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Occupy Wall Street
HockeyDad Offline
#151 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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FuzzNJ wrote:
More? More than who? And what the f*ck does that have to do with your claim that the OWS are goose stepping Nazis?

If you want to claim that logic as sound, you must accept that the Tea Party is racist.

You've already long since accepted that the Tea Party is racist. Shiny leather boots are going to look really bad when they get poop on them.
HockeyDad Offline
#152 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,326
FuzzNJ wrote:
So you are comfortable with a broken financial system and unfair tax structure? There are people all over the world protesting these things and if successful you personally would benefit from fixing these problems. Yet these people are crazy, unclean, hippies who should be arrested and silenced.


Italy has an unfair tax structure?

Can you explain how "you personally would benefit from fixing these problems". That seems to be a bit exaggerated.
rfenst Offline
#153 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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MikeyRavioli wrote:

Talk about passive aggressive.

How so?
tailgater Offline
#154 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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FuzzNJ wrote:
I keep hearing this poop in the park stuff. There was one picture, no sh*t, no urine, just a guy with his head turned and pants down leaning against a cop car. So far no evidence of poop in the park. With O'Keefe hanging around there I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was all faked.

Just because some OWS whacko had his pants down doesn't mean he shat.

I bet most of those panty-waisted whiners squat to pee.

Never jump to conclusions.

ZRX1200 Online
#155 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Maybe he was picking up a like minded boyfriend....
DrMaddVibe Offline
#156 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
FuzzNJ wrote:
More? More than who? And what the f*ck does that have to do with your claim that the OWS are goose stepping Nazis?

If you want to claim that logic as sound, you must accept that the Tea Party is racist.


Not a claim...FACT!

The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Movement
Oct 13, 2011 White Power
UPDATE (10/16/11): The American Nazi Party released an ‘Official Statement’ about the Occupy Wall Street Movement: READ HERE

Many racialists are unsure about, and even against, these Occupy Wall Street protests all around the country. It has been pointed out to me that many protesters are non-white and/or “communists.” Well my answer to that is: “WHO CARES?!” They are against the same evil, corrupted, degenerate capitalist elitists that WE are against! Instead of screaming, “6 million more!” The pro-white movementites should be JOINING this Occupy movement and supporting it!

Seriously people, just WHO is our enemy? The unemployed left-wing 25-year-old holding up a sign, OR the judeo-capitalist banksters who swindled the American taxpayers out of A TRILLION dollars in the “bailout” scam AND continue to oppress the White Working Class?!? Even Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP had to vote with open communists on some issues to achieve their goals. WE need to utilize and support every movement of dissent against this evil American empire, regardless of which end of the political spectrum it originates from.

The foremost authority on National Socialism in America has this to say about “Occupy”:

What is really MISSING – is the “MOVEMENT” from these popular protests – its time to pull WN heads out of their collective ass’s, and JOIN IN the attack on Judeo-Capitalism. What do you suggest? That WN Working Class White people DEFEND the Judeo-Capitalists? IF the “movement” wasn’t so PATHETIC it would be OUT THERE – LEADING these protests! The fact that its these “lefties” as you call them, who are picking up the ball and running with it – only shows how much more in tune THEY are with the fed up masses of White Workers, than the fossilized, reactionary “right-wing”. WHO holds the WEALTH and POWER in this country – the JUDEO-CAPITALISTS. WHO is therefore the #1 ENEMY who makes all this filth happen – the JUDEO-CAPITALISTS. WHO therefore do WN need to FIGHT? My heart is right there with these people, perhaps someday the “movement” will SHOW the same COURAGE and DEDICATION that these people OUT THERE FIGHTING are SHOWING!
Sincerely, ROCKY SUHAYDA Hail Victory! 88!

Follow us on Twitter!

Wrong again Snickerdoodles. I can show video of a SEIU thug beating down a...wait for might want to sit down it comes...








When you can show me one arrest that was made at a Tea Party attendee...not one of those fringe idiots...someone that was there to listen to the speakers then I might...heavy on the might...believe one word that comes out of your mouth. Until then, you're sounding kookier than Sean Penn at an Awards ceremony!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#157 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Make sense of OWS Howard!
FuzzNJ Offline
#158 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
Read slowly so it has a better chance of sinking in DMV.

Racist nazis saying they want to jump on the OWS bandwagon to promote their agenda does not make everyone involved a nazi.

Just as. . .

David Duke saying he supports the teabaggers make everyone involved racist.

If you want to claim that number one is true, you must claim number two is also true.

Do you understand?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#159 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
FuzzNJ wrote:
Read slowly so it has a better chance of sinking in DMV.

Racist nazis saying they want to jump on the OWS bandwagon to promote their agenda does not make everyone involved a nazi.

Just as. . .

David Duke saying he supports the teabaggers make everyone involved racist.

If you want to claim that number one is true, you must claim number two is also true.

Do you understand?

Let's see...I'm typing slowly...only because you have a hard time of the whole thing...David Duke was marginalized back in the 80's for being a douchebag racist. He has NOTHING to do with the Tea Party other than what? He likes them?

Great. Millions of people like Spaghetti-O's too.

When you have 2 ORGANIZED political parties filled with violence and hate that step up and PROMOTE that they're onboard with the OWS movement...YOU'D best take notice. They're willing to step up to the microphone and become the leader because there isn't one. The collective band of idiots with no jobs has now been relegated to the backseat. These 2 organizations have been waiting for something like this so they can spread their hate filled Anti-US moronic diatribes.

Still steaming about Duke? Friend him on Facebook!
MikeyRavioli Offline
#160 Posted:
Joined: 10-10-2005
Posts: 2,105
FuzzNJ wrote:
So you are comfortable with a broken financial system and unfair tax structure? There are people all over the world protesting these things and if successful you personally would benefit from fixing these problems. Yet these people are crazy, unclean, hippies who should be arrested and silenced.


Comfortable - Hell no. I am not going to get into my personal situation on a message board but my wife and I are both very lucky in the fact that we are close to the top of both our fields. We each make a comfortable living seperately. Together with the fact that we have no kids, I can almost guarantee that we paid more taxes than all of the people in the park combined and since neither or us is "rich" and loaded with tax deductions or loopholes we probably paid more than the dreaded 1% too.

I would love to see reform in the tax code.

My problem is they are protesting on private property with no leadership and no real agenda. As evidenced in Rome if they dont do a little self policing it wont be long before the inmates over run the asylum. Any point that they are trying to make is being drowned out by the lunatic fringe element that has attached themselves to the movement Any headway they may gain with the grass roots common man is lost when they show the images of the lazy unclean hippies. The blue collar guys in middle America who lost their jobs and their unemployment is running out and cant sleep at night worrying about their families are never ever ever going to stand behind unwashed 21yo who want free pizza.

Their message may be absolutely wonderful but the method they are choosing to deliver it stinks. And so does the park. If your message is important enough to protest for it than take some pride in it. Organize your people, centralize your message, and present it in a way that most Americans can get behind.
MikeyRavioli Offline
#161 Posted:
Joined: 10-10-2005
Posts: 2,105
rfenst wrote:
How so?

In the way that they have complaints but no solutions. They aren't rallying for a candidate or a bill. They aren't offering a solution or even an idea. I had more respect for the marches for gay marriage. They were organized, legal, and had a point. Gay marriage is not legal - We want it to be legal - Pass the bill.

Their whole protest is based on "we don't like what you are doing. so do something else."

Going back to Fuzz original list of their manifesto its just accusations. I am not saying they arent true but in context its meaningless with out at least an idea for the begining of a solution. They are doing nothing more than shaking their fists.

What is their goal? Their end game? For the people who messed it up in the first place to fix it? Is there a candidate coming from this protest? An economic model? A plan for social reform? Hell I hear more ideas on how to fix things when the whole family sits down for Sunday dinner than I hear coming from the park.
pgje51 Offline
#162 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2006
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soon as the weather changes, it will all be done and the 1% will have their laughs around the fireplace through the holidays.
Brewha Offline
#163 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,269
Wow – The CBS national news last night said that 67% of the people they poled approved of the OWS efforts. Better than twice the Tea Party’s approval rating.

I guess a lot of people agree with the way they feel – I know I do!
HockeyDad Offline
#164 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,326
Brewha wrote:
Wow – The CBS national news last night said that 67% of the people they poled approved of the OWS efforts. Better than twice the Tea Party’s approval rating.

I guess a lot of people agree with the way they feel – I know I do!

So you're shaking your fist as well but won't join them?

Did you hear that President Obama is going to sign three new free trade agreements on Friday? South Korea, Panama, and Colombia.

We globalists are under the Obama Cone of Protection.
HockeyDad Offline
#165 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,326
MikeyRavioli wrote:
I would love to see reform in the tax code.

The tax code will be reformed. You will be paying more. The deficit and national debt all but guarantee it.
MikeyRavioli Offline
#166 Posted:
Joined: 10-10-2005
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And this is why they need organization and leadership. While they are busy looking for corporate criminals they are being robbed blind.

MikeyRavioli Offline
#167 Posted:
Joined: 10-10-2005
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I am shocked its only 67%.

Only 2 out of 3 people blame the currect economic policy and rich people for their problems? Shocking.
HockeyDad Offline
#168 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Those were 1%ers in disguise!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#169 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Brewha wrote:
Wow – The CBS national news last night said that 67% of the people they poled approved of the OWS efforts. Better than twice the Tea Party’s approval rating.

I guess a lot of people agree with the way they feel – I know I do!

OWS = More Better!

Boo hoo!
dubleuhb Offline
#170 Posted:
Joined: 03-20-2011
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Brewha wrote:
Wow – The CBS national news last night said that 67% of the people they poled approved of the OWS efforts. Better than twice the Tea Party’s approval rating.

I guess a lot of people agree with the way they feel – I know I do!

Now that's a poll that anyone can trust, they probably took it at the protest.
Brewha Offline
#171 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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Well - Most people are with them in spirit – that is outside of the rarefied atmosphere of the forum.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#172 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Brewha wrote:
Well - Most people are with them in spirit – that is outside of the rarefied atmosphere of the forum.

Whew. Thank goodness it's just in spirit. I don't think the locals could handle much more of their noise, smell or garbage. Spirits don't litter or deficate on private property.Sick
FuzzNJ Offline
#173 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
Whew. Thank goodness it's just in spirit. I don't think the locals could handle much more of their noise, smell or garbage. Spirits don't litter or deficate on private property.Sick

New York City voters agree, 67% - 23%, with the Occupy Wall Street protesters' aims and say 87% - 10% percent that it's ok that they're demonstrating, a Quinnipiac University poll finds.
DrafterX Offline
#174 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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I heard they wash their hands before they go but not after .... Mellow
FuzzNJ Offline
#175 Posted:
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dubleuhb wrote:
Now that's a poll that anyone can trust, they probably took it at the protest.

Ah yes, don't believe anything unless it conforms with your predetermined beliefs. Typical of a brainwashed right wing dittohead.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#176 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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FuzzNJ wrote:
Ah yes, don't believe anything unless it conforms with your predetermined beliefs. Typical of a brainwashed right wing dittohead.

Polls are nothing but manipulation tools. Fools live by them.

Doens't matter who it is doing the polling.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#177 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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DrafterX wrote:
I heard they wash their hands before they go but not after .... Mellow

Who ya gonna call?Gonz
FuzzNJ Offline
#178 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Let's see...I'm typing slowly...only because you have a hard time of the whole thing...David Duke was marginalized back in the 80's for being a douchebag racist. He has NOTHING to do with the Tea Party other than what? He likes them?

"He not only won a seat in the House of Representatives in Louisiana, but he jolted the political establishment by defeating the incumbent governor of Louisiana and garnering huge numbers of votes for Governor and for U.S. Senator. He also was elected in 1996 to the Parish Executive Committee of the largest Republican Party District in Louisiana, St. Tammany Parish where the other elected members chose him unanimously to serve as chairman of the District. He served as chairman until 2000."

"Over sixty percent of the European American voters of Louisiana have voted for Rep. Duke in statewide races."

Not as marginalized as you are making it sound.

DrMaddVibe wrote:

When you have 2 ORGANIZED political parties filled with violence and hate that step up and PROMOTE that they're onboard with the OWS movement...YOU'D best take notice. They're willing to step up to the microphone and become the leader because there isn't one. The collective band of idiots with no jobs has now been relegated to the backseat. These 2 organizations have been waiting for something like this so they can spread their hate filled Anti-US moronic diatribes.

On this we can agree, mostly. The one part I don't agree with is the third sentance.

Now had you stated it this way instead of

DrMaddVibe wrote:

In addition to raising MLK to their aid they're not going to stop there...oh no...they're gonna march...GOOSESTEPPING ALL THE WAY! The claims of anti-semitism were rampant from the there's no doubt!

then we wouldn't have had this argumenative tangent. The protesters can't let the nazi aholes end up being the voice of the movement, but the only way that would happen is if people on the right, like you, overplay this guilt by association bullsh*t ala David Duke and other racists with racist signs at tea party protests. I am pretty sure you will hear a denouncement from OWS members of their ideas and beliefs. We did not hear denouncement of the racism at tea party events only a 'that's a small minority' and 'why are you even looking at those signs it's not us, it probably is liberals disrupting' ending with everyone has a duty to protest the government.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#179 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
FuzzNJ wrote:
"then we wouldn't have had this argumenative tangent. The protesters can't let the nazi aholes end up being the voice of the movement, but the only way that would happen is if people on the right, like you, overplay this guilt by association bullsh*t ala David Duke and other racists with racist signs at tea party protests. I am pretty sure you will hear a denouncement from OWS members of their ideas and beliefs. We did not hear denouncement of the racism at tea party events only a 'that's a small minority' and 'why are you even looking at those signs it's not us, it probably is liberals disrupting' ending with everyone has a duty to protest the government.

Excuse me, but YOU are playing the guilt by association game. You don't like the facts. You have to muddy it up by dragging MLK and the Civil Rights Movement into it, David Duke and your whole diatribe about the Tea Party being racist. Hello...Herman Cain...the 100% black man...yeah...the successful businessman...umm...he's backed by the Tea Party and won the straw poll here in Florida that created the surge he's enjoying now on top of the GOP current fold. Wake up and smell the OWS'ers!

You heard no "denouncement" because there was never anything racist that happened. If you're talking about that congressman that claimed he was spit on and called the "N" of the entire event is out there. He was lying.

To date at the well over 300 Tea Party events across this nation...not one single arrest by someone actually attending an event. There's been some SEIU thugs that were for beating up a black man selling the Gadsden flags which ironically stated "Don't Tread On Me".

When a collective band of useful idiots have no leadership it opens the window for them to jump through. I'd be a bit worried about my message being hijacked if (thank God I'm really not though!) I were a OWS'er. They still do not have a unified message. They're still being used by morons like Sean Penn and our President.
ZRX1200 Online
#180 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,762
I think this is an opportunity here but there are too many wack jobs in the OWS crowd.....too bad.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#181 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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ZRX1200 wrote:
I think this is an opportunity here but there are too many wack jobs in the OWS crowd.....too bad.

When you have shock jock Howard Stern goofing on's not going to end well for them!
FuzzNJ Offline
#182 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
Excuse me, but YOU are playing the guilt by association game. You don't like the facts. You have to muddy it up by dragging MLK and the Civil Rights Movement into it, David Duke and your whole diatribe about the Tea Party being racist. Hello...Herman Cain...the 100% black man...yeah...the successful businessman...umm...he's backed by the Tea Party and won the straw poll here in Florida that created the surge he's enjoying now on top of the GOP current fold. Wake up and smell the OWS'ers!

You heard no "denouncement" because there was never anything racist that happened. If you're talking about that congressman that claimed he was spit on and called the "N" of the entire event is out there. He was lying.

To date at the well over 300 Tea Party events across this nation...not one single arrest by someone actually attending an event. There's been some SEIU thugs that were for beating up a black man selling the Gadsden flags which ironically stated "Don't Tread On Me".

When a collective band of useful idiots have no leadership it opens the window for them to jump through. I'd be a bit worried about my message being hijacked if (thank God I'm really not though!) I were a OWS'er. They still do not have a unified message. They're still being used by morons like Sean Penn and our President.

And just when I thought you were starting to be logical and reasonable you had to take the exit to crazytown again.

For you to say "there was never anything racist that happened" is insane, a lie or you are perpetuating talking points without knowing what the f*ck you are talking about. There were signs with n*gger on them, Obama wants 'white slavery', taxpayers are 'jews for Obama's ovens', 'what you talkin' bout Willis', Obama as Hitler, signs advocating armed insurection saying 'bring guns tomorrow' or 'we came unarmed, this time', 'monkey see monkey do', a guy with a toy monkey saying it was Obama and making it dance, t-shirts with Obama portrayed as a monkey, 'by ballot or by bullet', signs saying Obama is a muslim terrorist, Obama portrayed as an african witch doctor with a bone in his nose, Palin speaking on stage and someone in the crowd yells 'n*gger' it's on video and can be heard.

Damn, I could go on, but yeah, nothing racist ever happened. I also threw in some overthrow the government with violence examples as well.

So, you are wrong, so very, very wrong. Quit getting all you info from right wing people who say that there are no racist signs and you won't be accused of spreading lies and propoganda.
MikeyRavioli Offline
#183 Posted:
Joined: 10-10-2005
Posts: 2,105
There are two seperate movements both moving further away from center. One right, one left.
As you move furhter from center you start to run closer to lunatic fringe territory.

There are crazy people on both sides. Water is wet. The sun is hot.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#184 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785
MikeyRavioli wrote:
There are two seperate movements both moving further away from center. One right, one left.
As you move furhter from center you start to run closer to lunatic fringe territory.

There are crazy people on both sides. Water is wet. The sun is hot.

I'll agree with that, however the difference is as clear as the nose on one's is is not.
FuzzNJ Offline
#185 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
DrMaddVibe wrote:
I'll agree with that, however the difference is as clear as the nose on one's is is not.

Is legality what you base your moral standards on? (bad grammar)
teedubbya Offline
#186 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
I can't decide on OWS or burning man this year. I'd do both but I don't have the coin.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#187 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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FuzzNJ wrote:
Is legality what you base your moral standards on? (bad grammar)

DrMaddVibe Offline
#188 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:
I can't decide on OWS or burning man this year. I'd do both but I don't have the coin.

Burning Man...they have permits, concession stands and bathrooms!Sarcasm
teedubbya Offline
#189 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
Burning Man...they have permits, concession stands and bathrooms!Sarcasm

Burning man is so yesterday
FuzzNJ Offline
#190 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
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DrMaddVibe wrote:

Simple question really.
DrafterX Offline
#191 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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teedubbya wrote:
Burning man is so yesterday

Mellow I heard women show thier boobs and stuff there.....
Brewha Offline
#192 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,269
DrafterX wrote:
Mellow I heard women show thier boobs and stuff there.....

That’s Bourbon Street, not Wall Street. Easy mistake, I often confuse them myself . . . .
FuzzNJ Offline
#193 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
DrMaddVibe wrote:
I'll agree with that, however the difference is as clear as the nose on one's is is not.

Ignoring the question says quite a bit.

FuzzNJ wrote:
Is legality what you base your moral standards on?

snowwolf777 Offline
#194 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
Thieves preying on fellow protesters (Occupy Wall Street)
NY Post ^ | October 18, 2011 | LARRY CELONA, et. al

Posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Occupy Wall Street protesters said yesterday that packs of brazen crooks within their ranks have been robbing their fellow demonstrators blind, making off with pricey cameras, phones and laptops -- and even a hefty bundle of donated cash and food.

“Stealing is our biggest problem at the moment,” said Nan Terrie, 18, a kitchen and legal-team volunteer from Fort Lauderdale.

“I had my Mac stolen -- that was like $5,500. Every night, something else is gone. Last night, our entire [kitchen] budget for the day was stolen, so the first thing I had to do was . . . get the message out to our supporters that we needed food!”

Crafty cat burglars sneaked into the makeshift kitchen at Zuccotti Park overnight and swiped as much as $2,500 in donated greenbacks from right under the noses of volunteers who’d fallen asleep after a long day whipping up meals for the hundreds of hungry protesters, the volunteers said."


teedubbya Offline
#195 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
Big surprise.... theives on wall street
MikeyRavioli Offline
#196 Posted:
Joined: 10-10-2005
Posts: 2,105
Legality is not what I base my moral standards on.

That being said - it is easier to effect the kind of change they are asking for by working within the system instead of standing outside of it and shaking your fist at it.
I am not a tea party supporter but they have a lot going for them that OWS doesn't. They have a message, a platform, and actual candidates to get that message out. Legally!

The shame of this movement is that so many people do agree with them in principal but the lack of organization and willingness to work within the system combined with the lunatics hijacking the spotlight will never lead to anything concrete.

With that kind of support plus a little unification of their message, a little centralized leadership, and a litlle self policing and a willingness to work within the system combined with a media savvy spokesperson and this could turn out to legitimate force to be reckoned with come election time.

Until then they are just a bunch of unwashed hippies pooping in a park.
teedubbya Offline
#197 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
I have no issue with what they or the tea baggers do. To each their own.
FuzzNJ Offline
#198 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
snowwolf777 wrote:
Thieves preying on fellow protesters (Occupy Wall Street)
NY Post ^ | October 18, 2011 | LARRY CELONA, et. al

Posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Occupy Wall Street protesters said yesterday that packs of brazen crooks within their ranks have been robbing their fellow demonstrators blind, making off with pricey cameras, phones and laptops -- and even a hefty bundle of donated cash and food.

“Stealing is our biggest problem at the moment,” said Nan Terrie, 18, a kitchen and legal-team volunteer from Fort Lauderdale.

“I had my Mac stolen -- that was like $5,500. Every night, something else is gone. Last night, our entire [kitchen] budget for the day was stolen, so the first thing I had to do was . . . get the message out to our supporters that we needed food!”

Crafty cat burglars sneaked into the makeshift kitchen at Zuccotti Park overnight and swiped as much as $2,500 in donated greenbacks from right under the noses of volunteers who’d fallen asleep after a long day whipping up meals for the hundreds of hungry protesters, the volunteers said."


When I was living with my parents our house was broken into. It was obviously because we were living amongst a criminal element and deserved it. I'm sure no homeless, vagrants, drug addicts or criminals would be attracted to a large group of people occupying a park. They are probably eating their meals at Gilt leaving all the commies to steal from each other. Damn commies.
FuzzNJ Offline
#199 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
MikeyRavioli wrote:
Legality is not what I base my moral standards on.

Wasn't directed at you. No one should, of course. Sometimes it's necessary to break an unjust law for a higher moral purpose. Justice is one, in my humble opinion.

MikeyRavioli wrote:

That being said - it is easier to effect the kind of change they are asking for by working within the system instead of
standing outside of it and shaking your fist at it.

What evidence do you have to support that claim? I can't think of any major societal change that has ever been without force from the outside, usually violent. In this case it would be a shift in policy from corporate interests to human interests. A totally radical proposition at this point.

MikeyRavioli wrote:

The shame of this movement is that so many people do agree with them in principal but the lack of organization and willingness to work within the system combined with the lunatics hijacking the spotlight will never lead to anything concrete.

With that kind of support plus a little unification of their message, a little centralized leadership, and a litlle self policing and a willingness to work within the system combined with a media savvy spokesperson and this could turn out to legitimate force to be reckoned with come election time.

Until then they are just a bunch of unwashed hippies pooping in a park.

Yes, you've made this point abundently clear in several posts, I remember it as I am not a goldfish who has a 7 second memory. I accept that this is your position and understand it, I don't agree, but can we stop bringing it up every time you post?
HockeyDad Offline
#200 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,326
FuzzNJ wrote:
Ignoring the question says quite a bit.

What does it say?
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