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Last post 6 years ago by Burner02. 1423 replies replies.
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Lying Liar's List 10,000,000..........
tailgater Offline
#451 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Holy chit.

Such partisan hatred.

When the right did it to Obamy they were called racists.
Now the left claim their preoccupation is because of Trump. But it's just the same as the birthers.
It's simple partisan politics.

You can claim to be "in the middle" like most people do when asked about politics. But the type of derangement I'm reading here has nothing to do with the middle. Nor with Trump himself.
Remember, we saw similar shades of this during Dubya's 8 years.

This is pure, unadulterated, partisan blathering.

Kawak Offline
#452 Posted:
Joined: 11-26-2007
Posts: 4,025
The haters here have already referred to OUR presidents skin color multiple times. It's very clear who the racists are here....
Speyside Offline
#453 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
Posts: 13,106
You're right Joe. Trump does do a lot of unadulterated partisan blathering. Though he also does a lot of ego related blathering. It's a good thing Bob is pointing out the truth. It is quite entertaining to read a little of the quacker's blathering as well.
Kawak Offline
#454 Posted:
Joined: 11-26-2007
Posts: 4,025
Speyside wrote:
You're right Joe. Trump does do a lot of unadulterated partisan blathering. Though he also does a lot of ego related blathering. It's a good thing Bob is pointing out the truth. It is quite entertaining to read a little of the quacker's blathering as well.

Speaking of one of the unadulterated partisan blathering racists...Shame on you
banderl Offline
#455 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
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“So for the first time ever, American strategy now includes a serious plan to defend our homeland.”
banderl Offline
#456 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
Posts: 10,153
tailgater wrote:
Holy chit.

Such partisan hatred.

When the right did it to Obamy they were called racists.
Now the left claim their preoccupation is because of Trump. But it's just the same as the birthers.
It's simple partisan politics.

You can claim to be "in the middle" like most people do when asked about politics. But the type of derangement I'm reading here has nothing to do with the middle. Nor with Trump himself.
Remember, we saw similar shades of this during Dubya's 8 years.

This is pure, unadulterated, partisan blathering.

Just quoting your president, tailgater.
banderl Offline
#457 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
Posts: 10,153
“The train accident that just occurred in DuPont, WA shows more than ever why our soon to be submitted infrastructure plan must be approved quickly.”
Kawak Offline
#458 Posted:
Joined: 11-26-2007
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Paul said on Meet the Press, “I think it’s unfair to sort of paint him, ‘oh well, he’s a racist,’ when I know for a fact that he cares very deeply about the people of Haiti because he helped finance a trip where they would get vision back for 200 people in Haiti.”
banderl Offline
#459 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
Posts: 10,153
“As the world watches, we are days away from passing HISTORIC TAX CUTS for American families and businesses. It will be the BIGGEST TAX CUT and TAX REFORM in the HISTORY of our country!”
banderl Offline
#460 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
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“They neglected a nuclear menace in North Korea.”
banderl Offline
#461 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
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“[They] made a disastrous, weak, and incomprehensibly bad deal with Iran”

banderl Offline
#462 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
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“They surrendered our sovereignty to foreign bureaucrats in faraway and distant capitals.”
banderl Offline
#463 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
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“We have withdrawn the United States from job-killing deals such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the very expensive and unfair Paris Climate Accord.”
banderl Offline
#464 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
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“Our efforts to strengthen the NATO Alliance set the stage for significant increases in member contributions, with tens of billions of dollars more pouring in because I would not allow member states to be delinquent in the payment while we guarantee their safety and are willing to fight wars for them.”
banderl Offline
#465 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
Posts: 10,153
“Economic growth has topped 3 percent for two quarters in a row. GDP growth, which is way ahead of schedule under my administration, will be one of America's truly greatest weapons.”

Topic: Taxes

Source: Prepared speech

Trump routinely touts quarterly GDP growth of 3 percent, suggesting the figure was unheard of being he took office. But GDP growth has routinely topped 3 percent on a quarterly basis. Most recently, GDP growth hit 3.5 percent in the third quarter of 2016 while Obama was still in office.
Kawak Offline
#466 Posted:
Joined: 11-26-2007
Posts: 4,025
750) In the name of “safety,” Obama banned the use of wood in cheese-making, even though it has zero safety risk when done properly

In June 2014, in the name of “safety,” the Obama administration banned the use of wood in cheese-making, even though it has zero safety risk when done properly.

Chris Roelli, a Wisconsin cheese maker, said of this:

“… the flavor produced by aging on wood cannot be duplicated. This is a major game changer for the dairy industry in Wisconsin, and many other states.”

“We do not have a viable option available to us that will do the same things that the wood does to the cheese… The wood provides a way of controlling moisture, wood provides flavor, and the wood provides a stable environment for the beneficial microbes to grow that allow the cheese rind to develop.”

“Wood has been used in cheese making in Europe for thousands of years, from day one of cheese… it would severely hamper what we are doing at this point. 85% of the product I manufacture is made to be aged on wood.”

751) Veterans Administration hospital spent $20 million on solar panels while its patients died from lack of treatment

In June 2014, it was reported that the Phoenix VA Health Care System spent $20 million on solar panels while as many as 40 of its patients died while waiting for care.

752) Prohibited members of Congress from bringing cameras or audio recorders when they visited a shelter housing illegal aliens

In June 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had prohibited members of Congress from bringing cameras or audio recorders when they visited a shelter housing illegal aliens.

753) Threatened to arrest border patrol agents if they talked to reporters

In June 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had threatened to arrest border patrol agents if they talked to reporters.

754) Allowed known gang member illegal aliens to enter the U.S.

In June 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had allowed known gang member illegal aliens to enter the U.S.

755) Covered up deaths at a Veterans Administration hospital to make its statistics look better

In June 2014, CNN reported:

Records of dead veterans were changed or physically altered, some even in recent weeks, to hide how many people died while waiting for care at the Phoenix VA hospital, a whistle-blower told CNN in stunning revelations that point to a new coverup in the ongoing VA scandal.

“Deceased” notes on files were removed to make statistics look better, so veterans would not be counted as having died while waiting for care, Pauline DeWenter said.

756) Punished a whistleblower for exposing abuse of patients at a Veterans Administration hospital

In June 2014, it was reported that Val Riviello had worked at a Veterans Administration hospital in Albany, New York for 28 years, first as as a nurse, and later as a nursing manger. She had always been considered an outstanding employee. However, after she exposed the abuse of patients, she was moved to an office cubicle, was prohibited from working as a nurse or as a nursing manager, and faced a possible 30 day suspension without pay.

757) “Military Bans Bibles But Forces Soldiers to Adhere to Ramadan Rules”

In June 2014, the Getaway Pundit reported:

Military Bans Bibles But Forces Soldiers to Adhere to Ramadan Rules

The US Air Force kicked Christian Gideon’s volunteers off base in March. The Bibles were too offensive and violated the separation of church and state rule.

But US military personnel are expected to adhere Islamic practices during Ramadan.

758) Obama supporters who repeatedly criticized Bush’s “tax cuts for the rich” don’t seem to care that Obama signed a two year extension of them

Obama supporters who repeatedly criticized Bush’s “tax cuts for the rich” don’t seem to care that Obama signed a two year extension of them.

759) Veterans Administration employees avoided helping veterans so they could work on Obamacare

In July 2014, it was reported that Veterans Administration employees had avoided helping veterans so they could work on Obamacare.

760) U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that Obama did not have the legal authority to tell churches who their ministers should be

In January 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that Obama did not have the legal authority to tell churches who their ministers should be.

761) Illegally seized raisins from farmers

Ever since FDR’s New Deal, every President, including Obama, has been seizing raisins from farmers without paying them the compensation that was required by the takings clause of the fifth amendment.

762) Prohibited members of the media from bringing cameras or audio recorders when they visited a shelter housing illegal aliens

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had prohibited members of the media from bringing cameras or audio recorders when they visited a shelter housing illegal aliens.

763) Falsely blamed the shrinking economy on winter weather

In July 2014, Obama blamed the shrinking economy on the previous winter’s weather. However, during four of the five worst winter storms since 1947, the economy got bigger, not smaller.

764) Even after illegal alien gang members admitted to having committed torture and murder, Obama still allowed them into the U.S.

In July 2014, it was reported that even after illegal alien gang members admitted to having committed torture and murder, Obama still allowed them into the U.S.

765) Allowed illegal alien gang members to spray graffiti on the walls of a federal building

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had allowed illegal alien gang members to spray graffiti on the walls of a federal building.

766) 38 media organizations complained to Obama about his lack of transparency

In July 2014, 38 media organizations sent a letter to Obama complaining about his lack of transparency. The letter can be read here.

767) Prohibited school children from sending U.S. troops Christmas cards that said “Merry Christmas” or “God Bless You”

In December 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had prohibited school children from sending U.S. troops Christmas cards that said “Merry Christmas” or “God Bless You.”

768) Filed charges against FedEx because some of its customers had shipped prescription medications without a prescription

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had filed charges against FedEx because some of its customers had shipped prescription medications without a prescription.

769) Illegally gave Obamacare waivers to U.S. territories

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had given Obamacare waivers to U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, etc.,), which exempted them from certain Obamacare regulations. Because Obama did this without approval from Congress, his action was illegal.

770) Secretly flew four planeloads of illegal aliens to Massachusetts without notifying local communities

In July 2014, it was discovered that the Obama administration had secretly flown four planeloads of illegal aliens to Massachusetts without notifying local communities.

771) Illegally aided and abetted the smuggling of illegal aliens

After Obama ordered border patrol agents not to talk to the media, border patrol agent Hector Garza ignored the gag order, and told CNN that Obama was aiding and abetting the smuggling of illegal aliens. The CNN report can be seen at

772) Sent hundreds of unaccompanied illegal alien children to Chicago

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had sent hundreds of unaccompanied illegal alien children to Chicago.

773) Pulled 70% of border patrol agents off their patrols and made them do paperwork instead

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had pulled 70% of border patrol agents off their patrols and made them do paperwork instead.

774) Allowed illegal aliens to fly on commercial airlines without proper ID

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration was allowing illegal aliens to fly on commercial airlines without proper ID

775) Falsely said “Today border security is stronger than it ever has been.”

In July 2014, the Obama administration said:

“Today border security is stronger than it ever has been.”

Many of the entries on this list prove that the Obama administration was lying.

776) Allowed illegal alien gang members to use a federal building as a recruitment center for gangs

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration was allowing illegal alien gang members to use a federal building as a recruitment center for gangs.

777) Spent as much as $1,000 each on beds for illegal alien children

In July 2014, Sylvia Burwell, Obama’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, said the government was spending as much as $1,000 each on beds for illegal alien children. has many fine children’s beds for far lower prices.

778) Ordered a U.S. Congressman to stop criticizing Obama’s policy on illegal aliens

In July 2014, U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) told CNN that the White House had called him and ordered him to stop criticizing Obama’s policy on illegal aliens. The CNN report can be seen at

779) Falsely said that his policies had not caused an increase in illegal immigration

In July 2014, Obama falsely said that his policies had not caused an increase in illegal immigration.

780) Gave taxpayers’ money to terrorists who launched rockets at Israel

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had given taxpayers’ money to terrorists who launched rockets at Israel.

781) Helen Thomas said Obama’s administration was less transparent than Nixon’s

In July 2009, White House reporter Helen Thomas said:

“The point is the control from here. We have never had that in the White House. And we have had some control but not this control. I mean I’m amazed, I’m amazed at you people who call for openness and transparency and have controlled… Nixon didn’t try to do that… They couldn’t control (the media). They didn’t try. What the hell do they think we are, puppets? They’re supposed to stay out of our business. They are our public servants. We pay them.”

782) “The president’s day-to-day policy development… is almost totally opaque”

In February 2013, ABC News White House reporter Ann Compton, who covered Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama, said:

“The president’s day-to-day policy development… is almost totally opaque to the reporters trying to do a responsible job of covering it. There are no readouts from big meetings he has with people from the outside, and many of them aren’t even on his schedule. This is different from every president I covered. This White House goes to extreme lengths to keep the press away.”

783) Obama is the “least transparent of the seven presidents I’ve covered”

In October 2013, ABC News correspondent Ann Compton said that Obama was the

“least transparent of the seven presidents I’ve covered in terms of how he does his daily business.”

784) “The Obama administration has been extremely controlling and extremely resistant to journalistic intervention.”

In October 2013, Michael Oreskes, a senior managing editor at Associated Press, said:

“the Obama administration has been extremely controlling and extremely resistant to journalistic intervention.”

785) Gave one of his campaign donors and fundraisers an exemption from rules that govern airway auctions

In July 2014, Obama gave Grain Management LLC an exemption from rules that govern airway auctions. The company is controlled by David Grain, who had donated more than $60,000 to Obama’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee in 2008, and $22,500 in 2012, and had raised between $200,000 and $500,000 for Obama’s campaign during the 2008 election.

786) Tried to keep White House emails secret during the Breitbart-Sherrod libel lawsuit

In July 2014, during the Breitbart-Sherrod libel lawsuit, the Obama administration tried to keep the relevant White House emails secret.

787) NSA often shared private photos of people who were under surveillance

In July 2014, the New York Times reported that the NSA often shared private photos of people who were under surveillance.

788) Contradicted his own claim that he had learned about many of his scandals from the news

Before July 2014, Obama had said that he had learned about many of his scandals from the news. However, in July 2014, he said that he doesn’t watch the news, because

“Whatever they’re reporting about, usually I know.”

789) Gave Obamacare policies and subsidies to non-existent people with fake ID

In July 2014, it was reported that Obamacare had given policies and subsidies to non-existent people with fake ID.

790) Obama’s fundraiser prevented a woman in labor from getting to the hospital

In July 2014 in Los Angeles, Obama’s fundraiser prevented a woman in labor from getting to the hospital.

791) Falsely said “It’s pretty hard to find an economic measure where we’re not significantly better off.”
In July 2014, Obama said:

“It’s pretty hard to find an economic measure where we’re not significantly better off.”

However, in May 2014, it had been reported that the labor participation rate had fallen to its lowest level since 1978. Furthermore, in April 2014, one million discouraged workers quit looking for a job. In addition, during Obama’s “recovery,” median annual household income fell by 4.4%, the poverty rate went up, the percentage of the population on food stamps increased, the home ownership rate fell, and income inequality got bigger.

792) Pressured schools to stop having bake sales

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had pressured schools to stop having bake sales.

793) Served his own guests lunch with more than 3,000 calories, but limited students’ school lunches to 850 calories

In December 2010, Obama signed a law that limited students’ school lunches to no more than 850 calories. However, at his inauguration in January 2013, he served his guests a lunch that contained more than 3,000 calories.

794) Pointed a loaded gun at Iowa Boy Scouts troops, confiscated one of their cameras, and threatened to put them in prison

In July 2014, at the Canada-Alaska border, Obama’s border patrol pointed a loaded gun at Iowa Boy Scout troops, confiscated one of their cameras, and threatened to put them in prison.

795) For four years, IRS supervisors were too dumb to notice that their own employee was embezzling money from the IRS

In mid-2009, IRS employee Yetunde Oseni was given an IRS credit card for work related purchases. Over the next four years, she used it to purchase hundreds of items for herself from, including a chocolate fondue fountain, Bollywood movies, Pampers, Harlequin romance novels, Omaha Steaks, Apple Bottoms skinny jeans, mango body wash, a Ginsu knife set, a snow-cone maker, a pinata, and two trench coats. During those four years, her supervisors were too stupid to notice the fake receipts that she was giving them for these purchases.

796) Lent $105 million of taxpayers’ money to build an aquarium in Fortaleza, Brazil

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had lent $105 million of taxpayers’ money to build an aquarium in Fortaleza, Brazil.

797) Spent $34 million of taxpayers’ money to try to convince the people of Afghanistan to grow and eat soybeans, even though it’s not part of their traditional diet, and the climate does not favor it

Between 2010 and 2014, the Obama administration spent a total of $34 million of taxpayers’ money to try to convince the people of Afghanistan to grow and eat soybeans. The Obama administration ignored the warnings from agronomists that the country’s climate was not appropriate for growing soybeans. In addition, soybeans are not part of the traditional Afghan diet.

798) “Surveillance Programs Hinder Journalists, Lawyers, Report Says”

In July 2014, the Wall St. Journal reported:

Surveillance Programs Hinder Journalists, Lawyers, Report Says

Large-scale U.S. surveillance programs hinder the ability of journalists to communicate confidentially with sources and restrain lawyers from adequately representing clients, according to a report issued Monday by two advocacy groups.

As a result, journalists and lawyers face challenges—both to their ability to disseminate information and to hold the U.S. government accountable—said the report by Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union. The groups said the government’s “massively powerful surveillance apparatus” limits and jeopardizes the privacy required by both groups.”

Journalists and their sources, as well as lawyers and their clients, are changing their behavior in ways that undermine basic rights and corrode democratic processes,” it said.

799) Purchased gears for $8,123.50 each, even though they could have been purchased for $445.06 each

In July 2014, it was reported that the Pentagon had purchased gears for $8,123.50 each, even though they could have been purchased for $445.06 each.
banderl Offline
#467 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
Posts: 10,153
“A single immigrant can begin a chain that could ultimately bring in dozens of increasingly distant relations.”
Kawak Offline
#468 Posted:
Joined: 11-26-2007
Posts: 4,025
800) Hundreds of thousands of machine guns and rifles that Obama gave to Afghanistan were “missing”

In July 2014, it was reported that hundreds of thousands of machine guns and rifles that Obama had given to Afghanistan were “missing.”

801) Obama illegally ignored Obamacare author Jonathan Gruber’s comments that subsidies only apply to state exchanges

On January 18, 2012, Jonathan Gruber, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist who helped write Obamacare, said:

“What’s important to remember politically about this is if you’re a state and you don’t set up an exchange, that means your citizens don’t get their tax credits.”

You can see him saying it in this video. Link set to start video at 31:25, the relevant point:

On January 10, 2012, Gruber said:

“… if your governor doesn’t set up an exchange, you’re losing hundreds of millions of dollars of tax credits to be delivered to your citizens…”

You can hear him saying it in this video. Link set to start at 1:16, the relevant point:

So how is it that the federal government is giving subsidies through the federal exchange?

It’s because under the corrupt leadership of President Obama, the IRS illegally gave itself new power without approval from Congress.

802) Paid dozens of federal paralegals $60,000 to $80,000 a year even though they had no work to do

On July 31, 2014, the Washington Post reported:

Dozens of federal employees at an obscure agency that handles appeals of patent applications went years with so little work to do that they collected salaries — and even bonuses — while they surfed the Internet, did laundry, exercised and watched television, an investigation has found.

The employees, paralegals making $60,000 to $80,000 a year, were idle with full knowledge of their immediate bosses and multiple layers of managers and judges who “sat on their hands” waiting for work to give them, a year-long probe by the Commerce Department inspector general’s office uncovered.

803) Obama illegally allowed the IRS to strike a deal with atheists to monitor churches

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had illegally allowed the IRS to strike a deal with atheists to monitor churches.

804) Refused to prosecute federal employees who committed time and attendance fraud

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had refused to prosecute federal employees who committed time and attendance fraud.

805) Used the Department of Homeland Security to raid the home of someone who was not suspected of terrorism

In July 2014, the Department of Homeland Security raided the home of Jennifer Brinkley of North Carolinian, even though she was not suspected of terrorism.

806) Falsely accused the Pennsylvania State Police of “employment discrimination against women” because it held male and female applicants to the same standard

In July 2014, Obama’s Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the Pennsylvania State Police, accusing it of “employment discrimination against women,” because it held male and female applicants to the same standard.

807) Helped Hamas obtain the construction materials that it used to dig its terror tunnels

In August 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had helped Hamas obtain the construction materials that it used to dig its terror tunnels.

808) Obama’s Securities and Exchange Commission bypassed the courts, which is unconstitutional

In August 2014, it was reported that Obama’s Securities and Exchange Commission had bypassed the courts, which is unconstitutional.

809) Obama’s “transparency” website was missing information about how $619 billion had been spent

In August 2014, it was reported that Obama’s “transparency” website was missing information about how $619 billion had been spent.

810) Repealed the 1983 ban on Libyans receiving training as pilots and nuclear scientists in the U.S.

In August 2014, Obama repealed the 1983 ban on Libyans receiving training as pilots and nuclear scientists in the U.S.

811) Hid important information from federal torture report

In August 2014, U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) accused the Obama administration of hiding important information from a federal report on torture.

812) Criticized corporations for using legal methods to reduce their taxes

In August 2014, Obama criticized corporations for using legal methods to reduce their taxes.

813) Illegally planned to change the tax laws without approval from Congress

Article I, section 7 of the U.S. Constitution states:

“All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives”

President Obama took the following oath at both of his inaugurations:

“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

You can see him taking the oath here:

In addition, Obama has a Harvard Law degree.

Furthermore, Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years.

However, in August 2014, Associated Press reported:

“Aiming to sidestep a logjam in Congress, the Obama administration is looking for steps it could take on its own to prevent American companies from reincorporating overseas to shirk U.S. taxes, officials said Tuesday.”

814) “US inspectors general say gov’t has blocked access”

In August 2014, Associated Press reported:

US inspectors general say gov’t has blocked access

Independent watchdogs of dozens of federal agencies decried on Tuesday what they said were Obama administration efforts to delay or stall their investigations.

A letter to Congress from a broad cross-section of inspectors general cites specific instances in which watchdogs for the Justice Department, Environmental Protection Agency and the Peace Corps said they were denied timely access to documents and other information while doing their investigations. The letter says other inspectors general have faced similar obstacles, and that congressional action may be needed to ensure cooperation from government agencies.

815) Lied about the reason U.S. corporations incorporate overseas

In August 2014, Obama said the reason U.S. corporations incorporate overseas is that

“They’re basically renouncing their citizenship and declaring they’re based somewhere else, just to avoid paying their fair share.”

Despite Obama’s claim, these corporations are still paying taxes to the U.S. government on the profits that they earn in the U.S. The only tax they are avoiding is the U.S. tax on the profits that they earn overseas. But the U.S. is the only major country in the world that taxes overseas profits.

816) Helped one corporation use a certain tax loophole, but later criticized other corporations for using the exact same tax loophole

In 2009, the Obama administration helped Delphi, a U.S. corporation, reduce its taxes by declaring it to be a British company. However, in 2014, Obama criticized other U.S. corporations for doing the exact same thing.

817) Said we should pass an equal pay law, while ignoring the fact that such a law has already been in place since 1963

In August 2014, Obama said we should pass a law that requires men and women to be paid the same for doing the same work. However, such a law has already been in place since 1963.

818) Bombed Iraq in August 2014, even though the Iraq War had allegedly ended in December 2011

In August 2014, Obama bombed Iraq, even though the Iraq War had allegedly ended in December 2011.

819) Lied about the reason he sent U.S. troops to Iraq

In June 2014, when Obama sent U.S. troops to Iraq, he said they would only have an advisory role, and would not participate in combat. However, in August 2014, he ordered those troops to bomb Iraq.
banderl Offline
#469 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
Posts: 10,153
“When you look at what they did with respect to the Hillary Clinton investigation, it was rigged. And there's never been anything like it in this country that we've ever found before.”
banderl Offline
#470 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
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“We've ended the war on coal. We have clean coal, beautiful, clean coal, another source of energy.”
banderl Offline
#471 Posted:
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“Earlier this year, we set a target of adding zero new regulatory costs onto the American economy. Today, I'm proud to announce that we beat our goal by a lot. Instead of adding costs, as so many others have done, and other countries, frankly, are doing in many cases, and it's hurting them, for the first time in decades, we achieved regulatory savings. Hasn't happened in many decades.”
banderl Offline
#472 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
Posts: 10,153
“You remember how bad we were doing when I first took over. There was a big difference. And we were going down. This country was going economically down. ”

Topic: Economy

Source: Remarks

Full story

This is false. When Trump took office, he inherited an economy that has been in an upward trend for several years. The economy experienced a seven year streak of job growth, the unemployment rate had been declining since 2011, GDP growth had topped 3 percent on a quarterly basis, the poverty rate has been declining since 2013, and median household income increased in 2015 and 2016.
banderl Offline
#473 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
Posts: 10,153
“Our factories have left. So many of them, gone. But they're all coming back. And you see it, even before we do this, that they're starting to come back. ”
banderl Offline
#474 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
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“It closes special interest loopholes; it lowers tax rates for families; and our plan also cuts taxes on businesses, which is expected to raise income by an average of more than $4,000.”
banderl Offline
#475 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
Posts: 10,153
“We’ve created 2.2 million jobs since the election.”
Repeated 9 times
Jan 8, 2018Dec 30, 2017Dec 20Dec 18Dec 13Dec 8Dec 6Nov 29Nov 5

Topic: Economy

Source: Remarks

Trump is counting jobs from Election Day, even though he did not take office until almost three months later. At the time, about 1.7 million jobs had been created during his presidency.
banderl Offline
#476 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
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“I heard one of our opponents stand up the other day and say, this is for the rich. They had no idea. They didn't even see the final bill. I didn't see the final bill. This is for the people of middle-income.”
banderl Offline
#477 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
Posts: 10,153
“Right now they're paying 35 percent, and that's the highest in the industrialized world -- in many cases, by far.”
Repeated 26 times
Jan 8, 2018Dec 13, 2017Dec 8Dec 6Dec 5Nov 29Nov 28Nov 2Nov 2Nov 1Oct 17Oct 17Oct 17Oct 16Oct 16Oct 11Oct 11Oct 6Sep 29Sep 27Sep 26Sep 22Sep 13Sep 8Sep 6Aug 30

Topic: Taxes

Source: Remarks

Trump exaggerates about corporate taxes. The U.S. certainly has one of the highest statutory corporate tax rates in the world, currently pegged as high as 39.1 percent when including state taxes. (The federal rate is 35 percent.) But also matters is the actual tax a company pays, after deductions and tax benefits. That is known as the effective tax rate, and the U.S. effective tax rate is 27.1 percent. For China, the statutory corporate tax rate is around 25 percent and effective tax rate is around 10 percent, according to {Congressional Budget Office}.
banderl Offline
#478 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
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“And our economy, as you know, has surged from where it is when I took it over. We were having an economy that was going in the wrong direction.”
banderl Offline
#479 Posted:
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“ And for me, this is a bill -- very simple -- it's a massive cut for the middle class and it's about jobs.”
banderl Offline
#480 Posted:
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“First time in many years, wages now are actually starting to go up.”
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#481 Posted:
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“[This tax cut] will be bigger than anything ever done in this country.”
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#482 Posted:
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“This is one of the biggest pieces of legislation ever signed by this country.”
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#483 Posted:
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“In recent years, our military has undergone a series of deep budget cuts that have severely impacted our readiness, shrunk our capabilities, and placed substantial burdens on our warfighters.”
Repeated 10 times
Dec 30, 2017Dec 22Dec 20Dec 18Dec 15Dec 12Dec 7Dec 6Nov 23Nov 15

Topic: Foreign policy

Source: Remarks

Full story

Trump claims the military has been depleted due to years of budget cuts, while bragging to members of the Coast Guard that the days of a lean military are over. With this claim, Trump glosses over important military milestones and reveals he appears to have little understanding of the federal budget process. With respect to Trump’s “cuts,” the decreased military budget reflects the close of two wars: the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan. Despite the decreased budget, the total budget is still larger than it was in 2000, before either war began.
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#484 Posted:
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“Consumer Confidence is at an All-Time High, along with a Record High Stock Market. Unemployment is at a 17 year low. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Working to pass MASSIVE TAX CUTS (looking good).”
Repeated 3 times
Dec 12, 2017Nov 29Nov 28

Topic: Economy

Source: Twitter

Full story

The Consumer Confidence Index of the Conference Board is at its highest level in 17 years, but it is not the highest ever. The 129.5 level is still well below the peak of 144.7 reached toward the end of the Bill Clinton administration before the 2001 recession.
banderl Offline
#485 Posted:
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“We're going to get the wall. And we need it. We need it for the drug flow; we need it for people coming into our country.”
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#486 Posted:
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“All you have to say is, with us [the stock market] goes up, with [Democrats] it goes down”
Repeated 91 times
Jan 9, 2018Jan 8Jan 7Jan 5Jan 5Jan 3Dec 30, 2017Dec 27Dec 23Dec 20Dec 18Dec 18Dec 14Dec 14Dec 13Dec 12Dec 10Dec 8Dec 8Dec 6Dec 5Nov 30Nov 30Nov 30Nov 29Nov 29Nov 29Nov 29Nov 28Nov 28Nov 23Nov 23Nov 23Nov 15Nov 13Nov 10Nov 7Nov 7Nov 6Nov 5Nov 4Nov 2Oct 31Oct 24Oct 17Oct 16Oct 16Oct 13Oct 11Oct 11Oct 11Oct 11Oct 11Oct 10Oct 7Oct 6Oct 6Oct 5Sep 29Sep 27Sep 26Sep 22Sep 19Sep 6Sep 1Aug 22Aug 15Aug 14Aug 11Aug 4Aug 3Aug 3Aug 2Aug 1Jul 31Jul 31Jul 29Jul 25Jul 24Jul 24Jul 19Jul 15Jul 12Jul 12Jul 6Jul 2Mar 2Feb 28Feb 18Feb 16Feb 16

Topic: Economy

Source: Remarks

Full story

This is a flip-flop for Trump. Before he was elected, he dismissed the stock-market performance under Obama as “artificial” and “a bubble." Moreover, the U.S. rise in 2017 was not unique. When looking at the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index, it’s clear U.S. stocks haven’t rallied as robustly as their foreign equivalents. The stock market rose higher, on a percentage basis, in Obama's first year than Trump's.
banderl Offline
#487 Posted:
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“By the way, now that you bring it up, black home ownership just hit the highest level it has ever been in the history of our country.”
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#488 Posted:
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“Look, it's being proven we have a rigged system”
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#489 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
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“Wages – starting to go up. First time in 20 years – starting to go up.”
Repeated 8 times
Dec 13, 2017Dec 8Nov 2Oct 11Sep 8Sep 6Aug 22Aug 15

Topic: Economy

Source: Remarks

This is wrong. Wages have been rising steadily since 2014, for a gain of 7.3 percent over the past three years.
banderl Offline
#490 Posted:
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“We don’t have a surplus with anybody. We have the worst deals.”
Repeated 7 times
Dec 8, 2017Nov 11Oct 22Oct 17Jul 28Apr 28Feb 23

Topic: Foreign policy

Source: Remarks

The United States has trade surpluses with many countries, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
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#491 Posted:
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“Just got back from Asia. I brought back $300 billion worth of deals.”
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#492 Posted:
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“ I announced that I would withdraw America – the United States – from the horrible, for us – good for other countries – it’s great for other countries – from the horrible Paris Climate Accord. Cost us a fortune.”
Repeated 6 times
Dec 18, 2017Dec 8Aug 22Jul 12Jul 7Jun 29

Topic: Environment

Source: Remarks

Full story

Each country set its own commitments under the Paris Accord, so Trump's comment is puzzling. He could unilaterally change the commitments offered by former President Barack Obama, which is technically allowed under the Accord.
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#493 Posted:
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“China doesn’t start until around 2030”

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#494 Posted:
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“I approved – immediately thereafter we took office the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline; right? 48,000 jobs.”
Repeated 20 times
Dec 8, 2017Nov 6Nov 2Sep 29Sep 27Sep 22Sep 6Jul 12Jul 12Jun 29Jun 21Jun 7Apr 29Apr 4Mar 28Feb 28Feb 24Feb 18Feb 16Jan 24

Topic: Jobs

Source: Remarks

Full story

In contrast to Obama, who always played down the number of jobs that would be created by the Keystone XL Pipeline, Trump inflated the numbers. The project would create part-year work in four states for 10,400 workers, the State Department determined. That added up to 3,900 annual construction jobs. About 12,000 other annual jobs would stem from direct spending on the project. So that adds up to 16,000, most of which are not construction jobs.
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#495 Posted:
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“Sanctuary cities that set free violent criminal aliens all over our country and protect them.”
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#496 Posted:
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“Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the United States, OK? Just in case you were thinking about -- you know, they immediately say, oh, you have got to take away -- well, Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the United States.”
Repeated 1 time
Nov 7, 2017

Topic: Guns

Source: Remarks

Full story

The claim about the impact of Chicago’s gun laws on gun violence relies on outdated gun laws and shoddy data. The state of Illinois has tough gun laws, but several of the most restrictive laws, such as a ban on handguns and a gun registry, are no longer in use. And while the city may have high instances of gun violence – it does not have the highest rate of gun violence.
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#497 Posted:
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“And I’ve strengthen our relationships with America’s allies and asked other NATO members to pay their fair share and now the money is pouring in. The money is pouring in.”
Repeated 21 times
Dec 18, 2017Dec 8Nov 15Jul 6Jul 6Jun 9Jun 2May 30May 27May 25May 25May 25May 25May 8Apr 29Apr 29Apr 21Mar 22Mar 18Mar 17Feb 28

Topic: Foreign policy

Source: Remarks

Full story

Trump apparently still does not understand how NATO financing works. NATO’s guideline, established in 2006, is that defense expenditures should amount to 2 percent of each country’s gross domestic product by 2024. In 2016, only four countries besides the United States met that standard, but NATO documents also show that defense spending has increased about 3 percent from 2015 to 2016. In any case, the money would not be going to the United States or even necessarily to NATO; this is money that countries would spend to bolster their own military.
banderl Offline
#498 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
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“What they’re doing is the fake news – it’s called suppression. Just like they give the fake polls – like fake news, fake polls. A poll came out today on CNN. Such a fake. A poll came out. They will have to apologize for that one. Another one came out that was through the roof but it wasn't on CNN.”
banderl Offline
#499 Posted:
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“We went to Mobile, Alabama, we had 49,000 people.”

Topic: Miscellaneous

Source: Remarks

Trump has a habit of inflating the crowd sizes at his rallies. The rally in Mobile was held at the Ladd-Pebeles Stadium which as a capacity of 40,600. According to reports from the rally, the stadium was half-filled, putting the crowd size closer to 20,000.
banderl Offline
#500 Posted:
Joined: 09-09-2008
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“I spent a tiny fraction of what she spent and we won. She was at, what number, 2.2 billion, I understand, 2.2 billion.”

Topic: Election

Source: Remarks

Hillary Clinton spent twice as much as Trump, but it was $1.2 billion.
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