforce, how did that work out.

Really? I personally haven't noticed. At all. Your point being?

Oh, in the private sector, there would be no "temporary." If you got laid off, you got laid off. Period. That "temporary" firing crap only applies to union jobs in auto factories. And nowadays, it is more along the lines of permanent.

So, if you think you're making a point here, you're horribly wrong. And I'm not exactly crying because some people in the federal government got an unpaid vacation. I was there at Ford when the Angel of Death made two passes through that place, and saw all sorts of people get the boot. I saw good people - smart people - take their retirement instead of remaining on because they didn't want to lose their retirement benefits (people who've been there for 30 years and were still under the old pension system). There was nothing "temporary" about it.

But unlike the bloated leviathan that is the federal government, Ford needed to trim down to stay alive, and that's exactly what they did.

What, you want me to cry a tear for those poor federal employees who aren't really going to lose their job? Get a life you twit.

gringococolo wrote:
Typical Potts blowhard rhetoric. I could tell you how good the benefits are in my wifes private sector job, they are better than mine, plus I could smoke weed if I wanted too. But why? It really doesn't matter.

Blowhard rhetoric. Nice.

Smoke weed while employed? You're high. Most large employers require a p*ss test before the hire you. A lot of small employers are doing that too. You get caught smoking weed, you're done at most companies.

My health benes are pretty nice too. Best benefits I've ever had. I've worked for a lot of people in the past, not all of them (in fact very few of them) were as good as I have now. That being said, I basically pay for them as a cost of employment. I have no frickin' idea where you get the idea that my employer "pays" for some or all of my health benefits, as they don't - I pay for them. They are what it costs to employ me. And I make a decent chunk of change probably more than 90% of the people that post here. But I guarantee you, I don't make that kind of money sitting around.

Oh yeah, I don't get a pension. Those have basically gone the way of the Dodo bird. You get a 401K, that you pay for out of your salary, and if you're lucky you get a company match. So, in short, not only am I paying for your pension, I'm paying for my retirement too.

gringococolo wrote:
Like I said before F%$k off. You call me a lazy POS. Lets compare bodyfat you frickin slob. You call me clueless I call you a whiny little child, that in the land of opportunity in the PRIVATE SECTOR is still sucking hind tit and can't seem to get ahead. Don't blame your failures on others.

Typical entitled child mentality. And yeah, you're clueless.

Did I say that you were personally a lazy slob? No. But hey, if you want to throw in with those same useless slugs that I'm talking about, then be my guest. I dunno, maybe you are a useless slug given they way you're defending those creeps.

The difference between you and I is that I have zero protections on my job. Zip, nada, none. There is no bureaucratic process, no hearings, nothing. I f*ck up, and I'm gone. It's really that simple. I get laid off, no company is going to call me back. Hell, even the unions these days don't get that kind of courtesy nowadays.

And yeah the private sector is sucking the hind t*t. I have no idea who in the hell you think pays your salary, but all of that comes from guys like me, and those evil private sector corporations, and small business owners, and so on. You pay your taxes. Wow! You want a medal for doing that?

If you think that the taxes you pay somehow come close to justifying your salary at whatever bureau you work at, I shudder to think what substandard output you must produce. The government produces nothing. It creates no wealth. It does nothing but consume. And one of the main reasons why the private sector is sucking the hind t*t is because of a massive, bloated federal bureaucracy that limits growth, stalls innovation, and basically destroys business.

It's like you are totally unaware that there is a 16 trillion dollar debt hanging out there, of which your salary and retirement are part responsible in making. Excuse me, but specifically who do you think if going to pay that debt? You and your federal butt-buddies? With what?

Oh, and by the way - not sure if you've figured this out yet - but when it all comes collapsing down, the first thing to go will be federal workers, and those federal pensions. And it will come collapsing down. It is inevitable given the utter cluelessness of people like you. Your p*ssing and moaning about Bush's two unpaid wars and all that liberal claptrap does not excuse that there are thousands of federal workers on the payroll, for decades, that should have never been there in the first place. They are the prime source of waste, abuse, and corruption which has been going on now for decades.

We'll see who is whining in a decade or two when austerity has its time in this country.
ZRX1200 Offline
#309 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,751
gringococolo I was taken aback by your "ungrateful f*@k$" comment I don't have any ill will towards you. I do stand behind my words though (no name calling from me).

The gov't as a whole is Too Big to Succeed.

It is choking the public financially, socially and politically.
HockeyDad Offline
#310 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,307
gringococolo wrote:
Just to clarify, I work for the FAA. I am not the FAA, but they did play the card. What I also will say is that ther was no "job action" or intentional slowdown on the part of air traffic control.

I don't hate the playa or hate the game. I applaud the FAA for the stunt they pulled.
Gene363 Offline
#311 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
Posts: 30,952
gringococolo take a deep breath. If you are a government employee, people gonna F' with you, you cannot take it personally. Well, unless you are one of the bad ones. Sarcasm

Truth is, hardly anyone gets a pension anymore and if they do, the company is likely to go bankrupt before they can collect that pension. Sure, there are some government workers that have a work ethic and get really frustrated with the idiots in DC. There are also plenty along for the ride not doing jack and collecting our tax dollars. That last remark is based on 20+ years of working for government contractors, 13 years of working in the highly regulated nuclear power industry and my first 9 years as a government employee. I was not a federal employee, but I finally couldn't put up with the promoting of incompetent and the lazy. I quit and went to the private sector, people thought I was crazy, but it was the best thing I could have done.

I have had to wade through dozens of government employees gabbing to get one of them to sign something after I did their job for them. As a group, they are dismissive and entitled. I have also assisted government employees trying to do the right thing only to be frustrated by their incompetent managers. Most government employees go with the flow. Sure, I have run into plenty of idiots and incompetents in the private sector, but I could get around them or over them.

jetblasted Offline
#312 Posted:
Joined: 08-30-2004
Posts: 42,595
Sequester - another failed Obama policy.
dubleuhb Offline
#313 Posted:
Joined: 03-20-2011
Posts: 11,350
jetblasted wrote:
Sequester - another failed Obama policy.

He sure has made it sound like it wasn't his idea or that he has anything to do with it though.
Gene363 Offline
#314 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
Posts: 30,952
dubleuhb wrote:
He sure has made it sound like it wasn't his idea or that he has anything to do with it though.

Next disaster; health care, Hey it's 'Obama Care' but don't blame me." fog
gringococolo Offline
#315 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2006
Posts: 4,626
Let me make this very simple. If you say EVERY federal employee is lazy, screw you. There are plenty of them all right.

I also conceede there is a general entitlement attitude amongst some federal employees not all. They are the fringe. Most are hard working, but unfortunately it is a not a for profit employer. Even if you saved money in whatever branch you worked in, someone will spend that money ITS A FEDERAL BUDGET, IT IS ILLEGAL NOT TO SPEND THE MONEY. Comparing the federal government to a a for profit company is foolish.

The federal government is too big and spending too much money, however the amount spent on federal employees is a miniscule amount compared to the rest of it. They are just an easy target. It also hasn't really grown much in the last 20 years.

I am disgusted by the layers of management in the government, but they are driven by the people of this country. There about 15,000 air traffic controllers. There are about 3,000 people assigned (estimated) to making sure we are "doing our job". That is a problem. But those "people" were hired because of knee jerk reactions, and more layers of uselessness were added. Guess what..... it's not those people's fault the were hired to do a job that I am sure they believe is important.

The benefits are good, the BS is painfull. If you actually worked in the system like Gene and a few others, then I would value your opinion.

I'm not pro union, but yes I belong to one. I pay my dues like an insurance policy, that's it. There are many, many, conservative federal workers. Working hard and doing their best.

If I had to pin numbers to percentages of lazy or entitled. Lets see. 10% - 20% militant entitled, included in the militant column is lazy total percentage between the two around 15% to 25%. The average workers that just come, do their job and go home, 40% to 60%. The ones that come to work and try and go above and beyond, 20% to 25%. Breakdown over simplified: 25% lazy/entitled, 50% average do their job nothing more, 25% doing the best they can in a job that normally doesn't reward efficiency. Based on observation, not scientific.

You can't blame the employee, blame the system.

I could go on for hours. I'm really not in the business of defending federal employees. But it is a personal attack to say all federal employees are lazy, most are not.

It is also insulting to claim that MOST federal employees couldn't make it in the private sector. That is pure rhetoric. They are only working in the effed up system that this government has created.

In closing,

This board has really just gotten to be a bunch of soapbox B.S. I made an actual effort to be nasty, insulting, and rude. Mostly for shock value, but mostly because that's what a lot of this place has become. No debate, no discussion, no explaining, just insults and stupid assumptions based on TV and internet pundits regurgitated comments.
Gene363 Offline
#316 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
Posts: 30,952
gringococolo, there is hope for you. I loved my job and the people I worked with, however since retiring I have been stupid happy. Why? Because I no longer have to suffer the total mind numbing working conditions of a government installation.
ZRX1200 Offline
#317 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,751
So you're mad at us no matter our response to you purposely taking a tone I don't ever remembered you taking with anyone. I poked back not knowing if it was a joke or you'd gone off the deep end.

I don't like shenanigans at the expense of people at large here. With an individual or a post sure, but this?


I'm done here.
dpnewell Offline
#318 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
Gringo, I have no ill will toward you or your family. I'm sure that you work hard and do your job with pride. With that said, government employees have been insulated from the pain and suffering the rest of us have gone through these past years. I personally have taken a 60% pay cut over the past 4 years (near poverty level), hoping to somehow keep the doors open until this recession turns around. I've lost the battle, and will have to close my doors in a few months. My family has had to do without medical insurance as it's just not affordable. Our life savings are almost gone. Over that same period of time, my property taxes have jumped from $5,800 to over $7,000. The tax payers are suffering, yet our teachers and other public officials continue to get yearly pay increases at our expense.

Don't expect me to shed a tear, now that some government employees are finally getting a tiny taste of the suffering many of us have had to endure. To those of us who have burdened the blunt of this recession, the sob stories we hear from the "sequested" are laughable at best. Personally, they anger me, as the ones crying these tears come across as protected elitists that think they shouldn't have to give up anything, while those paying their salaries can barely get by.
teedubbya Offline
#319 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
How many people rooted for, cheered, or told you you deserved it?

I never understood the I suffered therefore you should too mentality.

I'm sorry to hear you are shutting your doors dp. That sucks. I hope your when your next chapter is written it includes riding a wave of an economy that is on fire and mucho profit.

teedubbya Offline
#320 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
I worked in a shop where salespeople got the choice between salaried or commission. The commissioned folks always bitched during the valleys but never were interested in becoming salaried during the peaks.

Life has choices.
dpnewell Offline
#321 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
teedubbya wrote:
How many people rooted for, cheered, or told you you deserved it?

I never understood the I suffered therefore you should too mentality.

I'm sorry to hear you are shutting your doors dp. That sucks. I hope your when your next chapter is written it includes riding a wave of an economy that is on fire and mucho profit.

THAT's what you got out of my post? OK, what ever.
teedubbya Offline
#322 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
It wasn't aimed directly at you DP. But I can understand how you took it that way when rereading things.

The only thing aimed at you is well wishes and unrequested sympathy for your business loss
teedubbya Offline
#323 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
I'm never happy to see someone else lose their jobs or income. It does nothing for me.
teedubbya Offline
#324 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
Wish I could edit easily.
dpnewell Offline
#325 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
^^Thanks, bud, much appreciated.
gringococolo Offline
#326 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2006
Posts: 4,626
dpnewell wrote:
Gringo, I have no ill will toward you or your family. I'm sure that you work hard and do your job with pride. With that said, government employees have been insulated from the pain and suffering the rest of us have gone through these past years. I personally have taken a 60% pay cut over the past 4 years (near poverty level), hoping to somehow keep the doors open until this recession turns around. I've lost the battle, and will have to close my doors in a few months. My family has had to do without medical insurance as it's just not affordable. Our life savings are almost gone. Over that same period of time, my property taxes have jumped from $5,800 to over $7,000. The tax payers are suffering, yet our teachers and other public officials continue to get yearly pay increases at our expense.

Don't expect me to shed a tear, now that some government employees are finally getting a tiny taste of the suffering many of us have had to endure. To those of us who have burdened the blunt of this recession, the sob stories we hear from the "sequested" are laughable at best. Personally, they anger me, as the ones crying these tears come across as protected elitists that think they shouldn't have to give up anything, while those paying their salaries can barely get by.

First of all I never complained about loosing money. I complained about the idea that people will have suffer because of this stupid sequester idea.

Second is it government employees fault they were "insulated"?

Third is it really compassionate to wish others, due to no fault of their own, suffer as you have?

Fourth can you actually blame someone for wanting to protect their pay?

Fifth not every business in the private sector has suffered, several have boomed.

Sixth the only federal employees you should blame for the failures or slowdown in your business are the congress and the last two presidents.

I just don't see the justification.

I really don't have a choice but to have a federal job in my line of work. I get offers from the private sector (from former service members usually) employees trying to hire me all the time.
gringococolo Offline
#327 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2006
Posts: 4,626
dpnewell wrote:
Gringo, I have no ill will toward you or your family. I'm sure that you work hard and do your job with pride. With that said, government employees have been insulated from the pain and suffering the rest of us have gone through these past years. I personally have taken a 60% pay cut over the past 4 years (near poverty level), hoping to somehow keep the doors open until this recession turns around. I've lost the battle, and will have to close my doors in a few months. My family has had to do without medical insurance as it's just not affordable. Our life savings are almost gone. Over that same period of time, my property taxes have jumped from $5,800 to over $7,000. The tax payers are suffering, yet our teachers and other public officials continue to get yearly pay increases at our expense.

Don't expect me to shed a tear, now that some government employees are finally getting a tiny taste of the suffering many of us have had to endure. To those of us who have burdened the blunt of this recession, the sob stories we hear from the "sequested" are laughable at best. Personally, they anger me, as the ones crying these tears come across as protected elitists that think they shouldn't have to give up anything, while those paying their salaries can barely get by.

Sorry your business is not going well. I certainly do not want it to fail. But I do not accept blame for it. I did not vote for this clown in office, nor do I support the monitary policy.

The government needs to get it's finances in order, ease the tax burden, and shrink in many ways.
gringococolo Offline
#328 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2006
Posts: 4,626
ZRX1200 wrote:
So you're mad at us no matter our response to you purposely taking a tone I don't ever remembered you taking with anyone. I poked back not knowing if it was a joke or you'd gone off the deep end.

I don't like shenanigans at the expense of people at large here. With an individual or a post sure, but this?


I'm done here.

Telling someone to eat a ******?? Not shenanigans.

And I don't like generic, broad brush, assumptions.

Although you were a "target" it's not personal. I really didn't feel like singling out every single comment made on this thread.

People just need to wake up and see what misplaced rage looks like.
HockeyDad Offline
#329 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,307
gringococolo wrote:
The government needs to get it's finances in order, ease the tax burden, and shrink in many ways.

Not gonna happen! Best strategy at this point is rape & pillage. Arghhh!
gringococolo Offline
#330 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2006
Posts: 4,626
Gene363 wrote:
gringococolo, there is hope for you. I loved my job and the people I worked with, however since retiring I have been stupid happy. Why? Because I no longer have to suffer the total mind numbing working conditions of a government installation.

I'm just doing my job. I am a little insulated because my job is more like a service industry. You either keep planes apart or you get fired.

I don't let myself get all worked up with the mismanagement. I do my job to the best of my ability and go home. I don't have project deadlines anymore, no inbox of 100's of emails every morning. But I am not lazy. I don't abuse my breaks, try to go above and beyond to provide service. But you know what happens when you try and do more and something goes wrong (two airplanes get close), you get fired because they will blame you anyway. Oh well, that's the risk I take. My soul is right with God.

The other comments like you can't get fired for any reason are silly. Yes you really have to screw up. I am pretty sure tardiness, not incompetence if the number one reason people get fired in the federal government, drugs would be the other. Though there are many many incompetent people.

It is frustrating working for government. But is isn't my fault, it's the institution as a whole. Design flaws.

Certainly shouldn't feel guilty because there is a pension plan that is better than most. If people truly understood the FERS system I think they would be shocked. It doesn't pay nearly as much as people think. You aren't going to retire rich in a lower paying govt job for damn sure. It's going to be double wide and generic cigaretts.

dpnewell Offline
#331 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
gringococolo wrote:
First of all I never complained about loosing money. I complained about the idea that people will have suffer because of this stupid sequester idea.

Second is it government employees fault they were "insulated"?

Third is it really compassionate to wish others, due to no fault of their own, suffer as you have?

Fourth can you actually blame someone for wanting to protect their pay?

Fifth not every business in the private sector has suffered, several have boomed.

Sixth the only federal employees you should blame for the failures or slowdown in your business are the congress and the last two presidents.

I just don't see the justification.

I really don't have a choice but to have a federal job in my line of work. I get offers from the private sector (from former service members usually) employees trying to hire me all the time.

Where in the world did you pull that crap out of? Where did I ever say that I wanted others to suffer like I have? I was stating facts about our current economical reality, not putting the blame for anything, on anyone. Sometimes I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall. Brick wall Some of you folks need lessons on reading comprehension.
HockeyDad Offline
#332 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,307
Obama Cone of Protection: get some!
Brewha Offline
#333 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,258
HockeyDad wrote:
Obama Cone of Protection: get some!

bloody spaniard Offline
#334 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Dpnewell, don't waste your breath. Many don't get it and probably won't 'til reality hits them in the ass and their golden goose finally dies.

That mindset emanates from the same zoo in the once thriving (now struggling due to illegal sanctuary status, etc.) Montgomery county which JUST (today) voted themselves a hefty 20% pay raise over two years. Only ONE dissenting voice pointed out that it was immoral due to struggling county suckers, er, taxpayers footing the bill.

Hope you got my email.Herfing
BuckyB93 Offline
#335 Posted:
Joined: 07-16-2004
Posts: 14,315
gringococolo wrote:

If I had to pin numbers to percentages of lazy or entitled. Lets see. 10% - 20% militant entitled, included in the militant column is lazy total percentage between the two around 15% to 25%. The average workers that just come, do their job and go home, 40% to 60%. The ones that come to work and try and go above and beyond, 20% to 25%. Breakdown over simplified: 25% lazy/entitled, 50% average do their job nothing more, 25% doing the best they can in a job that normally doesn't reward efficiency. Based on observation, not scientific.

I’m not sure I want to step into this little brushfire but

In the private sector…
25% lazy/entitled = costing the business money.
50% performing at an average level, doing nothing more = not helping the business grow or make the business any money.
25% trying to improve = actually contributing to current profits and future growth.

A business like that would not last long and needs a serious shot of reality. 25% of the employees have to carry the other 75%? The taxpayers fund all three groups knowing there is not much they can do about it and that a majority of the government workers are a drain on the system. This is why private sector folks have a hard time shedding tears for the woes of public sector employees.

In the private sector...
- The first group gets **** canned without delay or remorse.
- The second group gets a window of time to decide for themselves if they wanted to become a member of the first or third group.
- The third group may get a small reward in the form of profit sharing, merit increase and/or bonus (assuming group’s 1 and 2 haven’t cost the business all of its profits).
bloody spaniard Offline
#336 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
I agree with 98.2% of what Bucky said. Or was it 92.8%?
HockeyDad Offline
#337 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,307
I wonder if the Golden Goose is exempt from Obamacare?

Save the Golden Goose!
teedubbya Offline
#338 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
I think part of the problem is folks talk past each other because they are so right and the other guy will just never get it.

I like waffle cones
DrafterX Offline
#339 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,680
I could sure use a waffle cone stuffed with a couple scoops of buttered pecan.... Mellow
HockeyDad Offline
#340 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,307
DrafterX wrote:
I could sure use a waffle cone stuffed with a couple scoops of buttered pecan.... Mellow

Government workers call that "breakfast"!
DrafterX Offline
#341 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,680
Gubment workers get free waffle cones for brekfas..??
bloody spaniard Offline
#342 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
TW, your huntin' dog don't look none too good! LOL!

HD, I can't wait for Obamacare to be "activated" and replace our BC/BS! To hell with the gold huevos.
My wife not so much. She hates & distrusts the Government more than I do.
HockeyDad Offline
#343 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,307
DrafterX wrote:
Gubment workers get free waffle cones for brekfas..??

Yes. Limit 2/day.
DrafterX Offline
#344 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,680
bloody spaniard wrote:
She hates & distrusts the Government more than I do.

DrafterX Offline
#345 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,680
HockeyDad wrote:
Yes. Limit 2/day.

I bet they could get three if they really wanted.... Mellow
HockeyDad Offline
#346 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,307
DrafterX wrote:
I bet they could get three if they really wanted.... Mellow

Not since they put in the "TeeDubbya Rule" after the incident in '08.
teedubbya Offline
#347 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
HockeyDad wrote:
Not since they put in the "TeeDubbya Rule" after the incident in '08.

you make love to a waffle cone three times and you are branded for life

it aint fair
bloody spaniard Offline
#348 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
DrafterX wrote:

I know, right? Years ago I used to loathe the Government lots more than her but at least I used to like Repubs.
Now, I dislike 'em all.

Wow, I guess we both saw the light of conversion on the road to Damascus.Pray
dubleuhb Offline
#349 Posted:
Joined: 03-20-2011
Posts: 11,350
Have we become exiles in our own country ?
DrafterX Offline
#350 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,680
dubleuhb wrote:
Have we become exiles in our own country ?

you should try being an Indian.... Mellow
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