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Presidentin' Be Hard
Brewha Offline
#351 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,269
Well, I like golf . . . . .
DrMaddVibe Offline
#352 Posted:
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Brewha wrote:
Well, I like golf . . . . .

Good, because you're paying the President to play it!
Brewha Offline
#353 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,269
It's ok. Sometimes my company pays me to play golf. And I don't even play well . . . .

But I'll bet the pres get to go to better courses than I ever will.
Better T times too . . .
ZRX1200 Offline
#354 Posted:
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SHOCK: Directive No. 3025.18 Authorizes Military Force Against U.S. Citizens On American Soil During Times of ‘Unrest’
By Eric Odom 26

7:34 pm May 29, 2014

People are always skeptical when the talk of martial law or military action against citizens pops up in the blogosphere. The discussion is elevated to a whole new level, though, when a major media outlet like the Washington Times publishes a terrifying report on a new directive that essentially empowers the President to use military force against citizens in times of unrest.

Which is exactly . The story surrounds and should shake anyone who bothers paying attention right down to his/her core.

what the Washington Times did yesterday Directive No. 3025.18

. This is truly scary

The troubling aspect of the directive outlines presidential authority for the use of military arms and forces, including unarmed drones,in operations against domestic unrest.

“This appears to be the latest step in the ’s decision to use force within the United States against its citizens,” said a defense official opposed to the directive.


Directive No. 3025.18, “Defense Support of Civil Authorities,” was issued Dec. 29,2010, and states that U.S. commanders “are provided emergency authority under this directive.”

“Federal military forces shall not be used to quell civil disturbances unless specifically authorized by the president in accordance with applicable law or permitted under emergency authority,” the directive states.

“In these circumstances,those federal military commanders have the authority,in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the president is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale,unexpected civil disturbances” under two conditions.

The conditions include military support needed “to prevent significant loss of life or wanton destruction of property and are necessary to restore governmental function and public order.” A second use is when federal,state and local authorities “are unable or decline to provide adequate protection for federal property or federal governmental functions.”

“Federal action, including the use of federal military forces, is authorized when necessary to protect the federal property or functions,” the directive states.

Military assistance can include loans of arms, ammunition,vessels and aircraft. The directive states clearly that it is for engaging civilians during times of unrest.

We’ve covered countless stories of the U.S. military arming local law enforcement with heavy armor vehicles. We’ve covered countless stories of training events that included the firing of live ammunition in heavily populated cities like Miami. But this new directive is a much different animal. It essentially moves the conversation away from terrorism and into the idea of civil unrest.

And by what definition of unrest does the government intend to use in initiating such military force?

Land of the free and home of the brave? Not so much anymore. Not so much at all.
mikey1597 Offline
#355 Posted:
Joined: 05-18-2007
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U.S. Soldier Taken Hostage By Taliban Released In Exchange For 5 Guantanamo Detainees

This off of Huff post....................... So now we negotiate with terrorists?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#356 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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(Press Enterprise) – President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama land at Palm Springs International Airport just after 6 p.m. Friday, straight from a visit to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota.

At 8:25 a.m. Saturday, they’ll jump over to Laguna Beach for a Democratic National Committee fundraiser, followed by the commencement address to UC Irvine’s Class of 2014 at Angel Stadium.

The Obamas will return to the desert by about 2:10 p.m. Saturday, staying for Father’s Day, before flying home to Washington, D.C., about 10 a.m. Monday. It’s unclear if their daughters, Malia and Sasha, will tag along.

What is Obama’s plan here in the Coachella Valley? Presumably a short vacation, and likely a round of golf or two – though the details remain fuzzy.
ZRX1200 Offline
#357 Posted:
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IRS Admits Wrongdoing In Settlement With Traditional Marriage Group Over Leaked Donor List

June 24, 2014 by Ben Bullard The IRS has admitted wrongdoing in the illegal release of names on a confidential list on conservative donors to a rival political group and has agreed to pay $50,000 to the conservative group whose members’ names were wrongly leaked.

A U.S. District Court judge accepted a settlement today in the case, which pitted the IRS as a defendant against the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), a conservative group whose membership was leaked by an internal IRS source, using information meant only for IRS documentation purposes, to a liaison for a gay rights group, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).

A reading of this case’s history quickly disabuses the observer of any impression of an impersonal, run-of-the-mill bureaucratic screw-up and replaces it with something far more human and mendacious. This wasn’t a case of someone inadvertently hitting the wrong button on a computer or mistakenly lumping in one stack of information with another; it was instead an attempt to wilfully present legally-protected donor information to an adversarial political group to influence the relative power one wielded against the other.

Here’s how The Daily Signal, which first reported today’s decision, summarizes it:

In February 2012, the Human Rights Campaign posted on its web site NOM’s 2008 tax return and the names and contact information of the marriage group’s major donors, including soon-to-be Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. That information then was published by the Huffington Post and other liberal-leaning news sites.

HRC’s president at the time, Joe Solmonese, was tapped that same month as a national co-chairman of President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign.

Eastman said an investigation in the civil lawsuit determined that someone gave NOM’s tax return and list of major donors to Boston-based gay rights activist Matthew Meisel. Email correspondence from Meisel revealed that he told a colleague of “a conduit” to obtain the marriage group’s confidential information.

Testifying under oath in a deposition as part of the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Meisel invoked his Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself and declined to disclose the identity of his “conduit.”

To get at that fact, Eastman said, the National Organization for Marriage has asked Attorney General Eric Holder to grant immunity from prosecution to Meisel.

So a “conduit” at the IRS fished out the names of all the donors who expressed their support for the state’s present legal definition of marriage through a political movement, and handed that confidential information over to an activist who wants that definition to change. Then that activist revealed that illegally-obtained information to a competing political group, which got its cause some instant press from media outlets invested in advancing the issue. The Obama campaign then swooped in and recruited the president of the group that had shared the illegally-gotten info away from his position and made him the President’s campaign manager. Oh, and the President’s opponent in that election cycle just happened to be one of the guys on the victim group’s donor list.

Regardless of which side of the marriage issue you stand on, that’s just messed up.

It’s also not just a civil matter – it’s a crime. “Unauthorized disclosure of confidential tax information is a felony offense that can result in five years in prison, but the Department of Justice did not bring criminal charges,” the Daily Signal observed. So far, and until the “conduit” (presumably an IRS employee) is revealed, the IRS itself is the only named culprit – and that’s merely for this now-settled civil action.

The $50,000 the IRS must pay will necessary come from public coffers, whether by means of a standing liability protection plan or direct payment. “The $50,000 to be paid by the IRS represents actual damages NOM incurred responding to the illegal disclosure, not punitive damages,” notes the Signal, because “the marriage group was unable to prove disclosure of the confidential records was deliberate after Meisel took the Fifth.”
DrMaddVibe Offline
#358 Posted:
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Time for another one!!!
ZRX1200 Offline
#359 Posted:
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I was worried about him, he looks tired.
DrafterX Offline
#360 Posted:
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Is Martha ok with this..?? Huh
ZRX1200 Offline
#361 Posted:
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ZRX1200 Offline
#362 Posted:
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ZRX1200 Offline
#363 Posted:
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mikey1597 Offline
#364 Posted:
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It’s Not Present Obama’s Fault That Past Obama Pulled The U.S. Out Of Iraq

Past Obama is Present Obama’s greatest enemy. Over and over again, Past Obama’s words and actions keep tripping up his future self.

Obama says what he means, and he means what he says. And what he means, what he always means, is that he needs to get through the next five minutes. Anything he says at any particular moment is in service of that one and only goal. If it directly contradicts anything he’s said before, or anything he says after, that’s your problem.

Terence P. Jeffrey, CNS News:

On the South Lawn of the White House today, after Obama explained why he had ordered the U.S. military to renew airstrikes in Iraq, a reporter asked Obama about his decision to remove all U.S. troops from Iraq.

“Mr. President, do you have any second thoughts about pulling all ground troops out of Iraq?” the reporter asked. “And does it give you pause as the U.S.–is it doing the same thing in Afghanistan?”

“What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up, as if this was my decision,” Obama said…

It’s George Bush’s fault. Everything is.

So what if President Barack Obama takes all the credit when he thinks something is working, but accepts none of the blame when it fails? Objective reality is racist. Leave him alone, teabagger.

ZRX1200 Offline
#365 Posted:
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mikey1597 Offline
#366 Posted:
Joined: 05-18-2007
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I promised to end the war in Iraq and I did.
I never ordered the Taliban swap it was Hagel
Not even a smidgeon of corruption
I only found out about it when I saw it on the news.
We won’t negotiate with terrorists.
I will have the most transparent administration in history.
I have Shovel ready jobs.
The IRS is not targeting anyone.
Benghazi was about a movie.
If I had a son.
I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division, conflict and cynicism".
You didn't build that.
I will restore trust in Government.
The cops acted stupidly.
I am not after your guns.
The Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk.
It's not my red line it is the worlds red line.
Whistle blowers will be protected.
We got back Every Dime we Used to Rescue the Banks, with interest.
I will close Gitmo.
I am not spying on American citizens.
ObamaCare will be good for America.
You can keep your family doctor.
Premiums will be lowered by $2500.
If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period.
We'll put it on C-Span.
57 states.
Your taxes will not go up unless you make more than 250K a year.
I will cut the deficit in half in 3 1/2 years or this will be a one term proposition.
The recession is over.
I'm not an ideologue.
We will get to the bottom of this.
I will not sign the NDAA bill.
Reverend Wright
Bill Ayers
no lobbyists in my administration.
I'll go through the budget line by line.
Fast And Furious.
I've never met the uncle I used to live with.
I Barack Hussein Obama pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America

Can ya think of a bigger liar?
HockeyDad Offline
#367 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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DrafterX Offline
#368 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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forgot the one about him being born an American.... Mellow
mikey1597 Offline
#369 Posted:
Joined: 05-18-2007
Posts: 14,162
Theres lots that wernt listed.

Theres a term in analyzing mold count, TNTC, Too Numerous To Count, kinda fits his stories
ZRX1200 Offline
#370 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,766
Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Commander: "The US is Training and Funding Us"

WAR UPDATE Fri, Sep 26
Federico Pieraccini | 2,679 2

Semyonchenko in visit at the International Repubblican Institute. Behind him, on the right, Tennessee Senator Robert Corker.
Semyonchenko in visit at the International Repubblican Institute. Behind him, on the right, Tennessee Senator Robert Corker.
A commander of one of the Ukrainian neo-nazi battalions, the Donbass, Semyon Semyonchenko, has just returned from the US, where he met with senior senators from both parties, and received commitments of material support.
He posted a comment on Facebook in which he gives a detailed explanation of this assistance.
He was also received by IRI (International Republican Institute) and NDI (National Democratic Institute), the international branches of the two main American political parties, and met with democratic Senator Robert Menendez and republican senator Robert Corker.

"Menendez and Corker are the two senators who have sponsored the Ukraine Freedom Support Act, a bill that will allocate money to provide assistance to Ukraine, including the supply of weapons. Radar, anti-tank weapons, drones, communications systems and many other useful things for our army. "

One of the main goals of his trip was to get training and much more from the US military. Judging by his FB post, it seems he has accomplished this.
"Yesterday I signed a contract to organize training courses for the fighters and officers of the battalion Donbass by mobile groups of instructors from the United States, held by military that are not currently in service.

They will work under the traditional training system used by the Navy Seals and Delta Force. Standards have been developed for each department (reconnaissance, special forces, security, etc.) and for each non-commissioned officer.

Particular attention will be paid to the individual training and teamwork. We will use the maximum number of practical exercises.

Another important point is the training of sergeants (NCOs) to allow it to act independently and managing a team.

The instructors will also be used to prepare the internal security forces, and that training is one of the forms of indirect assistance that Ukraine is receiving."

Shoot People on Your Vacation! War Tourists in "Human Safaris" in Ukraine. (2 minutes, English Captions) TV 6416 23
Why Ukraine Will Never Take Back Crimea THE SAKER 4883 10
Iran is Putin's Strongest Card vs. Washington 4514 13
Germany Loses Patience with America, Edges towards Russia 4286 2
Ukraine on Verge of Total Economic Collapse BUSINESS 3982 7
Pros and Cons of the Peace Negotiations for Ukraine
Pros and Cons of the Peace Negotiations for the Resistance
Pros and Cons of the Peace Negotiations for Russia
Why The Resistance Has Won The War and How They Did It.
Antagonism Growing Between Kiev Military Factions
All articles

After his meeting with NDI and IRI he also added:
"They were very useful talks. We explained to them the situation in Ukraine as objectively as possible. We are confident that everything will go according to plan as we hoped, "
ZRX1200 Offline
#371 Posted:
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America failed to recognize the threat posed by Islamic State terrorists and mistakenly relied on the hapless Iraqi army to combat them, President Obama admitted in an interview broadcast Sunday night.
In an about-face from earlier remarks that likened ISIS to a terrorist “JV team,” Obama told CBS’s “60 Minutes” that he agreed with National Intelligence Director James Clapper’s recent assessment that “we underestimated the Islamic State.”
“Jim Clapper has acknowledged that I think they underestimated . . . what had been taking place in Syria,” Obama said.
The president also called it “absolutely true” that the United States put too much faith in the Iraqi army, whose soldiers turned tail rather than wage war against ISIS fighters invading from Syria.
Obama’s comments marked his bluntest acknowledgment that the United States bungled the initial response to ISIS, which American-led planes began bombing inside Syria this month.

Militant Islamist fighters take part in a military parade along the streets of northern Raqqa province June 30, 2014.
Photo: Reuters
Asked about the US carrying the weight of the anti-ISIS effort despite it being described as an international coalition, Obama said, “[T]hat’s always the case. America leads. We are the indispensable nation. We have capacity no one else has. Our military is the best in the history of the world.
“And when trouble comes up anywhere in the world, they don’t call Beijing. They don’t call Moscow. They call us,” the president said.
“That’s the deal … that’s how we roll. And that’s what makes this America.”
In a portion of the interview broadcast earlier Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Obama said ISIS has been “very savvy” in using social media to recruit believers in their “jihadist nonsense.”
He also noted that the bloodthirsty terrorist group includes “old remnants of Saddam Hussein’s military . . . which gave them some traditional military capacity and not just terrorist capacity. That’s why it’s so important for us to recognize part of our solution here is going to be military.”
Obama, whose interview was recorded Friday, also blamed the rift between Sunni and Shiite Muslims for “the biggest cause of conflict — not just in the Middle East, but in the world.”
Meanwhile, House Speaker John Boehner said he didn’t think that airstrikes alone can destroy ISIS, and that he’d recommend sending in American troops “if no one else will step up.”
“We have no choice,” the Republican told ABC’s “This Week.” “These are barbarians. They intend to kill us. And if we don’t destroy them first, we’re gonna pay the price.”
Boehner also said he believed that Obama had the authority under post-Sept. 11, 2001, resolutions to order the airstrikes that began inside Syria on Sept. 22, while Congress was out of session.
Also Sunday, the American military said US-led planes attacked four ISIS mobile oil refineries and a command-and-control center in Syria early in the day.
The raids were part of a “near continuous” bombing campaign to stanch the flow of fuel money to ISIS.

And, he's only attended 42.1% of the daily security briefings!

How's your swing?
ZRX1200 Offline
#372 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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It's for the CHILDREN!!!!

White House exempts Syria airstrikes from tight standards on civilian deaths
Amid reports of women and children killed in U.S. air offensive, official says the 'near certainty' policy doesn’t apply
Yahoo News By Michael Isikoff Sep 30, 2014 3:30 PM

The White House has acknowledged for the first time that strict standards President Obama imposed last year to prevent civilian deaths from U.S. drone strikes will not apply to U.S. military operations in Syria and Iraq.
A White House statement to Yahoo News confirming the looser policy came in response to questions about reports that as many as a dozen civilians, including women and young children, were killed when a Tomahawk missile struck the village of Kafr Daryan in Syria's Idlib province on the morning of Sept. 23.

The village has been described by Syrian rebel commanders as a reported stronghold of the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front where U.S officials believed members of the so-called Khorasan group were plotting attacks against international aircraft.

But at a briefing for members and staffers of the House Foreign Affairs Committee late last week, Syrian rebel commanders described women and children being hauled from the rubble after an errant cruise missile destroyed a home for displaced civilians. Images of badly injured children also appeared on YouTube, helping to fuel anti-U.S. protests in a number of Syrian villages last week.

“They were carrying bodies out of the rubble. … I saw seven or eight ambulances coming out of there,” said Abu Abdo Salabman, a political member of one of the Free Syria Army factions, who attended the briefing for Foreign Affairs Committee members and staff. “We believe this was a big mistake.”

Asked about the strike at Kafr Daryan, a U.S. Central Command spokesman said Tuesday that U.S. military “did target a Khorasan group compound near this location. However, we have seen no evidence at this time to corroborate claims of civilian casualties.” But Caitlin Hayden, a spokesperson for the National Security Council, told Yahoo News that Pentagon officials “take all credible allegations seriously and will investigate” the reports.
At the same time, however, Hayden said that a much-publicized White House policy that President Obama announced last year barring U.S. drone strikes unless there is a “near certainty” there will be no civilian casualties — "the highest standard we can meet," he said at the time — does not cover the current U.S. airstrikes in Syria and Iraq.

The “near certainty” standard was intended to apply “only when we take direct action ‘outside areas of active hostilities,’ as we noted at the time,” Hayden said in an email. “That description — outside areas of active hostilities — simply does not fit what we are seeing on the ground in Iraq and Syria right now.”

Hayden added that U.S. military operations against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) in Syria, "like all U.S. military operations, are being conducted consistently with the laws of armed conflict, proportionality and distinction."

The laws of armed conflict prohibit the deliberate targeting of civilian areas and require armed forces to take precautions to prevent inadvertent civilian deaths as much as possible.

But one former Obama administration official said the new White House statement raises questions about how the U.S. intends to proceed in the conflict in Syria and Iraq, and under what legal authorities.

CLICK IMAGE for slideshow: A man inspects a damaged site in what activists say was a U.S. strike in Kafr Daryan, in Syria's Idlib Province, on Sept. 23, 2014. (REUTERS/Abdalghne Karoof)“They seem to be creating this grey zone” for the conflict, said Harold Koh, who served as the State Department’s top lawyer during President Obama’s first term. “If we’re not applying the strict rules [to prevent civilian casualties] to Syria and Iraq, then they are of relatively limited value."
Questions about civilian deaths from U.S. counterterrorism operations have confronted the Obama administration from the outset, after the president sharply ramped up drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, resulting in sometimes heated internal policy debates.

Addressing the subject last year in a speech at the National Defense University, Obama acknowledged for the first time that U.S. strikes have resulted in civilian casualties, adding: “For me and those in my chain of command, those deaths will haunt us as long as we live.”

Sources familiar with the new “near certainty” standard Obama announced at the time said that, as a practical matter, it meant that every drone strike had to be signed off on by the White House — first by Lisa Monaco, Obama’s chief homeland security adviser, and ultimately by the president himself. The policy, one source said, caused some Pentagon officials to chafe at the new restrictions — and led to a noticeable reduction in such strikes by the military and the CIA.

While the White House has said little about the standards it is using for strikes in Syria and Iraq, one former official who has been briefed on the matter said the looser policy gives more discretion to theater commanders at the U.S. Central Command to select targets without the same level of White House oversight.

The issue arose during last week’s briefing for two House Foreign Affairs Committee members and two staffers when rebel leaders associated with factions of the Free Syria Army, including Abu Abdo Salabman, complained about the civilian deaths — and the fact that the targets were in territory controlled by the Nusra Front, a sometimes ally of the U.S.-backed rebels in its war with the Islamic State and the Syrian regime.

But at least one of the House members present, Rep. Adam Kinzinger, an Illinois Republican who supports stronger U.S. action in Syria, said he was not overly concerned. “I did hear them say there were civilian casualties, but I didn’t get details,” Kinzinger said in an interview with Yahoo News. “But nothing is perfect,” and whatever civilian deaths resulted from the U.S. strikes are “much less than the brutality of the Assad regime.”
ZRX1200 Offline
#373 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,766
Interesting read....
Fed Up With Govt Misconduct, Federal Judge Takes Nuclear Option.

By Sidney Powell | 10/15/14 9:45pm
Judge Morrison C. England Jr.
Judge Morrison C. England Jr. ordered the entire judiciary recused from a case another judge called “egregious” and “reprehensible”

In perhaps the most stunning documentation yet of abuses by Eric Holder’s Justice Department, two former Assistant United States Attorneys spoke to defense attorneys and revealed appalling deceit and corruption of justice. This latest litigation time bomb has exploded from multi-million dollar litigation originally brought by the Department of Justice against Sierra Pacific based on allegations that the lumber company and related defendants were responsible for a wildfire that destroyed 65,000 acres in California.

In what was dubbed the “Moonlight Fire” case, the tables are now turned. The defendants have discovered new evidence and filed a stunning motion. The new evidence and disclosures are being taken seriously by the Chief Judge of the Eastern District of California—as they should be. In a shocking action, Judge Morrison C. England Jr. ordered the recusal of every federal judge in the Eastern District of California.

Sierra Pacific Industries and other defendants were compelled to pay $55 million to the United States over a period of five years and transfer 22,500 acres of land to settle massive litigation brought against them by the United States alleging that they caused a 2007 fire that destroyed 65,000 acres in California. Sierra Pacific has always maintained that the fire started elsewhere and that the state and federal investigators and Department attorneys lied. Now that settlement may go up in smoke because of the new evidence of outrageous misconduct by the federal prosecutors and the investigators from state and federal offices, as well as findings earlier this year by a state judge.

In an extraordinary development, Judge England, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, ordered the recusal of all the Eastern District judges from the case because of serious allegations that the Court itself was defrauded by the government in the original prosecution. To avoid any appearance of partiality, he has referred the case to Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Alex Kozinski to appoint a judge from outside the Eastern District to handle the case going forward. Judge Kozinski has excoriated prosecutors for failing to meet their legal and ethical obligations.

The order notes that the defendants filed an action this week to set aside the $55 million settlement because, as the defendants allege, “the United States presented false evidence to the Defendants and the Court; advanced arguments to the Court premised on that false evidence; or, for which material evidence had been withheld, and obtaining court rulings based thereon; prepared key Moonlight Fire investigators for depositions, and allowed them to repeatedly give false testimony about the most important aspects of their investigation; and failed to disclose the facts and circumstances associated with the Moonlight Fire lead investigator’s direct financial interest in the outcome of the investigation arising from an illegal bank account that has since been exposed and terminated.”

The Sacramento Bee reported on the Defendant’s filing. Indeed, the Defendants’ motion informs us that a former Assistant United States Attorney came forward and disclosed that he believes that he was removed from the original prosecution by “his boss, David Shelledy, chief of the civil division in the United States Attorney’s office,” because he “rebuffed” pressure to “engage in unethical conduct as a lawyer.” Of course, like other former prosecutors who were unethical, Mr. Shelledy is to receive Attorney General Holder’s highest award for excellence—this week.

The defendants also reveal that another former federal prosecutor, Eric Overby, left the Moonlight Fire prosecution team also, stating: “It’s called the Department of Justice. It’s not called the Department of Revenue.” According to the motion, Mr. Overby told defense counsel that in his entire career, “I’ve never seen anything like this. Never.”

Well, sadly we have, and we’ve been reporting on it as fast as we can. This is part of a disturbing and rapidly increasing pattern of abuses by this Department of Justice to line government coffers or redistribute the wealth to its political allies—using its overwhelming litigation might and federal agencies as a tool of extortion and wealth redistribution.

The entire original prosecution against Sierra Pacific appears to have been driven by the Department of Justice’s interest in hitting a “deep pocket” for millions of dollars of revenue. The Defendants’ motion to set aside the settlement reveals a series of fraudulent acts by federal and state authorities that defiles our system of justice.

****** Beckler, an attorney for the company who used to be at DOJ and is now with Bracewell Giuliani, told the Observer, “Sierra Pacific is looking forward to having its day in court and proving all the facts of the government’s fraud on the court.”

A California state judge, Leslie C. Nichols, in a related state case issued orders earlier this year describing what he called “egregious,” “pervasive,” and “reprehensible” abuses in the investigation and prosecution amounting to “government corruption.” He found the state case to “betray the primary purpose of the judicial system—to reveal the truth.” He awarded $32 million in fees and expenses to the Defendants, finding as the Sacramento Bee reports, that the state agency, Cal Fire, “withheld some documents, destroyed other evidence and ‘engaged in a systematic campaign of misdirection with the purpose of recovering money’ from Sierra Pacific.”

It’s encouraging to see Judge England join Judge Emmet G. Sullivan and Judge Bates, and others, as our Article III judges begin to demand that federal attorneys and agents follow the law and their oaths of office. But there remains a lot more work to do. It’s way past time to hold Holder accountable.

When will the next litigation time bomb and scandal explode on Mr. Holder and this administration? He can’t run fast enough.
Gene363 Offline
#374 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
Posts: 30,986

This deserves it's own topic, see:

ZRX1200 wrote:
Interesting read....
Fed Up With Govt Misconduct, Federal Judge Takes Nuclear Option.

By Sidney Powell | 10/15/14 9:45pm
Judge Morrison C. England Jr.
Judge Morrison C. England Jr. ordered the entire judiciary recused from a case another judge called “egregious” and “reprehensible”

In perhaps the most stunning documentation yet of abuses by Eric Holder’s Justice Department, two former Assistant United States Attorneys spoke to defense attorneys and revealed appalling deceit and corruption of justice. This latest litigation time bomb has exploded from multi-million dollar litigation originally brought by the Department of Justice against Sierra Pacific based on allegations that the lumber company and related defendants were responsible for a wildfire that destroyed 65,000 acres in California.

In what was dubbed the “Moonlight Fire” case, the tables are now turned. The defendants have discovered new evidence and filed a stunning motion. The new evidence and disclosures are being taken seriously by the Chief Judge of the Eastern District of California—as they should be. In a shocking action, Judge Morrison C. England Jr. ordered the recusal of every federal judge in the Eastern District of California.

Sierra Pacific Industries and other defendants were compelled to pay $55 million to the United States over a period of five years and transfer 22,500 acres of land to settle massive litigation brought against them by the United States alleging that they caused a 2007 fire that destroyed 65,000 acres in California. Sierra Pacific has always maintained that the fire started elsewhere and that the state and federal investigators and Department attorneys lied. Now that settlement may go up in smoke because of the new evidence of outrageous misconduct by the federal prosecutors and the investigators from state and federal offices, as well as findings earlier this year by a state judge.

In an extraordinary development, Judge England, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, ordered the recusal of all the Eastern District judges from the case because of serious allegations that the Court itself was defrauded by the government in the original prosecution. To avoid any appearance of partiality, he has referred the case to Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Alex Kozinski to appoint a judge from outside the Eastern District to handle the case going forward. Judge Kozinski has excoriated prosecutors for failing to meet their legal and ethical obligations.

The order notes that the defendants filed an action this week to set aside the $55 million settlement because, as the defendants allege, “the United States presented false evidence to the Defendants and the Court; advanced arguments to the Court premised on that false evidence; or, for which material evidence had been withheld, and obtaining court rulings based thereon; prepared key Moonlight Fire investigators for depositions, and allowed them to repeatedly give false testimony about the most important aspects of their investigation; and failed to disclose the facts and circumstances associated with the Moonlight Fire lead investigator’s direct financial interest in the outcome of the investigation arising from an illegal bank account that has since been exposed and terminated.”

The Sacramento Bee reported on the Defendant’s filing. Indeed, the Defendants’ motion informs us that a former Assistant United States Attorney came forward and disclosed that he believes that he was removed from the original prosecution by “his boss, David Shelledy, chief of the civil division in the United States Attorney’s office,” because he “rebuffed” pressure to “engage in unethical conduct as a lawyer.” Of course, like other former prosecutors who were unethical, Mr. Shelledy is to receive Attorney General Holder’s highest award for excellence—this week.

The defendants also reveal that another former federal prosecutor, Eric Overby, left the Moonlight Fire prosecution team also, stating: “It’s called the Department of Justice. It’s not called the Department of Revenue.” According to the motion, Mr. Overby told defense counsel that in his entire career, “I’ve never seen anything like this. Never.”

Well, sadly we have, and we’ve been reporting on it as fast as we can. This is part of a disturbing and rapidly increasing pattern of abuses by this Department of Justice to line government coffers or redistribute the wealth to its political allies—using its overwhelming litigation might and federal agencies as a tool of extortion and wealth redistribution.

The entire original prosecution against Sierra Pacific appears to have been driven by the Department of Justice’s interest in hitting a “deep pocket” for millions of dollars of revenue. The Defendants’ motion to set aside the settlement reveals a series of fraudulent acts by federal and state authorities that defiles our system of justice.

****** Beckler, an attorney for the company who used to be at DOJ and is now with Bracewell Giuliani, told the Observer, “Sierra Pacific is looking forward to having its day in court and proving all the facts of the government’s fraud on the court.”

A California state judge, Leslie C. Nichols, in a related state case issued orders earlier this year describing what he called “egregious,” “pervasive,” and “reprehensible” abuses in the investigation and prosecution amounting to “government corruption.” He found the state case to “betray the primary purpose of the judicial system—to reveal the truth.” He awarded $32 million in fees and expenses to the Defendants, finding as the Sacramento Bee reports, that the state agency, Cal Fire, “withheld some documents, destroyed other evidence and ‘engaged in a systematic campaign of misdirection with the purpose of recovering money’ from Sierra Pacific.”

It’s encouraging to see Judge England join Judge Emmet G. Sullivan and Judge Bates, and others, as our Article III judges begin to demand that federal attorneys and agents follow the law and their oaths of office. But there remains a lot more work to do. It’s way past time to hold Holder accountable.

When will the next litigation time bomb and scandal explode on Mr. Holder and this administration? He can’t run fast enough.

mikey1597 Offline
#375 Posted:
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AG Holder's wife linked to 'Fast and Furious' and abortion clinic fraud

This is one crooked MoFo and Barry lets him get away with all of it.
jetblasted Offline
#376 Posted:
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You would think that the Saudi's would have picked a smarter person to be their marxist moslem foriegn agent plant in the white house.
Prolly why he had Breitbart and Tom Clancy silenced . . . Brick wall
ZRX1200 Offline
#377 Posted:
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He will be pardoned.
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#378 Posted:
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#379 Posted:
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As the war against the Islamic State in Syria has fallen into even more chaos – partially due to the United States government’s increasing involvement there – the White House’s bright new idea seems to be to ramping up the involvement of the intelligence agency that is notorious for making bad situations worse. As the Washington Post reported late Friday, “The Obama administration has been weighing plans to escalate the CIA’s role in arming and training fighters in Syria, a move aimed at accelerating covert U.S. support to moderate rebel factions while the Pentagon is preparing to establish its own training bases.”

Put aside for a minute that the Central Intelligence Agency has been secretly arming Syrian rebels with automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and antitank weapons since at least 2012 – and with almost nothing to show for it. Somehow the Post neglected to cite a front-page New York Times article from just one month ago alerting the public to the existence of a still-classified internal CIA study admitting that arming rebels with weapons has rarely – if ever – worked:

As the Times’ Mark Mazzetti reported:

‘One of the things that Obama wanted to know was: Did this ever work?’ said one former senior administration official who participated in the debate and spoke anonymously because he was discussing a classified report. The C.I.A. report, he said, ‘was pretty dour in its conclusions.’

The Times cited the most well-known of CIA failures, including the botched Bay of Pigs invasion and the arming of the Nicaraguan contra rebels that led to the disastrous Iran-Contra scandal. Even the agency’s most successful mission – slowly bleeding out the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s by arming the mujahideen – paved the way for the worst terrorist attack on the US in its history.

But as anyone who has read journalist Tim Weiner’s comprehensive and engrossing history of the CIA knows, the agency’s past is a graveyard rife with literally dozens of catastrophic failures involving covert weapons deals to countless war criminals and con artists in an attempt to overthrow governments all over the world. Not only has the CIA failed repeatedly, but oftentimes its plan has completely backfired, solidifying the very power of the actor it sought to remove and leaving the people the agency claimed to be helping in a much, much worse-off spot than before the CIA gun-running mission began.

We’ve already seen Syrian fortunes turn for the worse as the US has stepped up involvement in the past few months, as Bashar al-Assad has gone on the offensive against the US-backed rebels, and as the US airstrikes have reportedly led to Isis and al-Qaida reuniting, after being sworn enemies for more than a year. The two terrorist groups then proceeded to route the “moderate” rebels in combat and are currently in possession of many of the US-made weapons previously owned by the rebels.

Two months ago, the US Congress voted to send hundreds of millions of dollars in more arms to Syria. Even the politicians voting on sending countless more US weapons into the middle of a civil war were kept in the dark about the CIA’s internal report. That should be a scandal, right up there with the torture report the CIA is trying to keep secret, too.

But at least a few in-the-know elected officials were aware of the dangers of insanity of Congress’ Syria vote. The Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim and Sam Stein quoted an unnamed Democratic Congressman in September who was even more blunt, insisting that the CIA’s belief in arming rebels was “doomed to failure”:

‘I have heard it expressed, outside of classified contexts, that what you heard from your intelligence sources is correct, because the CIA regards the effort as doomed to failure,’ the congressman said in an email. ‘Specifically (again without referring to classified information), the CIA thinks that it is impossible to train and equip a force of pro-Western Syrian nationals that can fight and defeat Assad, al-Nusra and ISIS, regardless of whatever air support that force may receive.’

The unnamed Congressman added: “The CIA also believes that its previous assignment to accomplish this was basically a fool’s errand, and they are well aware of the fact that many of the arms that they provided ended up in the wrong hands.”

But the information on the secret weapons that were already flowing into Syria has been kept in hiding from most of Congress. John Kerry refused to answer any questions about the CIA’s activities in Syria when asked by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, despite the news of the agency’s involvement in Syria being on the front page of newspapers for years. “I hate to do this,” he said. “But I can’t confirm or deny whatever that’s been written about and I can’t really go into any kind of possible program.”

Perhaps the most shocking part is that we know Barack Obama himself has read the CIA study and knows that arming rebels in Syria – or anywhere – was an incredibly dangerous idea. Seemingly referencing the study, Obama told David Remnick of the New Yorker earlier this year:

Very early in this process, I actually asked the C.I.A. to analyze examples of America financing and supplying arms to an insurgency in a country that actually worked out well. And they couldn’t come up with much.

So even though the CIA “couldn’t come up with much” proof of any time when sending tons of weapons into a war zone full of extremists has worked in the past, or that the agency itself has told Congressmen arming the rebels was “doomed to failure,” the Obama administration is ready to do just that.

No one doubts that Isis is a horrific terrorist group that’s terrible for the entire Middle East – as it proved over the weekend by barbarically beheading another innocent aid worker – but further entrenching the CIA and its weapons into an already awful situation can really only make things worse. Much worse.
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#380 Posted:
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#381 Posted:
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#382 Posted:
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By Patrick Lagreid @phxcigarguy · On December 8, 2014
The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform released the latest chapter in the investigation into Operation Choke Point earlier today, a 20-page document detailing the involvement of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in a program that was described as violating “the most fundamental principles of the rule of law and accountable, transparent government.”

Since its launch in 2013, Operation Choke Point has been causing numerous retailers across the country to be denied banking services, including at least five premium cigar retailers since late September. The program was launched in what has been described as an attempt to prevent consumer fraud and to deny banking services to illegal businesses, but speculation has suggested that there may be personal vendettas by senior administration officials against certain types of businesses as well.

Among the key findings in the report, it was determined that the FDIC targeted legal industries as part of the operation via “circular agreement” policymaking, as there was no articulated justification or rationale for the original list of high-risk merchants. Additionally, FDIC was found to have used this list of high risk merchants to make sure that banks “got the message” that offering services to a certain group of businesses would carry enormous regulatory risk and the possibility of full-blown investigations.

In other words, the FDIC bullied banks into dropping certain accounts with the threat of lengthy and costly federal investigations.

Additionally, a number of e-mails produced as part of the report showed that senior FDIC officials had personal animus towards payday lenders, and used FDIC’s supervisory authority to try and eliminate them. E-mails released as part of the report reveal that FDIC’s senior-most bank examiners “literally cannot stand payday,” leading for the directive to banks “to terminate all relationships with the industry.” To convey their disdain, directives from a senior FDIC official directed FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg to always mention pornography when mentioning payday lenders and other targeted industries, in an effort to convey a “good picture regarding the unsavory nature of the businesses at issue.”

Finally, it was determined that the FDIC did indeed partner with the Department of Justice on Operation Choke Point, and may have misled Congress about this partnership.

While the focus of the report focuses primarily around payday lenders and firearms sales, tobacco retailers get a pair of mentions that chronicle their addition to the list of high-risk retailers. In September 2011, online sales of tobacco products became part of the Financial Institution Letter (FIL) being drafted on the matter, getting lumped in with offshore companies, online gambling-related operations, online payday lenders, credit repair schemes, debt consolidation and forgiveness, pharmaceutical sales and telemarketing entities. In a December 2011 draft, tobacco retailers were put side by side with firearms retailers in a list of high-risk businesses for fraud.

That doesn’t mean that cigar stores aren’t part of the conversation about Operation Choke Point.

In an interview with the Washington Examiner published the same day the report came out, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, specifically mentions cigar shops as being one of the retailers targeted by the FDIC and Obama Administration under Operation Choke Point. He said that “the FDIC and others are trying to put entities out of business, including payday lenders but also including cigar shops and a host of other companies.”

The report furthers the case of numerous retailers and trade organizations, including the International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers Association (IPCPR) in fighting Operation Choke Point.

“The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has proven what we have suspected throughout our advocacy against Operation Choke Point,” said Kip Talley, senior director of federal legislative affairs for the IPCPR, to halfwheel. “The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) have been pressuring banks to cut off financial services and payment processing for businesses they view as ‘high risk’ – including premium cigar stores. The IPCPR will continue to fight for our constituents and educate Members of Congress about this deeply troubling program aimed at small business retailers.”
mikey1597 Offline
#383 Posted:
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They must think we're stupid,,,,,,, oh wait,,,,,,,,,,,, they do.

obumber and his bunch of thieves should be on the Top 10 Most Wanted.
TMCTLT Offline
#384 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
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mikey1597 wrote:


Thanks for posting Mikey, she Nailed it and None of Sotoros WaterBoyz can argue with one point made here!!!!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#385 Posted:
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For Obama, reunion with pals a link to simpler times


HONOLULU (AP) — Since returning to his childhood home this month on vacation, President Barack Obama has spent a good part of most days cloistered with three people whose company puts him at ease. They're not his wife and daughters, who came with him, but a trio of pals whose friendship dates back to Obama's high school days in Hawaii.

The three men — Mike Ramos, Bobby Titcomb and Greg Orme — are among the few people still in Obama's life who knew him long before he was famous. Although their paths have long since diverged, they've made it a point to gather for frequent reunions, in one of Obama's most visible links to the days when his life was much simpler and his problems more mundane.

On this visit alone, Obama has spent more than 22 hours with the group on the lush golf courses that dot the island of Oahu. When it rained, Obama and his pals went bowling, instead. And every year during Obama's trip, they find time for a barbecue at Titcomb's beachside home in Waialua, about an hour outside of Honolulu on Oahu's North Shore.

Although by now an annual tradition, the reunions have increasingly become the focal point of Obama's family vacation in his second term as his teenage daughters spend less and less time at their father's side. Once content to join their parents for outings to the aquarium or to get shave ice, Sasha and Malia are now more independent. Since arriving more than a week ago, Obama has been out in public with one of his daughters only once, briefly, during a hike.

What Obama and his companions talk about during their many hours alone is anyone's guess. But the foursome rarely goes more than a few months without reconvening in one arrangement or another. In August, Obama kicked off his 53rd birthday weekend golfing with the three friends in suburban Maryland before heading to Camp David, the presidential retreat in the Catoctin Mountains.

All four were classmates at Punahou School in Honolulu, which Obama has described as "a prestigious prep school, an incubator for island elites." In his memoir, "Dreams From My Father," Obama recalled a high school career that was, for the most part, ordinary — "marginal report cards and calls to the principal's office; part-time jobs at the burger chain; acne and driving tests and turbulent desire."

"I'd made my share of friends at school, gone on the occasional awkward date," Obama wrote. "And if I sometimes puzzled over the mysterious realignments of status that took place among my classmates, as some rose and others fell depending on the whims of their bodies or the make of their cars, I took comfort in the knowledge that my own position had steadily improved."

Far less is known about Obama's buddies, of course, than about the president himself. All three live mostly private lives when they're not being photographed with the commander in chief.

Ramos, who graduated from Punahou in 1978, bonded with Obama over their mutual affinity for jazz. He's lived in Colorado, but was listed as a North Carolina resident when in 2012 he attended a state dinner at the White House that Obama held for British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Titcomb, who golfed another two days with Obama this month before the others got into town, was a year behind Obama at Punahou. Titcomb has worked as a commercial fisherman and an airline employee, according to the school's alumni magazine. In 2011, he pleaded no contest to soliciting a prostitute, but Obama has stayed fiercely loyal to his childhood friend.

Obama played basketball at Punahou with Orme, who the alumni magazine says is now a building contractor. Aging photos show Obama and Orme decked out in 1970s fashion with their dates before attending a high school prom.

Among U.S. presidents, Obama is not alone in carving out time regularly to reconnect with his roots. Franklin D. Roosevelt made frequent trips back to Hyde Park, N.Y., throwing picnics or barbecues for former neighbors and friends, and George H.W. Bush remained pals with men he served with in World War II.

In the second term, presidents have often sought refuge from the pressure by disappearing into nature to fish or hunt, said Douglas Brinkley, a presidential historian at Rice University. But such solitude has become less and less attainable for presidents in modern times.

"Many people call Obama aloof, and he hasn't made a lot of friends in Washington," Brinkley said. "When you're president, everybody wants something from you and only these types of friends are able to simply want your well-being. They have a different level of affection for you than friends you meet later in life."
jetblasted Offline
#386 Posted:
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Is that a puff piece, or what (?)
ZRX1200 Offline
#387 Posted:
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16 pm July 10, 2014

A month or two ago news broke that Obama’s HHS was calling for private contractors to help transport illegal aliens throughout the interior United States. What made this already big news even bigger is the fact that the original call for proposals came out in January, long before the bulk of the illegal alien surge began.

The breaking news you’re about to read is ten times bigger, because the following proves the Obama administration was bankrolling America’s churches back in 2010. And the tens of millions were flowing in to prepare for the invasion currently underway.

The following is a small taste of what’s out there in grant records. This is just the tip of the iceberg, folks.

Between Dec 2010 and Nov 2013, the Catholic Charities Diocese of Galveston received $15,549,078 in federal grants from Health & Human Services for “Unaccompanied Alien Children Project” with a program description of “Refugee and Entry Assistance.”

Last year, the Catholic Charities Diocese of Fort Worth received $350,000 from Department of Homeland Security for “citizenship and education training” with a program description of “citizenship and immigration services.”

Between September 2010 and September 2013, the Catholic Charities of Dallas received $823,658 from the Department of Homeland Security for “Citizenship Education Training” for “refugee and entrant assistance.”

From Dec 2012 to January 2014, Baptist Child & Family Services received $62,111,126 in federal grants from Health & Human Services for “Unaccompanied Alien Children Program.”
DrafterX Offline
#388 Posted:
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Those Bassards..!! Mad
DrMaddVibe Offline
#389 Posted:
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Obama’s Hawaii vacation is over, now it’s time for taxpayers to pay massive tab

President Barack Obama and his family just spent their Christmas and New Year’s holidays in Kailua. Now it’s time for taxpayers to pick up the tab.

While the Obamas and friends who accompany them pay for their own private vacation home rentals on or near Kailua Beach, taxpayers foot a multimillion dollar tab for everything from a stand-by ambulance to the fuel for Air Force One.

Local taxpayers pick up the bill for Honolulu Police Department escorts who guard Obama, first lady Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha around the clock. Figures just released by HPD spokeswoman Michelle Yu show HPD spent $277,000 on overtime costs this year during the president’s 16-day vacation. That’s $16,000 less than in 2013, but $60,000 more than in 2012.

The Emergency Management Services department also dispatches an ambulance to be on call for the president, which annually costs the city about $15,890.

The U.S. Secret Service doesn’t disclose information about the expense for its agents to travel to and stay in Hawaii or guard the first family.

Dozens of Secret Service agents were spotted at Ala Moana Hotel checking in the day before Obama arrived. A spokeswoman for the hotel said she couldn’t release details on the number of agents who stayed there, but hotel staff told Watchdog the government rate would be about $200 a night, including taxes.

Secret Service agents, Navy SEALs and Coast Guard officials also rent private homes along the canal near the president in Kailua at a cost of $250 per room per night, according to several residents renting their homes.

The most pricey charge to taxpayers is the flight to Oahu from Washington, D.C.

Records obtained by Washington, D.C.-based Judicial Watch said “the flights to and from Honolulu for the December 2013-January 2014 Christmas vacation totaled 36.9 hours at $210,877 an hour, which comes to a flight expense alone of $7,781,361.30.”

That was an increase of $3.7 million in flight expenses Judicial Watch reported the Obamas incurred for their 2012 Honolulu Christmas vacation.

No estimates for 2014’s travel have been released by the administration.

The cost for USAF C-17 cargo aircraft that transports presidential limos, helicopters and other support equipment to Hawaii has never been disclosed, but the round-trip flight time between Andrews Air Force Base and Hawaii is 21.5 hours, with estimated operating cost of $12,000 per hour, according to an U.S. Government Accountability Office report.

The U.S. Marine Corps provides a presidential helicopter, along with pilots and support crews for the test flights, which travel on another C-17 flight. That totals $258,000, not including costs for the four-to-six-member crew’s per diem and hotel.

The Obamas rented the same five-bedroom oceanfront villa on Kailuana Place they’ve secured for the past four years. Sūmit Capital LLC, a New York investment firm headed by Soumyo Sarkar and his wife Chinyu Sarkar, owns the multimillion-dollar property.

Security upgrades are made to the home, with bulletproof glass, additional phone lines and other detection and defense systems installed.

Since the home sits on the popular Kailua Beach, the U.S. Coast Guard stations a sea vessel nearby, while its officials use personal watercraft and smaller boats to patrol the ocean and canal surrounding the home.

The administration also rents cars for staff and security, and pays additional travel costs for Secret Service and White House staff traveling ahead of the president.

None of those costs have ever been released to the public.
ZRX1200 Offline
#390 Posted:
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Obamacare program costs $50,000 in taxpayer money for every American who gets health insurance, says bombshell budget report

By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For
21:38 26 Jan 2015

Stunning figure comes from Congressional Budget Office report that revised cost estimates for the next 10 years
Government will spend $1.993 TRILLION over a decade and take in $643 BILLION in new taxes, penalties and fees related to Obamacare
The $1.35 trillion net cost will result in 'between 24 million and 27 million' fewer Americans being uninsured – a $50,000 price tag per person at best
The law will still leave 'between 29 million and 31 million' nonelderly Americans without medical insurance
Numbers assume Obamacare insurance exchange enrollment will double between now and 2025
It will cost the federal government – taxpayers, that is – $50,000 for every person who gets health insurance under the Obamacare law, the Congressional Budget Office revealed on Monday.

The number comes from figures buried in a 15-page section of the nonpartisan organization's new ten-year budget outlook.

The best-case scenario described by the CBO would result in 'between 24 million and 27 million' fewer Americans being uninsured in 2025, compared to the year before the Affordable Care Act took effect.

Pulling that off will cost Uncle Sam about $1.35 trillion – or $50,000 per head.

THE $2 TRILLION DOLLAR MAN: President Barack Obama was in India on Monday when the Congressional Budget Office reported the federal government's gross costs for a decade of Obamacare will be $1.993 trillion +5
THE $2 TRILLION DOLLAR MAN: President Barack Obama was in India on Monday when the Congressional Budget Office reported the federal government's gross costs for a decade of Obamacare will be $1.993 trillion
PROMISES: Obama pledged in 2009 during a speech before a joint session of Congress that his health insurance proposal would cost $900 billion over ten years – a far cry short of current numbers +5
PROMISES: Obama pledged in 2009 during a speech before a joint session of Congress that his health insurance proposal would cost $900 billion over ten years – a far cry short of current numbers
The numbers are daunting: It will take $1.993 trillion, a number that looks like $1,993,000,000,000, to provide insurance subsidies to poor and middle-class Americans, and to pay for a massive expansion of Medicaid and CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) costs.

Offsetting that massive outlay will be $643 billion in new taxes, penalties and fees related to the Obamacare law.

That revenue includes quickly escalating penalties – or 'taxes,' as the U.S. Supreme Court described them – on people who resist Washington's command to buy medical insurance.

It also includes income from a controversial medical device tax, which some Republicans predict will be eliminated in the next two years.

If they're right, Obamacare's per-person cost would be even higher.

President Barack Obama pledged to members of Congress in 2009, as his signature insurance overhaul law was being hotly debated, that 'the plan I'm proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years.'

It would be a significant discount if the White House could return to that number today.
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#391 Posted:
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#392 Posted:
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Sen. Ted Cruz / Source:

Republican lawmakers Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas joined Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York in firing a letter off Thursday to Secretary of State John Kerry. They demand answers regarding reports that a State Department-funded non-profit organization is bankrolling efforts to unseat a foreign leader.

Specifically, the reports allege that the U.S. non-profit OneVoice, which has received at least two U.S. State Department grants in the last year, is funding an Israeli grassroots effort to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel’s March election.

Cruz and Zeldin said in a joint statement Thursday:

“Has President Obama launched a political campaign against Prime Minister Netanyahu and his representatives?” Sen. Cruz asked. “This administration’s relentless harassment of Israel is utterly incomprehensible. The Islamic Republic of Iran is pursuing the deadliest weapons on the planet, and there can be no doubt that their first target will be Israel, followed by the United States. This administration should be focusing its animosity on the very real enemies we face, not on our staunch allies.”

The Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz made its first report of OneVoice’s funding activities on Tuesday, as well as a five-man team of American campaign experts headed by Jeremy Bird, the Obama campaign’s national field director. That report was quickly picked up by both Israeli and U.S. media

Bird’s name wasn’t lost on social media:

Cruz and Zeldin’s statement continued:

“It is completely unacceptable to use U.S. tax dollars to influence the elections in Israel,” said Rep. Zeldin. “State Department grants should never be given to entities working to overthrow strong allies like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. We have great allies around the world, but Israel is our strongest, and a beacon of freedom in a region filled with radical Islamic extremists and state sponsored terrorism. Today, I join with Sen. Ted Cruz in calling for a U.S. Department of State investigation into this important matter.”

News of the joint press release soon hit social media. Bloomberg Senate correspondent Kate Hunter tweeted:

The letter asked that Kerry clear up eight questions:

How much funding has the U.S. Government provided to OneVoice, PeaceWorks Network Foundation, and any connected initiatives, projects or subsidiaries?
Who approved providing such funds?
What is the oversight and accounting process for how these funds are being spent?
How often and on what dates has such funding been provided?
What were the specific reasons and terms for providing funds, and how are these funds specifically being spent?
Can the Department of State guarantee that none of these funds have been or will be used in the endeavor detailed above, namely the partnership with V15, or any similar effort to exert undue influence over the Israeli political process?
Was there any knowledge from the State Department or other U.S. government officials of the partnership with V15 prior to providing funds to OneVoice?
Does OneVoice’s work with V15 violate its 501(c)(3) status (or the status of the PeaceWorks Network Foundation) as a tax-exempt organization and should such status be revoked?
It sounds as though Cruz and Zeldin are trying to offset the influence of Chicago-style politics in Israel using a little common-sense Texas-style justice.
jetblasted Offline
#393 Posted:
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Obama thinks George Washington ran a brewery out of the White House. He's lived in that building for 6 years & doesn't know that Washington never lived there (?)
ZRX1200 Offline
#394 Posted:
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Indonesian madrassa US History is scant.
mikey1597 Offline
#395 Posted:
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Canadian journalist perspective

Here is a very interesting Canadian view point from Marc Patrone of the Calgary Sun News network!! Sometimes people on the outside looking in have a better perspective of what is going on in the USA than most of our own citizens!!! This Canadian has a profound insight of our midterm election results.
By Marc Patrone, Calgary Sun News network (posted Friday November 7, 2014; you can look it up – it’s online.)
America is on the edge of a second revolutionary war. It may not be bloody like the first one, but it will be hugely important.
Some might suggest it's more a civil war, but with liberty and the Constitution hanging in the balance, revolution seems a more appropriate comparison. There are no British troops or monarchy to fight this time. The shot heard around the world wasn't fired from a musket, it came from the ballot box.
Americans have taken a long hard look at the kind of fundamental transformation promised by Barack Obama and the Democrat party and they want nothing to do with it. The Republican victory suggests Americans are more than just unhappy with the direction the country is headed. Such was the devastating scope of the electoral debacle for the Democrats that it appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda.
They are only now truly beginning to understand the threat to liberty he presents. What's so deeply troubling, albeit not entirely unexpected, is the disdain, arrogance and contempt with which this president dismissed the results.
"So to everyone who voted, I want you to know I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too" he said. Meaning what?
He seems to be suggesting that by not voting, the majority of Americans agree with what he's doing. Terrifying? You bet. It's taken six years, but the ugly truth about Obama's contemptuous attitudes toward the people who elected him twice is becoming all too evident. Lame duck? Guess again. The man probably realizes that a chance to remake the U.S. according to his far left view of the world may not come around again. His time is running out. Obama's nuclear option is amnesty for millions of illegals. He expects those illegals will become dependents of the state, thus stacking the electoral deck in favor of Democrats by promising the new wards of the state a suite of entitlements.
The depth of this destructive agenda is clear; rip off trillions in wealth (which Obama believes was stolen anyway) and give it to those whom he considers victims of capitalism. The beneficiaries will naturally reward the progressive left with voter support into perpetuity. Voila, the progressive dream of a one-party state is realized.
This has been decades in the making. The left has infiltrated, corrupted, and subverted the institutions that had, up to now, served as pillars supporting freedom, democracy, and prosperity. The bulk of what was once a free and independent media has been reduced to little more than an arm of the Democrats. That tens of millions of Americans are flocking to Fox News, Conservative talk radio and on-line news sites is heartening but doesn't change the fact most TV, print media outlets are in an advanced state of putrid, cancerous liberal rot.
The same cancer has undermined the school system, big labor,' the environmental movement, and the Hollywood culture machine. Even capitalism itself has succumbed to the lure of easy government money, power and cronyism. So who is left to fight for freedom? The rest of America. Obama will attempt to ram through amnesty, climate change, wealth redistribution and he will ignore the Constitution to do it. Republicans have assured Obama impeachment is off the table. And so the battle lines are drawn.
Fasten your seat belts Canada , we're about to get a front-row seat to the battle for the soul of America and indeed the free world. Let's hope that, as in the first revolutionary war, that the right side wins. If it doesn't, we all lose.
Buckwheat Offline
#396 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
Posts: 12,251
I find it ironically funny that a Canadian is writing about the US crumbling when Canada itself is basically in shambles. Socialized medicine, week economy, french separatist, etc... horse

More info on post #390 -

TMCTLT Offline
#397 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
Posts: 19,733
mikey1597 wrote:
Canadian journalist perspective

Here is a very interesting Canadian view point from Marc Patrone of the Calgary Sun News network!! Sometimes people on the outside looking in have a better perspective of what is going on in the USA than most of our own citizens!!! This Canadian has a profound insight of our midterm election results.
By Marc Patrone, Calgary Sun News network (posted Friday November 7, 2014; you can look it up – it’s online.)
America is on the edge of a second revolutionary war. It may not be bloody like the first one, but it will be hugely important.
Some might suggest it's more a civil war, but with liberty and the Constitution hanging in the balance, revolution seems a more appropriate comparison. There are no British troops or monarchy to fight this time. The shot heard around the world wasn't fired from a musket, it came from the ballot box.
Americans have taken a long hard look at the kind of fundamental transformation promised by Barack Obama and the Democrat party and they want nothing to do with it. The Republican victory suggests Americans are more than just unhappy with the direction the country is headed. Such was the devastating scope of the electoral debacle for the Democrats that it appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda.
They are only now truly beginning to understand the threat to liberty he presents. What's so deeply troubling, albeit not entirely unexpected, is the disdain, arrogance and contempt with which this president dismissed the results.
"So to everyone who voted, I want you to know I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too" he said. Meaning what?
He seems to be suggesting that by not voting, the majority of Americans agree with what he's doing. Terrifying? You bet. It's taken six years, but the ugly truth about Obama's contemptuous attitudes toward the people who elected him twice is becoming all too evident. Lame duck? Guess again. The man probably realizes that a chance to remake the U.S. according to his far left view of the world may not come around again. His time is running out. Obama's nuclear option is amnesty for millions of illegals. He expects those illegals will become dependents of the state, thus stacking the electoral deck in favor of Democrats by promising the new wards of the state a suite of entitlements.
The depth of this destructive agenda is clear; rip off trillions in wealth (which Obama believes was stolen anyway) and give it to those whom he considers victims of capitalism. The beneficiaries will naturally reward the progressive left with voter support into perpetuity. Voila, the progressive dream of a one-party state is realized.
This has been decades in the making. The left has infiltrated, corrupted, and subverted the institutions that had, up to now, served as pillars supporting freedom, democracy, and prosperity. The bulk of what was once a free and independent media has been reduced to little more than an arm of the Democrats. That tens of millions of Americans are flocking to Fox News, Conservative talk radio and on-line news sites is heartening but doesn't change the fact most TV, print media outlets are in an advanced state of putrid, cancerous liberal rot.
The same cancer has undermined the school system, big labor,' the environmental movement, and the Hollywood culture machine. Even capitalism itself has succumbed to the lure of easy government money, power and cronyism. So who is left to fight for freedom? The rest of America. Obama will attempt to ram through amnesty, climate change, wealth redistribution and he will ignore the Constitution to do it. Republicans have assured Obama impeachment is off the table. And so the battle lines are drawn.
Fasten your seat belts Canada , we're about to get a front-row seat to the battle for the soul of America and indeed the free world. Let's hope that, as in the first revolutionary war, that the right side wins. If it doesn't, we all lose.
ZRX1200 Offline
#398 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,766
Carey Wedler
February 2, 2015
(ANTIMEDIA) Though President Barack Obama often masquerades as a savior of the oppressed and downtrodden, his actions speak louder than his rhetoric. His stance on the War on Drugs is no different. In the budget the president just submitted to Congress, he allocates $1 billion more than last year ($26.34 billion to $27.57 billion) to continue the War On Drugs — the war that in rhetoric, he acknowledges has been unsuccessful. Before he was president, he said, “The war on drugs has been an utter failure. We need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws. We need to rethink how we’re operating the drug war.”
In 2012, he then backtracked on decriminalization.
Nevertheless, his 2015 budget claims to be a,
“21st century approach to drug policy that outlines innovative policies and programs and recognizes that substance use disorders are not just a criminal justice issue, but also a major public health concern…”
He calls for
“….an evidence-based plan for real drug policy reform, spanning the spectrum of prevention, early intervention, treatment, recovery support, criminal justice reform, effective law enforcement, and international cooperation.”
While he preaches high and mighty, Obama has appropriated an increase in funds directed toward the War on Drugs. According to Obama, to fight it, the Departments of Justice, Defense, and Homeland Security (as well as the Drug Czar) alone should receive over $14.5 billion.
The decades old Drug War funding ratio of law enforcement vs. treatment and prevention is still 60:40. While the DOJ, DOD, and DHS get $14.5 billion, Health and Human Services get $10 billion ($6 billion of which goes to Medicare and Medicaid).

As further detailed by Alternet:
“Justice Department drug war spending would increase from $7.79 billion this fiscal year to $8.14 billion next year under the president’s proposal. That includes nearly $3.7 billion for the Bureau of Prisons (up $187 million), $2.46 billion for the DEA (up $90 million), $519 million for the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (up $12 million), and $293 million for the Office of Justice Programs (up $50 million).”
The $27 billion toward drug control overall spans 16 agencies, including the Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Agriculture.
In classic Obama smoke-screen style, there are some decreases in funding with regard to the Office of National Drug Control Policy ($375 million to $307 million), the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program ($245 million to $193 million) and the Department of Defense drug spending (1.307 billion to $1.267 billion).
Obama further asserts in his budget that the recent D.C. legalization of marijuana will stand, in spite of Congressional attempts to nullify it in a recent spending bill.
Nevertheless, the president’s past and present actions show he has no intention of actually reforming or ending the Drug War. His DEA was still raiding medical marijuana dispensaries last year and continues to, even after Congress banned the use of DOJ funds to interfere with state laws. His new attorney general, Loretta Lynch, is a dedicated drug warrior, the DEA still classifies marijuana as a dangerous Schedule I drug, and the IRS, under his watch, still sneakily attempts to drive marijuana shops (where it’s legal) out of business.
These halfhearted attempts to appease public outrage mirror other Obama trends. He similarly called for an investigation into police militarization and brutality, only to appoint a corrupt police commissioner to consult on the project. His agencies refused to press charges against Darren Wilson. While putting police militarization under “review” and scrutiny, he continues to condone arming police with military equipment (throwing in a few restrictions and hurdles). He also spent his most of his administration facilitating this militarization.

While George Bush was just as violent and corrupt as Obama, the current president has a knack for concealing his true intentions and seamlessly fooling the people. Bumbling Bush was not nearly as conniving or cunning in his swindle of citizens, but Obama has expertly perpetuated total surveillance, corporatism, and war under the guise of freedom, equality, and peace. His stance on the Drug War is yet another example of his commitment to exercising unjust authority in a creatively oppressive way.
twink Offline
#399 Posted:
Joined: 02-03-2015
Posts: 350
known obama boy since the 90s and he was a street corner....... then and nothing has changed
ZRX1200 Offline
#400 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,766
who's the cowboy now? Where's Code Pinko?

White House asking authorization for military to fight IS
Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House circulated a proposal Tuesday authorizing the Pentagon to fight Islamic State terrorists without an "enduring offensive combat" role, hoping to satisfy lawmakers with widely varying views on the need for U.S. ground operations.

Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J, describing the proposal to reporters, said President Barack Obama would seek authorization for the use of force that would expire after three years. It would end the approval for operations in Iraq that Congress passed in 2002.

Menendez spoke after he and other Democratic senators met privately with top White House aides, on the eve of an anticipated formal request for legislation from the president.

"Hopefully there will not be a significant delay in Congress acting," said White House press secretary Josh Earnest.

The meetings unfolded against a fresh reminder of the threat posed by terrorists who occupy large areas of Syria and Iraq - the confirmed death of a 26-year-old American aid worker who had been held hostage by the group.

Obama pledged to bring anyone responsible for Kayla Mueller's captivity and death to justice "no matter how long it takes."

Of immediate concern was a legislative struggle - the search for a compromise that could satisfy Democrats who oppose the use of American ground forces in the fight against IS, and Republicans who favor at least leaving the possibility open.

Menendez, in describing the White House's opaque formulation, said it remained subject to modification. "That's where the rub will be," he said.

One senior Democrat, Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland, said she has significant questions about the president's proposal. "I don't know what the word 'enduring' means. I am very apprehensive about a vague, foggy word," she said.

Menendez also said it was not yet clear if the proposal would cancel a 2001 authorization for the use of force that Congress approved shortly after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Republicans control both houses of Congress, and presidents generally court bipartisan support for legislation of the type Obama now seeks.

Several other lawmakers who were briefed in earlier meetings, said the president would likely seek legislation targeted exclusively against the fighters seeking establishment of an Islamic state, wherever they are and whatever name they use.

Apart from the midday meeting with Democrats in the Capitol attended by White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, some Republicans expressed concern with other elements of the administration's emerging proposal.

Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., said administration officials had told him it would not provide for the protection of U.S.-trained Syrian rebel troops on the ground in the event of an air attack by Syrian forces loyal to President Bashar Assad.

"It's an unsound military strategy. I think it's immoral if the authorization doesn't allow for us to counter Assad's air power," he said.

There was little evident dispute in Congress that new legislation was needed, both to replace outdated authorization and also to underscore a bipartisan desire to defeat the terrorists seeking an Islamic state. The group has seized territory in Syria and Iraq, imposed a violent form of Sharia law and beheaded several hostages from the United States and other Western countries. Last week, it distributed a horrifying videotape showing the killing-by-burning of a Jordanian pilot.

Mueller's death was the latest event to produce calls for retaliation.

Among members of Obama's party, Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said during the day that some rank-and-file lawmakers want to set geographic limits and restrict the types of forces that can be used.

"They want some time limit so we can reconsider at some point in time, whether it's 24 months, 36 months, 48 months," he said at a news conference.

Republicans praised Obama's willingness to seek legislation, up to a point.

"This president, you know, is prone to unilateral action. But when it comes to national security matters, and particularly now fighting this barbaric threat - not only the region but to our own security - I think it's important to come to Congress and get bipartisan support," said John Cornyn of Texas, the Senate's second-ranking Republican leader.

Many Republicans have said they prefer legislation that at least permits the use of ground troops if Obama decides they may be necessary. Some, including Sen. John McCain, have gone further, saying ground troops are needed if the Islamic State fighters are to be defeated.

Obama so far has relied on congressional authorizations that President George W. Bush used to justify military action after 9/11. He said last year he had the legal authority necessary to deploy more than 2,700 U.S. troops to train and assist Iraqi security forces and conduct ongoing airstrikes against targets in Iraq and Syria.
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