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When Animals Eat Their Own
DrMaddVibe Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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teddyballgame wrote:
DMV, you angry little man. Socialism won't be thrust upon us like in the Soviet Union, but incrementally aren't we going that route? We keep moving further and further away from limited government to statism, whatever one wants to call it.
Bernie is a socialist and he claims it often and proudly. Great. "A" for honesty.
Bernie is all about free stuff - how it gets paid for, is anyone's guess. He will hike taxes, like any socialist dem.

So why defend this marxist?
Yes, he is more a marxist than a socialist, but then I am just splitting hairs.
How did this great country become as great as it has in such a short period of time?
Through big government statism, or through capitalism?

Sorry...I didn't read a damned thing past the abbreviation of my username.


Because it's useless crap.
Brewha Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
Et tu n00b?


Where's Rick when you freaking really need him. I think his head would explode off his shoulders if he heard anyone call me that.

Whatever n00b. There isn't a viable candidate on the GOP side. They're all insane. Each and every one of them. Some are bat**** crazy like Cruz and Carson and others are better off hiding it a bit. Then there's Trump. If elected what's he going to do...wait for Congress to convene in session call them up and tell them they're all fired?

Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan

No, the only one saying stop the war insanity is Sanders. Try to wrap your mind around the notion of the US military not being stretched paper thin and the money spent on say infrastructure or some new tech that would make everyone's life easier like high speed rail? I don't want to confuse any of you...all the rest...want endless wars because that's what they're handlers want...or even use the "saved" money to pay down the national debt!!!

The choice is obvious to me and I'm over the "He's a socialist" crap. Anyone with half a brain, access to the internet should be too. Do your own damned research. Look at their voting records. Go hear them speak or listen to their speeches on You Tube. DON'T take the media's half assed attempt at "journalism" because they fail everyone.

Don't worry about usafvet, liberals are his bogeymen.

It is hard for me to envision a world where we rein in the crazy military spending and use it to build infrastructure. We have so many in the US that are stone cold scared of not being the biggest kid on the block by a factor of 9 that I don't know where we would even begin to stop wasting money on the military.

Part of me fears that the US has become the mercenaries of the rich.
teddyballgame Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 09-16-2015
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You mean, like that infrastructure that the stimulus was supposed to address?

Depending on your source 3-6% of the 800 billion was spent on infrastructure.

Here from the Huffington post ( I now have to wash my eyes out with soap after defiling them with this sight):

Brewha, move to a socialist little country and put your meaningless fears away. How about the heaven that is Venezuela?
teddyballgame Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 09-16-2015
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
Sorry...I didn't read a damned thing past the abbreviation of my username.


Because it's useless crap.

Sure you didn' even quoted it, so you could read it again.
teedubbya Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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I am depressed about the republican field. The democrats serve up a ball we can spike in their face and we seem unwinding to do so.
teedubbya Offline
#56 Posted:
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victor809 Offline
#57 Posted:
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And it was the softest of softballs. Seriously... A ton of middle of the road voters are looking for a good reason to vote for anyone but those two dem candidates.

It's laughable how poorly this year's campaign was executed. A rational non-theocratic candidate could have stolen a ton of votes. But no, they have to race to the bottom to get the nomination.
cacman Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 07-03-2010
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^^^ Not unwilling - just unable to find the right person to do it.
teedubbya Offline
#59 Posted:
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It's Hillary effing Clinton, one of the most divisive spawn of satan types ever and a socialist. And the republicans run this ****? They just needed better than decent and the run the folks only a small percentage in here could like? Wtf?
gummy jones Offline
#60 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:

I actually think trump is the only guy outta the top 4 that can lose to the dems
And he is probably who we will get
teedubbya Offline
#61 Posted:
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Cruz reminds me of the vampire puppet in that **** Sarah Silverman movie except he's not likeable, and is a lying untrustworthy selfish self centered nasty smegma infested deek. Other than that he's ok.
teedubbya Offline
#62 Posted:
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Gummy I'm beginning to think he's the only one that can win. Everyone but the hard core zealots see Cruz for what he is, Rubio is a light weight, and who is 4..... Kasaich?
gummy jones Offline
#63 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:
Gummy I'm beginning to think he's the only one that can win. Everyone but the hard core zealots see Cruz for what he is, Rubio is a light weight, and who is 4..... Kasaich?

I worry trump is too polarizing

He has his rabid supporters who follow his pipe dreams in a similar way that the "free" crowd follows bern but sensible folks should easily see past both. We are just so fed up that the garbage those two fools are selling seems reasonable.
teedubbya Offline
#64 Posted:
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Maybe so but there is also the fact that if he can get out of the primaries he can go back to being a democrat.
ZRX1200 Offline
#65 Posted:
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Democratic socialist.
victor809 Offline
#66 Posted:
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^ that might be the most hilarious outcome of this. While his existence in the presidential race is an embarrassment to our entire nation... If he wins there is a non-zero chance he'll act completely different from how the people who voted him in expect.
frankj1 Online
#67 Posted:
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As a formerly available vote, I say Cruz is the polarizing option. Trump is drawing those from both parties who are attracted to bravado and suffer from low T, But Cruz couldn't get a Dem or soft lib vote evah.

Though I doubt he would win, I think Trump is the only GOP candidate with any chance, and I think that is a long shot.

A lunatic narcoleptic doctor, TWO Freshman senators,this after railing about Obama's inexperience, and who can remember what else paraded across debate stages. And the only candidates that might get some lib votes, like the Governors, were unable to pass the insane litmus tests that only the GOP could invent.

You had 8 freaking years! Stop blaming the "sheeple", the freeloaders, the lazies and crazies. It's Mirror time for the party that time has forgotten.

The OP is correct.

gummy jones Offline
#68 Posted:
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We will see
I just want to see a conservative run rather than democratic-lite or a gimmick
Romney and McCain were jokes
Trump is a similar joke with a different punch line

The dems have two career politicians - an oligarchical liar and a socialist - not exactly very inspiring
If the repubs lose this one then they may never win again
frankj1 Online
#69 Posted:
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Gumster, after 8 years of preparation, are you all in on any GOP candidate, or just anti the other side?
gummy jones Offline
#70 Posted:
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I will vote for the only constitutionalist running and that is cruz
If only he didn't come off as such a schmuck
I think he would be a lock
Something about his delivery just seems less than truthful and that hurts him
teedubbya Offline
#71 Posted:
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Self proclaimed.
teedubbya Offline
#72 Posted:
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It's not his delivery it's the fiber of his being. His delivery simply shows it.
gummy jones Offline
#73 Posted:
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I'm not sure how anyone could know that
All we have is his voting record and some editorials talking about him being a mean guy

The establishment on both sides hates the guys guts so that's good enough for me
teedubbya Offline
#74 Posted:
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That's just it. You like him because of that. It taps in to something understandable. That to me is the only reason to like him and it's not good enough for me.
teedubbya Offline
#75 Posted:
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It's a protest vote. Much like Bernie.
gummy jones Offline
#76 Posted:
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No he bases his decisions on the constitution and the Bible
I have followed his career very closely and always know where he will stand on issues
Now I don't love Cruz's economic plan but I certainly like it better than a system that stifles ingenuity

I will admit that bernie is at least consistent with his socialist principles going back decades (which is more than I can say for hilary)
teedubbya Offline
#77 Posted:
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And whomever wins is president of all of us not just a narrow band of zealots.
teedubbya Offline
#78 Posted:
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I've followed his career since he hit the senate. He does claim it's the bible and constitution that drives his decisions. He says that over and over and over. Just ask him. He's the only one that follows the bible and the constitution. It's his shtick. He's a self centered POS and has a relatively small group of people bamboozled. He's feeding their beast. He is smart though.
teedubbya Offline
#79 Posted:
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That's my opinion. If you love him God bless you.
gummy jones Offline
#80 Posted:
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The countless "zealots" (Christians) before him seem to have done okay
You know, before Christian became a dirty word
If you stick to the constitution things usually work out
gummy jones Offline
#81 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:
I've followed his career since he hit the senate. He does claim it's the bible and constitution that drives his decisions. He says that over and over and over. Just ask him. He's the only one that follows the bible and the constitution. It's his shtick. He's a self centered POS and has a relatively small group of people bamboozled. He's feeding their beast. He is smart though.

You are assuming the rest got to their places of power out of some amazing altruism?
I don't care if he is self centered or mean (see obama) as long as he gets the economy back on track, follows the constitution and keeps us safe.

If you are a fan of small government there aren't many choices on either side that fit the bill.
teedubbya Offline
#82 Posted:
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Cristian doesn't equate to zealot in my mind nor is it a dirty word. I am a proud Christian who actively practices my faith.

I am wary of anyone who repeatedly proclaims the self holier than thou because usually the turn out not to be. He is neither more of a constitutionalist or better Christian than many of the people he derides.
teedubbya Offline
#83 Posted:
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In my opinion he is a snake oil salesman and a charlatan.
teedubbya Offline
#84 Posted:
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I also believe he is running perhaps the least Christian campaign of all of them right before our very eyes.
victor809 Offline
#85 Posted:
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As an atheist I will never vote for a candidate who states he's making decisions about our laws based on a Bible. That's what gets us Sharia law. Doesn't matter if the decision he comes to is one I agree with or not, if his decision making is based on the Bible he's one Bible passage away from deciding I need to be stoned to death.

A politician can be religious. Most have been. But to say you're using some random religion to guide your decisions is not acceptable to me. Would you want a candidate who said they consult the Koran when making political decisions?
teedubbya Offline
#86 Posted:
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We already have Obama. ^
teedubbya Offline
#87 Posted:
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I'm beginning to root for trump. Maybe he'll pick Bernie for VP.
usafvet509 Offline
#88 Posted:
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Hey, Victor. An atheist, a vegan and a crossfitter all walk into a bar. I only know cause they told everybody within a minute....
usafvet509 Offline
#89 Posted:
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IF, that's a big IF, a candidate actually follows the Bible (Carson, perhaps? Huckabee?), you could NEVER get sharia law. You got that a little twisted, Victor. The Bible is NOT the Kuran. The Bible teaches forgiveness and grace, not "kill the infidel"
frankj1 Online
#90 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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sounds like the bible needs more followers
Mattie B Offline
#91 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2005
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AMEN to that frank!!!

DrMaddVibe Offline
#92 Posted:
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usafvet509 wrote:
IF, that's a big IF, a candidate actually follows the Bible (Carson, perhaps? Huckabee?), you could NEVER get sharia law. You got that a little twisted, Victor. The Bible is NOT the Kuran. The Bible teaches forgiveness and grace, not "kill the infidel"

Knowing Victor...what he's saying is he's not going to follow some blind idiot devoted to his faith with running a nation.

While I believe it's a great thing to have in one's arsenal of Life to believe that you're chosen or have to prove to the world your God is great is sheer lunacy. This is EXACTLY what Cruz and his wife are espousing.
teedubbya Offline
#93 Posted:
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I'm totally cool when someone says thee law of God trumps the law of the land as long as it's my god.
teddyballgame Offline
#94 Posted:
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
Knowing Victor...what he's saying is he's not going to follow some blind idiot devoted to his faith with running a nation.

While I believe it's a great thing to have in one's arsenal of Life to believe that you're chosen or have to prove to the world your God is great is sheer lunacy. This is EXACTLY what Cruz and his wife are espousing.

Well, just keep pushing socialism and Bernie Sanders and soon enough, God and religion will be pushed off the cliff.
Secularism is the truth and the light!

Environmentalism is the new religion you heathens!
teddyballgame Offline
#95 Posted:
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victor809 wrote:
As an atheist I will never vote for a candidate who states he's making decisions about our laws based on a Bible. That's what gets us Sharia law. Doesn't matter if the decision he comes to is one I agree with or not, if his decision making is based on the Bible he's one Bible passage away from deciding I need to be stoned to death.

A politician can be religious. Most have been. But to say you're using some random religion to guide your decisions is not acceptable to me. Would you want a candidate who said they consult the Koran when making political decisions?

Its a good thing Lincoln didn't follow your example as the Bible was one of the few books he had growing up and read multiple times and relied on when making decisions.. oh and he prayed about making the correct decisions as the President too.

And this "random religion" was used as a basis for the Dec of Independence and the Constitution. Congressional meetings were opened with prayer ( I am guessing for prudent guidance).

Stoning to death is done by Muslims, not Christians.
usafvet509 Offline
#96 Posted:
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^ +1
DrafterX Offline
#97 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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I heard Lincoln was a Democrat... Mellow
DrMaddVibe Offline
#98 Posted:
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teddyballgame wrote:
Well, just keep pushing socialism and Bernie Sanders and soon enough, God and religion will be pushed off the cliff.
Secularism is the truth and the light!

Environmentalism is the new religion you heathens!

You really are a special kind of idiot.

Nobody is doing any of that.

What a fundamentalist religious zealot creep!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#99 Posted:
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teddyballgame wrote:
Stoning to death is done by Muslims, not Christians.

Why did Jesus tell them not to do that?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#100 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
I heard Lincoln was a Democrat... Mellow

He was a vampire hunter...silly!
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