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Last post 8 years ago by Brewha. 900 replies replies.
Poll Question : Is Global Warming Real?
Choice Votes Statistics
No, it’s just made up by the left wing Liberals. 10 11 %
Maybe, it’s a natural cycle - not really man made. 46 54 %
Yes, it largely caused by industrial pollution. 29 34 %
Total 85 100%

18 Pages<123456789>»
Is Global Warming Real?
victor809 Offline
#151 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
SweetHavok wrote:
Apparently you've never taken a science class. When you want to test a idea, you must first form a hypothesis, in which you state an assumption of how you believe things will turn out. Then you go about trying to find out if your hypothesis is correct.Assumptions play a key role in science so don't be so quick to discredit them, and although not all assumptions that are made will turn out to be true, much can be learned from them as well.

And yes senses are a type of instrument, just not the type you can pick up and put in your coat pocket, they are the intangible type.

As far as beliefs, relying on my beliefs has saved my life on numerous occasions, stayed clear of a situations when everything seemed normal and everyone else thought nothing could go wrong. Did I have to take out a beaker, microscope, thermometer. No, I believed in the intangibles such as my instincts.

*Just on a personal note so no one makes an assumption because of my profession, the situations in which my life was spared had nothing to do with combat, as stated before I normally work in a warehouse, just work hazards in what was supposed to be a routine work day. Not trying to take credit for something I don't do.

Trust me, I've taken many science classes...

This is semantics, but your use of the word "believe" in the first paragraph is significantly different than "relying on my beliefs". Do you see the difference?

If two instruments are giving me two different readings, I can believe that a particular one is accurate vs the other (based on maintenance history, calibration, age of the instrument etc etc). That does not make it a "belief". that is closer to an assumption. (Yes, I know this is semantics, but how one phrases things is very important).

You did not rely on your beliefs ... you believed your instincts. Your instincts are not "beliefs" they are an undefined feeling one gets, which may or may not have a basis in reality. For the purpose of our discussion, the validity of instincts is irrelevant... you believed in your instincts.

For your "beliefs to save your life" statement to be accurate would require one of the following: Divine intervention from whatever deity you believe in; non-divine intervention from an individual who saved your life because they approved of one of your beliefs; or a happy coincidence where your belief that all gauges in the world are faulty caused you to refuse to board a plane which subsequently crashed.

.... I get hung up on details, I have to admit.
SweetHavok Offline
#152 Posted:
Joined: 11-28-2012
Posts: 557
Maybe for you instincts are not beliefs but they are for me. Think about it, when you have nothing tangible to support your intuition that something is unsafe, is a belief in itself.
yardobeef Offline
#153 Posted:
Joined: 10-25-2011
Posts: 849
Clearly you need to find a deeper belief in your instinct to believe. A greater belief will allow you to validate your instinctive intangibles to a greater degree of reliability, I believe.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#154 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
yardobeef wrote:
Clearly you need to find a deeper belief in your instinct to believe. A greater belief will allow you to validate your instinctive intangibles to a greater degree of reliability, I believe.

I believe Vikki needs a Chick-Fil-A sammich!
Brewha Offline
#155 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,258
victor809 wrote:
Trust me, I've taken many science classes...

This is semantics, but your use of the word "believe" in the first paragraph is significantly different than "relying on my beliefs". Do you see the difference?

If two instruments are giving me two different readings, I can believe that a particular one is accurate vs the other (based on maintenance history, calibration, age of the instrument etc etc). That does not make it a "belief". that is closer to an assumption. (Yes, I know this is semantics, but how one phrases things is very important).

You did not rely on your beliefs ... you believed your instincts. Your instincts are not "beliefs" they are an undefined feeling one gets, which may or may not have a basis in reality. For the purpose of our discussion, the validity of instincts is irrelevant... you believed in your instincts.

For your "beliefs to save your life" statement to be accurate would require one of the following: Divine intervention from whatever deity you believe in; non-divine intervention from an individual who saved your life because they approved of one of your beliefs; or a happy coincidence where your belief that all gauges in the world are faulty caused you to refuse to board a plane which subsequently crashed.

.... I get hung up on details, I have to admit.

I have always considered myself a man of science. Best facts over best wishes. I can't even enjoy Lord of the Rings because it's too mystical. If the hero had a plasma rifle in the 40 watt range, he would've need some flakey ring to rule 'em all . . . .

Just say'n
SweetHavok Offline
#156 Posted:
Joined: 11-28-2012
Posts: 557
yardobeef wrote:
Clearly you need to find a deeper belief in your instinct to believe. A greater belief will allow you to validate your instinctive intangibles to a greater degree of reliability, I believe.

Trust me I do have deeper beliefs than just instinct alone, but the converstation turned to instincts being a form of belief or not, I was simpy stating that I believed it is ONE form of my beliefs.
Brewha Offline
#157 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,258
SweetHavok wrote:
Trust me I do have deeper beliefs than just instinct alone, but the converstation turned to instincts being a form of belief or not, I was simpy stating that I believed it is ONE form of my beliefs.

'Belief' is kind of a weasel word. All it really means is that you hold some idea to be true.
People always seen to assign more meaning to it though . . . .
DrMaddVibe Offline
#158 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Ever since the Ice Age we've been thawing out. Now it looks like we're slipping back again. Given the historic nature that's played itself out I believe we'll have another Ice Age before the Manbearpig's catastrophic delusions destroy the globe.

Then there's the whole lying to make facts from the scientific community to deal with too. Seems they ALL want in on the swindle.Frying pan


Twenty-year hiatus in rising temperatures has climate scientists puzzled

The fact that global surface temperatures have not followed the expected global warming pattern is now widely accepted.

Debate about the reality of a two-decade pause in global warming and what it means has made its way from the sceptical fringe to the mainstream.

In a lengthy article this week, The Economist magazine said if climate scientists were credit-rating agencies, then climate sensitivity - the way climate reacts to changes in carbon-dioxide levels - would be on negative watch but not yet downgraded.

Another paper published by leading climate scientist James Hansen, the head of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, says the lower than expected temperature rise between 2000 and the present could be explained by increased emissions from burning coal.

For Hansen the pause is a fact, but it's good news that probably won't last.

International Panel on Climate Change chairman Rajendra Pachauri recently told The Weekend Australian the hiatus would have to last 30 to 40 years "at least" to break the long-term warming trend.

But the fact that global surface temperatures have not followed the expected global warming pattern is now widely accepted.

Research by Ed Hawkins of University of Reading shows surface temperatures since 2005 are already at the low end of the range projections derived from 20 climate models and if they remain flat, they will fall outside the models' range within a few years.

"The global temperature standstill shows that climate models are diverging from observations," says David Whitehouse of the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

"If we have not passed it already, we are on the threshold of global observations becoming incompatible with the consensus theory of climate change," he says.

Whitehouse argues that whatever has happened to make temperatures remain constant requires an explanation because the pause in temperature rise has occurred despite a sharp increase in global carbon emissions.

The Economist says the world has added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010, about one-quarter of all the carbon dioxide put there by humans since 1750. This mismatch between rising greenhouse gas emissions and not-rising temperatures is among the biggest puzzles in climate science just now, The Economist article says.

"But it does not mean global warming is a delusion."

The fact is temperatures between 2000 and 2010 are still almost 1C above their level in the first decade of the 20th century.

"The mismatch might mean that for some unexplained reason there has been a temporary lag between more carbon dioxide and higher temperatures in 2000-2010.

"Or it might mean that the 1990s, when temperatures were rising fast, was the anomalous period."

The magazine explores a range of possible explanations including higher emissions of sulphur dioxide, the little understood impact of clouds and the circulation of heat into the deep ocean.

But it also points to an increasing body of research that suggests it may be that climate is responding to higher concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide in ways that had not been properly understood before.

"This possibility, if true, could have profound significance both for climate science and for environmental and social policy," the article says.

There are now a number of studies that predict future temperature rises as a result of man-made carbon dioxide emissions at well below the IPCC best estimate of about 3C over the century.

The upcoming IPCC report is expected to lift the maximum possible temperature increase to 6C.

The Research Council of Norway says in a non-peer-reviewed paper that the best estimate concludes there is a 90 per cent probability that doubling CO2 emissions will increase temperatures by only 1.2C to 2.9C, the most likely figure being 1.9C.

Another study based on the way the climate behaved about 20,000 years ago has given a best guess of 2.3C.

Other forecasts, accepted for publication, have reanalysed work cited by the IPCC but taken account of more recent temperature data and given a figure of between 1C and 3C.

The Economist says understanding which estimate is true is vital to getting the best response.

"If as conventional wisdom has it, global temperatures could rise by 3C or more in response to a doubling of emissions, then the correct response would be the one to which most of the world pays lip service; rein in the warming and the greenhouse gases causing it," the article says.

"If, however, temperatures are likely to rise by only 2 degrees Celsius in response to a doubling of carbon emissions (and if the likelihood of a 6 degrees Celsius is trivial) the calculation might change," it says.

"Perhaps the world should seek to adjust to (rather than stop) the greenhouse-gas splurge.

"There is no point buying earthquake insurance if you don't live in an earthquake zone."

According to The Economist, "given the hiatus in warming and all the new evidence, a small reduction in estimates of climate sensitivity would seem to be justified." On face value, Hansen agrees the slowdown in global temperature rises can be seen as "good news".

But he is not ready to recalculate the Faustian bargain that weighs the future cost to humanity of continued carbon dioxide emissions.

Hansen argues that the impact of human carbon dioxide emissions has been masked by the sharp increase in coal use, primarily in China and India.

Increased particulate and nitrogen pollution has worked in the opposite direction of rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

Another paper published in Geophysical Research Letters on research from the University of Colorado Boulder found small volcanoes, not more coal power stations in China, were responsible for the slowdown in global warming.

But this did not mean that climate change was not a problem.

"Emissions from volcanic gases go up and down, helping to cool or heat the planet, while greenhouse gases from human activity just continue to go up," author Ryan Neely says.

Hansen's bottom line is that increased short-term masking of greenhouse gas warming by fossil fuel particulate and nitrogen pollution represents a "doubling down" of the Faustian bargain, an increase in the stakes.

"The more we allow the Faustian debt to build, the more unmanageable the eventual consequences will be," he says.
pdxstogieman Offline
#159 Posted:
Joined: 10-04-2007
Posts: 5,219
Global Warming? That's code for UN commissars telling Americans what the temperature's going to be in our outdoors. I say let the world warm up. Let's see what Boutros Boutros Ghali Ghali has to say about that. We'll grow oranges in Alaska!
jpotts Offline
#160 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
victor809 wrote:
Yes potts, I'm sure categorically deciding that anyone who has put the effort, research and years into a topic required for a PhD is "dumb" is definitely the direction to go. No way that can go wrong.

Give me a study showing IQ vs years education rather than your worthless anecdotes, and then you can start to sound less like a crazy bearded homeless man. Of course, the study will probably be developed by someone with a PhD, so I'm sure it must be wrong.... Brick wall

Now THIS I like. Because it demonstrates just how frickin' clueless you are as to the drivel that passes for higher educatgion these days. Please let me refer you to this article:

You’ll have to forgive the lateness but I just got around to reading The Chronicle’s recent piece on the young guns of black studies. If ever there were a case for eliminating the discipline, the sidebar explaining some of the dissertations being offered by the best and the brightest of black-studies graduate students has made it. What a collection of left-wing victimization claptrap. The best that can be said of these topics is that they’re so irrelevant no one will ever look at them.

That’s what I would say about Ruth Hayes’ dissertation, “‘So I Could Be Easeful’: Black Women’s Authoritative Knowledge on Childbirth.” It began because she “noticed that nonwhite women’s experiences were largely absent from natural-birth literature, which led me to look into historical black midwifery.” How could we overlook the nonwhite experience in “natural birth literature,” whatever the heck that is? It’s scandalous and clearly a sign that racism is alive and well in America, not to mention academia.

Then there is Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, author of “Race for Profit: Black Housing and the Urban Crisis of the 1970s.” Ms. Taylor believes there was apparently some kind of conspiracy in the federal government’s promotion of single family homes in black neighborhoods after the unrest of the 1960s. Single family homes! The audacity! But Ms. Taylor sees that her issue is still relevant today. (Not much of a surprise since the entirety of black studies today seems to rest on the premise that nothing much has changed in this country in the past half century when it comes to race. Shhhh. Don’t tell them about the black president!) She explains that “The subprime lending crisis, if it did nothing else, highlighted the profitability of racism in the housing market.” The subprime lending crisis was about the profitability of racism? Those millions of white people who went into foreclosure were just collateral damage, I guess.

But topping the list in terms of sheer political partisanship and liberal hackery is La TaSha B. Levy. According to the Chronicle, “Ms. Levy is interested in examining the long tradition of black Republicanism, especially the rightward ideological shift it took in the 1980s after the election of Ronald Reagan. Ms. Levy’s dissertation argues that conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, John McWhorter, and others have ‘played one of the most-significant roles in the assault on the civil-rights legacy that benefited them.’” The assault on civil rights? Because they don’t favor affirmative action they are assaulting civil rights? Because they believe there are some fundamental problems in black culture that cannot be blamed on white people they are assaulting civil rights?

Seriously, folks, there are legitimate debates about the problems that plague the black community from high incarceration rates to low graduation rates to high out-of-wedlock birth rates. But it’s clear that they’re not happening in black-studies departments. If these young scholars are the future of the discipline, I think they can just as well leave their calendars at 1963 and let some legitimate scholars find solutions to the problems of blacks in America. Solutions that don’t begin and end with blame the white man.

The article she was commenting on was one that was promoting the new "young gun" upcoming PhDs os some black studies department. Showing, all to easily, how you can be a total brainless slob, but with the right funding you too can get a PhD. And that's because the PHDs running these institutions are breainless slobs themselves. Otherwise, these people would be hard-pressed to get a job in the university cafeteria.

Sorry, but I'll stick with the guys who actually make stuff. Not the ones who think they are intelligent because some moron gave them a piece of paper for spending several months of their life "studying" a subject that no one really actually cares about.

And only someone like you would defend them.

Face it Victor: that higher education you got is not as wonderful as you think it is...
ZRX1200 Offline
#161 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,737
I'm still in shock that we have 10 people that stupid.
victor809 Offline
#162 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
Potts... What did I say? I said don't give me worthless anecdotes. What did you do? You gave me an anecdote which cherry picked some random PhD studies from a fringe major not even offered at all colleges.

How am I supposed to take you seriously when this is the sh&t you bring me?

TimFusco Offline
#163 Posted:
Joined: 08-10-2012
Posts: 928
As a recovering scientist, I can honestly say it's a bunch of bovine scatology. I really don't give a schnidt about it....
jpotts Offline
#164 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
victor809 wrote:
Potts... What did I say? I said don't give me worthless anecdotes. What did you do? You gave me an anecdote which cherry picked some random PhD studies from a fringe major not even offered at all colleges.

How am I supposed to take you seriously when this is the sh&t you bring me?

Nice dodge there Victor. It's clear that you've been out-matched by a code monkey with an Associates degree.

As for "fringe" obviously isn't so fringe that they offer a PhD in the field. But hey, they obviously didn't consult you before they instituted the program. You probably could have set them straight...

That's OK Victor, if you want to sit there are defend those low standards by which one can get a PhD, and thereby claim they are intelligent, be my guest. After all, you were the one who thumped his chest about how doing a thesis and spending time to get a PhD was the measure of intellectual prowress. I'm just showing you how utterly pathetic that standard is.

I guess I just have a slightly higher standard. Any idiot can do a glorified book report and defend it to little more than institutioanlized idiots.

It is little wonder that people with your specific focus in life will always be intellectually inferior to people like me. You can't look past your bias to get at the truth. Such a shame too - all those years of chello lessons, right down the crapper...
TimFusco Offline
#165 Posted:
Joined: 08-10-2012
Posts: 928
Daaaammmmmn J.....
victor809 Offline
#166 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
jpotts wrote:
Nice dodge there Victor. It's clear that you've been out-matched by a code monkey with an Associates degree.

As for "fringe" obviously isn't so fringe that they offer a PhD in the field. But hey, they obviously didn't consult you before they instituted the program. You probably could have set them straight...

That's OK Victor, if you want to sit there are defend those low standards by which one can get a PhD, and thereby claim they are intelligent, be my guest. After all, you were the one who thumped his chest about how doing a thesis and spending time to get a PhD was the measure of intellectual prowress. I'm just showing you how utterly pathetic that standard is.

I guess I just have a slightly higher standard. Any idiot can do a glorified book report and defend it to little more than institutioanlized idiots.

It is little wonder that people with your specific focus in life will always be intellectually inferior to people like me. You can't look past your bias to get at the truth. Such a shame too - all those years of chello lessons, right down the crapper...

You unilaterally believe that anyone who has studied a field for a sufficient number of years to be granted a PhD to be "stupid". Then, as a defense to that idiotic claim, you pull up an anecdotal article which whines about thesis titles in a random fringe field (if you had any brains rattling around in that skull of yours, you'd realize that the specific major one receives a PhD in is determined by the university. So if a university has fringe fields, they may also offer PhD studies in it).

What I think are funny about this is you seem to think that a PhD in "black studies" is even on the same playing field as a PhD in physics, biochem or some other hard science. That shows to me just how little you even understand.
go back to your cave potts... you fail. You brought a "black studies" article to a science argument.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#167 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
victor809 wrote:
You unilaterally believe that anyone who has studied a field for a sufficient number of years to be granted a PhD to be "stupid". Then, as a defense to that idiotic claim, you pull up an anecdotal article which whines about thesis titles in a random fringe field (if you had any brains rattling around in that skull of yours, you'd realize that the specific major one receives a PhD in is determined by the university. So if a university has fringe fields, they may also offer PhD studies in it).

What I think are funny about this is you seem to think that a PhD in "black studies" is even on the same playing field as a PhD in physics, biochem or some other hard science. That shows to me just how little you even understand.
go back to your cave potts... you fail. You brought a "black studies" article to a science argument.

Racist rubby Georgetown touchy-feely outrage.
jpotts Offline
#168 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
victor809 wrote:
You unilaterally believe that anyone who has studied a field for a sufficient number of years to be granted a PhD to be "stupid".

I never said that.

You, on the other hand, used that as a definition of intellect.

I know you're used to stuffing any sort of orifice with all manner of things. But please, refrain from stuffing words in my mouth.

My point is, and always has been that what qualifies for a PhD these days is pretty lacking. And I've shown the proof thereof. You just, well, can't handle being proven wrong.

victor809 wrote:
Then, as a defense to that idiotic claim, you pull up an anecdotal article which whines about thesis titles in a random fringe field (if you had any brains rattling around in that skull of yours, you'd realize that the specific major one receives a PhD in is determined by the university. So if a university has fringe fields, they may also offer PhD studies in it).

Again, you're the one who, without conditions, placed an emphasis on getting a PhD as a condition of showing intelligence and/or intellect. Now that I've sorta pulled the covers off of the whole scam, you've decided that one field of endeavor is "fringe" whereas others are not. Your ability to discern things is, at best, poor.

I think I've proven my point that higher education is so dumbed-down these days that it no longer resembles the elevated status of scholars and academics of yesteryear. But hey, if you want to continue to defend this drivel be my guest.

I've worked with people from accredited universities - University of Michigan, Wayne State as two examples - who've received Masters and PhDs. I verified that these individuals received those degrees in the past. Not only could those individuals barely speak English, they could barely construct a single sentence. Yet, they were able to pass all of those classes to receive a Masters. Now either they learned soooo much from these courses that basic English was crowded out, or they found a way to scam the university, get their degree, and no one was the wiser.

That only works if the university faculty is either too stupid or too complacent to care. The people I'm talking about were in engineering professions. U of M, when it comes to engineering, is no backwater community college.

And you sit there and tell me that it means nothing because it is "anecdotal" evidence. Unfortunately for you, that "anecdotal" evidence is showing up a lot these days, and being discussed by other people I know who are also in engineering. They're basically saying the same thing as I am.

The reality is that your PhD doesn't mean as much as it used to, Victor. You may be smart. Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more clear to me that your graduating class may be been nothing but a gaggle of idiots. So, I wouldn't go around thumping my chest all that loud with your educational pedigree. It very well may be that you’re like that kid from the Sixteen Candles movie: King of the Dipsh*ts.

victor809 wrote:
What I think are funny about this is you seem to think that a PhD in "black studies" is even on the same playing field as a PhD in physics, biochem or some other hard science. That shows to me just how little you even understand. go back to your cave potts... you fail. You brought a "black studies" article to a science argument.

And you make the faulty assumption that the water at the top of the cesspool is cleaner than the water at the bottom.

You may be a monkey who has learned a few more tricks than the average bear. It doesn't mean you're schmart. It only means you're a well-trained monkey with a piece of paper to prove it.

You get into the application side of things, and that changes radically. Its one thing to watch a video in laying a tile floor, and taking a quaint test on how to lay a tile floor. Its another to actually do it.

Because you cannot understand this simple concept, you have proven yourself to be intellectually inferior.

However, I am sure there is a nice job awaiting you in the food service, or general labor market that is commensurate to your skillz...yo...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#169 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735 institution for higher learning being prostituted for monetary gain?!? GASP! Who would dare to think of such a thing? Who in their right mind would institute it first? Now...those shady certifications are a corporate boon to the bottom line but bastions of higher learning?

victor809 Offline
#170 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
jpotts wrote:
I never said that.

You, on the other hand, used that as a definition of intellect.

Potts, you're an idiot.
Here's your direct quote:
And yeah, the majority of them I look upon with disdain

Here's another:
the majority of people coming out of these PhD and Masters programs are complete idiots.

Tell me again how you don't unilaterally believe that anyone who's studied a field for a sufficient number of years to be granted a PhD is "stupid".

I, on the other hand, have NOT stated anywhere that it is a measure of intellect. I may believe you're an idiot, but that has nothing to do with your low education levels.


I know you're used to stuffing any sort of orifice with all manner of things. But please, refrain from stuffing words in my mouth.
get off the gay slurs you ****.

My point is, and always has been that what qualifies for a PhD these days is pretty lacking. And I've shown the proof thereof. You just, well, can't handle being proven wrong.
you haven't shown crap


Again, you're the one who, without conditions, placed an emphasis on getting a PhD as a condition of showing intelligence and/or intellect.

Show a single quote where I've said that.

Now that I've sorta pulled the covers off of the whole scam, you've decided that one field of endeavor is "fringe" whereas others are not. Your ability to discern things is, at best, poor.

I think I've proven my point that higher education is so dumbed-down these days that it no longer resembles the elevated status of scholars and academics of yesteryear. But hey, if you want to continue to defend this drivel be my guest.
again, you haven't shown crap. standard potts move, post anecdotal bs and claim victory. I specifically told your dumb ass to back your claim that "the majority of PhDs and Masters educated people are idiots" with some level of facts. You gave me crap. If you can't back up your own dumb ass claims, go elsewhere.


I've worked with people from accredited universities - University of Michigan, Wayne State as two examples - who've received Masters and PhDs. I verified that these individuals received those degrees in the past. Not only could those individuals barely speak English, they could barely construct a single sentence. Yet, they were able to pass all of those classes to receive a Masters. Now either they learned soooo much from these courses that basic English was crowded out, or they found a way to scam the university, get their degree, and no one was the wiser.

That only works if the university faculty is either too stupid or too complacent to care. The people I'm talking about were in engineering professions. U of M, when it comes to engineering, is no backwater community college.

And you sit there and tell me that it means nothing because it is "anecdotal" evidence. Unfortunately for you, that "anecdotal" evidence is showing up a lot these days, and being discussed by other people I know who are also in engineering. They're basically saying the same thing as I am.

huh? Who cares? It's still anecdotal. Maybe they're having the people who can't speak english work with you because anyone who can understand the words coming out of your mouth finds you offensive and annoying. It's still anecdotal bs. I told you to back your dumbass statements up with statistics, you can't. It's just your little fantasy world.


The reality is that your PhD doesn't mean as much as it used to, Victor. You may be smart. Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more clear to me that your graduating class may be been nothing but a gaggle of idiots. So, I wouldn't go around thumping my chest all that loud with your educational pedigree. It very well may be that you’re like that kid from the Sixteen Candles movie: King of the Dipsh*ts.
I don't have a PhD you ass.


And you make the faulty assumption that the water at the top of the cesspool is cleaner than the water at the bottom.

You may be a monkey who has learned a few more tricks than the average bear. It doesn't mean you're schmart. It only means you're a well-trained monkey with a piece of paper to prove it.
and you make an assumption that I have a Phd. you idiot.

You get into the application side of things, and that changes radically. Its one thing to watch a video in laying a tile floor, and taking a quaint test on how to lay a tile floor. Its another to actually do it.

Because you cannot understand this simple concept, you have proven yourself to be intellectually inferior.
.... do you even understand what's involved in getting a PhD? The grad students are actually the ones doing the work. The fact that you don't understand this at all baffles me. Do you think a PhD in physics or biochem just involves reading textbooks? Are you that stupid? You can't be that stupid... Have you ever looked at the list of names on published research papers? Usually a large number of them are grad students, and they're the ones who actually do the laboratory work.


However, I am sure there is a nice job awaiting you in the food service, or general labor market that is commensurate to your skillz...yo...
you're an idiot. Go crawl back into your hole.
ZRX1200 Offline
#171 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,737

jpotts Offline
#172 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
victor809 wrote:
Potts, you're an idiot.
Here's your direct quote:

And yeah, the majority of them I look upon with disdain.

the majority of people coming out of these PhD and Masters programs are complete idiots.

Tell me again how you don't unilaterally believe that anyone who's studied a field for a sufficient number of years to be granted a PhD is "stupid".

I used the word "majority."

You're using the word "unilateral," which means "only having one side." You did take English in college, right Victor?

Last time I checked, things like "majority" imply two sides: one being the large body, the other being the small body (a.k.a. "minority.") I guess I assumed that you were capable of making this distinction being that you're all up in that "upper education" bracket thingie.

Really, Victor, do I need to go any further? Is this the type of critical thinking and analysis skills they taught you in Bob's College for Science PhD types?

victor809 wrote:
I, on the other hand, have NOT stated anywhere that it is a measure of intellect. I may believe you're an idiot, but that has nothing to do with your low education levels.

Your quote:

victor809 wrote:
Give me a study showing IQ vs years education rather than your worthless anecdotes, and then you can start to sound less like a crazy bearded homeless man. Of course, the study will probably be developed by someone with a PhD, so I'm sure it must be wrong....

Someone asking for proof of something, especially with elevated levels sarcasm, is someone who has already decided what they believe. And since you are asking me to show you something that proves my point (which is actually futile because, regardless of what I show, you'll just say it is ancedotal), that means you've already taken your stance.

Or maybe it was the smiley guy banging his head on the brick wall. I dunno.

That and the assumtion that my assertions were unilateral when I clearly denoted in writing that they were not is further indication of what you believe.

Then again, I'll stop beating this drum if you just agree with me that there a quite a few PhDs in the hard-science fields who are complete and utter morons, and I'll be glad to let you off the hook.

victor809 wrote:
I don't have a PhD you ass.

All those chello lessons for nothing?

Then, by your own definitions, you're one of the mindless pleebes, just like the rest of this board. And still you defend "The Man."

victor809 wrote:
.... do you even understand what's involved in getting a PhD?

Yeah, actually I do.

But hey, you know so much, tell me how can you get a PhD in some sort of computer sciences, and not know what a stack is? Or a heap? or what the function of an ALU is?

Or now know what an OpAmp is when you have a newly minted Masters in EE?

Seriously. You want to explain that? Because I'd sure like to hear it.

victor809 wrote:
you're an idiot. Go crawl back into your hole.

Again, the need to stuff something into a hole somewhere...

Freud would have a field-day with you.

On a serious note: Victor I thought that you were one of those kinds of guys where I could rib you pretty hard, and with the expectation that I receive the kind of ribbing in kind. You're a fairly intelligent guy. But man, your posts as of late are getting pretty caustic.

Maybe the "inferior" thing was pushing it a bit on my part. If that's the case, I apologize. I kinda thought that would get you wound up, but now you're posting like a rabid tazmanian devil with an inner-ear infection, and a severe case of chaffing. Gumpy, discombobulated (sp:?), and all over the place.;

But if its not me, well, you need to make a change. Maybe so more bran in your diet? I dunno.
victor809 Offline
#173 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
jpotts wrote:
I used the word "majority."

You're using the word "unilateral," which means "only having one side." You did take English in college, right Victor?

Last time I checked, things like "majority" imply two sides: one being the large body, the other being the small body (a.k.a. "minority.") I guess I assumed that you were capable of making this distinction being that you're all up in that "upper education" bracket thingie.

Really, Victor, do I need to go any further? Is this the type of critical thinking and analysis skills they taught you in Bob's College for Science PhD types?

Your quote:

Someone asking for proof of something, especially with elevated levels sarcasm, is someone who has already decided what they believe. And since you are asking me to show you something that proves my point (which is actually futile because, regardless of what I show, you'll just say it is ancedotal), that means you've already taken your stance.

Or maybe it was the smiley guy banging his head on the brick wall. I dunno.

That and the assumtion that my assertions were unilateral when I clearly denoted in writing that they were not is further indication of what you believe.

Then again, I'll stop beating this drum if you just agree with me that there a quite a few PhDs in the hard-science fields who are complete and utter morons, and I'll be glad to let you off the hook.

All those chello lessons for nothing?

Then, by your own definitions, you're one of the mindless pleebes, just like the rest of this board. And still you defend "The Man."

Yeah, actually I do.

But hey, you know so much, tell me how can you get a PhD in some sort of computer sciences, and not know what a stack is? Or a heap? or what the function of an ALU is?

Or now know what an OpAmp is when you have a newly minted Masters in EE?

Seriously. You want to explain that? Because I'd sure like to hear it.

Again, the need to stuff something into a hole somewhere...

Freud would have a field-day with you.

On a serious note: Victor I thought that you were one of those kinds of guys where I could rib you pretty hard, and with the expectation that I receive the kind of ribbing in kind. You're a fairly intelligent guy. But man, your posts as of late are getting pretty caustic.

Maybe the "inferior" thing was pushing it a bit on my part. If that's the case, I apologize. I kinda thought that would get you wound up, but now you're posting like a rabid tazmanian devil with an inner-ear infection, and a severe case of chaffing. Gumpy, discombobulated (sp:?), and all over the place.;

But if its not me, well, you need to make a change. Maybe so more bran in your diet? I dunno.

If I sound frustrated potts, it's because I'm tired of rehashing this seriously retarded argument. You bitch about the stupidity of scientists, and your own quote: "You want to see one of the biggest group of brain-dead lemmings? They usually have a PhD next to their name." and then as an example of this you pull up fluff majors like black studies... you complain about the english language skills of a computer scientist... what's next, are you going to complain about the multivariable math skills of an english major?

Arguing with you is like eating jello with chopsticks, but not because you are being in any way clever. Your arguments are not based on facts and statistics, you judge the entire science output of our country based on your interactions with some computer programmers... why would you do that? Why would any intelligent person say that, given the rigors of our science programs? I would think that an intelligent person would take any subset of our career population (scientists, historians, electricians) and understand that as the education track of an individual in that field moves forward, the number of barriers increases. To get past that barrier usually requires a number of steps, whether that is completing a test, publishing a paper, or whatever. Yet your assumption is that as a group of people successively passes each of these barriers, the ones who succeed are actually dumber. That is so illogical that I seriously lose respect.

You can think individual scientists/Phd's are idiots all you want. But to actively disparage the act of gaining knowledge, or of further education as well as the activities involved in trying to understand the workings of our world... I find that disgusting, and anyone who holds that view to be actively reducing the capability of our species.
ZRX1200 Offline
#174 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,737
Apology accepted Victor.
jpotts Offline
#175 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
victor809 wrote:
If I sound frustrated potts, it's because I'm tired of rehashing this seriously retarded argument. You bitch about the stupidity of scientists, and your own quote: "You want to see one of the biggest group of brain-dead lemmings? They usually have a PhD next to their name." and then as an example of this you pull up fluff majors like black studies... you complain about the english language skills of a computer scientist... what's next, are you going to complain about the multivariable math skills of an english major?

Ummm...Victor? When is comes to developing software and systems, language is sorta important. Which, if that all of a sudden becomes one of those things that you can simply discount because it is a "hard science" then it only further underscores my point.

victor809 wrote:
Arguing with you is like eating jello with chopsticks, but not because you are being in any way clever. Your arguments are not based on facts and statistics, you judge the entire science output of our country based on your interactions with some computer programmers... why would you do that?

You don't read very well Victor.

I have, in the past, dealt with scientists.

Furthermore, I have no idea where you think they get their modeling for stuff like "Climate Science," but I guarantee you it isn't done with a pen and a pad of paper. In fact, I've interviewed quite a few of the people who wrote some of those climate models that these "eminent" scientists had developed. And, to be honest, I wouldn't let those dolts wash mt car or polish my shoes.

Your scientific high ground stands on a foundation of computers and software...which is my domain. They days of Einstein's written correspondence back and forth while sitting in that patent office are well over. And the people who work with these scientists are people like me.

victor809 wrote:
Why would any intelligent person say that, given the rigors of our science programs?


Most of the data used in those climate models has to be massaged, and those smoothing algorithms are often arbitrary to make the data fit the trend, not the trend to the data (which actually occurs more often than not). I'd give you specific examples, however, you'd just dismiss them as being anecdotal.

And you say that they are anecdotal for one of two reasons. The first is that you can't accept the truth. The other is that you think I'm full of sh*t. There have been a lot of people in the past that have called me out on my "bullsh*t." I generally have no problem telling people when I'm jerking their chain on this, that or the other. And then there are the people I like to make twist in the wind before I unload on them. Even then, I'm not believed. So, frankly, it's not worth the effort.

So you either believe me or you don't. Honestly Victor, I don't care. But half of your frustrations you create yourself.

Oh yeah, and as a guy who claims to know about statistics - and I have no doubt that you do - you know full well how any idiot can fudge stats to say pretty much whatever they want, and there are people who are already have a pre-conceived notion about what those statistics should say. This is the reason why we get research studies whose stats stay, basically, nothing.

So spare me the lecture about stats and "rigor". I know how that game is played.

victor809 wrote:
To get past that barrier usually requires a number of steps, whether that is completing a test, publishing a paper, or whatever. Yet your assumption is that as a group of people successively passes each of these barriers, the ones who succeed are actually dumber. That is so illogical that I seriously lose respect.

That's your assumption. That's not what I've said.

The fact is, you walk into any endeavor, you're going to get two sets of people: those who rise to the challenge, and those who don't. And the ones who do rise to the challenge are often reviled by some of those that don't. They usually tend to be smarter than the average bear (the people who rise to the challenge, that is). The deciding factor is not what they have been taught, it is how they apply what it is that they know. That's what separates the men from the boys.

The problem with science is the same problem that plagues the human condition. The mediocre still rule the roost because they concentrate more on looking intellectual, promoting themselves as intellectuals, then actually being intellectual. And a large chunk of them run straight for a PhD because that gives them instant credibility, with next to no effort.

Yeah, getting a PhD is a task. It is nowhere near a difficult a task as producing new things year, after year, after year for decades on end.

Again, I could relate a number of stories where I've had to educate that crowd about the rigors of the private marketplace (and they were both revealing and funny), but you'd simply exclaim that these are anecdotal, and dismiss them right away.

My grandfather worked in the Redstone Rocket project. He was one of those guys who also put men into space. He also had correspondence degree (which, back then, was about a relevant as my stupid Associates degree). The man was an engineering genius. The fact is that guys like him don't come from a PhD program. They often come right out of the blue. And they often upset the apple chart.

The minute we start making something like a PhD become the end-all-be-all seal of approval for intelligence and intellect, the world will descend in to an age of darkness. Because that will give the bonafide morons control of everything. Just like the Inquisition priests of old.

So, I hope that clarifies thing for you Victor.
wheelrite Offline
#176 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119
Victor is a queer...
HockeyDad Offline
#177 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,283
Is global warming real? Who is a gold mine.
victor809 Offline
#178 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
jpotts wrote:
Ummm...Victor? When is comes to developing software and systems, language is sorta important. Which, if that all of a sudden becomes one of those things that you can simply discount because it is a "hard science" then it only further underscores my point.

umm... PhD isn't job training. It's training for a specific niche of knowledge. If your job requirement of "programmer" includes english capabilities, then hire for that. PhD programs do not include a single course of work outside of their focus. In fact, PhD candidates are discouraged usually from taking additional courses, as it takes time away from slaving in the lab.


You don't read very well Victor.

I have, in the past, dealt with scientists.

Furthermore, I have no idea where you think they get their modeling for stuff like "Climate Science," but I guarantee you it isn't done with a pen and a pad of paper. In fact, I've interviewed quite a few of the people who wrote some of those climate models that these "eminent" scientists had developed. And, to be honest, I wouldn't let those dolts wash mt car or polish my shoes.

Your scientific high ground stands on a foundation of computers and software...which is my domain. They days of Einstein's written correspondence back and forth while sitting in that patent office are well over. And the people who work with these scientists are people like me.

So? I did a lot of calculations for my research on excel tables... Microsoft isn't in any way responsible for my work.


Most of the data used in those climate models has to be massaged, and those smoothing algorithms are often arbitrary to make the data fit the trend, not the trend to the data (which actually occurs more often than not). I'd give you specific examples, however, you'd just dismiss them as being anecdotal.

is your problem with climate scientists, or PhDs in general. Stay on task.


And you say that they are anecdotal for one of two reasons. The first is that you can't accept the truth. The other is that you think I'm full of sh*t. There have been a lot of people in the past that have called me out on my "bullsh*t." I generally have no problem telling people when I'm jerking their chain on this, that or the other. And then there are the people I like to make twist in the wind before I unload on them. Even then, I'm not believed. So, frankly, it's not worth the effort.

So you either believe me or you don't. Honestly Victor, I don't care. But half of your frustrations you create yourself.

Of course I think you're full of sh#t. Because I asked for statistical data to support a global statement you made, and you provided me with more anecdotes. Since your personal grasp of math has been proven to be questionable, along with your ability to even see where your mathematical errors are, I have no reason to believe that even your anecdotes are correct. But even if they were, they're still not the information I asked for.


Oh yeah, and as a guy who claims to know about statistics - and I have no doubt that you do - you know full well how any idiot can fudge stats to say pretty much whatever they want, and there are people who are already have a pre-conceived notion about what those statistics should say. This is the reason why we get research studies whose stats stay, basically, nothing.

So spare me the lecture about stats and "rigor". I know how that game is played.

Great. Then it should be no problem for you to find stats to support your claim. Seriously potts, you can't have it both ways. If stats are such a bogus game, then there should be statistics to back just about any wild claim you'd like to make.


That's your assumption. That's not what I've said.

The fact is, you walk into any endeavor, you're going to get two sets of people: those who rise to the challenge, and those who don't. And the ones who do rise to the challenge are often reviled by some of those that don't. They usually tend to be smarter than the average bear (the people who rise to the challenge, that is). The deciding factor is not what they have been taught, it is how they apply what it is that they know. That's what separates the men from the boys.

The problem with science is the same problem that plagues the human condition. The mediocre still rule the roost because they concentrate more on looking intellectual, promoting themselves as intellectuals, then actually being intellectual. And a large chunk of them run straight for a PhD because that gives them instant credibility, with next to no effort.

Yeah, getting a PhD is a task. It is nowhere near a difficult a task as producing new things year, after year, after year for decades on end.

No... it's exactly what you said. You are not stating that PhDs are full of mediocre people, but that they are actively stupider than people who do not have PhDs. Don't try to pawn this sh#t off on the human condition.


Again, I could relate a number of stories where I've had to educate that crowd about the rigors of the private marketplace (and they were both revealing and funny), but you'd simply exclaim that these are anecdotal, and dismiss them right away.

that's because they would be anecdotes, by definition. I am not asking for that, but rather evidence to back your claims.

My grandfather worked in the Redstone Rocket project. He was one of those guys who also put men into space. He also had correspondence degree (which, back then, was about a relevant as my stupid Associates degree). The man was an engineering genius. The fact is that guys like him don't come from a PhD program. They often come right out of the blue. And they often upset the apple chart.

The minute we start making something like a PhD become the end-all-be-all seal of approval for intelligence and intellect, the world will descend in to an age of darkness. Because that will give the bonafide morons control of everything. Just like the Inquisition priests of old.

So, I hope that clarifies thing for you Victor.

Again. I never said that intelligent people cannot exist outside of the PhD programs, or any other educational degree. I'm simply demanding that you back your wild claims that Masters and PhDs are idiots.

Look... lets do this very simply. I'm tired of arguing with you about this.
You have 3 options.

1 - Provide me with a study showing what you are claiming is true. That a majority of people with advanced degrees are idiots. I'll even accept a study showing they are stupider than an average person, as long as it's to a statistically significant degree.

2 - Put your #ss where your mouth is. You claim to be certain that a majority of PhDs are idiots, and that it constitutes the "biggest group of brain dead lemmings". Ok, I challenge you to stick by your convictions. I don't know much about the other fields, but I can guarantee you that every biotech pharmaceutical product ever created was discovered, tested, and proven by a PhD or a graduate student in pursuit of a PhD. If you are convinced this group is so incompetent, then anything they create must be more likely to harm you than hurt you. I expect you to forgo any and all biotech products, that includes 98.2% of all cancer drugs, any drugs for autoimmune diseases, and diseases dealing with chronic pain. I certainly hope you have no intention of taking any of these products at any time in your life, since they were likely discovered by idiots and are probably wrong...

3 - Simply apologize for being horrendously wrong.

Those are your three options. I will not accept any anecdotes as an answer. I will not accept any bs about mediocrity in our society. You have stated multiple times in this thread that you believe the educated to be dumber than the rest of society. Either prove it, or AT MINIMUM prove your convictions.
teedubbya Offline
#179 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
for what it's worth Vic I had to give props to both SAS and some dude named Herb that worked in the IT department. I guess every time someone gets a degree Herb does too.
bs_kwaj Offline
#180 Posted:
Joined: 02-13-2006
Posts: 5,214
Don't know about -global- warming, but it's 82 degrees here in my computer room.

But, the next ice age rolls in Thursday when it is supposed to get back down into the 30's.

victor809 Offline
#181 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
Still waiting on this potts:

Look... lets do this very simply. I'm tired of arguing with you about this.
You have 3 options.

1 - Provide me with a study showing what you are claiming is true. That a majority of people with advanced degrees are idiots. I'll even accept a study showing they are stupider than an average person, as long as it's to a statistically significant degree.

2 - Put your #ss where your mouth is. You claim to be certain that a majority of PhDs are idiots, and that it constitutes the "biggest group of brain dead lemmings". Ok, I challenge you to stick by your convictions. I don't know much about the other fields, but I can guarantee you that every biotech pharmaceutical product ever created was discovered, tested, and proven by a PhD or a graduate student in pursuit of a PhD. If you are convinced this group is so incompetent, then anything they create must be more likely to harm you than hurt you. I expect you to forgo any and all biotech products, that includes 98.2% of all cancer drugs, any drugs for autoimmune diseases, and diseases dealing with chronic pain. I certainly hope you have no intention of taking any of these products at any time in your life, since they were likely discovered by idiots and are probably wrong...

3 - Simply apologize for being horrendously wrong.

Those are your three options. I will not accept any anecdotes as an answer. I will not accept any bs about mediocrity in our society. You have stated multiple times in this thread that you believe the educated to be dumber than the rest of society. Either prove it, or AT MINIMUM prove your convictions.

You seem to just want to continue providing meaningless anecdotes however....
Brewha Offline
#182 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,258
I'd like to take a moment to thank all of your for tuning into another episode of the 'Victor Potts' show. Cbid's premiere irritainment.

For those of you in our audience that missed season 1 where we learned that characters of Victor and Potts are both in fact two parts of a split peronality created by a psychotic break in a middle aged woman, named Ragina Polesitter, we encourage you to watch the past episodes again from the vantage point of this new information.

We now return you to the thrilling confusion of Victor Potts, which is already in progress.
jpotts Offline
#183 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
Man, where do I start with this nonsense.

victor809 wrote:
umm... PhD isn't job training. It's training for a specific niche of knowledge. If your job requirement of "programmer" includes english capabilities, then hire for that. PhD programs do not include a single course of work outside of their focus. In fact, PhD candidates are discouraged usually from taking additional courses, as it takes time away from slaving in the lab.

You've got to be kidding me. You have either gone utterly nuts, or you're just flailing to try and prove a point.

You want to sit there and tell me that you can take a Masters or a PhD class in a prestigious US university, pass, and not know how to write English?

Nice try.

victor809 wrote:
So? I did a lot of calculations for my research on excel tables... Microsoft isn't in any way responsible for my work.

That's good to know. If in an Excel table your formula of 2+2 ands up equaling 5, you submit a paper with that crap, it gets peer reviewed, and them published...well...that's all that I need to say.

What mindless drivel you've started to spout.

victor809 wrote:
Of course I think you're full of sh#t. Because I asked for statistical data to support a global statement you made, and you provided me with more anecdotes. Since your personal grasp of math has been proven to be questionable, along with your ability to even see where your mathematical errors are, I have no reason to believe that even your anecdotes are correct. But even if they were, they're still not the information I asked for.

Ok, I'm going to assume that you're talking about climate science here.

You want me to provide statistical data to rebut statistical data where neither can accurately predict the outcome of weather, and whose models are in no way complete? If THIS is what you call "science," your science is a complete and total fraud. It is akin to selling snake oil.

A model is only worth something where all of the inputs and variables are known, and the process is documented and complete. Otherwise, it is nothing more than a shamanism, where some guy with a feathered headdress and a bone through his node kills a chicken and tries to divine the future by looking at its liver.

Again, if this is what you call science, your science is a fraud. Period.

In my line of work there are no assumptions (I know a lot of your statements make huge leaps in logic from affecting the genes of flatworms to doing the same thing with primates...which are NOT flatworms). The climate modeling as it exists today relies on a mountain of assumptions (like percipitation or the lack thereof) whose inputs and variables are neither proven, and whose processes are not fully understood and known. That is not a model. It's academic masturbation at best.

So, again, nice try.

victor809 wrote:
No... it's exactly what you said. You are not stating that PhDs are full of mediocre people, but that they are actively stupider than people who do not have PhDs. Don't try to pawn this sh#t off on the human condition.

Yes, I said that PhDs are full of mediocre people. I did not say they are unilaterally mediocre. And the world "unilateral" came from you, not me. I didn't even come close to that. End of discussion.

You need help looking up that word, Victor?

victor809 wrote:
that's because they would be anecdotes, by definition. I am not asking for that, but rather evidence to back your claims.

Anecdotes are evidence. That's why they call it "anecdotal evidence."

I frankly don't know what business you're in, but when I see rejects writing climate models for a major university, that there is a BIG red flag to me.

But obviously not to you. Because it is pretty clear to me, given your staunch position that because someone has an advanced degree they somehow cannot be a moron, that you are so horribly blind and ignorant to reality. You've gone out of your way to stake your ground at that point. All that's left to conclude is that your bias is so extreme, that you're beyond being rational.

victor809 wrote:
Again. I never said that intelligent people cannot exist outside of the PhD programs, or any other educational degree. I'm simply demanding that you back your wild claims that Masters and PhDs are idiots.

Unilaterally, or not unilaterally? Because the person who seems to have a hard time staying on target here is you.

I've already given examples, Victor. You dismissed them. If this is your glorious vision of science, then it is a total sham and a fraud.

I actually kept some of those resumes and cover letters, Victor. They were so funny, I thought I'd keep them around for a laugh. They're in storage.

victor809 wrote:
Look... lets do this very simply. I'm tired of arguing with you about this.

Maybe you're so exhausted because you're doing a lot of excessive running around plugging holes in your arguments. I mean, the holes you're leaving behind are actually so massive that I could drive a truck through them.

victor809 wrote:
1 - Provide me with a study showing what you are claiming is true. That a majority of people with advanced degrees are idiots. I'll even accept a study showing they are stupider than an average person, as long as it's to a statistically significant degree.

2 - Put your #ss where your mouth is. You claim to be certain that a majority of PhDs are idiots, and that it constitutes the "biggest group of brain dead lemmings". Ok, I challenge you to stick by your convictions. I don't know much about the other fields, but I can guarantee you that every biotech pharmaceutical product ever created was discovered, tested, and proven by a PhD or a graduate student in pursuit of a PhD. If you are convinced this group is so incompetent, then anything they create must be more likely to harm you than hurt you. I expect you to forgo any and all biotech products, that includes 98.2% of all cancer drugs, any drugs for autoimmune diseases, and diseases dealing with chronic pain. I certainly hope you have no intention of taking any of these products at any time in your life, since they were likely discovered by idiots and are probably wrong...

3 - Simply apologize for being horrendously wrong.

First, most pain medication doesn't work on me. So you've basically failed in that area.

Second, I love this comment, because it is so illustrative:

" I don't know much about the other fields, but I can guarantee you..."

So, let me see if I get this straight: you have no frickin' clue as to the populations of other groups of PhDs, yet you defend them, and challenge me to prove my point? Is THIS that type of discipline and rigor you use in your work? Because, if so, it's crap.

You try that BS working for me, in my line of work, after the third time your application crashed (and it would crash), I'd replace your sorry a**.

Did I specify PhDs in the biotech field? Did I make that exclusive claim anywhere?

The answer would be: no.

So this really boils down to a couple of things at this point: first, you are utterly delusional. Your reasoning, and your ability to discriminate facts, given what I've see, is beyond suspect. You accuse me of making unilateral statements - which the record here shows that I haven't - then try and weasel your way around that fact when I call you to the carpet.

Then - as laughable as that is thus far - challenge me to prove my assertions when you yourself have no clue as to whether they are correct or not. And you basically admit as much.

I hope you're not expecting anyone to be impressed by this. Seriously. I personally have lost a lot of respect for you and your abilities on all of this.

victor809 wrote:
Those are your three options. I will not accept any anecdotes as an answer. I will not accept any bs about mediocrity in our society. You have stated multiple times in this thread that you believe the educated to be dumber than the rest of society. Either prove it, or AT MINIMUM prove your convictions.

You have alredy said I'm full of sh*t. And you've already proven - and stated as such - that you'll simply dismiss anything I'd post. So even if I did have irrefutable evidence, you'd call it BS, ancedotal, irrelevant, and move on.

As for your ability to discriminate facts and to reason things out given the evidence, well, you've proven to be a total frickin' whackjob.

So there's no point. You've already soiled that bed.

Again, nice try Victor.
teedubbya Offline
#184 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
Your outrage is duly noted.
jpotts Offline
#185 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
teedubbya wrote:
Your outrage is duly noted.

Hey, that's a good one! Remember it for next time.
Brewha Offline
#186 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,258
And now a word from our sponsors,

Hemorrhoid sufferers . . . .
HockeyDad Offline
#187 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,283
jpotts wrote:
Hey, that's a good one! Remember it for next time.

You'll still owe me copyright fees.
Whistlebritches Offline
#188 Posted:
Joined: 04-23-2006
Posts: 22,148
victor809 wrote:
So I was randomly thinking about this the other day and something occurred to me that kinda ticked me off.

Why would "It's a natural cycle, not man-made" be an acceptable answer for doing nothing?
Seriously... The end result will be the same whether the global warming is man-made or natural.

If you TRULY believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, then why aren't you demanding the scientists find a solution? We demand technological solutions to millions of natural things all the time.... from bridges and ferries to get vehicles across water, to cancer cures to vaccines and antibiotics.

If this "natural cycle" answer was anything other than a bs answer to avoid explaining why you don't want to have energy regulations, then you'd be trying to get someone with brains to find a solution, not just shrugging it off.

** Standard disclaimer, I don't care about global warming, don't care about the life-span of our planet past the next 50 years (my expected lifespan) I just get irritated when people give stupid answers to things. Just say you don't care... I'm fine with that.

Of all the bullschit I see posted in this thread this one gets a BLUE RIBBON.

Obviously you place your faith in man...."If you TRULY believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, then why aren't you demanding the scientists find a solution?"

You really think scientist can solve something of this magnitude????Something that has been going on for millions of years before modern industrialization????

I say don't waste the time,effort or money on such silly schit.Man did not make it,man hasn't the ability to destroy it.

If you want to take that as an I DON'T CARE please do so,it'd make your rebuttal far simpler.

Brewha Offline
#189 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,258
Whistlebritches wrote:
Of all the bullschit I see posted in this thread this one gets a BLUE RIBBON.

For me, the ribbon goes to Victors “Standard disclaimer”.
An open and prideful disregard the future of his children or anyone else’s. I guess we are all supposed to desire his level of ‘coolness’ – if only we could regress that far. It reminds me of a punk kid who spit on the streets because he is just so tough . . . .
TimFusco Offline
#190 Posted:
Joined: 08-10-2012
Posts: 928
I would love to know Victor's MBTI type...
Brewha Offline
#191 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,258
TimFusco wrote:
I would love to know Victor's MBTI type...

Not to offend the religious right, but Victor is proof that a man can have no soul . . . .
tegulator Offline
#192 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2013
Posts: 347
Brewha wrote:
Not to offend the religious right, but Victor is proof that a man can have no soul . . . .

Play nicely, you all...don't make me come down there! ram27bat
Brewha Offline
#193 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,258
Victor started it!
jetblasted Offline
#194 Posted:
Joined: 08-30-2004
Posts: 42,595
Victor hasn't been seen or heard from in a while. I checked his FB page, and apparently his last post was about having an alcoholic drink that produced cyanide and ramblings about a death pool. Let's hope he recovers . . .
victor809 Offline
#195 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
jpotts wrote:
Man, where do I start with this nonsense.

You've got to be kidding me. You have either gone utterly nuts, or you're just flailing to try and prove a point.

You want to sit there and tell me that you can take a Masters or a PhD class in a prestigious US university, pass, and not know how to write English?

Nice try.

That's good to know. If in an Excel table your formula of 2+2 ands up equaling 5, you submit a paper with that crap, it gets peer reviewed, and them published...well...that's all that I need to say.

What mindless drivel you've started to spout.

Ok, I'm going to assume that you're talking about climate science here.

You want me to provide statistical data to rebut statistical data where neither can accurately predict the outcome of weather, and whose models are in no way complete? If THIS is what you call "science," your science is a complete and total fraud. It is akin to selling snake oil.

A model is only worth something where all of the inputs and variables are known, and the process is documented and complete. Otherwise, it is nothing more than a shamanism, where some guy with a feathered headdress and a bone through his node kills a chicken and tries to divine the future by looking at its liver.

Again, if this is what you call science, your science is a fraud. Period.

In my line of work there are no assumptions (I know a lot of your statements make huge leaps in logic from affecting the genes of flatworms to doing the same thing with primates...which are NOT flatworms). The climate modeling as it exists today relies on a mountain of assumptions (like percipitation or the lack thereof) whose inputs and variables are neither proven, and whose processes are not fully understood and known. That is not a model. It's academic masturbation at best.

So, again, nice try.

Yes, I said that PhDs are full of mediocre people. I did not say they are unilaterally mediocre. And the world "unilateral" came from you, not me. I didn't even come close to that. End of discussion.

You need help looking up that word, Victor?

Anecdotes are evidence. That's why they call it "anecdotal evidence."

I frankly don't know what business you're in, but when I see rejects writing climate models for a major university, that there is a BIG red flag to me.

But obviously not to you. Because it is pretty clear to me, given your staunch position that because someone has an advanced degree they somehow cannot be a moron, that you are so horribly blind and ignorant to reality. You've gone out of your way to stake your ground at that point. All that's left to conclude is that your bias is so extreme, that you're beyond being rational.

Unilaterally, or not unilaterally? Because the person who seems to have a hard time staying on target here is you.

I've already given examples, Victor. You dismissed them. If this is your glorious vision of science, then it is a total sham and a fraud.

I actually kept some of those resumes and cover letters, Victor. They were so funny, I thought I'd keep them around for a laugh. They're in storage.

Maybe you're so exhausted because you're doing a lot of excessive running around plugging holes in your arguments. I mean, the holes you're leaving behind are actually so massive that I could drive a truck through them.

First, most pain medication doesn't work on me. So you've basically failed in that area.

Second, I love this comment, because it is so illustrative:

" I don't know much about the other fields, but I can guarantee you..."

So, let me see if I get this straight: you have no frickin' clue as to the populations of other groups of PhDs, yet you defend them, and challenge me to prove my point? Is THIS that type of discipline and rigor you use in your work? Because, if so, it's crap.

You try that BS working for me, in my line of work, after the third time your application crashed (and it would crash), I'd replace your sorry a**.

Did I specify PhDs in the biotech field? Did I make that exclusive claim anywhere?

The answer would be: no.

So this really boils down to a couple of things at this point: first, you are utterly delusional. Your reasoning, and your ability to discriminate facts, given what I've see, is beyond suspect. You accuse me of making unilateral statements - which the record here shows that I haven't - then try and weasel your way around that fact when I call you to the carpet.

Then - as laughable as that is thus far - challenge me to prove my assertions when you yourself have no clue as to whether they are correct or not. And you basically admit as much.

I hope you're not expecting anyone to be impressed by this. Seriously. I personally have lost a lot of respect for you and your abilities on all of this.

You have alredy said I'm full of sh*t. And you've already proven - and stated as such - that you'll simply dismiss anything I'd post. So even if I did have irrefutable evidence, you'd call it BS, ancedotal, irrelevant, and move on.

As for your ability to discriminate facts and to reason things out given the evidence, well, you've proven to be a total frickin' whackjob.

So there's no point. You've already soiled that bed.

Again, nice try Victor.

Let me summarize your entire above statement:
I don't want to try to provide you with any of the information you requested so I'm gonna say "you summarily reject anything I provide" (ever stop to think that I reject it because it is not what I requested?...)

There is no running around or multiple arguments here. I asked for one simple thing: evidence to back up the following wild claims:
jpotts wrote:
You want to see one of the biggest group of brain-dead lemmings? They usually have a PhD next to their name.

jpotts wrote:
Plus, after the last 10 years of mostly working with people who have PhDs and Masters, I've come to conclude that the higher-education system in this country is basically f**ked. Which explains why so many of these "knowledgable" people with credentials make a boatload of really, really dumb decisions

jpotts wrote:
Again: the majority of people coming out of these PhD and Masters programs are complete idiots.

jpotts wrote:
And yeah, the majority of them I look upon with disdain

jpotts wrote:
And that's because the PHDs running these institutions are breainless slobs themselves.

You haven't provided a shred of validatable evidence for any of the bs you've spouted, just anecdotes. All you need to do is get off your lazy ass and find a study which shows that PhD's or Masters degreed individuals are dumber or lazier or in some way more useless than your average person. I'm sure someone out there has regressed IQ against academic achievement. Or use any other damn measure of intelligence you can find.

You've tried to deflect my request over and over. Now you go and type up some point by point argument that never actually provides the simple final request, but yet again deflects.

Back up your dumbass statements or at least put your @ss where your mouth is.

victor809 Offline
#196 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
Whistlebritches wrote:
Of all the bullschit I see posted in this thread this one gets a BLUE RIBBON.

Obviously you place your faith in man...."If you TRULY believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, then why aren't you demanding the scientists find a solution?"

You really think scientist can solve something of this magnitude????Something that has been going on for millions of years before modern industrialization????

I say don't waste the time,effort or money on such silly schit.Man did not make it,man hasn't the ability to destroy it.

If you want to take that as an I DON'T CARE please do so,it'd make your rebuttal far simpler.


Ok... so we can fit you under the category of "Awww... that problem is TOO HARD.... I don't wanna try to fix it."

Fair enough
victor809 Offline
#197 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
Brewha wrote:
For me, the ribbon goes to Victors “Standard disclaimer”.
An open and prideful disregard the future of his children or anyone else’s. I guess we are all supposed to desire his level of ‘coolness’ – if only we could regress that far. It reminds me of a punk kid who spit on the streets because he is just so tough . . . .

Brew... I don't have children, nor do I intend to have children. Is there a reason I'm supposed to care about your children? I haven't even met them. What if I don't like them, or think they're idiots? What if they're ugly?
DrafterX Offline
#198 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,650
Brewha Offline
#199 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,258
victor809 wrote:
Brew... I don't have children, nor do I intend to have children. Is there a reason I'm supposed to care about your children? I haven't even met them. What if I don't like them, or think they're idiots? What if they're ugly?

Ethics, Victor, Ethics.
Something you blow past with your afterburners on because you are so very, very cool.

Not just my children, not just your children, but all children, as in the future of our race. We all have a responsibility to each other, a duty to support and care for the young. Even those of us whom are terminaly hip - you smug misanthrope.

I never had children of my own, I got them by marriage. And even though I never much liked kids, I love them.

And I am honored to pay school taxes. Even to educate the ugliest of them. It is a matter of principle.
victor809 Offline
#200 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
Brewha wrote:
Ethics, Victor, Ethics.
Something you blow past with your afterburners on because you are so very, very cool.

Not just my children, not just your children, but all children, as in the future of our race. We all have a responsibility to each other, a duty to support and care for the young. Even those of us whom are terminaly hip - you smug misanthrope.

I never had children of my own, I got them by marriage. And even though I never much liked kids, I love them.

And I am honored to pay school taxes. Even to educate the ugliest of them. It is a matter of principle.

Brew, don't be silly.
Ethics are fine and dandy, but everyone has their own. I'm not actively killing children to use their flesh to make soap. That's reasonably ethical of me. I am under no obligation to concern myself with the health of the planet simply because you and other people decided to breed. Hell, most of the people who HAVE the damn children don't show any particular concern over the long-term viability of the planet (see this thread as an example), so why would you expect me to? I'm just willing to be honest about it. I gain zero personal benefit from the long term viability of the planet, therefore any costs are 100% lost. Theoretically, an individual who likes their children should gain some benefit from this, so they should have a greater incentive than I do. It sure as hell would be dumb of me to care more than some lazy **** who's just going to reap the benefits.

To conflate this with school taxes (which I happily pay, educating children is important and keeps them occupied and away from me) is additionally ridiculous.
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