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Presidentin' Be Hard
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
Obama is still going on vacation
David Jackson, USA TODAY

In case you're wondering, President Obama still plans to vacation with his family later this month on Martha's Vineyard, his spokesman said today.

Press Secretary Jay Carney said he doubts the American people would begrudge the president some time off with his family, even in the midst of an economic downturn -- and besides, it is likely to be in part a working vacation.

"There's no such thing as a presidential vacation," Carney said. "The presidency travels with you."

Obama is expected to depart for Martha Vineyard's on Aug. 18, a week from Thursday.

The president is slated to return to Washington by Aug. 28, the day he is scheduled to deliver remarks at the dedication at the Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial.

Like his predecessors -- and as with his Martha's Vineyard vacations of the past two Augusts -- Obama will continue to hold meeting and be in communications with aides on both domestic and foreign issues.

That is particularly true of things like jobs.

"The president is focused every day on the economy," Carney said.

Anyone remember when Bush gave up golfing?
DrafterX Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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Maybe he's going to look for CROS.... Mellow
daveincincy Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2006
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
Obama is still going on vacation

"The president is focused every day on the economy," Carney said.

In related news, OJ is still focused every day on looking for Nicole's murderer.
daveincincy Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2006
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DrafterX wrote:
Maybe he's going to look for CROS.... Mellow

The eCROS-system and eCROSonomy are top priorities of the PresiDUNCE.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#5 Posted:
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Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan
cacman Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 07-03-2010
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How many freakin vacations is it now for this guy, and his wife??? Focused on the economy my arse!!! He should first fire the bloated staff his old lady has before considering taking another vacation.
dubleuhb Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 03-20-2011
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President in name only, vacations don't really matter.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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cacman wrote:
How many freakin vacations is it now for this guy, and his wife??? Focused on the economy my arse!!! He should first fire the bloated staff his old lady has before considering taking another vacation.

Michelle Obama Takes Secret Vacation to Oregon
by Keith Koffler on August 9, 2011, 12:36 pm

First Lady Michelle Obama Slipped out of Washington unnoticed Monday for a secret trip to visit her brother, Oregon State University men’s basketball coach Craig Robinson, at his home on Corvallis, Ore.

Mrs. Obama reportedly jetted into the Eugene Airport, landing at about 11 am PDT. She and family members then headed out in a 11 vehicle motorcade for the ride to Corvallis.

The White House has so far said little about the trip, which was unannounced. It’s unclear how long the vacation will last.

Mrs. Obama and family members flew on a Boeing C-40B, the military version of a 737 that serves as Air Force 2.

Mrs. Obama has in the past incurred criticism for her travels, including an early departure for her most recent Hawaiian vacation and a luxurious 2010 trip to Spain. Most of the costs of her travel are borne by taxpayers.

The C-40B included a flight crew of eight to 10 people, according to one report. Mrs. Obama is traveling with one of her daughters – it’s unclear which one – and her mother.

President Obama remains on his own in Washington, where today he is headed over to Dover Air Force Base to honor the fallen soldiers who died in a Taliban attack on their chopper Saturday.

C'mon...Hope and Change Bay-Bee!
ZRX1200 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,749
^ that trip was announced here last week.

Eugene= People Republic of Eugene.

Corvallis= Redneck version of the same

Poor Moochelle.
DrafterX Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,674
she prolly just needed to get her head together and stuff.... Mellow
HockeyDad Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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It might be a good time for a vacation since he is taking heat from all sides.

This from a Jesse Jackson interview with Speigel magazine in Germany.

SPIEGEL: Is it true that even among African-Americans Obama's standing has suffered?

Jackson: We blacks were the first people embracing Obama, long before the people at expensive fundraisers were supporting him. We gave him his first love, 96 percent of blacks voted for him in 2008. Yet today we are the number one in unemployment, with 16 percent of American blacks out of work. We are number one in foreclosure, number one in short life expectancy, in loan default. Big banks steered their toxic products toward minorities and Congress did not oversee them properly because it is basically corrupted by all the money it is raising on Wall Street. So there is a lot of pain here in our community and this pain must be addressed.

SPIEGEL: And you don't feel the President is doing that?

Jackson: Obama used to be a community organizer. He knows how to build communities. In Afghanistan, there is a plan to build democracy; hundreds of thousands of troops are protecting it. There is a plan to rebuild and reconstruct there. But many thousands of Americans die from violence and poverty every year and we don't have a plan for reconstruction at home.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#12 Posted:
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daveincincy Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2006
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HockeyDad wrote:
It might be a good time for a vacation since he is taking heat from all sides.

This from a Jesse Jackson interview with Speigel magazine in Germany.

SPIEGEL: Is it true that even among African-Americans Obama's standing has suffered?

Jackson: We blacks were the first people embracing Obama, long before the people at expensive fundraisers were supporting him. We gave him his first love, 96 percent of blacks voted for him in 2008. (the other 4% that didn't vote for him were smart enough to know better) Yet today we are the number one in unemployment, with 16 percent of American blacks out of work. We are number one in foreclosure (because Obama said you wouldn't have to make your payments), number one in short life expectancy, in loan default (see previous comment). Big banks steered their toxic products toward minorities and Congress did not oversee them properly because it is basically corrupted by all the money it is raising on Wall Street. (Fo real, dog? If it ain't the pot calling the kettle should know quite a bit about money and corruption...SHHHHEEEEEAT! You betta check yoself, foo) So there is a lot of pain here in our community and this pain must be addressed.

SPIEGEL: And you don't feel the President is doing that?

Jackson: Obama used to be a community organizer. He knows how to build communities. (and here you and "96%" of Obama's "first love" thought he could actually build a nation!? STAY OFF THE CRACK, JACKson!! I guess you and your "community" are 96% a part of the problem) In Afghanistan, there is a plan to build democracy; hundreds of thousands of troops are protecting it. There is a plan to rebuild and reconstruct there. But many thousands of Americans die from violence and poverty every year and we don't have a plan for reconstruction at home. (speaking of "home," Holmes, perhaps that's where you should start your YOUR house!)

Man, Ima bout to get FIRED UP in this joint! Cursing
snowwolf777 Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
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Jesse Jerkson says "Big banks steered their toxic products toward minorities and Congress did not oversee them properly because it is basically corrupted by all the money it is raising on Wall Street."

Well, he's right there. The banks were ordered (by laws from Democrats, with poverty pimps like Jerkson and Sharpton egging them on) to create these "toxic products" to provide home loans to people who never, ever should have gotten one. Because they had neither the means - and in many cases, the intention - to repay them.

Of course as I recall back in the day, these loans weren't known as "toxic products". They were "special government-backed programs" so minorities and white trash could take part in the American Dream of home ownership, because they have a right to own a home just like someone who actually works.

And then Barney Fwank and Chrissy Dodd looked the other way as the whole damn thing tanked. Lied straight into the camera as Fannie and Freddie were sinking and said "Nothing to see here. Go back to your homes. We'll tell you when to worry."

But not to worry. From what I heard on the news today, the latest, greatest idea is the government will take all these repos from the sh*t loans that defaulted and turn them into rentals. I'm sure it'll be for those same folks who walked away from them the first time. Now they'll be able to rent a 3-bedroom rancher based on economic need. Read that as $30 a month. And someone else who gets out of bed and goes to work every day can pick up the slack on the remaining balance in the form of higher taxes.

To this day we have a society that has yet to figure out this one simple premise - government can't "give" anything to anyone, without first taking it away from someone else.

Brick wall
DadZilla3 Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
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snowwolf777 wrote:
To this day we have a society that has yet to figure out this one simple premise - government can't "give" anything to anyone, without first taking it away from someone else.

Make sure to thank the NEA for the splendid job they've done dumbing down our population with their lowest-common-denominator approach to education. And, make sure to thank the liberal media for presenting the multigenerational entitlement mentality as a perfectly legitimate lifestyle.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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DrMaddVibe wrote:

"There's no such thing as a presidential vacation," Carney said. "The presidency travels with you."

Oh the sweet sweet irony!!! Look at what the then cub reporter for Newsweek magazine had to say about then President Bush and his "vacations"!!!!

[b]By Jay Carney
The image-makers who advise George W. Bush got what they wanted this week: a photograph, taken by the Associated Press and published in seemingly every newspaper in the country, of the President lifting a telephone pole as he "helped maintain" a nature trail in Colorado's Rocky Mountain National Park.

Back in July, when they were planning what the President should do during his month-long vacation (as part of their effort to persuade the public that he wasn't actually on vacation in the generally accepted sense of what vacation means — i.e., having fun and not working), the image-makers hit upon a clever idea. Every week, they decided, they would send the President somewhere outside Texas for a day or a day and a half to hold an event of some kind in which he would mix with "real Americans."
(See TIME's photoessay "Presidential Days at the Beach.")

The events would have little in common, except for the fact that they would be held far from Washington in the middle of August. But to tie them together, to make it seem as though the President were engaged in some concentrated activity of presidential purpose, they would name the entire series of trips — together with his down time at his ranch in Crawford, Texas — the "Home to the Heartland" tour.

During his first week of vacation, Bush ventured all the way to Waco —about 25 minutes from Crawford — to "help build" a house with Habitat for Humanity. Though Bush actually spent about 15 minutes doing anything, the print media dutifully reported his activity. More importantly, of course, the images of Bush at work on a good deed were carried across the nation on television and in photographs.
(See TIME's photoessay "World Leaders on Vacation.")

The same was true of this week's stop in the Rockies. Bush didn't actually help build that trail so much as he posed for the cameras as he simulated the act of helping build the trail. While the President also gave a speech at the national park, the image-makers shrewdly pinpointed the real value of both visits: It's the newsreels and photographs showing the President as a regular guy who cares about the poor and cares about the environment. Both were classic examples of that much maligned but ever-reliable staple of political activity: the "photo-op."

Now, I'm not going to feign shock at the fact that this President is using photo ops in an attempt — some might say a cynical attempt — to influence public opinion. It would be news if he weren't doing just that. But it is worth noting that in the same week that Bush ventured to a pristine piece of the country to help maintain a nature trail and to tout the money he's put in his budget to help restore national parks, the news out of Washington carried a very different message. The Washington Post ran an article about the Bush Administration's likely plan to rescind a Clinton-era executive order that forbids road-building (and therefore logging) on 60 million acres of public land. And several newspapers published pieces about the Environmental Protection Agency's pending decision on whether to loosen the rules governing toxic emissions from factories, a move heavily favored, not surprisingly, by the industries affected.

The President's most glaring weakness is the public's perception that he is pro-business and anti-environment. Given the high marks he's getting for his overall job performance and his deft handling of the stem cell research question, some might even say it's his only weakness. The question now is whether a few photo-ops will fix the problem — or just make it worse.

Read more:,9565,171496,00.html#ixzz1UkVIwx6l
rfenst Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,685

So what.
The President's immediate family travels to visit other family.
ZRX1200 Offline
#18 Posted:
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National forrest is the envirowackos weapon of choice to lock the public out of "our" land.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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rfenst wrote:
So what.
The President's immediate family travels to visit other family.

On YOUR freaking dime!!!!

and then does it again a WEEK later!!!!

While we're TRILLIONS in war...watching our nation turned into junk bond status he really NEEDS another vacation? I'm not talking about all the golfing he's been doing...or the pick up basketball games at the White House...Nooooo, we're talking about hopping on Air Force One and kickin' it Robert! Sorry...he's OUT OF TOUCH! Stop giving the guy cover. Look at him for what he's doing and what he's done...holy crap it's like saying "Hey look at the Nero guy on the fiddle he's making some really sweet music" as Rome is burning!!!!

How many vacations is enough?

How many have you been on since he's been President?

I'm willing to bet that he's got you beat by a 1/3!
OldSchool Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 07-21-2005
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Nero fiddled as Rome burned

Boo hoo!

Mathen Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 05-27-2011
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DrMaddVibe wrote:

How many have you been on since he's been President?

I'm willing to bet that he's got you beat by a 1/3!

My last vacation was in 2005. I think he's got me beat.
OldSchool Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 07-21-2005
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While on his upteenth taxpayer paid vacation, he will give a speech, one more time, on how the rest of us need to pay our "fairshare".
MikeyRavioli Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 10-10-2005
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I saw somewhere that he's played about twice the rounds of golf that Bush did too.

More than me atoo nd I get to take clients.
DrafterX Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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as long as he gives a speech somewhere he can write it off right..?? Huh
DrMaddVibe Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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DrafterX wrote:
as long as he gives a speech somewhere he can write it off right..?? Huh

Yeah off to the taxpayers!!!!
snowwolf777 Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
[quote=DrMaddVibe]Oh the sweet sweet irony!!! Look at what the then cub reporter for Newsweek magazine had to say about then President Bush and his "vacations"!!!!

Yeah, but that was a Republican. This is a Democrat now. It's all different and stuff. Little Jay has grown up and seen the light.

BTW, I had the "pleasure" of watching our chief socialist and his minature air force fly over my car today as I was burning a cigar for a late lunch. Going over to Holland, MI, for one of those photo-op thingies at a battery plant. Apparently running out of photo-op thingie topics. He has been there twice in the last year.

OldSchool Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 07-21-2005
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At this point his hypocricy is just mind-numbing. Why isn't he confronted, held accountable and made to answer for this?

Having to hear him lie with a straight face meanwhile blaming and demonizing the GOP during the debates is going to be intolerable.

This douche is just the absolute worst human feces pile.

Rejoice all ye hope & change voters. hope your happy with your change....
wheelrite Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
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OldSchool wrote:

At this point his hypocricy is just mind-numbing. Why isn't he confronted, held accountable and made to answer for this?

Having to hear him lie with a straight face meanwhile blaming and demonizing the GOP during the debates is going to be intolerable.

This douche is just the absolute worst human feces pile.

Rejoice all ye hope & change voters. hope your happy with your change....

I'm begining to surmise that you are not an Obama supporter...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Michelle Obama Spent 42 Days on Vacation this Past Year
by Keith Koffler on August 12, 2011, 11:05 am

First Lady Michelle Obama over the last year has spent a total of 42 days on vacation, or a little more than one out of every nine days, according to a White House Dossier analysis of her travel.

Her vacations, the cost of which are mostly borne by taxpayers, include trips to Panama City, Fla., Martha’s Vineyard, Hawaii, South Africa, Latin America, Vail, Colo., and her visit this week to her brother in Corvallis, Ore.

The total does not include a nine day sojourn in Martha’s Vineyard that the Obamas will enjoy this month. Nor does it include a trip she made to Ireland and Great Britain in May, which I’m counting as official travel.

The total vacation time would have been slightly higher had the Obamas gone as planned for an April weekend in Williamsburg, Va. The trip was cancelled due to an extended stalemate between President Obama and Congress over the budget.

Mrs. Obama’s extensive vacation travel comes while many America citizens find themselves out of work or having trouble making ends meet as the economic recovery stalls.

Taxpayers pick up most of the cost of transporting the first lady and her extensive entourage – including Secret Service and her staff – to her various destinations. While she may in some cases pay some of the tab for her personal expenses and travel, the amount is dwarfed by the overall cost to the public.

On trips she makes with the president, though, the costs are only somewhat greater that then they would have been had he travelled alone.

Mrs. Obama’s vacations began in August 2010 with a two day weekend trip to Panama City, Fla., where the Obamas stayed overnight at a Gulf of Mexico hotel in a symbolic effort to show that the Gulf area was safe for travel in the wake of the disastrous BP oil spill.

Next up was what has become an annual pilgrimage to ritzy Martha’s Vineyard, where the Obamas stayed 10 days and dined at several exorbitantly priced restaurants.

In December 2010, with President Obama delayed because Congress was still in town, Mrs. Obama decided to leave without him for their annual Hawaiian vacation, racking up at least $63,000 in additional costs because she travelled alone.

Since the president arrived late, he decided to leave Hawaii in January two days later than scheduled – resulting in a 17 day vacation for the first lady.

Mrs. Obama went right back out on vacation the following month, taking a four day skiing trip in February of this year to Vail, Colo.

In March, Mrs. Obama travelled to Latin America for a five day trip. I’m counting two days of this as vacation, though, because she took her children and her mother along, performed some sightseeing, and went to the beach.

The first lady went to southern Africa in June for six days in what was partially an official visit. Since Mrs. Obama took her mother, her children and their cousins along, since the trip was billed in advance as having personal significance for her, and since the travel included several tourist destinations and a safari, I’m counting half of the journey as vacation, or three days.

Finally, Mrs, Obama took her mother and one of her children to visit her brother in Corvallis, Ore. this week. The trip was not announced by the White House and appears to have lasted four days.

Hey, she needs a vacation every 9 days...she works hard for the money, right Robert?
teedubbya Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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When you have flown through a heavy storm, the plane tossing one way and another, have you ever wondered whether there was really anyone in the cockpit? That's the feeling that many Americans have today -- as if we are lurching through an economic storm with no one in charge.

Ordinarily in a crisis, people keep their hopes up because a leader steps forward and instills faith that eventually, this, too, shall pass. Think of Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Depression and World War II, calming the country with his fireside chats. Think of John F. Kennedy in the Cuban missile crisis. Or Walter Cronkite during the Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations. Ronald Reagan after his shooting. Or Rudy Giuliani on 9/11.

But in the current economic turmoil, the country doesn't have much confidence in anyone. With the stock markets crashing early this week, President Barack Obama tried to reassure -- and the Dow sank another 200 points. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke spoke up Tuesday, and the roller coaster continued. While still popular with their base, Republican leaders have lost considerable ground beyond that group. Voices in the White House -- and some outside -- blame the media for making things worse than they are. And CEOs -- looked to as oracles only a few years ago -- have long since toppled from their pedestals.

Thursday's economic news (a better jobs report, rising stock prices) offers a ray of sunshine. Indeed, things will eventually get modestly better. But we shouldn't fool ourselves: In both the United States and Europe, economic distress will continue for a long time. The Fed is now estimating another two years.

Where are we to turn for leadership? At the risk of sickening repetition, it is worth remembering the sign that Harry Truman kept on his desk in the Oval Office: "The buck stops here." Whether we like it or not, our security heavily depends upon a president who is strong, effective, and leads from the front.

Let's acknowledge that the president is a good man who has been trying hard. And indeed he is not given enough credit for his successes. Acknowledge, too, that his options are limited and anything he tries will be attacked by recalcitrants on the other side. Even so, it seems glaringly obvious that he is not leading in the way the country deserves -- and desperately needs.

What might he do now? Others will have better ideas, I am sure, but here are a few that I would consider immediately:

• Stop campaigning for 90 days to concentrate full energies on the economy. Cancel the bus tour, the fundraisers, etc., (yes, keep your family vacation -- everyone in the Obama household deserves it), and first and foremost, reclaim the label that FDR had in the Depression: "Dr. Fix It." Chronic campaigning more than a year before election undermines presidential authority.

• Summon Republican and Democratic congressional leaders back from vacations and hash out a deal on jobs. Obama has priorities (payroll tax extension, unemployment insurance, trade, infrastructure, etc.), but so do Republicans (regulatory relief, especially for small business; repatriation of corporate profits; trade; increased energy production, etc.) There is a deal to be made here; both sides need to rebuild public confidence. And most of all, the country needs more middle-class jobs.

• Appoint a heavyweight such as Laura Tyson to fill the vacancy in the chairmanship of the Council of Economic Advisers. (She held the job in the Clinton administration.) It is stunning that no one has yet been named to succeed Austan Goolsbee, who announced his departure months ago. Yes, the job requires Senate confirmation, but it should be a key, inner circle post at this White House.

• Surround yourself with the most authoritative economic players in the country and consult with them regularly -- from former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker to former Treasury secretaries (Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, James Baker, George Shultz, Henry Paulson), Warren Buffett, CEOs, labor leaders, and yes, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan. The public will be reassured if they know the best people, irrespective of party, are putting their shoulders to the wheel.

• Pay attention to the tone inside the White House. Reports filter out that many on staff -- not everyone -- are angry and feeling victimized, blaming Republicans, Standard & Poor's and the media for current troubles. White Houses in the past have felt self-pity, but it is a waste of emotional energy and doesn't solve the problem.

The floor is open and recommendations are welcome for other ideas. But can we please get beyond the finger-pointing? Can we please begin to focus on what our leaders -- and we -- can do together? As Ben Franklin said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
DrMaddVibe Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
TW...good post, BUT...the Kenyan King doesn't care.

He's a Saul Alinsky disciple. He was key with his community organizing in redistributing wealth. He feels someone needs to pay. Tag...because you're a taxpayer...YOU'RE IT!

This is what inexperience gets a nation.

This is what the herd mentality has done with the assistance of a willingly Free Press. They got what they wanted. A real trifecta. The White House, The Senate and House as well as some tasty appointments to a life long Supreme Court to work at "transforming America". Notice he didn't say how or what type? Transforming America. I used to think that America was just perfect the way she was. Some tinkering here and there along the way. The good would eventually outweigh the bad, but within the last 6 years America has just slid so far into the crapper that the next President could be Jesus himself with a miracle making world tour and we'd still have a hole to crawl out of!

Our credit is shot. Our standing in the world is all but gone. We're robbing from the inside now and gutting the beast for parts. The death rattle is upon Miss Liberty. We've gotten soft. Everyone is too busy texting each other or buying the next big thing to see that we're in a mess and it's unsustainable.

The last fiasco between Congress and the President over the debt ceiling showed one thing. They're ALL in on the con. They want ALL of the money. They don't care what piggy bank they steal it from. They don't care about the next generation or the one after that. They already reconciled to themselves that they will be proles, slaves to the debt so they can continue to live high on the hog.

You don't negotiate with terrorists. You cannot negotiate with politicians either! They have an agenda! If it's political correctness...they're gonna start with the kids and march on down the fields till they can get someone to sign the DNR on grandma so they can unplug her! Cradle to grave is the plan.

If Owebumma actually had something of a background that showed he could play well with others I'd hold a different opinion, but he doesn't. He's arrogant. He's booksmart and street stupid. When he doesn't get his way he pouts and acts like a baby. He's not going to lead. He's going to throw a temper tantrum. Truman, Kennedy and There's some leadership right there. You didn't see them put their feet all over the Resolute Desk or parade without a suit coat on. Somehow they realized that people paid attention to the way they looked and behaved. They played the part with respect for the office. Those 3 held the nation together through some very tough times in modern America. Can you imagine the magnitude of making the call to actually drop the 1st atomic weapon on a civilian population? Then carry it out? Then there's the Missle Crisis. He told them to pick up their tents and take them back to their own nation or he would and THEY blinked. After the Bay of Pigs I wonder really what Kennedy would've done if they would've continued against the blockade. Would he have folded? Then there's Reagan. Understood the Communistic threat to the world from his own dealings in the Screen Actors Guild. He understood what they were and what they were doing to the fiber of America...from within. Lessons learned was to not back down. Take it to him and he did with Gorbachev. The USSR wanted Gorby to stand tall, but Reagan knew it was all sitting on a house of cards waiting to tumble. Started with Poland and then most of Eastern Europe fell...all the way to the USSR being toppled from within upon herself. America paid the price for all 3 of those Presidents but those 3 would NEVER been seen bowing down or offering apologies or cowtowing to making basic fundamental decisions that would be counter to the American Way. Scrapping bond and shareholder equity so a union could take seats on a board of directors AT taxpayer's expense? NEVER. I still cannot fathom how that happened and America was stupid enough to let them do it and then there's the entire "too big to fail" mantra that they used as an excuse to do it! Really?!? No. If you're dumb enough to bundle garbage loans made to people with criminal records with no means to pay then guess're dumb enough to be left holding the yourself with NO HELP! Instead they perpetuated the loans and rebundled them again and again and made them clean in the process. Why everyone's home value went through the roof like God was raining manna down on everyone to eat.

No, this guy has the Jimmy Carter malaise all over him. At least Jimmy Carter was charming. This guy is arrogant. This guy tells you how smart he is and then tells you about kids with breathalyzers, 57 states in the Union and so many Uh's and Ummms that you could almost write a church hymnal with it! You cannot work with the guy. He can't even work with his own party! He talks about having these "plans"...where? We heard about the C-Span townhalls and the stuff was gonna be online for 3 days so we could all see it...I believed him...sounded like FINALLY someone was listening to the Average Joe. Somebody would be looking out for our best interest. This guy talks about driving a car out of the ditch and then talks to America while the Dow in 400 points in the hole and while he's talking it drops another 200 points!!!!! NOBODY BELIEVES THE GUY! Businesses across the nation are hoarding cash. They can't wait till this guy is out. The Fed is now looking past him too. They've said it will be 2 more years till they even think about trying to raise interest rates! Guys...we can't stay at zero forever! This grand mistake that was rammed down on America is OVER! He's done. Nobody trusts him and nobody will deal with him now. He's a DEAD MAN WALKING!

Sorry, TW...I know how you wanted to bash away on GW, er got nothing on this current President. This is without a doubt the biggest fraud ever to take office since Harding or Grant! This will be the most inept administration from top to bottom that will ever be assembled. A tax cheating Treasury secretary? A boob as a running mate? A dude wearing pantsuits as Secretary of State meeting with the Arab world? They make the Keystone Cops look like men devoted to the Manhattan Project for Christ sakes! No, this guy is D-O-N-E. There won't be a pouring of independant voters swooning with "Yes We Can" all over their Prius', or union workers with the big regurgitating "O" on the back of their Honda's and hardhats. Every time they took to the streets for him they were wayliad and gutted. Every time Owebumma spoke out about how such and such a plant was working with taxpaying dollars and is a model...months later...boom...lock goes the door...shut went the plant. All over America Obamatowns are sprouting up and city commisioners are wondering what they can do to stop it.

No, he can't. He won't reach across the aisle and work constructively. He showed in his very first meeting with Republican leadership the tone he was going to take..."We won". Wow...that's how you work with people that are diametrically opposed to you? I don't know how it works in your workplace, but they'd bounce me out on my ear if I did that in mine. "Sorry, but well I have this job and well you don't...see ya!". There's no working with all. The whole ramming of OwebummaCare showed it. Ram it, ram it ram it up the poopchute! "Ya gotta pass it so you can see what's in it" mentality is what he wanted! Not what was best. Nooooooo...Big Pharma got a pass....Tort Reform? Yeah, right...who do you think is paying for all that Kobé fillet? They all got passes and helped write this utterly failed singlepayer scam! Now businesses and unions get extensions from it...politicians have their own plans...You? F YOU...YOU'RE ON IT! So is the rest of the taxpaying doe-eyed proletariat because Pelosi rammed it down your throat! You really think you're going to work with THAT?

See it for what it is. America elected some guy that gave good teleprompter...still does...looks young and athletic and we really wanted to show the world that we're not filled with bigotry. That's all we got. After that...they grey hairs start and the fur starts flying. Looking for leadership from this guy? That's just not ever going to happen. He lacks fortitude. He's never done anything with his life on his own. He's never created a damn thing from nothing. He doesn't know what it's like to work for what he has. It's all been given to him on a silver plate. On someone else's dime. There's no humility to it. There's no gratitude. America is a doormat to him and he treats her like he treats the Resolute Desk. He puts his feet all over it.
teedubbya Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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I thought it was interesting. It is Gergan's thoughts. Sometimes he makes sense. There were more reasonable people way back when.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#33 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:
I thought it was interesting. It is Gergan's thoughts. Sometimes he makes sense. There were more reasonable people way back when.

The guy that worked for Clinton and Bush Gergan?

If that's the case then see the forrest for the trees...he's looking for a meal ticket!

The Obama shop just might have an opening!whip
DrMaddVibe Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
Not only that TW...but all of these "bright minds"...all of the "financial wizards"...they've been exposed.

The light of day has shone upon them like a laser beam.

They were consumed with the ego of a classroom where they could preach their...Just throw money at it, or compress the system upon itself model. It's one thing to spout all that crap to a bunch of 18-24 year olds in a college class and state how right you are, it's another when the most powerful man in the World taps you for a position and uses your ideas and they utterly uber FAIL in the face of reason, business and common sense.

Where do they go?

Back to the classrooms and the universities snap them right back.
teedubbya Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
The guy that worked for Clinton and Bush Gergan?

If that's the case then see the forrest for the trees...he's looking for a meal ticket!

The Obama shop just might have an opening!whip

Herfing Not Bush, but Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Clinton. Maybe he is, but my guess is he is calling it like he sees it. He seems to do that fairly frequently even though the Republicans don't like it. He is from a time where you didn't have to march lock step to be considered part of the party. I disagree with him a lot but can relate to him. I found that calling it like I saw it on Bush meant I became a Dem overnight (although prior to that I was a staunch Repub....weird). He is not always right but seems to be a pretty reasonable voice to me. He is not in the same league but I saw Buckly like that too. Even Moinahan (sp?)

Whatever his intentions it doesn't change the content to me. Just interesting.
teedubbya Offline
#36 Posted:
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Maybe he worked for one of the Bushes. Don't remember it though.
teedubbya Offline
#37 Posted:
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
Not only that TW...but all of these "bright minds"...all of the "financial wizards"...they've been exposed.

The light of day has shone upon them like a laser beam.

They were consumed with the ego of a classroom where they could preach their...Just throw money at it, or compress the system upon itself model. It's one thing to spout all that crap to a bunch of 18-24 year olds in a college class and state how right you are, it's another when the most powerful man in the World taps you for a position and uses your ideas and they utterly uber FAIL in the face of reason, business and common sense.

Where do they go?

Back to the classrooms and the universities snap them right back.

meh. even if you have everything figured out on a logical level the markets and economy do not always act logical and no one will ever get it right all the time. I think he is just saying its a perception thing, and frankly Obama does nothing to give the perception he is on top of things (the economy). Havng those folks around will not be magic, but its a step to instill confidence (not in the likes of you but the masses)
DrMaddVibe Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, James Baker, George Shultz, Henry Paulson???

They created the entire fraud.


Who was right and who was wrong?

Greenspan has been exposed as a spectre chasing fraud...Rubin and Summers...willing pawns in on the game.

Paulson? A moneygrubbing whore that got away with the biggest crime ever. With the biggest payday...ever.
teedubbya Offline
#39 Posted:
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No one will ever be right all the time. All you can do is gather the best advice you can get from all sides and make your decisions. These may not be the only names ...... The Pauls should be included on the list to an extent. I think they are dangerously uninformed and overly simplistic but you need to consider their logic as well.


Identifying problems or shooting things down is easy. Offering a potential fix is hard.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
You misunderstand me...greatly.

This isn't some undress session to expose right or wrong.

This nation cannot afford another idiot at the wheel.

It is time to really get it right.

PLEASE take the time to wath the Frontline episode. Go to the website and do more research. You will fully understand how and why I'm utterly filled with rage at the Federal Reserve and what they've been allowed to do to the American Way.


YOU, just might understand where someone else might form an opinion...based in reality...not emotion..and gain insight on a topic that eludes you at the same time.

It was there the whole time...under the radar. A lone voice tried in 1996 to raise awareness and they trumped her out.
teedubbya Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
You misunderstand me...greatly.

This isn't some undress session to expose right or wrong.

This nation cannot afford another idiot at the wheel.

It is time to really get it right.

PLEASE take the time to wath the Frontline episode. Go to the website and do more research. You will fully understand how and why I'm utterly filled with rage at the Federal Reserve and what they've been allowed to do to the American Way.


YOU, just might understand where someone else might form an opinion...based in reality...not emotion..and gain insight on a topic that eludes you at the same time.

It was there the whole time...under the radar. A lone voice tried in 1996 to raise awareness and they trumped her out.

I don't think I misunderstand you. I think we are talking about 2 different things. My point of reference is the gergen peice and advice to Obama. What the voters should do is a different thing. And out long term financial health yet another.

When I get the time I will watch the frontline peice. I like frontline. It's funny though, in here it is considered a lib mouthpeice when it suits folks, and an authoritative source when it fits. Personally I find them very interesting yet not perfect.
HockeyDad Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,307
If President Obama wanted to turn things around, he would focus on creating jobs. More specifically create a business climate that encourages investment and job creation.

We're 2.5 years in to his first term and he hasn't gotten around to this. It really still is not on the agenda.
teedubbya Offline
#43 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
If President Obama wanted to turn things around, he would focus on creating jobs. More specifically create a business climate that encourages investment and job creation.

We're 2.5 years in to his first term and he hasn't gotten around to this. It really still is not on the agenda.

I agree its not on the agenda. The thing I take from Gergen (and I do not agree with his take completely) is the Prez can really do very little, therefore he must do everything he can. And he hasn't.

He may end up being the sacrificial lamb much like daddy bush (who I DO like)
DrafterX Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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maybe he ran out of shovels..... Mellow
DrMaddVibe Offline
#45 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:
I don't think I misunderstand you. I think we are talking about 2 different things. My point of reference is the gergen peice and advice to Obama. What the voters should do is a different thing. And out long term financial health yet another.

When I get the time I will watch the frontline peice. I like frontline. It's funny though, in here it is considered a lib mouthpeice when it suits folks, and an authoritative source when it fits. Personally I find them very interesting yet not perfect.

Obama has already shown that he won't take ANY advice. He's beyond that. There's a reaosn why I call him The Kenyan King. His advice to Obama won't bring anything useful either. When you get done with that Frontline piece you will vomit that you chose to write those names like they were a real authority to be trusted. They were warned. They were challenged. They all refused to act and prosecute at a time it could've been contained. They played end-round games and trumped out a real watchdog that deserves to be heard NOW!

None of the Wall Street thieves have been brought up on charges. None of them will either...especially Paulson!

PM me when you watch the YouTube link.
teedubbya Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Obama has already shown that he won't take ANY advice. He's beyond that. There's a reaosn why I call him The Kenyan King. His advice to Obama won't bring anything useful either. When you get done with that Frontline piece you will vomit that you chose to write those names like they were a real authority to be trusted. They were warned. They were challenged. They all refused to act and prosecute at a time it could've been contained. They played end-round games and trumped out a real watchdog that deserves to be heard NOW!

None of the Wall Street thieves have been brought up on charges. None of them will either...especially Paulson!

PM me when you watch the YouTube link.

I'll watch it but I didn't choose those names. It was a c&p from gergen. I can argue with any given names or detail but like the overall thought. Noone is always right on this subject. No one. If they are they won't waste their time in the government, they will just go get rich.

But it sounds interesting. As you describe it I may have seen it already.

As an aside. There was what sounds like a similar peice damning all the Bush folks on 911, iraq etc but it was largly discounted in here out of convienience.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
teedubbya wrote:
I'll watch it but I didn't choose those names. It was a c&p from gergen. I can argue with any given names or detail but like the overall thought. Noone is always right on this subject. No one. If they are they won't waste their time in the government, they will just go get rich.

But it sounds interesting. As you describe it I may have seen it already.

As an aside. There was what sounds like a similar peice damning all the Bush folks on 911, iraq etc but it was largly discounted in here out of convienience.

My friend...they got rich while they all turned a blind eye to the fraud that was going on and then set up shop and expanded on what others were already doing.

Too big to They want ALL of the money.

They want it done with govt. muscle now.
teedubbya Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
My friend...they got rich while they all turned a blind eye to the fraud that was going on and then set up shop and expanded on what others were already doing.

Too big to They want ALL of the money.

They want it done with govt. muscle now.

I have no doubt about that just based on human nature. But the point is whomever you name to that group you need experience and knowledge and you need different perspectives/opinions. Then you weigh and choose.

It's easy to point at those you wish to exclude but harder to identify those you wish to include. And anyone at that level of knowledge or experience likely has dirty hands or at least the perception of.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
We deserve people that aren't dirty.


We've all seen where slime gets us.

It's time for the right people to lead.
teedubbya Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
DrMaddVibe wrote:
We deserve people that aren't dirty.


We've all seen where slime gets us.

It's time for the right people to lead.

Can't disagree with that. Just don't see who yet.
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